Where Did It Go All Wrong For Arsenal FC1

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Finish in the top 6 is the season's success metric for us, our ambition — what more do

you need to be wrong with this club?

Finish in the top 6, this was top 4 earlier, competing for a the title a few years earlier than
that and if you go a back a bit more further, you'll start to see the main concern. Back
then, it was just get more points than ManU and you are done. What happened then?

We lost a lot of money when others invested heavily in their clubs, we lost our best
players for nothing when teams like Chelsea sold their unwanted (but quality) academy
graduates for millions, other clubs had their owners pouring in millions while ours were
busy buying stakes from others on the board, we never invested in our defence, lost our
spine and attacking style, the flow of one touch football is nowhere to be seen any more
when teams like Liverpool built a legendary team from nothing. You see the Wilshere
goal against Norwich and now look at Aubameyang struggling to get the ball from the
midfield, you'll realise what we have become.

The ambitions have been declining, our approach to games especially against big
oppositions have been very timid and feared. We have lost our attacking nature, the one
touch flow, the quality in midfield and free flowing attack. The identity is lost. There was
minimal investment when required, which has led to our decline, loss of ideas and
strategy in building the team, ni leadership or ownership from those required. Arsenal
has been made into a money minting machine for the owners and nothing more. I don't
believe they are ambitious or ready to scale this team to new heights. We were never a
club which invested heavily on big names but at least if Wenger was given good money
when it was requy, we could have had a spine. Most people curse him but what had he
done wrong? When the world was investing heavily, he requested for the same but got
just thumbs up with occasional funds for an Ozil or Sanchez. Eventually we have stopped
attracting big names and have eroded our identity.

With the current playing style and the immense respect we offer our opponents by
calling teams like Liverpool and City as inspirations and even bottom dwelling clubs
immense performers on their day, we are bound to face the relegation bartake someday
or at best end up as a mid table team, a shadow of our past.

The most important thing that drives a football player, football team or football fans is
passion. Hard-core and loyal supporters never quit on their team if they don't succeed
that's the beauty of football. But when there is no passion, greed for victory everything
seems wrong about football.

This is what has happened with Arsenal. Happy to sit in fourth place as usual the fans are
losing hope now. The players too don't seem much disappointed now a days even
though they are losing big games and not winning any trophies.

I see many people blaming Arsne Wenger. It is part his fault because a Manger should
encourage his players to give their 110% on the field and win games but instead he
makes Alexis Sanchez the only player performing for Arsenal sit in the bench.
Having said all this the fact that Arsne Wenger has spent the list of all top clubs in
Premier League and still been consistently in the top four is applaud able and amazing
and makes me think that management is responsible for this more than anyone. They
charge most of their tickets, spending is minimum. For them football is profit. They don't
care about trophies or glory. It's just money for them. No big name transfers. They have
basically made Wenger the scapegoat and have turned something as beautiful as
football into business. Sure you should keep an eye on the economics and financials too
but when you start disappointing the fans every week and in every competition where
you fail to retain your best players. It's worth the thought of where are you taking your

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