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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 1 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

6. Don't you ............... any interest in national politics?

1. Come to Turkland, and ............... all these places
where history lives on. A) acquire
B) give
A) inform
C) take
B) invent
D) remember
C) memorize
E) bring
D) mention
E) discover

7. People with no previous ............... need not apply.

2. I'm ............... a speedy answer, i.e. within a few days. A) experiment

B) experience
A) expecting
C) inexperience
B) excepting
D) experiments
C) accepting
E) experimentation

3. Stamp collecting is one of the world's most popular

............... . 8. For a politician to demand the resignation of
someone who's just on the mend from such a serious
A) customs ............... is the lowest of the low.
B) hobbies A) illness
C) institutions B) disease
D) traditions C) epidemic
E) usages D) recovery
E) prescription

4. How much do I ............... you?

A) owe 9. I ............... to receiving your letters day by day with

ever-growing impatience.
B) own to
A) wait anxiously
B) look forward
C) get disappointed
5. How much do you ............... it? How much is that in D) expect cheerfully
Turkish liras? E) eagerly hope

A) accept
B) sell
C) purchase
D) expect 10. A lot of people lose their jobs in times of economic
depression and ............... quickly increases to record
E) charge for levels.

A) employment
B) unemployment
C) production
D) consumption
E) investments

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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 1 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

15. You'd be wise to accept my

............... .

11. "A more detailed examination will be needed to A) apologize

............... the exact nature of the tumour," said the
B) advice
C) devise
A) regulate D) practise
B) restore E) advise
C) determine
D) develop
E) reduce
16. His friends urged him to ............... away from the
İMKB, but he never ............... any attention to them.

A) stay / paid
12. The İzmir-Çeşme motorway was blocked because of B) step / prepared
an accident ............... two lorries.
C) go / received
A) containing D) drive / thought
B) dealing with E) jump / called
C) involving
D) including
E) combining
17. The company ............... gourmet olive oil.

A) consumes
B) tastes
13. His doctor told him that he must stay away from hard
work and take it ............... for a couple of weeks after C) discovers
such a serious illness. D) produces
E) invents
A) comfortably
B) easy
C) medically
D) easily
E) comfortable 18. “The critic has to ............... the public; the artist has
to ............... the critic.” -- Oscar Wilde

A) borrow from
B) demonstrate
C) educate
14. A surprise prize will now be ............... ............... the
winner by the Minister himself. D) recover
E) consult
A) possessed / by
B) received / from
C) thrown / at
D) forwarded / toward
E) presented / to 19. One of the passengers fainted because of the intense
heat, but a little rubbing of her hands soon brought
her ............... .

A) toward
B) within
C) under
D) round
E) through

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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 1 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

20. This legend has been ............... down from 25. It is quite ............... that they had already made up
generation to generation. their minds about it.

A) handed A) chance
B) banded B) opportunity
C) branded C) possibility
D) hanged D) probable
E) hunged E) probability

21. The poet had written several ............... before 26. The patient was ............... examined by three fully-
completing the final version. qualified doctors.

A) originals A) thoroughly
B) drafts B) fondly
C) poems C) suggestively
D) novels D) softly
E) rehearsals E) shyly

22. E-mails are normally ............... seconds after they 27. Buses and trolleybuses ............... the suburbs to 
have been sent. [veya, with] the city center.

A) delivered A) connect
B) copied B) conduct
C) erased C) refer
D) transformed D) concern
E) inspected E) conclude

23. He fell on his knees, ............... for mercy. 28. The house was completely ............... by tall trees.

A) demanding A) supported
B) resisting B) sacrificed
C) protesting C) surrendered
D) respecting D) suspended
E) begging E) surrounded

24. Every working person must pay income 29. A hand grenade ............... just a few meters from
............... . where he was lying.

A) payment A) zoomed
B) price B) exposed
C) wage C) knocked
D) tax D) achieved
E) salary E) exploded

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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 1 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

30. A piece of shrapnel sliced his right cheek as a hand

grenade ............... him down.

A) zoomed
B) exposed
C) knocked
D) concluded
E) exploded

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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 1 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

Answer Key:

1: E 16: A
2: A 17: D
3: B 18: C
4: A 19: D
5: E 20: A
6: C 21: B
7: B 22: A
8: A 23: E
9: B 24: D
10: B 25: D
11: C 26: A
12: C 27: A
13: B 28: E
14: E 29: E
15: B 30: C

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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

1. Surely you're not counting on him for help. He's

totally ______. 6. I do not wish to ............... these results at this stage.
You must give me a little bit more information about
A) uncountable the research techniques you used in the project.
B) untidy
A) regulate
C) unreliable
B) interpret
D) dependable
C) disallow
E) affectionate
D) prove
E) disapprove

2. A cardiologist tried all he could to reduce the

patient's ............... pressure.
7. We do not approve of research projects that
A) cell ............... vivisection of animals.
B) brain
A) suspect
C) tissue
B) emerge
D) blood
C) involve
E) bone
D) disprove
E) unite

3. ............... of Black Death were not infrequent in the

Middle Ages.
8. Your latest report, I'm ..............., is not up to your
A) Illnesses usual standard.
B) Diseases
A) afraid
C) Epidemics
B) happy to say
D) Paramedics
C) jealous and envious
E) Operations
D) frightened
E) frightening

4. We were caught in the ...............-hour traffic.

A) bush 9. He is a greedy, dishonest person. Watch out for his

B) push ............... tricks.
C) rush A) faithful
D) hurry B) charming
E) emergency C) incorrect
D) delightful
E) dirty

5. He was ............... to the hospital with acute


A) crashed
B) reacted
C) rushed
D) pressurized
E) activated

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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

10. It is the ............... that counts, not the thought. 15. Don't pay attention to him. I mean, just ...............
A) feed
B) seed A) ignore
C) deed B) run away from
D) weed C) misunderstand
E) need D) hit and hurt
E) bless and honour

11. My car battery has gone dead. I will have it ...............

tomorrow. 16. He knows very well what he is doing. I mean, he is
doing it ______.
A) replaced
B) readjusted A) out of good-will
C) reformed B) hesitatingly
D) rearranged C) on purpose
E) reproduced D) unknowingly
E) in ignorance

12. We need two ............... men to volunteer for this

dangerous operation. 17. I had to wait in a ............... for over two hours in
order to get these tickets.
A) clumsy
B) timid A) tail
C) involuntary B) wardrobe
D) brave C) loo
E) panicky D) queue
E) men's room

13. Due to a nationwide nurses' ______, all clinics will be

closed today. 18. You mustn't apply the ............... too suddenly.

A) punishment A) breaks
B) strike B) tyres
C) hit and run C) brakes
D) bang and jump D) signals
E) aggressiveness E) stop lights

14. Laws have their roots in the ............... of justice. 19. It's very ............... work. I get awfully tired by the
time I finish for the day.
A) proportion
B) principle A) rewarding
C) preface B) steady
D) prejudice C) important
E) principal D) tedious
E) demanding

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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

20. It's a very busy restaurant on Saturdays; so, don't

forget to ............... a table in advance.

A) bet over 25. Do be ............... , sweetheart. All the shops are

closed at this hour.
B) blend with
C) book A) exceptional
D) bind B) essential
E) notebook C) reasonable
D) embarrassed
E) limited

21. He's such a kind, ............... man; so popular with his


A) outrageous 26. All pines are ............... trees with needlelike leaves.
B) generous
A) evergreen
C) hostile
B) permanent
D) aimless
C) lasting
E) wicked and mean
D) enormous
E) everlasting

22. Food kept too long outside a fridge will ...............

through the action of moulds and bacteria on it.
27. She is terrified of caves. So, she is ............... to come
A) turn down with us.
B) throw out
A) dying
C) be out
B) curious
D) go off
C) eager
E) pull apart
D) unwilling
E) intent

23. She is the ............... daughter of a prominent Turkish

politician. Her real parents had been killed in a car
crash when she was little. 28. Although it is a fairly small town, there are numerous
public ..............., such as meeting halls, art
A) adopted museums, swimming pools, and sports parks.
B) saved
A) shelters
C) adapted
B) obstacles
D) refused
C) capacities
E) accustomed
D) facilities
E) hindrances

24. People ............... for all sorts of reasons, but a desire

to slim down tops the list.
29. A(n) ............... man smiles in the face of misfortune.
A) fight
A) absolute
B) dine
B) unselfish
C) run out
C) courageous
D) diet
D) funny
E) fit into
E) serious

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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

30. You remember the day she left the town? Do you
............... what she was wearing.

A) notice
B) recall
C) remind
D) observe
E) predict

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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

Answer Key:

1: C 16: C
2: D 17: D
3: C 18: C
4: C 19: E
5: C 20: C
6: B 21: B
7: C 22: D
8: A 23: A
9: E 24: D
10: C 25: C
11: A 26: A
12: D 27: D
13: B 28: D
14: B 29: C
15: A 30: B

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Intermediate Level Exercise 01

1. Come to Turkland, and ............... all these places

where history lives on. 6. There are many more television ............... today than
there used to be twenty years ago.
A) inform
B) define A) passers-by
C) memorize B) onlookers
D) mention C) spectators /spek-TEY-tırz/
E) discover D) viewers
E) sight-seers /SAYT-siırz/

2. I'm ............... an answer within a few days.

7. The body structure of zebras is ............... that of
A) expecting donkeys.
B) hoping
A) the same as
C) excepting
B) the opposite of
D) waiting
C) unlike
E) accepting
D) similar to
E) different from

3. Keeping a diary is no doubt quite a useful personal

8. Do be serious, please. This isn't a(n) ______.
A) custom
B) usage A) joke
C) tradition B) funny
D) habit C) puzzling
E) institution D) comical
E) humour

4. Excuse me. I'm a(n) ............... around here. Can you

show me the way to the nearest post office, please? 9. The ............... today is full of the news of the
A) explorer
B) foreigner /FO-rını/ A) publisher /PAB-lişı/
C) stranger B) journalism /CÖ:-nılizm/
D) alien /EY-liın/ C) press
E) tourist D) reporter
E) literature

5. How much do I ............... you?

10. I'm going to take a(n) ............. abroad next summer.
A) buy from
B) owe /OUW/ A) sightseeing /SAYT-siiN/
C) borrow B) travel
D) own to /OUWN/ C) vocation
E) lend from D) trip
E) excursion

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Intermediate Level Exercise 01

14. He's travelling by himself. In other words, he's on his


11. He was told by the doctors that he would need quite A) single
a long period of rest after such a serious ______.
B) self
A) epidemic C) alone
B) disease D) own
C) recovery E) lonely
D) complaint
E) illness

15. This whole place needs a(n) ............... cleaning. It's in

a terrible state. It's in a terrible mess.

12. I wouldn't say I am deeply in love with her, but I'm A) fully
very ______ of her.
B) thorough
A) keen C) infinite
B) friendly D) entirely
C) fond E) valid
D) likeable
E) romantic

16. ............... of money prevented us from taking a

holiday abroad this year.

13. He just sits there and ............... television most of the A) Inflation
B) Presence /PRE-zıns/
A) stares C) Lack
B) observes D) Being absent
C) glances E) Limit
D) gazes
E) watches

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Intermediate Level Exercise 01

17. Sorry, it's much too expensive for me; I can't 19. We'll have to hold a more detailed examination to
............... it. ............... the exact nature of the tumour, said the
A) effort
B) comfort A) regulate
C) support B) mean
D) import C) determine /di-TO:-min/
E) afford D) develop /di-VE-lop/
E) reduce

18. The ............... of the play included a famous Turkish

film star. 20. The volcano is expected to ............... any day now.

A) playwright /PLEY-rayt/ A) excite

B) scenery /Sİ:-nıri/ B) erupt /i-RAPT/
C) cast C) kick
D) stage D) expand
E) acts E) stimulate

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Intermediate Level Exercise 01

Answer Key:

1: E 11: E
2: A 12: C
3: D 13: E
4: C 14: D
5: B 15: B
6: D 16: C
7: D 17: E
8: A 18: C
9: C 19: C
10: D 20: B

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Intermediate Level Exercise 02

1. As a child, he used to be ............... of the dark.

6. What an irony of fate! One of the two German
A) astonished /ıs-TOU-nişd/ tourists who ______ in last week's plane crash on the
B) frightened Taurus Mountains has lost his life in a car accident in
C) terrifying
D) frightening A) is survived
E) escaping B) had wounded
C) were killed
D) were injured
E) has survived
2. I can't ............... to have a holiday abroad on my
present salary.

A) spend
B) purchase /PÖ:-çıs/ 7. We were held up by a band of ............... just before
we were to cross the river.
C) waste
D) spare A) burglars
E) afford B) blackmailers
C) pickpockets
D) robbers
E) trespassers
3. His friends and associates had tried to ............... him
of the risks involved in working with offshore banks,
but he never listened to them.

A) threaten 8. Choosing a lawyer by the size of the ______ may not

B) urge be a good idea. ______, whether high or low, do not
always indicate the competence of an attorney.
C) warn
D) accuse A) price / Prices
E) awaken B) fare / Fares
C) receipt / Receipts
D) fee / Fees
E) prize / Prizes
4. The winner of the competition will ............... a
surprise prize, to be presented by the Minister

A) possess 9. I know of a website where you can find all the

B) receive ............... you need about the hotels in that area.
C) own A) knowledge
D) reward B) messages
E) contribute C) advertisement
D) information
E) promotion

5. People with no previous ............... need not apply.

A) experiment
B) experience
C) inexperience
D) experiments
E) experimentation

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10.  Don't forget to let me know if anything unusual 15. -- "How many times must I repeat this? I'm late
............... on the way. because I had a(n) ______ on my way here." --  "Oh,
yes? Are you quite sure it wasn't a mental ______?"
A) seems
B) presents A) falldown
C) happens B) breakdown
D) acts C) countdown
E) prevents D) downfall
E) upside down

11. It's a ............... to see him so completely ignored by

his former friends and associates. 16. So far, some fifty people have ............... for the two
vacancies we have.
A) shameful
B) ashamed A) applied
C) shame B) been appointed
D) shameless C) approved
E) shyness D) advertised
E) addressed

12. I'm ............... to hearing from you soon.

17. Have you any idea as to who's going to ...............
A) waiting anxiously over the meeting?
B) looking forward
A) protect
C) getting disappointed
B) present
D) expecting eagerly
C) provide
E) hoping cheerful
D) preserve
E) preside

13. Would you accept my ______?

A) apologize 18. She ............... on the beach while her son splashed at
B) advice the water's edge.
C) devise A) laid
D) practise B) lay
E) advise C) lain
D) lied
E) was laying

14. You don't think you can ............... these facts from
the public forever, do you?

A) cover 19. When two ............... sit talking, their conversation

B) secret soon becomes focused on women.
C) hide A) spinsters
D) hinder B) fathers-in-law
E) prevent C) bachelors
D) brothers-in-law
E) brides

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Intermediate Level Exercise 02

20. When you are in Rome, you'll have to ................

yourself to the ways and customs of the Romans.

A) adapt
B) act
C) imitate
D) alter
E) adopt

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Intermediate Level Exercise 02

Answer Key:

1: B 11: C
2: E 12: B
3: C 13: B
4: B 14: C
5: B 15: B
6: D 16: A
7: D 17: E
8: D 18: B
9: D 19: C
10: C 20: A

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Intermediate Level Exercise 03

5. Please ............... your papers in half before you hand

1. Long gone are the days when foreigners were looked them in.
upon as creatures from outer space. Turkland has
emerged as a leading ............... tourism and business A) bend
destination in the last decade. The country is very B) turn
much in vogue nowadays.
C) wrap
A) national D) crease
B) galactic E) fold
C) international
D) provincial
E) local
6. Do you ............... in any sporting activities?

A) take place
B) take a stand
2. Do you really ............... to go there tonight?
C) participate
A) neglect D) take position
B) admire E) take apart
C) ignore
D) involve
E) intend
7. Despite all his efforts in the final stages of the race,
there wasn't in fact much ............... he could do to
change the inevitable.

3. You'll have to learn to control your ............... if you A) finished

still want to work here with us. B) forgotten
A) mind C) left
B) temper D) completed
C) reason E) lost
D) habit
E) mentality

8. He says he used to ............... much more than that in

his previous job.

4. Millions of people are out of ............... in times of an A) inherit

economic depression. In other words, ............... B) win
quickly rises to record levels.
C) gain
A) industry / industrious D) earn
B) work / unemployment E) acquire
C) job / hard-working
D) labour / strikes
E) employment / business
9. It was very ............... of him to leave you there all

A) noble /NOU-bıl/
B) kind
C) admirable /ÆD-mırıbıl/
D) polite /pı-LAYT/
E) inconsiderate /inkın-Sİ-dırit/

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Intermediate Level Exercise 03

10. There's a ............... here which says, "Beware of the 15. Would you ............... my keeping the door ajar?
A) agree
A) notice /NOU-tis/ B) intend
B) flag /FLÆG/ C) obstruct
C) label /LEY-bıl/ D) close
D) billboard /BİL-bo:d/ E) mind
E) banner /BÆ-nı/

16.  By the way, that ............... me something I was

11. I didn't say I didn't like it. It just doesn't ............... my supposed to be doing this afternoon.
waist properly.
A) reminds
A) fit B) remembers
B) match C) memorizes
C) look good on D) remains
D) go well with E) repeats
E) suit

17. What do you do for recreation? Don't you have a

12. Will you kindly not ............... me again till I've ______?
A) leisure
A) interrupt B) sport
B) interview C) rest
C) interfere D) hobby
D) interpret E) creation
E) intervene

18. The whole discussion was pointless. I got so ______

13. What was all that ............... about? with their endless quarrelling that I left the hall long
before the meeting ended.
A) speak
B) say A) bored
C) tell B) borne
D) talk C) reborn
E) inform D) boring
E) boredom

14. I have some wonderful news to ............... you.

19. Previous experience is certainly a(n) ............... when
A) speak you're applying for a job.
B) say
A) payment
C) tell
B) promotion
D) talk
C) advertisement
E) communicate
D) profit
E) advantage

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20. Life used to be ............... and gay for us, too!

A) livelihood
B) lifelong
C) lively
D) lifelike
E) lifeless

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Intermediate Level Exercise 03

Answer Key:

1: C 11: A
2: E 12: A
3: B 13: D
4: B 14: C
5: E 15: E
6: C 16: A
7: C 17: D
8: D 18: A
9: E 19: E
10: A 20: C

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Intermediate Level Exercise 04

5. It needed the collective genius of mankind to

1. I'm now going to give you 10 ______ tips for running a ............ the wheel.
really successful website.
A) discover
A) invaluable B) constitute
B) valueless C) find
C) worthless D) perform
D) unworthy E) invent
E) unprofitable

6. Further research is needed to find out what side

2. Well, they were both in perfect running order only ................ this pill has on a person's digestive
this morning, but this one is now definitely out of system.
______. You'll have to use the other one.
A) affects
A) order B) defects
B) business C) suspects
C) work D) effects
D) employment E) reflects
E) job

7. I noticed that there were two buttons ................ from

3. The doctors tried everything they could to ............ his coat.
the patient's blood pressure.
A) falling
A) produce B) losing
B) reduce C) departing
C) clarify D) dropping
D) hasten /HEY-sın/ E) missing
E) climb

8. The main road through Turgutlu and Salihli was

4. His new appointment takes ............. from the blocked all day yesterday due to an accident
beginning of next month. ............... two lorries (trucks).

A) place A) containing
B) effect B) fastening /FA:-sın/
C) post C) involving
D) part D) including
E) position E) combining

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Intermediate Level Exercise 04

9. As he hated every minute of his life in the army, it is 13. You seem to have developed a number of extra-
no wonder that he decided one day to ............. his curricular interests which ............... you from your
unit. studies.

A) dessert A) distract /dis-TRÆKT/

B) descend B) obstruct
C) avoid C) arrest
D) desert D) inhibit /in-Hİ-bit/
E) deserve E) encourage /in-KA-ric/

10. He was dismissed from the service for his insistent 14.  It was a good piece of land. They got quite ............
______. by using it to cultivate the much-needed industrial
A) alertness
B) nobility A) tranquil /TRAN-kuil/
C) disobedience B) peaceful
D) caution C) responsible /ris-P@-sibıl/
E) alliance D) hostile /HOS-tayl/, /HOS-til/ (U.S.A.)
E) prosperous /PROS-pırıs/

11. It is no injustice to say that the sense of ............. a

person has is closely bound up with his cultural 15. I don't think that was a very ............ decision. The
background. people are bound to rise up against it in arms.

A) harbour /HA:-bı/ A) enormous /i-NO:-mıs/

B) rumour /RU-mı/ B) tremendous /tri-MEN-dıs/
C) tumour /çYU-mı/ C) intellectual /intı-LEK-çuıl/
D) labour /LEY-bı/ D) malignant /mı-LİG-nınt/
E) humour /HYU-mı/ E) wise /WAYZ/

12. I love you. I can't ................ the thought of ever 16. These figures should give you a rough idea as to the
losing you. cost of ............. a sports car.

A) support A) maintenance
B) bear B) accessories
C) think of C) repairing
D) hold D) license plate
E) carry E) running

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17. Grandma has no authority over the children and lets 19. Later models were slightly ______, but the original
them do anything they like. They're completely design remained the same on the whole.
______, as a result.
A) elevated
A) spoilt B) emphasized
B) damaged C) modified
C) humorous D) evaluated
D) scornful E) discarded
E) impulsive

20. Like all empires, the Ottomans went through their

18. I tried to ............... the car, but I couldn't see very periods of rise, decline and fall, finally leaving the
well what was behind me. stage to the young Turkish ______, founded under the
leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on Oct. 29,
A) reveal 1923.
B) react
A) Constitution
C) reverse
B) Reform
D) restore
C) Secularism
E) repair
D) Independence
E) Republic

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General ESL Vocabulary MCQ Test With Answers - Intermediate Level Exercise 04

Answer Key:

1: A 11: E
2: A 12: B
3: B 13: A
4: B 14: E
5: E 15: E
6: D 16: E
7: E 17: A
8: C 18: C
9: D 19: C
10: C 20: E

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Most Common Adjectives In English MCQ Test 2 With Answers - Easyish

4. Thank you for the dinner last night. I enjoyed it very

1. Oktay is a(n) ............... student. He always gets good much. It was ______.
A) expensive
A) elementary B) excited
B) standard C) excellent
C) lazy D) extreme
D) good-looking E) experienced
E) hard-working

5. He suddenly came face to face with two ...............

2. He crashed his car into a tree. It was badly ______. men and started to run away.

A) injured A) lonely
B) wounded B) legless
C) hurt C) armed
D) damaged D) athletic
E) hopeless E) unlucky

3. It was a(n) ............... question. I couldn't understand 6. I sat through all those cold and ............... nights, just
a word of it. thinking of you.

A) unnecessary A) certain
B) difficult B) daily
C) necessary C) selfish
D) easy D) injured
E) essential E) lonely

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Most Common Adjectives In English MCQ Test 2 With Answers - Easyish

7. Stay away from that park after dark. It's too ______. 9. You can't expect every ............... man to become a
computer specialist.
A) large
B) blind A) economic
C) stormy B) rare
D) dangerous C) effective
E) nervous D) average
E) interesting

8. Believe me I feel truly ............... for your great

kindness. How can I ever repay you? 10. You don't know this? How ............... you are!

A) cheerful A) opposite
B) grateful B) ignorant
C) thoughtful C) ungrateful
D) beatiful D) complicated
E) shameful E) foreign

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Most Common Adjectives In English MCQ Test 2 With Answers - Easyish

Answer Key:

1: E 6: E
2: D 7: D
3: B 8: B
4: C 9: D
5: C 10: B

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