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In tune with En sintonía con Come in handy Ser útil

Lack of / Shortage Falta de Food for thought Dar que pensar

At a glance A simple vista Out of date Pasado de moda

Out of the question De ninguna manera On condition that Con la condición de que

Ahead of time Antes de tiempo In the long run A largo plazo

For a change Para variar At a time Al mismo tiempo

At some point En algún momento Seldom Rara vez

Upcoming Próximo This is worthwhile Merecer la pena

Widespread Ampliamente extendido Lifelong De por vida

Trustworthy Digno de confianza Out of shape No estar en forma

Wipe out Erradicar / eliminar Go beyond Ir más allá

On the verge of Al borde de Pull it off Conseguir algo

Call off Cancelar / posponer A matter of live or death Cuestión de vida o muerte

Avoidable Evitale Presumably Supuestamente

Supply Proveer Get away from it all Desconectar de todo

It should be notes Se debería tomar nota It is out of my reach Esta fuera de mi alcance

Pursuits Ámbitos Startling Alarmante

Overrated Sobrevalorado Reckon Considerar

Make room Hacer hueco By leaps and bounds A pasos agigantados

Move with the times Adaptarse a los nuevos Take action / take Tomar medidas
tiempos measurements

Outnumber Superar en número Bizarre Extraño

Raise the price Subir el precio Raise awareness Crear conciencia

Take ages Tardar años Hesitate Dudar

Willing Estar dispuesto a Reluctant Reticente

Ensure Asegurar Working sphere

Disuse Desuso Dewelling Vivienda

Mould Moho Hardships Dificultades

Look out for someone Preocuparse por alguien Look at the past Mirar al pasado

Out of sight out of mind Ojos que no ven corazón que Landmark
no siente

Quandary Dilema / disyuntiva To embrace Abrazar

Doble edge swore Espada de doble filo To keep something at bay Mantener algo a raya

Through out history A lo largo de la historia The gist Idea principal

Faulty Defectuoso Acknowledge Reconocer

Undermine Socavar Substantially Sustancialmente

Reassessments Reevaluaciones / nueva To be a lot at stake Haber mucho en juego


Waive Renunciar Kick off Comenzar

Head for Dirigirse hacia Do good Hacer el bien

To be close at hand Estar al alcance Overhaul Revisión

Thorough Exhaustivo/a Grants Subsidios

Lured Atraída Tamed Domesticado

Accustomed Acostumbrado Knowledgeable Experto / informado

Nimble Ágil Forecast Pronóstico

To be summoned Ser convocado / citado Remarks comentarios

Quest Busca / búsqueda Overlooked Pasado por alto

Overseen supervisado As much as Por mucho que…

Acquit Absolver Outcry protesta

Economic possibilities Posibilidades economicas Broadening Ampliando

Reinforced Reforzado Wanderlust Pasión por los viajes / espíritu


Counteract Combatir / contrarrestar Utterly Completamente / sumamente

Forsee preveer Reassure Tranquilizar

Despair Desesperación Customary Habitual


Spectacular scenery Paisajes espectaculares Family roots Raíces familiares

Minds wander Las mentes divagan Political entity Entidad politica

One in every four adults Uno de cada cuatro adultos A great deal of = a lot Una gran cantidad

Streak of light A long thin mark or line that is Give an insight into Dar una idea sobre
a different colour from the
surface it is on

Form an opinion Tener una opinión formada Be able to maintain the right
balance between…



As far as I am concerned Used to show what someone's Be on good terms with If you are on good, bad etc terms
opinion on a subject is or how with someone, you have a good,
it affects them  bad etc relationship with them

For the time being For a short period of time In a manner The way in which something is
from now, but not done or happens

Meet the needs To do or satisfy what is Come as a surprise to sb An event, a piece of news, etc.
needed or what somebody that is unexpected or that
asks for happens suddenly

With the exception of Except, not including In all probability Con toda probabilidad

The cradle of The place where something On the average Generally, usually
important began

Wear your heart on your To show your true feelings For good or for ill Para bien o para mal
sleeves openly

Much as = Although In one way or another De alguna forma u otra

The apple of somebobdy’s A person or thing that is loved Put at risk Poner en riesgo
eye more than any other
Strike you strange Parecer raro (algo) Pay the price Pagar las consecuencias

In pursuit of En busca de



Classify into Clasificar en Prevent sb from doing Impedir


Subject to Estar sujeto a / depender de Based upon (the principle) Fundamentado en (el principio)

Reliant on Dependiente de Revolution in Revolución en

Divided into Dividido en Appreciate + ing Used to thank someone in a

polite way or to say that you are
grateful for something they have

Commit yourself to + ing Comprometerse con algo Range from… to Variar entre … a

Encounter with A meeting, especially one that Dependence on The state of needing the help and
is sudden, unexpected or support of somebody/something
violent in order to survive or be

To be insistent on Demanding something firmly To be eligible for Para optar a / para tener derecho
and refusing to accept any a / para ser elegible para
opposition or excuses



Dig up To find hidden or forgotten Take up To fill or use an amount of space

information by careful or time

Come up to If someone or Live down Lograr olvidar

something comes up to a
required standard they meet
that standard

Make out Distinguir Call upon Solicitar / pedir

Stand out Destacar


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