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1. Linking Words – Result

Function: To provide the result of what has been stated or has occurred

- As a result
- As a consequence (of)
- Therefore
- Thus (por lo tanto)
- Consequently
- For this reason
- Due to
- Hence (por eso)

2. Linking Words – Emphasis

Function: To put forward a point or idea more forcefully

- Indeed
- Obviously
- Particularly / in particular
- Especially
- Clearly
- Absolutely
- Definitely
- Without a doubt
- Never
- It should be noted
- Unquestionably
- Above all
- Positively

3. Linking Words – Addition

Function: To add to what has been previously stated

- Additionally / an additional
- Furthermore
- Also
- Along with (junto con)
- Besides
- In addition
- Moreover
- Not only…but also
- In addition to this
- Apart from this

4. Linking Words – Reason

Function: To provide reasons for what has been stated or has occurred

- Because of
- With this in mind
- In fact
- In order to
- Due to

5. Transition Words – Illustration

Function: To provide examples

- For example/ For instance
- Such as
- Including
- In this case
- Proof of this
- Like
- To demonstrate/ To clarify

6. Linking Words – Contrast

Function: To show how things are different

- Unlike
- Nevertheless
- On the other hand
- Nonetheless
- Despite / in spite of
- I would rather
- In contrast (to)
- While
- Whereas
- Alternatively
- Conversely (en camio)
- Even so (aún así)
- Differing from
- Contrary to

7. Linking Words – Comparison

Function: To show how things are similar

- Similarly
- Equally
- Likewise (igualmente)
- Just as
- Just like
- Similar to
- Same as
- Compare / compare(d) to (with)
- In the same way

8. Linking Words – Order

Function: To indicate the order of what is being said

- First/ firstly
- Second/ secondly
- Third/ thirdly
- Finally
- At this time
- Following
- Previously
- Before
- Subsequently (después)

9. Linking Words – Summarise

Function: To sum up what has been previously stated

- In conclusion
- To summarise
- Altogether
- In short
- To sum up
- In summary
- Briefly
- To conclude
- Overall
- On the whole

10. Linking Words – Condition

Function: To provide a condition to what has been stated

- If
- In that case
- In case
- Unless

11. Linking Words – Concession

Function: Connecting words and phrases to accept a point or idea with reservation

- All the same (a pesar de todo)

- Up to a point (hasta cierto punto)
- Even so (aún así
- In spite of
- Although/Even though
͍ Even if
͍ However

12. Linking Words – Generalisation

Function: To make a general statement

- As a rule
- For the most part
- In general/ Generally
- On the whole
- Overall
- In most cases

13. Linking Words – Restatement

Function: To express an alternative to what has been previously stated

- In other words
- To put it differently

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