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Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Test 1 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

1. Excuse me. I'm a(n) ............... in this neighbourhood.

Can you tell me what number bus will take me to the 6. Nobody gave him a hand. He did it on his ______.
town center, please? I want to do some shopping.
A) single
A) foreigner B) self
B) customer C) alone
C) tourist D) own
D) stranger E) lonely
E) immigrant

7. GNP stands for "gross ............... product".

2. How much must I ............... a good second-hand car?
A) national
A) buy from B) global
B) pay for C) international
C) borrow from D) universal
D) own for E) regional
E) lend to

8. He received another letter from the ...............

3. It's getting quite ______. I think it's going to rain soon. demanding more money.

A) windy A) burglar
B) hot B) thief
C) foggy C) pickpocket
D) cold D) robber
E) cloudy E) blackmailer

4. The ............... today is full of the news of yesterday's 9. "How much is the ______?" she asked the bus
concert. conductor.

A) press A) fare
B) publisher B) price
C) reporter C) cost
D) literature D) prize
E) journalism E) fee

5. It's a very ............... picture. I laugh at it all the time. 10. Come to Turkland, and ............... all these places
where history lives on.
A) laughing
B) smiling A) inform
C) joking B) define
D) funny C) memorize
E) serious D) describe
E) discover

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Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Test 1 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

11. There are a lot more television ............... today than 16. His friends advised him to see a doctor about his
there were some twenty years ago. headaches, but he ............... to listen to them.

A) spectators A) remembered
B) visitors B) refused
C) onlookers C) memorised
D) viewers D) requested
E) sightseers E) mentioned

12. How was your ............... back? 17. How did they ............... when they heard the price?

A) sightseeing A) laugh
B) vacation B) hate
C) trip C) discuss
D) luggage D) knock
E) holiday E) react

13. FATHER: "Tell me. Do you love him or not?" 18. It takes a lot of patience to ............... hyperactive
DAUGHTER: "Well, I'm very ______ of him." children because of their low level of concentration.

A) keen A) describe
B) friendly B) discover
C) fond C) teach
D) likeable D) joke with
E) romantic E) think about

14. Yes, we certainly want to move to a bigger house, but 19. Don't ............... to call me if you need help.
our ............... of money is only part of the problem.
A) dream
A) inflation B) hesitate
B) presence C) shame
C) shortage D) repeat
D) absence E) frighten
E) border

20. The concert was called ............... because of the

15. Sorry, it's much too expensive for me; I can't heavy rain.
............... it.
A) out of
A) help B) aside
B) stand C) off
C) forgive D) down
D) export E) out
E) afford

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Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Test 1 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

24. She isn't very ............... with her friends at school.

A) loved
21. It is not often that we get a(n) ............... to meet a B) clever
film star.
C) frequent
A) dream D) frequent
B) taste E) popular
C) reality
D) chance
E) acceptance
25. Plants absorb water from the soil through their ______.

A) stems
B) flowers
22. The pirates ............... the treasure on a desert island.
C) roots
A) cooked D) branches
B) invented E) leaves
C) forgave
D) grilled
E) buried
26. They didn't stay for supper. They weren't ______.

A) sleepy
B) early
23. Aren't you going to ............... me to your friend?
C) thirsty
A) joke with D) hungry
B) demonstrate E) poor
C) introduce
D) receive
E) memorise
27. There were three ............... helping the two doctors in
the operating theatre.

A) butchers
B) greengrocers
C) plumbers /PLAM-ız/
D) carpenters
E) nurses

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Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Test 1 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

29. The office is on the second floor of the building. It is

200 square meters in ______.

28. According to the Marxist doctrine, it is the workers A) depth

that should ............... the world.
B) height
A) shake C) length
B) divide D) area
C) rule E) width
D) blow up
E) choose

30. He usually reads the sports ............... of the

newspaper first.

A) section
B) pictures
C) chapter
D) literature
E) tales

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Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Test 1 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

Answer Key:

1: D 16: B
2: B 17: E
3: E 18: C
4: A 19: B
5: D 20: C
6: D 21: D
7: A 22: E
8: E 23: C
9: A 24: E
10: E 25: C
11: D 26: D
12: C 27: E
13: C 28: C
14: C 29: D
15: E 30: A

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Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

1. The baby is ............... . Her diaper needs changing.

6. He is not a skilled worker. He doesn't ...............
A) thirsty much.
B) dry
A) win
C) sleepy
B) gain
D) wet
C) earn
E) cold
D) pay
E) afford

2. The lawyer's ............... was unusually high.

A) fare 7. We keep the ............... copies of all our reports in a

B) fare special master file.
C) account A) primitive
D) price B) characteristic
E) fee C) elementary
D) original
E) elder

3. The famous pianist Abdurrahmanovich is ...............

with the İstanbul Metropolitan Orchestra tonight.

A) harmonising 8. We do not have adequate information to make a

B) conducting decision. Adequate means ............... .
C) becoming A) healthy
D) dealing B) enough
E) playing C) easy
D) wealty
E) correct

4. Last year a lot of women preferred long skirts. But,

this year short skirts are in ............... again.

A) fashion 9. Everywhere they ............... for water they struck oil.

B) absence
A) dropped
C) respect
B) bent
D) popular
C) sank
E) reply
D) dug
E) dripped

5. We had to climb ............... a steep path to reach the

house on the top of the hill.
10. My memories of you are so warm and ............... that I
A) onto am sure I can never forget you.
B) up
A) busy
C) into
B) deep
D) down
C) unkind
E) up to
D) helpful
E) famous

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Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

16. Then it started to rain heavily and everyone ran for

............... .

11. ............... so much of their time together has A) dryness

deepened their friendship.
B) shadow
A) Arguing C) shelter
B) Proving D) sunshine
C) Spending E) guard
D) Wasting
E) Saving

17. A man was struck by ............... and killed as he ran

for shelter.

12. Now, ............... the ball to the person on your right. A) forecast
B) lightning
A) Pull
C) frost
B) Throw
D) thunder
C) Jump
E) thunderbolt
D) Burst
E) Catch

18. She ............... me up and gave me a friendly smile.

13. He had plenty of time to sit ............... the scenery. A) frightened

B) forgave
A) or feel
C) joked
B) and enjoy
D) thanked
C) to prove
E) woke
D) to remind
E) or walk around

19. The Izmir ............... Fair opens in late September.

14. Philosophers try to find out the ............... of life. A) National

B) Global
A) sadness
C) Regional
B) length
D) Universal
C) uselessness
E) International
D) meaning
E) middle

20. Listen! Do you hear that funny ............... coming from

the kitchen?
15. The winner of the competition is going to receive a
............... of 20 000 $. A) noise
B) feeling
A) fare
C) taste
B) price
D) smell
C) cost
E) silence
D) prize
E) fee

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Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

21. Oh, he's so big-headed. I can't ............... him.  

A) stand
B) shake 25. I have broken your ______, but don't worry; I'll fix it
with this glue.
C) swear
D) spread A) balcony
E) throw B) wallet
C) window
D) vase
E) TV screen
22. Someone pushed him from ............... and he fell over.

A) behind
B) against 26. He is so tight-fisted that he won't get himself even a 
............... of shoelaces!
C) beyond
D) across A) lot
E) around B) single
C) few
D) pair
E) double
23. A(n) ............... does oral translation from one
language to another.

A) translator
B) reporter 27. What a lovely T-shirt you're ............... !
C) transporter A) sowing
D) secret agent B) greeting
E) interpreter C) wearing
D) pleasing
E) sawing

24. He's such a kind, ............... man.

A) gentle
B) horrible
C) false
D) unpleasant
E) annoying

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Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

28. There are no hills or mountains on the Konia  (=

Konya) plain. It's all very ............... .

A) wide 30. So, you've lost your job. Well, life is never ...............
B) rocky
C) flat A) difficult
D) broad B) stormy
E) breezy C) lonely
D) fair
E) unhappy

29. How much is the bus ............... from Kadıköy to


A) fee
B) price
C) fair
D) prize
E) fare

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Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

Answer Key:

1: D 16: C
2: E 17: B
3: E 18: E
4: A 19: E
5: B 20: A
6: C 21: A
7: D 22: A
8: B 23: E
9: D 24: A
10: B 25: D
11: C 26: D
12: B 27: C
13: B 28: C
14: D 29: E
15: D 30: D

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