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My Diary of The Last Seven Days

Day 1: Dear diary, I found you in the backpack, you seem okay to write to. I think I am
lucky to even be writing to you at the moment. That is because I am alone on a
deserted island. The plane I was on had an engine failure and it had to land on ocean.
By the time I was awake, I found myself on the shore. I don’t know if there are any other
survivors. And I don’t know what to do to survive. For now, all I could think of was to
make a simple shelter to get through my first night in the island. I am feeling hungry and
thirsty. I am going to try and get a sleep now. I know it won’t be comfortable but at least
I am still alive.

Day 2: Hey my only one, my dear diary, I made it through the second day. And I am
feeling much better compared to the first night. I woke up early today and went into the
forest to explore and find out what is in there. It seems that the island is quite alone and
I didn’t seem to find much there except for a few bugs and spiders. I think it is good
considering the fact I don’t know how to fight a wild animal. As the sun was raising to
the top, I remembered my hunger and luckily, I found some tropical fruits and I ate
them. And I used my shirt to filter the sea water and saved some in my bottle to drink
later. It is pretty cold here in the night, so I tried to burn some of the wooden I found
here. But I couldn’t accomplish it, going to try again tomorrow.

Day 3: Hey dear diary, it is day 3 and I feel really ill. I think it is because of the fruits I
ate yesterday. I looked closely and I saw that they had these little dots underneath them
and this might be the sign of the poison. I don’t know what to do so for now I am just
resting and hoping to get better. And yes, I finally could light up a fire.

Day 4: Dear diary, I am feeling much better now. It seems that the poison wasn’t that
lethal luckily… And I just made a simple rod to hunt fish. I used these small worms I
could find on the forest as the bait, and waited a long time until I could catch a small
fish. I know it isn’t much but I cooked it in the fire. It was very delicious. And I made
some improvements to the shelter. I cut a tree of a small size and used its pieces to
make a bigger shelter. It seems much better and safer now. I even made a bed out of
the leaves. I consider today a very useful day.
Day 5: Hello my lovely diary, it has been day 5. Today I explored the island much more
comprehensive. The island I live in seems to be really small. I was able to travel around
the whole island in a short time. Now I know the island as a whole. Anyways, I hunted a
big fish as well and ate it with pleasure. I found some fruits that I am sure are not
poisonous, since I saw it on a documentary earlier.

Day 6: Hey dear diary, how are you doing? Me? I am pretty happy here. I am really
getting to like it here. It is a very silent and peaceful place. And I even got you to talk to.
I haven’t done much today. Just enjoyed the sun and the beauty of the nature. I think it
is very important to stay positive.

Day 7: Dear diary, you won’t believe what just happened today. Personally, I couldn’t
believe it as well. Anyways, as I woke up this morning, I saw a big ship on the horizon. I
immediately searched for a way to show them my existence and lighted up a fire.
Unfortunately, I don’t think they noticed me, as they were so far away. And I got really
upset. But I am hopeful that it is possible to get rescued. And I am never going to stop

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