Osteonecrosis Julio2023

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TagedEnVol. 136 No.

1 July 2023

TagedH1Osteonecrosis of the jaw associated with pembrolizumabTagedEn

TagedPIsabel Pennings, DDS,a Alison Moskowitz, MD,b Gunjan Shah, MD,b Cherry Estilo, DMD,c
Joseph M. Huryn, DDS,c and SaeHee K. Yom, DDS, MPHcTagedEn

We report a case of osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) with pembrolizumab, a rare yet possibly emerging complication. In this case, a
temporal relationship between the development of ONJ and the patient’s treatment regimen suggested an association between
pembrolizumab/GVD therapy and the development of ONJ. Thrombocytosis and anatomic factors may also have played a role.
The number of patients using pembrolizumab will likely continue to increase. We document this instance in order to better inform
dental treatment around cancer patients undergoing pembrolizumab therapy. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol
2023;136:e11 e14)

TAGEDH1CASE REPORTTAGEDN noted, and teeth #29 and #30 were not sensitive to per-
TagedPA 44-year-old woman presented to the Dental Service cussion. The buccal gingiva was not affected, and the
for evaluation of a painful gum lesion in December dentition was otherwise generally well maintained.
2021. Her medical history included stage IVB classical Bilateral mandibular tori were noted.TagedEn
Hodgkin lymphoma, nodular sclerosis subtype, diag- TagedPRadiographic examination of bone near #30 revealed
nosed in 2017, and initially treated with doxorubicin, a moth-eaten radiolucent pattern, and slight extrusion
bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine. In September of tooth #30 with unopposed dentition (Figure 1).TagedEn
2021, she had a biopsy-proven relapse. She was also TagedPAt initial evaluation, the patient denied trauma to the
noted to have diffuse osseous hypermetabolic metastatic area. The gingival swelling did not appear to be of
foci throughout the skull base, axial, and appendicular odontogenic origin. It was suspected that the oral lesion
skeleton. She was found to have grade 2 cord compres- was related to therapy or systemic disease, and pallia-
sion at T9 on MRI in October 2021 and was admitted tive measures as well as an oral hygiene regimen with
for observation and treatment. In November 2021, she chlorhexidine rinse were recommended.TagedEn
initiated weekly treatment with gemcitabine, vinorelbine, TagedPThe patient returned 1 month later in January 2022.
doxorubicin (GVD), and pembrolizumab with plans for In the area where swelling was previously noted, the
autologous transplant. A positron emission tomography patient now showed a 12 £ 5 mm area of exposed bone
on 12/10/21 showed abnormal uptake at the lingual plate (Figure 2). The surrounding gingiva was inflamed, and
of the right mandible with cortical irregularity. Asym- purulence was expressed upon palpation of the area.
metric activity was noted in the right submandibular Adjacent teeth #29 and #30 still had no sensitivity to
gland, possibly obstructive per pathosis report.TagedEn percussion, and class 1 mobility noted with tooth #30
TagedPAs of the patient’s initial presentation to our Service, was unchanged.TagedEn
she had received 4 doses of GVD/pembrolizumab. Her TagedPThe patient reported that she had stopped brushing
blood counts indicated mild anemia and thrombocytosis.TagedEn her teeth with a toothbrush due to bleeding since her
TagedPHer chief oral complaint was pain to the mandibular previous visit, and the patient presented with heavy
right lingual gingiva and mobility of maxillary right plaque deposits throughout the mouth. In addition, gin-
third molar #1 and mandibular right first molar #30. gival overgrowth was noted on the lingual papillae
Examination revealed swelling involving the mandibu- between teeth #11 to #15 and teeth #22 to #27. A sharp
lar right lingual gingiva adjacent to teeth #29 and #30. area was noted on the exposed bone that corresponded
This area of firm swelling extended from the floor of with an ulcer on the lateral border of the right tongue.TagedEn
mouth to the lingual occlusal table and was exquisitely TagedPThe sharp area of exposed bone was smoothed to the
tender to palpation. No purulence or dental caries was patient’s comfort, and the exposed bone was irrigated
with chlorhexidine. She was advised on proper oral
TagedEn Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center,

Statement of Clinical Relevance

1275 York Ave, New York, NY, 10065, USA.
Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center,
New York, NY, USA.
Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, We report a case of osteonecrosis of the jaw with
New York, NY, USA. pembrolizumab, a rare yet possibly emerging com-
TagedEnCorresponding author: SaeHee K. Yom. E-mail address: plication. The number of patients using pembrolizu-
Received for publication Oct 18, 2022; returned for revision Dec 20,
mab will likely continue to increase. We document
2022; accepted for publication Dec 28, 2022. this instance to better inform dental treatment
Ó 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. around patients with cancer undergoing pembrolizu-
2212-4403/$-see front matter mab therapy.

TagedEne12 Pennings et al. July 2023

Fig. 1. Periapical radiograph of tooth #30 revealing moth-eaten radiolucent pattern.TagedEn

hygiene measures and was instructed to irrigate the She underwent autologous stem cell transplant 4 days
gums with chlorhexidine rinse for 2 weeks. She later and experienced no further oral symptoms. On
returned in 1 week for a dental debridement as her follow-up examination in June 2022, she remained
blood counts allowed.TagedEn symptom free without further areas of exposed bone or
TagedPThree weeks later, she returned for follow-up. Her acute gingival inflammation.TagedEn
oral health was much improved with a reduction in gin-
gival inflammation. The previously noted area of TAGEDH1DISCUSSIONTAGEDN
exposed bone on the right mandible was noted to have TagedPThe oral lesion was first noted on positron emission
increased in size to 17 £ 10 mm. The surrounding gin- tomography/computed tomography approximately 1
giva was slightly inflamed but without purulence. Upon month after initiation of pembrolizumab/GVD, and
manipulation with cotton pliers, the entire bony segment exposed bone was noted clinically shortly thereafter.
approximately 17 £ 10 mm was removed to reveal soft She had no history of dental procedure, trauma, and
tissue underneath (Figure 3). Tooth #30 remained grade denied prior history of medications conventionally
1 mobile; no other dental symptoms were noted.TagedEn associated with medication related osteonecrosis of
TagedPThe patient was advised to continue fastidious oral the jaw (MRONJ). In addition, there was no recent
home care after removal of the necrotic bone segment. history of general anesthesia or intubation before

Fig. 2. (A) Intraoral photograph showing exposed bone on mandibular torus. (B) Close-up photo of exposed bone and purulent
TagedEnVolume 136, Number 1 Pennings et al. e13

Fig. 3. (A) Bone segment after removal from oral cavity. (B) Mandibular gingiva with epithelialization immediately after
removal of necrotic bone.TagedEn

onset of bone exposure which could have caused Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) is less frequently
oral trauma.TagedEn reported with immune checkpoint inhibitors, but it has
TagedPThe clinical presentation appeared consistent with been reported with ipilimumab.5TagedEn
MRONJ. Medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw TagedPIpilimumab, a humanized antibody against the inhib-
is most commonly associated with anti-resorptive itory co-receptor CTLA-4, was the first checkpoint-
medications such as IV bisphosphonates, denosumab block monoclonal antibody to be approved. Ipilimu-
(humanized monoclonal antibody), and anti-angio- mab increases the presence of systemic activated T
genic medications such as bevacizumab (humanized cells by preventing binding of inhibitory receptors to
monoclonal antibody) and sunitinib (tyrosine kinase their natural ligands.6TagedEn
inhibitor).1 An increased risk of MRONJ is also asso- TagedPInterestingly, CTLA-deficient T cells have been
ciated with local factors such as dental surgery, local shown to be associated with osteonecrosis. Activated T
trauma, and anatomic factors. Medication related cells may elicit osteoclastogenesis via osteoprotegerin
osteonecrosis of the jaw has been more commonly ligand resulting in bone loss. In a case report of ONJ
reported in the mandible (73%) than maxilla with ipilimumab, Owosho et al. posited that incidences
(22.5%), although it can be seen in both jaws of oral trauma in this setting could result in localized
(4.5%).2 In addition, mandibular and palatal tori are bone necrosis.1TagedEn
usually considered anatomic risk factors for the TagedPPembrolizumab is a more recently approved immune
development of the condition.3 Genetic factors, cor- checkpoint inhibitor which targets programmed cell
ticosteroid use, and tobacco also play a role. For death 1 (PD-1), a ligand which negatively regulates T-
patients with cancer in particular, anemia (hemoglo- cell activation to prevent autoimmune disease but can
bin <10 g/dL), diabetes, and cancer type have been also prevent T-cells from killing cancer cells. Inhibi-
variably associated with increased risk of MRONJ.2TagedEn tion of the PD-1 checkpoint allows for T-cell reactiva-
TagedPThe current understanding of MRONJ identifies sys- tion, restoring the immune system, and helping to
temic abnormalities in coagulation and fibrinolysis as prevent tumor escape.6TagedEn
key elements of the pathophysiologic cascade, where TagedPThere currently exists 1 report of ONJ associated with
intravascular coagulation and thrombotic occlusion of pembrolizumab/epacadostat therapy. Authors of this case
bone microcirculation lead to ischemic bone destruc- study posit that inhibition of PD-1 and an increase in
tion.4 In this patient, abnormally high platelet counts anti-osteoclastogenic interferon-gamma could lead to the
coincided with the period of bone exposure, with plate- development of ONJ.7 Furthermore, as suggested by
let counts measured at peak numbers of 510K, 497K, Owosho et al., incidences of trauma in a setting of
and 593K in December, January, and February, respec- decreased osteoclastogenesis could heighten risk of local-
tively. Thrombocytosis may have played a role in ized bone necrosis.1 In this patient’s case, it is plausible
ischemic bone destruction in our patient.TagedEn that the patient could have traumatized the thin area of
TagedPImmune checkpoint inhibitors such as pembrolizu- the gingiva overlying the large mandibular torus, an ana-
mab are generally better tolerated in most patients with tomic morphology already a risk factor for ONJ.3 It may
fewer oral toxicities compared with conventional che- be that trauma to the mandibular torus in the setting of
motherapy. However, oral immune-related adverse decreased osteoclastogenesis as a result of pembrolizu-
events have been reported, including mucosal changes mab therapy manifested in our patient’s condition.TagedEn
(presenting commonly as inflammatory/immune condi- TagedPIn this patient, the temporal relationship between
tions, such as lichenoid reactions, gingival sloughing, the development of ONJ and her treatment regimen
or erythema), dry mouth, and taste changes. suggests an association between pembrolizumab/
TagedEne14 Pennings et al. July 2023

GVD therapy and the development of ONJ. Thrombo- Center Support grant P30 CA008748. The content is
cytosis and anatomic factors may also have played a solely the responsibility of the authors and does not
role. An informed consent for clinical research was necessarily represent the official views of the National
obtained from the patient.TagedEn Institutes of Health.TagedEn
TagedPThe body of knowledge regarding oral effects of
immunotherapy continues to grow. Noting oral symp-
toms as they occur in conjunction with specific immu- TAGEDH1DISCLOSURESTAGEDN
notherapies may help us to better understand the nature TagedPDr Shah receives research funding to the institution
of these conditions. In particular, the unexpected devel- from Janssen, Amgen, and Beyond Spring.TagedEn
opment of ONJ with highly specific therapies may help
to further elucidate the pathophysiologic mechanism
by which this condition occurs.TagedEn TAGEDH1ETHICAL APPROVALTAGEDN
TagedPThis report was approved by the Institutional Review
Board of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. An
TAGEDH1CONCLUSIONTAGEDN informed consent for clinical research was obtained
TagedPOsteonecrosis of the jaw is not generally associated from the patient.TagedEn
with immunotherapy. We describe a case of ONJ with
pembrolizumab, a rare yet possibly emerging compli-
cation. Pembrolizumab has an increasing number of TAGEDH1REFERENCESTAGEDN
applications, with its use now approved for >20 can- TagedP1. Owosho AA, Scordo M, Yom SK, et al. Osteonecrosis of the jaw a
cers including melanoma, nonsmall cell lung cancer, new complication related to ipilimumab. Oral Oncol. 2015;51:
head and neck squamous cell cancer, classical Hodgkin e100-e101.TagedEn
TagedP2. Ruggiero SL, Dodson TB, Fantasia J, et al. American Association
lymphoma, primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma, uro- of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. American Association of
thelial carcinoma, microsatellite instability-high or a Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons position paper on medication-
mismatch repair deficient solid tumors, colon or rectal related osteonecrosis of the jaw 2014 update. J Oral Maxillofac
cancer, gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocar- Surg. 2014;72:1938-1956.TagedEn
TagedP3. Schiødt M. Mandibular and palatal tori exposed by trauma are risk
cinoma, PD-1 positive cervical cancer, hepatocellular
factors for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: a report
carcinoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, renal cell carci- from the Copenhagen ONJ cohort. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral
noma, endometrial carcinoma, cutaneous squamous Pathol Oral Radiol. 2020;129:e193.TagedEn
cell carcinoma, and triple-negative breast cancer.8TagedEn TagedP4. Badescu MC, Rezus E, Ciocoiu M, et al. Osteonecrosis of the
TagedPThe number of patients using pembrolizumab will jaws in patients with hereditary thrombophilia/hypofibrinolysis—
likely continue to increase. Any further instances of from pathophysiology to therapeutic implications. Int J Mol Sci.
ONJ should be documented in order to better inform TagedP5. Rapoport BL, van Eeden R, Sibaud V, et al. Supportive care for
dental management around patients with cancer under- patients undergoing immunotherapy. Support Care Cancer.
going pembrolizumab therapy. In patients who exhibit 2017;25:3017-3030.TagedEn
oral and systemic symptoms related to their immuno- TagedP6. Brunner-Weinzierl Monika C, Rudd Christopher E. CTLA-4
therapy, care should be taken to reduce potential and PD-1 control of T-cell motility and migration: implica-
tions for tumor immunotherapy. Front Immunol. 2018;9:
trauma to the oral cavity.TagedEn 2737.TagedEn
TagedP7. Decaux J, Magremanne M. Medication-related osteonecrosis of
the jaw related to epacadostat and pembrolizumab. J Stomatol
TAGEDH1FUNDINGTAGEDN Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020;121:740-742.TagedEn
TagedPThis research was supported in part by the National TagedP8. FDA Approved Indications. Keytruda. Available at: https://www.
Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute Cancer keytruda.com. Accessed June 28, 2022.TagedEn

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