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NAME: John Hafele Date: 7/11/2023

Lab Partner’s: Connor Pascual, Alexander Hernandez, Dylan Mandel

Laboratory Report

Measured resistance R(Ω): 10 Measured light bulb resistance (Ω): 1.5

𝑽(𝑽) 𝒊(𝑨) 𝑽(𝑽) 𝒊(𝑨)
0.1 .011 .098 .057
0.251 .026 .253 .112
0.5 0.05 .501 .133
1.0 .098 .999 .168
2.0 .193 2.004 .234 LIGHT
2.997 .289 2.998 .288
4.001 .386 3.999 .334
4.997 .486 4.995 .376

1. Using Excel and the data for the 10 Ω resistor, plot V vs i with the equation for the trendline showing
on the graph.

Insert a screenshot of your complete Excel Graph showing Title, axes labels, data points, trendline
and equation of the line.
2. What is the value of the slope of this graph? What physical quantity does the slope represent?

𝟎. 𝟒𝟖𝟔 − 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟏
=. 𝟎𝟗𝟔𝟗𝟗𝟖 = 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒆 = 𝟗. 𝟕 ∗ 𝟏𝟎^ − 𝟐
𝟒. 𝟗𝟗𝟕 − 𝟎. 𝟏
This slope value represents the physical quantity of conductance.

3. Is the slope constant? Is the resistor made from an Ohmic or non‐Ohmic material? Explain
Yes, the slope is constant. Due to the graph representing a straight line the slope can be seen as
constant. The resistor is made from an Ohmic material, we can see this because the resistance is

4. Using Excel and the data for the light bulb, plot V vs i with the equation for the trendline showing on the
Insert a screenshot of your complete Excel Graph showing Title, axes labels, data points, trendline and
equation of the line.
𝟎. 𝟑𝟕𝟔 − 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓𝟕
=. 𝟎𝟔𝟓𝟏𝟒 = 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒆 = 𝟔. 𝟓 ∗ 𝟏𝟎^ − 𝟐
𝟒. 𝟗𝟗𝟓 − 𝟎. 𝟗𝟖
5. What physical quantity does the slope represent?
The slope represents the physical quantity of conductance.

6. Is the slope constant? Is the filament of the light bulb made from an Ohmic or non‐Ohmic material?
The slope of the lightbulb trials is constant as we can see from the straight line graphed. The filament of
the lightbulb is made from a non-Ohmic material. To be Ohmic it needs to follow Ohm’s Law, but it carries
its own resistance.

7. Elaborate on the light bulb’s wire filament and how this contributes to it being Ohmic or non‐Ohmic.
A lightbulb contributes to being non-Ohmic because the lightbulb’s resistance is low for potential
differences, but the resistance rises as the voltage input increases, and in turn the temperate increases.
8. Did our experiments verify Ohm’s Law? Why or why not? Explain
Yes, our experiments verify Ohm’s Law. The constant slope we graphed, being a straight line, it proved
voltage is directly proportional to current. We also had an example of what Ohm’s law is not, being
the light bulb, due to its change in resistance and temperature.

9. Sometimes, people might plot 𝑖 on the y‐axis and V on the x‐axis. (In this case, the slope will be 1/R.)
Why might a scientist want to plot the data that way?

A scientist might want to plot the data that way because If observations by the scientist are performed
by changing voltage with a constant interval and taking down the corresponding current values,
the V must be taken in the X axis and i must be in the Y Axis. To contrast this if the scientist was
making observations by changing current with constant interval and taking down the voltage
readings, then in this case i must be in Y and V must be in X.

10. The power output of a circuit is given by:

𝑷 = 𝑽𝒊
When a potential of 5.00 V is applied on the resistor and the light bulb,
a) Calculate the total energy used in 10 s.
5𝑉 2
∗ 10𝑠 = 25𝐽
b) How many electrons went through during the 10 s?
0.5𝐴 ∗ 10𝑠
= 3.125 ∗ 1019
1.6 ∗ 10−19 𝐶
c) Calculate the average energy for each electron in eV.
Show all your work.
(8 ∗ 10−19 ) ( ) = 5𝑒𝑉
1.6 ∗ 10−19

11. Why was there no danger to you while you performed this experiment? The current required for this
experiment is as high as 500 mA. Some experiments will require a current as high as 5.00 A. Explain
why there will be no danger to you.
Current Effect
0.001 A Can be felt
0.005 A Is painful
0.010 A Causes involuntary muscle contractions

0.015 A Causes loss of muscle control

0.070 A If through the heart, causes serious
disruption; probably fatal if current lasts
for more than 1 second

There is no danger to us when messing with these amounts of electricity because there is resistance we do
not think about. We are not handling raw electricity rather the wire which have resistance that brings the
voltage in hand down quite a lot. It would take much more electricity to pass through our body at the same
current. The voltage pushes milliamps through the wire will in turn push microamps through our body,
keeping us safe. Levels below 50V are safe to handle.

For this lab we were focusing on Ohm’s Law and the behaviors of Ohmic, and non-Ohmic
materials with an applied voltage. The equipment needed for the lab was an AC/DC Electronics Lab,
Multimeter, Patch Cords, Banana Clips, the Pasco software, 850 interface and a 10 Ohm Resistor. To
start the set up we followed the instructions to fully set up the Pasco software with the provided
computer and the 850 interface. After the Pasco software was completely set up, we set up the
electronics lab. We attached the multimeter with the electronics lab and the Pasco software and were
ready for the procedure of the lab. To perform the lab, we did a series of recordings using different
voltages measuring the current at each interval tested. We repeated this process for the lightbulb
configuration as well and recorded the numbers with the different intervals. After we recorded the
results, we properly disconnected and put up all the equipment we used.
In the lab report we recorded the data and graphed the data on slope graphs and answered
the corresponding questions. Overall, the lab went very smoothly, this was perhaps our best lab. We
did not encounter any errors in this lab, except for the power issue in the lab room, causing us to
move computers from our normal location. The lab accomplished our goal of testing Ohmic vs non-
ohmic materials. In the lab we showed the lightbulb had its own resistance and therefore was not
ohmic. Due to the heat produced and the changing resistance the lightbulb falls under the non-ohmic
category. We also showed in this lab the ability for resistance to take effect on us as humans handling
electricity in wires. The wires proved to be safe to touch and handle because the resistance within
them brings the current if any that we feel down to a very small amount, so it is safe for us to handle
the electricity and complete the lab. All objectives were completed, and knowledge gained.

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