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Investment Suitability Profile Questionnaire

Name Harshil Dave

Current Age 40 Years

1. Which of the following situation best describes your current life stage?
1. Retired
2. About to retire
3. Couple with children
4. Couple
5. Single with Financial Liabilities

2. What is your primary objective or goal for investing?

1. Capital protection
2. Regular Income
3. Regular Income with capital appreciation
4. Long term capital appreciation
3. What is your investment horizon?
1. Very short term (Less than 1 year)
2. Short term(1 to 3 years)
3. Moderate term (3 to 5 years)
4. Long term (6 to 10 years)
5. Very long term (10 Years and above)

4. Following shows the range of the highest and lowest possible one year return from different portfolio. Which of these portfolios would you like to go for?
1. Annual 6%, Best 8%, Worst -1%
2. Annual 8%, Best 12%, Worst -4%
3. Annual 10%, Best 15%, Worst -7%
4. Annual 12%, Best 25%, Worst -18%

Your Name
AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor
Email:, M: Your Number
5. If fund outperformes it's benchmark index but still has given negative return in 3 years period. In such situation what desctibers the best possible reaction
of yours?
1. Irrespective of market movement I must get better return than the Fixed Deposits.
2. I will be worried and will review my funds with the help of expert.
3. I would be fine if the fund is sticked to the investment objective.
4. It's fine as long as the fund is outperforming the bench mark.
6. If your fund's NAV declines by 30% in one year what would be your reaction?
1. I will sell those funds
2. I will partly sell those funds and will move to the safer investments
3. I will not invest more but will hold to the existing units.
4. I will invest more into those funds.
7. How would you react if your debt fund loses 5% of its value over a one year period?
1. I will sell my debt fund and will never invest into Debt fund
2. I will partly sell those funds and move to Fixed Deposits or Gold
3. Will hold to those funds
4. Buy more of these debt funds
8. If your SIP gives negative return in 3 Years, what would your reaction be?
1. I will stop my SIP and will sell all the units.
2. I will stop my SIP but will not sell existing units
3. I will switch to better performing funds.
4. I will increase my SIP amount
5. I will increase my SIP amount and also will make additional purchase

9. How familiar are you with the investments and capital markets?
1. Not familiar at all. I don't understand the complexity of market
2. Somewhat familiar. I don't fully understand the factors affecting markets
3. Familiar. I understand the factors affecting markets and investmetns.
4. Very familiar. I always do lots of research and understand the factors affecting the markets and investments

Your Name
AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor
Email:, M: Your Number
Based on your response to questionnaire, your investment suitability profile is


Suggested Asset Allocation

Investment Product % Allocation
Debt 20%
Equity: Large Cap 35%
Equity: Mid Cap 20%
Equity: Small Cap 15%
Gold 10%
* The above allocation is for illustrative purpose only, actual allocation may differ from person to person based on their specific requirement.

Your Name
AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor
Email:, M: Your Number
Based on our discussion during the meeting with you, we suggest you the revised asset allocation as follow,

Investment Product % Allocation

Debt 35%
Equity: Large Cap 35%
Equity: Mid Cap 10%
Equity: Small Cap 10%
Gold 10%
* The above allocation is for illustrative purpose only, actual allocation may differ from person to person based on their specific requirement.

Your Name
AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor
Email:, M: Your Number

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