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1. Full Name : Tixon Tuyangine Nzunda.

2. Date of Birth : 29/01/1968.
3. Nationality : Tanzanian.
4. Marital Status : Married with four children.
5. Present Address : Presidents’ Office – Regional Administration,
P.O.BOX 1920, Dodoma..
6. Email Address :



 University of Birmingham (UK) - Masters of Science (Global Ethics),


 Mzumbe University - Masters Degree in Public

Administration (Human Resources
Management), 2003.

 Institute of Development Management

(IDM) Mzumbe - Advanced Diploma in
Public Administration (ADPA),

 Korogwe Teachers College - Diploma in Education, 1992

 Korogwe Teachers College - Advanced Certificate of Secondary

Education, 1991

 Mbozi Secondary School - Certificate of Secondary School,


 Nandanga Primary School - Certificate of Primary School, 1984.

1. Deputy Permanent Secretary (Education)- PO- Regional and local Government
Administration from 19.05.2017 to date.
To provide managerial and administrative leadership to the Ministry specifically to assist the
Permanent Secretary on the following strategic issues:
i. To provide strategic education management and administration (pre-primary,
Primary and Secondary education; Formal, non forma and special education);
ii. To enhance and deepen inclusive education in all levels;
iii. To facilitate Regional and Local Government Authorities to effectively perform
their noble functions;
iv. To facilitate sector coordination to enhance service delivery;
v. To coordinate development partners and non state actors working in education
sector and monitor their implementation plans.
vi. Liaison with all sector Ministries to ensure Decentralization by Devolution policy
is adequately implemented.

2. Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS) - Rukwa Regional Secretariat from

9.9.2016 to 19.05.2017.
To provide managerial and administrative leadership to the RS specifically to assist the
Regional Commissioner (RC) on the following strategic issues:
i. To execute the functions of the Government within the area of the Region;
ii. To secure the maintenance of law and order in the Region;
iii. To determine the specific directions of efforts in implementing the general policies of
the Government in the Region;
iv. To consider and provide advice to LGAs regarding their development plans;
v. To consider reports and advise the Government on national development projects,
programs, and activities affecting or relating to the region;
vi. To consider reports and advise on the activities of parastatals and Cooperative
Societies and other Non Governmental organizations operating in the Region;
vii. To monitor and ensure the coordination of all the overall economic development in the
viii. To advise the RC in relation to LGAs under the Act; and
ix. To discharge any other functions which the Minister may direct in respect of all or any
consultative Committees.
3. Deputy Permanent Secretary (DPS) - PO-Public Service Management (October, 2015
to December, 2015.
To assist the PS to provide managerial and administrative leadership to the Ministry
specifically on the following strategic issues:
i. To strengthen ethics infrastructure measures in MDAs;
ii. To strengthen the implementation of the integrity pledge in MDAs, RS, LGAs and other
Public Institutions of which 65% of the target institutions started to implement the
iii. Enhance the usage of ICT measures to improve service delivery especially to process
public and staff complaints and concerns;
iv. Ensure proper human resources management and development; and
v. Enhance monitoring role to all human resources management functions in MDAS;

4 . Secretary –Public Service Leaders, Ethics Secretariat (2010 to 2015).

The following functions were performed and achievement noted:
i. Initiate, develop and institutionalize the implementation of Integrity Pledge for Public
Service Leaders, Public Servants and Private sector as one of the measures to curb
corruption in both the Public and private sector in a holistic approach;
ii. Initiate the development and installation of conflict of Interest measures in the public
sector through development of conflict of interest Guideline and legal framework;
iii. Facilitate the development of Investigation Manual;
iv. Development of sustainable ethics promotion and monitoring programmes;
v. Facilitate the development and installation of Ethics IEC strategy;
vi. Initiate and customize complaints Handling mechanism in order to record and process
public complaints and concerns;
vii. Champion on the redevelopment of ES Investigation Management Information System
viii. Carry out various survey on the area of prevalence of unethical practices;
ix. Develop and implement various ethics outreach programmes including education sector
ethics outreach program;
x. Develop Leadership ethics systems and processes which includes; Leadership ethics
Guidelines, Investigation guidelines and survey Guideline;
xi. Lead trainer on both Leadership and public sector ethics in Private and public sector;
xii. Develop basic ethics leaders course Trainer Session Plan Guidance;
xiii. Initiator of Government Leaders Ethics Program, Guidance for Ethics and Public Service
Leadership; Guidance for Ethics Trainers and Guidance for Ethics and Political
Leadership; and
xiv. Initiator of national ethics campaign which would involve all clusters of stakeholders.

5. Principal Administrative Officer I - President’s Office - Public Service Management

i.Develop Public ethics compliance tools including complaints Handling Mechanism;
ii.Develop ethics promotion tools including a Hand book on Trainer on Ethics Training Manual
iii.Monitored the implementation of Public Service Code of Ethics;
iv.Monitor public complaints; and
v.A trainer on Public sector Ethics.

6. Head of Department of Personnel and Administration, Kibondo District Council

(2002 - 2003)
i. Head of Council Reform Team;
ii. Coordinator of human resources Management and development functions including
recruitment, Orientation, Confirmations, Promotions, Disciplinary and Grievance
iii. Secretary to the Council Recruitments Board;
iv, Head of Integrity Committee;
iv. Administer council administration related functions
V.develop Council Human Resources Development Plan; and
vi. Conduct human resources auditing.

7. Head of Department of Personnel and Administration, Handeni District Council (2003

- 2005)
i. Head of Council Reform Team;
ii. Coordinator of human resources Management and development functions including
recruitment, Orientation, Confirmations, Promotions, Disciplinary and Grievance
iii. Secretary to the Council Recruitments Board;
iv, Head of Integrity Committee;
iv. Administer council administration related functions.

V. develop Council Human Resources Development Plan; and
vi. Conduct human resources auditing

8. Human Resources Officer III &II - Mbarali District Council (1997-2002).

To Assist the Head of Department to implement human resources management functions;
i. To develop Council Human Resources Development Plan;
ii.To Develop Council staff Seniority List;
iii.To Prepare the payroll list;
iv.Conduct Human resources Audit regularly; and
v.Prepare Council Meeting Minutes.

9. Assistant Education Officer III - Ministry of Education and Culture (1992-1997)

i. To prepare Teaching scheme of work
ii. To prepare Teaching Lesson Plan and Lesson Notes;
iii. Teaching languages lessons allocated by the Head of Department.

i. Public Sector and Global Ethics Management ;
ii. Investigation and strategic leadership;
iii. Public Policy development;
iv. Facilitation skills;
v. Human Resources management;
vi. Change Management and Reform Agenda;
vii. Local government and Regional administration;
viii. Leadership Development;
ix. Good Governance and Corporate Governance;
x. NGOs Government Relationships;
xi. Negotiations and consultancy skills; and
xii. Risk and compliance Management.
xiii. Education management and administration
xiv. Global Human rights practices.
xv. Inclusive education practices

i. Global education Conference: Teaching and Learning Environment improvement,
Oxford University, United Kingdom;
ii. Inclusive education: Global perspectives, Johannesburg, South Africa
iii. Investigation and strategic Management Course, ESAMI- Arusha, June, 2014;
iv. Leadership Development in African Perspective, Kigali-Rwanda, November, 2013.
v. Corporate and Ethics Management Course, Dubai-UAE, September, 2013.
vi. Risk and compliance Management Framework development, May,2014
vii. Leadership Development in Decentralization by Devolution, Lilongwe- Malawi,
November, 2011.
viii. Project Management Course, 8-10 June, 2007.

ix. Certificate in Complaints, Grievances Handling Mechanism, Record and Information

Management and Public Sector Ethics and Facilitation and Presentation Skills, Public
Administration International (PAI) UK, in 22nd January-2nd February, 2007.

x. Certificate in Leadership and Ethics Course, TGDLC, November, 2006.

xi. Certificate in Good Governance, United Kingdom and International Perspective, Public
Administration International (PAI) - UK, March-April, 2006.
xii. Certificate in Ethics and Leadership Course, Public Service College, 21 st -25th
November, 2005.
xiii. Certificate in Ethics Risk Management, Ethics Institute of South Africa, 15-19 May,
xiv. UCLAS - Certificate in Disaster Management, 28th -31st October, 2002.
xv. Trainer of the Trainer (TOT) on Good governance Focused on identification of
Opportunities and Obstacles to Development in rural areas, President’s Office
Regional Administration and Local Government, October-November, 2002.
xvi. Basic Computer Application Course, IDM - Mzumbe, 1997.

 Managing Public Sector Ethics: The Case Study of Public Leadership Ethics
Secretariat in Tanzania (2009).
 An Assessment of the Impact of Child Labour in Socio-economic Development in
Tanzania: A Case Study of Mbarali Rice Irrigation Schemes (2003).

 Effects of Motivation in Personnel Management: A case Study of Morogoro Canvass
Mill (1997).

 Fluent in English and Kiswahili.
THE CEO Roundtable of Tanzania’s ‘2015 Public Sector Partner of the Year Award”: a
special recognition to initiate the implementation of Integrity Pledge to Public and Private
Tanzania Institute of Education(TIE) Board member from 2017 to date.
i. Engineer Musa Iyombe, The Permanent Secretary, PO- Regional administration and
Local Government, POBox 1923, Dodoma
Cell Phone: +255 754 434930

ii. George D. Yambesi, Retired Permanent Secretary, President’s Office –Public service
Management, P.O.BOX 2483, DAR-ES-SALAAM. Telephone: +255 784370570.

iii. Mrs A. H. Nyondo, Retired Director of Ethics Promotion, President’s Office-Public

Service Management, P.O. Box 2483, Dar-es-Salaam. Telephone: + 255 715 367715
Email address:

iv. Dr Montanus c. Milanzi, Senior Lecturer, Mzumbe University,P.O. Box 1 Mzumbe –

Morogoro, Tanzania. Mobile Phone: +255 788914564 or +255 716320836.
Email Address:

I certify that all information stated in this resume is true and complete to the best of my
knowledge. I authorize the institution or its agent to verify the information provided in this

Date: 2nd October, 2017. Signature ………………………..

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