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Eur J Appl Physiol (1990) 61:313-318

ou,°a,o, A p p l i e d
and Occupational Physiology
© Springer-Verlag 1990

Voluntary strength, evoked twitch contractile properties

and motor unit activation of knee extensors in obese
and non-obese adolescent males
Cameron J. R. Blimkie 1, Digby G. Sale 1, and Oded Bar-Or 2
i School of Physical Education and Athletics, and
2 Children's Exercise and Nutrition Centre, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1

Accepted April 17, 1990

Summary. The purpose of this study was to determine Introduction

whether neural and/or muscular factors contributed to
the inferior strength-related motor performances of Obesity is the most prevalent pediatric condition in de-
obese adolescents. Subjects were 10 non-obese (14.6% veloped countries, with estimates ranging from 5% to
fat) and 11 obese (32.3% fat) males matched for age 10% of pre-school children, 10% of primary school chil-
(15-18 years), level of maturity (Tanner stages IV and dren and 15% of adolescents (Mahoney and Klykylo
V), lean body mass, and height. Peak torque (PT) was 1983). Childhood obesity has been associated with re-
measured during maximal voluntary isometric (IS) and duced exercise capacity (Bar-Or 1983) and poor motor
isokinetic (IK) knee extension (KE). Peak twitch torque performance (Bar-Or 1983; Beunen et al. 1983).
(TT), time to peak torque (TPT), and half-relaxation The poorer motor performance of the obese has
time (HRT) of the knee extensors were elicited by per- been attributed to the handicapping effect of the "dead
cutaneous electrical stimulation. The interpolated weight" of excess fat (Carpenter 1941 ; Kireilis and Cur-
twitch technique was used to determine the extent of eton 1947; Sills and Everett 1953; Riendeau et al. 1958;
motor unit activation (% MUA) during maximal volun- Gutezeit 1976; Beunen et al. 1983). Results from studies
tary IS KE. Knee extensor cross-sectional area (CSA) by Rehs et al. (1973), and Kitagawa and Miyashita
was determined by computed axial tomography taken (1978), however, suggest that other factors besides fat
at the mid-thigh. All strength and area measurements mass may account for the reduced motor performance
were made on the right side of the body. Obese subjects of the obese. These studies reported lower mechanical
had significantly (P<0.05) lower maximal voluntary IS power output at a heart rate of 170 beats, min-1 (PWC
and IK KE strength normalized for body weight, and 170), and strength respectively, per kilogram lean body
significantly lower % MUA during IS KE. There were mass, for obese children and adults. These observations
no significant differences (P> 0.05) between groups for suggest that obesity may be associated with a power
absolute or normalized (for the product of muscle CSA and strength deficit of either neural or muscle origin,
and height) ISPT, IKPT, and TT, knee extensor CSA, which may act independently or conjointly with excess
or TPT and HRT. These results suggest that reduced fat, to reduce performance.
MUA and a lower strength per mass ratio (due to ex- To our knowledge, with the exception of a recent
cess fat) are probably important contributing factors to study of pre-pubertal and pubertal boys (Blimkie et al.
the poorer motor performances of the obese, especially 1989), there have been no other studies of the ability of
for complex motor tasks involving large muscle groups obese children or adolescents to activate skeletal mus-
and the support or moving of body weight. cle during strength performance, only one study (Ikai
and Fukunaga 1968) of the voluntary specific tension
Key words: Contractile properties - Knee extensor [force or torque per unit muscle cross-sectional area
cross-sectional area - Obesity - Motor unit activation - (CSA)] of muscle during strength performance in obese
Voluntary strength children, and no reports of the twitch force or time-
related [time to peak torque (TPT) and half-relaxation
time (HRT)] contractile properties of muscle in this
population. Each of these factors may be important in
the differentiation of strength and motor performances
among children and adolescents who vary in body fat-
ness. The purpose of this study was to determine the
importance of body fatness, neural, and muscular fac-
Offprint requests to: C. J. R. Blimkie tors in the differentiation of knee extension (KE)

strength between lean and obese late pubescent and York). The testing procedure has been described in detail else-
post-pubescent (adolescent) males. where (Blimkie et al. 1989).
Subjects completed three test trials separated by 30-s pauses
at each joint angle and velocity of contraction, respectively, for IS
Methods and isokinetic (IK) strength testing. The average of the best two of
three trials was used as the criterion score. All strength tests were
Subjects and anthropometry. Subjects were 11 obese and 10 non- conducted on the same day, during a 2-h period, and IS strength
obese Caucasian adolescent males between 15 and 18 years of testing always preceded IK testing.
age. They were free from acute and chronic disease and none had
any orthopedic condition which precluded involvement in the Twitch contractile properties. Evoked IS contractile properties
study. The study was approved by the University Human Ethics were measured for the right knee extensors using the same dyna-
Committee and all subjects and parents gave informed consent. mometer as for voluntary IS strength testing. Due to the discom-
Physical characteristics of the subjects are summarized in Table 1. fort associated with the evoked technique when applied to large
Body fat was assessed from the sum of four skinfolds: subscapu- muscle groups, these properties were measured at only the single
lar, supra-iliac, triceps and biceps, using the equation of Durnin joint angle of 1.57 rad. To preclude the effect of twitch potentia-
and Rahaman (1967) for adolescent males. Subjects were classif- tion caused by prior voluntary contraction (Vandervoort et al.
ied as either non-obese or obese if the sums of skinfolds corre- 1983), the contractile properties were measured before maximal
sponded to estimates of less than 20% and more than 30% body voluntary strength. Rubber impregnated stimulating electrodes
fat, respectively. This equation assumes a density of 1.10 for lean were placed over the femoral nerve in the femoral notch (cathode)
tissue, and according to Lohman (1986) probably overestimates and just proximal to the patella in the mid-line of the thigh. Peak
percent body fat and underestimates lean body mass in children twitch torque (TT) was determined by applying a series of 100-p~s
and adolescents. Additionally, this equation was developed for square-wave pulses of increasing voltage until no further increase
males between 12.7 and 15.7 years of age. Subjects in the present in q T occurred. TPT and HRT were determined for the peak
study were on average a year older than the population from twitch response by computer analysis (sampling rate of 500 Hz).
which this equation was derived, and this may also result in a
small, but additional error in the accuracy of the percent body fat Motor unit activation. The degree of motor unit activation (MUA)
estimates. Height was measured with a stadiometer, with subjects was determined for the right knee extensors (at 1.57 rad) using the
standing in bare feet, and body mass with subjects wearing shorts technique described by Belanger and McComas (1981). With this
only. technique, a single supramaximal electrical stimulus is applied to

Table 1. Selected physical and anthropometric characteristics

Age Height Body Lean body Z4 Body Body mass

(years) (m) mass mass Skinfolds fat index
(kg) (kg) (mm) (%) (kg- m - 2)

Non-obese 16.5 1.80 63.5 55.7 24.1 14.6 19.6

(n = 10) (1.0) (0.06) (10.7) (7.3) (6.2) (3.1) (2.9)

Obese 16.6 1.75) 94.6 57.1 110.4 32.3 31.0

(n = 11) (0.9) (0.12) (14.1) (20.5) (24.0) (1.8) (2.7)

Values are means (SD)

* Significant difference, P < 0.05

Obese subjects were outpatients treated for overweight at the

Children's Exercise and Nutrition Centre in Hamilton. The non-
obese subjects were recruited from a local secondary school.
Level of maturity was estimated according to Tanner staging of
pubic hair development (Ross and Marfell-Jones 1982), and lean
body mass was calculated from measurements of body mass and
estimates of percent body fat.

Isometric strength. For isometric (IS) strength testing, subjects sat

on a bench with an adjustable back support (2.09 rad), with the
right leg fitted into a custom-made dynamometer (Fig. 1) instru-
mented with a strain guage. The torque signal from the strain
guage was amplified, displayed on an oscilloscope (Hewlett-Pack-
ard 1201 B), and fed to a computer (PDP-11-03) for analysis. Max-
imal voluntary KE strength (peak torque, PT) was measured at
knee joint angles of 1.57, 2.09, 2.44, and 2.79 rad (3.14 rad = full
knee extension), in random order. The testing procedure has been
described elsewhere (Blimkie et al. 1989).

Isokinetie strength. Maximal voluntary (concentric contraction) Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the experimental procedures
KE strength (PT) was measured for the right leg in random order for determining maximal voluntary isometric strength, evoked
at angular velocities of 0.52, 1.05, 2.09, and 3.14 rad-s -1, using a contractile properties, and motor unit activation of the knee ex-
Cybex II isokinetic dynamometer (Lumex, Ronkonkoma, New tensor muscles
a muscle at the peak of a maximal voluntary IS contraction. A jects were significantly heavier a n d fatter, a n d h a d a
quantitative expression of the % MUA is obtained by comparing significantly higher b o d y mass index t h a n n o n - o b e s e
the magnitude of the torque increment following the stimulation
(interpolated twitch torque, ITT) to that of the evoked peak TT boys. Subjects were either T a n n e r stage 4 or 5, a n d the
response: distribution o f subjects by maturity level was equal
within groups.
% MUA = I T T - TT/TT x 100.
This procedure followed the measurement of the resting contrac-
tile properties, and the average of two trials was taken as the cri- Thigh morphology
terion score.

Thigh morphology. Morphological measurements were made of Representative C T scans o f the leg for an obese a n d
the right thigh using computed axial tomography (CT) scanning n o n - o b e s e adolescent male are s h o w n in Fig. 2. Mor-
(fourth generation high resolution, Ohio Nuclear 20/20 series p h o l o g i c a l characteristics are presented in Fig. 3. Obese
scanner). A single scan (5 mm thickness, and 15 mrem effective subjects h a d significantly larger total thigh a n d fat C S A
radiation dose) was taken mid-way between the public symphysis t h a n n o n - o b e s e subjects. There were no differences in
and the medial condyle of the femur, with subjects lying supine
and with the muscles relaxed. The thigh was positioned so that it total lean CSA, b o n e CSA, or knee extensor (quadri-
was perpendicular to the scanning window. The pubic region and ceps) C S A between groups.
the proximal thigh were covered with a lead apron to protect
against radiation exposure. Negative photographic slides were
made from the CT scan prints and the following measurements of Voluntary strength
CSA were made from tracings of the projected slides using com-
puter-assisted manual planimetry: total limb area, fat area, lean
IS (Fig. 4) a n d I K (Fig. 5) strength m e a s u r e m e n t s
area (muscle and bone), bone area, and knee extensor area.
s h o w e d the same pattern o f results. There were no dif-
Data transformation. Strength measurements were normalized for ferences between g r o u p s for either absolute strength
(a) body mass (N m. kg- 7) and (b) the product of quadriceps CSA (panel A), or strength expressed per unit p r o d u c t o f
and height (N m- ram-Z- m-l) _ normalization for both muscle quadriceps C S A a n d height (panel C); however, the
CSA and muscle moment arm length (mechanical advantage), the obese boys h a d significantly ( P < 0.05) lower IS a n d I K
latter assumed to be proportional to height (Sale et al. 1987).
strength expressed per kilogram b o d y mass (panel B).
Statistical analys&. A two-factor analysis of variance with re-
peated measures (across joint angles and velocities) was used to
determine significant effects for all strength results. A post-hoc Contractile properties
Tukey test was used to identify significant differences among
means. A t-test for independent measures was used to determine Despite slightly higher values for the obese, there
the significance of differences between groups for physical, an-
were no significant differences ( P > 0 . 0 5 ) b e t w e e n
thropometric and morphological characteristics. The Mann-Whit-
ney non-parametric test was used to determine the significance of g r o u p s for absolute T T [39.1 (7.8) vs 43.5 (12.7) N m ;
differences in MUA between groups. Differences were considered m e a n (SD)], T T n o r m a l i z e d for the p r o d u c t o f quadri-
significant at the P < 0.05 level. Pearson product-moment correla- ceps C S A and height [0.0032 (0.001) vs 0.0038 (0.001)
tion coefficients were computed to determine the relationships be- N m . m m - Z . m - 1 ] , T P T [70.5 (7.9) vs 75.5 (17.9) ms] or
tween quadriceps CSA and IS (at 1.57 rad), IK (at 0.52 rad.s-1), H R T (56.4 (28.4) vs 65.3 (20.4) ms].
and evoked TT (at 1.57 rad).

Motor unit activation

Anthropometric characteristics The obese subjects h a d a significantly ( P < 0 . 0 5 ) lower

m e a n degree o f M U A (85.1 vs 95.3%) a n d a m o r e varia-
There were no significant differences b e t w e e n g r o u p s ble response (71-100% vs 89-100%) t h a n the n o n - o b e s e
for age, height or lean b o d y mass (Table 1). Obese sub- g r o u p during m a x i m a l v o l u n t a r y IS KE.

Fig. 2. Computed axial tomography (CT) scans taken at the mid-thigh (right leg) of (A) obese and (B) non-obese adolescent boys


h" 250 0--0 NON-OBESE
30x10 a. e--e OBESE
,¢ 200

l,U F//A
--I 20x10 a. 150
2 1oo
10x10 s.
I 50
m 4
O f
t- 3

Fig. 3. Morphological characteristics of the right mid-thigh of

obese ( ~ ) and non-obese (El) adolescent males determined from E
CT scans. Values are means (ram 2) and SD. * Significant differ-
ence (P< 0.05) between groups
300 A
250 I I • • OBEBE .02


150 t: E

t-1 100

I o
0.52 1.05 2.09 3.14

T Fig. 5A-C. Peak voluntary isokinetic strength of the knee exten-
sors at contraction velocities of 0.52, 1.05, 2.09, and 3.14 rad. s -
for adolescent obese and non-obese males. A Absolute torque
(N m). B Relative torque (N -~) - absolute torque normal-
ized for body mass. C Voluntary specific tension
(N -a) - absolute torque normalized for quadriceps
co 1 cross-sectional area and height. Values are means (SD). * Signifi-
1 cant (P<0.05) main effect for groups. IKPT, Isokinetic peak tor-


Correlational relationships
T h e results for the c o r r e l a t i o n a l a n a l y s e s are p r e s e n t e d
i n T a b l e 2. D u e to the small samples, n o n e of the w i t h i n
-- .01
t g r o u p c o r r e l a t i o n s was s i g n i f i c a n t ( P > 0.05). N e v e r t h e -
less, the c o r r e l a t i o n s were c o n s i s t e n t l y h i g h e r i n the
o n o n - o b e s e t h a n the obese group, a n d w i t h i n each g r o u p
1.57 2.09 2.44 2.79 were h i g h e r for v o l u n t a r y p e a k IS s t r e n g t h t h a n for
JOINT ANGLE (rad) either p e a k I K strength, or TI'. W h e n the g r o u p s were
c o m b i n e d , p r o v i d i n g a larger s a m p l e , there were signif-
Fig. 4A-C. Peak voluntary isometric strength of the knee exten- icant (P<0.05) moderate correlations between quadri-
sors at 1.57, 2.09, 2.44 and 2.79 rad for adolescent obese ( 0 - - 0 ) ceps C S A a n d b o t h p e a k IS strength a n d T-I'.
and non-obese ( O - - O ) males - 3.14 rad is full extension. A Ab-
solute torque (N m). B Relative torque (N -~) - absolute
torque normalized for body mass. C Voluntary specific tension Discussion
(N m. mm - 2. m - i) _ absolute torque normalized for quadriceps
cross-sectional area and height. Values are means (SD). * Signifi-
cant (P<0.05) main effect for groups. ISPT, Isometric peak tor- I n the p r e s e n t study, there were n o differences i n abso-
que lute IS a n d I K K E strength, or IS a n d I K K E v o l u n t a r y
Table 2. Pearson product-momentcorrelations between peak vol- ings, and indicate that there is no deficit in voluntary or
untary isometric and isokinetic strength, evoked twitch torque, evoked specific tension of KEs associated with obesity
and knee extensor (quadriceps) cross-sectional area (CSA) in males during either the circumpubertal years or early
Groups adulthood. These results suggest that the lower strength
per mass and poorer strength-related motor perform-
Non-obese Obese Combined ances of the obese are probably not due to differences
in intrinsic contractile properties of muscle.
Isometric peak torque Voluntary specific tension is determined in part by
(1.57 rad) and 0.555 0.453 0.512"
quadriceps CSA (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 20) level of neuromuscular activation. It appears from the
MUA results that the obese subjects, with an equally
Isokinetic peak torque
(0.52 rad.s -1) and 0.455 0.387 0.281 high level of motivation and effort (determined subjec-
quadriceps CSA (n = 10) (n = 11) (n = 21) tively), were not as capable as the non-obese group of
Twitch torque (1.57 rad) 0.398 0.167 0.457* voluntarily activating the quadriceps during the rather
and quadriceps CSA (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 20) simple and unskilled task of IS KE. Yet, despite this
relative inhibition of muscle activation, there was no
* Statistically significantat P< 0.05 difference between groups for voluntary KE-specific
tension. Although speculative, perhaps the obese could
have achieved a higher level of voluntary specific ten-
specific tension between obese and non-obese adoles- sion, had they been capable of more fully activating
cent males. The obese adolescents however, had signifi- their motor unit pool.
cantly lower strength per unit mass and reduced MUA It is difficult to explain the similarity in voluntary
compared to the non-obese. These results indicate that specific tension between groups, given the lack of dif-
the handicap of excess fat mass in conjunction with re- ference in twitch-specific tensions, and the significantly
duced neuromuscular activation may account for the lower % MUA for the obese subjects. One possible ex-
lower strength per mass ratio observed in the obese planation would be a higher intrinsic specific tension
subjects in the present study, and the reported reduced (force per CSA) in the obese group during maximal vol-
motor performance typical of obese children and ado- untary efforts, which was not detected using TT meas-
lescents (Bar-Or 1983; Beunen et al. 1983) and adults urements, but which may have been revealed from te-
(Kitagawa and Miyashita 1978; Sills and Everett tanic torque measurements. An increased contribution
1953). of synergistic muscle action in the obese would be an-
Previous studies have demonstrated moderate to other possibility. Increased synergistic muscle involve-
strong positive correlations between maximal voluntary ment would increase voluntary force output and the
IS strength and muscle CSA in adults (e.g., Ikai and voluntary specific tension, without influencing the in-
Fukunaga 1968; Maughan et al. 1983) and in children terpolated twitch and MUA responses. Why the obese
(Ikai and Fukunaga 1968; Davies et al. 1983; Davies would rely more heavily on the greater involvement of
1985), and between muscle CSA and TT in mammals synergistic muscles, in the absence of muscle damage or
(Close 1972). These observations suggest that muscle disease, to execute such a simple task, remains un-
size is an important determinant of both voluntary and clear.
evoked muscle strength. Correlational analyses indi- It was impossible, with the techniques used in this
cated that quadriceps CSA had a significant, albeit only study, to determine the cause of the reduced MUA
a moderate influence, on voluntary IS strength and among the obese. Given the simplicity of the maneuver,
evoked TT in this study. These results confirm that and the apparent maximal effort during the task, it
muscle size is an important determinant of voluntary seems unlikely that reduced motivation or central drive
and evoked IS force development during adolescence. was a contributing factor. Perhaps some undescribed
The magnitude of the correlations suggest, however, neural mechanism, of either afferent or efferent origin,
that other factors besides muscle CSA may be impor- may account for this inhibition. Regardless of its origin,
tant in the determination of large muscle-group it is possible that reduced neuromuscular activation
strength, especially IK strength, and that the relative might preclude full realization of strength capacity in
importance of muscle CSA in determining quadriceps the obese, and thereby contribute to the motor perform-
strength may vary with level of adiposity in adolescent ance deficit evident in this group for more complex ac-
males. tivity patterns, especially those involving large muscle
With the exception of the reports by Blimkie (1989) groups and a high degree of leg muscle strength.
and Blimkie et al. (1989), there are no other studies to Thoren et al. (1973) have suggested that the extra
our knowledge of voluntary or evoked specific tension weight carried by the obese might serve as a favorable
of the KEs of children. Kitagawa and Miyashita (1978) training stimulus. Bosco et al. (1986) have reported sig-
reported no significant difference in relative (per kilo- nificant increases in muscle power in athletes who con-
gram lean body mass) KE strength between mildly tinued to train, while wearing weight vests. If the
obese and non-obese adult males. While lean body weight of the vest is considered analogous to the excess
mass is anindirect and less precise indicator of muscle dead weight of fat in obesity, then these results would
size than measured CSA, their results appear to support appear to support Thoren's position. The additional
both our recent (Blimkie et al. 1989) and current find- weight of excess fat did not, however, significantly in-

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