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Important Bird Areas in Asia


viii Forewords 53 China

53 Mainland China
x Acknowledgements 88 Hong Kong
90 Macao
xiii Summary 91 Taiwan

97 India
1 Introduction
1 Aims and objectives 133 Indonesia
1 The Asia region
1 The BirdLife Asia network 153 Japan
2 The IBA programme in the Asia region
167 Korea
3 Justification for the Asian IBA Programme 167 North Korea
3 The problem defined 171 South Korea
3 Rationale behind the IBA approach
3 Relevance of IBAs to multilateral environmental agreements 177 Laos
and other mechanisms
5 Relevance of IBAs to donor safeguard policies 181 Malaysia

9 Methodology 189 Maldives

9 The IBA criteria
11 Site selection and documentation 191 Mongolia

14 Overview of results 197 Myanmar

14 IBA coverage by territory
16 IBA coverage by category and species 203 Nepal
20 Significance of the Asian IBA network for other taxa
21 IBA coverage by habitat 207 Pakistan
21 IBA coverage by Hotspot
21 Threats at IBAs 213 Philippines
22 Protection of the IBA network
225 Russia (Eastern)
26 A conservation strategy for IBAs in Asia
241 Singapore
33 Data presentation
243 Sri Lanka

Inventories of Important Bird Areas 251 Thailand

by country and territory
259 Timor-Leste
35 Bangladesh
261 Vietnam
39 Bhutan

43 British Indian Ocean Territory 269 Appendices

(Chagos archipelago) 269 Appendix 1. Globally threatened bird species in the Asia region
273 Appendix 2. Restricted-range bird species in the Asia region
45 Brunei 286 Appendix 3. Biome-restricted bird species in the Asia region
294 Appendix 4a. Congregatory waterbird species in the Asia region
47 Cambodia 296 Appendix 4b. Congregatory seabird species in the Asia region


Prelims.p65 7 29/10/2004, 18:36

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