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Task Name
% Completed Comments Responsability Posible to do
Platte River SP
Manure SP
Plumbing (Complete pump discharge
piping) Ordered 8/16 SP
2 Flanges, 2 Gaskets 4", 2 Reducers 6x4", Saddle
Install from pumps to underground pipe 3GA, (3rupples, 1 made adapter, 1 ppve pipe, 1
70% tee) SP N
Support pipe at old manure pit discharge 100% SP Y
Support pipe at new manure pit 100% U bolts required SP Y 1
Dig up new 6 in line by hand (close to electrical
conduits) and trench according to print (by hand) 100% SP
Install required hardware in pipe supports (Nu- 2 Ubolts 6" ordered 8/16
bolt?) 100% SP N
Install calcium carbonate insulation in pipe
supports where needed. 100% SP N
Agitators and suports install arriving by 8/24/2023 SP
Agitators not on site Agitators were crated 8/15
Agitators show up
0% DS N
Agitators installed 0% Agitators not on site DS N
Change order bollard location and cut sides to
avoid tire popping 100%
Trim bollards to new spec 100% SP Y 2
Paint Bollards Yellow Paint and primer on site OC N
Grating 100% arriving by 8/14/2023 SP
Grating shows up 100% SP N
Install Grating 100% SP N
Paint touch up 100% SP
Paint the ungalvanized surfaces 100% SP Y
Reinstall east walkover stairs 100% SP Y
Ferric Chloride Tank 100% SP
Emergency shower 100% DS
H2S preconditioning carbon filters SP
Submit change order for breakout flanges DS
Replace 5 lost nuts and split ring washers 7/8"
SS 100% DS
Procure change order material 100% DS
Fabricate new piping Dusty OC
Install upper pipe supports 100% SP Y
Install top tank connection and torque 100% SP Y
Install bottom tank connections and torque 100% SP N
Remove existing piping 100% SP
Plan job and remove piping 100% DS
New pipe supports SP
Design 100% DS Y
Procure 100% DS
Fabricate 100% SP Y
Install 100% SP Y
Install new 12" piping 100% SP Y
Reinstall new 16" piping 100% SP N
Leak check SP N
Fill the H2S Towers with carbon 100% SP N
Manure Storage Tank Vents SP
Installation Vent piping SP
Install 2" drain blind flanges 100% SP N
Torque 100% SP N
Leak Check DS
Installation of supports for Vent piping SP
Fabricate SP
RFI suitablility of completed supports DS
Install Nu-bolt if required 100% Reusing Un-Bolts on top of south tank storage SP Y
Grout 100% SP Y
Painting pipe supprts 100% SP Y
CAL mixing System SP
Drywell SP
Sleeve and grout and linkseal drywell SP
Procure sleeve, grout, epoxy sealant Pending material DS DS
Install Sleeve, grout and linkseal 65% Material expected 8/17/23 DS SP Y
CAL Mixing Suction pipe SP
Fabricate to expected pump location 50% Wating pump (not on site) 08/15/23 SP N
Coat Suction Pipe Please coat underground with cold galvanizing OC
Backfill Suction Pipe 0% Wating pump (not on site) DS N
Install Drywell pump SP
Ordered 8/16
Procure any parts
Pump arrives
Install Pump 0% arrives by 8/15/2023 SP N
Grout CAL mixing pump 0% Wating pump (not on site) SP N
Install CAL mixing Pump discharge SP
Finish pump discharge piping fit and
fabrication 80% Wating pump (not on site) SP N
Install 0% Wating pump (not on site) SP N
Torque 0% Wating pump (not on site) SP N
Install drywell cover SP
Finish Fabrication 100% SP Y
Paint touch up 100% SP Y
Finish CAL Piping pipe supports SP
Procure? Irod Ordered 8/16 DS
Install 90% U-Bolts material not on site until 08/22/23 SP N
Blast and Epoxy Paint 16" pipe Bids received, requested revision OC
Feed Pumps 75% DS Y
Add grease and batteries to memolube 100% DS
Effluent Pumps 75% DS Y
Add grease and batteries to memolube 100% DS
Fix effluent lobe pump bottom seal 30% starting new pump 8/16 DS
Reinstall DS N
Miscellaneous SP
Modify and reinstall foam riser at Centrate pit. DS to modify.
BioRem tower with carbon fill 0% Wating Robing response DS / SP N
Install Manure Storage tank fittings SP
Install blinds 100% Wating material SP N
Torque 100% Wating material SP N
LWR feed pump
Gas to coelescing filter heater SP
Leak check gas line 100% DS
Install blind flanges on manure piping SP
Robin to approve work
Centrate Cleanout Manhole arrving by 08/13/23 SP
Manhole and riser show up 100% SP N
Install Manhole cover and Riser 100% SP N
Install Concrete 100% SP N
Backfill if needed and compact 50% SP N
Fix tank mixer shaft reservoir seals DS
Reinstall galvanic isolation kits on blower
flanges DS
Remove broken transfer blower parts to DPS 100% Blower near shop SP Y
acquire or fabricate and install cover blower 4
retaining clip and bolts DS
Repair misting pump in Centrifuge building DS
Demobilize DS
Gather all DS equipment DS
Return all rental equipment DS
Gather and remove all DS materials DS
Discard all trash DS
Recover extra material from DTBar welding DS
Out of scope SP
Insulate liquid piping DS
Ferric Chloride Piping DS
Repair Bus Building Isolation valve DS
Biorem tower fill DS
Install mesh DS
Bolt up flanges DS
Fill with activated carbon 0% Wating DS confirmation DS N
Reinstall CAL north fence DS
Blind Flange Totara 127 inlet DS
Blind Flange Totara 127 Stripper outlet
connection DS
Replace Cover blower hoses DS

Agitators Unistall form old Manure pit

Trim bollards pads
Grating Installation
Torquing 16" TEE Pipe inside Bus Building
H2S-BusBuilding pipe line installation
Pouring concrete pads supports
Manure metal pipe line supports
Concrete drilling for metal pipe supports on Manure Pit
Concrete drilling for metal pipe supports on H2S-BusBulding pipe line
Cuttings on metal panels on H2S-BusBuilding pipe line

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