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Test 1

NAME: _____________________________________________ DATE: __________________

CLASS: _____________________________________________ SCORE: __________________
(Time: 50 minutes)

A Circle the correct word.

1 Bob is of medium / short height. 4 Look at her long chubby / curly hair!
2 Janet is American. She’s from England / 7 Hi, I’m Artur! I’m Poland / Polish.
the USA. 8 My favorite day of the week is March /
3 Laura is Ireland / Irish. Sunday.
4 My mother is a nurse / photography. Sarah’s lips / ears are full.
5 John’s favorite sport is horseback-riding / 10 Independence Day is in July /Points:
10 x 220

B Choose the correct item.

1 Mary and Kate ………. 16 years old. 9 You ………. fat!

A is B are C am A aren’t B isn’t C don’t

2 Alfredo ………. Mexican. He’s Spanish. 10 Fran ………. swim but she can run fast.
A isn’t B aren’t C ‘m not A don’t B can’t C isn’t

3 ………. James drive a car? 11 ………. is your name?

A Do B Are C Can A Which B How C What

4 Is ………. sister tall? 12 I ………. a big nose!

A she B your C he A am B can C have

5 Bill ………. have fair hair. His hair is dark. 13 ………. is your favorite actress?
A don’t B doesn’t C isn’t A Who B What C Where

6 “Is Paul Coelho Brazilian?” “Yes, he 14 “Do Lyn and Jill have long hair?” “No,
………. .” they ………. .”
A is B are C does A are B isn’t C don’t

7 ………. old is Kelly? 15 Is ………. brother good at sport?

A Who B What C How A we B their C they

8 Lucy is 12. ………. father is a vet. Points: _____

15 x 115
A Her B She C Their

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Test 1

Everyday English
C Choose the correct response.

1 A: Pleased to meet you, Ron. 4 A: Excuse me. Are you Molly?

B: a Pleased to meet you, too, Harry. B: a Yes, I am.
b I’m fine. b And you?

2 A: Have a nice evening. 5 A: Hello, Rex. How are you?

B: a You too. B: a Hello. I’m Rex.
b Not bad. b I’m fine, thanks.

3 A: See you later.

Points: _____
B: a Take care. 5 x 315
b So-so.

D Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

Bruno and Rosa

Hello! My name’s Bruno and I’m from Italy. I’m 16 years old and I’m a student.
I have brown hair and brown eyes and I’m tall and slim. I’m good at languages and my
favorite school subject is French. My favorite sport is volleyball. I’m on the school
volleyball team and my dream is to play volleyball in the USA.
My sister is Rosa and she’s 14. She’s of medium height and she has black hair. She
doesn’t have brown eyes like me. She has big green eyes! Rosa’s hobby is painting.
Her dream is to become a famous artist like Frida Kahlo. She’s very good at
woodworking, too.

1 Bruno isn’t Italian. ................

2 He has brown eyes. ................
3 He is good at French. ................
4 Rosa doesn’t have brown hair. ................
5 Her dream is to become a famous author. ................

Points: _____
5 x 315

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Test 1

E Listen and circle the correct response.

1 a She’s well-built. 4 a Yes, and a mustache, too.

b She’s in her late twenties. b He doesn’t have a mustache.

2 a No, he’s an architect. 5 a No, she can’t.

b Yes, he can cook. b Yes, he can.

3 a She’s my sister. Points: _____

5 x 315
b b She’s 13.

F Write a short paragraph (60-80 words) about your best friend. Write their
name, age, nationality, what they look like, their favorite school subject, their favorite hobby,
and their dreams for the future.

Points: _____
20 X 120

Total: _____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

Test 1

You are amazing... REMEMBER THAT.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

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