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Barista is a romantic comedy set in the

modern day phenomenon of a Coffee
shop. It centres round a highly skilled
barista named Tim who hates where he
works but loves making coffee. He feels
no love for his customers so much so
they have all began to look the same
and have turn in to stick men. Tim
needs a catalyst to spark him in to get-
ting his life back on track.
Enter Alice Choi She is a no nonsense
lady. She knows what she wants and
get what she wants and she wants Tim.
They get it on after a wonderful first
date. Alice’s love for life inspires Tim to
quit his job and set up a much smaller
coffee shop with Alice where all the
customers are people rather than stick
Here is the films protagonist Tim
Painter. He is shy and endearing with
a good sence of humour but lacks the
confidence to use it.
He is just in his boxers as I need to
design him for a sex scene. In the scene.
(Designed semi naked for the sex scene.)
Store Layout

This was the initial design for the Barista store bar and to be fair it’s
stayed pretty much the same.
My aim was to design it as a functioning money making corporate cof-
fee shop. I felt rather than drawing it form every angle and getting my
self in a muddle I’d just knock up a really basic 3d model.
Here is a mocked up shot of one of the backgrounds with a few stick men on. The backgrounds will be
traced from the model and then coloured in with photographic textures. My aim is to make the finish
product look a bit rougher than this.
Mr Spock

Tim is a complete geek but hides it well in

public. It only become apparent how geeky he
is when you enter his bed room. On the bed
side table is an action figure of Spock. It will
play a vital role in the sex scene. Rather than
showing icky sex. I thought I’d just show the
figure of Spock wobbling and falling over on
the table.
Stick Men
When Tim is work-
ing at Barista he
loses interest in the
world around him
until he meets Alice.
To show this I de-
cided to make eve-
ryone in his world
stick men other than

The bouncer in the club

Pigeons open and close the film set-
ting the scene of a city. This is what
they’ll look like even keeping the

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