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SIR NADEEM 0313-3001870

Umar’s Expansion of Islamic Empire

Q (a) Trace the expansion of the Islamic empire under the rule of caliph ‘Umar. [10]

Fighting with the Persian Empire had begun during the rule of the previous Caliph. Under
Umar (R.A), Muslim forces defeated the Persians at Namarraq in 634 and then crossed
the Euphrates. The Persians then sent a huge force under Bahman. The two armies fought

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a fierce battle, the battle of Jasr or Bridge. Here the Muslims suffered heavy losses
including their commander Abu Ubaid. The Muslims regrouped under Musana and

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defeated the Persian army led by Mehran in the Battle of Buwaib. Later, King Yazdigard
rose against the Muslims to recapture the lost territories. Commanding an army of 20,000

troops, Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas met the Persian 120,000 army led by Rustam at Qadisiya.

The battle of Qadisiya thus began in 635. A fierce battle ensued resulting in the death of
Rustam. Now Sa’ad and his army advanced to the Persian capital, Madain. He laid a
siege for several days and King Yazdigard escape to north while the Muslims captured
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Al-Madain. The King was finally defeated at the Battle of Jalula. Thus, Sa’ad founded
the new cities of Kufa and Basra near Madain for the Muslim armies and the families. A
treaty of peace was signed with the Persians but when they broke the treaty they were
forced to fight, and the Muslims defeated the Persians at Nahawand. Thus, between 637-
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642 A.d Umar (R.A) completed the final capture and subjugation of Persia, marking the
end of the Sassanid dynasty in Persia.
Umar (R.A) then faced towards the Byzantines. Khalid bin Walid dispatched his forces in

three directions. Shurbeel to Jordan and Amr bin A’as to Palestine while he himself
advanced towards Damascus with Abu Ubaida. Khalid laid siege to Damascus and finally
entered the city. When the reports fall on Damascus, and defeat at Fihl and Hims were
given to Heraclius along with the reasons behind Muslims’ success, he was determined to
recover Palestine---the Holy Land---for Christian rule. He issued orders to mobilize

troops from all corners of his empire. Learning of this Khalid ibn al-Walid began to
group his forces along the River Yarmuk, a tributary of River Jordan, south of Sea of
Galilee. Hazrat ‘Umar (RA) was in contact with the commanders and he sent them
messages of advice and encouragement. Meanwhile, the Romans sought to drive out the
Muslims from Syria through negotiation and sent their representatives to discuss and
convince them or buy them over. Khalid responded with reason and declined the
Romans’ offer. The war strategies of the Muslim commanders paid off successfully and
the Romans suffered heavy losses and defeat. The Muslims also had to bear the loss of
3000 lives besides those who were grievously wounded. The Battle of Yarmuk, however,
proved to have lasting consequences and permanently altered the history of the southern
SIR NADEEM 0313-3001870

Mediterranean region. Hazrat ‘Umar (RA) fell into a prayer of gratitude before Allah,
when he received news of success at Yarmuk. Heraclius, on the other hand, withdrew
from Syria and moved his capital to Constantinople. After this, Abu Ubaida replaced
Khalid as Commander in Chief of the Muslim army. Abu Ubaida recaptured Damascus in
636. Many other important towns in Syria on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea were
also captured. Finally Jerusalem was also taken in a peaceful manner. The Patriarch

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requested that the ‘King’ of the Muslims himself presented should come and receive the
keys. Thus the Patriarch himself presented the keys to Umar (R.A) and signed a peace

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treaty. Finally Egypt was conquered in 640 by Amr bin A’as who had to persuade Umar
for this. Amr bin A’as argued that Egypt could be used by the Romans as a naval base
against Muslims. By 641 Babylon was also captured and the new city of Fustat was

founded in 642. Umar (R.A) appointed able and efficient governors in all these

conquered territories.
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