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A Appropriate reasons, aims outlined,

sensible, small summary

A Outlines methodology, different dimensions

and aparameters explained, important
features in modelling explained

Explanation of results not in depth, requires graphs

B and further details into explanation. Reasonable
explanation of visual results. This was due to my
being ill and mitigating circumstances, etc.

B+ Appropriate discussion, can be made

more in depth. Good points

There was some effort and innovation considered

in designing the submodel but there is room for
more creativity once the software skills have been
developed more. Som research and literature

Neat presentation, well labeled tables

and visually pleasing and simple.
1 Introduction
This report covers a crash impact simulation study based on a composite battery box
design project that was performed by group 10 subgroup 2 in April. The study involves
using an impact attenuator connected to a battery box model to simulate the impact on
the battery tray walls and the deformations that occur.
The battery box function is to keep the electric vehicle batteries very safe from impact,
as well as elements. In the previous study, there is an aim to achieve a deformation
value equal to or less than 13 mm for an impact at 13 m/s. This target is relevant and is
what the model created aims to achieve.
The approach taken in this study involves creating a sub-model of the battery box
design, modelling an impact attenuator and simulation of a crash impact at 13m/s in
Oasys LS Dyna environment, by use of a rigid wall.
Reinoso et al justifies the use of sub-models to achieve more efficient simulation times
and for simplified, lower-precision studies (Reinoso et al, 2020). The carbon fiber
composite used was researched well, providing a high strength and low mass, providing
very high performance in crash (Obradovic et al, 2011). The impact attenuator was
created by a simple generalized design from multiple studies. The aluminum alloy
choice was based its high energy absorption and low weight (table 5), making it a highly
appropriate material for the impact attenuator (Wang et al, 2016) (Soundarajan et al,

2 Procedure
2.1 Approach
It is important to simplify the battery box for ease of simulation. Therefore, a sub-model
of the battery box is used, whereby it is reduced to a single-cell model to further
understand the stresses and deflection of the impact attenuator and battery tray
experience during impact.
After scaling the required dimensions, the CAD design is produced and meshing
performed in CATIA V5. Using Oasys LS-Dyna environment, the impact was modelled
using a rigid-wall apply force normal to the impact plane, simulation and results were
Single cell battery box

Impact attenuator

Fig. 1 The design of the single cell battery box sub-model and impact structure

2.2 Model dimensions

The battery box is designed to carry twenty cells and front & side impact structures.
Therefore, the dimensions of the previous study must be scaled for the design of the
analysis model. Refer to tables 1 & 2.

Box parameters Dimensions Impact attenuator Dimensions

Length 475 mm Length 500 mm
Width 235 mm Box contact area 475 x 175 mm

Height 175 mm Impact area 270 x 80 mm

Table 2 Single cell model box design parameters Table 1 Impact


2.3 Elements
This section describes some of the modelling components used.
Elements Value
Mesh 5 mm
Shell thickness T1-4 0.3
Kdiscrete, element 942625
Rigid wall impact 13 m/s
Table 3 Outlining the values input into the model for some elements
Fig. 2 Quads surface meshing is used to provide. At the boundary between the impact structure
and single-cell box, mesh convergence can be seen

2.3.1 Mesh and shells

A mesh size of 5 mm is chosen as appropriate for this study. Due to the shape of the
model, a quads mesh is used as it would provide accurate meshing around the
structure. It is important to maintain a low mesh size for precision, but this comes at the
cost of high simulation time.
Prioritizing simulation time is the reason as to why shell elements are used instead of
solids for the simulation.

2.3.2 Discrete elements

The internal contents of the battery box include impact structures and cells. A simple
way of modelling these components are through the use of springs that represent their
stiffnesses. In Primer, these are called discrete elements. The value of spring constant,
kdiscete_element of these spring elements in their respective directions is calculated by the
k total=(k ¿¿ battery × N batteries)+total k impact structures ¿
k total × A cell
k discrete =
¿ of discrete elements
2.3.3 Rigid wall (contact conditions)
To model the impact, a rigid wall part is created in front of the impact attenuator. It is
given a speed of 13 m/s with a large mass of 400kg, to provide collision with the model.
It is important to have a larger area than the plane view area of the model so as to
provide force on the whole model.
2.3.4 Boundary constraints
If boundary constraints are not used, during impact the model may fail. Therefore, SPC
boundary conditions are applied to the node set on the back wall restricting it to zero
degrees of freedom.
Contact conditions are also placed between the shell elements to prevent the structure
going through itself, using static & dynamic friction values of 0.25 and 0.2 respectively.

2.4 Material model definitions and properties

The walls of the battery box are modelled using a carbon fiber composite laminate that
was used for the battery tray in the case study. Carbon fiber laminates provide excellent
strength whilst having the benefit of being very light weight. The layer of Kevlar provides
fire insulation and further protection.

Materials Parameters Definition

Carbon fiber Material type Laminated
composite fabric
Density 1525
Youngs modulus 5.22E9
Longitudinal compressive 6.42E8
Kevlar Material type Laminated
composite fabric
Density 1400
Youngs modulus 3E10
Longitudinal compressive 1.79E9
Table 4 Composite fabric material model properties

An aluminum alloy is the choice of material for the impact structure. Its high strength,
low weight and excellent energy-absorbing capabilities make it ideal for the function.
Table 5 describes the aluminum material model parameters.
Aluminum alloy model Parameters
Material type Isotropic elastic
Density 2820 kg/m3
Yield stress 276 MPa
Table 5 Aluminum material model properties

In addition to the information above, more about the input parameters of the materials
can be found from the stress analysis and laminate analysis spreadsheets from the
case study.

3 Results
The simulation is performed for a total of 0.1 s and some factors can be analyzed from
the results.
The maximum principal stress that is experienced by the battery box is observed in fig
3. It can be seen that the walls of the box experience the highest stress of 206.01E6
N/m, which does not surpass the material bending stress of 5.727E6.

Fig. 3 Maximum mid surface principal stress on the battery box occurs at 0.06s

The maximum deflection can be observed by looking at the displacement in X displayed

in fig 4. The maximum deflection of the impact structure and front of the battery box is
16.97 mm and occurs almost immediately after impact which is higher than the desired
13 mm.

Fig. 4 Maximum deflection takes place 0.005s after impact

Fig 5 displays the screengrab of the point at which normal force on the structure is the
highest. It can be observed that even at the greatest normal force, the actual battery
tray and internal experience minimal force.

Fig. 5 Normal force at maximum at 0.085 s.

4 Discussion
4.1 Conclusion
Upon concluding this study, it can be said that the sub-model methodology used in this
study has achieved the aims and targets. Therefore, it is an effective method of
modelling and simulation if very high accuracy results are not required.
 The target deflection was not achieved but putting more detail into the model will
achieve this.
 The stress and normal forces demonstrate the good impact absorption of
aluminum alloy and attenuator design and hence protection of the internal
components of the battery box.
4.2 Areas for improvement
This is a highly simplified model and therefore there are bound to be errors. The aim of
this study was to further understand the deflections and stresses during impact,
providing results with tolerances.
To prioritize simulation time, a larger mesh size and only shell elements are used. Using
a smaller mesh size and solid elements can provide much greater accuracy. In addition
to this, simulation cannot compare to the accuracy of real-world testing.
Potential areas for improvement would include replacing the aluminum sheet impact
structure with an aluminum honeycomb structure. Whilst having all the benefits of the
aluminum material, the structure provides excellent energy absorption and may allow
the model to reach all the design targets.

5 References
Obradovic, J., Boria, S. and Belingardi, G. (2011) ‘Lightweight design and crash
analysis of composite frontal impact energy absorbing structures’ Italy: University of
Wang, J. et al (2016) Design and experimental verification of composite impact
attenuator for racing vehicles
Reinoso, E., Hidalgo, V., Ramos, J. and Guerreo, J. (2020) ‘Design of impact attenuator
using alternative material’ Tecnura 25(67), 71-85. Available at:
Soundararajan, G. et al (2022) ‘Comparative analysis and testing of impact attenuator’
RMK College of Engineering, India
OASYS Primer handbooks

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