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Architectural Choreography:
Exploring Movement and Narrative through Daniel Libeskind's Jewish

Research Type:
Keywords: Movement, Architectural Choreography

In the dominion of space design, various fundamental features contribute to the creation
of meaningful environments, encircling aspects such as scale, proportion, and the
interplay between the built and the unbuilt. One particularly vital factor among these
traits is the parameter of movement. This parameter not only involves the physical act of
traversing through spaces but also encapsulates the user's experience during this journey,
thereby influencing the overall design.
Although buildings in architecture are stationary structures, there is a meaningful
correspondence between architecture and dance that sheds light on their relationship.
The research "Placing Space: Architecture, Action, Dimension" (Eisenach, 2008) explores
this connection through a collaborative workshop involving architecture and dance
students. In dance, performers express themselves through movements governed by
specific rules. Similarly, in architecture, observers need to move around to fully
experience and perceive the space. In this way, movement becomes essential for
understanding the forms and spaces that make up architecture, as emphasized in
"Architecture, Form, Space, and Order" (Ching, 2014). While dance relies on the dancer's
movements for expression, architecture relies on the observer's movements for a
complete understanding of its form and space.
While modern architecture was based upon the idea of “Form follows Function”, how the
aspect of movement through space and its experiential narratives are achieved can
become an important factor for one to understand. Being a postmodern building Jewish
Museum Berlin by Daniel Libeskind do walk on the lines of modernism.
 Placing Space: Architecture, Action, Dimension -
 Architecture, Form, Space, and Order" (Ching, 2014)

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