Glycemic Targets For The Optimal Treatment of GDM

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Volume 56, Number 4, 788–802

r 2013, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Glycemic Targets
for the Optimal
Treatment of GDM
Knoxville, Tennessee

Abstract: Lowering glucose is of pivotal importance in neuropathic complications with intensive

the treatment of diabetes in pregnancy. A spectrum of therapy.
different glucose thresholds can be established and
used appropriately to prevent each complication. This In nonpregnant diabetic women, the
article outlines the concept of normality and what goal of therapy is to reduce glycosolated
definition of normality should be used to evaluate the hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) to approxi-
relationship between the level of glycemia and peri- mately 6% to 7%. This is as close to
natal outcome. normal as possible representing normal
Key words: levels of glycemia, perinatal outcome,
diabetes in pregnancy fasting and postprandial glucose concen-
trations in the absence of hypoglycemia.
In diabetes in pregnancy, perhaps no
component of medical care is more im-
Introduction and Definition of portant to subsequent management than
identifying glycemic levels. Then, achiev-
Terms ing the targeted level of glycemic control
Glycemic control is fundamental to the will be pivotal in the treatment protocol
management of diabetes. Prospective, with proven beneficial effects in type 1,
randomized, clinical trials in type 1 diabetes type 2, and gestational diabetes (GDM).3
such as the Diabetes Control and Compli- The association between abnormal glu-
cations Trial (DCCT) have shown that cose and adverse pregnancy outcome has
improved glycemic control is associated become axiomatic. However, scant evi-
with sustained decreased rates of micro- dence on glucose data and pregnancy out-
vascular (retinopathy and nephropathy), come persists. From 1991 to 2010, there
macrovascular, and neuropathic complica- were approximately 10,300 English lan-
tions (DCCT).1 In type 2 diabetes, the UK guage academic citations on the topic of
Prospective Diabetes Study2 demonstrated diabetes in pregnancy. Of these, 76% were
significant reductions in microvascular and primarily editorials, letters, meta-anal-
Correspondence: Oded Langer, MD, PhD, 10334
ysis, practice guidelines, reviews, and con-
North River Trail, Knoxville, TN. E-mail: odlanger@ sensus development conferences and only 6% provided glycemic data on patients.
The author declares that there is nothing to disclose. However, even in these studies, the


788 |
Glycemic Targets 789

majority did not provide pregnancy out- condition is determined prospectively by

come based on having reached/or failed to subjective assignment rather than by
reach targeted glycemic levels, method of being based on a clinical demonstration
testing, etc. of true dysfunction. The normal Gaussian
In GDM, it has been established that distribution is often used to display boun-
there is a positive relationship between daries of isolated normality. For example,
levels of maternal glycemia and perinatal all large and small fetuses above the 90th
morbidity and mortality. Although the and below the 10th percentile are consid-
terms normal and abnormal seem to be ered abnormal regardless that many of
self-explanatory, the range suggested for them are constitutionally large or small.
the measurement of a specific medical In most medical facilities where pregnant
condition is often incompatible for the diabetic women are treated, the targeted
stated goals. As a result, there is a need level of glycemia is usually based on the
to establish thresholds or boundaries for upper limits of normal for pregnant non-
targeted glycemic levels appropriate to a diabetic populations. Therefore, using 2 SD
specific diabetic complication.4–6 above the mean (fasting plasma <100 mg/
There are 3 main categories to define dL and 2-h after meal <120 mg/dL) from
normal: isolated, correlated, and custom- scant data, became the targeted level for
ary normality.7,8 Correlated normality is glucose control. As a result, it is no surprise
defined as desired/undesired outcome. For that in some diabetic complications these
example, macrosomia versus normal-size thresholds are not adequate to optimize
fetus; hypertension versus normal blood pregnancy outcome.
pressure in pregnancy in which the thresh- The customary range of normal refers
old changes in association with the desired to the same spectrum of data from a single
outcome. The definition of what is normal variable (glucose) that requires different
using the concept of correlated normality is thresholds for different clinical phenom-
based on what the physician and/or the ena. In studying diabetes in pregnancy,
patient are willing to accept as ‘‘normal.’’ there is a need to establish thresholds or
Correlated normality is associated with an boundaries for each complication to co-
ideal or desired state of health. For exam- ordinate glycemic treatment and optimize
ple, if the desired outcome is a normal-size perinatal outcome using the concept of
fetus, a thorough investigation of all correlated normality (desired/undesired
known confounding variables must be outcome). For academic purposes, we
concurrently analyzed. Correlated normal- can compare these targeted boundary lev-
ity is the traditional method for making els to the glycemic profile of a nondiabetic
decisions about normal or abnormal woman with the intent of defining how
conditions. close or how far the targeted glycemic
In the definition of isolated normality, levels in the pregnant diabetic woman
normal is categorized as a univariate con- are from the normal glucose profile.9 We
cept, emerging from boundaries set on need to forgo such phrases as ‘‘tight gly-
values of the spectrum of a single variable cemic control,’’ ‘‘stringent glycemic con-
such as glucose values. Abnormality is trol,’’ ‘‘near normoglycemia,’’ and instead
then based on a statistical process such concentrate efforts to affirm the targeted
as >2 SD above a mean value for a levels of glycemic control that will address
population or mathematical methods correlated and customary normality for
such as the 95th percentile. Particularly different complications.
for laboratory tests, separation of normal The need to support the concept of
from abnormal is inevitably arbitrary. By customary normality in the treatment of
using the isolated approach, the rate of a diabetes in pregnancy requires that many
790 Langer

unresolved and minimally discussed is- did not improve glycemic control and preg-
sues be addressed: (1) definition and nancy outcome in women with pre-
methods to measure glycemia; (2) level GDM.17
of glycemia required to optimize maternal Some research reports data with glycosy-
and fetal outcome (as yet not established); lated hemoglobin. Here too, the lack of
(3) incorporation of testing frequency and standardization and consistency among lab-
glucose variability into treatment modal- oratories has produced results in multiple
ity; (4) determination of glycemic thresh- thresholds of normality. The slow kinetic of
old for obese/nonobese pregnant diabetic glycosolated hemoglobin accumulation and
women; and (5) confounding effects such physiological changes in erythrocyte forma-
as weight gain, gestational age at initia- tion during pregnancy mean that A1c is only
tion of treatment, and treatment modality a limited and retrospective predictor of
on pregnancy outcome. acute blood glucose changes. This may pro-
Several authoritative bodies have rec- vide an explanation for the poor pregnancy
ommended varying levels of glycemia that outcomes even in women with apparently
need to be targeted in diabetes in preg- well-controlled blood glucose.18–20 Patients
nancy. The source of these recommenda- with comparable mean glucose or HbA1c
tions utilized the concept of isolated values may have strikingly different daily
normality based on nondiabetic glucose glucose profiles (differences in number and
profiles.10–13 Moreover, adding to the lack duration of glucose excursions). Hypergly-
of uniformity, investigators have used cemia may induce oxidative stress and inter-
varying parameters when presenting level fere with normal endothelial function by
of glycemic control, that is, overall mean, overproduction of reactive oxygen species.
postprandial mean, glycemic variability, or This may contribute to diabetic complica-
HbA1c.13–15 The majority of studies does tions through several molecular mechanisms.
not distinguish between type 1, type 2, and Glucose variability may also influence these
GDM and does not refer specifically to functions.21,22 In pregnancy, studies found
outcome in obese and nonobese patients. weak or no correlation between glycosylated
There is a wide range of testing methods hemoglobin and mean, fasting, premeal, and
from venous blood tested weekly to daily after meal blood glucose values.23 On the
self-monitoring capillary blood glucose. basis of associations with adverse pregnancy
Two methods that measure glucose have outcomes, HbA1c measurement is not a
gained popularity, the older method of self- useful alternative to an oral glucose tolerance
monitoring and continuous glucose mon- test. Overall, the association was significantly
itoring. Continuous glucose monitoring in stronger with glucose measures than A1c for
pre-GDM (type 1 and type 2) reveals clear birth weight, skin fold, etc.24
differences in the level of glycemic control. Therefore, HbA1c does not reflect the
Women with type 2 diabetes spend approx- level of glycemia and should not be used
imately 33% less time hyperglycemic as a measure for quality of care in GDM.
throughout pregnancy than women with It has been suggested that HbA1c does
type 1 diabetes.16 In contrast, a recent not adequately represent the complexities
randomized study comparing these 2 meth- of glycemic control in women with type 1
ods in pregnancy revealed a similar rate of diabetes who are presumed to have
severe hypoglycemia (approximately 16%) achieved glycemic control in the first tri-
and prevalence of large-for-gestational-age mester of pregnancy.19,20 Again, although
infants (45% vs. 34%, P = 0.19). The use convenient and easy to use, HbA1c
of the more costly real-time continuous should not be used as an effective target
glucose monitoring compared with self- measure for current or prospective glyce-
monitored plasma glucose 7 times daily mic characteristics.
Glycemic Targets 791

Glucose Markers for the resistance that included fasting glucose,

Initiation of Pharmacological insulin, age, sex, and body mass index.
The results demonstrated that only fast-
Therapy ing insulin >10.6 mU/mL was a significant
The controversy that GDM is a clinical determinant for being insulin resistant.
entity has, in the past decade, been re- This elevated insulin level was associated
solved. As a result, there have been many with fasting plasma glucose (FPG)>97
publications of both retrospective and mg/dL in the majority of cases. These
randomized studies25–28 that demon- support the concept of FPG>95 mg/dL
strated that untreated GDM is clearly as a threshold for the initiation of phar-
associated with increased adverse out- macological therapy.36
come and that treatment will significantly It is impractical and not cost-effective
improve pregnancy results. Needless to to measure insulin sensitivity and secre-
say, described treatments demonstrated tion on every GDM patient. As a result, it
attempts to improve glycemic levels. Fur- is necessary to identify the glucose thresh-
thermore, it has been confirmed that olds that will require pharmacological
obese patients will benefit from pharma- therapy in addition to diet therapy. In
cological therapy29 and excess weight gain the past, FPGZ105 mg/dL and/or post-
in pregnancy is associated with increased prandial values of Z120 mg/dL37–40 were
adverse pregnancy outcome.30–32 the recommended criteria. In our studies,
To begin to establish the glucose we demonstrated that fasting plasma
thresholds required to maximize preg- thresholds of <95 mg/dL needs to be used
nancy outcome, a thorough understand- for insulin therapy initiation to overcome
ing of the pathophysiology of GDM abnormal physiology. Before a care pro-
patients is paramount. Pregnancy is char- vider decides on mode of treatment, diet
acterized by a hyperinsulinemic state and or pharmacological therapy, both gesta-
a decrease in insulin sensitivity. The in- tional age at initiation of treatment (to
ability of the target organ to respond to maximize the protective effect for the
the normal insulin pregnancy-induced fetus) and the relatively short time from
changes contributes to the cause of diagnosis to delivery (8 to 12 wk) needs to
GDM. A healthy b cell will have the be considered. This window of opportu-
ability to respond and secrete sufficient nity to alter the negative effects of the
insulin to offset insulin resistance; how- glucose abnormality is very narrow. Us-
ever, impaired b-cell secretion in conjunc- ing these assumptions, it was shown that
tion with insulin resistance results in diet therapy prolonged for more than 2
GDM. Diet and exercise regimens remain weeks is not beneficial.41
the foundation for both the prevention The Fourth International Workshop
and treatment of women with GDM. on Gestational Diabetes recommended
Studying insulin characteristics using the FPG>95 mg/dL and/or postprandial
minimal model33 revealed that a substan- plasma glucose >120 mg/dL during diet
tial number of affected patients, even after therapy as the criteria for insulin initia-
4 weeks of diet therapy, failed to improve tion.42–44 In addition, the American Col-
insulin secretion and sensitivity to insulin lege recognized that lowering the FPG for
to the levels of non-GDM women.34,35 insulin initiation results in a lower rate of
These patients require additional phar- macrosomia from GDM.45 In summary,
macological therapy to achieve the tar- the maternal glycemic profile as the cri-
geted level of glycemic control. teria for pharmacological therapy (insulin
Studies of hyperinsulinemic-euglyce- or glyburide) using FPGr95 mg/dL
mic clamps used a tree model for insulin should be used. It has been shown that
792 Langer

obese GDM women will significantly ben- diabetic program, perinatal mortality in
efit from pharmacological therapy.29,46 preexisting diabetes was higher than in the
GDM patients but with similar rates be-
tween type 1 (stillbirth: 12/1000; neonatal
Perinatal Mortality death: 8/1000) and type 2 diabetes (still-
Perinatal mortality remains the standard birth: 13/1000; neonatal death: 5/1000).
for assessing adverse outcome in preg- The higher rate of perinatal mortality in
nancy. However, the rate reported in the the preexisting diabetic patients is attribut-
literature can either be masked to over or able in part to the lower rate of those
under estimate the frequency. The rate is achieving targeted levels of glycemic control
mainly influenced by sample size in a and to the higher incidence of congenital
specific report; as a result, many of the malformations and vascular complications.
studies lack sufficient power. We need to This study demonstrated the relative pro-
not only separate perinatal mortality rates tective effect of controlling abnormal levels
into type 1 and type 2 diabetes from that of glycemia. Finally, Mondestin et al50 re-
of GDM but also deliberate on them ported a 2-fold to 4-fold higher risk for fetal
separately when providing information.47 death when comparing over 10 million non-
As congenital anomalies contribute to the diabetic to 271,000 diabetic patients (1995
overall perinatal mortality rate, it is im- to 1997) in the United States. The relative
perative to control for the effect of con- risk for fetal death increased significantly as
genital malformations when calculating fetal weight increased (from 2500 to
fetal and neonatal death rates. Karlsson >5000 g in 250 g increments).
and Kjellmer48 studied 179 women with In both GDM and type 2 diabetes, a
preexisting diabetes to evaluate the possi- ‘‘triad’’ effect occurs that includes the
ble relationship between the degree of relatively older pregnant mother in com-
glycemic control (expressed as the mean parison with the gravid nondiabetic pop-
daily blood glucose value) and perinatal ulation, the higher incidence of obesity,
mortality, not corrected for congenital and the presence of hypertension. To
anomalies. Patients were divided into 3 date, the increased rate of obesity and
mean blood glucose groups: <100, 100 to type 2 diabetes worldwide has contributed
150, and >150 mg/dL. Perinatal mortality to an increase in undiagnosed type 2
rates were 3.8%, 16%, and 24%, respec- diabetes in the GDM population which
tively. Although there is a continuous in- has negatively impacted perinatal out-
crease in perinatal mortality for the come in congenital anomaly and mortal-
threshold used in this study, it would have ity rates. O’Sullivan et al51 found that
been clinically appropriate to use the corre- women with GDM have more perinatal
lated normality definition to identify the losses than pregnant nondiabetic women
targeted threshold (<100 mg/dL) that (during the same time period), 64/1000
would have resulted in the lowest rate of versus 15/1000, respectively. Schmidt
perinatal mortality. Pettitt et al49 studied et al52 comparing GDM women to the
811 Pima Indian women and found a direct general population found a relative risk of
association between a 75 g 2-hour glucose 3.1 95% confidence interval 1.4-6.5 for
challenge test result in the third trimester perinatal death. We reported similar rates
and perinatal mortality. GDM patients had of perinatal mortality when we compared
perinatal mortality rates similar to those of intensified and conventional management
preexisting diabetic patients, 43 to 125/1000 approaches to GDM.3
versus 59/1000. The stillbirths in the GDM The data suggest that both gestational
group occurred mostly in large-for-gesta- and preexisting diabetes are associated
tional-age (LGA) fetuses (236/1000). In our with increased perinatal mortality when
Glycemic Targets 793

established levels of glycemia are not real- would be more accurate. The HbA1c
ized. Since a much higher rate of GDM threshold associated with spontaneous
patients can achieve and maintain the tar- abortion translates to mean blood glucose
geted level of control (over 80%), it is not ranges between 150 and 247 mg/dL. This
surprising that even in large scale studies, is an example of the clinical usefulness of
the perinatal mortality rates for pregesta- the definition of correlated normality that
tional and gestational women are not com- addresses desired outcome rather than a
parable. Although several factors may mathematical distribution used in iso-
influence perinatal mortality rates, it seems lated normality.
that a threshold of mean blood glucose
<110 mg/dL will be a major contributor
for the prevention of this complication. Congenital Anomalies
Congenital anomalies are the main cause
of fetal death in preexisting diabetes.
Spontaneous Abortion However, studies reporting preconcep-
Only in the case of complications related tion care including glucose control either
to organogenesis is glycosolated hemo- by self-monitoring blood glucose or
globin a useful index of glucose control HbA1c suggested a rate of anomalies in
and predictor for the risk of spontaneous preexisting diabetes similar to that of the
abortion and congenital anomalies. As general population.57–63 Therefore, if this
50% of the pregnancies are unplanned is the case, congenital anomalies in this
and the first pregnancy visit often occurs group of patients is no longer the main
anytime within the first trimester, a retro- cause of perinatal mortality. In contrast,
spective measure of the level of glycemic others have reported that overall, achiev-
control can provide a prognostic measure ing a rate of anomalies in preexisting
of quality control in counseling patients in diabetes comparable with that of nondia-
the first trimester regarding abortion risk betic subjects is an elusive task.47 They
and congenital anomalies. HbA1c pro- refer to the fact that only 40% to 60% of
vides levels of glycemia up to 10 to 12 these patients are below the threshold
weeks before the initial measurement. The required to prevent anomalies and 50%
association between HbA1c and mean of the pregnancies are unplanned and
blood glucose level can be calculated therefore recognized for the first time at
(mean blood glucose = %HbA1  33.3 – 6 to 8 weeks (almost beyond the organo-
86). For the sake of simplicity, any in- genesis period). Thus, although in small
crease or decrease of 1% HbA1c trans- sample size studies in centers of excellence
lates to approximately 30 mg/dL of mean the rate of anomalies can be significantly
blood glucose. In the studies reporting decreased when patients are provided
rates of spontaneous abortion53–56 the with preconception care, on a larger scale
mean HbA1c values averaged 10% to this is not the case.57–63
12% and represented 5 to 7 SD above The evaluation method of glycemic
the normal mean (mean <5%24). HbA1c control was either HbA1c, mean blood
thresholds for increased risk for abortion glucose, fasting blood glucose, mean pre-
in the above studies were far greater than meal, or mean postprandial depending
3 SD above the mean as the upper limits of upon the study.57–63 In the studies using
normal recommended by the ADA posi- HbA1c, the threshold ranged from 6 to
tion statement. This suggests that the true 9 SD above the mean which translates to
threshold to decrease the risk of abortion mean blood glucose between 150 and
is beyond the recommended 3 SD and 168 mg/dL. The studies using glucose
using the correlated normality definition profile (level of glycemia) to define the
794 Langer

TABLE 1. Glucose Thresholds and the Rate of Fetal Anomalies

Capillary Anomalies Capillary Blood
Blood Glucose (%) Glucose Anomalies
Fuhrman et al Mean <95 0.8 Mean >133 7.5%
(n = 292)
Schaefer-Graf et al63 Fasting <115 0.0 Fasting >141 One organ
(n = 44) Fasting >166 Multiple organ
Kitzmiller et al60 Fasting <120 1.2 Fasting >134 10.9%
(n = 84) After meal <143 After meal >163 7.0%
Jacobson and Cousins64 Mean <110 1.0 Mean >163
(n = 454) Fasting <120 Fasting >134
After meal <143 After meal >163

threshold for anomalies suggested FPG of gestational-age infants (<10th percentile)

<120 mg/dL, postprandial of <140 mg/ is also, by definition 10% based on
dL, preprandial <120 mg/dL, and overall growth standards for a given population
mean <110 mg/dL.58–63 In these studies as is the rate of macrosomia based on fetal
the preconception rate of anomalies was weight (Z4000 g; 8% to 10%). However,
1% to 1.5% and in patients above these this approach does not distinguish be-
thresholds, the rate ranged from 6% to tween fetuses having diabetic fetopathy
12%. These glucose profile thresholds and those who are large/small (constitu-
suggest that prevention of anomalies is tional) based on mathematical locations
attainable. The mathematical translation on the statistical curve yet not marked by
of these blood glucose levels into an diabetic fetopathy. In the past 3 decades,
HbA1c value will approximate 10%. Fur- the majority of studies reported rates of
thermore, the differences in the anomaly LGA and macrosomia of 10% to 20%
rate reported may be partially explained and 15% to 35%, respectively,64–68 in
by the relative small sample size and GDM and in type 1 and type 2
different blood glucose measurements diabetes.17,69,70
used (fasting, premeal, and after meal). Only a few studies reported rates of
It also supports the use of the concept of macrosomia and LGA similar to those in
correlated normality as the level of glyce- the general population after subjects
mia required for prevention is signifi- achieved the targeted levels of glycemic
cantly higher than the glycemic profile in control.3,71–74 Only stratification of pa-
nondiabetic patients. Thus, the threshold tients by level of glycemic control, that is,
for prevention can be achieved in approx- correlated normality, will enable the iden-
imately 80% of preexisting diabetic pa- tification of the glucose threshold associ-
tients (Table 1). ated with this complication. Landon et al74
reported an LGA rate of 9.3% with mean
blood glucose <110 mg/dL in 43 patients
with well-controlled type 1 diabetes. With
Deviant Fetal Growth: mean blood glucose levels >126 mg/dL in
Macrosomia and Growth- 32 patients, the LGA rate was 34%. Ro-
restricted Fetuses versi et al72 in 199 well-controlled subjects
In the general nondiabetic population, (verified mean blood glucose of 80 mg/dL)
using the concept of isolated normality, reported a 3.4% rate of macrosomia. We
the rate of LGA infants (>90th percentile) found a rate of LGA in preexisting diabetic
is 10%. Similarly, the rate of small-for- women comparable with the rate in the
Glycemic Targets 795

general population (10%) when the mean glycemic control exist for deviant fetal
self-monitoring blood glucose was 90 to growth. When the mean blood glucose
95 mg/dL.3,7 decreases below the lower boundary
The concept of correlated normality with (over-treating), the incidence of growth-
the support of other testing measures such as restricted infants increases significantly.
skin fold, C-peptide, fetal insulin, etc., will When blood glucose levels exceed the
maximize identification of the neonate af- upper limits (under-treated), the rate of
fected by diabetic fetopathy and will distin- LGA infants increased 2 to 3 fold. The
guish them from the constitutionally large/ threshold for the upper boundary, based
small-for-gestational-age fetuses. The ability on cluster analysis75,76 was Z105 mg/dL.
to detect a positive association or no rela- In a follow-up study, we identified a
tionship between neonatal size and level of threshold of <87 mg/dL associated with
maternal glycemic control will be affected by an increased risk for small for gestational
the inclusion/exclusion criteria for con- age and a threshold of Z105 mg/dL asso-
founding variables. Therefore, analysis of ciated with LGA. In a large-scale study of
the association between levels of glycemia over 2500 GDM women, these findings
and fetal macrosomia need to address vari- were reconfirmed. Using logistic regres-
ables such as (1) gestational age at the ini- sion analysis, we identified the risk factors
tiation of therapy (irreversible fetopathy); (2) for LGA and growth-restricted fetuses
threshold glucose values used to initiate spe- and the increased risk for deviant fetal
cific interventions; (3) method of intervention growth in relation to increase/decrease in
(diet/pharmacological); (4) glucose threshold level of glycemia3 (Fig. 1).
targeted to forestall complications; (5) On the basis of the current data, the
frequency and timing of blood glucose meas- threshold for the prevention of large in-
urements; (6) methods of glucose measure- fants is much lower than, for example, the
ment (self-monitoring blood glucose threshold for the prevention of congenital
technique, HbA1c, laboratory); and (7) ver- anomalies. The threshold for the preven-
ification of glucose data used in the studies. tion of LGA and fetal macrosomia ap-
In a series of studies on GDM women, pears to be at a mean blood glucose
we demonstrated that 2 boundaries of <100 mg/dL. Thus, it is not surprising

FIGURE 1. Incidence of small for gestational age/large-for-gestational-age in relation to mean

blood glucose categories.
796 Langer

that researchers report normal rate of contribute pitfalls to the rate of the fetal
congenital anomalies (mean blood glu- complication.77
cose <140 to 150 mg/dL) but with a high The thresholds recommended to pre-
rate of fetal LGA/macrosomia. Half of vent macrosomia will likewise be advis-
type 1 patients are beyond the range for able for metabolic complications that
prevention of fetal macrosomia; rates of include fetal hypoglycemia, polycythe-
15% to 30% are not unusual. In contrast, mia, hyperbilirubinemia, and hypocalce-
the mission to preclude macrosomia in mia. Jovanovic et al69 in a study of 52 type
GDM is an achievable one since the ma- 1 diabetic women who had achieved
jority of these patients can reach a glyce- the established glycosylated hemoglobin
mic profile below the threshold needed to levels reported the same incidence of
prevent macrosomia. Failure to achieve neonatal complications as those in the
this goal in GDM will be a result of lack of non–diabetic-matched control group.
control for confounding variables and Karlsson and Kjellmer48 demonstrated
failure in the management approach. In that when the mean blood glucose was
summary, a narrow threshold ranging <110 mg/dL, metabolic complications
between 87 and 105 mg/dL should be could be reduced to rates reported in the
targeted for the prevention of deviant nondiabetic population. Landon study74
fetal growth. demonstrated that well-controlled type 1
diabetic women (mean blood glucose
<110 mg/dL) had significantly less hypo-
Metabolic Complications glycemia and respiratory distress than
The abnormal maternal glucose level those of poorly controlled women. We
causes cellular hyperplasia and hypertro- found similar findings in 1145 GDM
phy of most fetal tissues resulting in fetal women3 as well as in preexisting diabe-
hyperinsulinemia. The consequence of tes.5,6 We demonstrated that with a
this abnormality is macrosomia, metabol- threshold of mean blood glucose
ic and respiratory complications, and <100 mg/dL, the metabolic complication
others. As the common denominator is rate is similar to that of the nondiabetic
maternal hyperglycemia and fetal hyper- population; a threshold beyond this level
insulinemia, it is reasonable to speculate increases the rate and the risks (Fig. 2).
that glycemic control on the maternal side
will positively influence the fetal side.
Socrates alleged that the beginning of Respiratory Complications
wisdom is the definition of terms. The rate There is a general agreement that fetal
of a given complication is ultimately af- lung maturation is delayed in the diabetic
fected by the definition of that condition. fetus most likely mediated by the fetal
The actual rate of a metabolic complica- hyperinsulinemia. Therefore, delayed
tion is based on the concept of correlated lung maturation, fetal macrosomia, and
normality; it is directly dependent on the metabolic complications have common
threshold selected for that complication. pathways. It is reasonable to assume that
For example, in the case of neonatal comparable thresholds of level of glyce-
hypoglycemia, different definitions are mia will be applicable to all to prevent
in use from the arbitrary subjective ad- these complications. Even when infants
ministration of IV glucose to the neonate were matched by gestational week of
with/without neonatal testing to different pregnancy, these infants of diabetic moth-
levels of glycemia ranging from 45 to ers were >20 times more likely to have
25 mg/dL. Moreover, the varying modes respiratory distress syndrome than an
of maternal glucose measurement infant from a normal pregnancy.78
Glycemic Targets 797

10 9.7


6 5.3


2 1.4 4.7
1 3.1
2.5 2.1
1 0.9
REF 96 105 114 123 132 >141

FIGURE 2. Odds ratio of metabolic complications in relation to mean blood glucose categories.
GDM indicates gestational diabetes; PGDM, preexisting diabetes.

A confounder that may contribute to the glycemic control, they are at a higher risk
dogma on the association between lung for developing fetal lung complications.
disease and diabetes is the fact that only a
few studies have distinguished between
preexisting and GDM patients. Moore,79 Preeclampsia
in a case controlled study reported that It has been well established that hyper-
fetal pulmonary maturation is delayed in tension tends to coexist with diabetes either
diabetic pregnancy by 1 to 1.5 weeks. preceding or being a complication of dia-
Several studies have reported a lack of betes. It is less clear if the hypertension
agreement between laboratory test results found in pregnancy is associated with pre-
and actual neonatal disease after deliv- eclampsia or with chronic hypertension.85
ery.80–84 We and others found in several Studies have demonstrated a linear rela-
studies that a glucose threshold Z105 mg/ tionship between progressive glucose intol-
dL results in immature lung test results in erance and blood pressure during the third
approximately 35% of patients but with trimester that occurred even with normo-
minimal neonatal lung disease.80–84 This tensive women.86 Furthermore, even with-
finding raises the question for the need to in the normal ranges of the glucose
perform amniocentesis lung testing at 37 to challenge test, there was a positive correla-
38 weeks gestation in diabetic patients. tion to preeclampsia. Women with GDM
Diabetic patients who achieve a level of were found to be at increased risk for
glucose control r105 mg/dL after the 37th hypertensive disorders.87,88
week of gestation are at the same risk for The risk factors for hypertension and
having abnormal lung testing results and diabetes tend to cluster together, and it
complications as the nondiabetic patients. has been suggested that hyperinsulinemia,
Similar findings were found by Landon a substitute measure of insulin resistance,
et al74 in type 1 patients. As type 1 patients might provide the pathophysiological
are less likely to achieve targeted levels of mechanism fundamental to these
798 Langer

observations. Some studies have indi- Glucose values are best described as a
cated that insulin levels are associated continuous variable. However, using the
with blood pressure and the incidence of combined concepts of customary and cor-
hypertension.89 Recently, it was shown related normality, it enables identification
that fasting insulin serum in young adults of different thresholds that need to be
was positively associated with incidence targeted to mitigate the effects of these
of hypertension in later life in normal and complications. The risk to the fetus in-
overweight women.90 creases in relation to the increased level of
Our group demonstrated the associa- maternal glycemia up to a level to which
tion between hyperinsulinemia and glucose toxicity reaches its maximum ef-
chronic hypertension in pregnancy.91 In fect. In the majority of cases, such as
another study of 1813 GDM women, us- macrosomia, metabolic and respiratory
ing a novel approach, we evaluated the complications, etc., the rate will generally
relationship between level of glycemic hover around 30% or 3-fold to 4-fold
control and the incidence of preeclamp- increased risk for a given complication.
sia.92 We found that the rate of pree- It is not possible to identify the exact
clampsia was 7.8% for patients with threshold of glycemia that will make an
FPG<105 mg/dL and 13.8% for patients absolute demarcation between the normal
with FPG>105 mg/dL. These results and the compromised fetus. However, it is
demonstrate a 2-fold increase for patients possible to identify a glucose threshold for
with more severe GDM. Moreover, for the majority of fetuses at risk. Although
the well-controlled patients (mean blood some high-risk and low-risk fetuses will be
glucose <95 mg/dL), similar rates of pre- missed at the outlying ends of the thresh-
eclampsia were found in all GDM severity old, the threshold provides a guideline for
groups. In contrast, in poorly controlled the practitioner to maximize the potential
patients, there was a 2.5-fold increase in for enhanced perinatal outcome (Fig. 3).
the rate of preeclampsia in the more severe Despite the common recommendations
GDM group (FPG>115 mg/dL). The of fixed criteria for glucose control, the
rate of preeclampsia is influenced by the reader needs to remember that achieving
severity of GDM and prepregnancy body different glucose thresholds will diminish
mass index. Optimizing glucose control the rates for different complications.
during pregnancy may decrease the rate of Therefore, any improvement in the abnor-
preeclampsia, even in those women with a mal diabetic profile in the patient will be
greater severity of GDM. beneficial. The threshold that will decrease
the rate of fetal anomalies will not decrease
the macrosomia rate. Understanding this
Summary concept explains several ‘‘paradoxes’’ in
As the whole is equal to the sum of its parts, the literature regarding infant morbidity
even when different parts contribute differ- of the diabetic mother and the lack of
ent weight, the management protocol for uniformity in study design that limits com-
the pregnant diabetic needs to be predi- parison. We need to concentrate efforts on
cated on the same foundation. Multiple rigorous studies and stop doing association
components comprise the diabetic whole, studies after an association has clearly been
that is, glucose measurement methodology, demonstrated. Academicians often like to
targeted thresholds, treatment modality, exploit problems by defining them simplis-
weight gain, and obesity. These factors tically while producing complex and nearly
are all confounding yet modifiable varia- impossible to understand treatment solu-
bles that can and must be addressed to tions. As practitioners we are engaged
maximize pregnancy outcome. in medical problem solving to identify
Glycemic Targets 799

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ison with DCCT and UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) nonpregnancy studies.

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