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The Rena_t5ance_l El_2abethan and Jacobean 0fasmenal__0mne Ataphys c _NJ _p

s;sts of t_o papers, designed to test a _rsthand and critical rea ding o f te xs pr_r i be _
enera_ study, and (bt A cr_xicat ane _ysis of UNSEEN oa5sages bot h in pr_e an d v e r s e,

_wen must be wrmen in Engl_sh)

_n0wledge of the foflo_ing _pits and movemen_ _
Neoc_a_icism,_ satire; The Romantic movement; The _ise of the NNel; me __0f ian Age_

_. wifliam shakespeare: Kin_ _ear and The Tem_eSt_

2. John Donne. The folto_ing poems:
-0eath be not proud;
_n his Mistress gaing to bed;
3. l_hn Milton: Paradise Lo_, I, Il, IV, fX,
4. A_exander pope. me Rape of the Lock.
5. _jlljam Words_orth. The folto_ing poemS:
- ode on tntjmations af lmmortatiy.
- Th ree yea rs she grew.
-she dwelt among untrodden myS.
- Resolution and lndependence.
- me VVorld i5 too much with Ut.
- mi_t0n, thou shouldst be Iiving at this hour,
- u_n _e_min_er Bridge.
6. Al_d Tennyson: In MemOriam.
7. _enrik tbsen: A Dotl's H0ui

_. Jonat_an s%ift, tul1ivefs Travels,

2. Jane Austen. _ride and Prejudice.

3. HenN fieldin_, Tom Jones.

4. Chartes Dickens. Hard _mes.
5. _eorge Eliot. The Mill an the floss-
6. Th0mas Hardy. Tess of the d'Urbervilles.
7, MarkTwain. The ndventures of HuckteberN finn.

PAPE_ f_
(A_en mu_ be written in English)
Tens for detailed study are ll_ted below. Candidates will also be mqu_red to _how adequaie_
knowledge of the folIowing _plc_ and movements:
Modernism; Paets of the mirties; The streamof- con_iousness Novel; Absurd 0rama; Colonialism and
_a5t-Colonialism; IndIan _ritinB in Engli5h; Ma_i_, Psvchoana1yticat and Feminist approaches to
litereture; Po5t- Moderni5m.
1. WIlliam Butler Yeats. The follo1ving paems:
- Easter 1916.
-The_cond Coming-
- A P_yer for my daughter.
- Sailing to By2antium.
- AmonB _hool Children.
- Led__ and the S_an.
- LapisLa2uli.
-The SecondCom1ng.
2. T.S. Eliot. me fo1lowing poems ;
-The Love Song of J. A1fred Prufrock,
-JoumeyoftheMa_i. -
- BurntNorton.
3. _._. Auden. The foIlowing poems:
- Musee des Beaux Arts
- _n MemoN of_.B. Yeats
- lay your sleeping head, my love
- The Un4nown C1tizen

-Mundus Et Infans
- me Shield of AchilIes
-September 1, 1939
Q. John Osborne: Laak Back in Anger.
S. Samuet Beckett. Wa_ine for G0dat.
6. Phitip Larkin- The following poems:
-Mr. Bteaney
7. A.K. Ramanujan. me hllowinB poems:
- Looking for a Cousin on a S_ing
-A River
-OfMothen, among 0therThin Bs
- Love Poe m f0r a Wife _
-Smatl-Scale Reflections on a _reat _OUSe
A_f these poems afe ayailable jn the antho1o&r Ten Twentieth Centuy lndian Poets, edited
by R. pa__a__hy, published by Oxford Universiy Press, New De_hi).
_ctian B
1. tose_h Connd. Lord Jim.
2. James Joyce. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
3, D._. lawrence. Sons and loven.
4. E.m. Forster. A Pas5age to lndia,
5. vj_inia Woolf. Mrs. 0al1o_ay.
6. Raja _ao. KanthapUra.
7. v.S. Naipaul. A House for Mr. BiSWaS.


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