Planning Brief Planning Brief Project Name: Medium/format

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Planning Brief Planning Brief Project name: Medium/format Length Deadline Group Members Brief overview of content (approx

50 words) Unit G321 Opening sequence of your chosen genre, in this case it will be an opening of a of Thriller Two minute maximum duration December 2011 Sharna Mandil, Carl Caperina, Ian Bukenya A schoolboy wakes up to find himself in a deserted bathroom, his vision blurred he looks upwards to see a shadow of a ghostly figure above him. Slowly as he starts to come round, and his vision restores, the ghostly figure is no longer there. He gets up and starts to hear bizarre noises, including whispering of his name, and creaking of the bathroom toilet door. He looks into the mirror and sees a ghostly figure behind him, he quickly turns around but nobody is no longer present. He tries to open the door but it is locked, so there is no escape. He gets on the floor and looks under the toilet cubicles to see if anybody is there and sees a pair of feet under one cubicle, scared by this he quickly gets up and kicks the door open to see nobody in there. He turns around quickly, and the ghostly figure is right behind him and says 'I told you I'd find you', and the film rewinds to '24 hours earlier'. 15+ (15-35), mixed gender as the genre appeals to both gender.

Target audience

Possible scheduling/publishing suggestions: What comparable products have you researched?

Showed on television on films such as Film4, or Sky Thriller, as many people watch these channels, and Film4 show many Thriller films. We have researched into the franchise of Saw, and the Thriller The Grudge.

What is the rationale behind this text?

What representations will be operating in your text? Are these justified? How will you test whether the product is successful? How will you check that it accomplishes the intended effect? What generic codes and conventions will be operating in your text?

We researched into the franchise of Saw, as it is a psychological Thriller and has a similar story line to our opening sequence. And also we researched into the film The Grudge, as the antagonist character, is very similar to our antagonist character in our opening sequence, as the character in our film is a ghostly chilling young girl, as is the girl in The Grudge which is where we got our initial idea for our character from. This will provide a frightening, mixed-pace atmosphere for our target audience. A young chilling looking girl, brings a sense of fright and suspense to the audience, who s the dark antagonist. We will create questionnaires before and after production, which we will give to our target audience to fill out. We will be using noises such as, creaking of doors and whispering to create a tense atmosphere, something that is usually done in Thriller films. We will also be using an antagonist and a protagonist, another convention Thrillers use, to create a good and bad characters. There will also be tension in the atmosphere, and it will be mixed paced, so some of the sequence will be fast-paced and some bits slow, something a Thriller does to create suspense in the atmosphere. The message in our production, goes with our film title The Unexpected. The message we are trying to portray is that we should always expect the unexpected, and that anything could happen regardless of where you are and what the situation is. We have gone against the typical stereotype of a Thriller, and use the woman as the dominant character rather than the male. We did this because it makes our opening sequence more interesting as we havent gone with the typical stereotype, and brought a bit more diversity to our production.

What is the overt (obvious) message incorporated into the text?

Are there any hidden messages incorporated into the texts?

Identify any resource constraints (time, money, equipment, human resources) that might affect your production and your hopes for your product

Time: we may only have a short time in which we can film our opening sequence Money: for our production we may need to buy our character some costumes, and face paint to make our character look more scary and to fit the actual part.

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