Classwork 3

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1. Steven Llumigusin
2. Isabela Olmedo

1. Answer the following questions. Use noun phrases with relative clauses in
your answers. IN THE 2 FORMS, TOTAL 10 SENTENCES (10 points)
Example: If you had to give a speech, what is something you would be worried about?
Something I would be worried about is making mistakes in front of
a. If you could live in a foreign country, what country would you like to
live in and why?
One place that I would like to live is USA, because l could meet new people while I
walking down the street.
USA is One place that I would like to live, because l could meet new people while I
walking down the street.
b. Who is the person you would most like to go abroad with and why?
Someone who I would like to go abroad is my mom. I feel safe when I’m with her
exploring new places.
My mom is Someone who I would like to go abroad. I feel safe when I’m with her
exploring new places.
c. What is something you would never travel without and why?
The thing that I would never travel without is my face creams. Without them I feel
like I’m aging faster.
My face creams is the thing that I would never travel without. Without them I feel
like I’m aging faster.
d. If you lived abroad, what would you miss most about your home
country and why?
One thing that I’d miss the most is my mom’s food.
My mom’s food is one thing that I’d miss the most.
e. If you were in another country, how would you make friends?
Something I’d be nervous about is stuttering in front of other people.

Stuttering in front of other people is something I’d be nervous.

2. Write sentences. Use the structures in the box and your own ideas. TOTAL
10 SENTENCES (10 points total)
a. Write 3 sentences with when and if clauses about customs (in other
countries) that are different from the ones in Ecuador. (It’s OK if the
information isn’t completely “true”.)
b. Then write 3 sentences with when and if clauses using the same
information, but about Ecuador. TOTAL 10 SENTENCES

it is/not the custom you are/not expected

you are/not supposed it is/not acceptable

a. In France, it is the custom to kiss on both cheeks when you meet someone you
b. In Ecuador, it is the custom to kiss one cheek when you meet someone you know.

When you visit Egypt, you are not supposed to offer to pay for your dinner of the
person you invited.
If you visit Indonesia, it is not acceptable to wear short and t-shirt to go to a
When you visit Japan, you are not supposed to kiss your friends.
If you visit Spain, you expected to arrive a few minutes late for diner.
When you visit United States, is the custom to leave a tip of 15-20 percent in
When you visit Ecuador, you are not supposed to offer to pay for your dinner of the
person you invited.
If you visit Ecuador, are not expected to wear short and t-shirt to go to a temple.
When you visit Ecuador, it is the custom to kiss your friends.
If you visit Ecuador, it is the custom to arrive a few minutes late for diner.
When you visit Ecuador, are not expected to leave a tip of 15-20 percent in
3. Imagine you are on a bus and you see some problems. Write 3 sentences
describing problems with past participles as adjectives, and 2 sentences
describing problems using nouns. TOTAL 5 SENTENCES (10 points)
Example: The window is chipped. It has scratches on it, too.
The lady’s pants have a tear in it.
The street has a small crack.
The car engine has leak.
There is a dent in the car.
The park chairs are splintered.
4. Imagine you bought a laptop, a cell phone, printer, tablet, stove,
refrigerator, TV set, washing machine, microwave oven, etc, at the store.
However, each of the items has problems, and now you want to return them.
Write the conversation you and a salesperson have when you go back to the
store to return the items. Describe TWO different problems for each item.
TOTAL 10 SENTENCES (10 points)
● Keep and need + gerund
● Need + passive infinitive
Example: Salesperson: Can I help you?
You: Yes, please. This hair dryer needs to be fixed. It keeps
overheating. ...
You: Hi, yesterday I bought some devices and they came with some problems.

Salesperson: Good afternoon, what are the problems?

You: well…. The computer keeps crashing, it needs to be restored and the computer
keeps dying, it needs to be checked the charger, also my cell phone screen keeps
freezing, it needs to be changed and before I forget, the cell phone buttons keep
sticking, they need to be checked.
Salesperson: Those are the only problems you encountered?
You: Of course not, I can't use the printer because the paper of a printer keeps
jumping, the devices need to be revised and another problem about the printer is
keeps sticking the buttons so they need to be fixed.

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