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Renewable Energy 83 (2015) 1279e1286

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Thermal performance evaluation of solar water heating systems in

Australia, Taiwan and Japan e A comparative review
E. Halawa a, *, K.C. Chang b, M. Yoshinaga c
Centre for Renewable Energy (CRE), Research Institute for the Livelihoods and Environments (RIEL), Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT, Australia
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The need for domestic hot water in regions with cool climate represents a significant proportion of
Received 20 December 2014 domestic energy consumption. The steady increase in the electricity costs and environmental concern
Accepted 8 April 2015 from use of fossil-based fuel raises the interest in the search for alternative energy sources. In the case of
Available online 29 April 2015
domestic hot water provision, many governments have initiated a gradual switch to more environ-
mentally friendly systems powered by renewable energy such as solar. Solar water heating (SWH) is a
mature technology and is gaining popularity in many countries with increasing number of affluent
Solar industry
population in society. The increasing adoption of these systems and technologies is a welcome devel-
Solar water heating systems
Thermal performance rating
opment; however the robust methods of assessment of their thermal performances are required. This
Subsidies paper presents a comparative study of the methods of evaluation of SWH systems' thermal performance
Renewable energy certificates in three countries with increasing hot water systems penetration: Australia, Taiwan and Japan. The aim of
this comparative study is to discuss merits and weaknesses of each approach and to explore possible
common approach that will improve the existing methodologies.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction significant energy saving of electrical water heater but this benefit
would be significantly reduced if the system they replace are
While energy efficiency has played a significant role in curbing powered by natural gas. The same study showed that steel and
energy consumption in many countries over the last 3 e 4 decades copper used in making the SWH systems “have the major contri-
[1e3], ever increasing activities in all sectors and inevitable bution on the environmental impacts [[9], p. 1288]. A study carried
depletion of fossil-based fuel resources make it necessary to find out by Kalogirou [10] revealed that the energy saving of about 79%
alternative resources. The pairing of energy efficiency and renew- can be attained from installing thermosyphon SHW systems which
able energy in meeting future energy demands has been hailed as translates to a monetary payback period of 2.7 years. Furthermore,
the most promising pathway for energy sustainability [4]. the study showed that energy used for the systems fabrication and
A number of studies have carried out the technical, economic, installation could be recovered within 13 months of the system
environmental and life cycle analyses of SWH systems. The work of operation. A study on 30 years (1978e2007) use of domestic SWH
Morrison and his co-workers (e.g. Refs. [5e8]) dealt mainly with systems in Greece [11] demonstrated the significant energy saving
the research on characterisation and development of various types and greenhouse gas emission reduction due to installation of those
of SWH systems, the results of which have made their way into systems.
relevant Australian (and New Zealand) standards. Tsilingiridis et al. In Australia, domestic hot water consumption represents about
[9] carried out life cycle environmental analysis of a thermosyphon a quarter of the total energy consumption in residential sector [12].
SWH system and found that domestic SHW systems can make In 2011 more than half (52%) of hot water systems were electric and
36% were run by mains gas [13]. SWH systems share is still rela-
tively small at about 8%, despite a twofold increase from 2005
figure of 4% [14]. The 2010e2011 energy consumption figures show
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ61 8 8946 6249; fax: þ61 8 8946 7720. that solar hot water systems contributed 11 PJ to Australia's energy
E-mail addresses:,
production which accounted for 4.23% of total renewable energy
(E. Halawa).
0960-1481/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1280 E. Halawa et al. / Renewable Energy 83 (2015) 1279e1286

production. This is an almost twofold increase from the 2006e2007

of 6 PJ. Based on the latest figures released in September 2014, the
total number of SWH systems and air source heat pumps installed
in Australia within the period 2001e2014 are 881 872; of which
54 938 units were installed in 2014 [15], as shown in Fig. 1. As seen,
the number of units installed peaked at 2009 coinciding with the
Australian government introduction of Solar Hot Water Rebate for
the systems “installed on or after 3 February 2009 until 30 June
2012” [16]. A recent study projected that total installation of SWH
systems in 2014 would reach 30 520 units and would rise to 43 141
in 2016, a significant increase ‘driven by rebate to be made available
under the “One million solar roofs” program’ [17].
The prospect for more efficient and more environmentally
friendly forms of water heating systems (including solar hot water
systems) was boosted by the introduction of Australian (federal,
state/territory) governments' initiative to phase out greenhouse
intensive (electric) hot water system starting from 1 January 2010
[18]. Following this, all new Class 1 buildings in all states (except
Northern Territory, Queensland and Tasmania) have restricted the
installation of greenhouse gas (GHG) intensive hot water systems
Fig. 2. SAsc in Taiwan, 1982e2013.
Taiwan is an isolated island and depends exclusively on im-
ported fossil fuels to fulfill its energy needs. In 2012, the total do- (2000e2013) is approximately 1.5 million m2. A remarkable in-
mestic energy consumption was 100,383  103 metric ton of oil crease in installation of SWH resulted in a price reduction in the
equivalent, in which the energy use in the industrial and residential first four years. However, the price has changed little in recent
sectors accounted for 38.2% and 10.9%, respectively [20]. Moreover, years. In terms of sale price of solar collectors for SWH, the current
utilization of renewable energy sources is critical for future socio- cost is approximately 10 500 NTD/m2 (Chang et al.,20141). A direct
economic development. The Renewable Energy Development Bill subsidy of 2 250 NTD/m2, based on the area of solar collectors
was promulgated in 2010 by the government of Taiwan. The total installed (ASC), is granted to the end user who purchases a certified
capacity for power generation by renewable energy was SWH with glazed flat-plate or evacuated-tube type solar collectors.
3696.7 MW in 2012, including conventional hydropower The subsidy is 1500 NTD/m2 for unglazed flat-plate solar collectors.
(2081.3 MW), wind power (571 MW), solar photovoltaic It has also been noted that the noticeable increase in the sales of
(222.4 MW), and biomass (822 MW). The accumulated area of solar SWH systems in 2010 was attributed to additional regional subsidy
collectors for SWH systems installed in Taiwan reached 2.27 million programs by few local governments [23]. However, it is considered
m2 [21]. The renewable energy accounted for 1.89% of the total that the financial incentive might only be remarkably effective at
energy production [20]. the initial stage of each subsidy program [23]. Nevertheless,
Taiwan, straddling the Tropic of Cancer, is situated between dissemination of SWH systems represents the most successful story
latitudes 22 and 25 N. Insolation ranges between 1 200 and 1 700 of utilization of renewable energy in Taiwan.
kWh/m2/year. Solar thermal system has potential to help reduce Japan is one among 12 countries in the world with significant
domestic energy consumption of LPG, natural gas and electricity. capacity of SWH systems in operation by the end of 2011 with 1.5%
The area of solar collectors installed per annum (SASC) in Taiwan is share of the world's total capacity of 223 GWth [24]. However most
shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen that the installed area of SWHs was of these systems were installed in 1970e80s and the number of
quite limited (SASC < 10 000 m2) until the mid 1980s. The signifi- new installation has continuously dropped, as shown in Fig. 3.
cant increase in SASC after 1986 was due to the first subsidy pro- The history of use of solar-powered hot water systems in Japan
gram (1986e1991). The second subsidy program was initiated in perhaps can be traced back to the work of Ei-ichi Okamodo who
2000 [22]. The accumulated area of solar collector installed founded Chiryu Heater in 1944, a solar thermal company that “has
relentlessly produced collectors and tanks since 1957” [26].
Japan's Solar Energy Utilization and Promotion Forum (SEUPF)
was established in 2009. The Forum set up 5 working groups,
namely on: (1) Promotion Policies, (2) Housing Technologies, (3)
Standardization, (4) Design, and (5) Commercial Technologies. The
Housing Technologies Working Group is tasked to establish the
methodology for rating the solar domestic hot water systems in
Japan [27]. The work on systems rating was envisioned as a means
of stimulating the market.
This paper presents a comparative study of methods for evalu-
ating the thermal performance of SWH systems in Australia, Taiwan
and Japan. The main objectives of the SWH systems rating are to (1)
help consumers in making appropriate decision in choosing the
appropriate systems, (2) verify the claimed energy performance
and greenhouse gas offsets of the system, (3) provide basis for

Fig. 1. Number of SWH and air source heat pump systems installation in Australia,
2001e2014 [15]. 1 USD z30 NTD.
E. Halawa et al. / Renewable Energy 83 (2015) 1279e1286 1281

In New South Wales (NSW), the State Government financial

incentive3 for solar or heat pump hot water systems or for gas hot
water systems ended in 30 June 2011 [35]. Similarly, the Queens-
land government solar hot water rebate scheme which commenced
in 1 July 2010 ceased in June 2012 [36].

2.1.1. The methodology

The existence of various renewable energy incentives at both
federal and state/territory levels as mentioned above has created
some variation on energy performance evaluation of the SWH
systems for the purpose of determining the various financial
Despite these minor differences, the methodology is based on “a
combination of test results for component performance and a math-
ematical model to determine the standardized annual purchased en-
ergy use” [37]. In this approach, the actual thermal performance of
the main components of a SWH system (solar collector, tank and
Fig. 3. Number of SWH systems installation in Japan, 1975e2013 [25]. pump) is tested using a standardized method in laboratory or test
field while the overall system performance is assessed using rating
software developed for that purpose [38].
comparison of greenhouse impact of all forms of water heating Three related standard are used for thermal performance eval-
appliances, and (4) provide the reference for supporting program uation of SWH systems in Australia, namely: AS/ANZ 2535.1:2007
such as subsidy or rebate schemes [28]. [39], AS/NZS 4234:2008 [36] and AS 3498:2009 [40]. The former is
used to evaluate the thermal performance of glazed liquid collec-
2. Assessment methodologies tors including the pressure drop whilst the second for calculating
the energy consumption. The AS 3498:2009 [41] concerns the re-
There are a number of existing standards that have been quirements for plumbing products including requirements for
developed for evaluating the thermal performance of solar collec- compliance with the legionella control. The AS/ANZ 2535.1:2007
tors. Based on the classification made in a review paper on the test [39] is part of ISO 9806 [41], an international standard that evalu-
standards for SWHs [29], the test standards can be split into two ates durability, reliability and safety as well as the thermal perfor-
principal groups based on their approaches. One is stationary mance of fluid heating conditions under steady-state and quasi-
methods specifying that the test should be carried out for a number steady-state collector. Like ISO 9806 [41], AS/ANZ 2535.1:2007
of hours which satisfy certain basic weather conditions. These [39] is not intended to cover the integrated collector storage solar
methods can be applicable to either thermosyphon or forced-flow water heating systems4
type of SWHs. The other is dynamic methods which have been
developed in order to minimize test duration and carry out tests 2.1.2. Overview of the AS/ANZ 2535.1:2007 Procedure5e7
under any weather conditions. These existing test standards can be The Standard details the procedure for steady-state efficiency
further grouped as indoor and outdoor methods. The indoor testing testing outdoor or indoor using a solar simulator. Whichever
under a solar simulator provides an ideal facility for controlling method is used, the aim of the test is to obtain the coefficients of
various environmental parameters independently, but its testing the collector characteristic equation which is normally expressed in
cost is more expensive as compared to the equivalent outdoor a quadratic form:
testing. Further, the realistic simulation of actual outdoor sky
conditions, such as the diffuse fraction of insolation, is difficult to be DT ðDTÞ2
hcoll ¼ c0  c1  c2 ; (1)
realized in the indoor testing. Thus, outdoor testing is usually G G
preferred. This includes the ISO Standard 9806e1:1995 [30] and the
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 93:2003 [31]. which applies to flat plate collector whose heat lose coefficient is
temperature dependent., or quadratic form:

2.1. Australia 4 4
DT T  Ta
hcoll ¼ c0  c1  c2 ; (2)
There has been some interesting development recently with G G
termination and changes of some of the incentive schemes nor- for evacuated tubular collectors.
mally offered to people who purchase SHW systems. At federal In the above equations:
level, the previous incentive scheme in the form of renewable en-
ergy certificates (RECs) for small scale renewable systems is now
available as small scale technology certificates (STCs).2 However, at 3
The incentive came under NSW Home Saver Rebates Program (formerly the
state/territory level, most of the incentive schemes have now been Residential Rebates Program).
terminated. For example, Victoria solar hot water rebate was closed 4
These systems combine the function of heat collection and storage; as such
in May 2013, although the other incentive, the Victorian Energy individual assessment of each function cannot be carried out.
Efficiency Certificates (VEECs) - known as the Energy Saver Incen- The discussion is focussed on the thermal performance evaluation aspect
covered in the Standard.
tive e is still offered [33] but will be closed at the end of 2015 [34]. 6
Although the Standards discussed in this Section apply to both Australia and
New Zealand, the discussion is focused for Australia solar hot water systems.
Variations to the ISO 9806:1 take into account specific conditions which apply
The Certificate was introduced in 2001 as the Renewable Energy Certificate to which Australia (and New Zealand). These include additional test requirements
(REC) created under the Commonwealth Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 for outdoor steady-state efficiency test which sets operating ranges for efficiency
[32]. testing. This is detailed in Annex ZB of the Standard [39].
1282 E. Halawa et al. / Renewable Energy 83 (2015) 1279e1286

hcoll ¼ collector efficiency, percent reference of electric and gas water heaters and annual purchased
c0 ¼ maximum (intercept) efficiency energy consumption of various reference water heaters.
¼FR(ta) Electric boost availability times for electric boosted systems are
c1 ¼ negative of the slope of the efficiency curve, kJ/(hr.m2K) classified as: continuous supply, night rate, extended off-peak, and
c2 ¼ negative of the second order efficiency coefficient, kJ/ locally controlled supply.
(hr.m2-K2) To account for the impact of climate on the water heating, the
DT ¼ collector temperature difference, either (Tcin  Ta) or Standard introduces 4 zones where the typical meteorological year
(Tm  Ta), K (TMY) climate data for Rockhampton, Alice Springs, Sydney and
Tcin ¼ collector fluid inlet temperature,  C Melbourne represent data for zones 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Based
Ta ¼ ambient temperature,  C on this zoning, peak daily thermal energy loads (in MJ/d) for large,
Tm ¼ 0.5 * (Tcin þ Tcout), K medium and small systems are set. The Standard also sets daily and
FR ¼ collector heat removal factor, fraction seasonal (monthly) load profiles which are the same for all zones.
(ta)n ¼ transmittance-absorptance product at normal incidence, Different monthly cold water inlet temperature profiles are estab-
fraction. lished for each of the 4 climatic zones.
I ¼ solar irradiance on the collector surface, kJ/hr-m2.
2.1.4. Tanks and plumbing
As seen, the calculation of the collector characteristic equation Storage tank. The thermal performance of the storage tank
coefficients requires the measurements of fluid inlet and outlet depends on the tank dimension and material of tank wall and tank
temperatures (Tcin and Tcout), ambient temperature (Ta) and solar insulation. The most important parameter is the tank standing heat
irradiance (I) on the collector surface at the constant fluid mass loss, taken as the minimum energy performance requirement of the
flow rate. Standard AS/NZS 4692.1 [42].
The thermal performance of the solar collector is affected by
collector materials (through (ta) product), insulation, collector Pump. For a forced circulation SWH system a pump is
orientation and slope and the environment (wind, dust, etc.). required to recirculate the water between the collector and the

2.2. Taiwan
2.1.3. Overview of the AS/ANZ 4234:2008 procedure
The Standard uses the combination of test results and computer
In Taiwan, certifications of a SWH or a solar collector which is
modeling to assess the annual energy performance of water
the major component of a SWH, in which the standards have been
heaters. For solar and heat pump waters heaters, the Standard
enforced by the government since the first subsidy program in
provides the procedure for calculating the energy displaced by
1986, are required when filing for a rebate.
those systems compared to the reference water heaters. This is
required in the calculation of small scale technology certificates
2.2.1. The methodology
(STCs) of these systems.
There are two rating methodologies that have been introduced
The fraction of energy savings is defined as:
at national level to target the certified products of SWHs for the
subsidy programs. For thermal performance test of a solar collector,
ðBr  ðBs þ Be ÞÞ
fR ¼ ; (3) the Chinese National Standards CNS 15165-1-K8031-1 [43] is in full
compliance with an international standard of ISO 9806-1, while
CNS 12558-B7277 [44] is applicable to the thermal performance
test of a SWH. Both standards specify outdoor test methods, con-
ditions and apparatus for determining the stationary thermal
Br ¼ annual purchased energy use of the reference water heater
using the same fuel type and supplying the same load in the
same zone,
2.2.2. Overview of the CNS 15165-1-K8031-1
Bs ¼ annual supplementary energy use for the system being
CNS 15165-1-K8031-1 [43] is employed to determine the ther-
mal performance of solar collectors under the conditions of the
Be ¼ annual electrical energy used by auxiliary equipment for
outdoor insolation being more than 800 W/m2 and the wind speed
the system being rated
falling within 2e4 m/s Table 1 summarizes the evolution of the
certified standards for solar collectors in Taiwan. Here FR(ta) and
In Equation (3), the numerator is equivalent annual displaced
FRUL are the intercept (maximum efficiency) and negative of the
energy (DE) for the system. For gas boosted systems, DE is evalu-
slope of collector efficiency curve (heat loss), respectively. In
ated as follows:
Taiwan, the metal type solar collector is usually a stainless or
h  h i copper flat plate with selective coating on it while there is no glass
DE ¼ Br  Bg þ Be (4) cover for the unglazed type collector. It is noticed from Table 1 that
the levels of standards were raised by year in the first subsidy
where href is the reference gas water heater thermal efficiency, set program (1986e1991), while remain unchanged in the present
as 78.8%. (second) subsidy program (since 2000).
The Standard also mandates the use of TRNSYS simulation
package to calculate the energy consumption of the systems. 2.2.3. Overview of the CNS 12558-B7277
The calculation of fR is based on the standard operating condi- The thermal efficiency of a SWH is defined as the ratio of useful
tions for Australia's domestic water heating. The standard oper- heat absorbed by a SWH system to incoming solar energy on solar
ating conditions specified include: electric boost availability times, collectors [44]. The test conditions of [44] specify the daily inso-
solar collector inclination and orientation, climatic zones, hot water lation per square meter (7 MJ/m2), the average wind speed (<4 m/
thermal energy loads, temperature of cold water inlet, load s), fluid initial temperature Ti, and ambient air temperature Ta. Note
E. Halawa et al. / Renewable Energy 83 (2015) 1279e1286 1283

Table 1
Evolution of the standards of flat-plate or evacuated-tube solar collectors in Taiwan.

Metal type Non-metal type Unglazed type

FR(ta) F RU L FR(ta) F RU L FR(ta) F RU L

First subsidy program 1986 0.65 12.0

1987 0.68 10.0 0.50 10.0 0.75 25
1988 0.72 8.0 0.60 8.0 0.80 22
1989e1991 0.75 7.0 0.65 7.5 0.85 20
Current program 2000epresent 0.75 7.0 0.65 7.5 0.85 20

that the ratio of volume of storage tank to solar collector area 2.3.2. Assessment
typically ranges from 50 to 80 L/m2. The thermal efficiency is For the system performance evaluation, the values of the
calculated using the following formula. following quantities are required: solar energy collected, the elec-
 . tricity used to drive the pump, the amount of auxiliary energy

h ¼ MCP Tf  Ti Ag G (5) input, and the primary energy use.
The system coefficient of performance (SCOP) is a performance
where: index often used for the primary-based energy efficiency of Heating,
Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) or water heating systems in
Cp: specific heat, MJ/(kg  C) Japan and is defined as:
Ti: initial temperature in the hot water storage tank,  C
Q load
Tf: final temperature in the hot water storage tank,  C SCOP ¼   (6)
45000Gb þ 9:76 Eb þ Ep
Ag: effective area of solar collector, m2
G: daily insolation per square meter, MJ/m2
A certified SWH must possess the quality of h  0.5 when filing
QLoad: actual total hot water load in the period [kJ]
for a rebate. Further discussion on [44] can be found in the study of
Gb: Gas energy use for a boiler in the period [m3]
Joshi et al. [29].
Eb: Electrical use for a boiler in the period [Wh],
Ep: Electrical use for a collector pump in the period [Wh]
2.3. Japan
For the proposed methodology, the mains water temperatures
2.3.1. The evaluation program for the three representative periods of winter, summer and fall are
Japan is currently developing the methodology for evaluating 12.4  C, 24.8  C and 17.2  C, respectively. The hot water draw off
the performance of SWH systems, the task of which is assigned to temperatures are set to 37.6  C, 38.4  C and 37.8  C for respective
Housing Technologies working group of the Solar Energy Utiliza- representative periods. Hot water flow rate is set to the modified
tion and Promotion Forum (SEUPF) [27]. Japan is adopting deeming M1-mode to satisfy the hot water requirements of 4 people. The
assessment approach which has been introduced in a number of detail of all technical specifications required in the model can be
countries such as Australia and UK. found in Yoshinaga [27,47].
Work is currently underway in two fronts: (1) to compare the
outputs of two simulation tools e TRNSYS [45] and EESLISM e
which will be used in deeming process [27], and (2) to validate the 2.3.3. The outcomes
accuracies of the results from computer modeling using field test The outcomes of the project appear in the form of measured
data. EESLISM is a computer modeling software package developed data from the field test and the comparison with the simulation
in 1989 by Udagawa and Sato [46]. results using TRNSYS and EESLISM. Overall, the values predicted by
The experimental work involved an approximate standard size both the modeling packages are in agreements with the experi-
system installed in a test building at Tsukuba, Japan. The system mental data within 20%8 for summer whilst the agreements are
consisted of two flat plate collector having 4 m2 area and a storage even better for the winter and fall, i.e. within 10% Yoshinaga [27,47].
tank having a capacity of 200 L able to supply hot water for a Both software packages have now been accepted as modeling
household with 4 people. During the test, the hot water load was tools for SHW systems modeling.
controlled based on the modified M1-mode with 6 different load
patterns. Global solar radiation on horizontal and collector surfaces
and the ambient temperature were recorded. The field measure- 2.3.4. Issues to be resolved
ments were run throughout three representative periods of winter To proceed with the establishment of the methodology that can
2010, summer 2011 and fall 2011 [27]. be used in the development of relevant standards in the future, a
Fig. 4 and Table 2 show the system overview and the mea- number of issues need to be resolved. These include development
surement points. of appropriate seasonal and daily hot water load profiles,
The primary pump is ON/OFF controlled by the temperature
deference between the collector outlet temperature and the lower
part temperature in the tank. The system has an auxiliary gas boiler This was not due to the issue associated with the simulation packages as there
with a rated efficiency of 95%. The auxiliary system e placed was very little (insignificant) difference between the outputs of both packages. This
was due to the collector efficiency observed from the field (in summer) being about
downstream of the storage tank e works only if the temperature in 10% higher than that calculated from the formula that the manufacturer proposed.
the tank is lower than the set point of 42  C and there is hot water In theory this should not be the case and it might be related to the accuracy of
draw-off. experimental test, one of the issues that need to be resolved (Section 2.3.4).
1284 E. Halawa et al. / Renewable Energy 83 (2015) 1279e1286

Fig. 4. System overview [26].

improvement in the accuracy of the experimental test for collec- of estimating the future performance of the systems which proves
tors, establishment of appropriate whether data, etc [27]. very helpful in assessing the level of incentives or subsidies to the
systems. This is especially useful since the upfront costs of systems
3. Discussion are among the main barriers to the widespread adoption of the
SWH systems.
Deeming assessment e first introduced in Australia in 2001 e is In Australia, the energy efficiency (performance) of the SWH
a speedy way of assessing the performance of SWH systems which systems is currently not subject to any regulation [19,48]. The rat-
has been adopted in many countries. This approach combines the ing methodology is used to calculate the number of small-scale
field test data of the SWH components with the computer renewable energy technology certificates (STCs) that a system can
modeling of the overall system performance. It is an effective way generate during its deeming life of 10 years, where one STC equals 1
MWh of electricity displaced by the system. Thus, the STC and the
methodology developed for its calculation is directed at boosting
Table 2 the production of renewable energy which may not necessarily
Measurement points. translate directly into higher system efficiency. On the other hand,
No Parameter Taiwan entails the minimum system thermal efficiency of 50% to
1 Total radiation on tilted surface
enable to file for a rebate, which not necessarily translates into
2 Total radiation on horizontal surface higher electrical energy displaced by the system. On the collector
3 Ambient temperature side, Taiwan raised the performance requirements during four
4 Collector inlet temperature consecutive years starting from 1986 as shown in Table 2. Japan is
5 Collector outlet temperature
yet to decide the path in which the methodology developed is
6 Tank HX outlet temperature
7 Tank HX inlet temperature directed.
8 Main water temperature The deeming approach relies very much on a number of as-
9 Mixing valve outlet temperature sumptions that have to be made for it to work. This includes the
10 Hot water supply temperature assumption of constant profiles of various parameters such as hot
11 Tank surface temperature 1
12 Tank surface temperature 2
water load, weather data, cold water temperatures, seasonal and
13 Tank surface temperature 3 daily load, all of which are inputs to the modeling software. All of
14 Tank surface temperature 4 these parameters can in reality vary significantly over time and
15 Tank surface temperature 5 need periodic (say 5 yearly) revision. The actual performance of a
16 Tank outlet temperature
SWH system will also be affected by the performance degradation
17 Brine flow temperature
18 Main water flow rate of each component (such tanks, collectors, pumps, piping, etc.)
19 Hot water supply flow rate which is not accounted for in the computer model.
20 Gas consumption rate A recent research [19] revealed a number of issues related to the
21 Electrical energy consumption rate for boiler real performance of the SHW systems against the relevant stan-
22 Electrical energy consumption rate for pump and tank unit
dards. For instance the study found that the stated energy savings
E. Halawa et al. / Renewable Energy 83 (2015) 1279e1286 1285

based on the computer modeling might not reflect the actual greenhouse gas emissions and proper performance rating meth-
annual energy savings. Whilst the computer model assumes odologies are required to realise this potential.
perfectly working components of the systems, the components of
actual systems themselves may not comply with the requirement of Acknowledgment
the relevant Standards. The actual heat/energy losses of many
systems, according to the study, are higher than the assumption The authors sincerely thank the reviewers for their constructive
made in the model. The standing heat loss of 70% of the systems inputs and comments to the manuscript.
tested, according to the study, did not pass the minimum require-
ment set for conventional electric storage water heaters. The SHW References
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