Book lvl1-5

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Practice 5 Answer the following questions please (Use any - some).

Are there any books on the table? Yes, there are some books on the table.
Are there any books on the floor? No, there aren’t any books on the floor.

1) Are there any boxes here?

4. Are there any students in this room?
Yes, ___________ boxes here.
Yes, ___________ in this room.
2. Are there any pens in your notebook?
5. Have you got__________ shoes on your feet?
No, ___________ pens in my notebook.
Yes, ___________ shoes on my feet.
3. Are there any books on the table?

Yes, ___________ books on the table.

Practice 6 Answer the following questions correctly.

a) Are there any windows in your room? _______________________________ in my room.

b) Are there any private numbers in your cellphone?____________________________________ in my cellphone.

c) Is there any water on the floor?__________________________ on the floor.

d) How many people are there in your family?__________________________ in my family.

e) Have you got any pets in your house?__________________________ in my house.


Answer the following questions correctly. (Use any, some, how many, none)

“Any” and “some” mean “algo, algunos” but we say “any” for the interrogative and negative and “some” for the positive.

Example, we say: Are there any books on the table? Yes, there are some books on the table.
Are there any books on the floor? No, there aren’t any books on the floor.

For nouns we cannot count we use 'is there'. Example: Is there any sugar in the fridge? Yes, There is some sugar in the fridge.

1) Are there windows in your room? 3) Have you got_____________ any pets in your house?
how many any some
how many any some
Yes , there are windows in my room.
how many any some

2) ____________ any private numbers in your cellphone?

Are there Is there There are

Yes,____________ some private numbers in my cellphone.

Are there Is there There are

38 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Answer the following questions, please! (Use any - some).

Are there any books on the table? Yes, there are some books on the table.
Are there any books on the floor? No, there aren’t any books on the floor.

a) How many apples are there on that table? __________________ apple in that table.

b) How many women are there in this picture? __________________women in this picture.

c) How many staplers have you got? __________________ staplers.

d) How many people are there sitting in this chair? There are __________________.

e) How many continents are there in the world? __________________ continents in the world.

Check if the following items are countable or uncountable nouns.

finger Bathroom Beer

(uncountable / countable) (uncountable / countable) (uncountable / countable)

Water Money leg

(uncountable / countable) (uncountable / countable) (uncountable / countable)

Match the words with the picture correctly.

Purse Wallet Clutch bag Satchel

39 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Read and complete the text with the right words, please (Do not use contractions).

My Classroom
My classroom is small. It's right in front of the cafeteria. (There is - There are) twenty students in it. All the walls
(am - is - are) white. There are twenty brown chairs for us, the students. (There is - There are) a green board
and a desk for the teacher. (Hers - She - He) name's Alice and she's got a small child. His name's Tom. We say
that, for the afternoon classes there is much air coming from the window in that classroom. All of us have English books
and we use (it - they - them) on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.

Choose true or false.

a) The walls in my classroom are white and green. c) In the afteroon there is much air in the classroom.
False True False True

b) The classroom is behind the cafeteria.

False True



She is eating It is raining They are running

She isn't reading The sun isn't shining They aren't walking

1. Verbs that end in – e (make / write / drive, etc.): -e x ing
make making write writing

2. Verbs that end in – ie (die /lie / tie): -ie x -ying

lie lying die dying

3. For short, one-syllable verbs, that are monosyllable end in consonant + vowel + consonant,
we must double the last consonant and then add -ing:
run running swim swimming

Practice 1 Complete the sentences. Use Practice 2 What’s happening right now?
am/is/are + one of these verbs. Write true sentences.

building coming cooking playing

studying swimming standing writing a) (I / wash / my hair)________________________________

a) Listen! John ________________________ the piano. b) (it / rain)________________________________________

b) They _________________________a new hotel behind
c) (You / write / book)________________________________
my house.
d) (She / open / the window)__________________________
c) Look! They ___________________________in the river.

d) “You ___________________on my foot.” “Oh! I'm sorry.”

40 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 3 Ask the questions. (Read the Practice 4 Write positive or negative full answer.
answers to the questions first).

a) (you / watch / TV?) a) Are you watching TV?_____________

No, you can turn it off. b) Are you wearing a belt?_______________________
b) (the children / play?) _______________? No, they aren't. c) Is it raining?_________________________________
c) (what / you / do?)____________? I'm cooking my dinner. d) Are you eating anything? _____________________

Practice 5 Complete the questions correctly.

a) Are you speaking French? (now) No, ___________________________________________________________


b) Are you speaking English? (now) Yes, __________________________________________________________

c) Do you speak Spanish? (generally) Yes, __________________________________________________________

d) Are you touching your chin? (now)_______________________________________________________________
e) Do you write any English? _____________________________________________________________________

f) Is the teacher speaking English? (now) Yes, ______________________________________________________

g) Does she speak Portuguese? __________________________________________________________________

Practice 6 Conjugate the following verbs - (Short answers).


I ____________ I ____________ I ____________

YOU ____________ YOU ____________ YOU ____________
SHE ____________ SHE ____________ SHE ____________
HE ____________ HE ____________ HE ____________
IT ____________ IT ____________ IT ____________
WE ____________ WE ____________ WE ____________
THEY ____________ THEY ____________ THEY ____________

Practice 7 Write the interrogative forms of the following statements (short answers).

Example: I am coming from the door. Are you coming from the door?

a) I remain in my house on Sundays. ____________________ in my house on Sundays?

b) She opens her shop on Mondays. ____________________Her shop on Mondays?
c) We study some subjects about history. ____________________subjects about history?
d) You are sitting on a bench. ____________________ on a bench?
e) She is asking me for my family. ____________________for your family?
h) He speaks Italian, Japanese, and Chinese. ____________________ Italian, Japanese, and Chinese?

41 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Conjugate the verb TO STUDY. Conjugate the verb TO GO

I study___________ I go__________
YOU ________________ YOU ____________
SHE ________________ SHE goes
HE ________________ HE ____________
IT ________________ IT ____________
WE ________________ WE ____________
THEY ________________ THEY ____________

Make a question for each answer.

a) (What / Peter / do?) _________________? c) (that clock/work?) _________________?

He is standing on the chair. No, it's broken.

b) (it / rain?)_________________? d) (you /write /a letter?)_________________?

No, not right now. Yes, to my sister.

Look at the picture and then answer the question.

Example: Do you work at sweet and coffee? No, I don’t work

at Sweet and Coffee, but I work at Starbucks.

1) Do you speak any Russian? 4) Are you reading a book?

No, __________________ , but I speak some English. No, _____________________, but I am watching television.

2) Does she go home after the lesson? 5) Do you speak any Italian?

No, _____________________, but she goes to the beach. No, _____________________, but I speak some English.

3) Do you work on Sundays? 6) Do you sit after the lesson?

No, _____________________, but I remain in my house. No, _____________________, but I go home after the lesson.

Conjugate the verb TO READ

I read____________
YOU ________________
SHE ________________
HE ________________
IT ________________
WE ________________
THEY ________________

42 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Choose the best answer correctly. Complete using the right word.

1) Do you read books in Chinese? 3) Do you speak Japanese?

No, I don’t read books in Chinese, but I read______ No, I don’t speak Japanese,______ I speak English.
(it - they - them) in Spanish and some in English.

2) Do you speak Spanish? 4) Does he speak Chinese?

Yes, I (speaking - speak - speaks) Spanish. No, he ______ speak Chinese, but he speaks Spanish.

Read and complete the text with the right words, please (Do not use contractions).

What’s the difference between “the present progressive” and “the present ______________ ”? The difference is that we use

the Present Progressive for actions we are (does - do - doing) now whilst we use the Present Simple for actions we

(does - do - doing) generally. The meaning of the (letter - sentence - word) “do” is “hacer”, but here it’s an auxiliary

verb and means (any - none - nothing), but we use it for the interrogative and negative. The third person of “do” is “ _______”

I do: you do: he does: she does: etc. we put “s” on the third person. For example, I speak, you speak, he speaks, she , it speaks,


Lesson 12


You You You CAN (have the ability to…)
He He He
she she She
Example: Can you swim? Yes, I can swim.
We PODER We (CAN'T) We Can you speak Italian? No, I can't speak Italian
You You NO PODER You
They They They

Practice 1 Complete using Can or Can’t Practice 2 Answer the following questions.

a) The teacher doesn't have a marker. He ______________ a) Can you write without a pen? ________________________
write on the whiteboard. b) Can you see if the pencil is in my purse? _______________
b) The books are closed. Pupils ___________ read. c) Can you whistle? ________________________________
c) You ________ write without a pencil. d) Can you touch the ceiling? __________________________
d) You _________________see without opening your eyes. e) Do you like your house? ___________________________

43 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 3 Answer the following questions correctly.

a) Are all the students here women? No, __________ e) Do you go to church on Sundays?________________

_____________________. ____________________________________.

b) What are you wearing now?____________________ f) Where do you generally go after the lesson?
________________. ________________________________after the lesson.

c) Are you wearing a wrist band? No, ______________ g) Can you cook an egg?
____________. ________________________________cook an egg.

d) Do you generally wear bandanas? _______________



Complete the missing words.

1) He is wearing a ________ and __________ 3) He's wearing a ________ , __________ and

___________ on his feet.

2) She is wearing a ________ and __________ 4) She is wearing a ________ and a blue __________

Blouse Skirt Trainers Suit Shoes

Dress Sandals Jeans T-shirt

like - Don’t like - hate - love

Look at the faces and complete the sentences with:

like love dislike hate

1) I ______ studying English.

2) I ______ sports. 5) I ______ soda, but I like juice.

3) I ______ hamburger with mustard. 6) I ______ classical music.

4) I ______ onions. 7) I ______ potato chips. I prefer French fries.

44 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Complete using the right word. Choose the correct answer.

1) About how many people are there in your country? 3) Can you speak Spanish?

There are __________ 16 000 000 people in my country. Yes, I __________ (cannot - can not - can) speak Spanish.

2) About how many things are there in this room? 4) Can you read and write?

There are about 90 __________ in this room. No, I __________ (cannot - can not - can) read and write.

Read and choose the right words please.

My english school

This is my English School. (There is - Is there - There are) many students from different provinces of Ecuador, which is
our country, and we walls (whilst - with - all) speak Spanish and some English. My classmates are really nice. I generally
sit with Kevin. He's from Guayaquil. Our English teacher is from the United States and (their - our - his) name is Chad.
There is this girl in my classroom. Her name's Mary and she dislikes cleaning the whiteboard for us. My friend Julio likes her
and he goes home with her every day.

Choose true or false or doen’t say

My English School is in front of the park. _________________

Many students come from different countries._______________

The students speak English and some Spanish._____________

Match the words with the picture correctly.

Kettle Jug Mitten Cutting board Grater Toaster Hand mixer Microwave Pan Grinder

Lesson 13

45 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Practice 1 Answer the following questions Practice 2 Complete the following sentences. Use
correctly. the correct form of have got (have got/
haven’t got/has got/hasn´t got/have...
a) Have you got four feet?____________________________ got?/
b) Have you got a jacket? ____________________________
c) Has your teacher got a car? ________________________ a) Those two sisters _________ black hair.
b) My car ______________ two windows.
c) _____________ you __________ a house?
d) I _________________ two heads.
e) I ____________ a cell phone.
f) _________ your sister _________ a boyfriend?

Practice 3 Answer the following questions.

Using both.

a) Are both your hands in your pockets? __________________

________________________________ in my pocket.

b) Are both Ecuador and Peru in South America?___________

___________________________________ in South America.
c) Are both your parents married? _______________________

Practice 4 Write the contractions of the verb Practice 5 Answer the following questions.
“To have got”. Using prefer.

a) Which do you prefer, a book or television? _____________

a) I have not got ________________________ got
b) You have not got ______________________got b) Which do you prefer, milk or soda? __________________
c) He has not got ________________________got _________________________________________________

d) She has not got _______________________ got c) Which does your partner prefer, soccer or tennis? _______
e) It has not got _________________________ got _________________________________________________

f) We have not got _______________________ got

g) They have not got ______________________got

Practice 6 Complete the missing words in the Practice 7 Choose the CORRECT option.
following sentences, use the form
“To have not got” - (Do not use
contradictions in your answers). a) My bus (has got / have got / got has) two windows.

a) Have you got a pencil sharpener? No, _______________ b) Which (do / does / doing) she prefer, tea or coffee?

a pencil sharpener. c) She (prefer / prefers / preferring) tea with milk.

b) Has he got a flask? No, _______________ a flask. d) He is (walks / walk / walking) to the building.
c) Have you got two heads? No, _______________ two head,
e) What (do / does / doing) “navel” mean in Spanish?
but I’ve got only one head.
d) Has she got a football? No, _______________ A football,
but she’s got a basketball.

46 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8
Answer 8 Answer
the following the following
questions questions.

1) Areboth
you feet on the table? _______________________________
Mexicans? 4) Are bothon
of the table.
us standing?

b) Which
Yes, (bothdoofyou
- bothwalking
of them - both I prefer ____________________________.
or jogging? Yes, _________ of us ________ standing.
of you) are Mexicans.
c) Have you got a helicopter?__________________________.
5) What (do - does) the world ‘ash-tray mean in Spanish?
2) Are both of them French?
d) Does your sister have a pickup truck?___________________________.
The word 'ash-tray' means __________ in Spanish.
Yes, ________ of (us - you - them) are French.
e) Have you got any money in your socks? __________________________ in my socks.
3) Are both these books closed? 6) What (do - does) the wordl ‘both’ mean in Spanish?
f) Are both your parents from this city?__________________________ this city.
Yes, ________ those books _________ closed. The word 'both' means_________ in Spanish.

g) Can you walk five hundred meters? ______________________________.

Read and choose the right words please.

My family

Choose the correct option. Choose the correct answer.

Hi! My name's Paul. I'm ---years old. I've got two sisters and one brother. Their names are: Alice, Clara, and Tom. Alice works
at a cellphone shop and Clara and Tom study with me at St. George's School.
1. How much is half of a thousand? 1) My car has got/ have got / haven’t got two windows.
five hundreds five hundred fifty hundred
2) Is / are / can / Do both your feet on the table?
2. How much is half of fifteen?
Hello! I'm Anna. I'm ---years old. There are three of us at home. My mother Mary, my sister Paula, and I. My mother has got a
large room
seven and
and she sleeps
a half withand
seven my asister.
five Paula likesand
seven listening
half to music, especially ballads, which I dislike.
Choose the incorrect part of the sentence.

3. How much is half of ninety?

3) Who do you prefer, milk or coffee?
forty forty five forty and five
4) My friend prefer soccer and not tennis.
How is it going? I'm George and I'm here to tell you about my family. My brother
A Jack
B is about nineCyears old and likes the cinema.
I prefer to remain in my bed at home, to be honest, but I go with him on Tuesdays to watch movies

Look at the pictures. Then answer the following questions using “Prefer”.

1) Which do you prefer: the beach or the highlands? 4) Do you prefer going to the cinema or remain at home and
Choose True or False or Doesn’t say.
watch TV?
I prefer the __________ I prefer ___________ one large room.
1) George studies with Paul, Clara, and Tom. 3) Mary and Paula sleep

2) Which say prefer a hot dog
do you False
or a hamburger?True 5) HowDoesn’t
is half a million? False True is half a
Five _______________
I prefer
2) a _____________
Paul has got three sisters and one brother. 4) Mary works in a supermarket.

3) Which dosay
you prefer, tea orFalse
coffee? True Doesn’t say False True

I prefer some _____________

47 ISBN: 978-9942-30-977-8

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