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ABOUT US ‫ﻣﻦ ﻧﺤﻦ‬

TeachinGrowth (TG) Center, is a language and capacity development institute

oriented toward mitigating the gap between knowledge and skills through
successful educational references, skill shaping programs, and the best of
 א   א  א‬TG
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Highly experienced management team with a long experience in curriculum
development, capacity development, and academia. TG Advisory Board, as
part of its structure, are group of experts with excessive experience ranging from
TG FOR LANGUAGE & CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Humanitarian Sector to Business development, language, and beyond.

‫ ﻟﻠـﻐــــﺔ و ﺗــﻨــﻤــﻴــــــﺔ اﻟـﻘــــــــﺪرات‬TG . ‫‡ž אא§ ¦ €Ž ›א ˆ

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In Humanitarian OUR VISION ‫رؤﻳﺘﻨﺎ‬

Response Project Being recognized for excellence in what we provide and be the choice for every
Management (DHRPM) professional seeking at upgrading skills and capabilities to cope with the
advance market requirements .
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 אכŽ •Žא א” א‬

OUR MISSION ‫رﺳﺎﻟﺘﻨﺎ‬

To create a high-quality learning environment through providing
students \ trainees with professional and practical education experiences and
to enhance their career opportunities and academic pathways in Yemen.
Besides enriching students’/trainees’ professional experience through several
community connections.

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WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY DIPLOMA? Ÿ’‫ א… א‬.‫ ¡ א  אאא אאכא‡ ˆ א‬¢ “‡“
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It is the first specialized project management diploma in humanitarian response studies

programme in Yemen
‫א ˆ א‬ª‫ ’א  ¯ ˆ אא ©א‡ אא‬ ‫ א‬
In 7 months, you will receive a concentrated exposure to the front-edge thinking in all of the
relevant humanitarian response project work, and² will get the exposure to real-life scenarios.
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אš כ‬ª , ´‫ א‬8 µƒ¬ ˆ
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DHRPM is made of students from different humanitarian sectors that you can learn with and from,
and offers the chance for networks.
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Sana'a - Haddah - Ruishan Round about - Near
Hawaii club Behind Al-Shibani Restraurant
TeachinGrowth - TG - Center +٩٦٧ ٧٧٩٦٦٦٠٥٠
TeachinGrowth - TG - Center
‫أﻫــﺪاف اﻟـﺒـﺮﻧـﺎﻣــﺞ‬
In Humanitarian The Diploma in Humanitarian Response Project Management
(DHRPM) is crafted to provide participants with both an academic
Response Project
 א אכא  ˆ ’•א” ©א‡ אא‬.1 and practical aspects toward effective management of humanitarian
response projects / programmes and expanding orientation
Management (DHRPM)
’‫א אא’א‬ª‫
•‡ ˜
¶ ©א‡ אא‬.2 towards current issues in the humanitarian field.

‫د ﺑــــﻠــــــــــــــﻮ م‬
‡‫ ’‚ א אכא  › ·א א’א® ©א‬.3 ‫( “‡ א©אכ‬DHRPM) ’‫א אא’א‬ª‫
‘¡ ¯ אא ©א‡ אא‬
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‫ƒ إدارة ﻣـــﺸﺎرﻳﻊ ا‘ﺳﺘﺠﺎﺑـــﺔ ا‘ﻧﺴـﺎﻧﻴـﺔ‬ ‫אא’א’ א’א› א‬
1. Providing complete knowledge in the scope of
humanitarian response projects
2. Developing the level of implementation of ‫ﻣـﺤـﺘــــﻮى اﻟـﺒــﺮﻧــﺎﻣــــﺞ‬
humanitarian response projects
3. Impart full knowledge of the nature and types of
humanitarian response projects
4. Building the capacity to manage, monitor and
evaluate humanitarian response projects of all
kinds SUBJECTS ‫אא‬ ‫› אא›א‬
IN THE DIPLOMA Introduction to Humanitarian Work ’‫ אא’א‬ ‫   ˆ אא›א‬ ›‫א‬ª 16
‫اﳌﺘﻄﻠﺒﺎت ﻟﻠﺘﺴــﺠﻴﻞ ƒ اﻟﺪﺑﻠﻮم‬
Water Supply , Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion
University graduates or experience in humanitarian ›‫א‬ª 16
working. ‫א‬º‫ א ¿ א‬À‫א‬¢‫ אא‬¤‫אא א אא‬

 ‫€‡ˆ אא א א ¦§ א™Ž¼ ˆ אא›א‬ Protection Principles ‡‫ אא‬Á‫ Žא‬ ›‫א‬ª 16
Food security and nutrition ‡¶‫ˆ א‬Â‫אא  א¶א‬ ›‫א‬ª 16

Shelter and settlement ‡©Ž‫אא˜ א· א‬ ›‫א‬ª 16

Ÿ‫א‬ª‫ƒ   א‡Ÿ אא‬ª :«‡‫א‬ Ÿ‫א‬ª‫·” א‬
Health ‘‫א‬ ›‫א‬ª 16
‫‡ א‬º‫א‬
TARGET AUDIENCE ‫اﻟﻔﺌﺔ اﳌﺴﺘﻬﺪﻓﺔ‬ ²
‫©‚ א¡ כא  אאŽא‬ª : ¡‫אŸ א‬ª‫·” א‬ Project management for humanitarian sector 1 ›‫א‬ª 16
‫אא א’א‬ 1 ˆ’‫אא א©א‡ ˆ א•א® אא’א‬
University graduates and employees of humanitarian
organizations Teaching methods : The training methodology will include
both theoretical and practical method Project management for humanitarian sector 2 ›‫א‬ª 16
‫א‬º‫€‡ˆ אא א  » א‬
Methods of evaluation: Assessment will include both 2 ˆ’‫אא א©א‡ ˆ א•א® אא’א‬
.’‫אא’א‬ assignments and examinations
Monitoring and evaluation for humanitarian sector 1
DURATION ‫اﻟﺰﻣﻦ‬ 1 ˆ’‫אא—Ž א¡ ˆ א•א® אא’א‬
›‫א‬ª 20

216 hours for a period of Seven months, and upon

completion, the student will be sent to field training for ‫ اﺷﻬﺮ‬6 Monitoring and evaluation for humanitarian sector 2
›‫א‬ª 20

‫ ﻣﺎدة‬12
a period of one month in an institution. 2 ˆ’‫אא—Ž א¡ ˆ א•א® אא’א‬
 ‫א‬ª‫ ‡¡ א‬¤‫Ž א´  › אא’ א‬ª  ›‫א‬ª 216
Data collection and analysis in humanitarian sector
½‫א•אŸ ‡Ÿ אא’ˆ  ´  ˆ א‬
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 א ˆ א•א® אא’א‬
›‫א‬ª 20

Š‫ﻣﻴﺪا‬ Reports Writing in humanitarian sector ˆ’‫כא אא‡ ˆ א•א® אא’א‬ ›‫א‬ª 20

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