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 Functions for strings
KMM102E  Indexing characters in a string : Index operator [ ]
INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMING  The slicing operator [start : end]
IN PYTHON  The concatenation (+) and repetition (*) operators
 in and not in operators
Strings  Comparing strings
 Iterating characters in a string
 Built-in string operations
A string is a sequence of characters.  Common operations on strings
 String module
In programming languages, any sequence of printable characters is
referred to as a "string".

Strings are created with the constructor str or by enclosing characters

with a pair of quotes.

Strings Strings
Strings are fundamental in computer science, and processing strings is a common task in programming.  Indexing characters in a string : Index operator [ ]
Strings are the objects of the str class. So far, strings are used in input and output. A string is a collection type that has multiple parts. A string is a sequence of characters.
 The input function returns a string from the keyboard
The position of a character within a string object is called as index. A character in the string can therefore
 The print function displays a string on the monitor.
be accessed through the index operator using the syntax of:
A string object is immutable: once it is created, its individual character cannot be changed. s[index]
A string variable content can be replaced by another string content, but a part of it can not be changed!
The indexes are 0 based; that is, they range from 0 to len(s)-1.

s = "Programming is fun"
 Functions for strings
Several of Python’s built-in functions can be used with strings.
 len : It can be used to return the number of the characters (individual characters) in a string.
 max : It can be used to return the largest character in a string. The characters in a string can be accessed via an index operator.
 min : It can be used to return the smallest character in a string.

Space is the smallest character !


Strings Strings
 The slicing operator [start : end]  The concatenation (+) and repetition (*) operators
The slicing operator returns a slice of the string using the syntax s[start : end]. In string operations, it is possible
 join, or concatenate, two strings by using the concatenation operator (+).
 Python uses a half-open range concept. A half-open range designates the beginning of the
 use the repetition operator (*) to concatenate the same string multiple times.
sequence that is included in the result along with an end of the sequence that is not included.
 The slice is a substring from index start to index end – 1.
s[1 : 4] returns a substring from index 1 to index 3.  rog
s[ : 6 ] returns a substring from the first index (0) to index 5.  Progra
s[12 : ] returns a substring from 12 to the last index (len(s)-1).  is fun

Negative indexing could also be used in slicing. Negative index works back from the end.  in and not in operators
These operators can be used in a program to check whether a string is in another string.
s[-1]  n (last character)
s[12:-1]  is fu

Slicing allows a third parameter that specifies the step in the slice. This means that one can have as many
as three numbers in the index operator brackets separated by two colon characters: the first number is the
beginning of the sequence, the second number specifies the end of the sequence, and the third is the step
to take along the sequence. s[ : : 2]  Pormigi u ; s[ 2:10: 3]  oai

Strings Strings
 Comparing strings  Iterating characters in a string
Strings can be compared by using the comparison operators (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=).
A string is iterable.
 Python compares strings by comparing their corresponding characters in UTF-8 character set table.
 Comparison performed based on the numeric codes for characters.  Each character in the string object can be accessed by a for loop (or other methods) sequentially.

a is larger than A because the numeric code for "a" is larger than the numeric code for "A".

 Built-in string operations

All string operations can be seen by entering the following line in the Shell:
>>> dir("abc")

Strings Strings
 Built-in string operations  Built-in string operations
Python provides many built-in operations that allow you to manipulate a string object. The syntax of these
Most Commonly Used Built-In String Operations
operations is a little different from what we have seen before. This is the general syntax:
string_object.operation( required and/or optional argument(s) ) Operation Description

Using such structures in Python is also called as method. A method is a variation on a function. Every string_object.count(x) Returns the number of times x was found in string_object.
method is called in conjunction with a particular object. string_object.find(x) Returns the index of the first occurrence of x in string_object. Returns –1 if x is not found.
string_object.index(x) Returns the index of the first occurrence of x in string_object.
string_object.lower() Returns a lowercase version of string_object.
Object is an expression that represents object, such as the name of a string expression s. string_object.upper() Returns an uppercase version of string_object.
The period, pronounced dot, associates an object expression with method to be called. string_object.title()
Returns a version of string_object where the first letter of every word is uppercased, all other letters
are lowercased
Method name is the name of the method to execute. string_object.lstrip() Returns the string_object with leading (left) whitespace removed
The parameter list is comma-separated list of parameters to the method. For some methods the string_object.rstrip() Returns the string_object with trailing (right) whitespace removed
parameter list may be empty, but the parenthesis always are required, because method applied is a string_object.strip() Returns the string_object with leading and trailing whitespace removed
special function that could be considered as used defined function specific to the object focused!). string_object.replace(x_old,x_new) Returns a version of string_object where all x_old are replaced by x_new
string_object.startswith(x_prefix) Returns True if string_object starts with x_prefix, otherwise returns False
The kinds of methods that can be used in conjunction with an object depends on the object’s type.
String objects have a set of methods suited for strings.
s = "fun"
print ( s.upper() )  FUN
print ( s.find("f"), s.find("x") )  0 -1

Strings Strings
 Built-in string operations  Common operations on strings
Substring specification : s[i:j] extracts the substring starting with character number i and ending with number j-1
Searching for substrings :
 s.find(s1) -> result is an integer value…returns the lowest index where s1 starts in s, or -1 if s1 is not found in s
 s.rfind(s1) -> result is an integer value…returns the highest index where s1 starts in s, or -1 if s1 is not found in s
 s.count(s1) -> result is an integer value…returns the number of non-overlapping occurrence of s1
 s.startswith(s1) -> result is boolean ( T or F)..returns True if the s starts with s1
 s.endswith(s1) -> result is boolean ( T or F)..returns True if the s ends with s1
Converting strings :
 s.capitalize() -> result is string…returns a copy of s with only the first character capitalized.
 s.lower() -> result is string…returns a copy of s with all letters converted to lowercase.
 s.upper() -> result is string…returns a copy of s with all letters converted to uppercase.
 s.title() -> result is string…returns a copy of s with the first latter capitalized in each word.
 s.swapcase() -> result is string…returns a copy of s in which lowercase letters are converted to uppercase and uppercase to lowercase.
 s.replace(s1, s2) -> result is string..returns a new string that replaces all the occurrences of the s1 with a new s2

Testing strings :
 s.isalnum() -> result is boolean ( T or F)..returns True if characters in s are alphanumeric and there is at least one character.
 s.isalpha() -> result is boolean ( T or F)..returns True if characters in s are alphabetic and there is at least one character.
 s.isdigit() -> result is boolean ( T or F)..returns True if s contains only number characters.
 s.isidentifier() -> result is boolean ( T or F)..returns True if s is a Python identifier.
 s.islower() -> result is boolean ( T or F)..returns True if all characters in s are lowercase letters and there is at least one character.
 s.isupper() -> result is boolean ( T or F)..returns True if all characters in s are uppercase letters and there is at least one character.
 s.isspace() -> result is boolean ( T or F)..returns True if s contains only whitespace characters.

Strings Strings
 Common operations on strings  String module
Stripping whitespace characters from a string : Characters " ", \t, \f, \r, \n are called the whitespace characters.
 s.strip(s1) -> result is string..returns a string with the starting and trailing whitespace characters removed.
 s.lstrip(s1) -> result is string..returns a string with the leading whitespace characters removed.
 s.rstrip(s1) -> result is string..returns a string with the trailing whitespace characters removed.
String splitting :
 s.split() splits the string s into words separated by whitespace (space, tabulator, or newline)
 s.split(t) splits the string s into words separated by a text t where it could be any string such as ":", "/", "abc" etc.
 s.splitlines() a multi-line string is split into lines

String joining : The opposite of the split method is join, which joins elements in a list of strings with a specified delimiter in between.
 delimiter.join() delimiter could be " " or "," or ";" or "/" etc.
Formatting strings :
 -> result is string..returns a copy of s centered in a field of the given width.
 s.ljust(width) -> result is string..returns a string left justified in a field of the given width.
 s.rjust(width) -> result is string..returns a string right justified in a field of the given width.
 s.format(width) -> result is string..formats a string.

 Examples

Write a program checking whether a word is palindrome. Program should:

 prompt the user to enter a string
 report whether the string is palindrome.

A string is palindrome if it reads the same forward and backward.

The words mom, dad, noon are all palindromes.

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