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By Yashen Lin, Joseph H. Eto, Brian B. Johnson, Jack D.

Robert H. Lasseter, Hugo N. Villegas Pico, Gab-Su Seo, ©SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/JITTAWIT21
Brian J. Pierre, Abraham Ellis, Jeremiah Miller, and Guohui Yuan

Pathways to the
Power System With
Resources Challenges and recommendations.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2021.3139132

Date of current version: 4 March 2022

10 I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / MARCH 2022 2325-5897/22©2022IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at Austin. Downloaded on April 04,2023 at 22:19:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
ANAGING THE STABILITY OF TODAY’S Synchronous generators regulate their terminal volt-

electric power systems is based on decades ages and respond to changes in grid frequency through
of experience with the physical properties changes in their power output. We refer to these genera-
and control responses of large synchronous tion sources as grid forming. Today’s inverter-based genera-
generators. Today’s electric power systems tion sources generally use phase-locked loops (PLLs), which
are rapidly transitioning toward having an increasing pro- rely on externally generated voltages from synchronous
portion of generation from nontraditional sources, such as machines to operate. We refer to these types of invert-
wind and solar (among others), as well as energy storage er-based generation sources as grid-following inverters. In
devices, such as batteries. In addition to the variable nature case of unintended separation of the power system or after
of many renewable generation sources (because of the a blackout, islanded systems comprising only these types of
weather-driven nature of their fuel supply), these newer inverters cannot operate autonomously. This limitation of
sources vary in size—from residential-scale rooftop sys- the grid-following inverters has inspired an investigation
tems to utility-scale power plants—and they are intercon- into grid-forming control methods for power electronic
nected throughout the electric grid, both from within the inverters, which provide functionalities that are traditionally
distribution system and directly to the high-voltage trans- provided by synchronous machinery. Early work on this
mission system. Most important for our purposes, many of topic started in the 1990s, focusing on power systems with
these new resources are connected to the power system small footprints (e.g., microgrids) and on small islands (such
through power electronic inverters. Collectively, we refer to as Kauai, Hawaii). Today, grid-forming controls are being
these sources as inverter-based resources. considered for deployment in bulk power systems because
The operation of future power systems must be based of their ability to enhance the stability of these grids when
on a combination of the physical properties and control loads are largely being served by inverter-based resources.
responses of traditional, large synchronous turbine This article reviews the challenges involved in integrat-
generators as well as those of inverter-based resources ing inverter-based resources into the electric power system
(see Figure 1). The major challenges stem from the recog- and offers recommendations on technology pathways to
nition that there is no established body of experience inform the academic community, industry, and research
for operating hybrid power systems with significant organizations. We will 1) discuss the difference between
amounts of inverter-based resources at the scale of grid-following and grid-forming control approaches for
today’s large interconnections. inverter-based resources; 2) review relevant research and
To operate such large hybrid power systems, the outline research needs related to five grid-forming inverter
assumptions that underlie current generation design and topics: frequency control, voltage control, system protec-
control approaches must be reexamined and, where tion, fault ride through (FRT) and voltage recovery, and
appropriate, modified or even redefined to take explicit modeling and simulation; and 3) introduce a road map
account of the new challenges and opportunities present- that outlines an evolutionary vision in which grid-forming
ed by these inverter-based forms of generation. We inverters play a growing role in power systems that, in
should expect that new control approaches, operational turn, leads to the identification of nearest-term priorities
procedures, protection, and planning tools and processes for research. This article builds upon the Research Road-
will be required. map on Grid-Forming Inverters (Lin et al. 2020). Interested

Present Future

Generator Generator
Inverter Inverter

(a) (b)

Figure 1. (a) The present power system has historically been dominated by synchronous generators having a large rotational inertia with a rela-
tively modest amount of inverter-based resources, such as photovoltaics, wind, and batteries. (b) Future systems will have a significant fraction
of generation interfaced with power electronics and might be dominated by inverters. This implies a need for next-generation grid-forming control-
lers that ensure grid stability at any level of penetration with inverter-based resources.

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readers are encouraged to read the road map for more Grid-Following Controllers
detailed discussions. This control strategy is called grid following since its func-
tionality depends on a well-defined terminal voltage that
An Overview of Grid-Following and Grid-Forming a PLL can reliably measure. In this setting, it is assumed
Controllers for Inverter-Based Generation that the system voltage profile and frequency are tightly
In this section, we provide an overview of grid following regulated by external resources and grid equipment. As
and grid forming for inverters. Before delving into the char- the proportion of grid-following inverters on a grid
acteristics of these two control types, we refer to Figure 2, increases, it might be necessary to embed additional func-
which provides a functional overview of a conventional tions, i.e., grid-support functions, to prevent excessive
grid-following controller and a few implementations that voltage and frequency deviations. Since almost all grid-
provide grid-forming functions. Furthermore, Table 1 pro- connected inverters today are grid following, their proper-
vides a convenient summary of the distinguishing char- ties will be key to understanding grids at the moment and
acteristics between these two main control types. in the coming years.

Pref Reference PLL
dc-Side Current
Control Control

i v

Source V ω



Droop Control Virtual Machines and Inertia Virtual Oscillators

Droop Low-Pass
Laws Filters Rotor
ω P Dynamics Oscillator
ωf Power . Dynamics
Jω = Pm – Pe
Q Calculation
V θ V θ
θ V
PWM Voltage PWM PWM i v
i v Dynamics i v

Source V ω


Figure 2. Functional diagrams of (a) grid-following and (b) grid-forming inverters. Grid-following inverters mimic current sources at their output
terminals, whereas grid-forming inverters act like voltage sources whose output abides by droop laws. PWM: pulsewidth modulation.

12 I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / MARCH 2022

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Grid-Forming Controllers physically originates from the rotating masses of ma-
From here forward, the term “grid forming” acts as an chine-based generators. Since inverter-based resources
umbrella for any inverter controller that 1) regulates ter- do not contribute inertia to a power system, it follows
minal voltages, 2) can coexist with other grid-following that the replacement of machines with inverters will
and grid-forming inverters and synchronous generation reduce the system inertia and may increase the risk of
on the same system, and 3) does not require a PLL or large frequency swings. Figure 3 illustrates the relation-
communications to operate together with multiple grid- ship between decreased machine capacity and in-
forming assets. As shown in Figure 2, grid-forming con- creased frequency deviations across time. To address
trollers can be broadly categorized as droop, virtual this concern, grid-forming inverters may be used to
synchronous machines, and virtual oscillator controllers. counteract both the loss of inertia and primary frequency
Droop control is the most well-established grid-forming control provided by retired synchronous generation.
method; it was conceived in the early 1990s. Its key fea- Similar to the natural behavior of synchronous ma-
ture is that it exhibits linear tradeoffs, often called droop chines, grid-forming inverter-based resources would au-
laws, between real power versus frequency and reactive tonomously react to frequency swings and adjust their
power versus voltage. This mirrors how synchronous power injections during a low-frequency event.
machines operate in steady state. They give rise to the fol- Reduced inertia may result in a larger rate of change
lowing properties regardless of whether they are of frequency and increasingly volatile system dynam-
machines or inverters: ics, and it also necessitates faster control actions to arrest
xx system-wide synchronization: all units reach the frequency swings. Because the magnitude of the frequen-
same frequency cy swing after a disturbance is largely tied to the imbal-
xx power sharing: each unit provides power in proportion ance between generation and load, enough untapped
to its capacity. capacity must be reserved as headroom for frequency
Virtual synchronous machine control replicates the control. A drawback is that unused capacity could repre-
dynamic behavior of a synchronous machine with sent an opportunity cost for both renewable and fossil-
an inverter. The complexity of the emulated virtual fueled generation because power output must be
machine can vary greatly, from detailed models to sim- throttled to less than the available amount.
plified swing dynamics. Implementations that close­­ Referring to the controllers shown in Figure 2, we pro-
ly match machine characteristics have both Q-V and vide a brief survey of the existing frequency control strat-
P-omega characteristics and are often called synchron- egies. The P-omega droop offered by grid-forming units
verters. Virtual inertia methods are simpler and capture would govern the steady-state frequency deviation after
only the dynamics of an emulated rotor and its steady- the initial transients have subsided. Typically, these
state P-omega droop.
Virtual oscillator control is another inverter control
TABLE 1. A comparison of grid-following
method that emulates nonlinear oscillators. As illustrat-
and grid-forming controls.
ed in Figure 2, the model takes the form of an oscillator
circuit with a natural frequency tuned to the nominal Grid-Following Control Grid-Forming Control
ac grid frequency and its remaining parameters tuned
Assumes grid already Assumes converters must
to adjust the nominal voltage and control bandwidth. formed under normal actively form and regulate grid
Despite its unconventional appearance, it exhibits the operations voltages
Q-V and P-omega droop laws in steady state that the
Control of current injected Control of voltage magnitude
other grid-forming methods also offer. However, its sim- into the grid and frequency/phase
ple time-domain implementation and dynamical prop-
Decoupled control Slight coupling between
erties offer enhanced speed.
of P and Q P and Q

Inverter Control State of the Art Needs PLL It may use PLL control to
and Open Research Questions switch between modes
In this section, we review relevant research and outline Needs voltage at the point Can black-start a power system
research needs related to the following five topics: fre- of common coupling to
quency control, voltage control, system protection, FRT deliver P and Q
and voltage recovery, and modeling and simulation. Cannot operate at 100% Can theoretically operate at
power electronics penetra- 100% power electronics pen-
Frequency Control tion; instability thresholds etration; can coexist with grid
Frequency control refers to generation control actions (tipping points) exist following
designed to maintain system frequency near the nomi- Not standardized, inadequate
nal value. In machine-based grids, the system inertia operational experience at a
systems perspective
strongly influences the frequency dynamics and

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relations are tuned such that the fre-
There are oscillator is relatively simple, and its
quency stays within a narrow range parameters can be unambiguously
near the nominal value. There are established control computed from a set of ac system
established control strategies for performance specifications, such as
inverter-based microgrids, which are strategies for droop slopes, response time, and
similar in spirit to hierarchical con- inverter-based inverter rating. Grid-following invert-
trol methods in classic power sys- ers can be programmed to mitigate
tems. In particular, the droop slope at microgrids, which their contribution to frequency swings
each inverter can be adjusted for the by supplementing the current con-
desired primary response at a times- are similar in spirit troller with frequency-watt functions.
cale of tens of milliseconds to sec- to hierarchical They have been used in several grids
onds, schemes using low-bandwidth including Hawaii’s. This function,
communications have been used for control methods in which mimics the P-omega droop
secondary frequency restoration law, has been compared directly to
within seconds to a few minutes,
classic power grid-forming droop control via sim-
and, lastly, tertiary-level energy dis- systems. ulation studies.
patch offers further control across
minutes to hours. This suite of meth- Voltage Control
ods can be used to manage energy Voltage control refers to generation
on a microgrid using different types of inverter controls control actions to increase or decrease real and/or reactive
with setpoints. power production and network switching operations
Although grid-forming controllers have similar steady- (either dynamic or static) that aim to maintain power sys-
state characteristics, distinctions arise when comparing tem voltages within an acceptable range. The control
how each grid-forming controller reacts dynamically at requirements for these actions depend on the topology of
the shortest timescales. The most rapid response of a the transmission or distribution system, the electrical dis-
droop controller is dominated by filters, usually low-pass tance between loads and generation, and the loading on
and/or notch filters, used to remove harmonics and pul- the transmission or distribution system. Voltage control
sating components from the measured signals. Therefore, must be exercised through actions that are local to the
in droop designs, careful tradeoffs must be made between voltage issues they seek to manage. Generally, voltage
harmonics and speed while ensuring stability. In a virtual control via real power is not preferred, given the enhanced
synchronous machine, the underlying machine model voltage sensitivity to reactive power control and, more-
parameters dictate its dynamic response. In particular, over, generator revenue, which is mostly, if not entirely, via
the damping, inertia, and flux-linkage parameters are vir- real power production.
tual, and they can be designed for the desired response. Voltage regulation describes the ability of a system to
The response of the virtual oscillator control is tuned by provide near-constant voltage over a wide range of variable
the selection of the virtual circuit parameters. The virtual load and generation conditions. Passive voltage change, a



Annual Mean Primary
MW/0.1 Hz

2,500 Frequency Response

Short-Term Trend
Long-Term Trend



*1999 Data Interpolated

Figure 3. Decreasing total system inertia for the Eastern Interconnection. (Source: NERC, 2017; used with permission.)

14 I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / MARCH 2022

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drop or rise, takes place under various tune volt-VAR control actions are
load conditions. All conductors in
This must be known to introduce undesired interac-
power systems have an intrinsic balanced by the tions between grid-following inverters
impedance that results in a variable and voltage-regulation equipment.
voltage profile along the length of the need for system Methods to mitigate interactions
line when current flows. Active voltage
intervention (increasing or reducing
resilience because between all types of inverter controls
and other generation should be inves-
voltage to preferred operational limits) islanded operation tigated for inverter-dominated grids.
might use electromechanical or elec-
tronic components, from generators to is a key benefit of System Protection
other devices. Such devices include
load tap changers, voltage regulators,
grid-forming inverters The effect of grid-forming inverters on
power system protection is funda-
capacitor banks, synchronous con- as a response mentally different than that of grid-
densers, and others, along with early- following inverters and has not been
stage commercialization of solid-state to widespread extensively studied. In theory, the
technology (power electronics), e.g., a
static synchronous compensator.
catastrophic events. fault current from grid-forming invert-
ers, though it may vary by the control
For synchronous generators, their schemes, may have a subtransient
automatic voltage regulator adjusts behavior that more closely mimics
the output voltage either by adjusting power delivery via synchronous machines and is significantly larger than
the main field or real and reactive power output by modu- that supplied by grid-following inverters. The short circuit
lating the exciter field current. Voltage stability and reac- currents from grid-forming inverters can be equivalent to
tive power sharing among parallel-connected synchronous synchronous generation but are normally constrained to
generators is achieved via Q-V droop control such that each 4–6 p.u. for short time periods (<10 cycles) before steady-
machine follows a linear relationship between reactive state limits (<2 p.u.) are imposed. A larger short circuit
power and voltage. subtransient response will be limited primarily by the
Grid-forming inverters natively provide voltage regula- short circuit response of componentry in the grid-forming
tion via their Q-V droop laws, often called volt-volt inverters, related to its internal impedance. The short-time
ampere reactive (volt-VAR) control, which closely match- response is limited by semiconductor ratings, whereas the
es the behavior of synchronous machines. Mirroring ter- steady-state response is limited by inverter hardware
minology from frequency control, this is generally called parameters, e.g., thermal management.
primary voltage control to emphasize that these control By design, traditional three-phase grid-tied inverter
actions are done locally, without communication. Thus, controls will not provide zero- or negative-sequence cur-
grid-forming inverters can be especially helpful in pro- rents, which can be used to identify unbalanced fault con-
viding voltage support in weak grids. ditions more easily; inverter controls are designed to
Recent advances in voltage control for inverter systems suppress negative-sequence currents. It is recommended
are mostly concentrated in microgrid systems with droop to program grid-forming inverters to source zero and
control. Virtual impedances have been used to improve negative currents, mimicking a fault behavior of synchro-
reactive power sharing and mitigate parameter sensitivity. nous machines, in an unbalanced fault condition. This
To further enhance reactive power sharing and reduce would yield an increase in the efficacy of traditional pro-
steady-state errors, communications-based secondary- tection mechanisms compared to the pure grid-following
level controllers have been proposed. However, novel control case and would significantly simplify the identifi-
methods should be devised for deployment in bulk power cation of unbalanced faults.
systems to reduce communication dependency for scal- A protection issue unique to grid-forming inverters is
ability and resilience. operation in islanded/microgrid mode when a portion of
Recent findings have also uncovered adverse interac- the power system is disconnected from the bulk grid. Tra-
tions between grid-forming inverters and synchronous ditional grid-following inverters automatically shut off in
machine excitation systems that regulate voltages, and an islanded condition, with the absence of an external
similar issues have been observed on grid-following con- voltage, but grid-forming inverters can continue to oper-
trol types. These interactions can destabilize hybrid sys- ate islanded from the area grid (in many cases, such
tems and appear to be common to both grid-following resilient microgrid operation is a primary benefit of grid-
and grid-forming inverter controls. forming inverters). To maximize the benefit, some form of
Interactions and voltage oscillations may occur in islanding protection still will be needed for grid-forming
systems of grid following with grid-support functions. inverters to safely operate in islanded mode while ensur-
Here, the piecewise linear volt-VAR relations on grid-fol- ing the safety of electrical personnel and other bystanders.
lowing inverters and the time delays and filters used to This must be balanced by the need for system resilience

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because islanded operation is a key benefit of grid-form- A limitation of the present grid codes is that they are
ing inverters as a response to widespread catastrophic conceptualized from observations of modern power
events. A robust set of standards is necessary to balance systems that are dominated by synchronous machines.
autonomous grid-forming operation in grid-connected If a significant amount of inverter-based generation
mode and islanded/microgrid operation as well as during displaces synchronous machinery, such voltage recov-
line maintenance by electrical personnel. ery ability might be challenged. In contrast to synchro-
Although synchronous generation has well-defined nous generators, which can supply relatively large
and predictable currents and voltages during transient off-nominal currents for short periods of time, power
events (or well-understood models/experimental test- inverters have hard current limits that could greatly
ing) that allow for protection engineers to ensure sub- restrict the current dynamic voltage recovery capability
transient and transient reactance are within system of future power grids. For example, inverter-based gen-
specifications, no well-defined sets of models and tests eration might be limited to support the voltage recov-
are provided from inverter manufacturers. Detailed ery of grids with high penetrations of motor loads,
analytic modeling and simulation efforts, similar to which might slow down the voltage recovery because
those already underway for grid-following controls, are of high inrush currents. Hence, inverter-based genera-
needed to examine the effects of grid-forming imple- tion with grid-forming control may need to operate
mentations on power system protection and provide a under low-voltage/high-current conditions for longer
consistent framework for protection design for inverter times than they do today.
installations. A robust standards ecosystem that can To timely tackle the aforementioned problems, it is
mandate the consistent behavior of grid-forming invert- critical to investigate a suitable set of FRT envelopes that
ers from different manufacturers to the same contin- inverter-based systems might have to tolerate in the
gency scenarios is needed to obtain reliable protection of future. For example, it could be beneficial to determine a
grids. Without such a framework, protection engineering current ride-through envelope that serves to engineer
must carry out extensive studies on inverter behavior or inverters that tolerate motor-stalling events. Other prob-
extensive redesign of the protection system, which lems to address pertain to the development of analysis
increases the risk, complexity, and cost of inverter tools to ascertain the compliance of grid-forming con-
installations. In addition, we must explore whether trols in the context of FRT codes, determining distur-
today’s protection schemes are appropriate and effective bances that drive a set of grid-forming inverters outside
long-term solutions for a grid with grid-forming and a nontip zone, coordination with protective relays, and
grid-following inverters or whether a paradigm shift is feasibility of communication-less protection systems for
needed to fully benefit from the fast dynamics of power fast response.
electronics inverters.
Modeling and Simulation Approaches
FRT Capability and Power System A common assumption applied to a wide range of mod-
Voltage Recovery ern simulation tools is that a power system has a hypothet-
Transmission faults can cause deleterious electromag- ical synchronous reference speed—i.e., a center-of-inertia
netic transients that propagate throughout a geographic speed—that remains relatively close to nominal (e.g., rad/s)
area. During and after such events, it is desired that gen- during and after a transient. Consequently, the power
erating resources are capable of 1) withstanding such del- transmission network has been classically represented by
eterious transients and 2) driving the grid to a new an abstract algebraic system in which electrical variables
operating point by regulating terminal voltage magni- are sinusoids cycling at this reference speed.
tudes and frequency. This ability is referred to as voltage Such an assumption is justifiable in classic systems
ride-through, disturbance ride-through, or FRT capability. because synchronous machinery with relatively large
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation rotor inertia constants can maintain close to nominal
(NERC) standard PRC-024-3 mandates all generating rotor speed during and after faults. Increased inverter-
resources to remain connected during defined voltage based generation might invalidate the constant-frequen-
and frequency excursions to support the Bulk Electric cy assumption because of the lack of rotating inertia.
System. Figures 4 and 5 illustrate classes of PRC-024-3 Specifically, the cycling speed of generated voltages by
time-duration envelopes that enclose a set of positive- inverters with controls, such as droop and virtual oscilla-
sequence voltage magnitudes and frequency that shall be tor control, might change abruptly during faults. This can
tolerated by generation resources in a variety of intercon- occur because the cycling speed of these controllers
nections. Notably, voltage and frequency requirements in depends on the instantaneous power/current. For exam-
the Quebec interconnection can be more challenging to ple, the ac power provided by an inverter could be as low
satisfy than those for the Eastern, Western, and Electric as zero during faults.
Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) interconnections Because of the high computational burden of large-
because the Quebec envelopes are more permissible. scale electromagnetic transient simulations, synchronous

16 I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / MARCH 2022

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model and positive-sequence simulations are a desirable simplified and often are not able to accurately capture
tool for bulk power system studies. Thus, there is an the behavior of a system. Recently, the importance of
important need for appropriate inverter-based genera- improving the grid-following model to capture this
tion models for existing positive-sequence simula- behavior has been recognized, and it also applies to grid-
tion tools. Currently, such models are usually highly forming inverters.

The Voltage No Trip Zone Ends at 4 s

1.25 for Applicability to PRC-024
Voltage (per Unit)10

0.85 No Trip Zone∗

0.2 High Voltage Duration
0.15 Low Voltage Duration
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (s)

May Cease Current Injection Momentarily

1.5 Under Specified Conditions

Positive-Sequence Voltage (per Unit)

“No Trip Zone” ∗


Low Voltage/High Voltage Duration: All Power Plants

0.25 Low Voltage Duration: Inverter-Based Resources
High Voltage Duration: Strategic Power Plants

0 0.1 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 30 300
0.15 Time (s)

Figure 4. Voltage no trip boundaries of the North American interconnections. (a) Eastern, Western, and ERCOT. (b) Quebec. ERCOT: Electric Reli-
ability Council of Texas. (Source: NERC, 2020; used with permission.)

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An additional problem when simulating inverter- An additional problem pertaining to the integration of
based generation in power system simulations is that inverter-based generation is that the primary energy
the characteristics of primary energy sources, such as sources are variable and thus uncertain. This implies that
wind turbines and photovoltaic arrays, are typically a framework is needed to assess uncertain dynamic sim-
omitted. Incorporating these energy sources is impor- ulations. If uncertainties are not considered in simula-
tant in a simulation because they are useful in deter- tions, deterministic simulations might be unable to
mining whether generation will be able to meet demand predict adverse dynamic behavior introduced by variable
after a large transient. At the present time, positive- initial conditions and inputs. At the present time, various
sequence models, such as the DER_A, neglect primary tools have been proposed that are capable of handling
energy sources. uncertainties, such as trajectory sensitivity, probabilis-
Another challenge in modeling inverter-based genera- tic collocation, semidefinite programming, Lyapunov
tion is that, compared to synchronous machines, many function families, and Taylor polynomials. However,
types of inverter-based generation sources are small in a common problem with these tools is the curse
size, large in number, and connected to the grid at the of dimensionality.
distribution level. One research problem pertains to deter-
mining a suitable representation of many heterogeneous A Road Map for the Development and
inverter-based generation sources in bulk power system Deployment of Grid-Forming Inverters
simulations. One way to bridge this gap is to start with a The preceding section reviewed the present state of
small unit and design a scaling law to model a collec- research on power system stability, protection, and model-
tion of units. Another approach is to use system identifi- ing/simulation for grid-forming inverters. It also outlined a
cation methods to develop gray-box models directly at the wide range of open research questions that must be
feeder-head level. addressed. This section integrates and recasts these
research questions in the form of a road map that outlines
near- and long-term research priorities.
In the near term, significant additional research, devel-
63 opment, and field trials of grid-forming inverters are need-
62 ed to build on and expand early, promising research
Frequency (Hz)

61 findings on the opportunities for increased grid control

No Trip Zone∗ with inverter-based forms of generation and storage. In the
midterm, priorities will begin to shift (and in some instanc-
57 es have already shifted) to focus on the opportunities for
56 grid-forming inverters to contribute materially to the per-
0.1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 formance of specific types of grids whose performance
Time (s)
cannot be improved through other, less expensive means
(such as weak grids with low short circuit strength).
Through these early-stage deployments, consensus will
Frequency (Hz)

begin to emerge around the best ways to use grid-forming

inverters to improve grid operations, and deployments
61 No Trip Zone∗
will begin to standardize. At this stage, experimentation
and one-off deployments will transition to an accepted set
of standard design practices—with supporting tools that
0.1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 will enable widespread deployment. These key steps are
Time (s) outlined in Figure 6.
(b) Our road map anticipates these transitions from devel-
opment to deployment and links research needs to key
Figure 5. Frequency no trip boundaries by interconnection. (a) West- stages in the evolution of these systems integration
ern. (b) Quebec. (Source: NERC, 2020; used with permission.) requirements for grid-forming inverters, starting from

Grid-Forming Standardize Wide
Inverter Key Tools for
R&D Validation and Grid-Forming Grid-Forming
Research Practitioners
Demonstration Deployments Adoption

Figure 6. Key steps for maturing grid-forming inverter technologies.

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microgrids and progressing to island or other smaller systems. Therefore, there is a staging of implementation
weak grids, and eventually to entire interconnections. This between different usage levels as well as stages of usage
multiyear perspective recognizes that the scale and scope within application areas (denoted by a color gradient
of the types of power systems for which inverters will be within an application area).
called on to provide grid-forming services will begin mod- We are currently seeing (and will continue to see for
estly. Specifically, it recognizes that the dominant form of the foreseeable future) the incorporation of grid-forming
inverter control today is grid following and that future inverters in island microgrid environments. These
power systems will involve a mix of inverter-based sourc- microgrids, which are already being incorporated in a vari-
es with both grid-following and grid-forming control. ety of areas (for example, rural villages in Alaska, univer-
Growth over time will be paced or enabled by how well sity campuses, and military bases) run hybrid diesel-
grid-forming inverters perform and what advantages they renewable grids with grid-forming inverters on energy
bring. This recognition, in turn, establishes a natural storage. As the technology of grid-forming inverters
sequence of priorities for the research questions that matures, we will begin to see the emergence of 100% grid-
must be addressed. forming islanded microgrids with scalable multi-inverter,
multiple grid-forming-based architectures, and energy
From Microgrids to Isolated Power Systems sources. Such microgrids, although small, can still provide
to Continental-Scale Power Systems a wealth of practical knowledge in the deployment of grid-
Grid-forming implementation will occur through phased forming inverters.
implementations of grid-forming inverters, starting with As the technology for grid-forming-based microgrids
smaller, more constrained microgrids and eventually matures, grid-forming-based implementations will begin
moving toward larger grids (Figure 7). Even within to appear in larger island grid settings (3–15 years), such as
application areas, phased implementation is likely to in Hawaii and the Caribbean. These grids have more inter-
occur, with initial grid-forming implementation being sea- operating sources and loads, are geographically larger, and
sonal or taking place during situational periods when exhibit a much larger and more complex behavior com-
additional firm sources are needed (e.g., instantaneous pared to site-level microgrids. Additionally, although
inverter-based generation periods or the provision of volt- site-level islanded microgrids are primarily built at distribu-
age regulation under local, specific contingencies) before tion-level voltages, many island grids have subtransmis-
the widespread adoption of grid-forming-dominated sion-level voltages.

Forming in
Bulk Grids
10–30 Years
Grid Forming Challenges in
Weak Portions of Bulk Grids.
Western Electricity Coordinating
Council, ERCOT (and so on)
3+ Years

Grid Forming in Larger Island Grids.

3–15 Years

Instantaneous Grid Forming Challenges in Island Grids.

Puerto Rico, Hawaii (and so on)
1+ Years

Grid Forming in Microgrids

Rural Village, Military Bases, University Campuses, Community Microgrids (and so on)
Present–10 Years

Figure 7. Incorporating grid-forming controls into the bulk electric grid will take place gradually after key functionalities have been demonstrated
and confidence has been gained by operating them in smaller microgrids and island power systems.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / MARCH 2 0 2 2 19

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Validations through these comparatively smaller grids provide these current harmonics, which some
will contribute to the irreplaceable field and operational loads will require. In the future, the primary func-
experience, along with supporting technical require- tion of inverters will be to provide well-regulated
ments and standards, needed to guide the large-scale system voltages for loads. The challenge is to
implementation of grid-forming inverters within exten- devise a set of standards that emphasizes voltage
sive interconnected, high-voltage transmission grids. control while recognizing the physical current-car-
These implementations will begin piecemeal and respond rying limits of inverters.
to specific operational problems created by increased x Standards for Q-V droop functions: Industry practice
inverter-based generation (relative to synchronous genera- is largely predicated on grid-following inverters
tion), such as the need to shore up weaker regions within that operate at or near a unity power factor. In
the interconnection (7–20 years). Although operations in recent years, this constraint has been relaxed with
smaller grids will provide key insights about operational slow-acting volt-VAR controls that are intended to
practices and interoperability, some fundamental support system voltages. As machines are gradually
research gaps still exist, preventing widespread imple- displaced by grid-forming inverters, the burden of
mentation on large grids that are currently dominated satisfying the reactive power demanded by loads
by synchronous machines. A particularly challenging set will shift further toward these inverters. In this
of issues will involve adaptations or modifications to future scenario, grid-forming inverters must be
existing bulk power system control approaches—all of allowed to respond according to their autonomous-
which have been based on comparatively slower-acting ly executed and fast-acting Q-V droop functions to
electromechanical sources—to take advantage of the simultaneously satisfy loads and support system
much faster acting control that is possible with inverter- voltages. These Q-V droop functions for grid-forming
based sources. inverters are distinct from the volt-VAR standards
We conclude with short descriptions of two specif- currently in place.
ic near-term research priorities: the review of regulato- xxRethinking unintentional islanding functions: Because
ry and technical standards and the development of a grid-following inverter needs a well-defined volt-
advanced modeling techniques. These priorities are foun- age at its terminals, it can function in islanded
dational. We recommend immediate pursuit of them in settings only under specific conditions (e.g., the
parallel with and in direct support of the research outlined inverter power must match the load demand before
by our multiyear perspective. the system is islanded). Because grid-forming
inverters act like voltage sources, they generally
The Need to Establish a Technical Standards continue operating during islanded conditions. This
Environment for Grid-Forming Inverters behavior departs from the existing regulatory frame-
Because grid-forming inverters exhibit voltage-source-like work. Future standards must reconcile the follow-
behavior, they have distinct behaviors that require tailored ing questions:
standards. For instance, existing IEEE 1547 standards for ■■ How can distribution engineers de-energize sys-

distribution-level assets emphasize current harmonics tems before carrying out maintenance?
limits, reactive power limits, and anti-islanding functions. ■■ Should islanded subsystems within a larger grid

By contrast, grid-forming units are predominantly used remain energized to enhance reliability and facili-
for voltage regulation instead of current regulation, reac- tate a system black start?
tive power can vary for voltage support, and grid-forming
inverters natively provide uninterrupted power during The Need to Begin Developing Appropriate
islanded conditions. Models for Existing Simulation Tools as Well as
The following aspects should be considered in the con- Enhanced Modeling and Simulation Tools
text of ongoing efforts to modernize standards for grid- Modern state-of-the-art grid analysis tools have been
connected inverters within IEEE, the International tailored toward grids dominated by synchronous
Electrotechnical Commission, Federal Energy Regulatory machines. A widely adopted assumption within these
Commission, and NERC: tools is that the synchronous speed of power systems
xx Current versus voltage waveform quality: Under the remains relatively close to nominal during and after a
existing regulatory paradigm, inverters are con- transient; however, this widely adopted assumption
trolled to inject sinusoidal currents with minimal might not be valid in systems with high penetrations of
harmonic content. This aligns with prevailing prac- inverter-based generation because they lack synchro-
tices in which harmonics demanded by nonlinear nously connected rotor inertia. Hence, researching
loads are provided by machines and reactive com- appropriate modeling and simulation tools that are suit-
ponents, whereas inverters inject only 60-Hz com- able for studying the transition from machine-based
ponents. If machines are displaced by grid-forming systems to inverter-based ones is a high priority. In fact,
inverters, however, then the inverters will need to some independent system operators and developers

20 I E E E E l e c t r i f i cati o n M agaz ine / MARCH 2022

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Texas at Austin. Downloaded on April 04,2023 at 22:19:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
require this capability immediately, highlighting the Mag., vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 89–98, 2019, doi: 10.1109/MPE.2019.
importance and urgency of appropriate modeling and 2933072.
“Reliability guideline: BPS-connected inverter-based
simulation tools.
resource performance,” North American Electric Reliability
Another important challenge is to simulate inverter Corporation, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2018. [Online]. Available:
controllers as implemented in the field to accurately
predict undesirable performance. This problem was Inverter-Based_Resource_Performance_Guideline.pdf
highlighted during the recent Blue Cut Fire, Canyon Fire A. Yazdani and R. Iravani, Voltage-Sourced Converters in
Power Systems: Modeling Control and Applications. Hoboken, NJ,
2, and subsequent events, where disconnections of
USA: Wiley, 2010.
inverters were not predicted by current simulation. This Q. C. Zhong, “Virtual synchronous machines: A unified
problem can extend to the future incorporation of interface for grid integration,” IEEE Power Electron. Mag.,
inverters with grid-forming controls; hence, appropriate vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 18–27, 2016, doi: 10.1109/MPEL.2016.
models for existing transient simulation tools should 2614906.
“State of reliability,” North American Electric Reliability
be implemented.
Corporation, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2017.
Generator Frequency and Voltage Protective Relay Settings,
Conclusions NERC Standard PRC-024-3, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2020.
For the next decade and beyond, the large interconnec-
tions will comprise both electromechanical and inverter- Acknowledgments
based resources. Inverter-based, grid-forming resources This work was authored in part by the National Renew-
will be necessary for the stable operation of the bulk power able Energy Laboratory, operated by the Alliance for Sus-
grid. This article envisioned the key short- and long-term tainable Energy, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy
R&D needs for inverter-based resource grid-forming con- (DOE) under contract DE-AC36-08GO28308. Funding is
trols, protection, and modeling as part of hybrid grids. We provided by the U.S. DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and
have also provided a comprehensive analysis of the chal- Renewable Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office. The
lenges in integrating inverter-based resources and offered views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the
recommendations on potential technology pathways views of the DOE or the U.S. government.
to inform the academic community, industry, and re-
search organizations. Biographies
Additional short-term and long-term roadmapping Yashen Lin ( is with the National
and detailed system performance metrics will need to Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado,
be developed to support this transition to the next- 80401, USA.
generation power system with inverter-based resourc- Joseph H. Eto ( is with the Lawrence
es. Future assessment will also need to address the Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA.
many areas beyond the scope of this article that more Brian B. Johnson ( is with the Universi-
broadly correlate to long-term grid modernization ty of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 98195, USA.
efforts, for instance, distribution system operations Jack D. Flicker ( is with the Sandia
with grid-forming inverter controls, the evolution of National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
sensing and communications systems, economic anal- 87185, USA.
ysis, and cybersecurity. Robert H. Lasseter ( is with the
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 53706, USA.
For Further Reading Hugo N. Villegas Pico ( is with the
M. C. Chandorkar, D. M. Divan, and R. Adapa, “Control of par- Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 50011, USA.
allel connected inverters in standalone ac supply systems,” Gab-Su Seo ( is with the National
IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 136–143, Jan./Feb. 1993,
doi: 10.1109/28.195899.. Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, 80401,
“IEEE Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Dis- USA.
tributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Sys- Brian J. Pierre ( is with the Sandia
tems Interfaces,” IEEE Standard 1547-2018. National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87185, USA.
B. B. Johnson, M. Sinha, N. G. Ainsworth, F. Dörfler, and S. V. Abraham Ellis ( is with the Sandia
Dhople, “Synthesizing virtual oscillators to control islanded
inverters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 6002– National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87185,
6015, 2016, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497217. USA.
R. H. Lasseter, “Control of distributed resources,” in Proc. Jeremiah Miller ( is with
1998 Int. Conf. Bulk Power Syst. Dyn. Control IV-Restructuring, the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Technologies Office,
pp. 323–330. Washington, D.C., 20585, USA.
Y. Lin et al., “Research roadmap on grid-forming inverters,”
National Renewable Energy Laboratory., Golden, CO, USA, No. Guohui Yuan ( is with the U.S.
NREL/TP-5D00-73476, 2020. Department of Energy Solar Technologies Office, Washing-
J. Matevosyan et al., “Grid-forming inverters: Are they the ton, D.C., 20585, USA.
key for high renewable penetration?” IEEE Power Energy 

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