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The truth is that when we refer to Amazon we refer to one of the largest companies
in the world, and its owner is recognized as one of the richest and most powerful
men in the world. Its great power is contradicted and debated between a position
that considers that antitrust measures should be implemented since they cover too
large a market that can even harm its competitors, since Amazon controls the
prices they offer. Another position is that Amazon has managed to position itself
due to its innovation and efficient service provision, for this reason they do not
consider it fair to impose antitrust measures. In this essay I will defend why it is
necessary to implement antitrust measures in the case of Amazon.

To better explain this perspective, we will refer to the perspective of the moral
principle described by Kant in "Critique of Practical Reason"(Kant) especially in this
work Kant describes the importance of acting ethically and in accordance with
morality. From this perspective, given that there is an excessive concentration of
power in a single company, and considering that it is immersed in a globalized
world in which competition is increasingly difficult to overcome , the fact that a
company has this type of control can mean a violation of the principle of justice for
which reason the precepts of morality as described by Kant would not be
understood. In short, from the perspective that Kant addresses about ethics and
morality, what is fair is that companies offer a more equitable way of competition,
otherwise they may incur a lack of fair (non-ethical) action since Amazon abuses of
its power to monopolize the market.

On the other hand, it can be understood from the perspective of Marx as ethics,
everything that goes in favor of the fight against social inequalities, from this it can
be understood how Amazon is precisely the opposite of what can be considered as
morally correct given that it is necessary to question the economic power that has
been achieved by Amazon and the impact that this can have in terms of inequality
and job exploration. From Marx's definitions(Marx y Engels )

The PBS Frontline documentary, "The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos,"
(PBS)addresses the issue of Amazon and antitrust policies. In the documentary,
concerns about Amazon's power in the US economy and the ethics behind the
company's business practices are explored. Some experts argue that Amazon is
monopolizing certain markets and that antitrust policies are needed to ensure fair
competition. In addition, the ethics behind working conditions at Amazon fulfillment
centers and the way the company treats its workers are also examined.


The situation for the Warrior Met Coal miners is complex and raises several ethical
questions. From Kant's point of view, it can be argued that wages and working
conditions at the mine are unacceptable and violate the principle of treating
workers as an end in themselves, and not to business goals. In addition, the lack of
solidarity on the part of other workers and trade unions can be seen as a lack of
respect for humanity in themselves, as miners are not treated as equals. In terms
of the political response to the strike, the lack of government and police support for
workers' rights can also be seen as a violation of the ethical duty to protect human
rights and social justice.

Mill's article on "utilitarianism" could argue that the lack of fair wages and safe
working conditions in the mine is detrimental to the general welfare of society.
Furthermore, the concentration of power and resources in the hands of mine
owners and shareholders can be seen as an unfair distribution of wealth and
resources. In terms of comparison with the nearby Amazon fulfillment center, labor
exploitation and a lack of workplace solidarity are also major concerns.

Looking at the NYT podcast and article, you can see that the miners' strike has had
a significant impact on their lives and society, and that they are fighting for fair
working conditions and a voice in the workplace. It is also seen that the attitude of
the mine owners and their unwillingness to negotiate with the workers represent a
significant barrier to change. Overall, the situation at the Warrior Met coal mine
raises important ethical questions related to social justice, labor solidarity, and the
fair distribution of wealth and resources.(The Daily)

Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Practical Reason . 1788. Document.

Marx, Karl, and Frederich Engels. The Manifesto of the Communist Party. 1848.

PBS. The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos . 2020 .

The Daily. A Coal Miner's Political Transformation [Audio podcast episode] . August
22, 2022. Website. <https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/22/podcasts/the-

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