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1 CAN YOU SPEAK ENGLISH? ...... 4 13 WHAT’S IT FOR? ...... 60

First meetings Survival phrases: Please speak slowly, It’s for you, Thanks, No problem, etc. Serial, reference, and telephone numbers Explaining use What’s this for? It’s for + -ing Electronic controls: key in, locate, press,
Reference and telephone Meeting a new contact Everyday objects Explaining functions What does this button do? select, etc.
numbers What’s this? It’s a / an … Numbers 1–20 Listing things How do you …? Tools and equipment (review)
Identifying things International words: robot, video, taxi, etc. Countable and uncountable nouns (review)
International words
14 WHAT HAPPENED? ...... 64
2 HOW DO YOU SPELL THAT? ...... 8 Reporting damage Past Simple: was and were Damage: crushed, dented, rusty, worn, etc.
Spelling I work for + company name The English alphabet Describing a project Past Simple: regular verbs Building and construction activities: added,
One to a hundred Checking phrases: That’s right; OK, got it; OK, so that’s … Numbers 1–100 Time prepositions: in, on, at installed, loaded, etc.
Checking an order Parts: clamp, clip, hook, etc. Pronunciation: -ed verb endings
Saying dates
3 WHAT DO YOU WANT? ...... 12
15 WHERE ARE YOU FROM? ...... 68
Buying food Plural -s A fast food menu
Saying what you want Do you want …?, How much is it? Measurement abbreviations Finding out about people Questions with What, Where, Which, and How many Free time activities
Specifying I need a(n) … Countries and nationalities Countries, nationalities, and languages Percentages and fractions
three amps ➝ a three-amp fuse Statistics Approximation: about, roughly, around Numbers: thousands, millions, and billions
4 IS THAT CORRECT? ...... 18 16 CAN YOU HELP ME? ...... 74
Email addresses Telephone phrases: This is …, Can I speak to …?, How do you spell that?, Email addresses Asking for help Can I …?, Can you …? Packages, containers, and units: box, can,
Telephone messages Just a second. Numbers 1–100 (review) Saying how long Yes, of course; Sorry, but … piece, roll, etc.
Checking equipment We have …, We don’t have …, We need …, Do we have …? Equipment: cable, lead, socket, etc. How much and How many lend and borrow Calculations: equals, plus, minus, multiplied
Following instructions Correcting information vertical / horizontal / diagonal Calculations How long does it take? by, divided by
Countable and uncountable nouns + How much …? and How many …?
5 WHERE IS IT? ...... 22
Describing controls There’s … / There are … Machine controls: gauge, lever, switch, etc. 17 KEEP MOVING ......78
Describing facilities at the top / bottom, on the left / right, in the centre Operating verbs: pull, push, turn, etc. Describing direction Direction prepositions: up, down, through, between, over, under, along, Words and phrases for travelling: single /
Describing tests Is there a(n) …? / Are there any …? Ordinal numbers: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Getting around round return, platform, receipt, etc.
Plural forms Building facilities come and go British and American words
Pronunciation: silent letters
6 TELL ME ABOUT IT ...... 26
Describing features It has …, It doesn’t have …, Does it have …? Car parts 18 WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? ...... 82
Materials a(n) / several / a lot of Materials: plastic, steel, wood, etc. Reading instructions Written instructions Two-part verbs: lift it up, plug it in,
Shapes What’s this made of? It’s made of … Shapes: circle / circular, sphere / spherical, etc. Experimenting Do X to do Y, Do X by doing Y take it off, etc.
What happens if …? Changes in physical state: boils, contracts,
expands, freezes, etc.
7 WHAT CAN IT DO? ...... 32 REVIEW AND REMEMBER 6 ...... 86
can and can’t It can …, It can’t …, Can it …? Movement verbs: carry, lower, raise, etc.
Body parts It’s designed to … Body and machine parts: arm, head, leg, etc. 19 FIX IT! ...... 88
Explaining what things do What’s the maximum reach / load? Numbers: hundreds Maintenance and repairs It needs + -ing Maintenance, service, and repairs: adjust,
Dimensions How long / wide / high / heavy is it? Offering help Past Simple: negative and question forms check, oil, replace, etc.
Did you …? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
8 WHAT DO YOU NEED? ...... 36
Offers: Do you want me to …?, I’ll …
Asking for things Do you have / need / want …? Physical tasks: cut, fill, measure, etc. How soon …?
Decimal numbers it and them Decimal numbers
Getting information Questions with How Tools and equipment 20 SAFETY FIRST ...... 92
Tools and equipment 3rd person -s: I need vs. It needs Safety instructions must, must not, have to, don’t, never Warning labels: flammable, toxic, well
Accidents will and won’t ventilated, etc.
9 WATCH OUT! ...... 40 Conversions Warnings: It’ll break, It’ll fall Equipment safety manual instructions
Warning signs Don’t … Safety warnings Why? / Why not? Metric and imperial measurements
Colours should Colours Past Simple: irregular verbs
Identifying people Jobs and companies: I’m a(n) …, I work for …
Questions with : Do / Does and Is / Are 21 WHAT A GREAT IDEA! ...... 96
Locating parts Referencing with it and they Machine parts: chute, gear, pivot, winch, etc.
REVIEW AND REMEMBER 3 ...... 44 Describing inventions is attached to, is supported by, is suspended from Movements: drop, lower, roll, raise,
10 HERE OR THERE? ...... 46 What is it? like / love / hate doing rotate, etc.
It’s for + -ing (review)
Locating things Prepositions of place: in, on, next to, between, under, on top of, in front of, Everyday items (review)
Telling the time behind Saying clock times REVIEW AND REMEMBER 7 ...... 100
this and that What time is it? Colours (review)
this, that, these, those
11 WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? ...... 50
Suggesting solutions It’s too + adjective Common adjectives: dangerous, heavy,
Impossible and necessary Why don’t you …? That’s a good idea. long, etc.
can’t and have to Driving instructions
What does … mean? It means … INFORMATION FILE ...... 102


Work tasks Present Continuous Verbs for describing a repair: fix, leak, BRITISH ENGLISH / AMERICAN ENGLISH GLOSSARY ...... 115
some and any It doesn’t last replace, etc.
Countable and uncountable nouns + some and any Joints and fastenings: bracket, hinge, NUMBERS ...... 116
There’s a(n) …, There’s some …, There are some … staple, etc.
Is there a(n) …?, Is there any …?, Are there any …? Storeroom items IRREGULAR VERBS ...... 117

2 Tech Talk Contents Tech Talk Contents 3

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