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Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law


a. Prescribe permanent framework of a system
A. Political Law – branch of public law which deals of government;
with the organization and operations of the b. Assign to several departments their respective
governmental organs of the State and defines the powers and duties
relations of the State with the inhabitants of its c. Establish certain first principles on which the
territory. government is founded

B. Scope/Division 3. Classification
1. Constitutional Law – study of the maintenance a. Written – precepts are embodied in one
of the proper balance between authority as document/ set of documents
represented by the 3 inherent powers of the State Unwritten – rules which have not been
and liberty as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights integrated into a single, concrete form but are
scattered in various sources (statutes, judicial
2. Administrative Law – Fixes the organization of decisions, commentaries, customs and
the government; traditions, common law principles).
Determines the competence of the b. Enacted (Conventional) – formally struck off at
administrative authorities who execute the law; and a definite time and place following a conscious or
Indicates to the individuals remedies for the deliberate effort taken by a constituent body or
violation of his right. ruler.
Evolved (Cumulative) – result of political
3. Law on Municipal Corporations evolution, changing by accretion rather than
4. Law of Public Officers by any systematic method.
5. Election Law c. Rigid – amended only by formal and usually
difficult process
C. Basis of the Study Flexible – changed by ordinary legislation
1. 1935 and 1973 Constitution
2. 1986 Constitution 4. Qualities of a good written Constitution
3. Other organic laws made to apply in the a. Broad – comprehensive enough to provide for
Philippines every contingency
4. Statutes, EOs and decrees, judicial decisions b. Brief – confine to basic principles to be
5. US Constitution implemented
c. Definite – to prevent ambiguity
5. Essential parts of a good written Constitution
A. Nature of the Constitution a. Constitution of Liberty – sets forth the civil and
1. Definition political rights of the citizens and imposing
a. The body of rules and maxims in accordance limitations on the powers of the government
with which the powers of sovereignty are habitually b. Constitution of Government – outlines the
exercised. organization of the government; enumerates its
b. That written instrument enacted by the direct powers; and lay down rules relative to its
action of the people, administration
by which the fundamental powers of the c. Constitution of Sovereignty – points out the
government are established, limited and defined; mode or procedure in accordance with formal
and by which those powers are distributed changes in the fundamental law may be brought
among several departments for their safe and about
useful exercise for the benefit of the body
politic. 6. Interpretation/Construction of the Constitution

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

a. Verba legis: given their ordinary meaning a. Proposal

except where technical terms are employed - Congress, ¾ of ALL its members… understood
b. Ratio legis et anima: ambiguity  intent of the as ¾ of Senate and ¾ of HRs
framers, bearing in mind the objects sought to be - Constitutional Convention, called into
accomplished and evils sought to be prevented; existence by 2/3 a vote of all the members of
doubtful provision shall be examined in light of the Congress with the question of whether or not to call
history of the times and the conditions and a convention to be resolved by the people in a
circumstances under which the Constitution was plebiscite
framed - People through Power of Initiative, petition of
c. Ut magis valeat quam pereat: Constitution to be at least 12% of the total number of registered voters,
interpreted as a whole of which every legislative district must be
- Safer to construe the Constitution from what represented by at least 3% of the registered voters
“appears upon its face.” If, however, the plain therein  power of the people to propose
meaning of the word is not found to be clear, resort amendments to the Constitution or to propose and
to other aids is available. enact legislation through an election called for that
- In case of doubt, consider provisions as self- purpose
executing; mandatory rather than directory; and  Limitation: No amendment w/in 5 years
prospective rather than retroactive. following the ratification of this Constitution nor
- Self-executing provisions: one that lays down more than once every five years thereafter.
principle is usually not self-executing. That which is  3 systems of initiative:
complete in itself and becomes operative without (1) Initiative on the Constitution
the aid of supplementary or enabling legislation, or (2) Initiative on Statutes
that which supplies a sufficient rule by means of (3) Initiative on Local Legislation
which the right it grants may be enjoyed or - Choice of method of proposal is within the full
protected, is self-executing. discretion of the legislature
- Self-executing if the nature and extent of the - 3 Theories on the position of a Constitutional
right conferred and liability imposed are fixed by Convention vis-à-vis the regular departments of
the Constitution itself. government
- Section 26, Article II of the Constitution does (1) Theory of Conventional Sovereignty
NOT contain judicially enforceable constitutional (2) Convention is inferior to other departments
rights. (3) Independent of and co-equal to the other
B. Brief Constitutional History b. Ratification
1. Malolos Constitution - Ratified by a majority of the votes cast in a
2. American Regime and Other Organic Acts plebiscite held not earlier than 60 nor later than 90
3. 1935 Constitution days after the approval of the proposal by Congress
4. Japanese Occupation or the Constitutional Convention, or after the
5. 1973 Constitution certification by the COMELEC of the sufficiency of
6. 1987 Constitution the initiative.
- Doctrine or proper submission: Constitution
C. Amendment prescribes the time frame within which the
1. Amendment – isolated or piecemeal change in plebiscite is to be held, there can no longer be any
the Constitution question on whether the time given to the people to
Revision – revamp or rewriting of the entire determine the merits and demerits of the proposed
instrument amendment is adequate.
- Plebiscite may be held on the same day as a
2. Legislative Power – merely provides details for regular election.
implementation - Entire Constitution must be submitted for
3. Steps ratification at one plebiscite only.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- The people have to be given a “proper frame of - A taxpayer, or group of taxpayers, is a proper
reference” in arriving at their decision. party to question the validity of a law appropriating
4. Judicial Review of Amendments – issue is public funds.
whether or not the constitutional provisions had - 2 Requisites for Taxpayer’s Suit:
been followed. (1) Public funds are disbursed by a political
subdivision or instrumentality
E. The Power of Judicial Review (2) A law is violated or irregularity is committed
1. Judicial Review – power of the courts to test the (3) Petitioner is directly affected by the ultra vires
validity of executive and legislative acts in light of act
their conformity with the Constitution. - The Government is a proper party to question
- Power is inherent in the Constitution. the validity of its own laws, because more than any
- Section 1, Article VII of the Constitution: one, it should be concerned with the
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of constitutionality of its acts
justice to settle actual controversies involving rights  The established rule is that a party can question
which are legally demandable and enforceable, and the validity of a statute only if, as applied to him, it
to determine whether or not there has been a grave is unconstitutional.
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of  Exception: Facial Challenge, when it operates in
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or the area of freedom of expression.
instrumentality of Government.  Overbreadth Doctrine: permits a party to
2. Who may exercise challenge the validity of a statute even though, as
- Power of the SC to decide constitutional applied to him, it is not unconstitutional, but it
questions. might be if applied to other not before the Court
- Constitutional appellate jurisdiction of the SC whose activities are constitutionally protected.
and implicitly recognizes the authority of lower  Invalidation of the statute “on its face”, rather
courts to decide questions involving the than “as applied” is permitted in the interest of
constitutionality of laws, treaties, agreements, etc. preventing a “chilling effect” on freedom of
- Notice to SolGen is mandatory to enable him to expression.
decide whether or not his intervention in the action  Facial challenge is the most difficult challenge
is necessary. because the challenge must establish that no set of
3. Functions of Judicial Review circumstances exists under which the act would be
(1) Checking valid.
(2) Legitimizing - The constitutional question must be raised at the
(3) Symbolic earliest possible opportunity
4. Requisites - The decision on the constitutional question must
(1) Actual case or controversy be determinative of the case itself.
(2) Constitutional question must be raised by the - Bars judicial inquiry into a constitutional
proper party question unless the resolution is indispensable to the
determination of the case.
- A party’s standing in court is a procedural - Every law has in its favor the presumption of
technicality which may be set aside by the Court in constitutionality, and to justify its nullification,
view of the importance of the issues involved; there must be a clear and unequivocal breach of the
paramount public interest/transcendental Constitution.
- “Present substantial interest” – such interest of a 5. Effects of Declaration of Unconstitutionality
party in the subject matter of the action as will - Orthodox View: unconstitutional act is not a
entitle him under substantive law, to recover of the law, it confers no rights and imposes no duties; it
evidence is sufficient, or that he has a legal title to affords no protection, creates no office; it is
defend and the defendant will be protected in inoperative as if it had not been passed at all.
payment to or recovery from him.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- Modern View: certain legal effects of the statute (2) Ministrant – intended to promote the welfare,
prior to its declaration of unconstitutionality may be progress and prosperity of the people and which are
recognized. merely optional for Government to perform
6. Partial Unconstitutionality
- Legislature must be willing to retain the valid Doctrine of Parens Patriae: parents of the people;
portions  separability clause the Government may act as guardian of the rights of
- Valid portion can stand independently as law the people who may be disadvantaged or suffering
from some disability or misfortune.
State: a community of persons, more or less Classification
numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion (1) De jure
of territory, independent of external control and De facto – Kinds
possessing a government to which a great body of 1) Takes possession or control of, or usurps, by
inhabitants render habitual obedience. force or by the voice of the majority, the rightful
legal government and maintains itself against the
State is a legal or juristic concept; nation is an will of the latter;
ethnic or racial concept. 2) Established by the inhabitants of a territory who
Government is an instrumentality of the State rise in insurrection against the parent state; and
through which the will of the State is implemented 3) Established by invading forces of an enemy who
and realized. occupy a territory in the course of war (de facto
government of paramount force).
Elements: (2) Presidential – separation of executive and
(1) People legislative powers
(2) Territory Parliamentary – fusion of both executive and
Components: legislative in Parliament; actual exercise of
1) Terrestrial executive powers is vested in a Prime Minister who
2) Fluvial is chosen by, and accountable to the Parliament
3) Maritime (3) Unitary
4) Aerial Federal
(3) Government
(4) Sovereignty Sovereignty: supreme and uncontrollable power
inherent in a State by which that State is governed
Archipelago Doctrine: the waters around, between Kinds:
and connecting the islands of the archipelago, 1) Legal – power to issue final commands
regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form Political – sum total of all the influences which
part of the internal waters of the Philippines. lie behind the law
2) Internal – supreme power over everything
Straight Baseline Method: Imaginary straight lines within the territory
are drawn joining the outermost points of outermost External/Independence – freedom from external
islands of the archipelago, enclosing an area the control
ratio of which should not be more than 9:1;
provided that the drawing of the baselines shall not Characteristics:
depart, to any appreciable extent, from the general 1) Permanence
configuration of the archipelago. 2) Exclusiveness
3) Comprehensiveness
Functions of the Government: 4) Absoluteness
(1) Constituent – mandatory for the Government to 5) Indivisibility
perform because they constitute the very bonds of 6) Inalienability
society 7) Imprescriptibility
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

against its national interests even if the offenders

Effects of Change in Sovereignty: Political laws are non-resident aliens;
are abrogated; municipal laws remain in (2) By virtue of its relations with other
force states/territories (as when it establishes a colonial
protectorate or a condominium or administers a
Effects of Belligerent Occupation: No change in trust territory or occupies enemy territory in the
sovereignty. course of war);
 Political laws, except the law on treason, are (3) Local state waives jurisdiction over persons and
suspended; things within its territory;
 Municipal laws remain in force unless repealed (4) Principle of extraterritoriality
by belligerent occupant; (5) Enjoyment of easements or servitudes
 At the end of belligerent occupation, political (easement of innocent passage or arrival under
laws shall automatically become effective again stress)
(doctrine of jus postliminium) (6) Exercise of jurisdiction by the state in the high
seas over its vessels, over pirates, in the exercise of
Dominium – capacity to acquire or own the right to visit and search, and under doctrine or
property hot pursuit;
Imperium – authority possessed by the State (7) Exercise of limited jurisdiction over the
embraced in the concept of sovereignty contiguous zone and the patrimonial sea, to prevent
infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or
Jurisdiction sanitary regulations.
Territorial: power of the State over persons
and things within its territory. State Immunity from Suit: The State cannot be sued
Exemption: without its consent.
(1) Foreign states, head of states, diplomatic  Royal Prerogative of Dishonesty: There can be
representatives and consuls to a certain degree; no legal right against the authority which makes the
(2) Foreign state property, including embassies, law on which the right depends. It may be sued if its
consulates and public vessels engaged in non- gives consent.
commercial activities;  Par in parem non habet imperium: Immunity is
(3) Acts of state enjoyed by other States. The Head of the State, who
(4) Foreign merchant vessels exercising the rights is deemed the personification of the State, is
of innocent passage or involuntary entry such as inviolable and enjoys immunity.
arrival under stress
(5) Foreign armies passing through or stationed in Test to Determine if Suit is Against the State
its territory with its permission; and  Whether it requires an affirmative act from the
(6) Other persons or property, including state.
organizations like the UN, over which it may, by
agreement, waive jurisdiction. Suit against Government Agencies
1. Incorporated – if the charter provides that the
Personal: power of the State over its agency can sue and be sued, then suit will lie,
nationals, which may be exercised by the State even including one for tort. The provision in the charter
of the individual is outside the territory of the State. constitutes express consent on the part of the State
to be sued.
Extraterritorial: power exercised by the State  Municipal corporations, agencies of the state
beyond its territory, when they are engaged in governmental functions
example: and should enjoy sovereign immunity from suit.
(1) Assertion of its personal jurisdiction over its They are subject to suit even in the performance of
nationals abroad or the exercise of its right to such functions because their respective charters
punish offenses committed outside its territory
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

provide that they can sue and be sued. (Section 22 against it. Such execution will require another
LGC) waiver.
2. Unincorporated – inquire into the principal
functions Suability is not equated with outright liability.
 If governmental: no suit without consent Liability will have to be determined by the court on
 If proprietary: suit will lie, because when the the basis of the evidence and the applicable law.
State engages in principally proprietary functions,
then it descends to the level of a private individual, IV. FUNDAMENTAL POWERS OF THE
and may therefore be vulnerable to suit. STATE
Inherent powers of the State
Suit Against Public Officers: The doctrine of state 1. Police Power
immunity also applies to complaints filed against 2. Eminent Domain
officials of the State for acts performed by them in 3. Power of Taxation
the discharge of their duties within the scope of
their authority. Similarities
Exceptions: (may be sued without prior consent 1. inherent in the state, without need of express
from State) constitutional grant
1. to compel him to do an act required by law; 2. necessary and indispensable
2. to restrain him from enforcing an act claimed to 3. methods by which the state interferes with
be unconstitutional; private property
3. to compel the payment of damages from an 4. presupposes equivalent compensation
already appropriated assurance fund or to refund tax 5. exercised primarily by legislature
over-payments from a fund already available for the
purpose; Distinctions
4. to secure a judgment that the officer impleaded 1. Police power regulates liberty and property
may satisfy by himself without the State having to Eminent domain and taxation affects only
do a positive act to assist him; property rights
5. where government itself has violated its own 2. Police power and taxation are exercised only by
laws, because the doctrine of state immunity government
“cannot be used to perpetrate an injustice” Eminent domain may be exercised by private
Where a public officer has committed an ultra vires 3. Property taken in police power is usually
act, or there is a showing of bad faith, malice or noxious or intended for noxious purposes and may
gross negligence, then the officer can be held be destroyed
personally accountable. In eminent domain and taxation, the property is
wholesome and devoted to public use/purpose.
In order that suit may lie against the state, there 4. Compensation in police power is the intangible,
must be consent. Where no consent is shown, state altruistic feeling that the individual has contributed
immunity from suit may be invoked as a defense by to the public good;
the courts sua sponte at any stage of the In eminent domain, it is the full and fair
proceedings. equivalent of the property taken;
Express consent: general law or special law In taxation, it is the protection given and/or
Implied consent public improvements instituted by government
1. state commences a litigation for taxes paid.
2. state enters into a business contract
Scope of consent: consent to be sued does not 1. Bill of Rights
include consent to the execution of judgment 2. Courts may annul improvident exercise of
police power
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Congress
Police Power  By delegation, the President, administrative
 Power of promoting public welfare by bodies, LGUs and even private enterprises
restraining and regulating the use of liberty and performing public services
 Most pervasive, least limitable and most Requisites
demanding of the three powers. (1) Necessity
 Justification: salus populi est suprema lex and (2) Private Property, except money and choses in
sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas action
(3) Taking in the constitutional sense
Who may exercise? (4) Public use
 Inherently vested in Legislature (5) Just Compensation – full and fair equivalent of
 Congress may validly delegate this power to the the property taken; fair market value of the property
President, administrative bodies and to lawmaking
bodies of LGUs. Judicial Prerogative
 LGUs exercise this power under the general  Ascertainment of what constitutes just
welfare clause compensation for property taken in eminent domain
cases is a judicial prerogative.
Limitations (test for valid exercise)
 Lawful subject: interest of the public; activity or Form of Compensation
property sought to be regulated affects the general  Paid in money and no other form.
welfare; if it does then the enjoyment of the rights  In agrarian reform, payment is allowed to be
flowing therefrom may have to yield to the interest made partly in bonds because under the CARP, “we
of the greater number. do not deal with the traditional exercise of the
 Lawful means: means employed are reasonably power of eminent domain; we deal with a
necessary for the accomplishment of the purpose revolutionary kind of expropriation.”
and not unduly oppressive on individuals.
 Express grant by law Reckoning point of market value of the property
 Within territorial limits (for LGUs except when  Date of the taking or the filing of the complaint,
exercised to protect water supply) whichever comes first.
 Must not be contrary to law
Principal criterion in determining just
For Municipal Ordinances to be Valid: compensation
(1) Must not contravene the Constitution or the  Character of the land at the time of the taking
(2) Must not be unfair or oppressive Entitlement of owner to interest
(3) Must not be partial or discriminatory  When there is delay in the payment of just
(4) Must not prohibit but may regulate trade compensation, the owner is entitled to payment of
(5) Must not be unreasonable interest if claimed; otherwise, interest is deemed
(6) Must be general in application and consistent waived;
with public policy  Interest is 6% per annum, prescribed in Article
2209 of the CC, NOT 12% per annum under Central
Power of Eminent Domain (Power of Bank Circular No. 416, latter applies to loans or
Expropriation) forbearances of money, goods or credits or
judgments involving such loans or forbearance of
Jurisdiction money, goods or credits. The kind of interest here is
 RTC by way of damages.
 In some expropriation cases, the court imposes
Who may exercise the power 12%  damages for delay in payment which, in
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

effect, makes the obligation on the part of (4) Lands within the declared Areas for Priority
government one of forbearance. Development, Zonal Improvement Program sites,
Slum Improvement and Resettlement sites which
Who else may be entitled to just compensation have not yet been acquired;
 Owner (5) BLISS sites which have not yet been acquired;
 Those who have lawful interest and
(6) Privately owned lands
Title to the property
 Does not pass until after payment The mode of expropriation is subject to 2
Right of landowner in case of non-payment of (1) Resorted to only when the other modes of
just compensation acquisition have been exhausted
 Does not entitle to recover possession of the (2) Parcels owned by small property owners are
expropriated lots exempt from such acquisition
 Only to demand payment of the FMV of the
property Small property owners:
(1) Owners of residential lots not more than 300 sq.
Due process of law m. in highly urbanized cities and not more than 800
 Defendant must be given an opportunity to be sq. m. in other urban areas
heard (2) They do not own residential property other than
the same
Writ of Possession, ministerial upon:
(1) Filing of complaint for expropriation sufficient Power of Taxation
in form and substance
(2) Upon deposit by the government of the amount Who may exercise
equivalent to 15% of the FMV of the property per  Legislature
current tax declaration  Local legislative bodies
 To a limited extent, the President, when granted
The plaintiff’s right to dismiss the complaint has delegated tariff powers
always been subject to Court approval and to
certain conditions, because the landowner may have Limitations on the exercise
already suffered damages at the start of the  Due process of law, must not be confiscatory
taking.  Equal protection clause, must be uniform and
Right to repurchase or re-acquire the property  Public purpose
 Property owner’s right to repurchase the
property depends upon the character of the title Double taxation
acquired by the expropriator: if land is expropriated  Additional taxes are laid on the same subject by
for a particular purpose with the condition that the same taxing jurisdiction during the same taxing
when that purpose is ended or abandoned, the period and for the same purpose.
property shall revert to the former owner, the
former owner can re-acquire the property. Tax Exemptions
 No law granting tax exemption shall be passed
Lands for socialized housing are to be acquired in without the concurrence of a majority of all the
the following order: Members of Congress.
(1) Government lands  Charitable institutions, churches and parsonages
(2) Alienable lands of the public domain or convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non-
(3) Unregistered, abandoned or idle lands; profit cemeteries, and all lands, buildings and
improvements actually, directly and exclusively
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

used for religious, charitable or educational (2) Rule of majority

purposes  exempt (3) Accountability of public officials
 Revenues and assets of non-stock, non-profit (4) Bill of rights
educational institutions used actually, directly and (5) Legislature cannot pass irrepealable laws
exclusively for educational purposes  exempt (6) Separation of powers
 Proprietary educational institutions  may be
exempt subject to limitations provided by law Purpose
 Grants, endowments, donations, or contributions  To prevent concentration of authority in one
used actually, directly, and exclusively for person or group of persons that might lead to an
educational purposes  exempt irreversible error or abuse in its exercise to the
detriment of republican institutions.
Police Power vs. Taxation
 License fee v. Tax  license fee is a police
Principle of Blending of Powers
 Instances when powers are not confined
measure; tax is revenue measure
 Amount collected for a license fee is limited to
exclusively within one department but are assigned
the cost of permit and reasonable police regulation to or shared by several departments.
(except when the license fee is imposed on a non-
useful occupation); amount of tax may be unlimited Principle of Checks and Balances
 This allows one department to resist
provided it is not confiscatory
 License fee is paid for the privilege of doing
encroachments upon its prerogatives or to rectify
something and may be revoked when public interest mistakes or excesses committed by the other
so requires; tax is imposed on persons or property departments.
for revenue
Doctrine of Necessary Implication
 Absence of express conferment, the exercise of
Kinds of license fee
(1) For useful occupation/enterprises
the power may be justified under this doctrine, that
(2) Non-useful occupation/enterprises (when used
the grant of an express power carries with it all
to discourage, it may be a bit exorbitant) other powers that may be reasonably inferred from
A purely justiciable question implies a given right,
Preamble legally demandable and enforceable, an act or
 Does not confer rights nor impose duties
omission violative of such right, and a remedy
granted and sanctioned by law for said breach of
 Indicates authorship of the Constitution
 Enumerates the primary aims and aspirations of
the framers
Political question is a question of policy. It refers to
 Serves as an aid in the construction of the
those questions which, under the Constitution, are
to be decided by the people in their sovereign
capacity, or in regard to which full discretionary
authority has been delegated to the legislative or
 The Philippines is a democratic and republican
executive branch of government. It is concerned
state. Sovereignty resides in the people and all
with issues dependent upon wisdom, not legality of
government authority emanates from them.
particular measure.
 Essential features
(1) Representation
Delegation of powers
(2) Renovation
 Potestas delegate non potest delegare
 Manifestations
 Delegated power constitutes not only a right but
(1) Government of law and not of men
a duty to be performed by the delegate through the
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

instrumentality of his own judgment and not subject of statutory enactments, because these
through the intervening mind of another. generally accepted principles of international law
 Permissible delegation are automatically part of our own laws.
(1) Tariff powers to the president
(2) Emergency powers to the president (in times of Civilian Supremacy
war or national emergency)  Civilian authority is, at all times supreme over
(3) Delegation to the people – specific provisions the military. The AFP is the protector of the people
where the people have reserved to themselves the and the State. Its goal is to secure the sovereignty pf
function of legislation the State and integrity of the national territory.
 Referendum: power of the electorate to approve
or reject legislation through an election called for Duty of Government; people to defend the State
the purpose; referendum on statutes and referendum  The prime duty of the Government is to serve
on local law and protect the people.
 Plebiscite: electoral process by which an  The Government may call upon the people to
initiative on the Constitution is approved or rejected defend the State and, in the fulfillment thereof, all
by the people. citizens may be required, under conditions provided
(4) Delegation to LGUs by law, to render personal military or civil service.
(5) Delegation to Administrative Bodies – power of  The maintenance of peace and order, the
subordinate legislation protection of life, liberty and property, and the
 Tests for valid delegation promotion of the general welfare are essential for
(1) Completeness test: the law must be complete in the enjoyment by all the people of the blessings of
all its essential terms and conditions when it leaves democracy.
the legislature so that there will be nothing left for
the delegate to do when it reaches him except to Right to Bear Arms: statutory, not constitutional
enforce it. right.
(2) Sufficient standard test: intended to map out the
boundaries of the delegates’ authority by defining Separation of Church and State
the legislative policy and indicting the  Freedom of religion clause
circumstances under which it is up be pursued and  Religious sect cannot be registered as political
effected; the standards usually indicated in the law party
delegating legislative power.  No sectoral representative from the religious
The Incorporation Clause  Prohibition against appropriation for sectarian
 The Philippines renounces war as an instrument benefit
of national policy, adopts the generally accepted
principles of international law as part of the law of Exceptions
the land, and adheres to the police of peace, (1) Section 28(3), Article 6: Exemption from
equality, justice, freedom, cooperation and amity taxation
with all nations. (2) Section 29(2), Article 6: Prohibition against
 Independent foreign policy and nuclear-free sectarian benefit, except when priest is assigned to
Philippines the armed forces or to any penal institution or
 Expiration of Bases Agreement government orphanage or leprosarium
 Renunciation of War (3) Section 3(3), Article 14: Optional religious
(1) Covenant of the League of Nations instruction for public elementary and high school
(2) Kellogg-Briad Pact of 1928 studies
(3) Charter of the United Nations (4) Section 4(2), Article 14: Filipino ownership
 Doctrine of Incorporation – our courts have requirement to educational institutions, except those
applied the rules of international law in a number of established by groups and mission boards
cases even of such rules had not previously been
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

Independent Foreign Policy and Nuclear-free Promotion of health and ecology

Philippines  State shall protect and promote the right to
 State shall pursue an independent foreign health of the people and instill health consciousness
policy. In relations with other states, the paramount among them.
consideration shall be national sovereignty,  The State shall protect and advance the right of
territorial integrity, national interest and the right to the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in
self-determination. accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.
 The Philippines consistent with the national
interest, adopts and pursues a policy of freedom Priority to education, science, technology, etc.
from nuclear weapons in its territory.  State shall give priority to education, science
and technology, arts, culture and sports, to foster
Just and dynamic social order patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social
 State shall promote a just and dynamic social progress, and promote total human liberation and
order that will ensure prosperity and independence development.
of the nation and free the people from poverty
through policies that provide adequate social Protection to Labor
services, promote full employment, a rising  State affirms labor as a primary social economic
standard of living and an improved quality of life force. It shall protect the rights or workers and
for all. promote their welfare.

Promotion of Social Justice Self-reliant and independent economic order

 Promote social justice in all phases of national  State shall develop a self-reliant and
development independent national economy effectively
controlled by Filipinos.
Respect for human dignity and human rights  The State recognizes the indispensable role of
 State values the dignity of every human person the private sector, encourages private enterprise,
and guarantees full respect for human rights. and provide incentives to needed investments.

Family and Youth Land reform

 The State recognizes the sanctity of family life  State shall promote comprehensive rural
and shall protect and strengthen the family as a development and agrarian reform.
basic autonomous social institution. It shall equally
protect the life of the mother and the life of the Indigenous cultural communities
unborn from conception. The natural and primary  State recognizes and promotes the rights of
right and duty of parents in the rearing of the youth indigenous cultural communities within the
for civic efficiency and the development of moral framework of national unity and development.
character shall receive support of the Government.
 The State recognizes the vital role of the youth Independent people’s organizations
in nation-building and shall promote and protect  State shall encourage non-governmental,
their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and community-based, or sectoral organizations that
social well-being. It shall inculcate in the youth promote the welfare of the nation.
patriotism and nationalism, and encourage their
involvement in public and civic affairs. Communication and information in nation-building
 State recognizes the vital role of communication
Fundamental equality of men and women and information in nation-building.
 State recognizes the role of women in nation-
building and shall ensure the fundamental equality Autonomy of local governments
before the law of men and women.  State shall ensure the autonomy of local
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Decentralization and does not make the local Who are protected
governments sovereign within the State or an  Universal in application to all persons
imperium in imperio.  Artificial persons are covered by the protection
 Decentralization of administration: delegation of only insofar as their property is concerned
administrative powers to the LGU in order to  Guarantee extends to aliens and includes the
broaden the base of governmental powers. means of livelihood
 Decentralization of power: abdication by the
national government of governmental powers. Meaning of life, liberty and property
 Life: right of an individual to his body in its
Equal access of opportunities for public service completeness, free from dismemberment and
 State shall guarantee equal access of extends to the use of God-given faculties which
opportunities for public service and prohibit makes life enjoyable
political dynasties as may be defined by law.  Liberty: the right to exist and the right to be free
from arbitrary personal restraint or servitude;
Honest public service and full public disclosure includes the right to be free to use his faculties in all
 State shall maintain honesty and integrity in the lawful ways
public service and take positive and effective  Property: anything that can come under the right
measures against graft and corruption. of ownership and can be subject of contract; the
 State adopts and implements a policy of full right to secure, use and dispose them.
public disclosure of all its transactions involving
public interest. Aspects of due process
1. Substantive – restriction on government’s law-
VI. BILL OF RIGHTS and rule-making powers
 Requisites:
Definition 1. interest of the public
 Set of prescriptions setting forth the 2. means employed are reasonably necessary for
fundamental civil and political rights of the the accomplishment of the purpose and not unduly
individual, and imposing limitations on the powers oppressive on individuals
of government. 2. Procedural – restriction on actions of judicial
 Generally, any government action in violation and quasi-judicial agencies of government
of the Bill of Rights is void.  Requisites:
 Generally self-executing. 1. impartial court or tribunal clothed with judicial
power to hear and determine the matter before it
Civil Rights 2. jurisdiction must be lawfully acquired over the
 Right that belong to every citizen of the state or person of the defendant and over the property which
country and are not connected with the organization is the subject matter of the proceeding
or administration of government. 3. the defendant must be given an opportunity to
be heard
Political Rights 4. judgment must be rendered upon lawful hearing
 Right to participate, directly or indirectly, in the
establishment or administration of government. Publication as part of due process
 Publication is imperative to the validity of laws,
Due Process of Law: No person shall be deprived of PDs and Eos, administrative rules and regulation
life, liberty or property without due process of law and is an indispensable part of due process.
 A law which hears before it condemns, which Appeal and due process
proceeds upon inquiry and renders judgment only  Appeal is not a natural right nor is it part of due
after trial. process; it may be allowed or denied by legislature
in its discretion.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 But where the Constitution gives a person the  Political

right to appeal, denial of such constitutes a violation (1) Free access to courts
of due process. (2) Bona fide candidates being free from
Preliminary investigation and due process (3) Reduction of social, economic and political
 Right to preliminary investigation is not a inequalities
constitutional right, but it is merely a right  Social
conferred by statute.
 But where there is a statutory grant of the right Valid Classification
to preliminary investigation, denial of such (1) Substantial distinctions
constitutes a violation of due process. (2) Germane to the purpose of the law
(3) Not limited to existing conditions only
Administrative due process (4) Must apply equally to all members of the same
 Requisites class
(1) Right to a hearing, includes the right to present
one’s case and submit evidence in support thereof; Searches and Seizures
(2) Tribunal must consider the evidence presented; Scope
(3) Decision must have something to support itself;  Available to all persons, including aliens,
(4) Evidence must be substantial; whether accused of a crime or not.
(5) Decision must be rendered on the evidence  Artificial persons are also entitled to the
presented or at least contained in the records and guarantee, although they may be required to open
disclosed to the parties; their books of accounts for examination by the State
(6) Tribunal or any of its judges must act on its own in the exercise of police and taxing powers.
or his own independent consideration of the facts  Right is personal
and the law of the controversy, and not simply
accept the views of a subordinate in arriving at a Objection must be raised before the accused
decision; and enters his plea
(7) The board or body should, in all controversial
questions, render its decision in such a manner that Procedural Rules
the parties to the proceeding will know the various 1. warrantless arrest is not a jurisdictional defect
issues involved, and the reason for the decision. and any objection thereto is waived when the person
arrested submits to arraignment without any
Equal Protection of the Laws objection;
Meaning 2. where a criminal case is pending, the Court
 All persons or things similarly situated should wherein it is filed, or the assigned branch, has
be treated alike, both as to rights conferred and primary jurisdiction to issue the search warrant;
responsibilities imposed. 3. where no criminal case has been filed, the
 Natural and juridical persons are entitled to this executive judges or their lawful substitutes, in the
guarantee. areas and for the offense contemplated shall have
 With respect to juridical persons, they enjoy the primary jurisdiction;
protection only insofar as their property is 4. moment the information is filed with the RTC, it
concerned. is that court which must issue the warrant of arrest;
5. the judge may order the quashal of a warrant he
Scope of Equality issued even after the same had already been
 Economic implemented, particularly when such quashal is
(1) Free access to courts based on the finding that there is no offense
(2) Marine wealth reserved for Filipino citizens committed  items seized shall be inadmissible in
(3) Reduction of social, economic and political evidence
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

Only a judge may issue a warrant (2) Be satisfied that there is probable cause; and
 Exception: order of arrest may be issued by (3) That there is a need to place the respondent
administrative authorities but only for the purpose under immediate custody in order not to frustrate
of carrying out a final finding of a violation of law, the ends of justice
e.g. an order of deportation or an order of contempt
but not for the sole purpose of investigation or Particularity of Description:
prosecution. (1) Readily identify the properties to be seized and
thus prevent them from seizing the wrong items;
Requisites for a Valid Warrant and
(1) Probable cause (2) Leave peace officers with no discretion
(2) Determination of probable cause personally by regarding the articles to be seized and thus prevent
the judge unreasonable searches and seizures.
(3) After examination under oath or affirmation of
the complainant and the witnesses he may produce Warrant of Arrest  particularly describe the
(4) Particularity of description person to be seized if it contains the name/s of the
person/s to be seized.
The judge shall John Doe warrant  descriptio persona
(1) Personally evaluate the report and the
supporting documents submitted by the fiscal Search Warrant  description is as specific as the
regarding the existence of probable cause and, on circumstances will ordinarily allow or when
the basis thereof, issue a warrant of arrest; or description expresses a conclusion of fact (not of
(2) If on the basis thereof, he finds no probable law) by which the warrant officer may be guided in
cause, he may disregard the prosecutor’s report making the search; or when the things described are
band require the submission of supporting affidavits limited to those which bear direct relation to the
of witnesses. offense for which the warrant is being issued.

Principles: Properties Subject of Seizure:

(1) The determination of probable cause is a (1) Subject of the offense
function of the judge (2) Stolen or embezzled property and other
(2) The preliminary inquiry made by the prosecutor proceeds or fruits of the offense; and
does not bind the judge, as it is the report, (3) Property used or intended to be used as means
affidavits, the transcript of stenographic notes and for the commission of an offense
all other supporting documents behind the
prosecutor’s certification which are material in Conduct of the Search
assisting the judge in his determination of probable (1) Lawful occupant
cause (2) Any member of his family
(3) Judges and prosecutors should distinguish the (3) 2 witnesses, of sufficient age and discretion,
preliminary inquiry which determines probable residing in the same locality
cause for the issuance of the warrant of arrest from
the preliminary investigation proper which Warrantless arrests by a peace officer or a private
ascertains whether the offender should be held for person:
trial or be released (1) When the person to be arrested has committed,
(4) Only a judge may issue a warrant of arrest is actually committing or is attempting to commit an
offense in his presence;
Judge himself conducts the preliminary (2) When the offense had just been committed and
investigation, for him to issue a warrant of arrest, there is probable cause to believe, based on his
the investigating judge must: personal knowledge of facts and of other
(1) Have examined, under oath, the complainant circumstances, that the person to be arrested has
and the witnesses; committed the offense;
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

(3) When the person to be arrested is a prisoner

who has escaped from a penal establishment or Valid Waiver of Constitutional Right
place where he is serving final judgment or (1) Right exists
temporarily confined while his case is pending, or (2) That the person involved had knowledge, either
has escaped while being transferred from one actual or constructive of the existence of such right;
confinement to another; and and
(4) When the right is voluntarily waived. (3) That the person had an actual intention to
relinquish the right.
Buy-bust operation is a valid in flagrante arrest.
Searches of Passengers at Airports
In flagrante arrests: - When the accused checked in his luggage as a
(1) The person to be arrested must execute an overt passenger of a plane, he agreed to the inspection of
act indicating that he had just committed, is actually his luggage in accordance with customs laws and
committing, or is attempting to commit a crime; and regulations, and thus waived any objection to a
(2) Such overt act is done in the presence or within warrantless search.
the view of the arresting officer. - Search made pursuant to routine airport security
is allowed under RA 6235, which provides that
In (2): every airline ticket shall contain a condition that
(1) there must be immediacy between the time the hand-carried luggage, etc., shall be subject to
offense is committed and the time of the arrest. If search, and this condition shall form part of the
there was an appreciable lapse of time between the contract between the passenger and the air carrier.
arrest and the commission of the crime, a warrant of
arrest must be secured and Stop and Frisk
(2) the person making the arrest has personal - Vernacular designation of the right of a police
knowledge of certain facts indicating that the person officer to stop a citizen on the street, interrogate him
to be taken into custody has committed the crime. and pat him for weapons whenever he observes
unusual conduct which leads him to conclude that
Question the validity of the arrest before entering criminal activity may be afoot.
plea; failure to do so would constitute a waiver of - Requisites:
his right against unlawful restraint of his liberty. 1. police officer should properly introduce himself
However, waiver is limited to the illegal arrest. It and make initial inquiries
does not extend to the search made as an incident 2. approach and restrain a person who manifests
thereto, or to the subsequent seizure if evidence unusual and suspicious conduct in order to check
allegedly found during the search. the latter’s outer clothing for possible concealed
Warrantless Searches 3. must have a genuine reason, in accordance with
(1) When the right is voluntarily waived; experience and the surrounding conditions, to
(2) When there is a valid reason to “stop-and-frisk”; warrant the belief that the person to be held has
(3) Where the search (and seizure) is an incident to weapons or contraband concealed about him
a lawful arrest; 4. search and seizure should precede the arrest
(4) Search of vessels and aircrafts; Exception: People vs. Sucro – warrantless
(5) Search of moving vehicles; search and seizure can be made without
(6) Inspection of buildings and other premises for necessarily being preceded by an arrest provided
the enforcement of fire, sanitary and building that the said search is effected on the basis of
regulations; probable cause.
(7) Where prohibited articles are in plain view; - People vs. Chua Ho San: contemporaneous
(8) Search and seizure under exigent and search of a person arrested may be effected for
emergency circumstances; and dangerous weapons or proofs or implements used in
(9) Conduct of areal target zoning or saturation the commission of the crime and which search may
drive/s as valid exercise of military powers of the 15
President (Guanzon vs. de Villa)
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

extend to the area within his immediate control

where he might gain possession of a weapon or “Stop and search” without a warrant at a military or
evidence he can destroy, a valid arrest must police checkpoints
preceded a search. - Not illegal per se so long as it is required by the
exigencies of public order and conducted in a way
Where the search (and seizure) is an incident to a least intrusive to motorists. (Valmonte vs. de Villa)
lawful arrest;
- Search must be contemporaneous to arrest and Checkpoint Search
made within a permissible area of search. (1) Mere routine inspection: the search is normally
- Requisites: permissible when it is limited to a mere visual
1. arresting officer must have probable cause in search, where the occupants are not subjected to a
effecting the arrest; and physical or body search.
2. probable cause must be based on reasonable (2) Extensive search: constitutionally permissible if
ground of suspicion or belief that a crime has been the officers conducting the search had reasonable or
committed or is about to be committed. probable cause to believe, before the search, that
either the motorist is a law offender or they will find
Permissible area of search the instrumentality or evidence pertaining to a crime
- may extend beyond the person of the one in the vehicle to be searched.
arrested to include the premises or surroundings
under his immediate control. Inspection of buildings and other premises for the
enforcement of fire, sanitary and building
Seizure of allegedly pornographic material regulations
(1) criminal charge must be brought against the - Exercise of police power of the State
person/s for purveying the pornographic material/s; - Must be conducted during reasonable hours
(2) application for a search and seizure warrant
obtained from a judge (who shall determine the Prohibited articles are in plain view
existence of probable cause); - Objects in plain view of the officer who has the
(3) material confiscated brought to the court in the right to be in the position to have that view.
prosecution of the accused for the crime charged; - Police officer is not searching but inadvertently
(4) court will determine whether the confiscated comes upon an incriminating object.
items are really pornographic; and - Requisites:
(5) judgment of acquittal or conviction rendered by (1) Prior valid intrusion based on a valid
the court accordingly warrantless arrest in which the police are legally
present in the pursuit of their official duties;
Fishing vessel found to be violating fishery laws (2) Evidence was inadvertently discovered by the
may be seized without a warrant: police who have the right to be where they are;
(1) usually equipped with powerful motors that (3) Evidence must be immediately apparent; and
enable them to elude pursuit and (4) “Plain view” justified the seizure of the
(2) seizure would be incident to a lawful arrest evidence without any further search.

Search of moving vehicles Plain View

- justified on the ground that it is not practicable - Object is plainly exposed to sight.
to secure a warrant because the vehicle can be - Where the object seized is inside a closed
moved quickly out of the locality or jurisdiction in package, the object is not in plain view and,
which the warrant may be sought. therefore, cannot be seized without a warrant.
- Prevent violations of smuggling or immigration - Package proclaims its contents  transparency,
laws, provided that such searches are made at distinctive configuration or contents are obvious to
borders or constructive borders (e.g. checkpoints an observer.
near the boundary lines of the state).
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- People vs. Salanguit: once the valid portion of (2) Public safety or order requires otherwise, as
the search warrant has been executed, the “plain may be provided by law.
view” doctrine can no longer provide any basis for - Includes tangible and intangible objects.
admitting the other items subsequently found… - RA 4200: illegal for any person not authorized
(marijuana was also wrapped in newspaper which by all the parties to any private communication, to
was not transparent….warrant for shabu and drug secretly record such communications by means of a
paraphernalia, found the shabu first) tape recorder. Telephone extension was not among
- Doctrine is not an exception to the warrant. It the devices covered by this law.
serves to supplement the prior justification. It is a
recognition that of the fact that when executing Freedom of Expression
police officers come across immediately - No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of
incriminating evidence not covered by the warrant, speech, of expression nor of the press, or the right
they should not be required to close their eyes to it, of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the
regardless of whether it is evidence of the crime government for redress of grievances.
they are investigating or evidence of some other - Scope: Any and all modes of expression.
crime. It would be needless to require the police to
obtain another warrant. Aspects:
(1) Freedom from censorship or prior restraint
Immediately apparent test - Need not be total suppression, even restriction
- Does not require an unduly high degree of of circulation constitutes censorship.
certainty. - Section 11 (b), RA 66461: legitimate exercise of
- Requires merely that the seizure be the police power of the State to regulate media or
presumptively reasonable assuming that there is communication and information for the purpose of
probable cause to associate the property with ensuring equal opportunity, time and space for
criminal activity. political campaigns. Unrelated to suppression of
- Nexus exists between the viewed object and the speech as it is only incidental and no more than is
criminal activity. necessary to achieve the purpose of achieving the
purpose of promoting equality.
Exclusionary Rule: Evidence obtained in violation - Movie censorship: movie, compared to other
of Section 2, Article 3 shall be inadmissible for any media of expression, have a greater capacity for evil
purpose in any proceeding because it is “the fruit of and must, therefore, be subjected to a greater degree
the poisoned tree.” of regulation.
- Property illegally seized may be used in - Power of MTRCB can be exercised only for
evidence in the case filed against the officer purposes of “classification” not censorship.
responsible for the illegal seizure. - Primacy of freedom of expression over Enrile’s
“right to privacy” because Enrile was a “public
Privacy of Communications and Correspondence figure” and a public figure’s right to privacy is
- The privacy of communication and narrower than that of an ordinary citizen. (Ayer
correspondence shall be inviolable EXCEPT upon Productions vs. Judge Capulong)
lawful order of the court OR when public safety or - Board of Review for Motion Pictures and
order requires otherwise as prescribed by law. Television (BRMPT)  “X-rating” when the
- Any evidence obtained in violation of this or the program would create a clear and present danger of
preceding section shall be inadmissible for any an evil which the State has the right to prevent.
purpose in any proceeding. (Inglesi ni Cristo vs. CA)

- Exceptions:
(1) Lawful order of the court; Prohibited any person making use of the media to sell or to
give free of charge print space or air time for campaign or
other political purposes except to the COMELEC.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- No law prohibiting the holding and reporting of - Public has the right to be informed on the
exit poll. (ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation vs. mental, moral and physical fitness of candidates for
COMELEC) public officer. The rule applies only to fair
- Test for the validity of government regulation, comments on matters of public interest, fair
valid if (O’Brien Test): comment being that which is true, or if false,
1. within the constitutional power of government; expresses the real opinion of the author based upon
2. furthers an important or substantial government reasonable degree of care and on reasonable
interest; grounds.
3. government interest is unrelated to the 2. Obscenity
suppression of free expression; and - Determination of what is obscene is a judicial
4. incidental restriction on the freedom is no function.
greater than is essential to the furtherance of that 3. Criticism of official conduct
interest. - US vs. Bustos: individual is given the widest
- Overbreadth Doctrine: prohibits government latitude in criticism of official conduct.
from achieving its purpose by “means that sweep - Publication that tends to impede, embarrass or
unnecessarily broadly, reaching constitutionally obstruct the court and constitutes a clear and present
protected as well as unprotected activity.” danger to the administration of justice is not
(2) Freedom from subsequent punishment protected by the guarantee of press freedom and
- Without this assurance, the individual would punishable by contempt. It is not necessary to show
hesitate to speak for fear that he might be held that the publication actually obstructs the
accountable for his speech, or that he might be administration of justice; it is enough that it tends to
provoking the vengeance of the officials he may do so.
have criticized. - Freedom of press is subordinate to the decision,
- Not absolute and may be properly regulated in authority, integrity and independence of the
the interest of the public. judiciary and the proper administration of justice.
- State may validly impose penal and/or 4. Right of students to free speech in school
administrative sanctions, such as: premises not absolute
1. Libel - Campus Journalism Act provides that a student
- Public and malicious imputation of a crime, or shall not be expelled or suspended solely on the
of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, basis of articles he or she has written, the same
omission, condition, status or circumstance tending should not infringe on the school’s right to
to cause the dishonor, discredit or contempt of a discipline its students.
natural or juridical person, or to blacken the - The school cannot suspend or expel a student
memory of one who is dead. solely on the basis of the articles he or she has
- Oral defamation is called slander. written, except when such article materially disrupts
- Every defamatory imputation is presumed to be class work or involves substantial disorder or
malicious. invasion of rights of others.
 Exceptions:
1. a private communication made by any person to Test of valid government interference
another in the performance of any legal, moral or (1) Clear and Present Danger Rule
social duty; and - Whether the words are used in such
2. fair and true report, made in good faith, without circumstances and of such nature as to create a clear
any comments or remarks, of any judicial, and present danger that they will bring about the
legislative or other official proceedings which are substantive evils that the State has the right to
not of a confidential nature, or of any statement, prevent.
report or speech delivered in said proceedings, or of - The substantive evil must be extremely serious
any act performed by public officers in the exercise and the degree of imminence extremely high before
if their functions. utterances can be punished.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- Rule: the danger created must not only be clear owned or –operated educational institution, or in a
and present but also traceable to the ideas freedom park.
expressed.  Where permit is required, written application
- “clear”: seems to point to a causal connection shall be filed with the mayor’s office at least 5 days
with the danger of the substantive evil arising from before the scheduled meeting and shall be acted
the utterance questioned upon within 2 days. Otherwise, permit shall be
- “present” refers to the time element, identified deemed granted.
with imminent and immediate danger  Denial shall be justified only upon clear and
- The danger must not only be probable, but very convincing evidence that the public assembly will
likely inevitable. create a cleat and present danger to public order,
(2) Dangerous Tendency Rule safety, convenience, morals and health.
- Words uttered create a dangerous tendency of  Action shall be communicated within 24 hours
an evil which the State has the right to prevent, then to the applicant… may appeal to appropriate courts.
such words are punishable.  Decision must be reached within 24 hours.
- Sufficient if the natural tendency and the  The law permits law enforcement agencies to
probable effect of the utterance were to bring about detail a contingent under a responsible officer at
the substantive evil that the legislative body seeks to least 100 meters away from the assembly in case it
prevent. becomes necessary to maintain order.
(3) Balancing of Interests Test - Academic freedom of institutions of higher
- When particular conduct is regulated in the learning cannot be utilized to discriminate against
interest of public order, and the regulation results in those who exercise their constitutional rights.
an indirect, conditional or partial abridgment of - Right to free assembly and petition prevails over
speech, the duty of the courts is to determine which economic rights.
of the two conflicting interests demands the greater - Education of the youth occupies a preferred
protection under the particular circumstances position over the freedom of assembly and petition.
presented. - Tests priorly applied by the court:
- Requires a court to take conscious and detailed 1. purpose test
consideration of the interplay of interests observable 2. auspice test
in a given situation.
Freedom of Religion
Assembly and Petition - No law shall be made respecting an
- Right to assemble is not subject to prior establishment of religion or prohibiting the free
restraint. exercise thereof.
- It may not be conditioned upon prior issuance of - The free exercise and enjoyment of religious
a permit or authorization from government profession and worship, without discrimination or
authorities. preference, shall forever be allowed. No religious
- It must be exercised in such a way as will not test shall be required for the exercise of civil or
prejudice the public welfare. political rights.
- PUBLIC PLACE: permit for the use of such - 2 guarantees:
place, and not for the assembly itself, may be 1. non-establishment clause
validly required. The power of local officials is 2. freedom of religious profession and worship
merely one of regulation. - Non-establishment clause: separation of Church
- Permit to hold public assembly shall not be and State
necessary where the meeting is to be held in a 1. cannot be registered as a political party;
PRIVATE PLACE. 2. no sectoral representative from the religious
 Public Assembly Act: a permit shall not be sector; and
necessary where the meeting is to be held in a 3. prohibition against the use of public money or
private place, in the campus of the government- property for the benefit of any religion, or of any
priest, minister or ecclesiastic.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- Exceptions: members of religious institutions/organizations to

1. exception from taxation of properties actually, conform to just church regulations.
directly and exclusively used for religious purposes; - Free Exercise Clause
2. citizenship requirement of ownership of  Aspects of freedom of religious profession and
educational institutions, except those established by worship:
religious groups and mission boards; 1. right to believe, which is absolute
3. optional religious instruction in public 2. right to act according to one’s belief, which is
elementary and high schools  expressed in subject to regulation.
writing by the parents/guardians, taught within  Constitutional guarantee of free exercise pf
regular class hours; and without additional costs on religious profession and worship carries with it the
the Government; and right to disseminate religious information, and any
4. appropriation allowed where the minister or restraint of such right can be justified only on the
ecclesiastic is employed in the armed forces, penal ground that there is a clear and present danger of an
institution or in the government-owned orphanage evil which the State has the right to prevent.
or leprosarium. - The compelling State interest test:
- Scope:  Estrada vs. Escritor (administratively charged
1. State cannot set up a Church with immorality for living with a married man, not
2. nor pass laws which aid one religion, aid all her husband; conjugal arrangement was in
religion or prefer one over another; conformity with their religious beliefs)
3. nor force nor influence a person to go to or  “Benevolent Neutrality” recognizes that
remain away from church against his will; government must pursue its secular goals and
4. or force him to profess a belief or disbelief in interests, but at the same time, strive to uphold
any religion. religious liberty to the greatest extent possible
- The term “Non-Christian tribes” does not refer within flexible constitutional limits.
to religious belief but to degree of civilization.  Thus, although the morality contemplated by
(People vs. Cayat) laws is secular, benevolent neutrality could allow
- Laws, e.g. Article 133 of the RPC, do not for accommodation of morality based on religion,
violate freedom of religion. provided it does not offend compelling state
- Freedom of religion is accorded preferred status, interest.
designed to protect the broadest possible liberty of  2 steps:
conscience, to allow each man to believe as his 1) Whether respondent’s right to religious freedom
conscience directs, to profess his beliefs and to live has been burdened and
as he believes he ought to live, consistent with 2) Ascertain respondents sincerity in his beliefs.
liberty of others and with the common good. - State regulations imposed on solicitations for
- Intramural religious disputes: religious purposes do not constitute an abridgment
 Where a civil right depends upon some matter of freedom of religion; but are NOT covered by PD
pertaining to ecclesiastical affairs, the civil tribunal 1564 (Solicitation Permit Law) which required prior
tries the civil right and nothing more. permit from DSWD in solicitations for charitable or
 “Ecclesiastical Affair” is one that concerns public welfare purposes;
doctrine, creed, or forum of worship of the church, - Free exercise clause does not prohibit imposing
or the adoption and enforcement within a religious a generally applicable sales and use tax on the sale
association of needful laws and regulations for the of religious materials by a religious organization.
government of the membership, and the power of Resulting burden is so incidental as to make it
excluding from such associations those deemed difficult to differentiate it from any other economic
unworthy of membership. imposition that might make the right to disseminate
 It is not for the Court to exercise control over religious doctrines costly.
Church authorities in the performance of their
discretionary and official functions; it is for the Liberty of Abode and of Travel

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- The liberty of abode and of changing the same - The persons right to travel is subject to the usual
within the limits prescribed by law shall not be constraints imposed by the very necessity of
impaired except upon lawful order of the court. safeguarding the system of justice. Whether the
- Neither shall the right to travel be impaired accused should be permitted to leave the country for
except in the interest of national security, public humanitarian reasons is a matter addressed to the
safety or public health, as may be provided by law. court’s discretion.
- Limitations:
1) On liberty of abode: lawful order of the court Right to Information
 Caunca vs. Salazar: maid has the right to - Right of the people to information on matters of
transfer to another residence even if she had not yet public concern shall be recognized.
paid the amount advanced for her transportation - Access to official records and to documents and
from the province by an employment agency; papers pertaining to official acts, transactions pr
 Rubi vs. Provincial Board of Mindoro: requiring decisions as well as to government research data
some members of the non-Christian tribes to reside used as basis for policy development shall be
only within a reservation, valid… to promote their afforded the citizen, subject to such limitations as
better education, advancement and protection. may be provided by law.
 Universal Declaration of Human Rights: - Scope of the Right: right to information
everyone has the right to leave any country, contemplates inclusion of negotiations leading to
including his own and to return to his country. consummation of the transactions.
 Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: no one  The right only affords access, which means the
shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter his opportunity to inspect and copy them at his
own country. expense.
2) On right to travel: national security, public  Subject to regulations: to protect integrity of
safety or public health, as may be provided by law public records and to minimize disruption of
- Lawful order of the court is a valid restriction. government operations.
- Court may validly refuse to grant the accused - Exceptions:
permission to travel abroad, even if the accused in 1) Privileged communications rooted in separation
out on bail. (Manotoc vs. CA) of powers
- Liberty of travel may be impaired even without 2) Information on military and diplomatic secrets
court order, the appropriate executive officers or 3) Information affecting national security
administrative authorities are not armed with 4) Information on investigations of crimes by law
arbitrary discretion to impose limitations. enforcement agencies before the prosecution of the
- Principles: accused.
1) The Hold-departure Order is but an exercise of - Need for publication of law reinforces this right.
the court’s inherent power to preserve and maintain - The manner of examining public records may be
the effectiveness of its jurisdiction over the case and subject to reasonable regulation by the government
over the person of the accused; agency in custody.
2) By posting bail, the accused holds himself - The duty to disclose the information of public
amenable at all times to the orders and processes of concern, and to afford access to public records
the court, thus, she may be legally prohibited from cannot be discretionary on the part of said agencies.
leaving the country during the pendency of the case; Its performance may be compelled by mandamus.
and - In Re: Request for Live Radio-TV Coverage of
3) Parties with pending cases should apply for the Trial in the SB of the Plunder Case against
permission to leave the country from the very same Former Pres. Joseph Ejercito Estrada, Secretary of
courts which, in the first instance, are in the best Justice Hernando Perez vs. Joseph Ejercito Estrada:
position to pass upon such applications and to when the constitutional guarantees of freedom of
impose appropriate conditions therefore, since they the press and the right to public information, on
are conversant with the facts of the cases and the the one hand, and the fundamental rights of the
ramifications or implications thereof. accused, on the other hand, along with the
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

constitutional power of a court to control its 1) Police power – public welfare is superior to
proceedings in ensuring a fair and impartial trial private rights
race against another, jurisprudence tells us that the 2) Eminent domain
right of the accused must be preferred (losing not 3) Taxation
only his liberty but also the very life of an accused). - Franchises, privileges, licenses, etc do not come
within the context of the provision
Right to Form Associations  Subject to amendment alteration, or repeal by
- The right of the people, including those the Congress when common good so requires.
employed in the public and private sectors, to form
unions, associations or societies for purposes not Free Access to Courts
contrary to law shall not be abridged. - Free access to the courts and quasi-judicial
- Scope: includes the right not to join or to bodies and adequate legal assistance shall not be
disaffiliate from one. denied to any person by reason of poverty.
- Right to Strike: members of the civil service - Social justice provision providing for pauper
may not declare a strike to enforce economic suits.
- The ability to strike is not essential to the right Miranda Doctrine
of association. - Any person under investigation for the
- The right of the sovereign to prohibit strikes or commission of an offense shall have
work stoppages by public employees is clearly  The right to be informed of his right to remain
recognized at common law. Modern rule merely silent and
incorporate or reasserts said common law.  To have competent and independent counsel
- Right is not absolute. preferably of his own choice.
 Anti-Subversion Act - If the person cannot afford the services of
 Managerial employees: receive information that counsel, he must be provided with one.
is not only confidential but also generally not - These rights cannot be waived, except
available to the public.  In writing and
 In the presence of the counsel.
Non-impairment Clause - No torture, force, violence, threat, intimidation
- No law impairing the obligation of contracts or any other means which vitiate the free will shall
shall be passed. be used against him.
- To fall within the prohibition, the change must - Secret detention places, solitary,
not only impair the obligation of the existing incommunicado, or other similar forms of detention
contract, but the impairment must be substantial. are prohibited.
- Change in the rights of the parties with - Any confession or admission obtained in
reference to each other and not with respect to non- violation of this or Section 17 shall be inadmissible
parties. in evidence against him.
- Impairment: anything that diminishes the - The law shall provide for penal and civil
efficacy of the contract sanctions for violations of this section, as well as
- Substantial impairment when the law changes compensation to and rehabilitation of victims of
either torture or similar practices, and their families.
1) Time of performance - Rights are available only during custodial
2) Mode of performance investigation.
3) Imposes new conditions  Custodial investigation or in-custody
4) Dispenses with those expressed interrogation of accused person: any questioning
5) Authorizes for its satisfaction something initiated by law enforcement officers after a person
different from that provided in its terms has been taken into custody or otherwise deprived
- Limitations: of his freedom of action in any significant way.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Investigation ceases to be a general inquiry into 1) To remain silent;

an unsolved crime and direction is aimed upon a  No adverse inference from his refusal to answer.
particular suspect who has been taken into custody 2) To competent and independent counsel
and to whom the police would then direct (preferably of his own choice; at all stages of the
interrogatory questions which tend to elicit proceeding);
incriminating statements.  Attaches upon the start of the investigation;
- Does not apply to spontaneous statement5s.  Lawyer should never prevent a person from
- Does not apply to admissions/confessions made telling the truth.
by a suspect before he was placed under custodial  RA 7438: Accused’s parent, older bro and sis,
investigation. spouse, Mayor, Municipal Judge, district school
- Custodial investigation includes the practice of supervisor, or priest or minister of the gospel as
issuing an “invitation” to a person who is chosen by the accused, may appear in lieu of the
investigated in connection with an offense he is counsel during the taking of an EJ confession IF:
suspected to have committed, without prejudice to 1) Counsel of accused is absent and
the liability of the inviting officer for any violation. 2) Valid waiver had been executed.
- Police Line-up  “competent and independent”  willing to
 Not considered part of custodial investigation safeguard the constitutional rights of the accused, as
because it is conducted before that stage of distinguished from one who would merely be giving
investigation is reached. a routine peremptory and meaningless recital of the
 Process has not yet shifted from the individual’s constitutional rights.
investigatory to the accusatory stage.  Mere pro forma appointment of a counsel de
- People vs. Escordial officio who fails to genuinely protect the interests of
 Out-of-court identification may be made in a the accused merits disapprobation.
“show-up” (where the accused is brought face to  Independent Counsel: not special counsel, City
face with the witness for identification) or in a legal officer, Mayor, public/private prosecutor,
police line-up (where the suspect is identified by a counsel of the police, or a municipal attorney,
witness from a group of persons gathered for that whose interest is admittedly adverse to the accused.
purpose).  “Preferably of his own choice” does not mean
 During custodial investigation, these have been that the choice of a lawyer by a person under
described as “critical confrontations of the accused investigation is exclusive as to preclude other
by the prosecution” necessitating the presence of equally competent and independent attorneys from
counsel. This is because the result of these pre-trial handling the defense.
proceedings might well settle the fate of the accused  Choice of lawyer when accused cannot afford –
and reduce the trial to a mere formality. final say is still with the accused who may reject
 Merely photographed or paraffin test, not yet said lawyer; deemed engaged by the accused when
under custodial investigation. he does not object.
- Investigations not considered as custodial  Confession obtained after charges had already
interrogations. been filed: The right to counsel still applies in
- Arrested person signs a booking sheer and an certain pre-trial proceedings that are considered
arrest report at the police station, he does not admit critical stages in the criminal process. Custodial
the commission of an offense nor confess to any interrogation before or after charges have been
incriminating circumstance. Said booking sheet is filed, and non-custodial interrogation after the
merely a statement of how the arrest was made and accused has been formally charged, are
has no probative value as an EJ statement of the considered “critical pre-trial stages” in the criminal
person detained. process.
- Rights guaranteed by this provision refers only 3) To be informed of such rights;
to testimonial compulsion.
- What rights are available

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Transmission of meaningful information rather 2) After the case is filed in court

than just ceremonial and perfunctory recitation of  To refuse to be a witness
an abstract constitutional principle.  Not to have nay prejudice by such refusal
 P must show that the accused understood what  To testify in his own behalf, subject to cross-
he read and the consequences of his waiver. examination
 Right to be informed carries with it the  While testifying, refuse to answer an
correlative obligation on the part of the investigator incriminating question
to explain and contemplates an effective - Waiver
communication which results in the subject (1) Must be in writing and made in the presence of
understanding what is conveyed. (degree of the counsel
explanation depends on the personal circumstances (2) No retroactive effect – no application to waivers
of the accused) made prior to APRIL 26, 1983, the promulgation of
4) Rights cannot be waived except in writing and Morales.
signed by the person in the presence of his counsel; (3) Burden of proof – burden of proving valid
5) No torture, force, violence, etc. which vitiates waiver is with the prosecution.
free will shall be used;  Presumption that official duty has been
6) Secret detention places, etc. are prohibited; and regularly performed cannot prevail over the
7) Confessions/admissions obtained in violation of presumption of innocence.
rights are inadmissible in evidence. (4) What may be waived
 2 Kinds of Involuntary/Coerced Confession  Right to remain silent
1) Coerced confession, the product of third degree  Right to counsel
methods  NOT the right to be informed of these rights.
2) Uncounselled statements, without the benefit of - Guidelines for Arresting/Investigating Officers
the Miranda warning (People vs. Mahinay)
 Alleged infringement of the constitutional rights (1) Person arrested, detained, invited or under
of the accused during custodial investigation is custodial investigation must be informed in a
relevant and material only where an extrajudicial language known to and understood by him of the
confession/admission from the accused becomes the reason for his arrest and must be shown the warrant
basis of conviction. of arrest, if any.
 1973 Constitution does not distinguish between (2) He must be warned that he has the right to
verbal and non-vernal confession. remain silent and that any statement he makes may
 A person suspected of having committed a be used as evidence against him.
crime and subsequently charged with its (3) He must be informed that he has the right to be
commission has the following rights in the matter of assisted at all times and have the presence of an
his testifying or producing evidence: independent and competent lawyer, preferably of
1) Before case is field in court or with public his own choice.
prosecutor for preliminary investigation, but after (4) He must be informed that if he has no lawyer or
having been taken into custody or otherwise cannot afford one, a lawyer will be provided for
deprived of his liberty and on being interrogated by him; and that a lawyer may also be engaged by any
the police person in his behalf or may be appointed by the
 To remain silent Court upon petition of the person or one acting in
 Right to counsel his behalf.
 To be informed of such right (5) That whether or not the person arrested has a
 Not to be subjected to torture, violence, threat, lawyer, he must be informed that no custodial
intimidation or any other means which vitiates free investigation in any form shall be conducted except
will and in the presence of his counsel or after a valid
 To have evidence obtained in violation of these waiver.
rights rejected and inadmissible.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

(6) The person arrested must be informed that, at confession must be proved y clear, convincing and
any time, he has the right to communicate or confer competent evidence by the defense. Otherwise, the
by the most expedient means with his lawyer, any confession’s full probative value may be used to
member of his immediate family, or any medical demonstrate the guilt of the accused.
doctor, priest or minister chose by him or anyone of - Fruit of the Poisonous Tree: (Justice Frankfurter
his immediate family or by his counsel, or be visited  Nardone vs. US)
by/confer with duly accredited national or  Once the primary source is shown to have been
international non-governmental organization. It unlawfully obtained, any secondary or derivative
shall be the responsibility of the officer to ensure evidence derived from it is also inadmissible.
that this is accomplished.  Basis: evidence illegally obtained by the State
(7) He must be informed that he has the right to should not be used to gain other evidence.
waive any said rights provided it is made - Receipt of Seized Property if signed by the
voluntarily, knowingly and intelligently, and ensure accused without assistance of counsel and not
that he understood the same. having been informed of his constitutional rights is
(8) If the person arrested waives his right to a inadmissible.
lawyer, he must be informed that this must be done  People vs. Linsangan: initialed the P10 bill that
in writing and in the presence of the counsel, the police found tucked in his waist. Valid. Because
otherwise he must be warned that the waiver is void possession of marked bills did not constitute a
even if he insists in his waiver and chooses to crime, the subject if the prosecution being his act of
speak. selling marijuana cigs.
(9) The person arrested must be informed that he - Re-enactment of the Crime – before, must be
may indicate in any manner at any time or stage of appraised of his constitutional rights.
the process that he does not wish to be questioned - Res Gestae – admissible.
with a warning that once he makes such indication - Waiver of Exclusionary Rule: failure to object
the police may not interrogate him if the same had to offer in evidence.
not yet commenced or the interrogation must cease
if it had already begun. Right to Bail
(10) The person arrested must be informed - All persons except those charged with an
that the initial waiver of his right to remain silent, offense punishable by RP, when evidence of guilt is
the right to counsel or to any other rights does not strong, shall before conviction be bailable by
bar him from invoking it at any time during the sufficient sureties or be released on recognizance as
process, regardless of whether he may have may be provided by law.
answered some questions or volunteered some - The right to bail shall not be impaired even
statements. when the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is
(11) He must be informed that any statement suspended.
or evidence, as the case may be, obtained in - Excessive bail shall not be required.
violation of any of the foregoing, inculpatory or - Bail: is the security given for the release of a
exculpatory, in whole or in part, shall be person in custody of the law, furnished by him or a
inadmissible. bondsman, conditioned upon his appearance before
- Exclusionary Rule: Confession/Admission any court as may be required.
obtained in violation of Section 12 and 17, Article - Any person under detention, even if no formal
III of the Constitution shall be inadmissible in charge have yet been field, can invoke the right to
evidence. bail.
- Confession: declaration made voluntarily and - When bail is authorized, it should be granted
without compulsion or inducement by a person before arraignment, otherwise, the accused may be
acknowledging that he has committed or precluded from filing a motion to quash.
participated in the commission of a crime. - Exceptions:
- Any allegation of force, duress, undue influence 1. when charged with an offense punishable by RP
or other forms of involuntariness in exacting such (or higher) and evidence of guilt is strong
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

2. traditionally, not available to military 2) The accused is found to have previously

- Duty of the Court when accused is charged with escaped from legal confinement, evaded sentence or
an offense punishable by RP or higher. has violated the conditions of his bail without valid
 Hearing on the motion for bail must be justification;
conducted by the judge. 3) The accused committed the offense while on
 Prosecution must be given an opportunity to probation, parole or under conditional pardon;
present all the evidences. 4) Circumstances of the accused or his case
 Applicant having right of cross-examination and indicate the probability of flight if released on bail;
to introduce evidence in rebuttal. and
 If prosecution refuses to adduce evidence or 5) Undue risk that during pendency of the appeal,
fails to interpose an objection to the motion for bail, the accused may commit another crime.
it is still mandatory for the court to conduct a 3) Denied
hearing or ask searching and clarificatory questions  Accused is charged with a capital offense or an
from which it may infer the strength of the evidence offense punishable by RP or higher and evidence of
of guilt or lack of it. guilt is strong.
- The hearing on the petition for bail need not at  Principle denying bail to an accused charged
all times precede arraignment, because the rule is with a capital offense where evidence of guilt is
that a person deprived of his liberty by virtue of his strong, applies with equal force to the appellant
arrest or voluntary surrender may apply for bail as who, though convicted of an offense not punishable
soon as he is deprived of his liberty, even before a by death, RP, or life imprisonment was nevertheless
complaint or information is filed against him. originally charged with a capital offense.
- Court’s order granting or refusing bail must - Standards for fixing bail
contain summary of evidence for the prosecution. 1) Financial ability of the accused
- The assessment of the evidence presented 2) Nature and circumstances of the offense
during bail hearing is only for the purpose of 3) Penalty for the offense charged
granting or denying an application for the 4) Character and reputation of the accused
provisional release of the accused  liberal in their 5) Penalty for the offense charged
approach, not being a final assessment. 6) Weight of the evidence against him
- Bail is either: 7) Age and health
1) A matter of right 8) Probability of appearing at the trial
 Before or after conviction by MeTC, MTC 9) Forfeiture of other bonds by him
MTC in Cities, MCTC 10) Fact that he was a fugitive from justice when
 Before conviction by RTC of an offense not arrested
punishable by death, RP or life imprisonment. 11) Pendency of other cases in which he is under
2) Judges discretion bond
- Right to Bail and Extradition (Government of
 Upon conviction by RTC of an offense not
the U.S. vs. Judge Purungan and Mark Jimenez)
punishable by death, RP or life imprisonment.
 The constitutional provision on bail applies only
 The court, in its discretion, may allow the
when a person is arrested and detained for violation
accused to continue on provisional liberty under the
of Philippine criminal laws. It does not apply to
same bail bond during the period to appeal, subject
extradition proceedings, because extradition courts
to consent of bondsman.
do not render judgments of acquittal or conviction.
 If court imposes penalty of imprisonment of 6-
 It flows from the presumption of innocence in
20 years, accused shall be denied bail or bail
favor of every accused who should not be subjected
previously granted cancelled, upon showing by
to the loss of freedom unless his guilt is proved
prosecution that:
beyond reasonable doubt. The constitutional
1) The accused is a recidivist, quasi-recidivist,
provision on bail will not apply to a case of
habitual delinquent, or has committed the crime
extradition where the presumption of innocence is
aggravated by the circumstance of reiteration;
not an issue.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Extradition proceedings are separate and distinct - Unreasonable delay in resolving complaint is
from the trial of the offenses for which he is violation of the right to due process and to speedy
charged. trial  dismissal of complaint.
 He should apply for bail before the courts trying  Exception: petitioner’s own acts or complexity
the criminal cases against him, not before the of the issues involved.
extradition court. - Hearing before an impartial and disinterested
 After a potential extradite has been arrested and tribunal. Bias must be shown by clear and
placed under custody of the law, bail may be convincing evidence.
applied for and granted as an exception, only after - Right to a hearing
clear and convincing showing that - Plea of guilt to a capital offense. Mandatory
a. Once granted bail, the applicant will not be a that:
flight risk or a danger to the community, and 1) TC must conduct a searching inquiry into the
b. There exists special, humanitarian and voluntariness of the plea and the full comprehension
compelling circumstances. of the consequences;
- Waiver of the Right to Bail – personal to the 2) Prosecution should present evidence to prove
accused. the guilt of the accused and the precise degree of his
- The right to bail is not impaired by the culpability; and
suspension if the privilege of the writ of habeas 3) Accused must be asked if he desires to present
corpus. evidence in his behalf and should be allowed to do
so if he desires.
Constitutional Rights of the Accused - The State and the offended party are entitled to
- No person shall be held to answer for a criminal due process
offense without due process of law. - Presumption of Innocence: every circumstance
- In all criminal prosecutions, favoring the innocence of the accused must be taken
 the accused shall be presumed innocent until the into account.
contrary is proved,  Will NOT apply if there is some logical
 and shall enjoy the right to be heard by himself connection between the fact proved and the ultimate
and counsel, fact presumed, and the inference of one fact from
 to be informed of the nature and cause of proof of another shall not be so unreasonable as to
accusation against him, be purely arbitrarily mandate.
 to have a speedy, impartial and public trial,  Can be invoked only by an individual accused
 to meet the witnesses face to face, and of a criminal offense.
 to have compulsory process to secure the  Corporate entity has no personality to invoke
attendance of the witnesses and the production of the same.
evidence in his behalf. - Presumption that official duty was regularly
- After arraignment, trial may proceed performed cannot, by itself, prevail over the
notwithstanding the absence of the accused, constitutional presumption of innocence.
provided that he has been duly notified and the  Exception: when it is not the sole basis for
failure to appear is unjustifiable. conviction.
- Criminal due process: - Constitutional presumption may be overcome
1) accused has been heard in a court of competent by contrary presumptions based on experience of
jurisdiction human conduct. (e.g. unexplained wealth)
2) accused is proceeded against under the orderly - Circumstantial evidence in order to warrant
processes of law conviction:
3) accused has been given notice and the 1) More than one circumstance
opportunity to be heard 2) Facts from which the inference are derived are
4) judgment rendered was within the authority of a proven
constitutional law
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

3) Combination of all the circumstances is such as - Right to be informed of the nature and cause of
to produce a conviction beyond reasonable doubt. accusation against him.
- Equipose Rule: applicable only when the  Reasons:
evidence adduced by the parties are evenly 1. furnish the accused with such a description of
balanced, in which case the constitutional the charge against him as will enable him to prepare
presumption of innocence should tilt the scales in for his defense;
favor of the accused. 2. avail himself of his conviction or acquittal for
- Right to be heard by himself and counsel: protection against a further prosecution for the same
efficient and truly decisive legal assistance. cause; and
 Proceeds from fundamental principle of due 3. to inform the Court of the facts alleged, so that
process. it may decide whether they are sufficient in law to
 Right to counsel during the trial is not subject to support a conviction.
waiver because even the most intelligent or - When a judge is informed or discovers that an
educated man may have no skill in the science of accused is apparently in a condition of insanity or
law, particularly in the rules of procedure, and imbecility, it is within his discretion to investigate
without counsel. He may be convicted not because the matter.
he is guilty but because he does not know how to - Requisites: The information must state:
establish his innocence. 1. name of the accused
 Failure of the record to disclose affirmatively 2. designation of the offense given by statute
that the TC advised the accused of his right to 3. statement of acts or omissions so complained of
counsel is not sufficient ground to reverse as constituting the offense
conviction. The TC must be presumed to have 4. name of the offended party
complied with the procedure prescribed by law for 5. approximate time and date of the commission of
the hearing and trial of the cases, and such the offense
presumption can be overcome only by an 6. place where the offense has been committed
affirmative showing to the contrary. 7. facts and circumstances that have a bearing on
- Right to counsel is not indispensable to due the culpability and liability of the accused
process of law. - Every element of the offense must be alleged in
 Exceptions: cannot be waived during trial. the complaint or information, because the accused is
 But this is not absolute. Option cannot be used presumed to have no independent knowledge of the
to sanction reprehensible dilatory tactics, to trifle facts that constitute the offense charged.
with ROC, or prejudice the equally important rights - Not necessary to state the precise time when the
of the State and the offended party to speedy and offense was committed except when time is a
adequate justice. material ingredient of the offense.
- “Preference in the choice of counsel” pertains - Description not the designation of the offense
more aptly and specifically to a person under controls.
custodial investigation rather than one who is - Accused can be convicted only of the crime
accused in a criminal prosecution. Such preferential alleged or necessarily included in the allegations in
discretion cannot partake of discretion so absolute the information.
and arbitrary as would make the choice of counsel - While a TC can hold a joint trial of 2 or more
refer exclusively to the prediction of the accused. criminal case and can render a consolidated
- General Rule: a client is bound by the mistakes decision, it cannot convict the accused of the
of his lawyer complex crime constitutive of the various crimes of
 Exceptions: when the negligence or the 2 informations.
incompetence of counsel is deemed gross as to have - Void for Vagueness Rule: the law is deemed
prejudiced the constitutional right of the accused to void where the statute itself is couched in such
be heard. indefinite language that it is not possible for men of
ordinary intelligence to determine what acts or
omissions are punishable.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- The right to be informed of the nature and cause  “cold neutrality of an impartial judge” – for the
of the accusation against may not be waived but the benefit of the litigants and is also designed to
defense may waive the right to enter a plea and let preserve the integrity of the judiciary and to gain
the court enter a plea of not guilty. and maintain the people’s faith in the institution s
- Indictment must fully state the elements of the they have erected when they adopted the
specific offenses alleged to have been committed. Constitution.
An accused cannot be convicted of an offense, even  Pervasive publicity is not per se prejudicial to
if duly proven, unless it is alleged or necessarily the right of the accused to a fair trial.
included in the complaint or information.  Trial judges must be accorded a reasonable
 Different matter if the accused themselves leeway in asking questions as may be essential to
refused to be informed of the nature and cause of elicit relevant facts and to bring out the truth. This
the accusation against them. is not only a right but also duty of the judge.
- Accused may be convicted of as many offenses  Public Trial
charged in the information and proved during the  Intended to prevent abuses that may be
trial, where he fails to object to such duplicitous committed against accused.
information during the arraignment.  Not absolute.
- Information which lacks certain material  Not synonymous to publicized trial.
allegations may sustain a conviction if the accused  Means that the court doors must be open to
fails to object to its sufficiency during trial and those who wish to come, sit in the available seats,
deficiency is cured by competent evidence conduct themselves with decorum and observe trial
presented therein. processes.
- Right to Speedy, Impartial and Public Trial - Right to Meet the Witnesses Face to Face –
 Speedy Trial right to cross-examine the complainant and the
 Free from vexatious, capricious and oppressive witnesses.
delays.  Testimony of the witness who has not submitted
 Accused entitled to dismissal, equivalent to himself to cross-examination is not admissible in
acquittal, if trial is unreasonably delayed. evidence being hearsay.
 Relative – subject to reasonable delays and  This right can be waived.
postponements arising from illness, medical - Right to Compulsory Process to secure the
attention, body operations, etc. attendance of witnesses and the production of
 Aggrieved party also has the same rights as the evidence.
accused.  Subpoeana – process directed to a person
 Separate trial is in consonant with the right of requiring him to attend and to testify at the hearing
the accused to a speedy trial. or trial of an action or at any investigation
 RA 8493 (Speedy Trial Act): conducted under the laws of the Philippines or for
o Arraignment of the accused – w/in 30 days from the taking of his deposition.
the filing of the information or from the date the  2 kinds:
accused has appeared before the justice, judge or 1. subpoena ad testificandum: compel a person to
court in which the charge is pending, whichever testify
date last occurs. 2. subpoena duces tecum: compel the production
o If plea of not guilty – has 15 days to prepare for of books, records, things or documents
trial. o test of relevancy: books, documents or other
o Trial shall commence w/in 30 days from things requested must appear prima facie relevant to
arraignment as fixed by the court. the issue subject of the controversy
o No case shall the entire trial period exceed 180 o test of definiteness: such books must be
days from the first day of trial, except as otherwise reasonably described by the parties to be readily
authorized by the Chief Justice of the SC. identified
 Impartial Trial - Requisites:

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

1. evidence is really material 2. the court has no jurisdiction to impose the

2. accused is not guilty of neglect in previously sentence
obtaining the production of such evidence 3. excessive penalty has been imposed, since such
3. the evidence will be available at the time desired sentence is void as to the excess.
4. no similar evidence can be obtained. - The writ will not issue where the person alleged
- Trial in absentia to be restrained on liberty is in the custody of an
 Purpose is to speed up the disposition of officer under a process issued by the court which
criminal cases. has jurisdiction to do so.
 Mandatory upon the court whenever the accused - Even if the detention is at its inception illegal,
has been arraigned, notified of the date/s of supervening events such as the issuance of a judicial
hearing/s and his absence is unjustified. process, may prevent the discharge of the detained
 After the accused has waived further appearance person.
during trial, he can still be ordered arrested by the - That the preliminary investigation was invalid
court for non-appearance upon summons to appear and that the offense had already prescribed is not a
for purposes of identification. ground to grant the issuance of habeas corpus.
 Presence of the accused is mandatory:  Remedy: motion to quash the WOA or file a
1. arraignment and plea motion to quash the information based on
2. during trial, for purposes of identification prescription.
3. promulgation of sentence, except for light - Desaparecidos (disappeared persons), persons in
offense wherein accused may appear by whose behalf the writ was issued could not be found
counsel/representative  Remedy: refer the matter to the Commission on
 Accused who escapes from confinement, jumps Human Rights
bail or flees to a foreign country, loses his standing  In case of doubt, the burden of proof rests on the
in court and unless he surrenders or submits himself officers who detained them and who claim to have
to the jurisdiction of the court, he is deemed to effected the release of the detainees.
waive his right to seek relief from the court. - All courts of competent jurisdiction may
entertain petitions for HC to consider the release of
Habeas Corpus petitioners convicted of violation of the Dangerous
- The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall Drugs Act, provided they have served the maximum
not be suspended except in cases of invasion or term of the applicable penalties newly prescribed by
rebellion when public safety requires it. RA 7659.
- Definition: a writ issued by a court directed to a - HC lies only where the restraint of the person’s
person detaining another, commanding him to liberty has been judicially adjudged to be illegal or
produce the body of the prisoner at a designated unlawful.
time and place, with the day and cause of his - Loss of judicial records, after 12 years of
caption/detention, to do, to submit to and to receive detention in the service of the sentence imposed
whatever the court/judge awarding the writ shall upon conviction, will not entitle him to be released
consider in his behalf. on HC.  Remedy: reconstitution of judicial
- When available: restores the liberty of an records.
individual subjected to physical restraint. It secures - Have to comply with the writ. Disobedience
to the prisoner the right to have the cause of his constitutes contempt of court.
detention examined and determined by the courts;
and to have the issue ascertained as to whether he is - In case of invasion or rebellion, when the public
held under lawful authority. safety requires it, the President may for a period not
- May also be availed of where, as a consequence exceeding 60 days, suspend the privilege of the writ
of a judicial proceeding: of HC.
1. there has been deprivation of constitutional - W/in 48 hours from the suspension, the
rights President shall submit a report, in person or in
writing, to Congress.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- Congress, voting jointly by a majority vote of at - Right extends to all citizens, including those in
least a majority of all its members in regular or the military, and covers the period before, during
special session may revoke such proclamation or and after trial.
suspension, such revocation shall not be set aside by - Right can be waived  failure to seasonably
the President. assert this right.
- Upon initiative of the President, the Congress
may, in the same manner, extend such proclamation Self-incrimination
or suspension for a period to be determined by - No person shall be compelled to be a witness
Congress, if the invasion or rebellion shall persists against himself.
and public safety requires it. - Right is available not only in criminal
- SC may review, in appropriate proceeding filed prosecutions but also in all other government
by any citizen, the sufficiency of the factual basis proceedings, including civil actions and
for the proclamation of martial law and the administrative or legislative investigations.
suspension of the privilege of the HC or the - It may be claimed not only by the accused but
extension thereof. also by any witness to whom a question calling for
- SC must promulgate its decision w/in 30 days an incriminating answer is addressed.
from filing. - General Rule: it may be invoked only when and
- The suspension of the privilege of the writ shall as the question calling for an incriminating answer
apply only to persons charged for rebellion or is asked. This applies only to ordinary witness.
offenses inherent in or directly connected with  In criminal prosecution accused may not be
invasion. compelled to take the witness stand.
- During the suspension of the privilege of the  Similarly applicable to a respondent in an
writ, any person thus arrested or detained shall be administrative proceeding.
judicially charged within 3 days, otherwise he shall - Scope: not against all compulsion, but
be released. testimonial compulsion only. (not the inclusion of
his body in evidence when it may be material)
- Suspension of the privilege does not suspend the  Prohibition extends to the compulsion for the
right to bail. production of documents, papers and chattels that
may be used as evidence against the witness, except
Speedy Disposition of Cases where the State has a right to inspect the same such
- All persons shall have the right to a speedy as the books of accounts of corporations, under the
disposition of cases before all judicial, quasi- police or taxing power or where a government
judicial or administrative bodies. official is required to produce official
- Not limited to the accused in a criminal documents/public records which are in their
proceedings, but extends to all cases, including civil possession.
and administrative cases and in all proceedings  Also protects the accused against any attempt to
including judicial and quasi-judicial hearings. compel him to furnish a specimen of his
- Like right to speedy trial, this right is violated handwriting in connection with a prosecution for
only when the proceedings are attended by falsification.
vexatious, capricious and oppressive delays or when - Immunity:
unjustified postponements of the trial are asked for 1) Transactional Immunity: witness immune from
and secured, or when without cause or justifiable any criminal prosecution for an offense to which his
motive a long period of time is allowed to elapse compelled testimony relates.
without the party having his case tried. 2) Use and Fruit Immunity: prohibits the use of the
- Unlike right to speedy trial, this right is witness’ compelled testimony and its fruits in any
available not only during trial but also when the manner in connection with the criminal prosecution
case has already been submitted for decision. of the witness.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- Those granted this privilege paid a high price – Automatic review in death penalty cases shall
the surrender of their right to remain silent. Should proceed even in the absence of the accused,
be given a liberal interpretation. considering that nothing less than life is at stake and
- Waiver: either directly or by failure to invoke it, any court decision must be error-free as possible.
provided that the waiver is certain and unequivocal
and intelligently made. Non-imprisonment for Debt
- No person shall be imprisoned for debt or non-
Non-detention by Reason of Political Beliefs or payment of a poll tax.
Aspirations - While the debtor cannot be imprisoned for
- No person shall be detained solely by reason of failure to pay his debt, he can be validly punished in
his political beliefs or aspirations. a criminal action if he contracted his debt through
fraud, as his responsibility arises not from the
Involuntary Servitude contract of loan, but from the commission of the
- No involuntary servitude in any form exist crime.
except as a punishment for a crime whereof the
party shall have been duly convicted. Double Jeopardy
- Exceptions: - No person shall be twice put in jeopardy of
1) Punishment for a crime whereof one has been punishment for the same offense.
duly convicted; - If an act is punished by law and an ordinance,
2) Patria potestas conviction or acquittal under either shall constitute
3) Posse comitatus a bar to another prosecution for the same act.
4) Return to work order in industries affected by - Requisites:
public interest 1. valid complaint or information
5) Service in defense of the state  does not attach in preliminary investigation.
6) Naval (merchant marine) enlistment 2. filed before a competent court
 mistake has been made in charging the proper
Prohibited Punishment offense, the first charge shall be dismissed to pave
- Excessive fines shall not be imposed. the way for the filing of the proper offense. The
- Nor cruel, degrading or inhuman punishment dismissal of the first case will not give rise to
inflicted. double jeopardy inasmuch as the court does not
- Neither shall death penalty be imposed, unless have jurisdiction over the case,
for compelling reasons involving heinous crimes, 3. to which defendant had pleaded
the Congress hereafter provides for it.  no arraignment = no double jeopardy
- Any death penalty already imposed shall be  grant of motion to quash, filed before the
reduced to RP. accused makes his plea, can be appealed by the
- The employment of physical, psychological or prosecution because the accused has not yet been
degrading punishment against any prisoner or placed in jeopardy.
detainee, or the use of substandard or inadequate 4. defendant was previously acquitted or
penal facilities under subhuman conditions shall be convicted, or the case dismissed or otherwise
dealt with by law. terminated without his express consent
- Mere severity does not constitute cruel or  promulgation of only one part of the decision is
unusual punishment. not a bar to the promulgation of the other part, the
- The penalty must be flagrantly and plainly imposition of the criminal accountability and does
oppressive, wholly disproportionate to the nature of not constitute a violation of the proscription against
the offense as to shock the moral sense of the double jeopardy.
community. - Dismissal of action
- Death penalty is not a cruel or unusual 1. permanent dismissal
punishment. It is an exercise of the State’s power to 1) termination of the case on the merits resulting in
secure society against the threatened and actual evil. either conviction or acquittal
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

2) dismissal of the case because of the - No double jeopardy

prosecution’s failure to prosecute 1) Mistrial
3) dismissal on the ground of unreasonable delay 2) State is deprived of fair opportunity to prosecute
in violation of the right to speedy trial and prove its case
2. provisional dismissal – dismissal without 3) Dismissal of information/complaint is purely
prejudice to reinstatement before order of dismissal capricious
becomes final or to subsequent filing of a new 4) Lack of proper notice to be heard
information within the periods allowed by law. 5) Accused waives or is estopped from invoking
- Express consent – directly given, either viva his right against double jeopardy.
voce or in writing, a positive, direct, unequivocal 6) Dismissal/acquittal is made with grave abuse of
consent requiring no inference or implication to discretion
supply its meaning. - Discharge of co-accused to be utilized as
- When dismissal is made at the instance of the government witness –
accused, there is no double jeopardy. - Accused cannot be prosecuted anew for an
- When the ground for motion to dismiss is identical offense, or for any attempt to commit the
insufficiency of evidence (grant of demurrer)  same or frustration thereof, or for any offense
equivalent to an acquittal and any further which necessarily includes or is necessarily
prosecution would violate the constitutional included in the offense charged in the original
proscription against double jeopardy. complaint or information.
- When the proceedings have been unreasonably - Doctrine of Supervening Event – the accused
prolonged as to violate the right of the accused to may still be prosecuted for another offense if a
speedy trial  double jeopardy subsequent development changes the character of
- Revival of the case provisionally dismissed – the first indictment under which he may have
time-bar for the revival of criminal cases already been charged or convicted.
provisionally dismissed with the express consent of  The conviction of the accused shall not be a bar
the accused and with prior notice to the offended to another prosecution for an offense which
party: necessarily includes the offense charged in the
1) 2 years if the offense charged is penalized by original complaint or information when:
more than 6 years imprisonment a. Graver offense developed due to supervening
2) 1 years if the penalty imposed does not exceed 6 facts arising from the same act or omission;
years imprisonment or a fine in whatever amount b. Facts constituting the graver offense or were
- Prohibits the state from appealing or filing a discovered only after the filing of the former
petition for review if judgment of acquittal that was complaint or information; or
based on the merits of the case. Certiorari will lie to c. The plea of guilty to a lesser offense was made
correct errors of judgment. without the consent of the fiscal or the offended
- Double jeopardy provides three related party.
1) Against 2nd prosecution for the same offense Ex post facto law and Bill of attainder
after acquittal; - No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall be
2) Against a 2nd prosecution for the same offense enacted.
after conviction; and - Ex post facto law
3) Against multiple punishments for the same  Kinds
offense. a. Law that makes criminal an action done before
- Instances when prosecution may appeal the passage of the law and which was innocent
1) Prosecution is denied due process, such denial when done, and punishes such action;
results in loss or lack of jurisdiction and this appeal b. Law that aggravates a crime, or makes it
may be allowed greater than it was when committed;
2) Accused has waived or is estopped from
invoking his right against double jeopardy
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

c. Law that changes the punishment, and inflicts any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine
a greater punishment than the law annexed to the citizenship.
crime when committed; - Marriage by Filipino to an alien – citizens of the
d. Law that alters legal rules of evidence and Philippines who marry aliens shall retain their
receives less or different testimony than the law citizenship, unless by their act or omission they are
required at the time of the commission of the deemed, under the law, to have renounced it.
offense, in order to convict the offender; - Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the
e. Law which, assuming to regulate civil rights and national interest and shall be dealt with by law.
remedies only, in effect imposes a penalty or the - Dual citizenship as a disqualification under the
deprivation of a right for something which when LGC must refer to dual allegiance.
done was lawful; - For candidates with dual citizenship, it is
f. Law which deprives a person accused of a crime sufficient that they elect Philippine citizenship upon
of some lawful protection to which they have been the filing of their certificate of candidacy to
entitled terminate their status as persons with dual
 Characteristics citizenship.
a. Retroactive  Filing of certificate of candidacy is sufficient to
b. Works to the prejudice of the accused renounce foreign citizenship.
c. Refers to criminal matters - Attack on one’s citizenship may be made only
- Bill of attainder through a direct and not collateral attack.
 Definition: legislative act that inflicts - Doctrine of res judicata does not ordinarily
punishment without trial. apply to questions of citizenship.
 Substitutes legislative fiat for a judicial  Exception:
determination of guilt. 1) Person’s citizenship is resolved by a court or an
 It is only when the statute applies either to administrative body as a material issue in the
named individuals or to easily ascertainable controversy, after full-blown hearing
members of a group in such a way as to inflict 2) Active participation of the SolGen or his
punishment on them without judicial trial that it representative
becomes a bill of attainder. 3) Finding of citizenship is affirmed by the SC
 Anti-Subversion Act is not a bill of attainder.  - Citizens of the Philippines
simply declares that the Communist Party is an 1) Citizens of the Philippines at the time of the
organized conspiracy to overthrow the Government adoption of the 1987 Constitution
and for definitional purposes only. 2) Whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the
VII. CITIZENSHIP 3) Born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino
- Definition: membership in a political mothers, who elect Philippines citizenship upon
community which is personal and more or less reaching the age of majority
permanent in character.  Election stated in a statement to be signed and
- Nationality is membership in any class or form sworn to by the party concerned before any official
of political community. It does not necessarily authorized to administer oath.
include the right/privilege of exercising civil or  Filed with the nearest Civil Registry
political rights.  Accompanied with the Oath of Allegiance to the
- Modes of acquiring: Constitution and the Government
1) Marriage  Within 3 years from reaching the age of
2) Birth majority except when there is justifiable reason for
- Jus soli delay.
- Jus sanguinis  Doctrine of Implied Election – exercise of right
3) Naturalization of suffrage and participation in the election
- Natural-born citizens – citizens of the exercises
Philippines from birth without having to perform
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Right is available to the child as long as the 4) Own real estate in the Philippines not less than
mother was a Filipino citizen at the time of the P5,000, have some lucrative trade, profession or
marriage to the alien, even if by reason of such lawful occupation
marriage, she lost her Philippine citizenship and 5) Speak and write English/Spanish/any principal
even if the mother was not a citizen at time of birth. Philippine languages
 Right to elect Philippine citizenship is an 6) Enrolled his minor children of school age to
inchoate right public/private schools recognized by the
 During his minority, child is an alien. Government, where Philippine history, government
 Apply only to legitimate children. and civic are taught
 If the child is illegitimate, he follows the status - Disqualifications:
and citizenship of his known parent, the mother. 1) Opposed to organized government or affiliated
4) Naturalization with any association of groups/persons who uphold
and teach doctrines opposing all organized
- Modes of Naturalization governments
2) Defending or teaching the propriety of violence,
 Direct
personal assault, assassination for the success or
1) Judicial or administrative proceedings
predominance of ideals
2) Special act of legislature
3) Polygamists or believers
3) Collective change of nationality, resulting from
4) Convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude
cession or subjugation
5) Suffering from mental alienation or incurable
4) Adoption of orphan minors as nationals of the
contagious disease
State where they were born
6) Who, during the period of their residence, have
 Derivative not mingled socially with Filipinos or who have not
1) Alien woman upon marriage to a national evinced a sincere desire to learn and embrace the
2) Minor children of naturalized person customs, traditions and ideals of the Filipinos
3) Wife of naturalized husband 7) Citizens and subjects of nations with whom the
- Doctrine of Indelible Allegiance: individual Philippines is at war, during the period of such war
may be compelled to retain his original nationality 8) Citizens and subjects of foreign country whose
even if he has already renounced or forfeited it law does not grant Filipinos the right to become
under the laws of the second State whose nationality naturalized citizens
he has acquired. - Procedure
- Qualifications: 1) File declaration of intention with SolGen – one
1) Not less than 21 at the date of the hearing; year prior to the filing of the petition
2) Resided in the Philippines for a continuous
 Exception:
period of 10 years
1) Born in the Philippines and received primary
 Reduced to 5 years IF and secondary education in public or private
1) Born in the Philippines schools recognized by the Government and not
2) Honorably held office in Government limited to particular race
3) Introduced a useful invention or established a 2) Resided in the Philippines for 30 years or more
new industry before the petition and enrolled his children to
4) Engaged as a teacher in the Philippines, public elementary and high schools recognized by the
or private school (except those established for the Government and not limited to particular race
exclusive instruction of persons of a particular 3) Widow and minor children if an alien who has
nationality) or in any branches of education or declared his intention to become a citizen of the
industry for a period of not less than 2 years Philippines and dies before he is actually
3) Good moral character; believes in the naturalized.
underlying principles of the Constitution; conducted 2) File petition + affidavit of 2 credible persons,
himself in a proper and irreproachable manner citizens of the Philippines who personally know the
during his residency petitioner, as character witness
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

3) Publication of petition - 1-year stay in native country or 2-year stay in a

 Jurisdictional foreign country is prima facie evidence of intent to
 Published in OG or in a newspaper of general take up residence
circulation once a week for three consecutive weeks - Effects of Denaturalization: if the ground affects
4) Actual residence during the entire proceedings the intrinsic validity of the proceedings, the
5) Hearing denaturalization will divest wife and children; if
6) Promulgation of the decision ground is personal to the denaturalized Filipino, his
7) Hearing after 2 years (Probation period of 2 wife and children shall retain Philippine citizenship.
years) - Naturalization by direct legislative action –
 Not left the Philippines discretionary on Congress; usually for aliens who
 Dedicated himself continuously to a lawful made outstanding contributions to the country
calling/profession - Administrative Naturalization – grant
 Not been convicted of any offense or violation Philippine citizenship by administrative proceedings
of rules to aliens born and residing in the Philippines
 Not committed any act prejudicial to the interest  Special Committee on Naturalization - SolGen
of the nation or contrary to any Government- (Chairman), Sec of FA and National Security
announced policies Adviser  power to approve, reject or deny
8) Oath taking and issuance of certification applications
 Qualifications
- Effects 1) Born in the Philippines and residing therein
1) Vests citizenship on wife if she herself may be since birth
naturalized 2) Not less than 18 at the time of filing
2) Minor children born in the Philippines before 3) Good moral character; believes in the
naturalization shall also be considered citizens underlying principles of the Constitution; conducted
3) Minor children born outside the Philippines but himself in a proper and irreproachable manner
residing in the Philippines at the time of during his residency
naturalization shall also be considered citizens 4) Received primary and secondary education in
4) Minor children born outside the Philippines any public/private school recognized by DECS,
shall be citizens only during minority, unless he where Philippine history, government and civics is
begins to reside permanently in the Philippines taught and not limited to any race/nationality;
5) Child born outside the Philippines, after the Provided that where he has minor children, must be
naturalization of the parents shall be considered enrolled in similar schools
citizens, Provided he registers as such before any 5) Known trade, business, profession or lawful
Philippine consulate within one year after attaining occupation from which he derives income sufficient
majority age and takes his oath of allegiance to support himself and family
 N/A to college degree holders who are
- Grounds for Denaturalization disqualified from practicing their profession due to
1) Naturalization certificate obtained fraudulently citizenship requirements
or illegally 6) Able to read, write and speak Filipino or any of
2) Invalid declaration of intention the dialects
3) Minor children failed to graduate through the 7) Mingled with Filipinos and evinced a sincere
fault of parents desire to learn and embrace the customs and
4) Allowed himself to be used as dummy traditions and ideals of the Filipino people
5) If within 5 years he returns to his native country - Procedure
or some foreign country and establishes residence 1) File with Special Committee a petition
there 2) Publication of pertinent portions of the petition
once a week for 3 consecutive weeks in newspaper
of general circulation
3) Posting of copies in public or conspicuous areas
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

4) Furnish copies to following agencies who shall 1) Naturalization in a foreign country

post copies of the petition in any public or - RA 9225
conspicuous areas in their building officers and 2) By express renunciation of citizenship
premises and within 30 days submit to Committee a 3) By subscribing to an oath of allegiance to
report stating whether or not petitioner has any support the Constitution or laws of a foreign
derogatory record on file country upon attaining 21 years of age
 DFA - Principle of Indelible Allegiance – Filipino may
 Bureau of Immigration and Deportation not divest himself of Philippine citizenship in this
 Civil registrar of petitioner’s place of residence manner while Philippines is at war with any country
 NBI 4) By rendering service or accepting commission
5) Within 60 days from receipt of agencies’ report, in the armed forced of a foreign country
Committee shall consider and review all - Exceptions:
information. 1) Philippines has a defensive and/or offensive
6) If Committee receives any adverse information, pact of alliance with the said foreign country
Committee shall allow petitioner to answer, explain 2) Foreign country maintains armed forces in the
or refute the petition Philippine territory with consent of the Republic
7) Deny or Approve petition 5) By cancellation of the certificate of
8) Within 30 days from approval, petitioner pays naturalization
P100,000, take oath of allegiance and certificate of 6) By having been declared by competent authority
naturalization shall issue. a deserter of the Philippine armed forces in time of
9) Within 5 days from taking oath, BoI shall war
forward copy of oath to the proper local civil - Reacquisition of Citizenship
registrar and cancel petitioner’s alien certificate of 1) Taking the oath of allegiance required of former
registration. natural-born Philippine citizens who may have lost
- Status of Alien Wife and Minor Children their citizenship by reason of their acquisition of the
 May filed a petition for cancellation of their citizenship of a foreign country
alien certificate of registration. 2) Naturalization provided that he possesses none
of the disqualifications
 If applicant is a married woman, husband may
3) Repatriation or deserters of the Army, Navy or
not benefit. But minor children may avail of the
Air Corps; a woman who has lost her citizenship by
right to seek the cancellation of alien certificate of
reason of marriage may be repatriated after
termination of marital status
- Cancellation of the Certificate of Naturalization
- Repatriation takes effect as of the date of filing
1) Naturalized person or representative made any
of his application.
false statement or misrepresentation or obtained
- Effect of repatriation is to allow the person to
citizenship fraudulently or illegally or committed
recover or return to his original status before he lost
any violation of the law, rules or regulations
his Philippine citizenship.
2) w/in 5 years shall establish permanent residence
4) Direct act of Congress
in a foreign country
o 1-year stay in native country or 2-year stay in a
foreign country is prima facie evidence of intent to - Legislative power – the power to propose, enact,
take up residence amend and repeal laws
3) Allowed himself, wife or children with acquired - Vested in Congress except to the extent reserved
citizenship to be used as dummy to the people by the provision in initiative and
4) He, his wife or children commits any act referendum
inimical to national interest
 People can directly propose and enact laws or
approve or reject any act or law or part thereof
Loss and Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship
passed by the Congress or local legislative body
- Loss of Citizenship
after the registration of a petition thereof signed by
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

at least 10 per centum of the total number of  Qualifications

registered voters, of which every legislative district 1) Natural-born
must be represented by at least 3 per centum of the 2) On the day of the election, at least 35 years of
registered voters. age
 Initiative – power of the people to propose 3) Able to read and write
amendments to the Constitution or to propose and 4) Registered voter
enact legislation through an election called for that 5) Resident of the Philippines for not less than 2
purpose. years immediately preceding the day of the election
1) Initiative on the Constitution  Term: 6 years, commencing at noon on 30 th day
2) Initiative on Statutes of June next following their election
3) Initiative on local legislation  Limitation: no senator shall serve for more than
 Indirect Initiative – exercise of initiative by the 2 consecutive terms. Voluntary renunciation of
people through a proposition sent to Congress or office for any length of time shall not be considered
local legislative body for action as an interruption in the continuity of his service for
 Referendum – power of the electorate to the full term for which elected.
approve or reject legislation through an election - House of Representatives: not more than 250,
called for that purpose. unless otherwise provided by law
1) Referendum on Statutes  Composition
2) Referendum on local legislation 1) District representative
- Prohibited measures 2) Party-list representative
1) Petition embracing more than one subject 3) Sectoral representative
2) Involving emergency measures, the enactment  Apportionment of legislative district is a
of which is specifically vested in Congress by the justiciable question
Constitution, cannot be subject to referendum, until o (Provinces and cities and Metro Manila area)
90 days after effectivity Apportionment shall be made in accordance with
- Local Initiative, the number of respective inhabitants on the basis of
 Not less than 2,000 registered voters in case of a uniform and progressive ratio.
autonomous regions o Each city with not less than 250,00 inhabitants
 1,000 in provinces and  entitled to at least 1 rep
cities o Each province, irrespective of number of
 100 in municipalities inhabitants  entitled to at least 1 rep
 50 in baranagays  Each legislative district shall comprise, as far as
 File a petition with Regional Assembly or local practicable, compact, contiguous and adjacent
legislative body territory.
- Limitation on Local Initiative  Congress to make reapportionment of legislative
1) Exercised not more than once a year districts within 3 years following return of every
2) Extend only to subjects or matters which are census.
within the legal powers of the local legislative body  Constitution does not preclude Congress from
to enact increasing its membership by passing a law other
3) If at any time before the initiative is held, the than a general apportionment law.
local legislative body shall adopt in toto the
 Reapportionment of legislative districts may be
proposition presented, the initiative shall be
made through a special law.
 Qualifications:
1) Natural-born Filipino citizen
- Composition of Congress: Senate and House of
2) At the day of the election, at least 25 years old
3) Able to read and write
- Senate: 24 senators, elected at large by qualified
4) Except the party-list representative, a registered
voter in the district in which he shall be elected
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

5) Resident thereof for not less than 1 year  Coalition: aggrupation of duly registered
immediately preceding the day of the election national, regional, sectoral parties or organization
 Principles for political and/or election purposes.
1) Minor follows domicile of parents - Registration/Manifestation to Participate in the
2) Domicile of origin is lost only when there is Party-List System
a. actual removal or change of domicile  90 days prior to election, petition verified by its
b. bona fide intention of abandoning the former President or Secretary
residence and establishing a new one  If already registered, file instead a manifestation
c. acts which corresponds with the purpose of its desire to participate in the party-list system
3) Wife does not automatically gain husband’s - Refusal and/or Cancellation of Registration
domicile (motu proprio or upon verified complaint filed by
 THEORY OF LEGAL IMPOSIBILITY J. any interested party; after due notice and hearing)
Francisco (Aquino v. Comelec) 1) Religious sect/denomination
 Immigration to the US by virtue of a “green 2) Advocate violence to attain goal
card” constitutes abandonment of domicile in the 3) Foreign party/organization
Philippines. (Caasi vs. COMELEC) 4) Receives support from foreign party/org
 Term: 3 years, commencing at noon on the 30th 5) Declares untruthful statement in its petition
day of June next following their election, 6) Violates or fails to comply with election laws,
 Limitation: shall not serve for more than 3 rules and regulations
consecutive terms. 7) Failed to participate in the last 2 preceding
- Party-List System: mechanism for proportional elections or fails to obtain at least 2% of the votes
representation cast under the party-list system in the 2 preceding
 Party: political party, sectoral party or coalition elections for the constituency in which it has
of parties registered
 Political Party: organized group of citizens 8) Ceased to exist for at least 1 year
advocating an ideology or platform, principles and - Nomination of a party-list representative: each
policies for the general conduct of government and registered party, organization or coalition must
which, as the most immediate means of securing submit a list of names to the COMELEC not later
their adoption, regularly nominates and supports than 45 days before the election.
certain of its leaders and members as candoidates  Not less than 5
for public office.  Only persons who have given their consent may
 National Party: constituency is spread over the be included in the list
geographical territory of at least a majority of the  Not include any candidate for elective position,
regions. or who lost the immediately preceding election
 Regional Party: constituency is spread over the  No change allowed except:
geographical territory of at least a majority of the 1) Dies
cities and provinces comprising the region. 2) Withdraws in writing
 Sectoral Party: (LUFEP-WHIP-VY) organized 3) Becomes incapacitated
group of citizens belonging to any of the following:  Incumbent who are nominate are NOT
labor, urban poor, fisherfolk, elderly, peasants, considered resigned.
women, handicapped, indigenous cultural - Qualifications of a Party-list nominee
communities, overseas workers and professionals, 1) Natural-born citizen
veterans and youth. 2) Able to read and write
 Sectoral Organization: group of citizens or a 3) Registered voter
coalition of groups of citizens who share similar 4) Resident of the Philippines at least 1 year
physical attributes, characteristics, employment, immediately preceding the day of the election
interest or concern.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

5) Bona fide member of the party/organization 6) Party and its nominees must comply with the
which he seeks to represent at least 90 days requirements of the law
preceding the day of the election 7) Nominee must also represent the marginalized
6) At least 25 years old at the day of the election and under-represented sector
7) Youth sector – at least 25 but not more than 30. 8) Nominee must be able to contribute to the
If during his term reaches the age of 30, he shall be formulation and enactment of appropriate
allowed to continue until expiration of term. legislation
- Manner of Voting – every voter entitled to two - Choosing Party-List Representative: proclaimed
votes, 1 for member of the House and 1 for the by COMELEC based on a list of names submitted
party, organization or coalition. by respective parties, according to their ranking in
- Number – 20% of the total number of the the list.
members of the House including those under the - Effect of Change of Affiliation
party-list.  Changes affiliation during term  forfeiture of
 In determining the allocation of seats for the seat
second vote:  IF w/in 6 months before election, he shall not be
1) Parties, organizations and coalitions shall be eligible for nomination under new party
ranked from the highest to the lowest cased on the - Vacancy – automatically filled by the next rep
number of votes they garnered during the election from the list of nominees and shall serve for the
2) Parties, organizations and coalitions receiving at unexpired term. If the list is exhausted, the party,
least 2% of the total votes cast for the party-list organization or coalition shall submit additional
system shall be entitled to 1-seat each, those nominees.
garnering more than 2% of the votes shall be - Term of Office: term of 3 years and shall be
entitled to additional seats in proportion to their entitled to same salaries and emoluments as regular
total number of votes members of the House.
3) Each party, organization or coalition shall be
entitled to not more than 3 seats Election
 4 inviolable parameters:  Regular: 2nd Monday of May
1) 20% allocation: combined number of all party-  Special: to fill a vacancy; serve for the
list congressmen shall not exceed 20% of the total unexpired term
membership of the House
2) 2% threshold: only those parties garnering a Salaries
minimum of 2% of the total valid votes cast for the  Determined by law.
party-list system are qualified to have a seat  No increase in said compensation shall take
3) 3-seat limit: each qualified party, regardless of effect until after the expiration of the term of all the
the number of votes it actually obtained, is entitled members of the Senate and House approving such
to a maximum of 3 seats increase.
4) Proportional representation: additional seats
which a qualified party is entitled to shall be Privileges
computed “in proportion to their number of votes.” 1) Freedom from Arrest
 In order that a political party registered under  Offenses punishable by not more than 6 years
the party-list system may be entitled to a seat in the imprisonment, be privileged from arrest while
House: Congress is in session.
1) Represent the marginalized and under- 2) Privilege of Speech and of Debate
represented sector  Not be questioned nor be held liable in any
2) Major political parties must comply with this other place for any speech/debate in the Congress or
statutory policy in any committee.
3) Constitutional prohibition against religious sect
 Held to account for such speech or debate by the
4) Not disqualified under RA7941
House to which he belongs
5) Not adjunct or project funded by government
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

b. Or placing the Philippines under martial law

Disqualifications  Adjournment – neither House during the
1) Incompatible Office sessions of the Congress shall, without the consent
 Not hold any other office or employment of the other adjourn for more than 3 days nor to any
 Forfeiture of the seat in Congress automatically other place than that in which the 2 Houses shall be
upon assumption of incompatible office. sitting.
 N/A if he holds the government office in an ex
officio capacity Officers
2) Forbidden Office  Senate elects its President
 Neither shall he be appointed to any office  House elects its Speaker
which may have been created or the emoluments  Each nay choose such other officers as it may
thereof increased during the term for which he was deem necessary
 Last only for the duration of the term for which Quorum
the member of Congress was elected.  Majority of each House
 But a smaller number may adjourn from day to
Other Inhibitions day and may compel the attendance of absent
 not personally appear as counsel before any Members in such manner and under such penalties
court, ET, quasi-judicial or other administrative as such House may determine
bodies  Quorum in the Senate shall be the total number
 not be directly or indirectly interested of Senators who are in the country and within the
financially in any contract with, or any franchise or coercive jurisdiction of the Senate.
special privilege granted by the Government
 not intervene in any matter before any office of Rules of Proceedings
the Government for his pecuniary benefit or where  Each House determined the rules of its
he may be called upon to act on account of his proceedings.
Discipline of Members
Session  House may punish its members for disorderly
 Regular: convene once a year on the 4th Monday behavior, and with concurrence of 2/3 of all its
of July unless a different date is fixed by law; and members, suspend (for not more than 60 days) or
shall continue for such number of days as it may expel a member.
determine until 30 days before the opening of its  Determination of acts which constitute
next regular session, exclusive of Saturdays, disorderly behavior is within the full discretionary
Sundays and legal holidays. authority of the House concerned, and the Court
 Special: call by president usually to consider will not review such determination, the same being
legislative measure which the President may a political question.
designate in his call
 Joint Records and Books of Accounts
1) Voting Separately  Preserve and open to public
a. Choosing the president  Books shall be audited by COA which shall
b. Determine disability of the president publish annually an itemized list of amounts paid to
c. Confirming nomination of VP and expenses incurred by each member.
d. Declaration of the existence of a state of war
e. Proposing constitutional amendments Legislative Journal and Congressional Records
2) Voting Jointly  Each House shall keep a Journal of its
a. Revoke/extend proclamation suspending the proceedings, and from time to time publish the
privilege of the writ of HC
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

same, excepting such parts as may, in its judgment, proclaimed, has taken oath of office, and has
affect national security; assumed functions of the office.
 And the yeas and nays on any question shall, at  Decisions may be reviewed by SC by showing
the request of 1/5 of the Members present, be grave abuse of discretion in a petition for certiorari
entered in the Journal. filed under R65.
 Each House shall also keep a Record of its
proceedings. Commission on Appointment
 Matters which under the Constitution are to be  Composition
entered in the journal: a. Senate President, ex-officio chairman
a. Yeas and nays on 3rd and final reading of a bill b. 12 senators
b. Veto message of the President c. 12 house
c. Yeas and nays on the repassing of a bill vetoed * b and c elected by each House on the basis of
by the President proportional representation from the political parties
d. Yeas and nays on any question at the request of registered.
1/5 of members present.  Powers – act on all appointments submitted to it
 Enrolled Bill Theory: enrolled bill is one duly within 30 session days of Congress from their
introduced and finally passed by both Houses, submission.
authenticated by the proper officers of each and  Shall rule by majority vote of its members
approved by the President.  Meet only while Congress is in session
 Enrolled Bill prevails, except to matters which  At the call of its Chairman or majority of all its
under the Constitution must be entered in the members
Journal.  Independent of the 2 Houses and has the power
to promulgate its own rules of proceedings.
Electoral Tribunals
 Composition
a. 3 SC Justices designated by CJ, the senior Powers of Congress
justice shall be the chairman 1. General (plenary) legislative power
b. 6 members of the house, chosen on the basis of - Limitations:
proportional representation from the political parties 1. Substantive
registered - Express
 Non-partisan court; independent of Congress a. Bill of rights
 Termination of Membership: b. Appropriations
a. Expiration of congressional term c. Taxation
b. Death d. Constitutional appellate jurisdiction of SC
c. Resignation from political party e. No law granting a title of royalty or nobility
d. Formal affiliation to another political party shall be passed
e. Removal for other valid causes - Implied
 Cannot disqualify senator-member just because a. Non-delegation of powers
election contest is filed against him. (Abbas vs. b. Prohibition against the passage if irrepealable
Senate ET) laws
 Doctrine of Primary Administrative Jurisdiction, 2. Procedural
prior recourse to the House is necessary before the a. Only one subject to be expressed in the title
case may be brought to the Court. - Title is not required to be an index of the
 Power: sole judge of all contests relating to the contents of the bill
election, returns and qualifications of their - Sufficient compliance if the title expresses the
respective members. general subject and all the provisions of the statute
 HRET may assume jurisdiction only when after are germane to thee subject
the winning candidate shall have been duly
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- Sufficient if the title is comprehensive enough, provision that is not found either in the House or
as in this case, to include subjects related to the Senate bill.
general purpose which the statute seeks to achieve.  If the Committee can propose an amendment
- Rider is a provision not germane to the subject consisting of 1 or 2 provisions, there is no reason
matter of the bill. why it cannot propose several provisions,
b. Three readings on separate days collectively considered as “an amendment in the
- Printed copies of bill in its final form distributed nature of a substitute” so long as the amendment is
to Members 3 days before its passage germane to the subject of the bills before the
- EXCEPT when the President certifies to its Committee.”
immediate enactment to meet a public calamity or  Jurisdiction of the Conference Committee is not
emergency limited to resolving differences between the Senate
- Upon last reading, no amendment allowed, and and the House versions of the bill. It may propose
vote thereon taken immediately and the yeas and an entirely new provision.
nays entered in the journal - Approval of Bills
- Presidential certification dispensed with the  The bill becomes a law in the following cases:
requirement not only of printing but also that of a. President approves the same and signs it.
reading the bill on separate days. b. Congress overrides the Presidential veto – if the
3. Legislative Process President disapproves the bill, he shall return the
- Requirements as to bill same, with his objections contained in his Veto
 Only 1 subject to be expressed in the title message to the House of origin (which shall enter
 Appropriation, revenue bills, tariff bills, bills of the objections at large in its Journal). The veto is
local application, bills authorizing increase of overridden upon a vote of 2/3 of all members of the
public debts and private bills shall originate House of origin and the other House. Yeas and
exclusively in the House of Representative. Nays entered in the Journal of each House.
 It is not the law, but the bill, which is required o No pocket veto.
to originate exclusively in the House, because the o Partial veto, as a rule, is invalid. It is allowed
bill may undergo such extensive changes in the only for particular items in an appropriation,
Senate that the result may be a rewriting of the revenue or tariff bill. The President cannot veto part
whole. of an item in an appropriation bill while approving
 The Constitution does not prohibit the filing in the remaining portion of the item.
the Senate of a “substitute bill” in anticipation of its o Legislative Veto – a congressional veto is a
receipt of the bill from the House, so long as the means whereby the legislature can block or modify
action by the Senate as a body is withheld pending administrative action taken under a statute. It is a
receipt of the House bill. form of legislative control in the implementation of
- Procedure: passed 3 readings on separate days, particular executive action. It may be negative
and printed copies in its final form have been (subjecting the executive action to disapproval by
distributed to its Members 3 days before its passage Congress) or affirmative (requiring approval of the
EXCEPT when President certifies to the necessity executive action by Congress)
of its immediate enactment to meet a public c. When the President fails to act upon the bill for
calamity or emergency. 30 days from receipt thereof, the bill shall become a
 Courts are denied the power to inquire into law as if he had signed it.
allegations that, in enacting a law, a House of 2. Power of Appropriation
Congress failed to comply with its own rules, in the  Spending power called the “power of the purse”
absence of any showing that there was a violation of belongs to Congress subject only to the veto power
constitutional requirements or the rights of private of the President.
individuals.  It is the President who proposes the budget, the
 It is within the Bicameral Conference final say on the matter of appropriation is lodged in
Committee to include in its report an entirely new Congress.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 The power of appropriation carries with it the or irrelevant provisions included in the bill to ensure
power to specify the project/activity to be funded its approval.
under the appropriation law. i. Procedure for approving appropriations for
 Need for appropriation – “NO money shall be Congress shall strictly follow the procedure for
paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance of an approving appropriations for other departments and
appropriation made by law.” agencies. (to prevent sub rosa appropriation by
 Indispensable requisites or condition sine qua Congress)
non for the execution of government contracts: ii. Prohibition against transfer of appropriations
a. Existence of appropriation  Exception:
b. Availability of funds 1) President
 Appropriation law – a statute the primary and 2) Senate President
specific purpose of which is to authorize the release 3) Speaker
of public funds from the Treasury. 4) Chief Justice
 Classification: 5) Heads of Constitutional Commission
1) General Appropriations Law – passed annually,  By law, be authorized to augment any item in
for the financial operations of the government. the general appropriation law for their respective
2) Special Appropriations Law – for specific offices from savings in other items of their
purpose respective appropriations.
 Implied Limitation on Appropriation Measures iii. Prohibition against appropriation for sectarian
1) Appropriation must be devoted to public benefit
purpose  Exception: priest, preacher, minister or dignitary
2) Sum authorized to be released must be is assigned to the armed forces or to any penal
determinate or at least determinable institution or government orphanage or leposarium.
 Decree do not specify the specific amounts to be iv. Automatic reappropriation
paid, the amounts are nevertheless made certain by  If Congress failed to pass the general
the legislative parameters provided in the decrees. appropriations bill for the ensuing year, the general
 The mandate being only to pay the principal, appropriations bill for the preceding fiscal year shall
interest, taxes and other normal banking charges. be deemed re-enacted until said bill is passed.
 Constitutional Limitation on Special  Impoundment –the refusal by the President for
Appropriation Measure whatever reason to spend funds made available by
1) Specify the public purpose for which the sum is Congress. It is the failure to spend or obligate
intended budget authority of any type.
2) Must be supported by funds actually available  Appropriation Reserves – the Administrative
as certified to by the National Treasurer or to be Code authorizes the Budget Secretary to establish
raised by a corresponding revenue proposal reserves against appropriations to provide for
included therein. contingencies and emergencies which may arise
 Constitutional Rules on General Appropriations during the year.
Law:  This is “expenditure deferral” not suspension,
• Congress may not increase the appropriations since the agencies concerned can still draw on the
reserves if the fiscal outlook improves.
recommended by the President for the operation of
3. Power of Taxation
the Government.
 Limitations
• The form, content and manner of preparation of
1. uniform and equitable – evolve a progressive
the budget shall be prescribed by law.
system of taxation
• No provision or enactment shall be embraced 2. charitable institutions, etc. and all lands,
unless it relates specifically to some particular buildings and improvements actually, directly and
appropriation. Any such provision or enactment exclusively used for religious, charitable or
shall be limited in its operation to the appropriation educational purposes shall be exempt from taxation.
to which it relates. This is intended to prevent riders
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

3. all revenues and assets of non-stock, non-profit  Concurrence of majority of all members of the
educational institutions used directly, actually and Senate
exclusively for educational purposes shall be 12. Power to concur in treaties or international
exempt from taxation. agreements
4. Law granting tax exemptions shall be passed  2/3 of all the members of the Senate
only with concurrence of majority of all members of 13. Power to confirm certain appointments by the
Congress President
4. Power of Legislative Investigation  in the event of vacancy in the Office of VP,
 Conduct inquiries in aid of legislation. from among members of Congress confirmed by
 Rights of persons appearing in or affected by majority vote of all the Members of both Houses of
such inquiries shall be respected. Congress, voting separately.
 Limitations  Nominations by President under Sec 16, Article
1. in aid of legislation 7 confirmed by Commission on Appointments
2. in accordance with duly published rules of 14. Power to impeachment
procedure 15. Power relative to natural resources
3. Rights of persons appearing in, or affected by 16. Power to propose amendments to the
such inquiry shall be respected Constitution
 Power to punish for contempt: Senate being a
continuing body may order imprisonment for an IX. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT
indefinite period, but principles of due process and
equal protection will have to be considered. The President
5. Question Hour
 Heads of the departments may upon their own Qualifications
initiative with the consent of the President OR upon 1. natural-born citizen
the request of wither House, as the rules of each 2. registered voter
House shall provide, appear before and be heard by 3. able to read and write
the House on any matter pertaining to their 4. on the day of the election, at least 40 years old
departments. 5. resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years
 Written questions submitted to the Senate P or immediately preceding such election
Speaker, 3 days before the scheduled appeared.
 Interpellations shall not be limited to the written Election
questions, may cover matters related thereto. - Regular Election: 2nd Monday of May
 When the security of the State or the public - Congress as Board of Canvassers
interest so requires, may be held in executive  Returns of every election for President and VP,
session. duly certified by Board of Canvassers of each
6. War Powers province or city shall be transmitted to Congress
 Declaration of the existence of state of war – 2/3 directed to Senate President.
 SP, upon receipt, shall not later than 30 days
of both Houses in joint session, voting separately
7. Power to act as Board of Canvassers in election after the day of the election, open all the certificates
of President in the presence of the Senate and House in joint
8. Power to call a Special Election for President public session.
and VP  Congress upon determination of the authenticity
9. Power to judge the President’s physical fitness and due execution, shall canvass the votes.
to discharge the functions of Presidency  Congress shall promulgate its own rules.
10. Power to revoke or extend suspension of the  2 or more candidates shall have an equal and
privilege of the writ of HC or declaration of martial highest number of votes, one of them shall be
law chosen by a majority vote of all members of
11. Power to concur in Presidential amnesties Congress.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- Congress has the authority to proclaim the - May not be prevented from instituting a suit
winning candidates for the position of President and - Immune from civil liability
Vice President - After tenure, cannot invoke immunity from suit
- Congress may delegate the initial determination for civil damages arising out of acts done by him
of the authenticity and due execution of the while he was President which was not performed in
certificate of canvass to a Joint Congressional the exercise of official duties.
Committee, composed of members of the House - Department Secretaries, though alter egos,
and Senate cannot invoke President’s immunity from suit.
- The decisions and final report of the Committee
shall be subject to the approval of the joint session Prohibitions/Inhibitions
of both Houses if Congress, voting separately. 1. Not receive any other emoluments from the
- Even if Congress has adjourned its regular government or nay other source
session it may continue to perform this 2. Not hold any other office or employment, unless
Constitutional duty of canvassing the presidential provided in this Constitution
and vice-presidential election results without need - VP may be appointed to the Cabinet without
of any call for a special session by the President. need of confirmation from Commission on
- The joint public session cannot adjourn sine die Appointment
until it has accomplished its constitutionally - Secretary of Justice is ex-officio member of
mandated task. Judicial and Bar Council
- No constitutional or statutory basis for - Secretary of Labor  ex-officio member of
COMELEC to undertake a separate and an BOD of PEZA
“unofficial” tabulation of results  descends to the - Secretary of TC  ex-officio Chairman of PPA
level of private organization while using public and LRTA
funds, violates exclusive prerogative of NAMFREL - Prohibition must not be construed as applying to
and taints integrity of envelopes containing ER and poses occupied by Executive officials without
the ERs themselves. additional compensation in an ex-officio capacity,
- SC as Presidential Electoral Tribunal as provided by law and as required by the primary
 SC, en banc functions of the said official’s office. These posts
 Sole judge of all contests relating to the do not comprise “any other office” but is an
election, returns and qualifications of the President imposition of additional duties and functions on
or VP said official.
 Promulgate its own rules 3. Not directly or indirectly practice any other
profession, participate in any business or be
Term of Office: 6 years financially interested in any contract, franchise or
- No re-election special privilege
- No person who has succeeded as President and 4. Strictly avoid conflict of interest in the conduct
has served for more than 4 years shall be qualified of their office
for election to the same office at any time 5. May not appoint Spouse or Relatives by
consanguinity or affinity within the fourth civil
Privileges degree as
1. Official Residence a. Members of Constitutional Commissions
2. Salary b. Office of the Ombudsman
- Determined by law c. Secretaries
- Shall not be decreased during tenure d. Undersecretaries
- No increase shall take effect until after e. Chairman/heads of
expiration of the term of the incumbent during bureaus/offices/GOCCs/subsidiaries
which such increase was approved.
3. Immunity from Suit Rules on Succession
- President is immune from suit - Vacancy at the BEGINNING of term
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Majority of the members of the Cabinet transmit

DEATH or VP-elect shall become to Senate President and Speaker
PERMANENT President  Written declaration that the President is unable
DISABILITY of to discharge the powers and duties of his office
President – elect  VP shall IMMEDIATELY assume the powers
President-elect fails to VP-elect shall act as and duties of the office as Acting President
qualify President until  IF President shall transmit written declaration
President-elect shall that no such disability exists
have qualified  He shall reassume the powers and duties of his
President shall not have VP-elect shall act as office
been chosen President until  IF majority of the members of the Cabinet
President-elect shall transmit within 5 days to SP and Speaker their
have been chosen and written declaration that the President is unable to
qualified discharge the powers and duties of his office,
No President and VP: Senate President or in  Congress shall decide the issue
- Chosen case of his disability,  Congress shall convene within 48 hours, if not
- Qualified the Speaker of the in session
- Both died House shall act as  w/in 10 days from receipt of last declaration OR
- Both become President until a if not in session w/in 12 days after it is required to
permanently disabled President or VP shall assemble  Congress determines by 2/3 vote of
been chosen and both Houses, voting separately
qualified.  that President is unable  VP shall act as
In case of inability of President; Otherwise, President shall continue
both, Congress shall, exercising the powers and duties of his office.
by law provide for the
manner by which one Constitutional Duty of Congress in case of Vacancy
who is to act as in the Offices of President and VP
President shall be - 10:00am, 3rd day after the vacancy occurs
selected until a - Congress shall convene without need of call
President or VP shall - w/in 7 days enact a law calling for a special
have qualified. election to elect a President and VP
- election held not earlier than 45 days nor later
- Vacancy DURING the term than 60 days from time of such call
 Death, permanent disability, removal from - bill shall be deemed certified and shall become
office or resignation of President  VP shall law upon approval on 3rd reading by Congress
become President - convening cannot be suspended
 Elements of Valid Resignation: - election cannot be postponed
1. intent to resign - IF vacancy occurs w/in 18 months before the
2. act of relinquishment date of the next presidential election  NO special
- Temporary Disability
 President transmits to Senate President and Removal of President: Impeachment
 His written declaration that he is unable to Vice-President
discharge the powers and duties of his office
 Until he transmits a written declaration to the Qualifications
contrary 1. natural-born citizen
 Powers and duties shall be discharged by the VP 2. registered voter
as Acting President 3. able to read and write
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

4. on the day of the election, at least 40 years old - Power to reorganize the OP under Section 31 (2)
5. resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years and b(3) of EO 292 (Administrative Code) 
immediately preceding such election power of the President to reorganize offices outside
of the OP proper is limited to merely transferring
Term: No VP shall serve for more than 2 successive functions/agencies from OP to
terms. Departments/Agencies and v.v.
- It is not for the President to determine the
Vacancy in VP validity of the law, it is the function of the judiciary.
- President shall nominate a VP from among Unless and until such law is declared
members of Senate and House unconstitutional, President has the duty to execute
- Assume office upon confirmation by a majority it.
vote of all Members of both Houses of Congress,
voting separately Power of Appointment
- Nominate and with consent of the Commission
Powers of the President on Appointments, appoint:
1) Executive Power a. Heads of the executive departments
2) Power of Appointment b. Ambassadors
3) Power of Control c. Other public ministers and consuls
4) Military Powers d. Officers of the armed forces from the rank of
5) Pardoning Power colonel or naval captain
6) Borrowing Power e. Other officers whose appointments are vested in
7) Diplomatic Power him in this Constitution
8) Budgetary Power - Appoint all other officers of the Government
9) Informing Power whose appointments are not otherwise provided by
10) Others law
a. Call Congress to special session - Appoint those whom he may be authorized by
b. Power to approve or veto bolls law to appoint.
c. Consent to deputation of government personnel - Congress may by law, vest appointment of other
by COMELEC officers lower in rank in the
d. Discipline such deputies a. President alone,
e. Emergency powers, by delegation from b. Courts
Congress c. Heads of
f. General supervision over LGs and autonomous departments/agencies/commissions/boards
regional governments - Appointment: selection, by the authority vested
with the power, of an individual who is to exercise
Executive Power the functions of a given office.
- Executive Power: power to enforce and  Designation: imposition of additional duties,
administer the laws usually by law, to one who is already in public
- Power of carrying out the laws into practical service
operation and enforcing their due observance  Commission: written evidence of appointment
- Authority to Reorganize the Office of the - Classification of Appointments
President “to achieve simplicity, economy and a. Permanent – extended to persons possessing the
efficiency.” requisite eligibility and are protected by security of
- Power to reorganize the OP under Section 31 (1) tenure
of EO 292 (Administrative Code)  President can b. Temporary – extended to persons without
reorganize the OP proper by abolishing, requisite eligibility, revocable at will, without
consolidating or merging units or by transferring necessity of just cause or valid investigation
functions from one unit to another  Not subject to confirmation by Commission on
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 If confirmation erroneously given, will not Secretary, the President necessarily appoint the alter
make it a permanent appointment ego of his choice. Congress, cannot by law, compel
 Designation is considered only an acting or the President to appoint automatically the
temporary appointment undersecretary as his temporary alter ego. An alter
c. Regular – made by President while Congress is ego, temporary or permanent, holds a position of
in session great trust and confidence.
 Takes effect upon confirmation of Commission - Special Limitations on the President’s
on Appointment Appointing Power
 Once approved, continues until end of term of 1. may not appoint his spouse or relatives by
the appointee consanguinity or affinity, within the 4th civil degree
 as
d. Ad interim – made by President while Congress a. members of Constitutional Commission
is not in session b. Ombudsman
c. Secretaries
 Takes effect immediately but ceases to be valid
d. Undersecretaries
if disapproved by the Commission on Appointments
e. Chairmen/heads of bureaus/offices/GOCCs
or upon next adjournment of Congress (by-passed
2. appointments made by acting president shall
through inaction)
remain effective unless revoked by elected
 Intended to prevent interruptions in vital President w/in 90 days from assumption of office
government services 3. 2 months immediately before the next
 Permanent and cannot be withdrawn by the presidential election and up to the end of his term, a
President once the appointee has qualified President or acting President shall not make
 If disapproved by the Commission on appointments EXCEPT temporary appointments to
Appointments  can no longer be extended a new executive positions when continued vacancies will
appointment; decision of the Commission is final prejudice public service or endanger public safety
and binding  No law that prohibits local executive officials
 If by-passed  President is free to renew the ad 4. Congress  power to prescribe qualifications
interim appointment 5. Judiciary may annul an appointment made by
- Officials who are appointed by the President President of the appointee is not qualified or has not
 Does NOT require confirmation by COA been validly confirmed.
a. Commissioner of Customs - Power of Removal
b. Philippine Coast Guard  Implied from power of appointment
c. Chairman of Commission of Human Rights  President cannot remove officials appointed by
d. NLRC Chairman and Commissioners him where the Constitution prescribes certain
- Congress cannot by law require confirmation of methods for separation of such officers from service
appointments of government officials other than  Chairman and commissioners of Constitutional
those mentioned in the Constitution
Commissions  impeachment
- Steps in the Appointing Power
a. Nomination by President  Judges  disciplining authority of SC
b. Confirmation by COA  Where power of removal is lodged in President:
c. Issuance of the Commission a. Cause as may be provided by law
- Appointment is deemed complete upon b. Prescribed administrative procedure
acceptance; pending such acceptance, the  Members of career service of the Civil Service
appointment may still be validly withdrawn who are appointed by the President may be directly
- Discretion of Appointing Authority – includes disciplined by him
the determination of the nature ad character of  Members of Cabinet and Officers whose
appointment continuity in office depends upon pleasure of
- In case of vacancy in an office occupied by an President  replaced any time; separation is not by
alter ego of the President, e.g. Department removal but EXPIRATION of term.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

of the President, thus there is no need to appeal to

the President.
Power of Control - Power of control may be exercised over the acts,
- President shall have control of all NOT over the actors
 Executive departments - Power of control of Secretary of Justice over
 Bureaus prosecutors
 Offices  Decisions/Resolutions of prosecutors are subject
- Control: power of an officer to alter, modify, set to appeal to the Secretary of Justice who exercises
aside, or nullify what a subordinate had done in the power of direct control and supervision over
performance of his duties and to substitute the prosecutors.
judgment of the former for that of the latter.  Where Secretary exercises power of review only
 Supervision: overseeing; the power of an officer after an information is filed, TC should defer or
to see that subordinate officers perform their duties, suspend arraignment and other proceedings until
and if the latter fails or neglects to fulfill them, then appeal is resolved. HOWEVER, the TC is not ipso
the former may take such action or steps as facto bound by the resolution of the Secretary,
prescribed by law to make them perform these because jurisdiction, once acquired is not lost
duties. despite the resolution of the Secretary to withdraw
- Alter Ego Principle/Doctrine of Qualified the information or to dismiss the case.
Political Agency - Power of general supervision over local
 All executives and administrative organizations governments.
are adjuncts of the Executive department - President can only interfere in the affairs and
 The heads of the various executive departments activities of a local government unit of he finds that
are assistants and agents of the Chief Executive the latter had acted contrary to law.
 And, except in cases where the Chief Executive  Otherwise, violative of local autonomy.
is required by the Constitution or law to act - Local fiscal autonomy: automatic release of
personally OR the exigencies of the situation LGU shares in the national internal revenue.
demand that he act personally, the multifarious -
executive and administrative functions of the Chief Military Powers
Executive are performed by and through the - Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the
executive departments, Philippines
 And the acts of Secretaries, performed and - If necessary, he may call out such armed forces
promulgated in the regular course of business are, to prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion or
unless disapproved or reprobated are presumptively rebellion.
the acts of the Chief Executive. - In case of invasion or rebellion, when public
- President may exercise powers conferred by law safety requires it, he may, for a period not
upon Cabinet members or subordinate executive exceeding 60 days, suspend the privilege of the writ
officers. of HC or place the Philippines or any part thereof
- Power of the president to reorganize the under martial law.
National Government may validly be delegated to - Commander-in-Chief Clause
his Cabinet members exercising control over a  Conduct of saturation drives or areal target
particular executive department. zoning
- Appeal to the President from decisions of  Exercises discretionary power
executive officers, including Cabinet members,  Only criterion, “whenever it becomes
complete the exhaustion of administrative remedies. necessary”
 Exception: Doctrine of Qualified Political  Discretionary authority to declare state of
Agency applies, in which case the decision of rebellion
Cabinet Secretary carries the presumptive approval  Court may only look into the sufficiency of the
factual basis for the exercise of the power.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Mere declaration of a state of rebellion cannot  NOT automatically suspend the privilege of the
diminish or violate constitutionally protected rights writ
 Power to organize courts martial for the disciple
of members of the armed forces Pardoning Power
 Power to create military commissions for the - Except in cases of IMPEACHMENT or AS
punishment of war criminals OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN THE
 Military tribunals cannot try civilians when civil CONSTITUTION
courts are open and functioning - May grant, after conviction by final judgment
 Members of the PNP are not within the a. Reprieves
jurisdiction of the military court b. Commutations
 RA 7055, lawmakers intended to return to c. Pardons
civilian courts jurisdiction over offenses that have d. Remit fines and forfeitures
traditionally within their jurisdiction but did not - May grant Amnesty with concurrence of a
divest the military courts jurisdiction over cases majority of all members of the Congress
mandated by the Article of War - Pardon: act of grace which exempts the
a. Disrespect towards the President individual from punishment that the law inflicts
b. Disrespect towards Superior Officer upon the crime he has committed
c. Sedition/Mutiny - Commutation: reduction or mitigation of
d. Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a penalty
Gentleman - Reprieve: postponement of sentence/ stay of
e. General Articles of the Articles of War execution
- Suspension of the privilege of the writ of HC - Parole: release from imprisonment but still in
custody of law although not in confinement
 Grounds: invasion or rebellion, when public
- Amnesty: act of grace, with concurrence of
safety requires it
legislature, usually extended to group of persons
 Duration: not to exceed 60 days, unless who committed political offenses, puts into oblivion
extended by Congress the offense itself
 Duty of President to Report action to Congress: - Discretionary exercise by the President
w/in 48 hours, personally or in writing - Cannot be controlled by Legislature or reversed
 Congress may revoke or extend by a majority by courts unless there is a constitutional violation.
vote of all its members, voting jointly - Limitations:
 SC may review upon proceeding filed by any 1) Cannot be granted in cases of impeachment
citizen, as to the sufficiency of factual basis. It must 2) Cannot be granted in cases of violation of
promulgate its decision w/in 30 days from its filing. election offenses w/o favorable recommendation of
 Suspension does not impair the right to bail. COMELEC
 Suspension applies to persons judicially charged 3) Cannot be granted in cases of legislative
for rebellion or offenses inherent in or directly contempt or civil contempt
connected with invasion 4) Cannot absolve civil liability
 During suspension, any person thus arrested 5) Cannot restore public offices forfeited
shall be judicially charged w/in 3 days, otherwise he - Exceptions: on consideration of justice and
shall be released. equity, entitled to reinstatement (Sabello vs. DECS)
- Martial Law 6) Only after conviction by final judgment
 NOT Suspend operation of the Constitution - Classification of Pardon:
 NOT Supplant the functioning of civil courts or 1) Plenary or partial
legislative assemblies 2) Absolute or conditional
 NOT authorize conferment of jurisdiction on  Conditional pardon is in the nature of a contract
military courts and agencies over civilians where between the Chief Executive and the convicted
civil courts are able to function criminal.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 By the pardonee’s consent to the terms - Treaties vs. International Agreements

stipulated in the contract, the pardonee has placed
himself under the supervision of the Chief Treaties International
Executive or his delegate who is duty bound to see Agreements
to it that the pardonee complied with the conditions Formal documents Become binding through
of the pardon require ratification executive action
 President is authorized to order the arrest or re- International agreements International agreements
incarceration of such a person, if he fails to comply which involve political involving adjustments
with the conditions of his pardon. issues or changes of of details carrying out
 Such exercise of Presidential judgment is national policy well established
beyond judicial scrutiny. national policies and
- Amnesty traditions
 Stands before the law precisely as though he had Involving arrangements Involving arrangements
committed no offense of permanent character of a more or less
 Criminal liability is totally extinguished temporary nature
 To avail of the benefit, must admit the guilt of
the offence covered by the proclamation - It is immaterial whether US treats the VFA as
merely an executive agreement because, under
AMNESTY PARDON international law, an executive agreement is just as
Addressed to political Infractions of peace of binding as a trearty.
offenses the state
Classes of persons Individual Budgetary Power
No need for distinct acts Acceptance needed - Submit to Congress within 30 days from
of acceptance opening of its regular session
Concurrence by Nope - A budget of expenditures and sources of
Congress financing, including receipts from existing and
Public act which courts Private act which must proposed revenue measures
may take judicial notice be pleaded and proved - As basis of the general appropriations act
Looks back and puts Looks forward and
into oblivion the offense relieves pardonee of the Informing Power
itself consequences of the - Address Congress at the opening of its regular
offenses session
- May appear before it at any other time
Borrowing Power
- Contract or guarantee foreign loans on behalf of X. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT
the Republic, with prior concurrence of Monetary
Board and subject to such limitations as may be Judicial Power
provided by law. - Duty of the courts of justice to settle actual
- MB, shall w/in 30 days from end of every controversies involving rights which are legally
quarter, submit to the Congress a complete report of demandable and enforceable, and to determine
its decisions on applications for loans to be whether or not there has been grave abuse of
contracted or guaranteed by the Government/GOCC discretion amounting to lack or excess of
which would have the effect of increasing the jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
foreign debt, and containing other matters as may instrumentality of the government.
be provided by law. - Political questions  forbidden territory of
Diplomatic Power courts
- No treaty or international agreement shall be - Inherent power of Courts to amend and control
valid and effective unless concurred in by at least its processed and orders so as to make them
2/3 of all members of the Senate. comformable with law and justice.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- Right to reverse itself.

- Lower Collegiate Courts
Where vested 1) Natural-born
- 1 SC 2) Member of Philippine Bar
- Such lower courts as may be established by law 3) Congress may prescribe other qualifications

Jurisdiction - Lower Courts

- Power to hear and decide a case 1) Citizen
- Congress shall have the power to define, 2) Member of Philippine Bar
prescribe and apportion the jurisdiction of various 3) Congress may prescribe other qualifications
courts, but may not deprive SC of its jurisdiction
over cases enumerated in Section 5, Article VIII Procedure for Appointment
- No law shall be passed increasing appellate - Appointed by the President from a list of
jurisdiction of SC without its advice and nominees prepared by Judicial and Bar Council
concurrence - Lower Courts: appointed by President w/in 90
days from submission of list
Constitutional Safeguards to Insure Independence
of SC Judicial and Bar Council
1. SC is a constitutional body; it may not be - Composition
abolished by legislature  Ex-officio Members
2. members of SC are removable only by 1) CJ as Chairman
impeachment 2) Justice Secretary
3. SC may not be deprived of its original and 3) Representative of Congress
appellate jurisdiction; Appellate jurisdiction may  Regular Members
not be increased without its consent and 1) Representative of IBP
concurrence 2) Professor of Law
4. SC has administrative supervision over all 3) Retired justice of SC
inferior courts and personnel 4) Representative of private sector
5. SC has exclusive power to discipline judges and  Secretary ex-officio: clerk of SC
justices of inferior courts
6. members of Judiciary have security of tenure - Appointment: regular members shall be
7. members of Judiciary may not be designated to appointed by President for a term of 4 years, with
any agency performing quasi-judicial or consent of COA; shall receive emoluments as
administrative functions determined by SC
8. salaries of judges may not be reduced; Judiciary - Powers/Functions:
enjoys fiscal autonomy  Principal function: recommending appointees to
9. SC alone may initiate ROC Judiciary
10. SC alone may order temporary detail judges  Exercise such other functions and duties as SC
11. SC can appoint officials and employees of may assign
Supreme Court
 Composition
- Proven competence, integrity, probity and
 1 CJ
independence +
 14 Associate Justices
- SC
1) Natural-born  May sit en banc or in its discretion, in divisions
2) At least 40 of 3, 5 or 7 members
3) 15 years or more a judge of a lower court or  Vacancy shall be filled within 90 days from
engaged in the practice of law in the Philippines occurrence

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 En Banc – concurrence of a majority of the 2) All cases involving legality of any tax, impost,
members who took part in the deliberations and assessment or toll or any penalty imposed in
voted relation thereto
1) Constitutionality of a treaty, international or 3) Jurisdiction of lower court is in issue
executive agreement, or law 4) All criminal cases in which penalty imposed is
2) All others required by ROC RP or higher
3) Constitutionality, application or operation of 5) All cases in which only an error or question of
PDs, orders, instructions, ordinances and other law is involved
 Division - concurrence of a majority of the - Does not include power of SC to review
members who took part in the deliberations and decisions of administrative bodies
voted and in no case without the concurrence of at - Penalty is RP, accused must appeal. Otherwise,
least 3 such members judgment of conviction will become final and
 When required number is not obtained  case executory
shall be decided en banc (case – decided NOT - If death, TC shall forward records for automatic
matters - resolved) review
 No doctrine or principle of law laid by a court - Question of Law: correct application of law or
sitting en banc or in a division, may be modified or jurisprudence to a certain set of facts; when the
reversed except by the court sitting en banc issue does not call for an examination of the
probative value of the evidence, the truth or
Powers of the SC falsehood of the facts being admitted.
1) Original Jurisdiction
2) Appellate Jurisdiction Temporary Assignment of judges of LCs to other
3) Temporary Assignment of judges of LCs to stations as public interest may require
other stations as public interest may require
4) Order change of venue or place of trial, to avoid Order change of venue or place of trial, to avoid
miscarriage of justice miscarriage of justice
5) Rule-Making Power
6) Power of Appointment Rule-Making Power
7) Power of Administrative Supervision - Promulgate rules:
8) Annual Report 1) Protection and enforcement of constitutional
Original Jurisdiction 2) Pleadings
1) Cases affecting ambassadors, public ministers 3) Practices
and consuls 4) Procedure in all courts
2) Petition for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus 5) Admission to practice of law
3) Quo warranto 6) Admission to TB
4) Habeas corpus 7) Legal assistance to underprivileged
- Limitations:
Appellate Jurisdiction – review, revise, reverse, 1) Simplified and inexpensive procedure
modify, or affirm on appeal or certiorari as the ROC 2) Uniform in all courts of the same grade
may provide final judgments and orders of lower 3) Not diminish, increase or modify substantive
courts in: rights
1) All cases involving constitutionality/validity of - Integrated Bar
any treaty, international or executive agreements,  State-organized bar to which each lawyer must
law, PD, proclamation, order, instruction ordinance belong
or regulation is in question  Official unification of entire lawyer population,
where each lawyer is given the opportunity to do his
share in carrying out the objectives of the Bar as
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

well as obliged to bear his portion of its - N/A to:

responsibilities 1) Minute resolution dismissing a petition for HC,
 Requires membership and financial support of certiorari and mandamus
every atty as a condition sine qua non to the practice 2) Administrative cases
 Payment of dues is a necessary consequence of - Decision need not be a complete recital of the
membership in the IBP, of which no one is exempt evidence presented
 Practice of law is a privilege and as such must - Factual and legal basis are clearly and distinctly
bow to the inherent regulatory power if the SC set forth
- Writ of Amparo: writ that may be issued by the - Imperative that decision is not limited to
courts, based on the constitutional power of the SC dispositive part; must
to promulgate rules, for the protection and 1) State nature of the case
enforcement of constitutional rights. 2) Summarize the facts w/ reference to record
- Congress cannot amend the ROC 3) Contain statement of applicable law and
- Rules of procedure of special courts and quasi- jurisprudence
judicial bodies shall remain effective unless 4) Tribunal’s statement and conclusion of the case
disapproved by the SC 3) No petition for review or MR shall be refused
due course or denied without stating the legal basis.
Power of Appointment
- Appoint all officials and employees of the Tenure of Judges/Justices
Judiciary in accordance with Civil Service Law - SC: Justices may be removed only by
Power of Administrative Supervision  Special Prosecutor has no authority to conduct
- Administrative supervision over all courts and an investigation on charges against a member of the
personnel SC, in view of filing a criminal information.
- Ombudsman may not initiate or investigate a Because if found guilty, he will be removed from
criminal or administrative complaint before his office  violation of his security of tenure.
office against a judge, he must first indorse the case - LC: Judges shall hold office during GOOD
to the SC BEHAVIOR until they reach the age of 70 or
- Administrative proceedings before the SC are become INCAPACITATED to discharge the duties
confidential in nature. of their offices.
 SC en banc shall have the power to discipline
Annual Report judges of LCs, or order their dismissal by a vote of
- Submit, within 30 days from opening of each a majority of the members who took part in the
regular session of Congress to the President and to deliberations and voted
Congress an annual report on the operations and  NOTE: only cases involving dismissal of judges
activities of the Judiciary. of LCs are required to be decided by the Court en
Consultations/Decisions of SC  First clause: declaration of grant of the
1) Conclusions in any case submitted to it for disciplining power to and the determination of the
decision shall be reached in consultation before the procedure in the exercise by the Court en banc
case is assigned to a member for the writing of the  Grounds for the removal of a judicial officer
opinion of the Court. A certification to this effect should be established beyond reasonable doubt,
signed by the CJ shall be issued. particularly where the charges on which removal is
- N/A to administrative cases sought are misconduct in office, willful neglect,
- Applicable to lower collegiate bodies corruption, incompetence, etc.
- Votes are equally divided and majority is not  Judges cannot be disciplined for every
obtained, petition shall nbbe dismissed erroneous order or decision rendered in the absence
2) The decision shall state clearly and distinctly the of a clear showing of ill motive, malice or bad faith.
facts and the law on which it is based.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 The absence of bad faith or malice will not - Court does not lose jurisdiction despite the lapse
totally exculpate them from charges of of the mandatory period.
incompetence and ignorance of the law when they
render decisions that are totally bereft of factual and XI. CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION
legal bases.
- No law shall be passed reorganizing the Independent Constitutional Commission
Judiciary when it undermines the security of tenure 1. Civil Service Commission
of its members. 2. COMELEC
3. Commission on Audit
- Fixed by law Safeguards Insuring the Independence of the
- May not be decreased during their continuance Commission
in office 1. constitutionally created, and not be abolished by
- Imposition of income tax on salaries of judges statute
does not violate the constitutional prohibition 2. expressly described as “independent”
against decrease in salaries 3. conferred certain powers and functions which
cannot be reduced by statute
Periods of Decisions 4. enjoy fiscal autonomy
- All cases filed after the effectivity of the  “no report, no release” policy may not be
Constitution must be decided and resolved, from validly enforced against offices vested with fiscal
date of submission autonomy.
 24 months – SC  Automatic release of approved annual
 12 months – lower collegiate courts appropriations to a constitutional commission
 3 months – all other lower courts vested with fiscal autonomy should be construed to
- Unless in the 2 latter cases, the period is reduced mean that no condition to fund releases to it may be
by the SC imposed.
- Certification to be signed by the Chief  Provision in Section 3, Article VIII, prohibiting
Justice/Presiding Justice shall be issued stating the the reduction in the appropriation for the Judiciary
reason for delay below the amount appropriated for the previous
- Must not sacrifice for expediency’s sake the year does not appear in Section 5, Article IX-A….
fundamental requirements of due process Congress is not prohibited from reducing the
- “sin perjuicio” judgment without a statement of appropriations Constitutional Commissions below
the facts in support of its conclusions, to be later the amount appropriated for them for the previous
supplemented by the final judgment. year.
- Designed to prevent delay in the administration 5. promulgate its own procedural rules, provided
of justice. they do not diminish, increase or modify substantive
- Failure to decide cases within the prescribed rights (subject to disapproval by the SC)
period is not excusable and constitute gross 6. appoint their own officials and employees in
inefficiency which is a ground for administrative accordance with Civil Service Law
sanction against the defaulting judge. 7. Chairman and members removed only by
- Judges who cannot comply with this mandate impeachment
should ask for additional time, explaining in their 8. Chairman and members are given a fairly long
request the reasons for the delay. term of 7 years
- Despite expiration of the mandatory period, the 9. Chairman and members may not be reappointed
court, without prejudice to such responsibility as or appointed in an acting capacity
may have been incurred in consequence thereof, 10. salaries of Chairman and members are relatively
shall decide or resolve the case or matter submitted high and may not be decreased during continuance
to it without further delay. in office

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

11. Chairman and members are subject to certain or excess of jurisdiction and does not ordinarily
disqualification calculated to strengthen their empower the Court to review factual findings.
integrity - Certiorari under R65 is the appropriate remedy.
- Judgment of the COA are not reviewable by
Inhibitions/Disqualifications ordinary writ of error or appeal by certiorari to the
1. not hold any other office or employment, during SC. Only when COA acts without or in excess of
tenure jurisdiction, or with GAD amounting to lack or
2. not engage in the practice of any profession excess of jurisdiction, may this court entertain a
3. not engage in the active management or control petition for certiorari under R65.
of any business which in any way may be affected - Decisions of the CSC shall be appealable by
by the functions of his office certiorari to the CA w/in 15 days from receipt of a
4. not be financially interested, directly or copy. From the decision of the CA, the party
indirectly, in any contract or in any franchise or adversely affected thereby shall file a petition for
privilege granted by the Government review on certiorari under R45.

Rotational Scheme of Appointments Enforcement of Decision

- First appointees serve terms of 7, 5 and 3 years. - Final decision of the CSC are enforceable by
- After the first commissioners are appointed, the writ of execution which CSC may itself issue.
rotational scheme is intended to prevent the
possibility of one President appointing all the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
- Rotational plan requires: Composition
1. terms of the first commissioners should start on - Chairman
a common date - 2 Commissioners
2. any vacancy due to death, resignation or
disability before the expiration of the term should Qualifications
only be filled for the unexpired balance of the term. 1. Natural-born
2. at the time of the appointment at least 35 years
Decisions old
1. Each Commission shall decide by a majority 3. proven capacity for public administration
vote of all its members any case or matter brought 4. not have been candidates for any elective
before it w/in 60 days from the date of its position in the election immediately preceding their
submission for decision or resolution. appointment
- Majority vote of ALL members and not only of
those who participated in the deliberations and Term
voted thereon. - Appointed by the President with the consent of
- Retired prior to promulgation of decision  the Commission on Appointments
votes should be considered withdrawn, as if they - Term of 7 years, without reappointment
had not signed the resolution; only the votes of the - In no case shall any member be appointed or
remaining commissioners shall be counted. designated in temporary or acting capacity.
- Treat the procedural requirements on deadlines
realistically. Constitutional Objective/Function
2. Aggrieved party may bring the decision to the 1. central personnel agency of the Government
SC on certiorari w/in 30 days from receipt of copy 2. establish a career service
- When Court reviews a decision of the 3. adopt measures to promote morale, efficiency,
COMELEC, the Court exercises extraordinary integrity, responsiveness, progressiveness and
jurisdiction; thus the proceeding is limited to issues courtesy in the civil service
involving grave abuse of discretion resulting in lack 4. strengthen merit and reward system

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

5. integrate all human resources development - Or based on highly and technical qualifications
programs for all levels and ranks - Opportunity for advancement to higher career
6. institutionalize a management climate positions
conducive to public accountability - Security of tenure
b. Includes:
- Granting civil service eligibility to employees 1) Open Career Service
under provisional or temporary status who have - Prior qualification in an appropriate
rendered 7 years of efficient service is examination is required
DISCRETIONARY on the CSC and may not be 2) Closed Career Service
compelled by mandamus to issue such eligibility. - Scientific or highly technical
- CSC cannot validly abolish Career Executive 3) Career Executive Service
Service Board - Undersecretaries, bureau directors, etc.
- Power to hear and decide administrative cases 4) Positions in the Armed Forces of the Philippines
instituted before it directly or on appeal, including - Governed by a different merit system
contested appointments. 5) Career Officers
- Power to recall an appointment initially - Other than those belonging to Career Executive
approved in disregard of the applicable provisions Service, appointed by President, e.g. foreign service
of the Civil Service law and regulations. 6) Personnel of GOCC w/ original charters
- Original jurisdiction to hear and decide a 7) Permanent laborers (skilled, semi-skilled or
complaint for cheating in the CS examinations by a unskilled)
government employee. c. Incumbents of positions which are declared to
- Decisions of lower level officials in cases be CES positions for the first time who hold
involving personnel actions be appealed to the permanent appointments shall remain under
agency head then to the CSC. (not RTC) permanent status in their position. Upon promotion
- CSC does not have appellate jurisdiction over a or transfer to other CES positions, these incumbents
case of separation from government service under shall be under temporary status in said other CES
Section 2, Article II of the Provisional Constitution. positions until qualify,
d. Mere fact that a position belongs to the CES
Scope of the CS does not automatically confer security of tenure on
- Embrace ALL branches, subdivisions, the applicant. Such right will have to depend on the
instrumentalities and agencies of the Government, nature of his appointment which depends on his
including GOCCs with original charter eligibility or lack of it.
- “with original charter” refers to corporation e. A person who does not have the requisite
chartered by special law as distinguished from qualifications for the position cannot be appointed.
corporations organized under the Corporation Code - Exception: acting capacity in the absence of
- Includes: appropriate eligibles.
1. Economic Intelligence and Information Bureau f. Security of Tenure in the CES – pertains only to
2. Jose M. Rodriguez Hospital RANK and not to the office or the position to which
3. Philippine National Red Cross they may be appointed.
4. UP 1) Career executive service eligibility
5. Morong Water District 2) Appointment to the appropriate career executive
- N/A: service rank
1. National Housing Corporation 2. Non-Career Service
a. Description
Classes of Service - Entrance on bases other than those of the usual
1. Career Service tests utilized for the career service
a. Description - Tenure
- Entrance based on merit and fitness, as far as 1) limited to a period specified by law or
practicable by competitive examinations
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

2) which is co-terminous with that of the - Exempt from competitive examination to

appointing authority or determine merit and fitness:
3) subject of his pleasure or 1) Policy-determining
4) which is limited to the duration of a particular  Officer lays down principal or fundamental
project for which purpose the employment was guidelines or rules
made.  E.g. department head
b. Includes: 2) Primarily confidential
1) Elective officials, personal and confidential staff  Not only confidence in the aptitude if the
2) Department Heads and officials of Cabinet rank appointee for the duties of the office but primarily
who holds office at the pleasure of the President, close intimacy which ensures freedom of
personal and confidential staff intercourse without embarrassment or freedom from
3) Chairmen and members of commissions/boards misgivings or betrayal on confidential matters of
w/ fixed terms of office, personal and confidential state
staff  NATURE of the position which determined
4) Contractual personnel/ those whose employment whether a position is primarily confidential, policy-
in government is in accordance with a special determining or highly technical
contract to undertake a specific work or job  “proximity rule” – can be considered as
requiring special or technical skills not available in confidential employee if the predominant reason
employing agency, to be accomplished within a why he was chosen by the appointing authority was
period not exceeding 1 year, under his own the latter’s belief that he can share a close intimate
responsibility, with minimum direction and relationship with the occupant which ensures
supervision freedom of discussion without fear of
5) Emergency and seasonal personnel embarrassment or misgivings of possible betrayals
of personal trust or confidential matters of the State.
- Under Administrative Code, the CSC is
 Where the position occupied is remote from that
expressly empowered to declare positions in the CS
of the appointing authority, the element of trust
as primarily confidential.
between them is no longer predominant, and cannot
- Enumeration in the Civil Service decree, which
be classified as primarily confidential.
defined the non-career service is not an exclusive
3) Highly technical – requires possession of
technical skill in a superior degree.
Appointments in Civil Service
Discretion of the Appointing Authority
- According to merit and fitness to be determined,
as far as practicable by competitive examination  Where the appointee possesses the minimum
- Except to positions which are: qualification requirements prescribed by law for the
1) Policy-determining position, the appointing authority has discretion
2) Primarily confidential or who to appoint.
3) Highly technical  Even if officers and employees in the career
- Principles service of the Civil Service enjoy preference in the
1) Classification of a particular position as policy- promotion, it is not mandatory that the vacancy be
determining, primarily confidential or highly filled by promotion.
technical amounts to no more than an executive or  Discretion of the appointing authority is not
legislative declaration that is not conclusive upon only in the choice of the person who is to be
the courts, the true test being the nature of the appointed, but also in the nature or character of the
position appointment issued.
2) The exemption provided pertains only to  CSC cannot convert temporary appointment to a
exemption from competitive examination to permanent one  arrogation of power belonging to
determine merit and fitness to enter the civil service appointing authority.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 May approve as merely temporary an - Reassignment does not offend the constitutional
appointment intended to be permanent when the guarantee
appointee does not possess the requisite eligibility - Reinstatement – deemed not to have left his
and the exigency of the service demands that the office; entitled to payment of back salaries,
position be filled even in a temporary capacity. notwithstanding silence.
 Payment of back wages during the period of
Role of the CSC suspension of a civil servant who is subsequently
 Check if the appointee possesses the reinstated is proper only if he is found innocent of
qualifications and appropriate eligibility; if he does, the charges and the suspension is unjustified.
appointment is approved; if he doesn’t, appointment  BUT where the reinstatement is ordered not as a
is disapproved. result of exoneration but merely as an act of
 Selection or placement is made through the liberality, the claim for back wages was not
Placement Committee, the members of which are allowed. It follows the general rule that the public
the representatives of the head of the agency as well official is not entitled to compensation if he has not
as representatives of the employees. Said rendered any service.
Committee’s work is merely recommendatory. - Valid abolition of office does not violate the
 Appointment should be submitted to the CSC constitutional guarantee of security of tenure.
w/in 30 days from issuance; otherwise, it shall be - ROC, career service officer or employee who
ineffective. has been unlawfully ousted from his office has 1
 CSC Memorandum Circular – only the year within which to file an action in court to
appointing authority has the right to challenge the recover office.
CSC’s disapproval of an appointment.  Exception: Cristobal vs. Melchot  grounds of
 Abella, Jr. vs. CSC  both the appointing equity
authority and the appointee are the real parties in - Appellate jurisdiction of the CSC only over
interest and both have legal standing Merit System Protection Board’s decisions in
 Challenge to the appointing authority’s administrative disciplinary cases involving the
discretion imposition of the penalty of suspension, fine,
 While appointee has no vested right to the demotion in rank or salary, transfer, removal,
position, it was his elgibility that was being dismissal from office – not over MSPB decision
questioned; he has a personal stake in the outcome exonerating the accused. Only by the party
adversely affected (Not ER).
Disqualifications - He who, while occupying one office, accepts
1) Lost in any election within 1 year preceding the another incompatible with the first, ipso facto
appointment vacates the first office and his title thereto is thereby
2) Elective official during tenure terminated without any other act of proceeding.
3) Appointive official, except when allowed by  Canonizado vs. Aguirre: accepted another
law or the primary functions of his position position while case questioning the law that
 Ex-officio capacity removed him from his first position was still
Security of Tenure
- Removed and suspended for case provided by Partisan Political Activity – no officer or employee
law. in the civil service shall engage, directly or
- Ground, procedure for investigation and the indirectly, in any electioneering or partisan political
discipline of career service officers and EEs  campaign
Career Service Law; Non-compliance constitutes  Except to vote
denial of the right to security of tenure  Does not prevent expression of views regarding
- Presidential appointee  direct disciplinary political problems or mention the names of the
authority of the President public officers he supports

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Applicable to military establishments  only to Qualifications

those in the active military service, not to reservists 1. Natural-born
 Exemptions: 2. at the time of the appointment at least 35 years
1. members of the Cabinet old
2. public officers and employees holding political 3. holder of a college decree
offices 4. not have been candidates in the immediately
 The above 2 are allowed to take part in political preceding election
and electoral activities, except to solicit 5. majority, including the chairman, must be
contributions from their subordinates or commit member of the Philippine Bar who have been
acts prohibited under the Election Code. engaged in the practice of law for at least 10 years.

The right to Self-organization shall not be denied to Term

government employees - Appointed by the President with the consent of
 May not engage in strikes to demand changes in the Commission on Appointments
the terms and conditions of employment because - Term of 7 years, without reappointment
such are provided for by law. - In no case shall any member be appointed or
designated in temporary or acting capacity.
Temporary employees of the Government shall be
given such protection as may be provided by law. En Banc and Division cases
 It may sit en banc of in 2 division, and shall
Standardization of Compensation promulgate its rules of procedure in order to
 Provided for by Congress (and also qualification expedite disposition of cases, including pre-
required fir their positions) proclamation controversies.
 All such election cases shall be heard and
Double Compensation decided in division, provided that motions for
 No elective or appointive public officer or reconsideration of decisions shall be decided en
employee shall receive additional, double or banc.
indirect compensation, UNLESS specifically  Cases which must first be heard and decided in
authorized by law, division
 Nor accept without the consent of Congress, any 1. all election cases, including pre-proclamation
present, emoluments office or title of any kind from contests, originally cognizable by the Commission
any foreign government. 2. cancel certificate of candidacy
 Pensions and gratuities shall not be considered 3. cases appealed from the RTC or MTC (SC may
as additional, double or indirect compensation. motu proprio consider question of jurisdiction)
4. petition for certiorari filed with COMELEC
 Retiree can continue to receive such
from a decision of the RTC or MTC
pension/gratuity even after he accepts another
government position to which another  Exceptions:
compensation is attached. 1. error in tabulation results or tallying of results
by the Board of Canvassers, merely clerical in
Oath of Allegiance – shall take an oath or nature (petition for correction of manifest errors in
affirmation to uphold and defend this Constitution the Statement of Votes)
2. prosecution cases involving violation of election
 The rule that all election cases shall be heard
Composition and decided in division applies only when the
- Chairman COMELEC exercises its adjudicatory powers or
- 6 Commissioners quasi-judicial functions, not when it exercises
purely administrative functions.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

COMELEC decisions reviewable by the SC ensuring free, orderly , honest and peaceful and
1. decisions of COMELEC en banc, on certiorari credible elections, with concurrence of President
2. only decision of COMELEC in the exercise of 5) Accredit Citizen’s Arm and Register political
its adjudicatory or quasi-judicial power may be parties, coalitions or organizations
brought to SC on certiorari  After sufficient publication
 if merely administrative in character  ordinary  Present platform/program of government
civil action before trial courts 6) File petition in court for the inclusion/exclusion
of voters, upon verified complaint or in its own
COMELEC en banc shall promulgate rules initiative; investigate and/or prosecute cases for
concerning pleadings and practice before it or violations of election laws
before any of its offices, but they must not diminish, 7) Recommend to Congress effective measures to
increase or modify substantive rights minimize election spending, limitation of places
 subject to the rule that rules of procedure of where propaganda materials shall be posted and to
special courts and quasi-judicial bodies shall remain prevent and penalize all forms of election frauds,
effective unless disapproved by the SC offenses, malpractice and nuisance candidates
 rules on civpro regarding demurrer to evidence 8) Submit to the President and Congress a
cannot apply to election cases, even by analogy in comprehensive report on the conduct of each
suppletory character. election, plebiscite initiative, referendum or recall
 Authority to suspend reglamentary periods
provided by its rules, or the requirement of NFS, in Enforce and administer all laws and regulations
the interest of justice and speedy resolution of relative to the conduct of an election, plebiscite,
cases. It is not constrained to dismiss a case on the initiative, referendum or recall
ground of non-payment of filing fees.  Initiative: power of the people to propose
 Fingerprinting of chairman and members of the amendments to the Constitution or to propose and
Board of Election Inspectors is an internal matter enact legislation through an election called for the
and may be done even without prior notice. purpose.
 Referendum: power of the electorate to approve
Constitutional Powers and Functions or reject legislation through an election called for
1) Enforce and administer all laws and regulations the purpose
relative to the conduct of an election, plebiscite,  Recall: termination of official relationship of a
initiative, referendum or recall local elective official for loss of confidence prior to
2) Exclusive original jurisdiction the expiration of his term through the will of the
a. All contests relating to the elections, returns and electorate
qualifications of all elective regional, provincial and  Plebiscite: submission of constitutional
city officials. amendments or important legislative measures to
Exclusive appellate jurisdiction the people for ratification.
b. All contests involving elective municipal 1) Broad powers – promulgate rules and
officials decide by RTC regulations in the enforcement of laws relative to
c. Elective barangay officials decided by MTC elections
3) Decide all questions relating to elections  Enforcement of provisions of the Omnibus
 Determination of the number and location of Election Code  exclusive jurisdiction of the
polling places COMELEC
 Appointment of election officials and inspectors  Includes the ascertainment of the identity of a
 Registration of voters political party and its legitimate officers
 EXCEPT: right to vote  Does not authorize the COMELEC, motu
4) Deputize law enforcement agencies and proprio, without the proper proceedings, to deny
instrumentalities for the exclusive purpose of due course to cancel a certificate of candidacy filed
in due form.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Election and contests involving election of question involving the composition and proceedings
Sangguniang Kabataan elections do NOT fall within of the Board of Canvassers)
jurisdiction of the COMELEC  DILG  ET over a member  only after proclamation
 Authority to annul results of plebiscite (through
pre-proclamation case of revision of ballots) COMELEC without the power to partially/totally
2) Regulatory power over media of transportation, annul a proclamation or to suspend the effects of a
communication and information proclamation without notice and hearing 
 to ensure equal opportunity, time, space, right to violation of due process clause
reply, etc.
 during election period Power to issue writs of prohibition, certiorari, etc.
 exercised only over the media, not over  In the exercise of its exclusive appellate
practitioners of media jurisdiction
3) No pardon, amnesty, parole, etc, for violation of
election laws shall be granted by the President Exclusive appellate jurisdiction
without its favorable recommendation  All contests involving elective municipal
4) COMELEC cannot exercise power of officials decide by RTC
apportionment  Elective barangay officials decided by MTC
5) Power to declare failure of election  Decisions shall be final, executory and
 The election in any polling place has not been unappealable
held on the date fixed on account of force majeure,  Appeal to the COMELEC from RTC must be
violence, terrorism, fraud or other analogous case filed within 5 days from receipt of a copy of the
 The election in any polling place has been decision.
suspended before the hour fixed by law for the  MR of RTC decision is a prohibited pleading
closing of the voting on account of force majeure, and does not interrupt running of period for appeal.
violence, terrorism, fraud or other analogous case  Mere filing of notice of appeal is not sufficient,
 After the voting and during the preparation and must be accompanied by payment of correct amount
transmission of the election returns or in custody or of appeal fee.
canvas, such election results in a failure to elect on  Permissive – COMELEC may give due course,
account of force majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud and the subsequent payment cures the procedural
or other analogous case. defect.
 Petition must show, on its face
1) No voting has taken place in the precint on the Execution Pending Appeal
sate fixed by law or even if there was voting, the  COMELEC cannot deprive RTC of its
result nevertheless results in a failure to elect competence to order the execution of judgment
2) Votes not cast would affect the result of the pending appeal, because the mere filing of an
election appeal does not divest the TC of its jurisdiction over
6) Not authorized to make an unofficial quick a case.
count of presidential election results  Factors:
1) Public interest involved or will of the electorate
Exclusive original jurisdiction 2) Shortness of the remaining portion of the term
 All contests relating to the elections, returns 3) Length of time that the election contest has been
and qualifications of all elective regional, pending
provincial and city officials.  Strictly construed against the movant being an
exception to the general rule.
Exclusive jurisdiction over pre-proclamation cases  Filed before expiration of the period for appeal.
 Possible conflict with HR/S ET foreclosed by
 Judgments which may be executed pending
Section 15, RA 7166  prohibits pre-proclamation appeal need not only be those rendered by the TC,
controversies in national offices (EXCEPT on but by the COMELEC as well.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

1) Exercise supervision and control over official

Decide all questions relating to elections required to perform duties relative to the conduct of
 As an incident to its duties concerning elections
registration of voters, it may decide a question 2) Promulgate rules and regulations
involving the right to vote, but decision shall be 3) Punish contempt
subject to judicial review. 4) Inquire into financial records of candidates,
 Exercising purely administrative power  may groups, etc.
not punish for contempt 5) Prescribe forms to be used in elections
6) Procure supplies and materials needed for
Deputize law enforcement agencies and 7) Enlist non-partisan groups to assist it
instrumentalities for the exclusive purpose of 8) Fix periods for pre-election requirements
ensuring free, orderly, honest and peaceful and 9) Power to declare failure of election; call for
credible elections, with concurrence of President special election
 May recommend to the President the removal of 10) Exclusive original jurisdiction over all pre-
any officer it has deputized, or the imposition of any proclamation cases
other sanction for disobedience, violation or
disregard of its orders. Power to declare failure of election; call for special
Accredit Citizen’s Arm and Register political  Sitting en banc and by a majority vote of its
parties, coalitions or organizations members
 Authority to promulgate the necessary rules to  Motu proprio or upon a verified petition
enforce and administer all election laws includes the  Hearing of the case shall be summary in nature
determination of appropriate periods for the  Petition to declare a failure of election is neither
accomplishment of pre-election acts, e.g. filing an election protest nor a pre-proclamation
petitions for registration under the party-list system. controversy
 Validity of an election, it is essential that the
File petition in court for the inclusion/exclusion of voters have notice in some form, either actual or
voters, upon verified complaint or in its own constructive, of the time, place and purpose.
initiative; investigate and/or prosecute cases for  Time must be authoritatively designated in
violations of election laws advance
 Finding of probable cause in the prosecution of  Stricter in cases of special election, at least there
election offenses rests in the COMELEC’s sound must be substantial compliance
discretion  In fixing date of special election:
 Includes the authority to decide whether or not 1) Should not be later than 30 days after the
to appeal the dismissal of a case by the TC. cessation of the cause of the postponement or
suspension of the election or failure to elect
Recommend to Congress effective measures to  Not absolute; directory
minimize election spending, limitation of places  Residual powers to conduct special elections
where propaganda materials shall be posted and to even beyond the deadline prescribed
prevent and penalize all forms of election frauds, 2) Reasonably close to the date of the election not
offenses, malpractice and nuisance candidates held, suspended, or which resulted in failure
 No law which provides for a reglementary
Submit to the President and Congress a period within which to file a petition for the
comprehensive report on the conduct of each annulment of an election if there has been no
election, plebiscite initiative, referendum or recall proclamation yet
Statutory Powers of the COMELEC

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Legally remain in office in “hold-over” capacity 3. CPAs with not less than 10 years of auditing
until successors have been elected and qualified experience OR members of the Philippine Bar with
(LGC limits term of barangay officials to 3 years) at least 10 years practice of law
4. not have been candidates in the election
Exclusive original jurisdiction over all pre- immediately preceding the appointment
proclamation cases 5. no time shall ALL members belong to the same
 GR: COMELEC restricted, in ore-proclamation profession
cases, to an examination of the election returns on
their face and is without jurisdiction to go beyond Term
them and investigate election irregularities. - Appointed by the President with the consent of
 Exception: duty-bound to investigate allegations the Commission on Appointments
of fraud, terrorism, violence and other analogous - Term of 7 years, without reappointment
cases in an action for annulment of election results
or for a declaration of failure of elections. (may Powers and Duties
conduct technical examination of election 1. Examine, audit and settle all accounts pertaining
documents and analyze signatures and fingerprints to the revenue and receipts of, and expenditures or
in order to determine whether the election has been uses of funds and property owned or held in trust or
free, honest and clean) pertaining to the Government
2. Keep the general accounts of Government and
Party-System - a free and open party-system shall preserve vouchers and supporting papers for such
be allowed to evolve according to the free choice of period as provided by law
the people 3. authority to define the scope of its audit and
 Votes cast in favor of political party, examination, establish techniques and methods
organization or collation that are REGISTERED. required therefore
 Entitled to appoint poll watchers in accordance 4. Promulgate accounting and auditing rules and
with law. regulations, including those for the prevention and
disallowance of irregular, unnecessary, expensive,
Election Period extravagant or unconscionable expenditures or uses
of government funds or property
 Commence 90 days before the day of the
election and shall end 30 days thereafter
Examine, audit and settle all accounts pertaining to
 Exception: period fixed by COMELEC in the revenue and receipts of, and expenditures or
special cases uses of funds and property owned or held in trust or
pertaining to the Government
Judicial Review of COMELEC Decisions
 Post-audit basis
 Petition for certiorari (R65) 1. Constitutional Commissions and bodies/offices
 Filed with SC granted fiscal autonomy
 w/in 30 days from receipt of decision of 2. autonomous state colleges and universities
COMELEC en banc 3. GOCCs and subsidiaries – with or without
original charter
COMMISSION ON AUDIT 4. Non-governmental entities receiving subsidy or
Composition  Temporary or special pre-audit
- Chairman  Duty to pass in audit a salary voucher is
- 2 Commissioners discretionary
 Exception: authority of Auditor General is
Qualifications limited to auditing (whether 1) there is a law
1. Natural-born appropriating funds for a given purpose, 2) goods or
2. at least 35 years old services have been delivered, 3) payment has been
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

authorized)  presence of all, duty to pass a

 COA may validly veto appropriations which OFFICERS
violated rules on unnecessary, irregular or
unconscionable expenses, under 1987 Constitution. Statement of Policy
 Public office is a public trust.
Keep the general accounts of Government and  Public officers and employees must at all times
preserve vouchers and supporting papers for such be accountable to the people,
period as provided by law  Serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity,
Authority to define the scope of its audit and loyalty and efficiency,
examination, establish techniques and methods  Act with patriotism and justice
required therefore  And lead modest lives.
1. Power to define the scope of its audit Impeachment
2. Promulgate auditing rules and regulations  National inquest into the conduct of public men
3. Power to disallow unnecessary expenditures  Impeachable Officers
 NOT Exclusive  power to examine and audit 1. President
2. Vice President
Promulgate accounting and auditing rules and 3. Chief Justice
regulations, including those for the prevention and 4. Associate Justices of SC
disallowance of irregular, unnecessary, expensive, 5. Chairmen and Members of ConCom
extravagant or unconscionable expenditures or uses 6. Ombudsman
of government funds or property * enumeration is exclusive
 COA may stop the payment of the price  Impeachable officer who is a member of the
stipulated in the government contracts when found Philippine Bar cannot be disbarred without first
to be irregular, extravagant or unconscionable. being impeached.
 Grounds:
 May prohibit the use of government vehicle by
officials who are provided with transportation 1. Culpable violation of the constitution
allowance. 2. treason
3. bribery
Jurisdiction of the Commission 4. graft and corruption
5. other high crimes
 No law shall be passed exempting any entity of
6. betrayal of public trust
Government or any investment of public funds from
* enumeration is exclusive
the jurisdiction of the Commission on Audit
 Procedure for Impeachment – Congress shall
 Water districts are subject to jurisdiction of
promulgate its rules
1. Initiating Impeachment Case
 Authority to investigate whether  House of Representative shall have the
directors/officials/employees of GOCCs, receiving exclusive power to initiate all cases of
additional allowances and bonuses are entitled to impeachment.
such.  Deemed initiated when the complaint (with
 Failure of bidding: accompanying resolution of indorsement) has been
1. only one offeror filed with the House of Representatives and referred
2. all the offers are non-complying or unacceptable to the appropriate Committee.
– does not speak of accepted bids but of offerors,  Initiated by
without disctinction as to whether they are qualified 1. any Member of the House of Representatives
or not. OR
2. by any citizen upon a resolution of endorsement
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Included in the order of business w/in 10 session 2. offender is public official or employees holding
days and referred to the proper Committee w/in 3 any of the positions enumerated in par a Sec 4 RA
session days. 8249; and
 If the verified complaint is filed by at least 1/3 3. offenses committed in relation to the office
of all the members of the House, the same shall  Only instance when Sandiganbayan may
constitute the Articles of Impeachment and the trial exercise jurisdiction over a private individual is
by Senate shall forthwith proceed (no need to refer when the complaint charges him either as a co-
the same to the proper Committee) principal, accomplice or accessory of a public
 The Committee, after hearing, and by a majority officer who has been charged with a crime within
vote of all its members, shall submit its report to the the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan.
House w/in 60 session days  Whether or not the Sandiganbayan or the RTC
 A vote of at least 1/3 of all the members of the has jurisdiction shall be determined by the
House shall be necessary to affirm a favorable allegations in the information specifically on
resolution with the Articles of Impeachment of the whether or not the acts complained of were
Committee, or override its contrary resolution. committed in relation to the official functions of the
 The vote of each member shall be recorded. accused.
2. Limitations on initiating Impeachment Case  Required that the charge be set forth with
 Not more than once within a period of 1 year particularity as will reasonable indicate that the
against the same official. exact offense which the accused is alleged to have
3. Trial and Decision committed is one in relation to his office.
 The Senate shall have the sole power to try and  Ramification of Section 7, RA 8249
decide all cases of impeachment. 1. if the trial of the cases pending before whatever
 The Senators shall be on oath or affirmation. court has already begun as of the approval of RA
 President is on trial, the Chief Justice of the SC 8249, the law does not apply;
shall preside, but shall not vote. 2. if trial of cases pending before whatever court
 A decision of conviction must be concurred in has not begun as of the approval of RA 8249, then
by at least 2/3 of all members of the Senate. the law applies and the rules are:
4. Effect of Conviction a. if SB has jurisdiction over a case pending before
 Removal from office and disqualification to it, then it retains jurisdiction
hold office. b. if SB has no jurisdiction over a case pending
 Party convicted shall be liable and subject to before it, case shall be referred to the regular courts
prosecution, trial and punishment according to law. c. if SB has jurisdiction over a case pending before
a regular court, the latter loses jurisdiction and the
THE SANDIGANBAYAN same shall be referred to the Sandiganbayan
 Anti-graft court d. if a regular court has jurisdiction over a case
pending before it, then said court retains jurisdiction
 1 Presiding Justice Decision/Review
 8 Associate Justices  Unanimous vote of all 3 members required for
 With the rank of the Justice of the CA the pronouncement of judgment by a division.
 Sits in 3 divisions of 3 members each  Decisions of the Sandiganbayan shall be
reviewable by the SC on petition for certiorari
Jurisdiction  Mandatory for the Sandiganbayan to suspend
 Following must concur: any public officer against whom a valid information
1. violation of RA 3019, RA 1379, Chapter 2 charging violation of that law, or any offense
Section 2 Title 7 Book II of RPC, Eos 1, 2, 14 and involving fraud upon the government or public
14-A or other offenses of felonies whether simple or funds or property is filed. (RA 3019)
complexed with other crimes;

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 The appellate jurisdiction of the SC over 3) Not be financially interested, directly or

decisions and final orders of the Sandiganbayan is indirectly, in any contract with, or in any franchise
limited to questions of law. or privilege granted by the Government
4) Not be qualified to run for any office in the
THE OMBUDSMAN election immediately succeeding their cessation
 Tanodbayan from office

Composition Powers and Duties

 One overall Deputy  jurisdiction of the Ombudsman over
 At least one deputy for Luzon, Visayas and government-owned or controlled corporations, 3
Mindanao Requisites:
 Separate deputy for the military establishment 1) agency organized as a stock or non-stock
may likewise be appointed corporation
2) vested with functions relating to public needs,
Qualifications whether government or proprietary
1) Natural-born 3) owned by the Government directly or through
2) At least 40 years of age its instrumentalities, either wholly or, where
3) Recognized probity and independence applicable as in the case of stock corporations, to
4) Members of the Philippines Bar the extent of at least 51% of capital stock
5) Must not have been candidates for any elective  Special Prosecutor may prosecute before the
office in the immediately preceding election Sandiganbayan judges accused of graft and
6) Ombudsman must have been a judge or engaged corruption, even if they come under the
in the practice of law for 10 years or more administrative supervision of the SC.
 Tanodbayan could review and reverse the
Appointment of the Ombudsman and his Deputies findings of the City Fiscal and order him to
 By President withdraw certain charges, inasmuch as the
 From a list of 6 nominees prepared by the President’s power of control is exercised not by the
Judicial and Bar Council Secretary of Justice but by the Tanodbayan because
 From a list of 3 nominees for every vacancy; all the offense/s charged were allegedly committed by
vacancies must be filled in 3 months. a public functionary in connection with his office.
 For purposes of initiating a preliminary
Term of Office investigation before the Office of the Ombudsman,
 7 years without reappointment a complaint “in any form or manner” is sufficient.
 Ombudsman or his deputy is authorized to
Rank and Salary preventively suspend any officer or employee under
 Rank of Chairman and Members of the his authority pending an investigation irrespective
ConCom of whether such officer or employee is employed in
 Receive the same salary which shall not be the Office of the Ombudsman or in any other
decreased during their term of office government agency.
 Whether evidence of guilt is strong to warrant
Fiscal Autonomy preventive suspension is left to the determination of
the Ombudsman. There is no need for preliminary
Disqualifications/Inhibitions – During their tenure hearing.
shall:  Congress can, by statute, prescribe other
1) Not hold any other office or employment powers, functions and duties to the Ombudsman.
2) Not engage in the practice of any profession or  He may utilize the personnel of his office to
in the active management or control of any business assist in the investigation of the cases, the
which may in any way be affected by the functions Ombudsman may refer cases involving non-military
of his office
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

personnel for investigation by the Deputy 5) inspection may cover only the account identified
Ombudsman for Military Affairs. in the pending case
 Power to cite for contempt; exercised by the  investigation being done by the Ombudsman is
Ombudsman while conducting preliminary NOT one before a court of competent jurisdiction
investigation because preliminary investigation is  Ombudsman has no authority to directly dismiss
an exercise of quasi-judicial functions. a public officer from government service
 Appeals shall be made to the CA in accordance  Can only recommend to the officer concerned
with R43. the removal of a public officer or employee found
 “any illegal act or omission of any public to be administratively liable
official” is broad enough to embrace any crime  HOWEVER the refusal, without just cause, of
committed by a public official or employee. any officer to comply with such an order of the
 Power of the Ombudsman to investigate and to Ombudsman to penalize an erring officer or
prosecute, as granted by law, is plenary and employee is a ground for disciplinary action.
unqualified.  Special Prosecutor
 The authority of the Ombudsman to investigate  Existing Tanodbayan (at the time of the
is not an exclusive authority, but rather a shared or adoption of the 1987 Constitution) shall be known
concurrent authority with the Department of Justice as the Special Prosecutor.
Panel of Investigators, “in respect of the offense  It shall continue to function and exercise its
charged” powers as now or hereafter provided by law, except
 It is not for the court to review the those conferred to the Office of the Ombudsman.
Ombudsman’s paramount decision in prosecuting or
dismissing a complaint filed before his office. Ill-gotten Wealth
 Exception: grave abuse of discretion on the part  Right of the State to recover properties
of the Ombudsman in either prosecuting or unlawfully acquired by public officials or
dismissing a case before it is evident. employees, from them or from their nominees or
 Case law holds that the Court is loathe to transferees, shall not be barred by prescription,
interfere with the exercise by the Ombudsman of its laches or estoppel.
powers.  Applies only to civil actions for recovery of ill-
 While the Office of the Ombudsman has the gotten wealth and not to criminal cases.
discretion to determine whether an information
should be withdrawn and a criminal case should be Restriction on Loans
dismissed, and to move for the withdrawal of such
 No loan, guaranty or other form of financial
information or dismissal of a criminal case, the final
accommodation for any business purpose may be
disposition of the said motion and of the case is
granted directly or indirectly by any government
addressed to the sound discretion of the
owned or controlled bank or financial institution to
Sandiganbayan, subject only to the caveat that the
(during their tenure):
action of the Sandiganbayan must not impair the
1) President
substantial rights of the accused and the right of the
2) VP
people t due process of law.
3) Members of the Cabinet
 RA 1405 (Law on Secrecy of Bank Deposit) –
4) Congress
before an in camera inspection of bank accounts 5) SC
may be allowed: 6) ConCom
1) there must be a pending case before a court of 7) Ombudsman
competent jurisdiction 8) Any firm or entity in which they have
2) account must be clearly identified controlling interest
3) inspection limited to the subject matter of the
pending case before the court Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth
4) bank personnel and account holder must be
notified to be present during the inspection
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 A public officer or employee shall, upon wildlife, flora and fauna and other natural resources
assumption of office and as often as may be are owned by the State.
required by law, submit a declaration under oath of  With the exception of agricultural lands, all
his assets, liabilities and net worth. other natural resources shall not be alienated.
 Declaration shall be disclosed to the public in  Regalian Doctrine: all agricultural, timber and
the manner provided by law in case of: mineral lands are subject to the dominion of the
1) President State.
2) VP  Before any land may be classified from the
3) Members of the Cabinet forest group and converted into alienable or
4) Congress disposable land from agricultural or other purposes,
5) SC there must be positive act from the Government.
6) ConCom  Absence of proof that property is privately
7) Other constitutional offices owned, the presumption is that it belongs to the
8) Officers of the armed forces of general or flag State.
rank  Any possession, no matter how lengthy, cannot
ripen into ownership. And all lands not otherwise
Allegiance to the State and to the Constitution appearing to be clearly within private ownership are
 Any public officer or employee who seeks to presumed to belong to the State.
change his citizenship or acquire the status of an  Tasks of administering and disposing lands of
immigrant of another country during his tenure shall public domain belongs to the Director of Lands and
be dealt with by law. ultimately the Secretary of DENR.
 The classification of public lands is an exclusive
XIV. NATIONAL ECONOMY AND prerogative of the Executive Department through
PATRIMONY the Office of the President. In the absence of
classification, the land remains unclassified public
Goals land until released and rendered open for
1. equitable distribution of opportunities, income disposition.
and wealth  Forest land is not capable of private
2. sustained increase in amount of goods and appropriation and occupation in the absence of a
services, produced by the nation for the benefit of positive act of the Government declassifying it into
the people alienable and disposable.
3. expanding productions as the key to raising the
quality of life Imperium: government authority possessed by the
State, embraced in sovereignty and its capacity to
For attainment of these goals, the State shall: own and acquire property.
 Promote industrialization and full employment
based on sound agricultural development and Dominium: lands held by the State in its proprietary
agrarian reform, through industries that make full character. It may provide for the exploitation and
and efficient use of human and natural resources use of lands and other natural resources, including
and which are competitive in both domestic and their disposition, except as limited by the
foreign markets. Constitution.
 State shall protect Filipino enterprises from
unfair competition and trade practices. Citizenship Requirements
1. Co-production, joint venture or production
Natural Resources sharing agreements for exploration, development
 All lands of public domain, waters, mineral, and utilization of natural resources
coal, petroleum and other mineral oils, all forces of  Filipino citizens
potential energy, fisheries, forests or timber,

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Corporations at least 60% of whose capital is 5. Franchise, certificate or authorization for the
Filipino-owned operation of a public utility
 Agreements shall not exceed 25 years,  Citizens of the Philippines
renewable for another 25  Corporations at least 60% of whose capital is
2. Use and enjoyment of the nation’s marine Filipino-owned
wealth  Franchise, certificate or authorization shall not
 Exclusively to Filipino citizens be exclusive nor for a period for more than 50
 Protect the rights of subsistence fishermen, years, and shall be subject to amendment, alteration
especially of local communities to the preferential or repeal by Congress. All executive and managing
use of the communal marine and fishing resources, officers must be Filipino citizens.
both inland and offshore.  No franchisee can demand or acquire
 “Marginal Fisherman” – individual engaged in exclusivity in the operation of a public utility.
fishing whose margin of return or reward from his  Congress does not have the exclusive power to
harvest of fish, as measured by existing price levels, issue such authorization  also administrative
is barely sufficient to yield a profit or cover the cost bodies.
of gathering the fish.  Franchise for the operation of public utility 
 “Subsistence Fishermen” – catch yields but the does not require a franchise before one can own the
irreducible minimum for his livelihood. facilities needed to operate a utility, so long as it
 LGC defined “marginal farmer or fisherman” - does not operate them to serve the public.
engaged in the subsistence farming or fishing which  Public utility: business or service engaged in
shall be limited to the sale, barter or exchange of regularly supplying the public with some
agricultural or marine products. commodity or service of public consequence.
 Preferential right granted to them is not Implies public use and service.
absolute.  All broadcasting, whether radio or television, is
3. Alienable lands of public domain licensed by the Government. They do not own the
airwaves and frequencies and they are merely given
 Filipino citizens may acquire not more than 12 he temporary privilege.
hectares by purchase, homestead or grant OR lease  A franchise is a privilege subject to amendment.
more than 500 hectares  Joint venture falls within the purview of
 Private corporation may lease not more than association; if it wishes to engage in the business of
1,000 hectares for 25 years, renewable for another operating a public utility, must comply with the 60-
25 years 40% Filipino-foreign capitalization requirement.
4. Certain areas of investment (as Congress shall
provide when national interest so dictates) Classification of Lands of Public Domain
 Filipino citizens  Lands of public domain are classified into:
 Corporations at least 60% of whose capital is 1. agricultural
Filipino-owned 2. forest or timber
 Congress may prescribe higher percentage of 3. mineral lands
Filipino ownership 4. national parks
 Filipino First Policy  Agricultural lands may further be classified by
o positive command which is complete in itself law according to the uses to which they may be
o needs no further guidelines or implementing devoted.
rules or laws for its operation  Congress shall determine by law the size of the
o per se enforceable lands of the public domain which may be acquired,
o Filipinos should be preferred and when the developed, held or leased and conditions therefore.
Constitution declares that a right exists in certain  The classification of public lands is a function
specified circumstances, an action may be of the executive branch of the Government –
maintained to enforce this right. Director of the Land Management Bureau.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 The decision of the Director, when approved by  The State shall apply the principles of agrarian
the Secretary of the Department of Environment reform or stewardship, whenever applicable, in the
and Natural Resources as to questions of fact is disposition or utilization of other natural resources.
conclusive upon the courts.  Including lands of the public domain under
 Alienable lands of the public domain shall be lease or concession suitable to agriculture, subject
limited to agricultural lands. to prior rights, homestead rights of small settlers,
 Forest land cannot be owned by private persons. and the rights of indigenous communities to their
 It is not registrable and possession thereof, no ancestral lands.
matter how lengthy, cannot convert it into private  The State may resettle landless farmers and
land, unless the land is reclassified and considered farm workers in its own agricultural estates which
disposable and alienable. shall be distributed to them in the manner provided
 Foreshore land is that part of the land which is by law.
between the high and low water, and left dry by the
flux and reflux of the tides. It is part of the alienable Private Lands
and of the public domain and may be disposed of - Private lands shall be transferred or conveyed to
only by leased and not otherwise. individuals, corporations or associations qualified to
 Private corporations or associations may not acquire or hold lands of the public domain.
hold such alienable lands of the public domain - Exception: in cases of hereditary succession
except by lease. - Any sale or transfer in violation of the
 It would cease to be public land only upon the prohibition is null and void.
issuance of the certificate of title to any Filipino - Being an alien, disqualified from acquiring and
citizen qualified to acquire the same. owning real property.
 Neither can petitioner recover the money he had
 1973 Constitution cannot impair vested rights.
Where the land was acquired in 1962 when spent for the purchase.
corporations were allowed to acquire lands not  Equity, as a rule, will follow the law, and will
exceeding 1,024 hectares, the same may be not permit to be done indirectly that which, because
registered in 1982. of public policy, cannot be done directly.
- Action to recover the property sold filed by the
 The 1987 Constitution prohibits private
former owner will lie, the pari delicto ruling having
corporations from acquiring alienable lands of the
been abandoned.
public domain.
- The lease for 99 years with a 50-year option to
 Congress shall determine the specific limit of
purchase the property if and when Wong Heng
forest land and national parks, marking clearly their
would be naturalized is a virtual surrender of all
boundaries on the ground.
rights incident to ownership and therefore invalid.
 The State shall protect the rights of indigenous
(PNB vs. Lui She)
cultural communities to their ancestral lands to
- Land tenure is not indispensable to the free
ensure their economic, social and cultural well
exercise of religious profession and worship.
 A religious corporation, controlled by non-
Filipinos, cannot acquire and own lands even for a
The Stewardship Concept
religious use or purpose.
 The use of property bears a social function, and
 For a religious corporation sole to acquire lands,
all economic agents shall contribute to the common
it must appear that at least 60% of the faithful or its
good, individuals and private groups, including
members are citizens of the Philippines in order to
corporations, cooperatives and similar collective
comply with the citizenship requirement.
organizations, shall have the right to own, establish
 This is so regardless of the citizenship of the
and operate economic enterprises, subject to the
incumbent inasmuch as a corporation sole is merely
duty of the State to promote distributive justice and
an administrator of the temporalities or properties
to intervene when the common good so demands.
titled in its name and for the benefit of its members.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- Land sold to an alien which was later transferred  State, alone, which may institute reversion
to a Filipino citizen – or where the alien later proceedings against public lands allegedly acquired
becomes a Filipino citizen can no longer be through fraud and misrepresentation.
recovered by the vendor because ether is no longer  Private parties are without legal standing at all
any public policy involved. question the validity of respondent’s title.
- Exceptions to the Rule:  Property in dispute is still part of the public
1. Hereditary Succession domain, only the State can file suit for
 Exception: testamentary disposition reconveyance of such public land.
2. A natural born citizen of the Philippines who  The State can be in estoppel by the mistakes or
has lost his Philippine citizenship may be a errors of its officials or agents.
transferee of private lands o Estoppel against the State is not favored; it may
 Filipino citizen may acquire 5,000 square be invoked only in rare and unusual circumstances.
meters of urban land o State may not be allowed to deal dishonorably
 Filipino citizen may acquire 3,000 hectares of
or capriciously with its citizens.
rural land
o State may be held in estoppel for irregular acts
 May be used for residence, business and for
and mistakes of its officials.
other purposes.
o Republic vs. CA, where the State failed to
3. Americans hold valid title to private lands as correct and recover the alleged increase in the land
against private persons area of the titles issued, the prolonged inaction
strongly militates against its cause, tantamount to
 Titles to private lands acquired by such persons
before such date (July 3, 1974) shall be valid as
o Laches – failure or neglect, for an unreasonable
against private persons only) – Transitory Provision
of the 1973 Constitution. and unexplained length of time, to do that which by
 Previous owner may no longer recover land exercising due diligence could or should have been
from an American buyer who succeeded in done earlier.
obtaining title over the land. o The negligence or omission to assert a right
 Only the State has the superior right to the land within a reasonable time, warranting a presumption
through the institution of escheat proceeding (as a that the party entitled to assert it either abandoned it
consequence of the violation of the Constitution) or or decline to assert it.
through an action for reversion (as expressly
authorized under the Public Land Act with respect 3. Action for recovery filed by the former Filipino
to lands which formerly formed part of the public owner, the pari delicto ruling having been
domain). abandoned, unless the land is sold to an American
citizen prior to July 3, 1974 and the American
Remedies to Recover Private Land from citizen obtained title thereto.
Disqualified Alien
1. Escheat Proceedings Preference for Filipino Labor, etc.
2. Action for Reversion under Public Land Act - The State shall promote the preferential use of
 The Director of Lands has the authority and the Filipino labor, domestic materials and locally
specific duty to conduct investigation of alleged produced goods, and adopt measures that help make
fraud in obtaining free patents and the them competitive.
corresponding titles to alienable public lands.
Practice of Profession
 And if the facts warrant, to file the
- The practice of all profession shall be limited to
corresponding court action for the reversion of the
Filipino citizens
land to the State.
- Exception: in cases prescribed by law
 Imprescriptible.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- Congress shall create an agency to promote the 3. majority of whom shall come from the private
viability and growth of cooperatives as instruments sector
for social justice and economic development. - The authority shall:
- RA 6939: An Act Creating the Cooperative 1. provide policy direction in the areas of money
Development Authority banking and credit
- CDA is devoid of any quasi-judicial authority to 2. have supervision over the operations of banks
adjudicate intra-cooperative disputes and, more 3. exercise such regulatory powers as may be
particularly, disputes related to the election of provided by law over the operations of finance
officers and directors of cooperatives. companies and other institutions performing similar
- CDA may conduct hearings and inquiries in the functions
exercise of its administrative functions. - Until Congress otherwise provides, the Central
Bank shall function as the central monetary
Monopolies authority.
- Policy: the State shall regulate or prohibit
monopolies when the public interest so requires. No XV. SOCIAL JUSTICE AND HUMAN RIGHTS
combinations in restraint of trade or unfair
competition shall be allowed. Policy Statement
- Monopoly – a privilege or peculiar advantage - Congress shall give highest priority to the
vested in one or more persons or companies, enactment of measures that
consisting in the exclusive right to carry on a  protect and enhance the right of all the people to
particular business or trade, manufacture a human dignity
particular article, or control the sale of a particular  reduce social, economic, and political
commodity. inequalities
- Monopolies are not per se prohibited by the  and remove cultural inequities by equitably
Constitution but may be permitted to exist to aid the diffusing wealth and political power for the
government in carrying on an enterprise or to aid in common good.
the performance of various services and functions in - To this end, the State shall regulate the
the interest of the public. acquisition, ownership, use and disposition of
- Subjected to a higher level of State regulation. property and its increment.
- Desirability of competition is the reason for the - The promotion of social justice shall include the
prohibition against restraint of trade. commitment to create economic opportunities based
- The reason for the interdiction of unfair on freedom of initiative and self-reliance.
competition and the reason for the prohibition of - Pursuit to social justice cannot justify breaking
unmitigated monopolies. the law.
- A market controlled by one player (monopoly) - The State’s solitude for the destitute and the
or dominated by a handful of players (oligopoly) is have-nots does not mean it should tolerate
hardly the market where honest-to-goodness usurpation of property, public or private.
competition will prevail.
- Constitution enshrined free enterprise as a Labor
policy, it nevertheless reserves to the Government - The State shall afford full protection to labor,
the power to intervene whenever necessary for the local and overseas, organized and unorganized, and
promotion of the general welfare. promote full employment and equality of
employment opportunities for all.
Central Monetary Authority - It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to:
- Congress shall establish an independent central 1. self-organization
monetary authority, the members of whose 2. collective bargaining and negotiations
governing board must be: 3. peaceful concerted activities, including the right
1. natural-born to strike in accordance with law
2. known probity, integrity and patriotism - They shall be entitled to:
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

1. security of tenure - No resettlement of urban or rural dwellers shall

2. humane conditions of work be undertaken without adequate consideration with
3. living wage them and the communities where they are to be
- They shall also participate in policy and located.
decision-making processes affecting their rights and
benefits as may be provided by law. - Eviction of squatters and the demolition of their
- The State shall promote the principle of shared shanties shall be done in accordance with law does
responsibility between the workers and employers not mean that the validity and legality of demolition
and the preferential use of voluntary modes in or eviction hinges on the existence of resettlement
settling disputes, including conciliation and shall area designated or earmarked by the Government.
enforce their mutual compliance to foster industrial - Judicial notice of the fact that urban reform has
peace. become a paramount task of Government in view o
- The State shall regulate the relations between the acute shortage of decent housing in urban areas.
workers and employers, recognizing the - Section 19 of the LGC imposes certain
1. right of labor to its just share in the fruits of restriction on the exercise of the power of eminent
production and domain/
2. the right of enterprises to reasonable returns on - RA 7279 provides the order in which lands may
investments and to expansion and growth. be acquired for socialized housing.
- Urban tenant’s right of first refusal (pre-emptive
- Employees in the civil service may not resort to right), can be exercised only where the disputed
strikes, walkouts and other temporary work land is situated in an area declared to be an area for
stoppages to pressure the Government to accede to priority development (APD) and an urban land
their demands. reform zone (ULRZ).
- The ability to strike is not essential to the right
to association and the right to sovereign to prohibit Human Rights
strikes or work stoppages was clearly recognized at  The Commission on Human Rights
common law.  Composition
1. Chairman
Agrarian and Natural Resources Reform 2. 4 Members
- Constitutionality of the Comprehensive  Qualifications
Agrarian Reform Law. 1. natural-born
2. majority of whom shall be members of the Bar
Urban Land and Housing Reform  Term of office and other disqualification and
- The State shall, by law, and for the common disabilities of the members shall be provided by
good, undertake, in cooperation with the private law.
sector, a continuing program of urban land reform  The power to appoint the Chairman and
and housing which will make available at affordable members of the Commission is vested in the
cost decent housing and basic services to President, without need of confirmation by the
underprivileged and homeless citizens in urban Commission on Appointments.
centers and resettlement areas.
 CHR does not enjoy fiscal autonomy. It does
- It shall promote adequate employment
not belong to the species of constituent
- State shall respect the rights of small property
owners.  Powers and Functions:
- Urban or rural poor dwellers shall not be evicted 1. jurisdiction or adjudicatory powers and not
nor their dwellings demolished, meant to be another court or quasi-judicial agencies
in this country
 Except: in accordance with law and
2. may investigate
 in a just and humane manner.
 receive evidence

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 make findings of fact as regards claimed human  Establish adequate and relevant education
rights violations involving civil and political rights  Free public elementary and high school
 but fact-finding is not adjudication, and cannot education
be likened to the judicial function of a court of  Scholarship grants and loan programs
justice, or even a quasi-judicial agency or official  Out-of-school study programs
3. cannot issue writs of injunction or a restraining  Adult education
order against supposed violators of human rights,
not being a court of justice. Constitutional Objectives of Education
1. inculcate patriotism and nationalism
XVI. EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND 2. foster love of humanity
TECHNOLOGY, ARTS CULTURE AND 3. respect for human rights
SPORTS 4. appreciation of the role of national heroes in the
historical development of the country
State Policy 5. teach the rights and duties of citizenship
 priority to education, science and technology, 6. strengthen ethical and spiritual values
arts, culture and sports to 7. develop moral character and personal discipline
 foster patriotism and nationalism 8. encourage critical and creative thinking
 accelerate social progress and 9. broaden scientific and technological knowledge
 promote total human liberation and 10. promote vocational efficiency
 protect and promote the right of all citizens to Optional Religious Instruction
quality education at all levels and shall take - Option expressed in writing by parent or
appropriate steps to make such education accessible guardian
to all. - Public elementary and high schools
- Within regular class hours
 National Medical Admission Test (NMAT) - Instructors designated or approved by religious
ensures quality education for future doctors and authorities
protect public health by making sure of the - Without additional cost to Government
competence of future medical practitioners.
Educational Institution
 Constitutional right of every citizen to select a
- Ownership
profession or course of study subject to fair,
reasonable and equitable admission and academic  Solely by Filipino citizens or
requirements.  Corporations 60% Filipino-owned
 It may be regulated pursuant to police power of  Exception: those established by religious groups
the State to safeguard health, morals, peace, or mission boards, but Congress may increase
education, order, safety and general welfare of the required Filipino equity participation.
people. - Control and Administration
 Persons who desire to engage in the learned  Vested in Filipino citizen..
professions requiring scientific or technical - Alien Schools
knowledge may be required to take an examination  No educational institution shall be established
as a prerequisite to engaging in their chosen careers. exclusively for aliens, and no group of aliens shall
 Requirement that a school must first obtain compromise more than 1/3 of the enrolment in any
government authorization before operating is based school.
on the State policy that educational programs and/or  Exception: schools for foreign diplomatic
operations shall be of good quality and shall satisfy personnel and their dependents and for other foreign
minimum standards. temporary residents.
- Tax Exemptions
Constitutional Mandate for the State to  all revenues and assets

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 all grants, endowments, donations and readmission or re-enrollment to students who had
contributions led or participated in student mass actions against
 of non-stock, non-profit educational institution the school. The students do not shed their
 used directly, actually and exclusively for constitutionally-protected rights of free expression
educational purposes at the school games.
 The only valid grounds to deny readmission of
Highest Budgetary Priority to Education students are:
- merely directory 1. academic deficiency and
2. breach of the school’s reasonable rules of
Academic Freedom conduct
 enjoyed in all institutions of higher learning  Minimum standards of procedural due process
 colleges, publicly or privately-owned must be satisfied:
 Two Views: 1. student must be informed in writing of the
1. from the standpoint if the educational institution nature and cause of the accusation against them
 determine: 2. right to answer the charges against them, with
1. who may teach the assistance of counsel, if desired
2. what may be taught 3. informed of the evidence against them
3. how it shall be taught 4. right to adduce evidence in their own behalf
4. who may be admitted to study 5. evidence must be duly considered by the
investigating committee or official designated by
 Freedom to determine whom to admit includes
the school authorities to hear and decide the case.
the right to determine whom to exclude or expel, as
well as to impose lesser sanctions such as  It is within the sound discretion of the university
suspension. to determine whether a student may be conferred
graduation honors, considering that the student had
 Right to freely choose their field of study
incurred a failing grade in an earlier course she took
subject to existing curricula, and to continue their
in school.
course therein up to graduation, such right is subject
to established academic and disciplinary standards  Profession Regulation Commission cannot
laid down by the academic institution. interfere with the conduct of review that review
2. from the standpoint of the members of the schools and centers believe would best enable their
academe enrollees to meet the standards required before
becoming full-pledged public accountants.
 freedom of the teacher or research worker in
higher institutions of learning to investigate and  Prerogative of the school to provide standards
discuss the problems of his science and to express for its teachers and to determine whether or not
conclusions, whether through publication or in the these standards have been met is in accordance with
instruction of students, without interference from academic freedom and constitutional autonomy
political or ecclesiastical authority, or from the which give educational institutions the right to
administrative officials of the institution in which choose who should teach.
he is employed, unless the methods are found to be  Academic freedom was never meant to be
incompetent or contrary to professional ethics. unbridled license; it is a privilege which assumes
 Widest latitude to innovate and experiment on the correlative duty to exercise it responsibly.
the method of teaching which is most fitting to his  Conferment of an honor or distinction was
students, subject only to the rules and policies of the obtained through fraud, the University has the right
University. to revoke or withdraw the honor or distinction
 Limitations conferred. The right does not terminate upon the
1. dominant police power of the State graduation of the student.
2. social interests of the community
 “Termination of Contract” theory in Alcauz can
no longer be used as a valid ground to deny  National language  Filipino

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Purpose of communication and instruction   No member of the armed forces in the active
Filipino, and until otherwise provided by law, service shall, at any time, be appointed or
English designated in any capacity to any civilian position.
 Regional languages  auxiliary official  Laws on retirement of military officers shall not
languages in the regions and shall serve as ancillary allow extension of their service.
media of instruction  The officers and men of the regular force of the
 Spanish and Arabic  promoted on voluntary armed forces shall be recruited proportionately from
and optional basis all provinces and cities as far as practicable.
 Constitution shall be promulgated in Filipino
and English and shall be translated into major National Police Force
regional languages, Arabic and Spanish.  The State shall establish and maintain one
police force, which shall be:
XVII. THE FAMILY  National in scope and
 Civilian in character.
XVII. GENERAL PROVISIONS  To be administered and controlled by a national
police commission.
Flag  Authority of local executives over the police
 Red, white and blue units in their jurisdiction shall be provided by law.
 A sun and 3 stars  RA 6975 established the PNP under a
 As consecrated and honored by the people and reorganized department, DILG.
recognized by law.
Mass Media and Advertising Industry
Name  Mass Media
 Congress may, by law, adopt:  Ownership limited to CITIZENS or
 a new name for the country CORPORATIONS WHOLLY-OWNED and
 a national anthem or MANAGED by such citizens.
 a national seal  Congress shall regulate or prohibit monopolies
 which shall be truly reflective and symbolic of in commercial mass media.
the ideals, history, and traditions of the people.  Advertising Industry
 Law shall take effect only upon its ratification  Only FILIPINO CITIZENS or
by the people in a national referendum. CORPORATIONS or ASSOCIATIONS at least
70% FILIPINO-OWNED shall be allowed to
Armed Forces of the Philippines engage in the advertising industry.
 Composed of a citizen armed force  ALL EXECUTIVES and MANAGING
 Which shall undergo military training OFFICERS of such entities must be CITIZENS of
 And serve, as may be provided by law. the Philippines.
 Advertising entities affected shall have 5 years
 All members of the armed forces shall take an from the ratification of the Constitution to comply
oath or affirmation to uphold and defend the on GRADUATED and PROPORTIONATE basis
Constitution with the minimum Filipino ownership.
 Professionalism and Adequate Remuneration
shall be a prime concern of the State.
 Insulated from partisan politics.
 No member of the military shall engage directly
- First elections of members of Congress  2nd
or indirectly in any partisan political activity except
Monday of May 1987
to vote.
- First local elections  to be determined by
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- Synchronization of elections: the ratification of this Constitution. Congress may

 Members of Congress and the local officials extend such period.
first elected shall serve until noon of June 30, 1992. - Sequestration or freeze orders shall be issued
 6-year term of the incumbent President and upon showing of a prima facie case.
Vice-President elected in February 7, 1986 elections - The corresponding judicial action shall be filed
is extended until noon of June 30, 1992. within 6 months from ratification of this
 Elections for President and Vice-President, Constitution, or, if issued after ratification within 6
Senators, Members of the House of Representatives months from such issue.
and local office must be synchronized in 1992. - The order is deemed automatically lifted if no
judicial action or proceeding is commenced.
Existing Laws and Treaties - No particular description or specification of the
- All existing laws, decrees, Eos, proclamations, kind or character of “judicial action or proceeding”
letters of instructions, and other executive issuances much less an explicit requirement for the
not inconsistent with the Constitution shall remain impleading of the corporations sequestered or of the
operative until amended, repealed or revoked. ostensible owners of the property suspected to be
- All existing treaties or international agreements ill-gotten.
which have not been ratified shall not be renewed or - The only qualifying requirement in the
extended without the concurrence of at least 2/3 of Constitution is that the action or proceeding be filed
all the members of the Senate. for orders of sequestration, freezing or provisional
Reserved Executive Powers - The action or proceeding must concern or
- Until a law is passed, the President may fill by involve the matter of sequestration, freezing or
appointment from a list of nominees by the provisional take-over of specific property – and
respective sectors, the seats reserved for sectoral should have, as objective, the demonstration by
representative. competent evidence that the property is indeed “ill-
- Until otherwise provided by Congress, the gotten wealth” over which the government has a
President may constitute the Metropolitan Authority legitimate claim for recovery and other relief.
to be composed of the heads of all local government - Mere issuance of the writ of sequestration,
units compromising the Metropolitan Manila without the corresponding service, within the 18-
Authority. month period, does not comply with the
constitutional requirement.
Career Civil Service - Lifting of the sequestration orders does not ispo
- Career civil service employees separated from facto mean that sequestrated property are not ill-
the service not for cause but as a result of the gotten. The effect of the lifting will merely be the
reorganization is entitled to appropriate separation termination of the role of government as
pay and to retirement and other benefits according conservator of the property.
to law in force at the time of their separation. - Writ of sequestration may be issued only upon
 In lieu of separation pay, at the option of the authority of at least 2 PCGG Commissioners.
employees, they may be considered for employment - PCGG may not validly delegate its authority to
in the government. sequester.
 Apply to career officers whose resignation, - PCGG cannot perform acts of strict ownership
tendered in line with the existing policy, had been of sequestrated property. PCGG being a mere
accepted. CONSERVATOR.
 Exception: case of take-over of a business
Sequestration belonging to the government or whose
- Authority to issue sequestration or freeze order capitalization comes from public funds but which
relative to the recovery of ill-gotten wealth shall landed in private hands.
remain operative for not more than 18 months after - Sequestration does not automatically deprive the
stockholders of their right to vote their shares of
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

stock. Until the main sequestration case is resolved, - A mere allegation in the anti-graft complaint
the right to vote the sequestered shares of stocks that the accused is a relative of then President
depends on the 2-tiered tests: Marcos will not suffice to enable the PCGG to take
1. whether there is prima facie evidence showing cognizance of the case. There must, in addition, be a
that the said shares are ill-gotten and thus belong to showing that the accused has unlawfully
the State accumulated wealth by virtue of such close relation
2. whether there is an immediate danger of with the former President.
dissipation thus necessitating their continued - Fact of sequestration alone did not automatically
sequestration and voting by PCGG while the main oust the RTC of its jurisdiction.
issue pends with the Sandiganbayan. - In order that the Sandiganbayan’s exclusive
 Does not apply in cases involving funds of jurisdiction may be invoked, the PCGG must be a
“public character” party to the suit.
 The Government is granted the authority to vote - The Office of the Solicitor General may validly
said shares: call the PCGG for assistance and ask it to respond
1. where government shares are taken over by to a motion for a bill of particulars, considering that
private persons or entities who/which registered PCGG has the complete records of the case and,
them in their own names and being in charge of the investigation, is more
2. where the capitalization or shares that were knowledgeable and better informed.
acquired by public funds somehow landed on
- Sandiganbayan can review the validity of
sequestration orders. Principles of Local Autonomy
- Absence of express prohibition, the rule on Constitutional Provisions
amicable settlement or compromise agreements in  The State shall ensure the local autonomy of
the Civil Code is applicable to PCGG cases before local governments
the Sandiganbayan.  The territorial and political subdivisions shall
- PCGG’s authority to enter into compromise enjoy local autonomy
agreements involving ill-gotten wealth and to grant  The principle of local autonomy under the 1987
immunity in civil and criminal cases, without need Constitution simply means
of prior Congressional approval is sustained. “DECENTRALIZATION”.
- Penal violations to fall within the jurisdiction of  It does not make the local government sovereign
the PCGG: within the state or an imperium in iperio.
1) it must relate to ill-gotten wealth;  Autonomy is either:
2) of the late President Marcos, his immediate 1. decentralization of administration
family, relatives, subordinates, and close associates;  no valid constitutional challenge
3) who took advantage of their public office and/or  delegation of administrative powers to broaden
power, authority, influence, connections or the base of governmental power.
relationships. 2. decentralization of power
- Those not fulfilling the above elements are not
 abdication by the national government of
within the authority of the PCGG but within the
political power in favor of the local government
jurisdiction of the Ombudsman and other duly
authorized investigating agencies.  Congress retains control over the LGUs
- The invalid preliminary investigation did not although significantly reduced under the
impair the validity of the criminal information or Constitution. National legislature is still the
otherwise render them defective; much less did not principal of LGUs which cannot defy its will or
affect the jurisdiction of the Court. modify or violate it.
 The only effect is the imposition on the latter of  Power to tax of LGUs which cannot be
the obligation to suspend the proceedings and to withdrawn by mere statute.
require the holding of preliminary investigation.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Any form of autonomy granted to local  Law creating or authorizing the creation or
governments will necessarily be limited and incorporation of a municipal corporation.
confined within the extent allowed by the central 2. Corporate name
authority.  Sanggunian Panlalawigan may change the name
 Exercise of local autonomy remains subject to: of component cities or municipalities:
1. power of control by Congress and 1. consultation with Philippine Historical Institute
2. general supervision by the President 2. effective upon ratification in a plebiscite
 Scope of President’s supervisory powers: 3. Inhabitants
 President can only interfere in the affairs and  People residing in the territory.
activities of a local government unit if he finds that 4. Territory
the latter had acted contrary to law;  Land mass where the inhabitants reside
 Cannot interfere in local affairs as long as the  Together with external and internal waters and
concerned local government unit acts within the the airspace above.
parameters of the law and the Constitution;
 Otherwise, violates the principle of local Dual Nature and Functions
autonomy and the doctrine of separation of powers.  Exercise powers as a political subdivision of the
 Liga ng mga Barangay is not subject to the National Government and
control by the Chief Executive or his alter ego.  As a corporate entity representing the
inhabitants of the territory.
Corporation 1. Public or Governmental – acts as agents of the
 Artificial being created by operation of law, State, for the government of the territory and the
having the right of succession and the powers, inhabitants.
attributes and properties expressly authorized by 2. Private or Proprietary – acts as agents of the
law or incident to its existence. community in the administration of local affairs.
Acts as a separate entity for its own purposes and
Classification not as a subdivision of the state.
1. Public: organized for the government of a
portion of a state. Roles of Municipal Corporations in the
2. Private: formed for some private purpose. Philippines
3. Quasi-Public: private corporation that renders  The territorial and political subdivisions of the
public service or supplies public wants. Philippines are the PROVINCES, CITIES,
Criterion to determine whether corporation is shall be AUTONOMOUS REGIONS in MUSLIM
 Relationship of the corporation to the State; if it
is created by the State as its own agency to help the  Provinces
State in carrying out its governmental function then  Cluster of municipalities or municipalities and
it is public. Otherwise, it is private. component cities.
 Dynamic mechanism for developmental
Classes of public corporations processes and effective governance of LGUs within
1. Quasi-corporation – created by the state for a its territorial jurisdiction.
limited purpose.  City
2. Municipal Corporation – body politic and  More urbanized and developed barangays
corporate constituted by the incorporation of the  General purpose government for the
inhabitants for the purpose of local government. coordination and delivery of basic, regular and
direct services.
Municipal Corporation  Effective governance of the inhabitants within
Elements: its jurisdiction.
1. Legal creation or incorporation
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Muncipality 2. ordinance passed by Sangguniang Panlalawigan

 Group of barangays or Sangguniang Panlungsod – barangay
 General purpose government for the
coordination and delivery of basic, regular and Requisites/Limitation on Creation or
direct services. Conversion
 Effective governance of the inhabitant within its  No province, city, municipality or barangay may
jurisdiction. be created, divided, merged, abolished or its
 Barangay boundary substantially altered, EXCEPT
 Basic political unit 1. in accordance with criteria established in the
 Primary planning and implementing unit of LGC
government policies, plans, programs, projects and 2. subject to approval by a majority of the votes
activities in the community. cast in a plebiscite in the political units directly
 Forum where collective views of the people affected
may be expressed.  Plebiscite Requirement: conducted by the
 Where disputes may be amicably settled. COMELEC within 120 days from the date of
 Autonomous Regions in Muslim Mindanao and effectivity of the law or ordinance effecting such
the Cordilleras action, unless said law or ordinance fixes another
 Datu Firdausi Abbas vs. COMELEC: act date.
establishing the Autonomous Regional Government  Plebiscite for creating a new province should
of Muslim Mindanao was held valid. include the participation of the residents of the
 Cordillera Broad Colaition vs. Commission on mother province in order to conform to the
Audit: exercise of legislative powers, creating the constitutional requirement.
Cordillera Administrative Region was held valid. It  Where the law authorizing the holding of a
prepared the groundwork for autonomy and the plebiscite is unconstitutional, the Court cannot
adoption of the organic law. authorize the holding of a new one.
 Ordillo vs. COMELEC: sole province of Ifugao  The fact that the plebiscite which the petition
which, in the plebiscite, alone voted in favor RA sought to stop had already been held and officials of
6766, cannot validly constitute the Autonomous the new province appointed does not make the
Region of the Cordilleras. petition moot and academic, as the petition raises an
 Special Metropolitan Political Subdivision issue of constitutional dimensions.
 Congress may by law create special  Section 7, RA 7160 – verifiable indicators of
metropolitan political subdivisions subject to a viability and projected capacity to provide services:
plebiscite. 1. Income
 The component cities and municipalities shall  Sufficient, based on acceptable standards
retain their basic autonomy  To provide for all essential government facilities
 Entitled to their own local executives and and services and special functions
legislative assemblies  Commensurate with the size of its population
 Jurisdiction of the metropolitan authority shall  Average annual income for the last 2
be limited to basic services requiring coordination. consecutive years based on 1991 constant prices:

Creation and Dissolution of Municipal Corporations 1. Municipality: 2,500,000

Authority to Create 2. City 100,000,000
 LGU may be created, divided, merged, 3. Highly Urbanized City: 50,000,000
abolished or its boundaries substantially altered 4. Province: 20,000,000
either by:  Internal Revenue Allotment should be included
1. law enacted by Congress – provinces, city, in the computation of the average annual income of
municipality or any other political subdivision the municipality. (for purposes of determining

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

whether the municipality may be validly converted  ELECTION and QUALIFICATION of its Chief
into a city) Executive and a majority of the members of its
 For conversion to cities, the municipality’s sangguinan.
income should not include the IRA.  UNLESS some other time is fixed therefore by
2. Population the law or ordinance creating it.
 Total number of inhabitants within the territorial
jurisdiction of the LGU concerned. Division and Merger, Abolition of LGUs
 Required minimum population:  Division and Merger
1. Barangay: 2,000 inhabitants; except in Metro  comply with same requirements, provided that
Manila and other metropolitan political subdivisions such division shall not reduce the income,
or in highly urbanized cities where the requirement population or land area of the local government
is 5,000 inhabitants unit/s concerned to less than the minimum
2. Municipality: 25,000 requirements prescribed
3. City: 150,000  provided, further, that the income classification
4. Highly Urbanized City: 200,000 of the original local government unit/s shall not fall
5. Province: 250,000 below its current income classification prior to the
3. Land Area division.
 Contiguous, unless it comprises 2 or more  Abolition
islands or is separated by a LGU independent of the  LGU may be abolished when its income,
others population or land area has been irreversibly
 Properly identified by metes and bounds with reduced to less than the minimum standards.
technical descriptions  Law or ordinance abolishing a LGU shall
 Sufficient to provide for such basic services and specify the province, city, municipality or barangay
facilities to meet the requirements of its populace. with which the local government unit sought to be
 Area Requirements: abolished will be incorporated or merged.
1. Municipality: 50 sq. kms.
2. City: 100 sq. kms. De Facto Municipal Corporation
3. Province: 2,000 sq. kms. Requisites:
 Compliance with the foregoing indicators shall 1. Valid law authorizing incorporation
be attested to by the Department of Finance, the 2. Attempt in good faith to organize under it
National Statistics Office and the Lands 3. Colorable compliance with the law
Management Bureau of the Department of 4. Assumption of corporate powers
Environment and Natural Resources.  Not de facto municipal corporations, because
 Requirement that the territory of the newly- there was no law authorizing incorporation.
created local government units be identified by
metes and bounds is intended to provide the means Attack Against Invalidity of Incorporation
by which the area of the local government unit may  No collateral attack
be reasonably ascertained.  Inquiry into the legal existence of a municipal
 Territorial jurisdiction of the newly created city corporation is reserved to the state in a proceeding
may be reasonably ascertained – by referring to for quo warranto or other direct proceeding.
 Rule is applicable only when the municipal
common boundaries with neighboring
municipalities – then the legislative intent has been corporation is at least a de facto municipal
sufficiently served. corporation
 Other constitutional limitations: Bill of Rights
The Local Government Code
 Effectivity: January 1, 1992; after its complete
Beginning of Corporate Existence
publication in at least 1 newspaper of general

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Scope of Application: all provinces, cities,

municipalities, barangays and other political II. GENERAL POWERS AND ATTRIBUTES
subdivisions as may be created by law and to OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS
officials, offices or agencies of the National
Government. Powers in General

Declaration of Policy Sources

1. Territorial and political subdivision of the State 1. Philippine Constitution
shall enjoy genuine and meaningful local autonomy 2. Statutes
to enable them to attain their fullest development as 3. Charter
self-reliant communities and make them more 4. Doctrine of the right of self-government
effective partners in the attainment of national
goals. Classification
2. Ensure accountability of LGUs through the 1. express, implied, inherent
institution of effective mechanisms of recall, 2. public, governmental, private or proprietary
initiative and reference. 3. intramural, extramural
3. Require all national agencies and offices to 4. mandatory, directory, ministerial, discretionary
conduct periodic consultations with appropriate
LGUs, non-governmental and people’s Execution of powers
organizations and other concerned sectors of the 1. statute prescribes the manner of exercise – the
community before any project or program is procedure must be followed
implemented in their respective jurisdiction. 2. statute is silent – LGUs have discretion to select
reasonable means and methods of exercise
Rules of Interpretation
1. Any provision on a power of a LGU shall be Governmental Powers
liberally interpreted in its favor; in case of doubt, 1. General Welfare
any question shall be resolved in favor of 2. Basic Services and Facilities
devolution of power. 3. Power to Generate and Apply Resources
2. Any tax ordinance or revenue measure shall be 4. Eminent Domain
construed strictly against the LGU enacting it and 5. Reclassification of Lands
liberally in favor if the taxpayer. 6. Closure and Opening of Roads
3. Any tax exemption, incentive or relief granted 7. Local Legislative Power
by any LGU shall be construed strictly against the 8. Authority over Police Units
person claiming it.
4. The general welfare provision shall be liberally General Welfare
interpreted to give more powers to LGUs in  Exercise powers expressly granted, necessarily
accelerating economic development and upgrading implied, and powers necessary, appropriate or
the quality of life for the people in the community. incidental for its efficient and effective governance
5. Rights and obligations existing on the date of and those which are essential to the promotion of
effectivity of this Code and arising out of contracts the general welfare
or any other source of prestation involving a LGU  w/ respective territorial jurisdiction,
shall be governed by the original terms and 1. preservation and enrichment of culture
conditions of said contracts or the law force at the 2. promote health and safety
time of such rights were vested. 3. enhance the right of the people to a balanced
6. In the resolution of controversies arising under ecology
this Code where no legal provision of jurisprudence 4. encourage and support the development of
applies, resort may be had to the customs and appropriate and self-reliant scientific and
traditions in the place where the controversies take technological capabilities
place. 5. improve public morals
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

6. enhance economic prosperity and social justice - Endeavor to be self-reliant

7. promote full employment among its residents - Continue exercising the powers and discharge
8. maintain peace and order the duties and functions currently vested upon them
9. preserve the comfort and convenience of their - Discharge the functions and responsibilities of
inhabitants national agencies and others devolved upon them
 general welfare clause – statutory grant of - Exercise such other powers and discharge such
police power to LGUs other functions as are necessary, appropriate or
 Limitations incidental to efficient and effective provision of the
1. exercisable only within territorial limits basic services and facilities.
EXCEPT for protection of water supply - PUBLIC WORKS and INFRASTRUCTURE
2. Equal protection clause PROJECTS and other FACILITIES, PROGRAMS
3. Due process clause (means employes are and SERVICES FUNDED BY THE NATIONAL
reasonably necessary and not unduly oppressive for GOVERNMENT are NOT covered under Section
the accomplishment of the purpose) 17 EXCEPT where the LGU is duly designated as
4. not be contrary to the Constitution and the laws. the implementing agency for such projects,
 Prohibited activities cannot be legalized in the facilities, programs and services.
guise of regulation. - Devolution: act by which the national
 Activities allowed by law cannot be prohibited, government confers power and authority upon
only regulated. various LGUs to perform specific function and
 LGU may close a bank for failure to secure the responsibilities,
appropriate mayor’s permit and business licenses.  Includes the transfer of assets, equipments,
 LGU may not regulate the subscriber rate by records and personnel of national agencies and
CATV operators within its territorial jurisdiction – offices to LGUs
jurisdiction of NTC; This does not mean that LGU  Regional offices of national agencies shall be
cannot prescribe regulations over CATV operators. phased out within 1 years from approval of Code.
 Ordinance prohibiting the operation of casino is  Career regional director which cannot be
invalid for being contrary to the Charter of absorbed by the LGU shall be retained by the
PAGCOR (PD1869) national government w/o diminution.
 Mayor authorized to issue permits and licenses
for the holding of activities for any charitable or Power to Generate and Apply Resources
welfare purposes.  Establish an organization that shall be
 LLDA which has exclusive jurisdiction to issue responsible for the efficient and effective
permits for the enjoyment of fishery privileges in implementation of their development plans,
Laguna de Bay programs, objectives and priorities
 Ordinance is not unconstitutional merely  To create their own sources of revenue
because it incidentally benefits a limited number of  To levy taxes, fees and charges which shall
persons – the support for the poor has long been an accrue exclusively to their own use and disposition
accepted exercise of the police power in the and which shall be retained by them
promotion of the common good.  To have a just share in the national taxes which
 Municipality cannot grant exclusive fishing shall be automatically and directly released to them
privileges without prior public bidding and for a without need of any further action
period of more than 5 years – violates Fisheries  To have an equitable share in the proceeds from
Law. the utilization and development of the national
 Permits to operate cockpits – mayor wealth and resources with their respective territorial
 Ordinance prohibiting operation of night-clubs jurisdictions
is invalid – prohibitory and not mere regulatory  Develop, lease, encumber, alienate or otherwise
dispose of real or personal property held by them in
Basic Services and Facilities their proprietary capacity and to apply their
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

resources and assets for productive, developmental 3. local revenue is generated only from sources
or proprietary powers and functions and thereby expressly authorized by law or ordinance and
ensure their development into self-reliant collection shall at all times be acknowledged
communities and active participants in the properly
attainment of national goals. 4. all monies officially received by a local
 LGUs have no power to tax instrumentalities of government officer in any capacity shall be
the National Government, e.g. PAGCOR accounted for as local funds unless otherwise
 Fundamental Principles governing the exercise provided by law
of taxing and other revenue-raising powers of LGUs 5. trust funds in the local treasury shall not be
1. Taxation shall be uniform in all LGUs paid out except in fulfillment of the purpose for
2. Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions shall which the trust was created or the funds received
be 6. every officer of the LGU whose duties permit or
 equitable based as far as practicable on the require the possession or custody of local funds
taxpayer’s ability to pay; shall be properly bonded and such officer shall be
 levied and collected only for public purpose; accountable and responsible for said funds and for
 not unjust, excessive, oppressive or safekeeping
confiscatory; and 7. local governments shall formulate sound
financial plans and the local budgets shall be
 not contrary to law, public policy, national
based on functions, activities and projects in terms
economic policy or in restrain of trade;
of expected results
3. collection of taxes, fees, charges and other
8. local budget plans and goals shall, as far as
impositions shall not be left to any private person
practicable, be harmonized with national
4. revenue collected shall inure solely to the
development plans, goals, strategies in order to
benefit and be subject to the disposition by the
optimize the utilization of resources and to avoid
LGU, unless specifically provided herein
duplication in the use of fiscal and physical
5. each LGU shall evolve a progressive system of
9. local budgets shall operationalize approved
 Exercise by LGU of the power to tax is ordained local development plans
by the Constitution; only guidelines and limitations 10. LGUs shall ensure that theirs respective budget
that may be established by Congress can define and incorporate the requirements of their component
limits such power of local governments. units and provide for equitable allocation of
 Secretary of Justice can review the resources among those
constitutionality or legality of tax ordinance – and if 11. national planning shall be based on local
warranted, revoke it on either grounds planning
 Exemption may be withdrawn at the pleasure of 12. fiscal responsibility shall be shared by all those
the taxing authority. exercising authority over financial affairs,
 Exception: where the exemption was granted to transactions and operations of the LGUs
private parties based on material consideration of a 13. the LGU shall endeavor to have a balanced
mutual nature, which then becomes contractual and budget in each fiscal year of operation
is covered by the non-impairment clause of the
Constitution. Eminent Domain
 Fundamental Principles governing financial - Through chief executive and acting pursuant to
affairs, transactions and operations of the local an ordinance
government: - For public purpose/use/welfare, for the benefit
1. no money shall be paid out of the local treasury of the poor and landless
EXCEPT in pursuance of appropriation ordinance - Payment of just compensation
or law - Valid and definite offer has been previously
2. local government funds and monies shall be made to the owners and such offer was not accepted
spent solely for public purpose - LGU may immediately take possession:
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

1. upon filing of the expropriation and

2. making a deposit with the proper court of at Closure and Opening of Roads
least 15% of the FMV of the property based on - Pursuant to an ordinance
current tax declaration of the property - Permanently or temporarily close or open any
- Amount to be paid for the property shall be road, alley, park or square falling within its
determined by proper court based on FMV at the jurisdiction
time of TAKING of the property. - Provided, in case of permanent closure,
- Additional Limitations ordinance must be approved by at least 2/3 of all
1. exercised by local chief executive, pursuant to members of the sanggunian and when necessary, an
VALID ordinance adequate substitute for the public facility shall be
2. public use or purpose or welfare, for the benefit provided.
of the poor and landless - Additional limitations:
3. after valid and definite offer has been made to 1. adequate provision for the maintenance of
and not accepted by the owner public safety
- Power of eminent domain is expressly granted 2. property may be used or conveyed for any
to the municipality under the LGC purpose for which other real property may be
- What is required by law is an ORDINANCE, lawfully used or conveyed but no freedom parks
not a resolution. shall be closed permanently without provision for
 Ordinance is a law while a resolution is merely its transfer or relocation to a new site.
a declaration of sentiment or opinion of a law- 3. temporary closure may be made during an
making body on a specific matter actual emergency, fiesta celebration, public rallies,
 3rd reading is needed for an ordinance, not for a etc.
resolution unless decided otherwise by a majority of - Municipality has the authority to:
the members of the Sanggunian 1. prepare and adopt a land use map
2. promulgate zoning ordinance
Reclassification of Lands 3. close any municipal road
- City/municipality through ordinance passed - provincial roads and city streets are property for
after conducting public hearings public use and under absolute control of Congress;
- Authorize reclassification of agricultural lands they are outside commerce of man and cannot be
- And provide for the manner of their disposed to private persons
utilization/disposition - Power to vacate is discretionary on the
- Grounds: Sanggunian
1. land ceases to be economically feasible and - When properties are no longer intended for
sound for agricultural purposes as determined by public use, the same may be used or conveyed for
Department of Agriculture any lawful purpose and may even become
2. land shall have substantially greater economic patrimonial and subject to common contract.
value for residential, commercial or industrial - City Council has the authority to determine
purposes, as determined by the sanggunian whether or not a certain street is still necessary for
- Reclassification shall be limited to the following public use.
percentage of the total agricultural land area at the
time of the passage of the ordinance: Local Legislative Power
1. highly urbanized cities and independent  Exercised by local sanggunian
component cities: 15%  Products of legislative action
2. component cities and 1st to 3rd class 1. ordinance – prescribes permanent rule of
municipalities: 10% conduct
3. 4th to 6th class of municipalities: 5% Provided 2. resolution – temporary character; expresses
that agricultural land distributed to land reform sentiment
beneficiaries shall not be affected by such  Requisites:
reclassification. 1. not contravene the Constitution or statute
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

2. must not be unfair or oppressive  Sangguniang panlalawigan shall review the

3. must not be partial or discriminatory same w/in 30 days
4. must not prohibit but regulate trade  If it finds that it is beyond the power of the
5. must not be unreasonable sangguniang panlungsod/sangguniang bayan, it
6. must be general in application and consistent shall declare the ordinance/resolution invalid.
with public policy  If no action is taken w/in 30 days, it is presumed
 Approval of Ordinances – passed by consistent w/ law and valid.
SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN,  Review of Barangay Ordinance
SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD,  w/in 10 days from enactment, the sangguniang
SANGGUNIANG BAYAN shall be approved by: barangay shall furnish copies of all barangay
1. the local chief executive, affixing his signature ordinances to the sangguniang panlungsod or
on each and every page sangguniang bayan for review.
2. local chief executive vetoes the same and the  If the reviewing sanggunian finds that it is
veto is overridden by 2/3 vote of all the members of inconsistent with law or city or municipal
the sanggunian. ordinances, the sangguniang concerned, shall within
 The local chief executive may veto only once. 30 days return the same with its comments and
 Grounds: recommendations to the sangguniang barangay for
1. ultra vires adjustment, amendment or modification.
2. prejudicial to the public welfare  The effectivity of the ordinance is suspended.
 He may veto any particular item/s of an:  If no action is taken by the reviewing
1. appropriation ordinance sangguinan within 30 days, the ordinance is deemed
2. ordinance/resolution adopting a development approved.
plan and public investment program  Enforcement of Disapproved
3. ordinance directing the payment of money or Ordinance/Resolutions
creating liability
 Attempt to enforce an ordinance or resolution
 The veto shall not affect the item/s not objected approving the local development plan and public
to. investment program, after disapproval, shall be
 The veto shall be communicated by the local sufficient ground for the suspension or dismissal of
chief executive to the sanggunian the official or employee concerned.
 w/in 15 days in case of a province
 Effectivity
 w/in 10 days in case of a municipality o Unless otherwise stated in the
 Otherwise, the ordinance shall be deemed ordinance/resolution, the same shall take effect
approved, as if signed AFTER 10 DAYS from the DATE A COPY IS
 Grant of veto power accords the Mayor the POSTED IN THE BULLETIN BOARD at the
discretion whether or not to approve the entrance of the provincial capitol or city, municipal
resolution… signature on the resolution is NOT or barangay hall, and in at least 2 other conspicuous
ministerial duty of the Mayor. places in the LGU.
 Ordinance enacted by the sangguniang barangay o Gist of all ordinance W/ PENAL SANCTIONS
shall, upon approval by a majority of all its shall be
members, be signed by the punong barangay  no • PUBLISHED in a newspaper of general
veto power. circulation within the province where the local
 Review by Sangguniang Panlalawigan legislative body belongs;
 w/in 3 days from approval, the secretary of the • absence of newspaper of general circulation,
sangguniang panlungsod (in component cities) or POSTING shall be made in all municipalities and
sangguniang bayan shall forward to the cities of the province where the sanggunian of
sangguniang panlalawigan for review copies of origin is situated.
approved ordinances and resolutions.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

o In highly urbanized and independent component  The legality of the representation of an

cities, the main features of the ordinance or unauthorized counsel may be raised at any stage of
resolution duly enacted shall, the proceeding.
• POSTED,  Municipal Attorney may validly adopt the work
• PUBLISHED once in a local newspaper of already performed by a private lawyer provided that
general circulation within the city; no injustice is committed against the adverse party
• if there is no such newspaper within the city, and that no compensation has been paid to the
then PUBLICATION shall be made in any private counsel.
newspaper of general circulation.
Authority over Police Units To have and use a corporate seal
 As may be provided by law.  Use, modify or change corporate seal
 Any change shall be registered with DILG
Corporate Powers
- LGUs shall enjoy full autonomy in the exercise To acquire and convey real or personal property
of their proprietary functions and in the  LGU may acquire real or personal, tangible or
management of their economic enterprises intangible property in any manner allowed by law.
 LGU may only alienate patrimonial property,
1. Continuous succession in its corporate name upon proper authority
2. To sue and be sued  Absence of proof that the property was acquired
3. To have and use a corporate seal through corporate or private funds, the presumption
4. To acquire and convey real or personal property is that it came from the State, thus, governmental or
5. Power to enter into contracts public property.
6. To exercise such other powers as are granted to  Town plazas are properties of public domain;
corporations, subject to limitations provided in the they may be occupied temporarily but only for the
Code and other laws duration of an emergency
 Public Plaza is beyond the commerce of man
Continuous succession in its corporate name and cannot be the subject of lease or other
contractual undertaking
To sue and be sued  Public streets or thoroughfares are property for
 Suit is commenced by the LOCAL public use, outside the commerce of man and may
EXECUTIVE, upon authority of the not be the subject of lease or other contracts
SANGGUINIAN except when the CITY  Procurement of supplies is made through public
COUNCILORS, by themselves and as competitive bidding
representatives of or on behalf of the City bring the o Exception: amount is minimal
action to prevent unlawful disbursement of City
funds. Power to enter into contracts
 Municipality cannot be represented by a private  Requisites of Valid Municipal Contracts
attorney. 1. LGU has the express, implied or inherent power
 Only the Provincial Fiscal or the Municipal to enter into the particular contract
Attorney. This is mandatory. 2. The contract is entered into by the proper
 Exception: when the Provincial Fiscal is department, board, committee, officer, or agent.
disqualified to represent it and the fact of o Unless otherwise provided, no contract may be
disqualification appears on record. entered into by the local chief executive without
 Fiscal’s refusal to represent the municipality is prior authorization by the sangguinian concerned.
not a legal justification. The Municipality should 3. comply with substantive requirements
request DOJ Secretary to appoint an Acting 4. comply with formal requirements
Provincial Fiscal

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Ultra Vires Contracts: contracts entered into  Attaches even if the road does not belong to the
without compliance with first and third requisites  LGU, provided that the City exercises control or
ultra vires and void. supervision over said road.
 Cannot be ratified or validated. 2. Article 2180, CC: The State is responsible when
 Ratification of defective municipal contracts is it acts through special agents
possible only when there is non-compliance with 3. Article 34, CC: The LGU is subsidiarily liable
the 2nd and/or 4th requisite. for damages suffered by a person by reason of the
 Does not provide that the absence of an FAILURE or REFUSAL of a member of the
appropriation ordinance ipso facto makes a contract POLICE FORCE to render aid and protection in
entered into by a LGU null and void. Public funds case of danger to life and property.
may be disbursed not only pursuant to an
appropriation law, but also pursuant of other Liability for Tort – decisions PRIOR to LGC
specific statutory authority. 1. if a LGU is engaged in GOVERNMENTAL
 Police power prevails over non-impairment functions, it is NOT liable
clause. 2. if a LGU is engaged in proprietary function, it is
 Breach of contractual obligations – city liable liable
for damages  City is liable for the tortuous acts of its
 Authority to negotiate and secure grants employees under the principle of respondeat
 Local chief executive upon authority of the superior
sangguinian 3. Liability for illegal dismissal of employee
 Negotiate and secure financial grants or  Absent proof of malice or bad faith which
donations in kind attended the illegal dismissal – cannot be held
 In support of the basic services and facilities in personally accountable
Section 17  Municipal corporation, whether or not included
 From local and foreign assistance agencies in the complaint for recovery of back salaries due to
 Without necessity of securing clearance or wrongful removal from office is liable
approval from any department, agency, or office of 4. Local officials may be held personally liable
the national government or from any higher LGU  Acted beyond the scope of their authority and
 Provided, projects financed by such grant or with bad faith
assistance with national security implications shall  Must be sued in their personal capacity
be approved by the national agency concerned.  When they act maliciously and wantonly and
injure individuals rather than discharged a public
To exercise such other powers as are granted to duty, they are personally liable.
corporations, subject to limitations provided in the
Code and other laws Liability for Violation of the Law
1. closed part of a municipal street without
III. MUNICIPAL LIABILITY indemnification  liable for damages
2. non-payment of minimum wage to employees
Rule: LGUs and their officials are NOT exempt 3. refusal to abide by the TRO
from liability for DEATH or INJURY to persons or
DAMAGE to property Liability for Contracts
1. Rule: A municipal corporation, like an ordinary
Specific Provisions Making LGUs liable: person, is liable on a contract it enters into,
1. Article 2189, CC: The LGU is liable in damages provided that the contract is intra vires.
for death or injuries suffered by reason of the  If the contract is utra vires, the municipal
DEFECTIVE CONDITION of roads, streets, corporation is not liable.
bridges, public buildings and other public works. 2. a private indivisual who deals with a municipal
corporation is imputed constructive knowledge of
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

the extent of the power o authority of the municipal

corporation to enter into contracts. 2. Practice of Profession
3. ordinarily, estoppel does not lie against the 1. GOVERNORS, CITY and MUNICIPAL
municipal corporation. MAYORS are prohibited from practicing their
4. Doctrine of Implied Municipal Liability: a profession or engaging in any occupation other than
municipality may become obligated upon an the exercise of their function.
implied contract to pay the reasonable value of the 2. SANGGUNIAN MEMBERS may practice their
benefits accepted or appropriated by it as to which it profession, engage in any occupation, or teach in
has the general power to contract. schools EXCEPT during session hours.
 Applies to all cases where money or property of  Provide that those who are also MEMBERS of
a party is received under such circumstances that the BAR shall NOT:
the general law, independent of an express contract, 1. appear as counsel before any court in any civil
implies an obligation to do justice with respect to case wherein the LGU is the adverse party
the same. 2. appear as counsel in any criminal case wherein
 Cannot set up plea that it is ultra vires but still an officer or EE of the national or local government
retain the benefits. is accused of an offense committed in relation to his
 EStoppel cannot be applied against a municipal office
corporation in order to validate a contract which the 3. collect any fee for their appearance in
municipal corporation has no power to make or administrative proceedings involving the LGU
which it is authorized to make only under 4. use property and personnel of the government
prescribed limitations or in a prescribed mode or except when the sanggunian member is defending
manner – even if the municipal corporation has the interest of the government.
accepted benefits.  Prohibition against private practice, if such
 If a suit is filed against a local official which practice represents interests adverse to the
could result in personal liability, the latter may government.
engage the services of private counsel. 3. DOCTORS of medicine may practice their
profession even during OFFICIAL HOURS of work
IV. LOCAL OFFICIALS only on occasions of emergency. Provided they do
not derive monetary compensation.
Provisions applicable to elective and appointive
local officials 3. Prohibition Against Appointment
1. Prohibited Business and Pecuniary Interest 1. not eligible for appointment/designation in any
 Unlawful for any local government official/EE, capacity to any public office/position during his
directly or indirectly, to: tenure.
1. engage in any business transaction with the  Shall not hold any other office or employment
LGU which he is an official or employee or over in the government, unless otherwise allowed by law
which he has the power of supervisions or the primary functions of the office.
2. hold such interest in any cockpit or other games 2. no candidate who lost in any election shall,
licensed by the LGU within one year after such election be appointed to
3. purchase any real estate or other property any office in the government
forfeited in favor of the LGU for unpaid taxes or by  Except: losing candidates in barangay elections
virtue of legal process at the instance of LGU
4. be a surety for any person contracting or doing Elective Local Officials
business with the LGU for which a surety is Qualifications
required 1. CITIZENS of the Philippines
5. possess or use any public property of the LGU 2. REGISTERED VOTER in the barangay,
for private purpose municipality, city, province
6. prohibitions and inhibitions prescribed in RA
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 or in case of a member of the Sangguniang 1. Governor, Vice-Governor, City or Municipal

Panlalawigan, Panlungsod or Bayan  the district Mayor, City or Municipal Vice-Mayor and Punong
where he intends to be elected. Barangay  elected at large
3. RESIDENT therein for at least 1 year 2. Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman  elected by
immediately preceding the election registered voters of the katipunan ng kabataan
4. able to read and write Filipino or any other local 3. Regular Members of the Sangguniang
language or dialect Panlalawigan, Panlungsod and Bayan  elected by
5. on election day, must be at least district.
 25 – governor, vice-gov, members of the 4. Presidents of the leagues of Sangguinang
sangguniang panlalawigan, mayor, vice-mayor or Members of component cities and municipalities 
members of the sangguniang panlungsod of highly serve as ex-officio members of the sangguniang
urbanized cities panlalawigan
 21 – mayor, vice-mayor of independent 5. Presidents of the Liga ng mga Barangay and
component cities, component cities or Pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang Kabataan elected
municipalities by their respective chapters  serve as ex-officio
 18 – members of the sangguniang panlungsod or members of the sangguniang panlalawigan,
sangguniang bayan or punong barangay or member panlungsod or bayan.
of the sangguiniang barangy 6. 1 sectoral representative from women, worker
 At least 15 but not more than 21 – sangguniang and any of the ff:
kabataan a. Urban poor
b. Indigenous cultural communities
 “not more than 21” is not equivalent to “less c. Disabled persons
than 22” d. Any other sectors as may be determined by the
sanggunian concerned w/in 90 days prior to the
Disqualifications holding of the next local election.
1. sentenced by final judgment for an offense
involving moral turpitude or for an offense Date of Election
punishable by 1 year or more of imprisonment  Every 3 years
within 2 years after serving sentence  2nd Monday of may
2. removed from office as a result of  Unless otherwise provided by law
administrative case
3. convicted by final judgment for violating the Term of Office
oath of allegiance to the Republic  3 years starting from noon of June 30, 1992 OR
4. dual citizenship such date as may be provided by law
5. fugitives from justice in criminal or non-  Except that of barangay official
political cases here or abroad  No elective local official shall serve for more
6. permanent residents in a foreign country or than 3 consecutive terms in the same position
those who have acquired the right to reside abroad  Term of barangay officials and members of the
and continue to avail of the same right after the
sangguniang kabataan  5 years
effectivity of the Code
7. insane or feebele-minded
- 3-term limit on a local official is to be
understood to refer to terms for which the official
 ELECTIVE LOCAL OFFICIAL removed via concerned was elected.
administrative case before January 1, 1992 (date of - He must have been elected to the same position
effectivity of the LGC) is NOT disqualified. for the same number of times before the
disqualification can apply.
Manner of Election - Prohibited election refers to the next regular
election for the same office following the end of the
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

third consecutive term. Any subsequent election, 3. appointed by CITY or MUNICIPAL MAYOR
like a recall election, is no longer covered by the  sangguniang barangay upon recommendation of
prohibition: the sangguniang barangay concerned
1. subsequent election like a recall election is no
longer an immediate re-election after three  EXCEPT for the sangguniang barangay, only
consecutive terms the nominee of the political party under which the
2. intervening period constitutes an involuntary sanggunian member concerned had been elected
interruption in the continuity of service and whose elevation to the position next higher in
rank created the last vacancy in the sanggunian shall
Rules on Succession be appointed.
- Permanent vacancies:  A nomination and a certificate of membership
1. fills a higher vacant office of the appointee from the highest official of the
2. refuses to assume office political concerned are conditions sine qua non.
3. fails to qualify  In case the permanent vacancy is caused by a
4. dies sanggunian member who does not beling in any
5. removed from office political party, the local chief executive shall upon
6. voluntarily resigns recommendation of the sangguinian concerned,
7. permanently incapacitated to discharge the shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy.
functions  Reason: to maintain party representation
 Recommendation by the sanggunian takes the
a. Governor/Mayor  Vice-Governor/Vice-Mayor place of nomination by the political party (since
b. Vice-Governor/Vice-Mayor  highest ranking members of the sanggunian barangay are prohibited
sanggunian member OR 2nd highest ranking, and to have party affiliation) and is considered condition
subsequent vacancies shall be filled automatically sine qua non.
by the other sanggunian members according to their  Vacancy in the representation of the youth and
the barangay in the sanggunian  filled
 Ranking in the sanggunian member shall be automatically by the official next in rank of the
determined on the basis of the proportion of votes organization concerned.
obtained by each winning candidate to the total
 Member of the Sangguniang Kabataan who
number of registered voters in each district in the
obtained the next highest number of votes shall
immediately preceding election.
succeed as Chairman if the latter:
 Mode of succession for permanent vacancies 1. refuses to assume office
may also be applied in cases of temporary 2. fails to qualify
vacancies. 3. convicted of a crime
c. Punong Barangay  highest ranking 4. voluntarily resigns
sanggunian barangay member OR 2nd highest 5. dies
 Tie between or among the highest ranking 6. permanently incapacitated
sanggunian members shall be resolved by drawing 7. removed from office
lots. 8. has been absent without leave for more than 3
d. Sanggunian member  where automatic consecutive months
succession do not apply: * ineligibility is not one of the causes enumerated in
1. appointment by PRESIDENT, through LGC
Executive Secretary in the case of Sangguniang Temporary Vacancies
Panlalawigan or Panlungsod of highly urbanized Governor/City or Muncipal Mayor/Punong
cities and independent component cities Barangay is temporarily incapacitated, due to but
2. apponted by GOVERNOR  sangguniang not limited to:
panlungsod of component cities and the 1. leave of absence
sangguniang bayan 2. travel abroad
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

3. suspension from office - deemed effective upon acceptance by the ff:

1. President – governor/vice-gov/mayor/vice-
 vice governor/city or municipal vice-mayor or mayor of highly urbanized cities and independent
the highest ranking sanggunian barangay member component cities
shall automatically exercise the powers and perform 2. Governor – municipal mayors/vice-mayors/city
the duties EXCEPT: mayors/vice-mayors of component cities
1. power to appoint 3. Sanggunian concerned – sanggunian members
2. power to suspend 4. city or municipal mayor – barangay officials
3. power to dismiss
* which can be exercised only if the period of - resignation is deemed accepted if not acted upon
temporary incapacity exceeds 30 working days. within 15 working days from receipt
- irrevocable resignations by sanggunian
- Temporary incapacity shall terminate upon members shall be deemed accepeted upon
submission to the appropriate sanggunian of a 1. presentation before an open session
written declaration that he has reported back to 2. duly entered un its record
office. 3. EXCEPT: where sangguniang members are
- If temporary incapacity due to legal causes  subject to recall elections or to cases where existing
shall also submit necessary documents showing that laws prescribe the manner of acting upon such
legal cause no longer exists. resignations.

If local chief executive traveling within the country Grievance Procedure

but outside his territorial jurisdiction for a period - Local chief executive shall establish procedure
not exceeding 3 consecutive days, he may designate
in writing the officer-in-charge of the office. Discipline
- Such shall specify the powers and functions Grounds – disciplined/suspended/removed
- If the local chief executive refuses to issue such 1. Disloyalty to the Philippines
authorization, the vice governor/city or municipal 2. Culpable violation of the Constitution
vice-mayor or the highest ranking sanggunian 3. Dishonesty, oppression, misconduct in office,
barangay member shall have the right to assume on gross negligence, or dereliction of duty
the 4th day of the absence of the local chief - Acts of lasciviousness cannot be considered
executive EXCEPT misconduct; to constitute a ground for disciplinary
action, official charged with the offense must be
1. power to appoint convicted in the criminal action
2. power to suspend 4. Commission of any offense involving moral
3. power to dismiss turpitude or an offense punishable by at least prision
Compensation 5. abuse of authority
 determined by the Sanggunian concerned 6. unauthorized absence of 15 consecutive
 elective barangay official: working days except in the case of members of the
1. honoraria sangguniang panlalawigan, panlungsod, bayan and
2. allowances and other emoluments, which in no barangay
case less that P1,000/month for the punong 7. application for, or acquisition of, foreign
barangay and P600 for the sangguniang barangay citizenship or residence or the status of an
members immigrant of another country
 Elective local officials entitled to the same leave 8. other grounds as may be provided in this code
privileges as those enjoyed by appointive local and other laws
officials, including cumulation and commutation

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- An elective local official may be removed from

office on the above grounds by order of the proper ELECTIVE BARANGAY OFFICIAL  FILED
Complaints – verified complaint against; EXECUTORY
1. provincial/highly urbanized city or independent
component city elective official  filed before Preventive Suspension may be imposed by the
Office of the President PRESIDENT, GOVERNOR or MAYOR
2. Elective municipal officials  filed before - any time after the issues are joined
Sangguniang Panlalawigan appealable to Office - evidence of guilt is strong
of the President - given the gravity of the offense
3. Elective barangay official  filed before - there is great probability that the continuance in
Sangguiniang Panlungsod or Sangguniang Bayan office could influence the witnesses or pose threat
 final and executory to the safety and integrity of the records and other
PROVINCIAL/HIGHLY URBANIZED CITY OR - Provided, single preventive suspension shall not
INDEPENDENT COMPONENT CITY extend beyond 60 days
ELECTIVE OFFICIAL  FILED BEFORE - In the event that several administrative cases are
OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT filed, he cannot be suspended for more than 90 w/in
a single year on the same ground or grounds
- Local governments under supervision of the existing and known at the time of the first
Executive. suspension.
- The Constitution allows Congress to include in
LGC provisions for removal of local officials; LGC - Authority to preventively suspend is exercised
has delegated its exercise to the President. concurrently by the Ombudsman  six (6) months
- President has delegated the power to investigate - The preventive suspension of an elective local
complaints to the Secretary of DILG  alter ego official by the Sandiganbayan shall only be for 60
principle days and not 90 days.
- Right to formal investigation – appeal and - Upon expiration of preventive suspension,
defend himself in person or by counsel; confront officer shall be REINSTATED to office without
witnesses against him; compulsory process for the prejudice to the CONTINUATION OF THE
attendance of witnesses and the production of PROCEEDINGS which shall be terminated within
documents. 120 days from the time he was formally notified of
the case against him.
ELECTIVE MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS  FILED - Abuse of exercise of power of preventive
BEFORE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN suspension  abuse of authority
- Penalty of suspension shall not exceed his
- On appeal from decision of the Sanggunian unexpired term or a period of 6 months for every
Panlalawigan, the President may stay execution of administrative offense
appealed decision - Nor shall penalty be a bar to candidacy as long
- Decision of Sanggunian Panlalwigan must be: as he meets requirements
1. in writing - Penalty of removal from office as a result of an
2. state clearly and distinctly the facts and the administrative case shall be a bar to the candidacy
reasons for the decisions for any elective office.
3. signed by the requisite majority of the - Not more than 6 months for each offense;
sanggunian provide, the total does not exceed the unexpired
portion of his term
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

9. Civil Registrar
Administrative Appeal – w/in 30 days from receipt 10. Administrator
1. to Sangguniang Panlalawigan  component 11. Legal Officer
cities’ sangguniang panlungsod and sangguniang 12. Agriculturist
bayan 13. Social Welfare and Development Officer
2. to OP  Sangguniang Panlalawigan and 14. Environment and Natural Resources Officer
Sangguniang Panlungsod of highly urbanized cities 15. Architect
and independent component cities 16. Information Officer
- decisions of OP – final and executory 17. Cooperatives Officer
- administrative appeal to OP is possible; only 18. Population Officer
means that administrative appeal will not prevent 19. Veterinarian
enforcement of the decision 20. General Services Officer

Execution Pending Appeal - In the barangay, mandated appointive officials:

- appeal shall not prevent decision from being 1. Barangay Secretary
executed 2. Barangay Treasurer
- during pendency of appeal – shall be considered
as having been placed under preventive suspension Administrative Discipline – in accordance with civil
- OP may stay execution of a decision pending service law and other pertinent laws
appeal 1. Preventive Suspension
- Local chief executive
Effect of Re-election - Period not exceeding 60 days
- Bars continuation of administrative case against - Any subordinate officer or employee under his
him authority
- Re-election is tantamount to condonation by the - Pending investigation
people - If the charge involves:
1. dishonesty
Appointive Local Officials 2. oppression
3. grave misconduct
Responsibility for human resources and 4. neglect in the performance of duty
development 5. or if there is reason to believe that respondent is
- Local chief executive guilty of the charges which would warrant removal
- May employ emergency or casual employees or 2. Disciplinary Jurisdiction
laborers paid on daily wage or piecework basis and - Local chief executive may impose penalty of :
hired through job orders for local projects 1. removal
authorized by sanggunian, without need of approval 2. demotion in rank
from CSC 3. suspension for not more than 1 year without pay
- Said employment shall not exceed 6 months. 4. fine in an amount not exceeding 6 months’
Officials Common to all 5. reprimand
Municipalities/Cities/Provinces - If penalty is suspension without pay for not
1. Secretary to the Sanggunian more than 30 days, decision shall be final.
2. Treasurer - If heavier, appealable to CSC which shall decide
3. Assessor the appeal within 30 days from receipt.
4. Accountant
5. Budget Officer - Disciplinary authority over City Revenue
6. Planning and Development Coordinator Officer  City Treasure NOT Mayor.
7. Engineer
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Failure to act w/in 30 days from submission 

National Government deemed consistent with law and therefore valid.
Power of General Supervision - In the absence of a municipal legal officer,
- President over LGUs municipal government may secure opinion of
- Supervisory authority directly over provinces, provincial legal officer; absence of the latter,
highly urbanized cities and independent component provincial prosecutor.
cities. - City or Municipal Mayor  exercise general
- Through the Province with respect to supervision over component barangays
component cities and municipalities - LGUs may through appropriate ordinance group
- Through City and Municipality with respect to themselves, consolidate or coordinate their
barangays efforts/services/resources for purposes commonly
beneficial to them.
Coordination with National Agencies  Contribute fund upon approval by sanggunian
- National agencies and offices with project after public hearing
implementation functions shall coordinate with one
another and with the LGU People’s and Non-Governmental Organizations
- Ensure participation of LGU in planning and  LGU’s shall promote their establishment to
implementation of national projects. become active partners in the pursuit of local
Consultation  LGUs may enter into joint ventures and other
- Before project or program shall be cooperative arrangements with People’s and Non-
implemented: Governmental Organizations to engage in the
1. consultation delivery of basic services.
2. prior approval of sanggunian
 LGU, through local chief executive with
- Provided, occupants in areas where such
concurrence of sanggunian, provide assistance –
projects are to be implemented shall not be evicted
financial or otherwise – to People’s and Non-
unless appropriate relocation sites have been
Governmental Organizations for economic,
socially-oriented, environmental or cultural projects
to be implemented within its territorial jurisdiction.
Philippine National Police
- Operational supervision of local chief executive
Mandated Local Agencies
 police force, fire protection unit and jail 1. Local School Board
management personnel 2. Local Health Board
3. Local Development Council
Inter-Local Government Relations 4. Local Peace and Order Council
- Province through Governor
 Ensure that every component city and Settlement of Boundary Disputes
municipality within its territorial jurisdiction acts 1. Boundary Disputes between and among LGUs
within the scope of its prescribed powers  Settled amicably
 Highly urbanized cities and independent  Rules
component cities shall be independent of the a. Involving 2 or more barangays in the same
province. city/municipality – referred to Sangguniang
 Governor shall review a; Eos promulgated by Panlungsod or Sangguniang Bayan
the component city or municipal mayor within its b. Incolving 2 or more municipalities in the same
jurisdiction. province – referred to Sangguniang Panlalawigan
 The city or municipal mayor shall review all c. Involving municipalities or component cities in
EOs promulgated by the punong barangay within different provinces – jointly referred to the
his jurisdiction. sanggunians of the provinces

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

d. Involving a component city or municipality on invoke their power of initiative, giving notice to the
the one hand and a highly urbanized city on the sanggunian concerned.
other, or 2 or more highly urbanized cities – jointly 3. The proposition shall be numbered serially –
referred to the respective sanggunians of the parties starting from Roman Numeral I. Two or more
propositions may be submitted in an initiative. The
2. Sanggunian fails to effect a settlement within 60 COMELEC or designated representative shall
days from the date the dispute was referred to it, it extend assistance in the formulation of the
shall issue a certification. proposition.
3. Dispute shall then be formally tried by the 4. Proponents collect the required number of
sanggunian, which shall decide the issue within 60 signatures within
days from the date of the certification.  90 days in case of provinces and cities
4. within the time and manner prescribed by the  60 days in case of municipalities
ROC, any party may elevate the decision of the  30 days in case of barangays
sanggunian concerned to the proper RTC having  From NOTICE
jurisdiction over the area in dispute which shall 5. The petition shall be signed before the election
decide the appeal within 1 year from filing. registrar or his representative, in the presence if the
5. Settlement of boundary dispute between a a representative of a proponent and a representative
municipality and an independent component city in of the sanggunian in a public place in the local
the same province  RTC in the province that can government unit.
adjudicate the controversy. 6. Lapse of the period, COMELEC shall certify as
6. The boundaries must be clear for they define the to whether the required the number of signatures
limits of the territorial jurisdiction of the LGU. It has been obtained. Failure to obtain the required
can legitimately exercise powers of government number of signatures. Failure to obtain the required
only within the limits of its territorial jurisdiction. number of signatures defeats the proposition.
Beyond these limits, its acts are ultra vires. 7. If required number is obtained, the COMELEC
shall set a date for the initiative during which the
VI. LOCAL INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM proposition is submitted to the registered voters for
their approval:
Local Initiative  w/in 60 days in case of provinces
 It is the legal process whereby the registered  w/in 45 days in case of municipalities
voters of a local government unit may directly  w/in 30 days in case of barangays
propose, enact or amend any ordinance.
 from date of CERTIFICATION by COMELEC.
 It may be exercised by all registered voters. The initiative shall be held on the date set, after
which the results shall be certified and proclaimed
Procedure by the COMELEC.
1. Petition filed with the sanggunian proposing the 8. If the proposition is approved by a majority of
adoption, enactment, repeal or amendment of an the votes cast, it shall take effect 15 days after
ordinance certification by the COMELEC.
 Not less than 2,000 registered voters in the
region Limitations
 Not less than 1,000 registered voters in cases of On Local Initiative
provinces and cities 1. not be exercised more than once a year
 Not less than 100 voters in case of 2. extend only to subjects or matters which are
municipalities within the legal powers of the sanggunian to enact
 Not less than 50 voters in case of barangays 3. at any time before the initiative is held, the
2. If no favorable action taken, within 30 days sanggunian adopts in toto the proposition presented
from presentation, the proponents through their duly and the local chief executive approves the same, the
authorized and registered representatives, may

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

initiative shall be cancelled. However, those against  The Sangguniang Barangay may form brigades
such action may apply for initiative. and create such other positions or offices as may be
deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of the
On the Sanggunian barangay government.
 Any proposition or ordinance approved through  Punong Barangay, Sangguniang Barangay
an initiative and referendum shall not be repealed, Members and members of the Lupong
modified or amended by the sanggunian w/in 6 Tagapamayapa in each barangay shall be deemed as
months from date of approval. Persons in Authority in their jurisdiction; while
 Amended, modified or repealed w/in 3 years by other barangay officials and members who may be
a vote of all its members. designated by law or ordinance and charged with
 In case of barangays, the period shall be 18 maintenance, protection and security, and any
months after the approval. barangay members who comes to the aid of persons
in authority shall be deemed agents of persons in
Local Referendum authority.
 Legal process whereby the registered voters of  Barangay Chairman is a public officer who may
the LGUs may approve, amend or reject any e charged with arbitrary detention.
ordinance enacted by the sanggunian.  Barangay Chairman entitled to possess and
 The local referendum shall be held under the carry firearms within the territorial jurisdiction of
control and direction of the COMELEC: the barangay.
1. w/in 60 days in case of provinces
2. w/in 45 days in case of municipalities The Barangay Assembly
3. w/in 30 days in case of barangays  Composed of:
 COMELEC shall certify and proclaim the 1. All persons who are actual residents of the
results of the said referendum. barangay for at least 6 months,
2. 15 years of age or over
Authority of Courts 3. Citizens of the Philippines
 Nothing shall preclude the proper courts from 4. Duly registered in the list of barangay assembly
declaring null and void any proposition approved members
pursuant for violation of the Constitution or want of  Meet at least 2x a year to hear and discuss the
capacity of the Sanggunian concerned to enact said semestral report to the sangguniang barangay
measure. concerning its activities and finances and problems
affecting the barangay.
Katarungang Pambarangay
The Barangay Lupong Tagapamayapa
 Punong barangay as chairman
Chief Officials and Offices  10 to 20 members
 Constituted every 3 years
 There shall be in each barangay:
1. PUNONG BARANGAY Powers of the Lupon
2. 7 SANGGUNIANG BARANGAY MEMBERS 1. Exercise administrative supervision over the
3. The SANGGUNIANG KABATAAN conciliation panels
CHAIRMAN 2. Meet regularly once a month to provide a forum
4. BARANGAY SECRETARY for exchange of ideas among its members and the
5. BARANGAY TREASURER public of matters relevant to the amicable settlement
6. LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA of disputes, and to enable various conciliation panel
members to share with one another their

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

observations and experiences in effecting speedy  There shall be an organization of all the
resolution of disputes prederasyn ng mga sangguniang kabataan:
3. Exercise such other powers and perform such 1. in municipalities  pambayang pederasyon
other duties and functions as may be prescribed by 2. in cities  panlungsod ng pederasyon
law or ordinance 3. in provinces  panlalawigang pederasyon
4. special metropolitan political subdivision 
Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo pangmetropolitang pederasyon
 Conciliation panel or Pangkat ng 5. on national level  pambansang pederasyon
Tagapagkasundo shall be constituted for each
dispute brought before the lupon. Leagues of Local Government Units/Officials
 Consists of 3 members - Liga ng mga Barangay
 Chosen by the parties to the dispute  Organization of all the barangays for the
 From list of members of the lupon primary purpose of determining the representation
 Should the parties fail to agree on the pangkat of the Liga in the sanggunians
membership, the same shall be determined by lots  And for ventilating, articulating and
drawn by the lupon chairman crystallizing issues affecting barangay government
administration and securing, through proper and
Subject Matter of Amicable Settlement legal means, solutions.
1. procedure
 Liga is empowered to create such other
2. conciliation
positions as may be deemed necessary.
3. arbitration
4. effects of settlement and arbitration award
League of Municipalities
 Organized for the primary purpose of
Sangguniang Kabataan
ventilating, articulating and crystallizing issues
- Creation: There shall be in every barangay a
affecting municipal government administration, and
Sangguniang Kabataan
securing through proper and legal means, solutions.
1. a Chairman
2. 7 Members
3. a secretary
4. a treasurer
Jurisdiction over Election Contests
- An official who, during his term of office, shall
have passed the age of 21 shall be allowed to serve  Original and Exclusive
the remaining portion of the term for which he was 1. President/VP SC
elected. 2. Senator Senate ET
3. Representative HRET
Katipunan ng Kabataan 4. Regional/Provincial/City COMELEC
 Shall be composed of: 5. Municipal RTC
1. all citizens of the Philippines actually residing 6. Barangay MTC/MeTC
in the barangay for at least 6 months
2. who are 15 but not more than 21 years of age  Appellate
3. duly registered in the list of the sangguniang  Decision of RTC/MTC/MeTC = exclusively to
kabataan or in the official barangay list in the COMELEC, whose decision shall be final,
custody of the barangay secretary. executory and unappealable.
 It shall meet once every 3 month, or at the call  Election Contests for Municipal Offices:
of the sangguniang kabataan chairman, or upon o Filed with RTC shall be decided expeditiously.
written petition of at least 1/20 of its members. o Decision may be appealed to COMELEC w/in 5
days from promulgation or receipt of copy by the
Pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang Kabataan aggrieved party.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

o COMELEC shall decide appeal within 60 days  COMELEC cannot simply close its eyes to the
after it is submitted for decision, but not later than 6 illegality of the ballots, even if the protestant
months after the filing of the appeal, which decision omitted to raise the ground in his protest.
shall be final, executory and unappealable.  Handwriting  even without the use of experts;
o MR is a prohibited pleading. being an internal matter.
o COMELEC cannot deprive RTC of its  Order regarding the revision of ballots is an
competence to order EXECUTION of its decision interlocutory order  requires a party to perform
PENDING APPEAL, being a judicial prerogative certain acts leading to the final adjudication of the
and there being no law disauthorizing the same. case.
o In the exercise of its exclusive appellate  General Rule: The filing of an election protest
jurisdiction, COMELEC has the power to issue or quo warranto precludes the subsequent filing of a
writs of prohibition, mandamus or certiorari. pre-proclamation controversy or amounts to an
 In the absence of any express provision, RTC, a abandonment of one earlier filed, depriving the
court of general jurisdiction, has jurisdiction over COMELEC of the authority to inquire into and pass
controversies involving election of members of the upon the title of the protestee or the validity of the
Sangguniang Kabataan. proclamation.
 Decision in appealed cases involving elective o Exceptions:
municipal and barangay officials raised to SC via 1. Board of Canvassers was improperly
SCA for certiorari on the ground that COMELEC’s constituted.
factual finding is marred by grave abuse of 2. Quo Warranto is not the proper remedy.
discretion. 3. What was filed was not really a petition for quo
 Review of a decision of the Electoral Tribunal is warranto or an election protest but a petition to
possible only in the exercise of supervisory or annul a proclamation
extraordinary jurisdiction, and only upon showing 4. filing of an election contest was expressly made
that the Tribunal’s error results from whimsical, without prejudice to the pre-proclamation
capricious, unwarranted, arbitrary or despotic controversy or was made in ad cautelam
exercise of power. 5. proclamation was null and void (in which case
 Purposes of election contests cognizable by the pre-proclamation case is not rendered moot)
Electoral Tribunal  HRET rules of procedure  general denial does not amount to an admission
prevail over provisions of the Omnibus Election of the material allegations in the protest.
Code  Failure to commence the revision of ballots in
the counter-protested precincts’ is deemed a waiver
Actions which may be Filed of his counter-protest.
1. Election Protest  Omissions are merely administrative lapses,
2. Quo Warranto error to nullify election results in the absence of
clear showing of fraud.
Election Protest 3. w/in 10 days from proclamation of the results of
Requisites: the election
1. filed by any candidate who has filed a certificate  period for filing election protest is suspended
of candidacy and has been vote upon for the same while pre-proclamation case is pending.
 After 5 days from Proclamation  files appeal
2. on grounds of fraud, terrorism, irregularities or
illegal acts committed before, during or after casting in pre-proclamation case  only 5 days left to file
and counting of votes election protest.
 rights of contending parties must yield to the far  COMELEC may not entertain a counter-protest
greater interest of the citizens in upholding the filed beyond the reglementary period to file the
sanctity of the ballot. same

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Petition or protest contesting the election of a honest belief that the candidate was then qualified
barangay official should be decided by the to be the person to whom they would entrust the
MTC/MeTC w/in 15 dyas from filing. exercise of the power s of government.
2. Appointive Office
Payment of Docket Fees - Issue is the legality of the appointment
o Pay docket fee of )300 - The court determined who of the parties has
o Additional docket fees for damages legal title to the office
o Failure to pay, protest should be dismissed
Execution Pending Appeal
Requirement for Certificate of Absence of  TC may grant a motion for execution pending
Forum Shopping appeal, because the mere filing of an appeal does
not divest the trial court of its jurisdiction.
Death of Protestant  Since it had jurisdiction to act on the motion at
o Does not extinguish election protest. the time it was filed, that jurisdiction continued
o Imbued with public interest – involves not only until the matter was resolved, and was not lost by
adjudication of the private interest of the rival the subsequent action of the opposing party.
candidates but also the paramount need of  Rationale: to give as much recognition to the
dispelling once and for all the uncertainty that worth of the trial judge’s decision as that which is
beclouds the real choice of the electorate with initially ascribed by law to the proclamation of the
respect to who shall discharge the prerogatives of Board of Canvassers,
the office.  To prevent the “grab the proclamation, prolong
o If persons not real parties in interest in the the protest” techniques.
action could be allowed to intervene, proceedings  Factors:
will be unnecessarily complicated, expensive and o Public interest involved or will of the electorate
interminable. o Shortness of the remaining portion of the term
o Length of time that the election contest has been
Quo Warranto pending
Requisites:  Reasons allowing for immediate execution must
1. filed by any registered voter in the constituency be of such urgency as to outweigh the injury or
2. grounds of ineligibility or disloyalty to the damage of the losing party should such party secure
Republic a reversal of judgment on appeal.
3. w/in 10 days from proclamation  Filed before expiration of the period for appeal.
Distinction between Quo Warranto in elective and Award of Damages
appointive office  Actual and compensatory damages may be
1. Elective Office awarded in election contests and quo warranto
- Issue is the eligibility of the officer-elect proceedings
- Court/tribunal cannot declare protestant or the
 Intent of the legislators to do away with the
candidate who obtained the 2nd highest number of
provisions indemnifying the victorious party for
votes as having been elected.
expenses incurred in the election contest, in the
 There must be a final judgment of absence of a wrongful act or omission clearly
disqualification before the election in order that the attributable to the losing party.
votes of the disqualified candidate can be
 Question for damages remain ripe for
considered “stray.”
adjudication notwithstanding that the appeal from a
 In voting for a candidate who has not been decision of the election case has already been moot
disqualified by final judgment during election day,
the people voted for him bona fide, without any Contest
intention to misapply their franchise and in the

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Involving title or claim of title to an elective o Not necessary that deadly weapon be seized
office, made before or after proclamation of the from the accused.
winner, whether or not the contestant is claiming 6. Transfer or detail of government
the office in dispute. official/employee without COMELEC approval
o Exception: not penalized, if done to promote
Election, Returns and Qualifications efficiency.
 Collectively, all matters affecting the validity of o To prove violation:
the contestee’s title to the position a. Fact of transfer or detail within the election
period as fixed by the COMELEC
Election b. Transfer or detail was made without prior
 Conduct of the polls approval of the COMELEC
 Includes
1. listing of votes Good Faith is not a defense
2. holding of election campaign o Generally, mala prohibita
3. casting of votes o Proof of criminal intent is not necessary
4. counting of votes o Good faith, ignorance, or lack of malice is not a
 Includes:
1. canvass of returns Jurisdiction over Election Offenses
2. proclamation of winners  Investigation and prosecution – COMELEC has
3. questions concerning composition of Board of exclusive jurisdiction.
Canvassers  May validly delegate to Provincial Prosecutor.
4. authenticity of elections returns  It is not the duty of the COMELEC to gather
proof in support of a complaint.
Qualifications  Trial and Decision – RTC has exclusive
 may be raised in quo-warranto proceeding jurisdiction to try and decide any criminal actions or
against proclaimed winner proceedings for violation of election laws.
 The MTC and MeTC, by way of exception,
XIII. ELECTION OFFENSES exercises jurisdiction only over offenses relating to
failure to register or to vote.
Prohibited Acts
1. Vote-buying and vote-selling Preferential Disposition of Election Offenses
o Distribution of yosi (People vs. Ferrer)  Investigation and prosecution of election
2. Wagering upon the result of the elections offenses shall be given priority by COMELEC.
o Bet or wager forfeited to Government
 Investigating officer shall resolve the case w/in
3. Threats, intimidation, terrorism, use of 5 days from submission.
fraudulent device or other forms of coercion
 Courts shall give preference to election offenses
4. Appointment of new employee
over all other cases.
o Exception:
o Exception: writ of HC
a. In case of urgent need
 Cases shall be decided w/in 30 days from
b. w/ notice given to COMELEC
c. w/in 3 days from appointment
o Includes creation of new positions, promotion or
Prescription for election offenses
granting of salary increase.
o 5 years from date of commission
5. Carrying of deadly weapon within a radius of
100 meters from precint
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

6. adjust individual controversies because of

Administrative Law - Branch of public law which: strong social policy involved
 Fixes the organization 7. make the government a private party
 Determines the competence of administrative
 Indicates to the individual remedies for the
violation of his rights. Powers of Administrative Bodies
1. Quasi-legislative or rule-making power
Kinds 2. Quasi-judicial or adjudicatory
1. Statutes 3. Determinative
2. Rules, regulations or orders
3. Determinations, decisions and orders Quasi-Legislative Power
4. Body of doctrines and decisions  Exercise of delegated legislative power
 Involves no discretion as to what the law shall
Administration be
1. as a Function – the execution, in non-judicial  Fix the details in the execution or enforcement
matters, of the law or will of the State as expressed of a policy
by competent authority  Rules and regulations issued by administrative
2. as an Organization – group or aggregate of authorities pursuant to powers delegated to them
persons in whose hand the reins of government are have the force and effect of law
for the time being. o They are binding on all persons subject to them
o Courts will take judicial notice
 Letters of Instructions and Eos are presidential
1. Internal – legal side of public administration
issuances; one may repeal or alter, modify or amend
2. External – deals with problems of government
the other, depending on which comes later.
 The function of promulgating rules and
Administrative Bodies or Agencies regulations may be legitimately exercised only for
- Organ of government which affects the rights of the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the law
private parties either through adjudication or rule- into effect.
making.  Administrative regulations cannot extend the
- Creation law or amend a legislative enactment.
1. constitutional provision  Administrative regulations must be in harmony
2. legislative enactment with the provisions of law. It must not override, but
3. authority of law must remain consistent with the law they seek to
- Criterion apply and implement.
 primarily regulatory  Administrative agency has no discretion
 on its rule-making authority it is administrative whether or not to implement a law. Its duty is to
when it does not have discretion to determine what enforce the law.
the law shall be but merely prescribes details for the  Administrative order is an ordinance issued by
enforcement of the law. the President which relates to specific aspects in the
- Types administrative operation of Government.
1. offering some gratuity, grant or special privilege
2. carry on certain of the actual business of the Kinds of Administrative Rules or Regulations
government 1. Supplementary or Detailed Legislation
3. performing some business service for the public  Fix the details in the execution and enforcement
4. regulate business affected with public interest of a policy set out in the law.
5. regulate private business and individuals, 2. Interpretative Legislation
pursuant to police power
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Construe or interpret the provisions of a statute 1. subordinate legislation, designed to implement a

to be enforced law by providing details
 Binding on all concerned until they are changed 2. substantially adds to or increase the burden of
 Effect of law and are entitled to respect those concerned
 Have in their favor presumption of legality 3. exercise of quasi-legislative authority
 Erroneous application of the law by public
officers does not bar subsequent correct application Function of Prescribing Rates by an Administrative
of the law Agency may either be:
3. Contingent Legislation  Legislative Function: prior notice and hearing is
 Made on the existence of certain facts or things not a requirement
upon which the enforcement of law depends.  Where the rules and rates are meant to apply to
ALL enterprises of a given kind throughout the
Requisites for Validity country, they may partake of a legislative character
1. Issued under authority of law  Adjudicative Function: prior notice and hearing
are essential to the validity
2. Within the scope and purview of the law  Where the rules and rates are meant to apply
3. Reasonable exclusively to a particular party, then its function is
4. Publication in the OG or in a newspaper of quasi-judicial in character
general circulation
 Interpretative rules and regulations/mere • Where hearing is indispensable, it does not
internal in nature/ letters of instructions concerning preclude the Board from ordering, ex-parte, a
the rules and guidelines to be followed by their provisional increase subject to its final disposition
subordinates in the performance of their duties may of whether or not to make it permanent, to reduce or
simply be POSTED in CONSPICUOUS PLACES increase it further or to deny the application.
in the AGENCY. (Maceda vs. Energy Regulatory Board)
 DOLE Department Order and POEA
Memorandum Circulars – proper publication + Determinative Powers
filing in the Office of the National Administrative 1. Directing
Register (Article 5 of LC)  Power of assessment of BIR and Customs
2. Enabling
Administrative Rules with Penal Sanctions  Permit or to allow something which the law
(additional requisites) undertakes to regulate
1. law itself must declare as punishable the 3. Dispensing
violation of the administrative rule or regulation  To exempt from a general prohibition OR
2. law should define or fix the penalty for the  Relieve individual or corporation from an
violation of the administrative rule or regulation affirmative duty
4. Examining
Necessity for Notice and Hearing  Investigatory power
 NO constitutional requirement for a hearing: 1. production of books, papers, etc.
1. promulgation of a general regulation 2. attendance of witnesses
2. rule is procedural 3. compelling their testimony
3. merely legal opinions  Power to compel attendance of witnesses not
4. substantive rules where the class to be affected inherent in administrative body
is large and the questions to be resolved involve the  But an administrative officer authorized to take
use of discretion committed to the rule-making testimony or evidence is deemed authorized to
body administer oath, summon witnesses, require
 Hearing Requirement: production of documents, etc.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Power to punish contempt must be expressly there is a need to propound searching questions to
granted to the administrative body; when granted, witnesses who give vague testimonies.
may be exercised only when administrative body is  Procedural right which employee must ask for
actually performing quasi-judicial functions since it is not an inherent right.
5. Summary  Summary proceedings may be conducted
 Power to apply compulsion or force against - Administrative due process dies not necessarily
persons or property to effectuate a legal purpose require the assistance of counsel.
without a judicial warrant to authorize such action - In a request for extradition, the prospective
extradite does not face a clear and present danger of
Quasi-Judicial or Adjudicatory Powers loss of property or employment, but of liberty itself.
- Proceedings partake of the character of judicial  He is entitled to the minimum requirements of
proceedings notice and opportunity to be heard.
- Administrative due process - The standard of due process that must be met in
1. right to hearing administrative tribunals allows a certain latitude as
2. tribunal must consider evidence presented long as the element of fairness is not ignored; even
3. decision must have something to support itself in the absence of previous notice, there is no denial
4. evidence must be substantial of due process as long as the parties are given the
5. decision must be based on the evidence adduced opportunity to be heard.
at the hearing or at least contained in the record and - Administrative due process:
disclosed to the parties 1. opportunity to be heard
6. the Board or Judges must act on its or 2. opportunity to seek reconsideration
independence consideration of the facts and the law 3. opportunity to explain one’s side
of the case, and not simply accept the views of a - Substantial evidence: such relevant evidence as
subordinate in arriving at a decision a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to
7. decision must be rendered in such a manner that support a conclusion which is the quantum of proof
the parties to the controversy can know the various necessary to prove a change in an administrative
issues involved and the reasons for the decision case
rendered - “To be heard” does not mean only verbal
- In forfeiture proceeding, where the owner of the agreements in court, one may also be heard through
allegedly prohibited article is known, mere posting pleadings.
of the notice of hearing in the Bulletin Board does
not constitute compliance. Administrative Determinations where Notice and
- Due process demands that the person be duly Hearing are NOT necessary for due process
informed of the charges against him. He cannot be 1. grant of provisional authority for increased rates
convicted of an offense with which he was not or to engage in a particular line of business
charged. 2. summary proceedings of distraint and levy upon
 Party be afforded reasonable opportunity to be the property of a delinquent taxpayer
heard and to submit any evidence he may have in 3. cancellation of passport, no abuse of discretion
support of the defense. 4. summary abatement of a nuisance per se which
 In administrative proceedings, it means the affects the immediate safety of persons/property
opportunity yto explain one’s side or opportunity to 5. preventive suspension of a public
seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling officer/employee pending investigation of
complained of; a formal or trial-type hearing is not, administrative charges
at all times, necessary.
 Requirement of notice and hearing in Right Against Self-Incrimination
termination cases does not connote full adversarial  Administrative charge of unexplained wealth
proceedings, as actual adversarial proceedings which may result in forfeiture of the property
become necessary only for clarification or when

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Medical practitioner where proceeding could

possibly result in the loss of his privilege to practice - LLDA: regulatory and quasi-judicial power in
medicine respect to pollution cases and matters affecting the
 Right may be invoked at the time he is called as construction of illegal fishpens, fish cages and other
a witness aqua-structures in Laguna de Bay; may issue cease
 If he voluntarily takes the witness stand, he can and desist orders
be cross-examined, but he may still invoke the right - DECS Regional Director: return to work order;
at the time the question which calls for an answer administrative charges; constitute an investigating
which incriminates him of an offense other than that panel
which is charged is asked. - Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
(HLURB): unsound real estate business practices
Power to Punish Contempt is Inherently Judicial - Department of Energy: electric power
1. conferred by law and - Home Insurance Guarantee Corporation(HIGC):
2. administrative body is engaged in performance disputes involving homeowners association
of its quasi-judicial powers
Administrative Decisions not Part of the Legal REMEDIES
 no vested right Doctrine
 could not place government in estoppel - Whenever there is an available administrative
remedy provided by law, no judicial recourse can be
Administrative Appeal and Review made until all such remedies have been availed of
1. higher or superior administrative body and exhausted.
2. President/ Department Secretaries by virtue of
the power of Control Reasons
3. appellate administrative agency 1. if relief is first sought from a superior
administrative agency, resort to courts may be
Doctrine of res judicata unnecessary
2. administrative agency should be given a chance
 Decisions and orders of administrative agencies
to correct its error
have upon their finality, the force and effect of a
3. principles of comity and convenience
final judgment within the purview of the doctrine of
4. judicial review of administrative decisions is
res judicata.
usually made through special civil actins, which
 Conclusive upon the rights of the affected will not normally prosper if there is another plain,
parties as though the same had been rendered by a speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course
court of general jurisdiction. of law
 Forbids the reopening of a matter once
determined by competent authority acting within  Only decision of administrative agencies made
their exclusive jurisdiction. in the exercise of QUASI-JUDICIAL and
 Applies to adversary administrative proceeding ADJUDICATORY POWERS are subject to the rule
 Does NOT apply in administrative adjudication on exhaustion.
relative to citizenship  Constitutionality/validity of a rule or regulation
 Exception: Zita Ngo Burca vs. Republic in the performance of quasi-legislative function 
1. question of citizenship is resolved by a court or regular courts have jurisdiction
an administrative body as a material issue in the
controversy after a full-blown hearing Corollary Principle
2. active participation of the SolGen 1. Doctrine of Prior Resort/ Doctrine of Primary
3. finding made by the administrative body on the Administrative Jurisdiction
citizenship issue is affirmed by the SC
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 No Where there is competence or jurisdiction 11. Special reasons or circumstances demanding

vested upon an administrative body to act upon a immediate court action
matter, no resort to the courts may be made before 12. Due process of law is clearly violated
such administrative body shall have acted upon the 13. Rules does not provide a plain, speedy and
matter. adequate remedy
 Conversion of subdivision lots  HLURB
 Enforcement of forestry laws  DENR IV. JUDICIAL REVIEW OF
 Issuing license to radio stations  NTC ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS
 Disputes arising from construction contracts 
Construction Industry Arbitrary Commission Rule
 Agricultural lands under the coverage of CARP  Judicial review may be granted or withheld as
Congress chooses
 Except: when Constitution requires or allows it
 Effluents of a particular industrial establishment
 Judicial review of administrative decisions
 Pollution Adjudication Board
cannot be denied the courts when there is an
allegation of grave abuse of discretion.
2. Doctrine of Finality of Administrative Action
 No resort to the courts will be allowed unless Bases for Judicial Review
the administrative action has been completed and
 Unless otherwise provided by this Constitution
there is nothing left to be done in the administrative
or by law
 Any decision, order or ruling of each
 A party aggrieved must not only initiate the
Commission may be brought to the SC on certiorari
prescribed administrative proceeding, but must
pursue it to its appropriate conclusion before  w/in 30 days from receipt of a copy
seeking judicial intervention.
General Principles
Effect of Failure to Exhaust Administrative  underlying power in the Courts to scrutinize the
Remedies acts of administrative agencies on questions of law
- Jurisdiction of court is NOT affected and jurisdiction although no right of review is given
- Complainant is deprived of a CAUSE OF by statute.
ACTION which is a ground for MTD  Keep administrative agencies within its
- If no MTD is filed, deemed a waiver jurisdiction.
 Protect substantial rights of parties affected by
Exceptions the decisions.
1. Doctrine of Qualified Political Agency (alter  Part of system of checks and balances which
ego doctrine) restricts the separation of power and forestalls
2. Administrative remedy is fruitless arbitrary and unjust adjudication.
3. Estoppel on the part of the Administrative
Agency Methods of Obtaining Judicial Review
4. Issue involved is purely a legal question 1. Statutory or Non-Statutory
5. Administrative action is patently illegal  Statutory – available pursuant to statutory
6. Unreasonable delay or official inaction provision
7. Irreparable injury or threat, unless judicial  Non-statutory – no express statute granting
recourse is immediately made review, relief is obtained by means of:
8. Land cases, where subject matter is private land 1. common law remedies
9. Law does not make exhaustion a condition 2. prerogative writs of certiorari
precedent to judicial recourse 3. mandamus
10. Observance of the doctrine will result in the 4. HC
nullification of the claim 5. prohibition
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

6. quo warranto decision on the latter, the Court will, in order to

 if statutory methods for judicial review are decide the legal question, examine the entire record
available, they are ordinarily exclusive and the use including the evidence.
of non-statutory methods will not likely be
permitted. Guidelines for the exercise of the power
2. Direct or Collateral  Findings of fact are respected as long as they are
 Direct – attempt to question in subsequent supported by substantial evidence, even if not
proceedings the administrative action for lack of overwhelming or preponderant.
jurisdiction, grave abuse of discretion, etc. (attack  Findings of administrative officials and agencies
on citizenship of an individual) who have acquired expertise are generally accorded
 Collateral – relief from administrative action not only respect but at all times even finality.
sought in a proceeding the primary purpose of  Principle that factual findings of administrative
which is some relief other than the setting aside of bodies are binding upon the Court may be sustained
the judgment, although an attack on the judgment only when no issue of credibility is raised.
may be incidentally involved.  It is not for the reviewing court to weigh the
conflicting evidence, determine credibility of
What Court has Jurisdiction witnesses or otherwise substitute its judgment for
 CA have appellate jurisdiction over judgments that of the administrative agency on the sufficiency
or final orders of the CTA and from awards, of evidence.
judgments, final orders or resolutions of or  Administrative decision in matters with the
authorized by any quasi-judicial agency in the executive jurisdiction can only be set aside on proof
exercise of its quasi-judicial functions. of
 Administrative bodies, co-equal with RTC on 1. grave abuse of discretion
terms of rank and stature and beyond the control of 2. fraud
the latter. 3. collusion
 Doctrine of Non-Interference by TCs with co- 4. error of law
equal administrative bodies is intended to ensure  Courts will not generally interfere with purely
judicial stability. administrative matters unless there is clear showing
 Reviewed by RTC  Bureau of Immigration, of arbitrary, capricious or grave abuse of discretion
Court martial, LLDA amounting to lack of jurisdiction.

Questions which may be subject of judicial review Judicial Review is not trial de novo
1. Question of Law  It is merely an ascertainment of whether the
2. Question of Fact findings of the administrative agency are consistent
 Factual findings of administrative agencies are with law, free from fraud or imposition and
generally conclusive upon the courts if supported by supported by evidence.
substantial evidence, EXCEPT
1. expressly allowed by statute
2. fraud, imposition or mistake other than error of
3. error in appreciation of the pleadings and in the
interpretation of the documentary evidence Public Office
presented by the parties - Right, authority, duty, created and conferred by
3. Mixed Question of Law and Fact (Brandeis law, by which for a given period, either fixed by
Doctrine of Assimilation of Facts) law or enduring at the pleasure of the creating
 What purports to be a finding upon a question of power, an individual is invested with some
fact is so involved with and dependent upon a sovereign power of government to be exercised by
question of law as to be in substance and effect a him for the benefit of the people.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- Elements: the sovereign functions of government, to be

1. created by law or by authority of law exercised by him for the benefit of the public.
2. possess a delegation of a portion of the
sovereign powers of government, to be exercised II. ELIGIBILITY AND QUALIFICATIONS
for the benefit of the public
3. powers conferred and duties imposed must be Qualifications
defined by the legislature or by legislative authority 2 Different Senses:
4. duties must be performed independently and 1. endowments, qualities, attributes which make an
without control of the superior power UNLESS they individual eligible for public office
be those of an inferior or subordinate officer created must possess at the time of the appointment/election
or authorized by the legislature and placed under the and continuously for as long as the official
general control of a superior officer or body relationship exists
5. permanence or continuity 2. act of entering into the performance of the
- Creation: functions of public office
1. Constitution
2. statutory enactment  Property qualifications may not be imposed for
3. authority of law the exercise of the right to run for public office.
 Loss of any of the qualifications during
Public Officer incumbency will be a ground for termination.
- a person who holds office  Failure of an officer to perform an act required
- Public Officer, as understood under criminal by law could affect the officer’s title to the given
law office.
 Article 203. any person who, by direct provision  Prolonged failure or refusal to take the oath of
of law, popular election or appointment by office could result in forfeiture of the office.
competent authority shall take part in the  BP 881 – “the office of any official ELECTED
performance of public functions in the Government; who fails or refuses to take his oath of office within
or shall perform in said Government public duties 6 months from his proclamation shall be considered
as am employee, agent, or subordinate official of vacant UNLESS failure is for a cause/s beyond his
any rank or class, shall be deemed to be a public control.
officer.  Oath of office is a qualifying requirement for
 RA 3019. includes elective and appointive public office.
officials and employees, permanent or temporary  Until he is qualified, the holdover officer is the
whether in the classified, unclassified or exempt rightful occupant.
services, receiving compensation, even nominal
 Oath of office taken before one who has no
from the government.
authority to administer oath, is no oath at all.
 PB 807. Career and Non-career services
 Pendency of election protest is not sufficient
(formerly, classified, unclassified or exempt)
basis to enjoin him from assuming office or from
discharging his functions.
Distinguished from Clerk or Employee
- Officer, duties not being of clerical or manual
Authority to Prescribe Qualifications
nature, involves the exercise of discretion in the
performance of the functions of government.  Qualification prescribed by Constitution 
- Includes any government employee, agent or generally exclusive unless Constitution provides
body having authority to do the act or exercise that otherwise
function.  Public officers created by statute  Congress
has plenary powers to prescribe qualifications,
Main characteristic that distinguishes a Public provided:
Officer  creation and conferring of an office 1. germane to the objectives for which the office
involves a delegation to the individual of some of was created
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

2. qualifications are not too specific as to fit a 6. Members of the Constitutional Commission,
particular identifiable person that would deprive Ombudsman and deputies must not have been
appointing authority of discretion in the selection of candidates for any elective position in the election
the appointee immediately preceding their appointments.
7. Members of the Constitutional Commission,
Disqualifications Ombudsman and his deputies are appointed to a
 Authority term of 7 years, without reappointment.
 Legislature has the right to prescribe 8. Spouse and relatives by consanguinity or
disqualifications in the same manner as it can affinity within the 4th civil degree of the President
prescribe qualifications. shall not during his tenure be appointed:
 Limitation: do not violate the Constitution  As members of the Constitutional Commission
 Disqualification may be because of unfitness for  Office of Ombudsman
public office or because the person is rendered  Secretaries
ineligible for the office.  Undersecretaries
 General Disqualifications under the Constitution  Chairmen/heads
1. No candidate who lost in an election, shall,
within 1 year after such election, be appointed to III. DE FACTO OFFICERS
any office in the Government.
2. No elective official shall be eligible for - Reputation of being an officer and yet is not a
appointment or designation in any capacity to any good officer in point of law.
public office or position during his tenure. - Acted as an officer for such length of time under
3. No appointive official shall hold any other color of title and under such circumstances of
position in the Government, unless otherwise reputation or acquiescence by the public and public
allowed by law or the primary functions of his authorities as to afford a presumption of
office. election/appointment and induce people to submit to
*ex-officio capacity or invoke his action.
 Specific Disqualification under the Constitution
1. President, VP, Cabinet Members and their Legal Effect
deputies and assistants shall not hold any other - Those that affect the public are valid, binding
office or employment during their tenure, UNLESS and with full legal effect.
otherwise provided in the Constitution. - For the protection of the public.
2. No Senator or Member of the HR may hold
any other office or employment in the Government Elements
including GOCC, during his term without forfeiting 1. validly existing public office
his seat. Neither shall he be appointed to any office 2. actual physical possession of said office
which may have been created or the emoluments 3. color of title to the office
increased during the term for which he was elected. a. by reputation/acquiescence
3. Members of the SC and of other courts b. known and valid appointment/election but
established by law shall not be designated to any officer failed to conform to a requirement imposed
agency performing quasi-judicial or administrative by law
functions. c. known appointment or election, void (though
4. No member of the Constitutional unknown to public) because:
Commission shall during his tenure, hold any other i. ineligibility of officer
office or employment. Applies to Ombudsman and ii. want of authority of appointing/electing
his deputies. authority
5. Ombudsman and his deputies shall not be iii. irregularity in appointment/election
qualified to run for office in the election d. known appointment/election pursuant to
immediately succeeding their cessation. unconstitutional law, before law was declared
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- Appointment to a position in the Career Service

Entitlement of Salaries of the Civil Service does not necessarily mean that
- GR: rightful incumbent of a public office may the appointment is a permanent one  depend on
recover from an officer de facto the salary received the nature of the appointment which in turn depends
by the latter during the time of his wrongful tenure, on the appointee’s eligibility or lack of it.
even though he entered into the office in good faith - Acceptance by petitioner of a temporary
and under color of title. appointment resulted in the termination of official
- Where there is NO DE JURE officer, the officer relationship with his former permanent position.
de facto who in good faith has had possession of the - Temporary appointment shall not exceed 12
office and has discharged the duties is legally months.
entitled to emoluments. - Mere designation does not confer security of
- Principle of public policy on which de facto tenure  person designated occupies the position
doctrine is based. only in an acting capacity.
- Appointment is subject to conditions,
IV. COMMENCEMENT OF OFFICIAL appointment is not permanent.
RELATIONS - Appointee cannot claim a complete appointment
as long as the re-evaluation incidental to the re-
Official relations are commenced: organization is still pending.
1) Appointment - “unless terminated sooner”  even if co-
2) Election terminous with the project, it is nevertheless subject
to the appointing authority.
Appointment - Where temporary appointment is for a FIXED
- selection by the authority vested with the power, period, appointment may be revoked only at the
of an individual who is to perform the functions of a expiration of the period OR if before, it must be for
given office. a valid and just cause.
3) Regular
Commission - One made by the President while Congress is in
- written evidence of appointment session after the nomination is confirmed by the
Commission on Appointments and continues until
Designation the end of the term.
- imposition of additional duties
4) Ad-interim
Classification - Made while Congress is not in session, before
1) Permanent confirmation by the Commission on Appointments,
- Extended to person possessing the requisite is immediately effective
qualifications - Ceases to be valid if disapproved or bypassed by
- Security of tenure COA upon next adjournment of Congress
2) Temporary - Permanent appointment
- Acting appointment - That it is subject to confirmation, does not alter
- May not possess the requisite qualifications for its permanent character.
- Revocable at will, without necessity of just - Regular and Ad-interim Classification may be
cause or a valid investigation used only when referring to the following:
1) Heads of Executive Department;
- Acquisition of the appropriate civil service 2) Ambassadors and other Publi Ministers and
eligibility by a temporary appointee will not ipso Consuls
facto convert the temporary appointment into a 3) Officers of the AFP, from rank of colonel or
permanent one; new appointment is necessary naval captain

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

4) Officers whose appointments are vested in the  Appointing authority is in the best position to
President under the Constitution. determine who among the prospective appointees
can effectively discharge the functions of the
Steps in Appointing Process position.
For REGULAR Appointments  Final choice of appointing authority should be
1) Nomination by President respected and left undisturbed.
2) Confirmation by COA  Commission may not and should not substitute
3) Issuance of the Commission its judgment for that of the appointing authority.
4) Acceptance by the appointee  Civil Service Law grants career service officers
preference in promotion under the “next-in-rank”
AD-INTERIM Appointment rule, it is not mandatory, appointing authority
1) Nomination by President should be allowed the choice of men of his
2) Issuance of the Commission confidence provided they are qualified and eligible.
3) Acceptance by the appointee  Provincial, city prosecutor and their assistants
4) Confirmation by COA
 appointed by President upon recommendation of
Secretary of Justice (mere advise).
DO NOT require Confirmation
1) Appointment by Appointing Authority  Discretion of appointing authority  choice of
2) Issuance of the Commission the person WHO is to be appointed, NATURE and
3) Acceptance by the Appointee CHARACTER of appointment.

- A person cannot be compelled to accept an Judicial Review of Appointments

appointment EXCEPT when the appointment is  Appointment generally a political question; as
made to an office required in defense of the State/ long as appointee possess minimum qualifications
- Where appointment is to the CAREER as prescribed by law for the position.
SERVICE of the CIVIL SERVICE, attestation by  Action for usurpation of office  Who claims a
the Civil Service Commission is required. valid title to the office.
Otherwise, not deemed complete. Appointment not
submitted to the CSC w/in 30 days from the Jurisdiction of the Civil Service Commission
issuance (date appearing on the face of the  Disciplinary cases
appointment) shall be ineffective.  Cases involving personnel action
- CSC is authorized to check of the appointee  Employment status and qualification standard
possesses the qualifications and appropriate  Recall an appointment initially approved – when
eligibility; if he does, appointment must be issued with disregard to Civil Service Laws, rules
approved; of not, it is disapproved. and regulations
- Appointment is complete when the last act  Approving and reviewing appointments to
required of the appointing power is performed; until determine their compliance with the Civil Service
the process is completed, appointee can claim no Law
vested right in the officer nor claim security of  On its own, does not have the authority to
tenure. terminate employment or drop members from the
- Appointment to be valid, position must be roll
Appointments to the Civil Service
Discretion of Appointing Authority  Scope: ALL branches, subdivision,
 Discretionary power and must be performed by instrumentalities and agencies of the Government,
the officer in whom it is vested. including GOCC with original charter.
 Only condition, appointee must possess the
minimum qualifications requirements prescribed by Classes of Service
law. 1. Career Service
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

c. Description 3) Chairmen and members of commissions/boards

- Entrance based on merit and fitness, as far as w/ fixed terms of office, personal and confidential
practicable by competitive examinations staff
- Or based on highly and technical qualifications 4) Contractual personnel/ those whose employment
- Opportunity for advancement to higher career in government is in accordance with a special
positions contract to undertake a specific work or job
- Security of tenure requiring special or technical skills not available in
d. Includes: employing agency, to be accomplished within a
1) Open Career Service period not exceeding 1 year, under his own
- Prior qualification in an appropriate responsibility, with minimum direction and
examination is required supervision
2) Closed Career Service 5) Emergency and seasonal personnel
- Scientific or highly technical
3) Career Executive Service - Under Administrative Code, the CSC is
- Undersecretaries, bureau directors, etc. expressly empowered to declare positions in the CS
4) Positions in the Armed Forces of the Philippines as primarily confidential.
- Governed by a different merit system - Enumeration in the Civil Service decree, which
5) Career Officers defined the non-career service is not an exclusive
- Other than those belonging to Career Executive list. Commission can supplement this list.
Service, appointed by President, e.g. foreign service - Coterminous status may be classified as:
6) Personnel of GOCC w/ original charters o co-terminous with project – duration of
7) Permanent laborers (skilled, semi-skilled or particular project for which employment was made.
unskilled) o co-terminous with appointing authority – tenure
 Career Executive Service of appointing authority or at his pleasure
 2 requirements to attain security of tenure o co-terminous with incumbent – co-existent with
i. Career executive service eligibility appointee, such that after the latter’s resignation,
ii. Appointment to the appropriate career executive separation or termination of the services, the
service rank position shall be deemed automatically abolished.
 Security of tenure pertains only to rank and not o co-terminous with a specific period – for a
to the office or position specific period, upon expiration, position is deemed
3. Non-Career Service
a. Description Requisites
- Entrance on bases other than those of the usual 1. made according to merit and fitness
tests utilized for the career service 2. competitive examination
- Tenure Exceptions:
5) limited to a period specified by law or 1. policy determining
6) which is co-terminous with that of the 2. primarily confidential or
appointing authority or 3. highly technical
7) subject of his pleasure or
8) which is limited to the duration of a particular
project for which purpose the employment was - In a department, appointing power is vested in
made. the DEPARTMENT SECRETARY, although it
b. Includes: may be delegated to the REGIONAL DIRECTOR,
1) Elective officials, personal and confidential staff subject to approval of the Department Secretary.
2) Department Heads and officials of Cabinet rank
who holds office at the pleasure of the President, - Principles
personal and confidential staff 1) Classification of a particular position as policy-
determining, primarily confidential or highly
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

technical amounts to no more than an executive or 4) Reinstatement

legislative declaration that is not conclusive upon 5) Detail
the courts, the true test being the nature of the 6) Reassignment
position 7) Reemployment
2) The exemption provided pertains only to
exemption from competitive examination to
determine merit and fitness to enter the civil service Promotion
3) Exempt from competitive examination to - Movement from one position to another with
determine merit and fitness: increased duties and responsibilities as authorized
a. Policy-determining by law
 Officer lays down principal or fundamental - Usually accompanied by an increase in pay.
guidelines or rules - Next-in-rank Rule
 E.g. department head  The one who is next in rank is given preferential
b. Primarily confidential consideration
 Not only confidence in the aptitude if the  Does not mean that he alone can be appointed
appointee for the duties of the office but primarily  Appointing authority is required to state the
close intimacy which ensures freedom of “special reasons” for not appointing the officer next
intercourse without embarrassment or freedom from in rank.
misgivings or betrayal on confidential matters of - Automatic Reversion Rule
state  All appointments involved in a chain of
 NATURE of the position which determined promotions must be submitted simultaneously for
whether a position is primarily confidential, policy- approval by the Commission. The disapproval of
determining or highly technical the appointment of a person proposed to a higher
 “proximity rule” – can be considered as position invalidates the promotion of those in the
confidential employee if the predominant reason lower positions and automatically restores them to
why he was chosen by the appointing authority was their former positions. Affected persons are entitled
the latter’s belief that he can share a close intimate to payment of salaries for services rendered at a rate
relationship with the occupant which ensures fixed in their promotional appointments.
freedom of discussion without fear of  Requisites:
embarrassment or misgivings of possible betrayals 1. series of promotions
of personal trust or confidential matters of the State. 2. all promotional appointments are
 Where the position occupied is remote from that simultaneously submitted to the Commission for
of the appointing authority, the element of trust approval
between them is no longer predominant, and cannot 3. Commission disapproves the appointment of a
be classified as primarily confidential. person to a higher position
c. Highly technical – requires possession of
technical skill in a superior degree. Appointment through Certification
 Legal counsel of PNB - Issued to a person who has been selected from a
 City Legal Officer list of qualified persons certified by the CSC from
 City Attorney an appropriate register of eligibles and who meets
 Security Council and Security Guards of the the qualifications prescribed for the position.
City Vice Mayor
Other Personnel Action - Movement from one position to another which
is of equivalent rank, level or salary without break
1) Promotion in service.
2) Appointment through Certification - May be imposed as an administrative penalty.
3) Transfer - Unconsented transfer violates security of tenure.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

- Career Executive Service personnel can be - Not involve reduction in rank, status or salary
shifted from one office to another without violating - Management prerogative vested in the CSC, any
their right to security of tenure, because salary and department or agency embraced in Civil Service
status is based on their ranks and not on the - Does not constitute removal without cause
positions to which they are assigned. - Should have definite date and duration.
- Lack of specific duration is tantamount to
Reinstatement floating assignment thus a dimunition in status or
- Has been permanently appointed in the career rank.
service and who has, through no delinquency of
misconduct, been separated may be reinstated to a Reemployment
position in the same level for which he is qualified. - Names of persons who have been appointed
- Acquisition of civil service eligibility is not the permanently to positions in the career service and
sole factor for the reappointment. Other factors who have been SEPARATED as a result of
should be considered: performance, degree of REDUCTION in force and/or
education, work experience, training, seniority and REORGANIZATION, shall be entered in a list
enjoys confidence and trust of the appointing from which selection for reemployment shall be
power. made
- Not subject to application for a writ of - Separated not for a cause but as a result of
mandamus. reorganization  separation pay + retirement and
- Issuance of new appointment which is other benefits; in lieu of separation pay, may be
discretionary considered for employment (Proclamation No. 3)
- Exercise of discretionary power cannot be
controlled by the courts, as long as properly V. POWERS AND DUTIES OF PUBLIC
exercised OFFICERS
- Forfeited his right to public office because of
conviction of a crime, but was extended plenary Authority of Public Officers
pardon CANNOT by reason of pardon demand 1. Expressly conferred upon him by the ACT
reinstatement as a matter of right. appointing him
- Exception: 2. Expressly ANNEXED to the office by LAW
1. Sabello vs. DECS – considerations of justice 3. Attached to the office by COMMON LAW as
and equity incidents to it
2. Garcia vs. Chairman, Commission on Audit – 4. Doctrine of Necessary Implication – all powers
person given pardon because he did not truly necessary for the effective exercise of the express
commit the offense; the pardon relives him from all powers
punitive consequences of his criminal act thereby
restoring him to his clean name, good reputation Authority can be exercised only during the term
and unstained character prior to his finding of guilt. when the public officer, is by law, invested with the
rights and duties of the office.
- Movement of an employee from one agency to Ministerial and Discretionary Powers
another without the issuance of an appointment 1. Ministerial – discharge by officer is imperative
- Allowed only for a limited period of time in the and requires neither judgment nor discretion;
case of employees occupying professional, technical exercise of which may be compelled
and scientific positions 2. Discretionary – imposed by law upon a public
- Temporary in nature officer; officer has the right to decide how and
when the duty shall be performed; mandamus will
Reassignment not lie to compel performance
- Reassigned from one organizational unit to  Exception: when mandamus will lie:
another in the same agency 1. GAD
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

2. manifest injustice • Appointments made in favor of a relative of the

3. palpable excess of authority equivalent to a appointing or recommending authority or of the
denial of settled rights chief of the bureau or office or of the person
4. no other plain, speedy or adequate remedy exercising immediate supervision over him.
• All appointments.
 writ may issue to compel the exercise of • Relative: those related within the 3 rd civil degree
discretion but not the discretion itself by consanguinity or affinity
 Courts may review exercise of discretion, to • Exemption:
determine if there has been GAD amounting to lack 1. confidential capacity
or excess of jurisdiction 2. teachers
 Judgment – judicial functions; determination of 3. physicians
a question of law; only one way to be right 4. members of the Armed Forces
 Discretion, may decide the question either way * full report of appointment shall be made to the
and still be right; limited to the evident purpose of Commission
the act


Constitutional Duties
 To be accountable to the people General Rule on Liability
 To serve them with utmost responsibility, • A public officer is not liable for injuries
loyalty and efficiency sustained by another as a consequence of official
 To act with patriotism and justice acts done within the scope of his official authority,
 To lead modest lives except as otherwise provided by law.
 To submit a declaration under oath of his assets, • Not civilly liable for acts done in official
liabilities and net worth upon assumption of office capacity UNLESS bad faith, malice, negligence
and as often as may be required • Liable for willful or negligent acts done by him
 To owe the State and Constitution allegiance at which are contrary to morals, law public policy and
all times good customs EVEN if he acted under instructions
• SOLGEN – represent government and its offices of his superiors.
EXCEPT criminal cases and civil cases for damages • Local governments are not exempt from
arising from felony. liabilities for DEATH or INJURY to persons or
DAMAGE to property.
1. Partisan political activity or taking part in any Statutory Liability
election except to vote • Article 27, CC – refuses or neglects without just
• Except: cause to perform his official duty, whereby a person
1. those holding political offices suffers moral or material loss; without prejudice to
2. cabinet members administrative disciplinary sanction
2. Additional or double compensation • Article 32, CC – liability of public officer for
3. Prohibition against loans violation of constitutional rights
4. Limitation on laborers • Article 34, CC – liability of peace officer who
• Not assigned to clerical duties fails to respond or give assistance to persons in
5. Detail or reassignment danger of injury to life or property
• w/in 3 months before any election without • w/o just cause. Neglects to perform a duty
approval of COMELEC within a period fixed by law or regulation or within
6. Nepotism a reasonable period if none is fixed

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

Liability on Contracts 5. Right to Maternity Leave

• personally  entered without or exceeded his 6. Right to Retirement Pay
authority 7. Right to reimbursement for expenses incurred in
due performance of duty
Liability for Tort 8. Right to be indemnified against any liability
• personally  beyond the scope of his authority 9. Right to longevity pay
or exceeds power conferred upon him; ultra vires or
where there is bad faith Right to Office
• Just and legal claim to exercise the powers and
Presidential Immunity from Suit the responsibilities of the public office.
• during tenure of the President • Term vs. Tenure
• After his tenure, cannot invoke immunity from  Term: period during which the officer may
suit for civil damages arising out of acts done by claim to hold the office as a matter of right.
him, while he was president which were not  Tenure: period during which the officer actually
performed in the exercise of official duties. holds office.
• Not prevented from instituting suit. Right to Salary
• Salary – personal compensation to be paid to the
Threefold Liability Rule public officer for his services
• Wrongs acts or omissions of a public officer • Generally a fixed or periodical payment
may give rise to civil, criminal and administrative depending on the time and not on the amount of the
liability. services he may render.
• Action for each can proceed independently • Distinguished from wages:
• Dismissal of one does not foreclose action for  Salaries are given to officers of higher degree of
others.  difference in quantum of evidence employment than those given wages.
 Salary is compensation per annum. Wages are
Liability of Minsiterial Officers paid day by day or week by week.
1. Nonfeasance – neglect or refusal to perform an • Basis:
act which is the officer’s legal obligation 1. legal title to the office
2. Misfeasance – failure to exercise that degree of 2. law attaches compensation to the office
care, skill and diligence in the performance of • Right of de facto officer to compensation 
official duty when there is no de jure and de facto officer, who in
3. Malfeasance – doing, through ignorance, good faith has possession of the office and has
inattention or malice of an act which he had no legal discharged the duties.
right to perform. • Salary cannot be garnished nor subject to
attachment or order of execution before being paid
Command Responsibility to him to answer for the payment of his debts.
• Head of a department or a superior officer shall • Public policy also prohibits the assignment of
not be civilly liable for the wrongful acts, omission unearned salaries
of duty, negligence or misfeasance of his • Agreements affecting compensation are void as
subordinates, UNLESS he has actually authorized contrary to public policy.
by written order the specific act or misconduct.
• Compensation, allowances and other benefits
granted without the approval of the DBM are
unauthorized and irregular.
1. Right to Office • Constitutional provisions affecting salaries:
2. Right to Salary 1. no increase in salaries of members of Congress
3. Right to Preference in Promotion shall take effect until after the expiration of the full
4. Right to Vacation and Sick Leave
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

term of the Members of the Senate and HofRep who and other monetary benefits from the time of his
approved he increase. illegal dismissal up to his reinstatement.
2. Salaries of President and VP shall be fixed by  “no work, no pay” not applicable
law and sjall not be decreased during their tenure.  Note: Balitaosan vs. Secretary, DECS:
No increase, until after expiration of the incumbent reinstatement was not the result of exoneration but
during which increase was approved. an ACT OF LIBERALITY of the CA, the claim for
3. Salary of members of the Judiciary shall not be back wages was not allowed. Thus the general rule
decreased during their continuance in office; that a public official is not entitled to compensation
income tax is not unconstitutional dimunition. if he has not rendered any service was applied.
4. Additional, double or indirect compensation are  No right to back wages if NOT EXONERATED
5. Standardization of compensation.
6. Separation pay to career Civil Service Right to additional allowance and benefits
employees who are separated from service not for  LGUs may provide additional allowances and
cause but by reason of reorganization. benefits to national government officials assigned or
stationed in their municipality or city.
Preventive Suspension and the Right to Salary  Not without limitations.
1. Preventive Suspension pending investigation
2. Preventive Suspension pending appeal Right to Preference in Promotion
 Right does not prevail over discretion of
 If the penalty imposed is suspension or appointing authority.
dismissal and after review, he is exonerated  no
right to compensation during preventive suspension Right to Vacation and Sick Leave
even pending investigation  Sec 81, RA 7160 (LGC) – Elective local
 It is not enough that he is exonerated; it must be officials shall be entitled to the same leave
shown that suspension is unjustified privileges as those enjoyed by appointive local
 Justified if charged with: officials, including the cumulation and
1. dishonesty commutation.
2. oppression  Entitled to commutation of all leave credits
3. grave misconduct without limitation and regardless of the period when
4. neglect of duty the credits were earned, provided the claimant was
 Gloria vs. Court if Appeals  entitled not only in the service as of January 9, 1986.
to reinstatement but also to back wages for the  Government employees are not required to work
period of preventive suspension pending appeal. on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
 Because preventive suspension pending appeal
is actually PUNITIVE. Right to Maternity Leave
 Award should not exceed equivalent of 5 years
pay at the rate last received before suspension was Right to Retirement Pay
imposed.  Retirement laws are liberally construed in favor
 If his conviction is affirmed, the period of his of the retiree.
suspension becomes part of the final penalty of  Money value of the terminal leave of a retiring
suspension. government official shall be computed at the
retiree’s highest monthly pay.
Right to back salaries of illegally dismissed  Judiciary – extension if satisfied that the career
employees was marked by competence, integrity and
 Illegally dismissed government employees who dedication to the public service.
is later ordered reinstated is entitled to back wages  A reserved officer who successfully rendered a
total of 10 years continuous active commissioned
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

military service shall not be reverted to inactive 3. law fixing the term is ambiguous  one that
service except for cause or upon his own request. fixes the term at the shortest period should be
Covered by compulsory membership in the GSIS. followed
 Totalization of service credits is only resorted to 4. both duration of the term of office and the time
when the retiree does not qualify for benefits in of its commencement/termination are fixed by
either or both of the systems. constitutional or statutory provision  person
appointed or elected for vacancy shall hold the same
Right to reimbursement for expenses incurred in only for the unexpired portion
due performance of duty 5. only the duration is fixed, no time is fixed for
beginning or end  person selected to fill the
Right to be indemnified against any liability which vacancy may serve the full term and not merely the
they may incur in the bona fide discharge of their unexpired balance of the prior incumbent’s term
duties. 6. office is created/officer appointed for the
purpose of performing a single act or
Right to longevity pay accomplishment of a given result  office
terminates and the authority ceases with the
VIII. TERMINATION OF OFFICIAL accomplishment of the purposes which called it into
 Principle of Hold-Over: public officer is entitled
Modes of Terminating Official Relationship to hold his office until his successor shall have been
1. Expiration of term or tenure duly chosen and shall have qualified. Purpose is to
2. Reaching the age limit prevent hiatus in public service.
3. Resignation  Legislative intent of not allowing hold-over
4. Recall must be clearly expressed or at least implied in the
5. Removal legislative enactment, otherwise, it is reasonable to
6. Abandonment assume that the law-making body favors the same.
7. Acceptance of an Incompatible Office
 Article 237, RPC which penalizes public officer
8. Abolition of Office
who shall continue to exercise the duties and
9. Prescription of the Right to Office
powers of the office beyond the period provided by
10. Impeachment
11. Death
12. Failure to Assume Elective Office w/in 6  During this period, de jure officer
months from proclamation  Where the law fixes a specific sate for the end
13. Conviction of a Crime of the term  implied prohibition against hold-over
14. Filing of Certificate of Candidacy
Reaching the age limit
Expiration of term or tenure  Compulsory Retirement Age
 Courtesy resignation during the EDSA  70 for members of judiciary
Revolution  expiration of term; entitled to  65 for other government officers or employees
retirement benefits  Special Retirement Laws: RA 1616 – allows
 Termination presupposes an overt act optional retirement after an officer has rendered a
committed by a superior officer minimum number of years of government service,
 Commencement of Term of Office when availed of by the public officer, will result in
1. statute fixes a period  upon qualification the termination of official relationship through
2. no time is fixed by law  date of reaching the age limit or retirement.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Act of giving up or the act of a public officer by

which he declines his office and renounces the Effective Date of Resignation
further right to use it.  Date specified in the tender
 Intention to surrender, renounce, and relinquish  No date specified public officer receives notice
the office and the acceptance by competent and of the acceptance NOT the date of the letter or
lawful authority notice of acceptance
 Voluntariness – when procured by fraud, may
be invalidated Recall
 Courtesy resignation lacks the element of  Termination of official relationship of an
voluntariness and therefore is not a valid elective official for loss of confidence prior to the
resignation. expiration of his term through the will of the
 Need for Acceptance – not complete until electorate.
accepted by competent authority  By Whom: registered voters of a LGU to which
 Article 238, RPC penalizes any public officer such local government official belongs
who, before the acceptance of his resignation,  Initiation of the Recall Process: registered voters
abandons his office to the detriment of the public of the LGU
service.  Procedure for Initiating Recall
 If the public officer is mandated by law to hold- 1. initiated upon petition by at least 25% of the
over, the resignation, even if accepted, will not be total number of registered voters in the LGU
effective until after appointment/election of his 2. written petition
successor.  duly signed before the election
 Accepting Authority – RA 7160, officers registrar/representative
authorized to accept resignation:  in the presence of a representative of the
1. President – governor, vice-governor, mayor and petitioner
vice-mayor f highly urbanized cities and  representative of the official
independent component cities  in a public place, in the province, city,
2. Governor – municipal mayors and vice-mayors, municipality or barangay
city mayors and vice-mayors of component cities  filed with the COMELEC through its office in
3. Sanggunian – sanggunian members the LGU concerned
4. City or municipal mayor – barangay officials 3. COMELEC shall cause the publication of the
• Resignation deemed accepted if not acted upon petition
w/in 15 days from receipt  In a public and conspicuous place
• Resignation by Sanggunian members shall be  Period not less than 10 days nor more than 20
deemed accepted upon: days
1. presentation before an open session of the  Purpose of verifying the authenticity and
sanggunian concerned genuineness of the petition and required percentage
2. duly entered in its record of voters
3. EXCEPT where sanggunian members are 4. Lapse of the period, COMELEC or its duly
subject to recall elections or to cases where existing authorized representative, shall announce the
laws prescribe the manner of acting upon such acceptance of candidates to the position and prepare
resignation list of candidates, including the name of the official
 If the law is silent on who shall accept: sought to be recalled.
1. appointive officer resigns  appointing  Election on Recall
2. elective officer resigns  officer authorized by  Upon filing of a valid petition, COMELEC shall
law to call an election in order to fill the vacancy set date for the election on recall
 President and VP  Congress
 Members of Congress  respective Houses
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Not later than 30 days after the filing of the lure the employee away from his permanent
resolution/petition in the case of position, cannot be done without the employee’s
barangay/city/municipal officials consent, for that would constitute removal from
 Not later than 45 days in the case of provincial office.
officials  No permanent transfer can take place unless the
 Officials sought to be recalled, automatically officer or employee is first removed from the
considered as registered candidate. position held, and then appointed to another
 Effectivity of Recall position.
 Recall of an elective official shall be effective  Some cases on Grounds for Disciplinary Action:
upon the election an proclamation of a successor. 1. Dishonesty – concealment or distortion of truth
 If the official sought to be recalled receives the in a matter of fact relevant to one’s office or
highest number of votes  confidence in him is connected with the performance of his duty; e.g. use
affirmed and he shall continue in office of fake or spurious civil service eligibility
2. Conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the
 Prohibition from Resignation
 Limitation on Recall 3. Misconduct – transgression of some established
1. any elective official may be subject of a recall and definite rule of action; wrongful intention
election once during his term of office for lack of
 Administrative Code of 1987: 1) Unsatisfactory
conduct and 2) Want of capacity
2. no recall shall take place within one year from
the date of the official’s assumption to office or one  Civil Service Law: inefficiency and
year immediately preceding a regular local election incompetence in the performance of official duties
 Sangguiniang Kabataan election is not a regular • Poor performance falls within the concept of
election; inefficiency and incompetence
 Not barred by barangay election • Inefficiency and incompetence can only be
 Approaching local election must be one where determined after the passage of sufficient time,
the position of the official to be recalled is actually hence, the probationary period of 6 months.
contested and to be filled by the electorate  Poltical or non-career members of the Foreign
Service is coterminous with that of the appointing
Removal authority or subject to his pleasure
 Constitutional Guarantee of Security of Tenure  Holding primarily confidential positions
– not removed or suspended except for causes continue in office as long as the confidence in them
provided by law endures; termination is justified on the ground of
 Career service officers and employees causes lack of confidence  removal: expiration of term
enumerated in law and in accordance with  Holding temporary or acting appointments 
procedure prescribed may be removed at any time, without necessity of
 Removal not for just cause or non-compliance just cause or a valid investigation.
with prescribed procedures  reversible,
reinstatement with back salaries and without loss of Procedure in Administrative Case
seniority rights 1. Administrative case against a public official
shall continue despite withdrawal of the complaint
 Demotion is tantamount to unlawful removal is
since they do not involve purely private matters but
NO CAUSE is shown or it is NOT PART OF
are impressed with public interest by virtue of the
public character of the public office.
 Unconsented transfer resulting in demotion in 2. Substantial proof and not clear and convincing
rank or salary is tantamount to removal without just evidence or proof beyond reasonable doubt is
cause. sufficient.
 A transfer that results in promotion or demotion,  Satisfied when the employer has reasonable
advancement or reduction or a transfer that aims to ground to believe that the employee is responsible
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

for the misconduct and his participation renders him  Court may validly order the preventive
unworthy of trust and confidence demanded by his suspension of officer (since removal of office is
position. within the power of the Courts)

Jurisdiction in Disciplinary Cases  Back salary is not warranted when the

1. Heads of ministries, agencies and immediate execution of the order of dismissal is
instrumentalities, provinces, cities and justified.
municipalities have jurisdiction to investigate and
decide matters involving disciplinary action against Appeal
officers and employees under their jurisdiction.  Made within 15 days from receipt of the
 Decision final in case the penalty imposed is decision
suspension of not more than 30 days or fine in an  UNLESS a petition for reconsideration is filed,
amount not exceeding 30 days salary. which shall be decided within 15 days
 Other cases, decision shall be initially appealed  Petition for Reconsideration – 3 grounds only:
to the department head and finally to the Civil (1) New evidence has been discovered which
Service Commission and pending appeal, shall be materially affects the decision
executory EXCEPT when the penalty is removal, in (2) Decision is not supported by evidence on record
which case it shall be executory only after (3) Error of law or irregularities have been
confirmation by the department head. committed which are prejudicial to the interest f the
 Committee to hear administrative charge against respondent
public school teacher  representative of the  From resolution of the CSC, file a petition for
teacher’s organization certiorari R65 w/in 30 days from receipt of copy of
2. Civil Service Commission has appellate the resolution
jurisdiction. Case may be filed directly to it; it may
decide on the case or deputize a department or Summary Dismissal
agency  RA 6654

Preventive Suspension Removal of Administrative Penalties or Disabilities

 The proper disciplining authority may  Meritorious cases, upon recommendation of the
preventively suspend any subordinate officer or CSC
employee under his authority pending an  President may commute or remove
investigation if the charge against such officer or administrative penalties or disabilities imposed
employee involves 1) dishonesty, 2) oppression or upon officers or employees in disciplinary cases
grave misconduct or 3) neglect in the performance  Subject to terms and conditions he may impose
of duty or 4) if there is reason to believe that the in the interest of the service
respondent is guilty of charges which would
warrant his removal from the service. Abandonment
 Not a penalty. Enable authorities to investigate.  Voluntary relinquishment of an office by the
 If the investigation is not finished and a decision holder with the intention of terminating his
is not rendered within a period of 90 days, the possession and control
suspension will be lifted and the respondent will  Species of resignation
automatically be reinstated.  Resignation is formal relinquishment
 If after investigation, he is innocent of the  Abandonment is voluntary relinquishment
charges and is exonerated, he should be reinstated. through non-user
 Preventive suspension can be ordered even  “Non-user” neglect to use a privilege or a right
without a hearing. or to exercise an easement or an office
 Authority to preventively suspend: exercised  A person holding an office may abandon such
concurrently by the Ombudsman office
 RA 6770: 6 months (1) Non-user
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

(2) Acquiescence  Power of legislature to abolish an office –

 Non-performance does not constitute Congress; even during the term for which an
abandonment when: existing incumbent may have been elected
(1) Temporary disability  Constitutional offices cannot be abolished
(2) Involuntary failure to perform  No law shall be passed reorganizing the
 Public officer vacates office in deference to the Judiciary, when it undermines security of tenure
requirements of a statute which is afterwards  Valid abolition of office does not constitute
declared unconstitutional, such surrender will not be removal of incumbent
deemed abandonment.  Legal competence if the city council to create,
 Mere delay in qualifying for an office is not consolidate and reorganize city offices and positions
abandonment wholly supported by local funds
 But failure to assume office w/in 6 months fro  Requisite for Abolition of Office
proclamation, without just or valid cause, shall have (1) Made in good faith
the effect of vacating the office. (2) Clear intent to do away with the office
 Automatically separated if he fails to return to (3) Cannot be implemented in a manner contrary to
the service after the expiration of 1-year leave of law
absence without pay.  Reorganization of Government Offices
 Absent for at least 30 days without approved  Constitutional recognition of authority to
leave are considered on Absence Without Leave reorganize: promotion of simplicity, economy and
(AWOL) and shall be dropped from the service efficiency is the usual standard.
after due notice.  No violation of due process even if no hearing
 Granting or approval of leaves – discretionary was conducted in the matter of reorganization of
on the head and depends upon the needs of the DBP, as long as employee was given a chance to
service present evidence.
 Failure to make courtesy call to one’s superior is  Removal of employees pursuant to guidelines in
not an offense, much less a ground to terminate EO116, reorganization of Dept. of Agriculture
employment. (1) Existence of case for summary dismissal
(2) Probable cause for violation of RA 3019
Acceptance of an Incompatible Office (3) Gross incompetence or inefficiency
 Test of Incompatibility (4) Misuse of public office for partisan political
 Nature and relation of the two offices to each activities
other, they ought not to be held by one person from (5) Analogous grounds showing that incumbent is
the contrariety and antagonism which would result unfit to remain in office
 Acceptance of incompatible office ipso facto  Reorganization must meet the common test of
vacates the other. There is no necessity for any good faith.
proceeding to declare or complete the vacation of  PD1416: grants the President the continuing
the first. authority to reorganize the national government,
 Canonizado vs. Aguirre – no incompatibility; which includes the power to group consolidate
though accepted latter, he continued to pursue legal bureaus and agencies, to abolish offices, to transfer
remedies to recover the first from which he was functions, to classify and create functions, services
ousted by a law later to be declared and activities and to standardize salaries and
unconstitutional. materials.
 Exception: when authorized by law to accept the
other office. Prescription of the Right to Office
 Petition for reinstatement after illegal ouster or
Abolition of Office dismissal OR recovery of public office  w/in 1
year from the date petitioner is illegally ousted.
 Exception: strong, compelling and special
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Cristobal vs. Melchor: on grounds of equity  Focuses on SUBJECTS (entities which possess
 Reason: title to public office should not be international personality and with rights and
subject to continued uncertainty; should be obligations recognized under international law)
determined as speedily as possible.  as opposed to OBJECTS (which are persons or
 Filing of an action for administrative remedy things in respect of which rights are held and
does NOT suspend the period for filing the obligations assumed by the subjects of international
appropriate judicial proceeding (quo warranto); 1 law)
year period runs even during pendency of a motion - Modern – law that deals with the conduct of
for reconsideration. States and international organizations, their
relations with each other and, in certain
Impeachment circumstances, their relations with persons, natural
or juridical.
 Renders office vacant. Basis of International Law
1. Law of Nature School
Failure to Assume Elective Office w/in 6 months  There is a natural and universal principle of
from proclamation right and wrong, independent of mutual intercourse
 Unless failure is for a cause or causes beyond or compact, which can be discovered and
his control recognized by every individual through the use of
his reason and conscience.
Conviction of a Crime  Since individuals compose the State whose will
 Penalty imposed upon conviction carries with it is but the collective will of the inhabitants, the State
the accessory penalty of disqualification, conviction also becomes bound by the law of nature.
by final judgment automatically terminates official 2. Positivist School
relationship.  Binding force of international law is derived
 Plenary pardon extinguished the accessory from the agreement of the States to be bound by it.
penalty of disqualification, it will not restore the  International law is not a law of subordination
public office to the officer convicted; but of coordination.
 He must be given a new appointment. 3. Eclectic or Grotian School
 In so far as it conforms to the dictates of right
Filing of Certificate of Candidacy reason, the voluntary law may be said to blend with
 Any person holding a public appointive office the natural law and is an expression of it.
or position,  In case of conflict, the natural law prevails,
 Including active members of the AFP being the more fundamental law.
 And officers and employees in GOCCs
 Shall be considered ipso facto RESIGNED upon Public International Law distinguished from:
filing of certificate of candidacy.
 Applies even to employees of GOCCs without  Private International Law
an original charter
Public Private
International International
Nature International Municipal
International Law, defined Remedies International Local Tribunals
- Traditional – branch of public law which Modes
regulates the relations of States and of other entities Parties International Private Persons
which have been granted international personality. Entities
Enforcement International Sheriff/Police
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

Sanction Regulates relations of Applies to relations

individuals among between states and
 International Morality/Ethics – Principles which themselves international persons
governs relations of States from the standpoint of Violations are redressed Resolved through state-
conscience, morality, justice and humanity. through local judicial to-state transactions
 International Comity – Rules of and administrative
politeness/courtesy observed by States in relations processes
with other States Breaches entail Collective responsibility
 International Diplomacy – Objects of individual responsibility
international policy and the conduct of foreign
affairs  Incorporation
 International Administrative Law – Body of  Doctrine of Incorporation (Section 2, Article II)
laws which regulate the relations and activities of - … adopts the generally accepted principles of
national and international agencies with respect to international law as part of the law of the land…
theor material and intellectual interests which have  Although Philippines was not a signatory to the
received international recognition. Hague and Geneva Conventions, international
jurisprudence is automatically incorporated in
International Law as true law Philippine law, making WAR CRIMES punishable
 Although it does not comply with John Austin’s in the Philippines. (Kuroda vs. Jalandoni)
concept of law (enforced by sovereign political  Prolonged detention of stateless aliens pending
authority), it is still true law. deportation was deemed illegal incorporating
 Application, Enforcement and Compliance Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Borovsky
 Weakened compliance: vs. Commissioner of Immigration)
1. lack of central law-making authority  Transformation
2. debilitating jurisdictional defects  Doctrine of Transformation requires the
 balanced by the risk of political/economic enactment by the legislative body of such
retaliations and other sanctions: international law principles as are sought to be part
1. public opinions of municipal law.
2. retorsions  “protect and advance the right of the people to a
3. UN machinery balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the
4. conviction that obedience will redound to the rhythm and harmony of nature” taken from the
public good Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the
Alma Conference Declaration of 1978, which
Relationship with Municipal Law recognizes health as a fundamental human right.
 Monist – no substantial distinction  LLDA’s authority to issue cease and desist
 Dualist order  doctrine of necessary implication

Municipal Law International Law  Conflict Between International Law and

Issued by a political Not imposed but adopted Municipal Law
superior for observance by states as a common  On the domestic sphere, with local court
by those under its rule of action. deciding:
authority. o If in conflict with CONSTITUTION – Consti
Enactments of the law- Derived from such prevails
making authority sources as:  SC has the power to declare a treaty/executive
 international customs, agreement unconstitutional
 conventions or  Where Consti is the highest law of the land,
 general principles of both statutes and treaties may be invalidated if they
law are in conflict with the Consti
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

o If in conflict with STATUTE  Rules derived mainly from natural law,

 Doctrine of Incorporation decrees that rules of observed and recognized by civilized nations.
international law are given equal standing with  e.g. res judicata, prescription, pacta sunt
national legislative enactments, not superior. servanda, estoppel
 Treaty may repeal a statute, a statute may repeal
a treaty  principle of lex posterior derogate 2. As SECONDARY SOURCES
priori , that which comes last in time will usually  Judicial Decisions
be upheld by the municipal tribunal  Generally of international tribunals.
 Retail Trade Nationalization Law prevails over  Most authoritative: ICJ
the Treaty of Amity with China and the Universal  NOT really sources, but “subsidiary means” for
Declaration of Human Rights – former passed in the finding what the law is and whether a norm has
exercise of police power of the State. been accepted as a rule of international law.
 On the international sphere, with an  Decision of a national court may be used
international tribunal deciding: depending upon the prestige and perceived
o International law is superior to municipal law impartiality of the domestic court, not being in
because international law provides the standard by conflict with the decisions of international tribunals
which to determine the legality of a State’s conduct. and its admissibility in the forum where it is cited.
 Writings of publicists
Sources of International Law 1. fair and unbiased representation of international
- On domestic sphere law
1. Constitution 2. by acknowledged authorities in the field
2. Legislative Enactments
3. Case Law (stare decisis) Interpretation of Article 38
- On international law – problem because:  although silent, by practice, hierarchy is:
1. no national legislature 1. treaties
2. no fundamental law 2. customs
3. doctrine of precedents is not applicable 3. general principles of law
 Exception: Principle of Jus Cogens
Note: Article 38, Statute of International Court of  Customary international law which has the
Justice status of a peremptory (absolute, uncompromisisng,
- Courts whose function is to decide in certain) norm of international law.
accordance with International Law such disputes as  A peremptory norm is a norm accepted and
are submitted to it, shall apply: recognized by the international community of states
1. As PRIMARY SOURCES as a rule, from which no derogation is permitted and
 International Treaties and Conventions
which can be modified only as a subsequent norm
 General or particular having the same character.
 Establishing rules expressly recognized by the  Example: slave trade, piracy and terrorism
contesting states.
 Evidence of general practice, accepted as
binding law through persistent usage over a long Distinction Between Subject and Object of
period of time International Law
 Custom be:  Subject
1. prevailing practice by a number of states  Entity that has rights and responsibilities under
2. repeated over a considerable period of time international law.
3. attended by opinion juris or a sense of legal  Proper party in transactions involving the
obligation application of the law of nation among members of
 General Principles of Law the international community.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Object
 Person or thing in respect of which rights are Other Suggested Elements:
held and obligations assumed by the subject. 1. Civilization
 It is not directly governed by the rules of 2. Recognition
international law.  Act by which a state acknowledges the
 Its rights are received, and its responsibilities existence of another state, a government, belligerent
imposed, indirectly through the instrumentality of community and indicates its willingness to deal
an international agency. with the entity as such under international law.

Subjects of International Law Theories on Recognition

1. states 1. Constitutive (Minority View)
2. colonies and dependencies  Recognition is the act which constitutes the
3. mandates and trust territories entity into an international person.
4. Holy See  Recognition is compulsory and legal.
5. United Nations  It may be compelled once the elements of the
6. belligerent communities state are established.
7. international administrative bodies 2. Declarative (Majority View)
8. individuals  Recognition merely affirms an existing fact, like
possession of the state of the essential elements.
States  Discretionary and political.
 group of people living together in a fixed
territory, Basic Rules on Recognition
 organized for political ends  Political act.
 under an independent government  A matter of policy on the part of each state
 and capable of entering into international  Discretionary on the part of the recognizing
relations with other states. authority.
 Exercised by the political (executive)
Elements of a State department of the state.
1. People  Legality and wisdom of recognition is not
 Group of individual, of both sexes, living subject to judicial review.
together as a community.
 Sufficient in number to maintain and perpetuate Requirements for Recognition of Government
themselves. 1. Government is stable and effective
 Casual gathering or a society of pirates would 2. With no substantial resistance to authority
NOT constitute a state. 3. show willingness and ability to discharge its
2. Territory international obligation
 Fixed portion on the earth’s surface occupied by 4. government must enjoy popular consent or
the inhabitants. approval of the people
3. Government
 Organized, exercising control over and capable Tobar/Wilson Doctrine
of maintaining law and order within the territory.  Precludes recognition of any government
 Can be held internationally responsible for the established by revolutionary means until
acts of the inhabitants. constitutional reorganization by free election of
 Identity of the state is not affected by changes in representatives.
4. Independence or Sovereignty Stimson Doctrine
 Freedom from outside control in the conduct of  No recognition of a government established
its foreign and internal affairs. through external aggression.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

3. occupation of a substantial portion of the

Estrada Doctrine national territory
 Recognition has been construed as approval and 4. willingness on the part of the rebels to observe
non-recognition as disapproval, of a government the rules/customs of war
established through upheaval, a state may not issue  absence of any will result merely in insurgency,
a declaration giving recognition to such which is rarely recognized
government, but merely accept whatever  recognition may either be express or implied
government is in effective control without raising  examples of implied: proclamation by the parent
the issue of recognition. Dealing or not dealing with state of a blockade of a port held by the rebels or
the government is not a judgment on the legitimacy proclamation of neutrality by a third state
of the said government.
Effects of Recognition of Belligerency
Kinds of Recognition 1. Responsibility for the acts of rebels resulting in
1. De Facto injury to nationals of the recognizing state shall be
 Some of the requirements for recognition are shifted to the rebel government
absent. 2. Legitimate government recognizing the rebels
 Recognition generally provisional shall observe the laws of war in conducting
 Limited to certain juridical relations and it does hostilities
not bring about full diplomatic intercourse 3. 3rd states recognizing the belligerency shall
 Does not give titles to assets of the state held or maintain neutrality
situated abroad 4. recognition is only provisional and for the
2. De Jure purpose of the hostilities
 Requirements for recognition are fulfilled
 When there is no specific indication, recognition Creation of States
is generally considered de jure 1. accretion of independence
 Relatively permanent 2. agreement
3. attainment of civilization
 Full diplomatic intercourse
4. revolution
 Diplomatic immunities 5. unification
 Confers titles to assets abroad 6. succession
3. Express
4. Implied Extinction of States
1. extinction
Effects of Recognition 2. emigration en masse of its population
1. Diplomatic relations 3. loss of territory
2. Right to sue in the courts of the recognizing 4. overthrow of government resulting in anarchy
3. Immunity from jurisdiction Principle of State Continuity
4. Entitlement to property within the recognizing  The state continues as a juristic being
state notwithstanding changes in the circumstances,
5. Retroactive validation of the acts of the provided only that such changes do not result in the
recognized state/government loss of any of its essential elements.
Conditions for Recognition of Belligerency Succession of States
1. organized civil government having control and
 Kinds:
supervision over the armed struggle
1. Universal
2. serious and widespread struggle with outcome
2. Partial
 Effects:

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

1. Political laws are abrogated while municipal a. Protectorate – established at the request of a
laws remains in force weaker state for the protection by a strong power
2. Treaties are discontinued except those dealing b. Suzerainty – result of a concession from a state
with local rights and duties to a former colony that is allowed to be independent
3. All rights of the predecessor state are inherited subject to the retention by the former sovereign of
4. Successor state can assume and reject liabilities certain powers over external affairs of the latter.
in its discretion 3. Neutralized – independence and integrity are
guaranteed by an international treaty on the
Conquered state has no personality in international condition that such states obligates itself never to
law. take up arms against any other state (except in self-
defense) or to enter into an international obligation
Succession of Government as would indirectly involved it in war.
1. Integrity of the State is not affected
2. State continues as the same international person Vatican City and the Holy See
except that its lawful representative is changed  Has all the constituent elements of statehood.
 Has all the rights of a state.
Consequences of Succession of Government  The Holy See is an international person with
1. all rights of the predecessor government are which the Philippines had diplomatic ties until
inherited by the successor 1957.
2. where the new government was organized by
virtue of a constitutional reform duly ratified in a Colonies and Dependencies
plebiscite, all obligations of the predecessor are  Colony – dependent political community
likewise assumed consisting of a number of citizens of the same
3. where the new government is established country who migrated to inhabit another country,
through violence, the new government may lawfully but remain subject to the mother state.
reject purely personal political obligations of the  Dependency – territory distinct from the country
predecessor but not those obligations contracted by in which the supreme power resides, but belongs
it in the ordinary course of official business rightfully to it, and subject to the laws and
regulations which the sovereign may prescribe.
Classes of States
 NOTE: Theoretically, they belong to the parent
1. Independent – freedom to direct and control
state and are without any personality. However, on
foreign relations without restraint from other states
occasions, colonies have been allowed to participate
a. Simple – single central government with power
in their own right to certain international
over internal and external affairs.
b. Composite – 2 or more sovereign states joined
together to constitute one international person
Territories under International Control or
i. Real Union
 2 or more states are merged under a unified
 Non-self-governing territories which have been
authority so that they form a single international
placed under international supervision or control to
person through which they act as one entity.
insure their political, economic, social and
 State retains their separate identities. educational advancement.
 Respective international personalities are  Mandates: former territorial possession of states
extinguished and blended in the new international defeated in World War and placed under control of
person. the League of Nations
ii. Federal Union
 Many of these mandates became trust territories
2. Dependent – theoretically a state, but does not
which are placed under the Trusteeship Council of
have full freedom in the direction of its external
the United Nations.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

Condominium – territory jointly administered by 2 Membership

states.  Classes: based on the manner of admission,
members may be:
The United Nations 1. Original
Historical Development 2. Elective
1. League of Nations  Qualification
2. London Declaration 1. State
3. Atlantic Charter 2. peace-loving
4. Declaration by United Nations 3. accept the obligations under the Charter
5. Moscow Declaration 4. able and willing to carry out these obligations
6. Dumbarton Oaks Proposal  Admission
7. Yulta Conference  Decision of 2/3 of those present and voting in
8. San Francisco Conference the General Assembly upon recommendation of at
9. UN General Assembly welcomed Macedomia least 9 including permanent members of the
Security Council
UN Charter  Suspension
 Constitution, that governs the relations of  Decision of 2/3 of those present and voting in
international persons the General Assembly upon recommendation of at
 Technically, a treaty – a contract which parties least 9 including permanent members of the
must respect under the doctrine of pacta sunt Security Council
servanda, although it also applies to non-member  Effects:
States at least in so far as may be necessary for the 1. Cannot participate in meetings
maintenance of international peace and security. 2. Cannot be elected to continue or to serve in the
 111 articles + preamble + concluding provisions Security Council, Economic and Social Council and
 Annexed is the Statute of the ICJ Trusteeship Council
3. Nationals may continue to serve in the
Amendment Secretariat and IC,
 2/3 of the members of the General Assembly 4. A member is still subject to discharge its
and ratified in accordance with their respective obligations under the Charter
constitutional processes by 2/3 of the members of  To lift, qualified majority vote of the Security
the UN, including permanent members of the Council
Security Council  Expulsion
 A general conference called by a majority vote  2/3 vote of those present and voting in the
of the General Assembly and any nine members of General Assembly upon recommendation of at
the Security Council, may propose amendments by qualified majority of the Security Council
a 2/3 vote of the conference and shall take effect  Ground: persistently violating the principles
when ratified by 2/3 of the members of the UN, contained in Charter
including the permanent member of the Security  Withdrawal
Council.  Intended that no provision on withdrawal is
included in the charter.
Principal Objectives  No compulsion for continued membership.
1. prevention of war
2. maintenance of international peace and security Principal Organs
3. development of friendly relations among 1. General Assembly
members of the international community 2. Security Council
4. attainment of international cooperation 3. Economic and Social Council
5. harmony in the actions of nations 4. Trusteeship Council
5. Secretariat

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

6. International Court of Justice 5) Undertake preventive and enforcement actions

 Preventive actions
General Assembly 1) Provisional measures to prevent a conflict from
- Consist of all the members of the organization worsening
- Each is entitled to not more than 5 2) Deployment of peacekeeping and observer
representative and 5 alternates mission
- Each member has only one vote - Established by Security Council
- Regular session – once a year - Directed by the Secretary General
- May hold special sessions – called by Secretary - Consent of the host government
General at the request of the Security Council or - Military observers shall be unarmed
majority of members - Peace keeping forces may be armed with light
- On important questions, vote of 2/3 of the weapons, but are not authorized to use force except
members present and voting is required in self-defense
- On other questions, a simple majority - Operations must not interfere with internal
- To classify the question as important, the vote affairs
required is a simple majority 3) Other measures
- Functions - Interruption of economic relations,
1) Deliberative communication or diplomatic relations, except for
2) Supervisory humanitarian reasons
3) Financial  Enforcement actions
4) Elective 1) Deployment of air, sea and land forces
5) Constituent 2) Institution of a blockade

Security Council Domestic Jurisdiction Clause

- Key organ in the maintenance of international  Necessary for settlement of disputes
peace and security  Only limitation is that dispute must be
- Composition international
1) 5 permanent members: China, France, Russia,  Otherwise, such action would violate the
UK and US principle that U.N. shall not intervene in any matter
2) 10 elective members, elected for 2 years by the within the jurisdiction of any State.
General Assembly
 5 from African and Asian States Voting: The Yalta Formula
 2 from Latin American States  Each member of the Security Council shall have
 2 from Western European and other states one vote, distinction as to permanent and non-
 1 from Eastern European state permanent members in the resolution of substantive
- For elective members, no immediate reelection questions.
is allowed  Procedural matter – affirmative vote by any 9 or
- Function continuously and sessions may be more members.
called at any time
 Non-procedural matters – concurrence of at
- Representative of the state should always be
least 9 members, including all the permanent
- Functions
 Determination of whether a matter is procedural
1) Maintain peace and security
2) Investigate disputes and call disputants to settle or substantive, is non-procedural  “double veto”
their differences through peaceful means by a permanent member.
3) Recommend methods of adjustment of disputes  Abstention or absence of any permanent
4) Determine the existence of threats to peace, member is not considered a veto.
breach of peace, acts of aggression and make
appropriate recommendations, Economic and Social Council
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 54 members elected by the General Assembly  elected for a term of 9 years

for a 3-year term  by absolute majority vote in the General
 Exert efforts toward: Assembly and the Security Council
1) Higher standards of living  in separate elections.
2) Conditions of economic and social progress and  no two of whom must be nationals of the same
development state
3) Solutions of international economic , social and  Qualifications
health related problems  must possess high moral character
4) Universal respect for and observance of human  possess the qualifications required in their
rights and fundamental freedoms respective countries for appointment to their highest
 Decisions reached by a majority vote judicial offices
 Court decides contentious cases and renders
Trusteeship Council advisory opinions.
 Assisting the Security Council and the General  Only states, including non-members of the UN,
Assembly in the administration of the International may be parties in contentious cases.
Trusteeship System  Jurisdiction of the court is based on the consent
 Composition of the parties in accordance with “optional
1) Members of UN administering trust territories jurisdiction clause”
2) Permanent members of the Security Council not  Court may decide on:
administering trust territories  the interpretation of treaties,
3) As many other members elected by the General  any question of international law,
Assembly as may be necessary to ensure that the  the existence of facts constituting breach of
total number of members of the UN which international obligations and
administer trust territories and those which did not  the nature or extent of the reparation to be made
for the breach of an international obligation.
Secretariat  Advisory opinions may be given upon request
 Chief administrative organ of the UN of the General Assembly, or the Security Council or
 Headed by the Secretary General who is chosen the other organs of the UN when authorized by the
by the General Assembly upon recommendation of General Assembly.
the Security Council
 Secretary General International Administrative Bodies
 Highest representative of the UN, authorized to - Non-political
act in its behalf - Autonomous
 Acts as Secretary in all meetings of the General - Not subject to control by any state
Assembly, Security Council. Economic and Social
Council and Trusteeship Council  International Law Commission
 International civil servants o Established by UN General Assembly in 1947
 Cannot receive instructions from any o To promote the codification and progressive
government or source outside the UN development of international law.
 Right of Political Initiative o One of the functions: to produce Draft Articles
 May bring to the attention of the UN Security which may codify certain customary international
Council any matter which, in his opinion, may law or aid in its development.
threaten international peace and security. o E.g. Draft Articles on State Responsibility
 Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear
International Court of Justice Weapons Opinion (WHO Case)
 Principal judicial organ of the UN o ICJ ruled that it did not have jurisdiction to
 Composition: decide on request of WHO to render an advisory
 15 members opinion on whether the use of nuclear weapons by a
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

State in war or other armed conflict would be a independence of another state or in any other
breach of its obligations under international law, manner inconsistent with the UN Charter.
including WHO Convention.  The first use of armed force by a State in
o International organizations are governed by the contravention of the UN Charter is prima facie
PRINCIPLE OF SPECIALTY, that they are evidence of an act of aggression.
invested by the States which create them with  Other principles
powers, the limits of which are a function of the 1. No consideration of whatever nature, political,
common interest whose promotion those States economic or military, can justify aggression.
entrust to them. 2. A war of aggression is a crime against
o To accede to the demand of WHO would be international peace which will give rise to
violative of the Principle of Specialty, for such international responsibility.
competence could not be deemed a necessary 3. No territorial acquisition or special advantage
implication of the Constitution. resulting from aggression shall be recognized as
Individuals 4. All these are without prejudice to the right of
- Traditionally considered as objects self-determination, freedom and independence of
- Granted a certain degree of international people deprived of such rights, nor the right to these
personality under a number of Agreements: people to struggle to that end and to seek and
1. UN Charter receive support.
2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
3. treaties, e.g. Treaty of Versailles Right to Sovereignty and Independence
4. The need for States to maintain an international  Sovereignty
standard of justice in the treatment of aliens  The totality of the powers, legal competence and
5. Genocide Convention privileges of a state arising from customary
6. 1930 Hague Convention international law and not dependent on the consent
7. 1950 European Convention on Human Rights of another state.
and Fundamental Freedoms  Independence
 The freedom to conduct foreign relations
III. FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF STATE without outside control.
1. Existence and Self-Preservation  The right to independence is a natural aspiration
2. Right to Sovereignty and Independence of people.
3. Right of Equality  It is not an absolute freedom.
 Valid restraints may consist in the obligation to
Existence and Self-Preservation observe
 Article 51 of the UN Charter 1. the rights of others
 Right of the state to individual and collective 2. treaty stipulations
self-defense through regional appointments, if an 3. obligations arising from membership in
armed attack occurs against such state, until the international organizations
Security Council has taken measures necessary to  Intervention
maintain international peace and security.
 Right may be resorted to upon clear showing of  State interferes in the domestic or foreign affairs
grave and actual danger and must be limited to of another state through the use of force or threat of
necessity. force.
 Security Council which determines whether or  Protest or demand for rectification or reparation
not an “armed attack” has taken place. does not comprise intervention.
 Aggression 1. Intervention used to be justified for preservation
 The use of armed force by a state against the of the balance of power, pre-emptive self-defense,
sovereignty, territorial integrity or political enforcement of treaty obligation, collection of debts

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

(subsequently prohibited – Drago Doctrine in the  Neither may its public property be attached or
HGUE Convention). taxed, nor its public vessel be boarded, arrested or
2. Contemporary International Law, intervention is sued.
not allowed.  Based on the principle of par in parem non
o Article 2, UN Charter – even UN is precluded habet imperium.
from intervening in matters essentially within the  The State’s immunity extends to the Head of
domestic jurisdiction of a state, unless necessary to State who is the personification of the State.
remove and prevent threats to the peace, breaches or  Restrictive Application of the Doctrine
acts of aggression.  Only with respect to sovereign or public acts of
o 1965 UN General Assembly – no state has the the state and cannot be invoked with respect to
right to intervene, directly or indirectly, in the private or proprietary acts.
affairs of another.  Neither may this immunity be invoked when the
3. At present, intervention is allowed only: foreign state sues in the courts of another state, for
a. as an act of individual or collective self-defense then it is deemed to have submitted itself to the
in response to an armed attack ordinary incidents of procedure and thus, a
b. pursuant to treaty stipulations or counterclaim may be validly set up against it.
c. with prior UN authorization  On Labor Contracts
 Immunity Extends to Diplomatic Personnel to
Right of Equality the United Nations, its organs and specialized
- Article 2 of UN Charter agencies and to international organizations
 Organization is based on the principle of  Waiver of Immunity
sovereign equality of all its members 1. gives its consent at the time the proceeding is
 Guaranteed is legal – or sovereign – equality: instituted
equal in law, rights of sovereignty, personality, 2. takes steps relating to the merits of the case
territorial integrity and political independence before invoking immunity
respected by others. 3. by treaty or contract, it had previously given
 Not equality in fact consent
- Act of State Doctrine 4. by law or regulation in force at the time the
 A state should not inquire into the legal validity complaint arose, it has indicated that it will consent
of the public acts of another state done within the to the institution of the proceedings.
territory of the latter.
 Considerations such as motive are immaterial. IV. RIGHT TO TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY
 State doctrine seems to make a determination on AND JURISDICTION
the validity of the confiscation of property by a
foreign state a violation of the principle of Territory
international law. (Sabbatino Case) - Fixed portion on the surface of the earth on
 Acts of torture, execution and disappearance which the State settles and over which it has
were clearly acts outside of the President’s authority supreme authority.
and are not covered by the act of state doctrine. - Components:
- Doctrine of State Immunity 1. Terrestrial
 As a consequence of independence, territorial 2. Aerial
supremacy and equality, a state enjoys immunity 3. Fluvial
from the exercise of jurisdiction (executive, 4. Maritime
legislative, judicial) by another state, unless he has - National Territory of the Philippines – Section
given consent, waived its immunity or voluntarily 1, Article I.
submitted to the jurisdiction of the court - Organic Acts
concerned. 1. Treaty of Paris – cession of the Philippine
Islands by Spain to the US

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

2. Treaty between Spain and the US – Cagayan, o Treaty of Donation

Sulu and Sibuto b. Involuntary or Forced
3. Treaty between US and Great Britain – Turtle 4. Conquest
Islands and Mangsee Islands  No longer recognized.
4. 1935 Constitution – Batanes  UN Charter prohibits resort to threat or use of
5. 1973 Constitution – by historic or legal title force against territorial integrity or political
6. PD 1596 – Kalyaan Islands by virtue of independence.
occupation and exercise of jurisdiction  Stimson Doctrine (even before UN Charter)
which forbade recognition of any government set up
Land Territory (Terrestrial Domain) through external aggression.
Modes of Acquisition 5. Accretion
1. Discovery and Occupation  Increase in the land area of the State, through
 Territory not belonging to any State or terra natural means or artificially through human labor
nullius is placed under the sovereignty of the
claiming State. Maritime Authority (Fluvial and Maritime Domain)
 Discovery alone merely creates an inchoate
right and it must be followed within a reasonable 1) Internal (National) Waters
time by effective occupation and administration.  Bodies if water within the land mass.
 Palmas Island Arbitration Case – inchoate right  The UN Convention on the Law of Seas – all
flowing from discovery was deemed lost because waters on the landward side of the baselines of the
administration was not undertaken within a territorial sea.
reasonable time. i. Rivers
 Clipperton Island Case – small territory   National
infrequent administration sufficient  Boundary – divide territories of States
 Eastern Greenland Case – thinly populated and  International –flows through various states
uninhabited areas, very little actual exercise of o Thalweg Doctrine: For boundary rivers, in the
sovereignty was needed in the absence of
absence of an agreement between the riparian
States, the boundary line is laid on the middle of the
 Kalayaan Islands – Tomas Cloma – claim to the main navigable channel
islands is justified by reason of history, o Middle of the Bridge Doctrine: Where there is a
indispensable need and effective occupation and
bridge over a boundary river, the boundary line is
the middle or center of the bridge.
 Manila Declaration of 1992 – whatever
ii. Bays and Gulfs
conflicting claims, there may be over the islands
 Bay – well-marked indentation whose
shall be resolved in a peaceful manner, through
penetration is in such proportion to the width of its
diplomatic negotiations.
mouth as to contain land-locked waters and
2. Prescription
constitute more than a curvature of the coast.
 Continuous and uninterrupted possession over a
 Area must be as large or larger than a semi-
long period of time
circle whose diameter is a line drawn across the
 In international law, as opposed to civil law, mouth of such indentation, or if the mouth is less
there is no rule of thumb as to the length of time than 24 miles wide.
needed for acquisition of territory through
 Historic Bay – waters are considered internal
because of the existence of historic title.
 Grotius doctrine of immemorial prescription – iii. Straits – narrow passageways connecting 2
uninterrupted possession going beyond memory. bodies of water.
3. Cession
 If the distance between the two opposite coasts
a. Voluntary
is not more than 6 miles, they are considered
o Treaty of Sale
internal waters.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

iv. Canals  GR: ships (not aircrafts) of all states enjoy the
 Suez Canal - neutralized right of innocent passage through the territorial sea
 Panama Canal – open to everyone in times of (not waters).
war or peace  Must be continuous and expeditious.
2) Archipelagic Waters  Exception: force majeure
 Archipelagic Doctrine – The waters around,  Submarines and other underwater craft are
between and connecting the islands of the required to navigate on the surface and to show
archipelago, regardless of their breadth or their flag
dimension, are to be treated as internal waters. 4) Contiguous Zone – extends up to 12 nautical
 Archipelago – group of islands (including parts miles from the territorial sea.
of island), interconnecting waters and other natural  Technically, not part of the territory of the State.
features which are closed interrelated in such  Coastal state may exercise limited jurisdiction
islands, waters, and other natural features which over the contiguous zone to prevent infringement of
form an intrinsic geographical, economic and customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws.
political entity for which historically has been 5) Exclusive Economic Zone – extends up to 200
regarded as such. nautical miles from the low-water mark or the
 Straight Baseline Method – to determine extent baselines.
of archipelagic waters, the archipelagic state shall  Coastal state may exercise sovereign rights over
draw straight baselines connecting the outermost economic resources of the sea, seabed, subsoil,
points of the outermost islands and drying reefs  Other States shall have freedom of navigation
providing that the ratio of the area of the water to and over-flight, to lay submarine cables and
the area of the land, including atolls, is between 1:1 pipelines, and other lawful uses.
and 9:1.  States with overlapping EEZ  enter into
 The length of such baselines shall not exceed appropriate treaty for joint exploitation and
100 nautical miles, except that up to 3% of the total utilization.
number of base lines inclosing any archipelago may  Philippine EEZ  Scarborough Shoal
exceed that length, up to a maximum of 125 6) Continental Shelf
nautical miles.  Comprises the seabed and the subsoil of the
 The baselines drawn should not depart from, to submarine areas that extends beyond the territorial
any appreciable extent, from the general sea throughout the natural prolongation of its land
configuration of the archipelago. territory to the outer edge of the continental margin,
 All the waters within the baselines shall be or to a distance of 200 miles from the baselines
considered as internal waters. from which the territorial sea is ensured where the
 The breadth of the 12-mile territorial sea, the outer edge of the continental margin does not
contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and extend up to that distance.
the continental shelf shall then be measures from  Coastal state enjoys right of exploitation of oil
the archipelagic baselines. deposits and other resources in the continental shelf.
 Vessels may be allowed innocent passage. This  In case continental shelf extends to the shores of
right may be suspended, after PUBLICATION in another State, or is shared with another State, the
the interest of INTERNATIONAL SECURITY. boundary shall be determined in accordance with
 Coastal state may designate the equitable principles.
ARCHIPELAGIC SEA LANES for continuous, 7) High Seas
unobstructed transit vessels.  Treated as res communes or res nullius
3) Territorial Sea - belt of the sea located between  Not territory of any particular state
the coast and internal waters of the coastal state on  Traditional view: Freedom of the high seas –
one hand and the high seas on the other, extending open and available, without restriction, to the use of
up to 12 nautical miles from the low-water mark, or all states for the purpose of navigation, flight over
in case of archipelagic states, from the baselines.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

them, laying submarine cables and pipes, fishing,

research, mining, etc.
 At present, subject to regulation arising from  Outer Space
treaty stipulations.  Rules governing high seas apply; considered res
 Freedom of navigation  right to sail ships on communes.
the high seas, subject only to international law and  Under customary international law, States have
the laws of the flag state. the right to launch satellites in orbit over the
territorial air space of other States.
Settlement of Dispute Arising from the UN  Outer Space Treaty of 1967
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1. Outer space is free for exploration and use by all
 Part XV of 1982 UN Convention on the Law of States
the Sea 2. Cannot be annexed by any State
 Requires States to settle peacefully any dispute 3. May be used exclusively for peaceful purposes.
concerning the convention. (nuclear weapons of mass destruction may not be
 Failing bilateral settlement  settled for placed in orbit around the earth)
compulsory settlement to one of the tribunals  1972 Convention on International Liability for
having jurisdiction. Damage Caused by Outer Space Objects
 International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, o States which launch objects into space may be
ICJ, and arbitral or special arbitral tribunals held liable for the harmful contamination or for
constitutes under UNCLOS damage which may be caused by falling objects.
 Theories on where outer space begins
Air Territory 1. lowest altitude for artificial earth satellites to
- Aerial domain orbit without being destroyed by friction (90 kms
- Air space above the land and water of the state. above earth)
- International Convention on Civil Aviation 2. theoretical limits of air flights (84 kms above
(Chicago Convention) earth)
 Every State has complete and exclusive 3. functional approach – rules shall not depend on
sovereignty over the air space above its territory; the boundaries set, but on the nature of the activity
but this shall not include outer space (re undertaken.
 Other States have no right of innocent passage Jurisdiction
over the air territory of another State. - Power or authority exercised by a State over
 5 Freedoms (of Air Transportation for land, persons, property, transactions and events.
Scheduled International Services) - Bases of Jurisdiction
 Fly across the territory without landing 1. Territorial Principle
 Land for non-traffic purposes  State may exercise jurisdiction only within its
 Land to put down passenger, mail, cargo of flag territory.
 Exceptionally, it may have jurisdiction over
persons and acts done outside its territory
 Land to take passenger, mail, cargo of flag
depending on the kind of jurisdiction it invokes.
 While there is no territorial limit on the exercise
 Put down passenger, mail, cargo from these
of jurisdiction over civil matters, a State, as a
general rule, has criminal jurisdiction over offenses
- 1981 Resolution of the International Civil
committed committed within its territory, except
Aviation Organization
 Intrusion into the air space by civilian aircraft 1. continuing offenses
may be intercepted but in no case shall the 2. acts prejudicial to the national security or vital
interception be attended with the use of weapons. interests of the State
 Military aircraft may be shot down.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

3. universal crimes - Exemptions from Jurisdiction

4. offenses covered by special agreement 1) Doctrine of State Immunity
(obsolete) 2) Act of State Doctrine
2. Nationality Principle  A state could not inquire into the legal validity
 State has jurisdiction over its nationals of the public acts of another State done within the
anywhere in the world, based on the theory that a territory of the latter.
national is entitled to the protection of the State  The doctrine is more of a choice of law rule, and
wherever he may be, and thus, is bound to it by duty may be raised by private parties.
of obedience and allegiance, unless he is prepared 3) Diplomatic Immunity
to renounce his nationality.  Part of customary international law.
 Applies to civil matters (Article 15 of CC) and  To uphold their dignity as representative of their
taxation. respective States and to allow them free and
 NOT applicable to criminal offenses. unhampered exercise of their functions.
3. Protective Principle  Procedure for claiming immunity:
 State has jurisdiction over acts committed 1) Request by the foreign state for an executive
abroad (by nationals or foreigners) which are endorsement by the Department of Foreign Affairs
prejudicial to its national security or vital interests. 2) Determination made by the Executive
 Article 2 of RPC, Philippines has jurisdiction Department is a political question which is
over conclusive on Philippine courts.
1. offenses committed on board a Philippine ship
 Head of the State enjoys personal immunity
or airship
from the jurisdiction of another State
2. forging/counterfeiting of Philippine coins or
 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
currency notes
3. introduction into Philippines of such forged or
counterfeit coins or notes • Right of the foreign State to acquire property in
4. offenses committed by public officers or the receiving State for its diplomatic mission, as
employees in the exercise of official functions well as immunity of the diplomatic envoy from civil
5. crimes against national security and the law of jurisdiction of the receiving State over any real
nations action relating to immovable property which the
4. Principle of Universality envoy holds on behalf of the sending state for
 State has jurisdiction over offenses considered purposes of the mission.
as universal crimes regardless of where committed 4) Immunity of the United Nations, its Organs,
and who committed them. Specialized Agencies, other International
 Universal crimes – threaten the international Organizations and its Officers
community as a whole and are considered criminal  Article 105, UN Charter: “organizations,
offenses in all countries: officers, representatives of members, who shall such
a. Genocide privileges and immunities as are necessary for the
b. Piracy jure gentium independent exercise of their functions.”
c. White slave trade  Secure them legal and practical independence in
d. Hijacking fulfilling their duties.
e. Terrorism  Free from political pressure or control by the
f. War crimes host country.
5. Principle of Passive Personality  Convention on the Privilege and Immunities of
 State exercises jurisdiction over crimes against the United Nations – the immunities are with
its own nationals even if committed outside its respect to:
territory. 1) Legal processes relative to words spoken or
 May be resorted to if the others are not written and acts in their official capacity
applicable. 2) Taxation on salaries and emoluments
3) National service obligations
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

4) Immigration, restriction and alien registration  Same jurisdiction as land area, since the internal
5) Same immunities as are enjoyed by diplomats of water are deemed assimilated in the land mass
comparable rank  Foreign merchant vessels docked in a local port
 International agency, enjoys immunity from the or bay, the coastal state exercises jurisdiction in
legal writs and processes of the Philippines, because civil matters, but criminal jurisdiction depends on:
subjection to local jurisdiction would impair the 1) English Rule: coastal state shall have
capacity of such body to discharge its jurisdiction over all offenses committed on board
responsibilities impartially in behalf of its member the vessel except those which do not compromise
States. the peace of the port
 Section 31, Convention on the Privileges and 2) French Rule: flag State shall have jurisdiction
Immunities to Specialized Agencies of the UN – over all offenses committed on board the vessel
provides remedy for those who may be adversely except those which compromise the peace of the
affected by these immunities  each specialized port.
agency of the UN shall make a provision for - Over archipelagic waters
appropriate modes of settlement of disputes arising  Same rule as internal waters.
out of contracts or other disputes of private  Except for innocent passage of merchant vessels
character to which it is a party. through archipelagic sea lanes.
5) Foreign merchant vessels exercising the right of - Over the territorial sea
innocent passage or arrival under stress  Criminal jurisdiction over foreign merchant
 Innocent Passage: navigation through the vessels depends on English Rule or French Rule
territorial sea of a State for the purpose of  Exceptions:
transversing that sea without entering internal 1) Innocent passage and
waters, or of proceeding to internal waters, or 2) Involuntary surrender (distress on the vessel
making for the high seas from the internal waters, as must be real)
long as it is not prejudicial to the peace, good order - Over the contiguous zone
or security of the coastal State.  UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the
 Arrival under stress: involuntary entrance, due Coastal State may exercise the control necessary to
to lack of provisions, unseaworthiness of vessel, prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal,
inclement weather or other case of force majeure, immigration and sanitary regulations, and punish
such as pursuit by pirates. the said infringement.
6) Foreign armies passing through or stationed in - Over the exclusive economic zone
the territory with the permission of the State  UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, Coastal
7) Warships and other public vessels of another State has sovereign rights over the EEZ for
State operated for non-commercial purposes purposes if exploring and exploiting, conserving
 Generally immune from local jurisdiction  and managing the natural resources, whether living
“floating territory” or non-living, of the sea-bed, sub-soil, and the
 Crew members are immune from local superjacent waters as well the production of energy
jurisdiction when on shore duty. from the water, currents and winds.
 N/A if the crew members violate local laws  Other States shall have the freedom of
while on furlough or off-duty navigation and over-flight, to lay submarine cables
and pipes and other lawful uses.
Jurisdiction over Land Authority - Over the continental shelf
- Save for exceptions, the State exercises  Coastal State enjoys the right of exploitation of
jurisdiction over everything found within the oil deposits and other resources in the continental
terrestrial domain. shelf.
 In case the continental shelf extends to the
Jurisdiction over Maritime Authority shores of another State or is shared with another
- Over internal waters

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

State, the boundary shall be determined in 3) Ceases as soon as the ship being pursued enters
accordance with equitable principles. the territorial sea of its own or of a Third State.
- Over the high seas
 Its vessels Jurisdiction over other Territories (Extra-Territorial
 Flag state has jurisdiction over its public vessels Jurisdiction)
wherever they are, and over its merchant vessels on - State may, by virtue of customary and
the high seas. conventional law, extend its jurisdiction to territory
 Because of the “Flags of Convenience” not within its sovereignty in the following:
Controversy, the UN Convention on the Law of the 1) Assertion of personal jurisdiction over its
Sea concedes that a vessel shall have the nationality national abroad
of the flag it flies provided there is genuine link 2) Relations with other states, as when it
between the State and the vessel  State must establishes a protectorate, condominium, or
effectively exercise jurisdiction and control in administers trust territory or occupies enemy
administrative, technical and social matters over the territory in the course of war
ship. 3) Consequence of waiver of jurisdiction by the
 Pirates local state over person and things within the latter’s
 Enemies of mankind territory
 May be captured on the open seas by the vessels 4) Principle of extraterritoriality, exemption of
of any State persons and things from the local jurisdiction on the
 Engaged in illicit traffic in drugs and slave trade basis of international custom.
 All states shall cooperate in the suppression of: (Principle of extra-territoriality: exemption from
1) Illicit traffic in narcotics jurisdiction is based on treaty or convention;
2) Illicit traffic in slave trade discredited)
3) Terrorism 5) Enjoyment of easements and servitudes
4) Unauthorized broadcasting from the high seas,
except in distress calls Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
 In the exercise of the right to visit and search
- Adopted in July, 1988 by a Conference of States
 Laws of Neutrality – public vessels or aircraft of
in Rome
a belligerent State may visit and search any neutral
- Come into existence once 60 States have ratified
merchant vessel on the open seas and capture it if
- Philippines signed the ICC Statute on 28
found to be engaged in activities favorable to the
December 2000
other belligerent.
- January 2000  124 countries have signed;
 Under the doctrine of hot pursuit
only 25 have ratified
 If an offense is committed by a foreign
- Jurisdiction of the court limited to serious
merchant vessel within the territorial waters of the
crimes of concern to international community as a
coastal state (or of the coastal state has good reason
to believe that such an offense had been committed)
a. Genocide
the said State’s vessels may pursue the offending
b. Crimes against humanity
vessel into the open seas and, upon capture, bring it
c. War crimes
back to its territory for punishment.
d. Crimes of aggression
 Exercised to violations committed in the EEZ or
on the continental shelf installations.
 However, to be lawful:
1) The pursuit must have begun before the
The Right of Legation
offending vessel has left the territorial waters or the
 Right of Diplomatic Intercourse
contiguous zone of the coastal state
2) The pursuit must be continuous and unabated  Right of the state to send and receive diplomatic
missions, which enables States to carry on friendly
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Not a natural or inherent right, exists by 4. Service Staff

common consent.  Engaged in domestic service of the mission
 No legal liability is incurred by the State for
refusing to send or receive diplomatic Diplomatic Corps
representatives.  According to custom, all diplomatic envoys
 Governed by the Vienna Convention on accredited to the same state form a body known as
Diplomatic Relations. the Diplomatic Corps
 Doyen/head of the body:
Agents of Diplomatic Intercourse 1) Papal Nuncio
1. Head of State 2) Oldest ambassador
 Embodiment of the sovereignty of the State 3) Oldest minister plenipotentiary
 Enjoys right to special protection for his
physical safety and the preservation of his honor Appointment of Envoys
and reputation.  In the Philippines, the President  cannot be
 Enjoys principle of exterritorilaity – quarters, questioned
archives, property and means of transportation are  Sending state is not absolutely free in the choice
inviolable of its diplomatic representatives, especially heads of
 Immune from criminal and civil jurisdiction, mission BECAUSE the receiving State has the
except when he himself is the plaintiff RIGHT TO REFUSE to receive as envoy of another
 Not subject to tax or exchange or currency State a person whom it considers unacceptable,
restrictions.  To avoid embarrassment, sending State may
2. The Foreign Office resort to an INFORMAL inquiry (enquiry) to which
 Entrusted with the actual day-to-day conduct of the receiving State responds with an informal
foreign affairs conformity (agreement)  AGREATION
 Headed by Secretary or Minister – who can  After conclusion of the informal process, the
make binding declarations on behalf of his diplomatic mission commences when the envoy
government. presents himself at the receiving state generally
armed with the following papers:
Establishment of Resident Missions 1) LETTRE DE CREANCE (Letter of Credence) –
 States carry on diplomatic intercourse through name/rank/general character of the mission and a
permanent missions established in the capitals of request for favorable reception and full credence
other States. 2) DIPLOMATIC PASSPORT authorizing his
 Composed of: travel
1. Head of Mission – Classified by Vienna 3) INSTRUCTIONS – includes document of full
Convention: powers (pleins pouvoirs) authorizing him to
a. Ambassadors/nuncios accredited to Head of negotiate on extraordinary or special business
State, and other heads of mission of equivalent rank 4) CIPHER/CODE/SECRET KEY for
b. Envoys/ministers/internuncios, accredited to communications with his country
Head of State
c. Charges d’affaires, accredited to Ministers of Functions
Foreign Affiars 1) Represent sending State
2. Diplomatic Staff 2) Protect in receiving State the interests of the
 Engaged in diplomatic activities and are sending State and its nationals, within the limits of
accredited diplomatic rank international law
3. Administrative and Technical Staff 3) Negotiating with the government of receiving
 Employed in administrative and technical staff
4) Ascertaining by all lawful means the conditions
of the mission
and development in the receiving State

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

5) Promote friendly relations  Immune from search, requisition, attachment or

6) Developing their economic, cultural and execution
scientific relations 1) Premises
2) Furnishings
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges – except as 3) Other property thereon
provided below, immunities and privileges are 4) Means of transport of the mission
enjoyed by the ENVOY and the MEMBERS of the 5) Archives
1) Personal Inviolability 7) Papers
 Not liable for any form of arrest or detention 8) Correspondence of the mission
 Treat him with due respect and take all steps to  Unless the treaty is recognized by treaty or local
prevent any attack on his person, freedom or usage  envoy should not permit the premises of
dignity. his mission or his residence to be used as a place of
 RA 75 punishes any person who assaults, asylum for fugitives from justice.
strikes, wounds, offers violence to the person of the  But he must, in the interest of humanity, afford
ambassador or minister (except when in self- temporary shelter to persons in imminent peril of
defense) their loves, such as those feeling from mob
AND PUNISHMENT OF CRIMES AGAINST 3) Right of Official Communication
INTERNATIONALLY PROTECTED PERSONS  As such, diplomatic pouch and diplomatic
considers crimes against diplomatic agents as couriers also enjoy inviolability.
international not political in nature.
 Diplomatic envoy may be arrested temporarily
in case of urgent danger (acts of violence) which 4) Immunity from Local Jurisdiction
makes it necessary to put him under restraint for the  Diplomatic agent cannot be arrested, prosecuted
purpose of preventing similar acts; must be released and punished for any offense he may commit unless
and sent home in due time. his immunity is waived.
2) Inviolability of Premises and Archives  Immunity from jurisdiction does not mean
 Premises occupied and private residence exemption from local laws; it does not presuppose a
 Agents may not enter w/o consent of the envoy right to violate the laws of the receiving State.
 Exception: extreme cases of necessity  fire;  Diplomatic privilege does not import immunity
imminent danger from legal liability but only exemption from local
 Cannot be entered or searched jurisdiction.
 Goods, records, archives cannot be detained by  Immunity from civil and administrative
local authorities even under process of law jurisdiction of the receiving State
 Service of writs, summons, orders or processes  No civil action of any kind may be brought
within the premises of the mission or residence of against him
the envoy is prohibited  GR: properties are exempt from garnishment,
 Even if a fugitive takes refuge  but must be seizure for debt, execution, and the like.
surrendered upon demand by local authorities   Exception:
EXCEPT: Right of asylum exists 1) Real action relating to private immovable
 N/A when the ambassador himself request local property situated in the territory of the receiving
police assistance state
 Vienna Convention – receiving State has the  Except: envoy holds it on behalf of the sending
special duty to protect diplomatic premises against State for the purpose of the mission.
invasion, damage or any act tending to disrupt the 2) Action relating to succession in which
peace and dignity of the mission. diplomatic agent is involves as E/A/H/L as a private
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

3) Action relating to any professional or 6) Registration, court or record fees, mortgage

commercial activity exercised by diplomatic agent dues and stamp duty, with respect to immovable
in the receiving State outside his official function property.
 Cannot be compelled to testify/deposition w/o  Exemption from all customs duties and taxes of
consent of his government articles for the official use of the mission and those
 Immunity does not protect a public official who for the personal use of the envoy or members of the
commits unauthorized acts  unauthorized acts are family forming part of his household.
not acts of State…he may be sued for such unlawful  Baggage and effects are entitled to free entry
acts in his PRIVATE CAPACITY and normally exempt from inspection
 RA 75: declares as void any writ or process  Articles addressed to ambassadors, ministers,
issued out or prosecuted by any person in any court charge d’affaires are also exempt from customs
of the Philippines, or by any judge or justice, inspection.
whereby the person of any Ambassador or Public 6) Freedom of movement and travel in the territory
Minister of any foreign state, authorized and of the receiving State
received as such by the President or and Domestic 7) Exemption from all personal services and
Servant of any such ambassador or minister is military obligations
arrested or imprisoned, or his goods or chattels 8) Use of flag and emblem of the sending State on
distrained, seized, or attached and penalties are the diplomatic premises and the residence and
imposed for violations. means of transport of the head of mission
 N/A:
1) Citizens/inhabitants of the Philippines, where Duration of Immunities/Privileges
the process is founded upon a debt contracted  From the moment he enters the territory of the
before his employment in the diplomatic service receiving State
2) Domestic servants of the ambassadors or  Cease only the moment he leaves or on expiry
minister whose names are not registered with the of a reasonable time in which to do so
DFA  w/ regard to official acts  immunity shall
 Children born to him while he possesses continue indefinitely
diplomatic status are regarded as born in the  privileges are available even in transitu  when
territory of his home State. traveling through a Third State on the way to or
5) Exemption from Taxes and Customs Duties from the receiving State
 Vienna Convention
 Exceptions: Waiver of Immunities
1) Indirect taxes normally incorporated in the  GR: waiver cannot be made by the individual
price of goods/services concerned since such are not personal to him.
2) Dues and taxes on private immovable property  Waiver by the government of the sending State
situated in the territory of the receiving State, unless if it concerns the immunities of the head of mission
he holds it on behalf of the sending State for  Other cases, by the government or chief of the
purposes of the mission. mission
3) Estate, succession or inheritance taxes on  Waiver does not include waiver of immunity
investments in commercial ventures in the receiving with respect to execution of judgment  separate
State waiver necessary
4) Dues and taxes on private income having its
source in the receiving State and capital taxes on Termination of Diplomatic Mission
investments in commercial ventures in the receiving 1) Death
State 2) Resignation
5) Charges levied for specific services rendered 3) Removal
4) Abolition of office
5) Recall by the sending state

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

6) Dismissal by receiving state 6) Display national flag and emblem in the

7) War between sending and receiving consulate
8) Extinction of state  Available to members of consular post, families
and private staff
Consular Relations  May be waived by appointing state
- Consuls: State agents residing abroad for - Termination of Consular Mission
various purposes, mainly in the interest of 1) Usual modes of terminating official relationship
commerce and navigation. 2) Withdrawal of the exequatur
- Kinds 3) Extinction of state
1) Consules missi – professional and career 4) War
consuls; nationals of appointing state  Severance of consular relations does not
2) Consules electi – selected by appointing state necessarily terminate diplomatic relations.
from its own citizens or among national abroad
1) Consular General – heads several consular
districts, or one exceptionally large consular district Treaty
2) Consul – takes charge of a small - International agreement concluded between
district/town/port States in written form and governed by international
3) Vice Consul – assist the consul law, whether embodied in a single instrument of in
4) Consular Agent – entrusted with the 2 or more instruments and whatever its particular
performance of certain functions by the consul designation.
- Appointment: 2 important documents necessary - Agreement between States including
before the assumption of consular functions: international organizations of States intended to
1) Letters patent (letter de provision) – letter of create legal rights and obligations of the parties.
appointment or commission which is transmitted by - Executive agreement, under municipal law, is
the sending state to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs not a treaty. But from the standpoint of international
of the country where the consul is to serve law, equally binding as treaties.
2) Exequatur – authorization given to the consul by - Qatar vs. Bahrain: Minutes to a Meeting and
the sovereign state, allowing him to exercise his exchange of letters constitute an international
functions agreement creating rights and obligations for the
- Functions parties.
1) Commerce and navigation
2) Issuance of visa Form
3) Such as are designed to protect the nationals of - Article 2, 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law
the appointing state of Treaties, treaties should be in writing.
- Immunities and Privileges - Article 3, fact that treaty is unwritten shall not
 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations affect its legal force.
1) Freedom of communication in ciphers or - But that convention rules on matters governed
otherwise by international law independently of convention
2) Inviolability of archives NOT of premises shall apply and that convention rules shall apply to
3) Exempt from local jurisdiction for offenses the relations of the States among themselves.
committed in the discharge of official functions not - 1969 Convention on the Law of Treaties 
of other offenses, EXCEPT minor infractions treaties executed between states
4) Exempt from testifying on official - 1986 Vienna Convention in Treaties for
communication or on matters pertaining to consular International Organizations  treaties executed
functions between States and International Organizations
5) Exempt from taxes, customs duties, military or
jury service Requisites for Validity
1) Treaty-making capacity
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Possessed by every state as attribute of the Senate leadership, the Secretary shall then make
sovereignty the appropriate recommendations to the President.
 International organization, deemed to possess
such, may be limited by the purpose and Treaty-making Process
constitution of such organization. 1) Negotiations
2) Competence of the representative/organ  Pleine pouvoirs
concluding the treaty  Even w/o such, it has been the general practice
 Generally, exercised by Head of State. to consider the following as representatives of the
 In the Philippines, President w/ concurrence by State for treaty negotiations:
2/3 of all members of the Senate 1) Head of State
3) Parties must freely given consent 2) Head of Government
 Doctrine of Unequal Treaties – imposed through 3) Foreign Minister
coercion or duress by a State of unequal character is 4) Head of diplomatic missions
void. 5) Representative accredited by the State to an
4) Object and subject matter must be lawful international conference or to an international
 Within the commerce of nations and in organization
conformity with international law. 2) Signing of the Treaty
 Doctrine of jus cogens – customary international  Principle of alternat – order of the naming of the
law has the status of peremptory norm of parties and of the signatures of the plenitpotentiaries
international law, accepted and recognized by the is varied so that each party is named and its
international community of states as a rule from plenipotentiary signs first in the copy of the
which no derogation is permitted. instrument to be kept by it.
 A treaty which contravenes such norms/rules 3) Ratification
may be invalidated.  Provisions of a treaty are formally confirmed
 Official torture of prisoners is violation of and approved by a State and by which the State
principle of jus cogens (Human Rights Cases vs. expresses its willingness to be bound by the treaty
Marcos)  Philippines  power to ratify is with the
5) Ratification in accordance with constitutional President, subject to concurrence by 2/3 of all the
processes of the parties concerned members of the Senate
 Concurrence in by at least 2/3 of all the  Accession or Adhesion – non-signatory State
members of the Senate. becomes a party to the treaty; by invitation or
permission of the contracting parties, a 3rd party
Treaties and Executive Agreements who did not participate or who did not ratify on
time, may be bound by a treaty.
Treaties Executive Agreements
 Reservation: unilateral statement made by a
Basic political issues Adjustment of detail State when signing, ratifying, accepting, approving
Changes in national carrying out well- or acceding to a treaty, whereby it purports to
policy established national exclude or modify the legal effect of certain
policies provisions of the treaty in their application to the
Permanent international Temporary arrangements State.
 Remains to be a party to the treaty  as long as
reservation is compatible with the object and
 When there is a dispute as to whether or not an purpose of the treaty.
international agreement is purely an executive 4) Entry into Force
agreement, the matter is referred to the Secretary of  In such manner and on such date as it may
Foreign Affairs who will then seek the comments of provide, or as the negotiating parties may agree.
ADVISER of the DFA and after consultation with

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Absence of such provision, as soon as consent “disappearance of the foundation upon which it
of all the parties to be bound by the treaty is rests.”
established.  Doctrine does not operate automatically, there
 Consent deemed established: must be a FORMAL ACT OF REJECTION, usually
1) Exchange of instruments of ratification by the HEAD OF STATE, with a statement of the
2) Deposit of such instrument with a named REASONS why compliance with the treaty is no
depositary, coupled with the notification to the longer required.
contracting State of such deposit.  Requisites
 Registration with and publication by the UN – 1) Change must be so substantial that the
failure does not affect the validity of the treaty; only foundation of the treaty must have altogether
that the unregistered instrument cannot be invoked disappeared
by any party before any organ of the United 2) Change must have been unforeseen or
Nations. unforeseeable at the time of the perfection of the
When non-signatories may be bound by a treaty 3) Change must not have been caused by the party
 GR: treaties cannot impose obligations upon invoking the doctrine
States not parties to them. (Pacta tertiis nocent nec 4) Doctrine must be invoked within a reasonable
prosunt) time
 Exception 5) Duration of the treaty must be indefinite
1) Process of Accession or Adhesion 6) Doctrine cannot operate retroactively
2) Most favored Nation Clause – contracting State
entitled to the clause may claim the benefits Interpretation of Treaties
extended by the latter to another State in a separate - Interpreted in good faith
agreement. - Ordinary meaning given to the terms
3) Formal expression of customary international - In the light of its objects and purposes
law - Consider:
4) Treaty expressly extends benefits to non- 1) Preamble
signatory States 2) Text
3) Annexes
Fundamental principles 4) Agreements relating to the treaty
1) Pacta sunt servanda 5) Subsequent agreements
 Treaties must be observed in good faith.
 If necessary, State must modify its national Amendment/Modifications
legislation to make them conform to the treaty, to  Consent of all the parties is required
avoid international embarrassment  If allowed by the treaty itself, 2 States may
 Philippines  treaty may be invalidated if modify a provision only insofar as they are
contrary to Constitution concerned.
 Tanada vs. Angara: Treaties do not limit or
restrict sovereignty of a State; by their voluntary Termination of Treaties
act, States may surrender some aspects of their 1) EXPIRATION of the term or WITHDRAWAL
power in exchange for greater benefits granted by or of a party
derived from a convention or pact. 2) EXTINCTION of one of the parties (bipartite
2) Rebus sic stantibus treaties)
 Contracting State’s obligations under a treaty  When the rights and obligations under the treaty
terminates when a vital or fundamental change or would not devolve upon the State that may succeed
circumstances occurs, thus allowing a State to the extinct State
unilaterally withdraw from a treaty, because of 3) MUTUAL AGREEMENT of ALL the parties

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 The right to give notice of termination or  No obligation on the part of the State of his
withdrawal – right of denunciation nationality to recognize a person’s newly acquired
performance 3) Repatriation – recovery of nationality by
6) CONCLUSION of SUBSEQUENT individuals who were natural-born citizens of a
INCONSISTENT TREATY State but who had lost their nationality.
7) LOSS of the subject matter 4) Subjugation
8) MATERIAL BREACH or violation 5) Cession
10) Outbreak of WAR, unless the treaty precisely Loss of Nationality
relates to the conduct of war 1) Release
11) SEVERANCE of diplomatic relations 2) Deprivation
12) Doctrine of JUS COGENS or emergence of 3) Renunciation
NEW PEREMPTORY NORM of general 4) Substitution
international law which renders void any existing
treaty conflicting with such norm. Multiple Nationality
 Possessed of mope than one nationality because
VII. NATIONALITY AND STATELESSNESS of the concurrent application to him of the
municipal laws of 2 or more states claiming as their
Nationality – membership in a political community national.
with rights and duties  Arise by:
- Determination of a person’s nationality – 1930 1) Concurrent application to him of the principles
Hague Convention on Conflict of Nationality Laws of jus sanguinis and jus soli
1) For each state to determine under its own law 2) naturalization w/o renunciation of the original
who are its nationals nationality
2) Question as to whether a person possesses the 3) legitimation
nationality of a particular State shall be determined 4) legislative action
in accordance with the law of that State.  Policy in the Philippines- dual allegiance is
inimical to national interest and shall be dealt with
- Mode of Acquisition of Nationality by law.
1) Birth  Resolution of conflicts in Multiple Nationality
 Jus sanguinis (by blood) Cases
 Jus soli (by place of birth)  1930 Hague Convention on the Conflict of
2) Naturalization Nationality Law
 Accomplished through: 1) A person having 2 or more nationalities –
1) Marriage regarded as national by each of the States; AND a
2) Legitimation state may not give diplomatic protection to one of
3) Election its nationals against a State whose nationality that
4) Acquisition of domicile person possesses.
5) Appointment to government office 2) If a person has more than one nationality, he
6) Grant on application shall within a 3rd state, be treated as if he had only
 In the Philippines one; the third State shall recognize exclusively
1) Judicial process either the nationality of the State in which he is
2) Legislative process habitually and principally resident or the nationality
3) Election of the State with which he appears in fact to be most
4) Marriage closely connected – “Principle of Effective

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

3) If a person, without any voluntary act of his  Entry was illegal

won, possesses double nationality, he may renounce  Permission to stay has expired
one of them with the permission of the State whose  Violated any limitation or condition prescribed
nationality he wishes to surrender and, subject to for his admission and continued stay.
the laws of the State concerned, such permission  RECONDUCTION
shall not be refused if that person has his habitual  Forcible conveying of aliens back to their home
residence abroad. States
 Destitute aliens
- Status of having no nationality, as a  Vagabonds
consequence of being BORN WITHOUT A  Aliens without documents
NATIONALITY or as a result of DEPRIVATION  Alien criminals
or LOSS OF NATIONALITY.  Home state of such aliens has the obligation to
- 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of receive them
Stateless Persons – contracting states agreed to  Alien must accept the institutions of the State.
grant to stateless persons within their territories He may be deprived of certain rights.
treatment at least as favorable as that accorded to  Local laws may grant him certain rights and
their nationals with respect to: privileges based on:
1. freedom to practice their religion and freedom 1. reciprocity
as regards the religious education of their children 2. most-favored-nation treatment
2. access to courts 3. national treatment (equality between nationals
3. rationing of products in short supply and aliens in certain matters)
4. elementary education  privileges may be revoked, subject to treaty
5. public relief and assistance stipulations.
6. labor legislation and social security
- Contracting states also agreed to grant to Doctrine of State Responsibility
stateless persons within their territories as favorable  a State is under obligation to make reparations
as possible, in any event, not less favorable than to another State for the failure to fulfill its primary
that accorded to aliens: obligation to afford, in accordance with
1. acquisition of movable and immovable property international law, the proper protection due to the
2. right of association in non-political and non- alien national of the latter State.
profit-making associations and trade unions  The State may be held liable for injuries and
3. gainful employment and practice of liberal damages sustained by the alien if:
profession 1. Act or omission constitutes an international
4. housing and public education other than delinquency
elementary  International Standard of Justice – standard of
5. freedom of movement reasonable state and notions accepted in modern
VIII. TREATMENT OF ALIENS 1. laws of the State fall below the international
standard, it is no defense that such laws are
General Rule: Flowing from its right of existence applicable not only to aliens but to nationals 
and as an attribute of sovereignty, no State is under doctrine of equality of treatment not applicable
obligation to admit aliens. 2. independence of the courts of the State and
 Power to regulate the entry and stay of aliens, unless the misconduct is extremely gross, the law
and the State has the right to expel aliens from its does not lightly hold a State responsible for any
territory through DEPORTATION or error committed by the Courts
RECONDUCTION. 2. Act or omission is directly or indirectly
 DEPORTATION or EXPULSION imputable to the State
 Menace to the security of the State
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Even when the laws of the State conform to to the remedies available under the laws of the local
International standard, if it does not make state.
reasonable efforts to prevent injury to alien or  Does not mean that the alien’s state is deprived
having done so unsuccessfully, fails to repair such of the right to protect or vindicate its interest in case
injury. they are injured in another state, as such waiver can
 The act or omission that may give rise to be legally made by the state, not the alien.
liability may either be: 2. Resort to Diplomatic Protection
1. acts of government officials  After exhaustion of local remedies, alien must
 primary agents avail himself of the assistance of his state.
 give rise to direct state responsibility  Tie of nationality  time of injury until time
 acts of high administrative officials international claim is finally settled.
 officer acts beyond the scope of his authority,  UN may file diplomatic claim on behalf of its
his act is likened to an act of a private individual. officials.
 Acts of a minor or subordinate official to give  European Commission on HR and also
rise to liability, there must be a denial of justice or contracting states other than the state of the injured
something which indicates complicity of the State individual may bring alleged infractions of the
in, or condonation of, the original wrongful act, European Convention on HR before the European
such as an omission to take disciplinary action Court of HR.
against the wrongdoer. 3. Modes of Enforcement of Claims
2. acts of private individuals  Negotiations or other modes of settling dispute.
 For State to be liable, there must be actual or  When responsibility is established:
tacit complicity of the government in the act, before 1. Reparation
of after it, either by directly ratifying or approving 2. Satisfaction
it, or in the patent or manifest negligence in taking 3. Compensation
measures to prevent injury, investigate the case, 4. all three
punish the guilty or to enable the victim to pursue
his civil remedies against the offender. Extradition
 The claimant has the burden of proving. - surrender of a person by one state to another
3. Injury to the claimant State indirectly because of state where he is wanted for prosecution or
damage to its national punishment (if already convicted)

Enforcement of Alien’s Claim Basis

1. Exhaustion of Local Remedies  treaty
 Because the State must be given an opportunity  local state may grant asylum, or
to do justice in its own regular way and without  if there is surrender, the same is merely a
unwarranted interference with its sovereignty by gesture of comity
other states.
 N/A if: Deportation
1. no remedies to exhaust, e.g. laws are  expulsion of an alien who is considered
intrinsically defective undesirable by local state, usually but necessarily to
2. courts are corrupt his own state
3. no adequate machinery  unilateral act of the local state and is made in its
4. international delinquency results from an act of own interests
 Calvo Case: alien waives or restricts his right to Extradition
appeal to his own state in connection with any claim  surrender of a fugitive by one state to another
arising from the contract and agrees to limit himself where he is wanted for prosecution or punishment.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Surrender is made at the request of the latter RP’s Extradition Treaties

state on the basis of a treaty.  “non-list” types of double criminality approach
(no traditional listing of crimes):
Fundamental Principles: 1. Australia
1. Based on CONSENT – treaty or goodwill 2. Canada
2. PRINCIPLE OF SPECIALTY – fugitive who is 3. Indonesia
extradited may be tried only for the crime specified 4. Micronesia
in the request for extradition and included in the list 5. Switzerland
of offenses in the extradition treaty.
 State of refuge has the right to object to a Letters Rogatory
violation - Formal communication from a court in which an
 “Non-list” types of extradition treaties – action is pending, to a foreign court, requesting that
offenses punishable under the laws of both states by the testimony of a witness residing in such foreign
imprisonment on 1 year or more are included jurisdiction be taken under the direction of the
among extraditable offenses. court, addressed and transmitted to the court making
3. ANY PERSON may be extradited the request.
4. POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS OFFENDERS - Power to issue letters rogatory is inherent in
are generally not subject to extradition courts of justice
5. Offense must have been COMMITTED
WITHIN the territory or AGAINST THE Asylum
INTERESTS of the demanding state - Power of the state to allow an alien who has
6. RULE OF DOUBLE CRIMINALITY. Act for sought refuge from prosecution or persecution to
which extradition is sought must be punishable in remain within the territory and under its protection
both the requesting and requested states. - Never been recognized as a principle of
international law.
Procedure for Extradition
1. REQUEST through diplomatic channels, Principles on Asylum
accompanied by necessary papers  Territorial Asylum
 Identity of wanted person  Exists when stipulated in a treaty or justified by
 Crime alleged to have been established usage.
committed/convicted  May depend on the liberal attitude of the
2. JUDICIAL INVESTIGATION, after receipt of receiving state, “territorial supremacy”
the request, state of refuge shall investigate to  Diplomatic Asylum
ascertain if the crime is covered by the extradition  Exists when stipulated in a treaty or justified by
treaty and if there prima facie case against the established usage.
fugitive according to its own laws.  Within “narrowest limits” or when the life or
 If there is, WARRANT IF SURRENDER and liberty of the person is threatened by imminent
fugitive delivered to the state of refuge. violence.
 Sui generic and not criminal proceedings  no
automatic application of the Bill of Rights
 Do not involve the question of guilt or  Rule in the Philippines
innocence of the person to be extradited  Generally, diplomatic asylum cannot be granted
 Savarkar Case: Abduction of the fugitive in the except to members of the official or personal
state of refuge is not allowed  violation of the household of diplomatic representatives
territorial integrity of the state of refuge; BUT if  On humanitarian grounds may be granted to
effected with the help of the nationals of the state of fugitives, whose lives are in imminent danger from
refuge itself, then the state of refuge cannot later mob violence but only during the period when
demand the return of the fugitive. active danger persists.

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Where a third party, either alone or in

Refugees collaboration with others, offers to help in the
- Any person who is outside the country of his settlement of a dispute.
nationality, or if he has no nationality, the country  When the offer is accepted  “exercise of good
of his former habitual residence, because he has or offices”
had well-founded fear of prosecution by reason of 4. Mediation
his race, religion, nationality or political opinion  Third party offers to help with a solution,
and is unable or, because of fear, is unwilling to usually based on compromise.
avail himself of the protection of the government of  It offers a solution while good offices brings the
the country of his nationality, or if he has no parties together.
nationality, to return to the country of his former 5. Conciliation
habitual residence.  Active participation of a third party, solicited by
- Essential Elements: the disputants, in an effort to settle the conflict.
1. outside the country of his nationality or if
 Conciliator’s recommendations are not binding.
stateless, outside the country of his habitual
6. Arbitration
2. lacks national protection  Solution of a dispute by an impartial third party
3. fears persecution usually a tribunal created by the parties under a
- treated as a stateless individual – de jure or de charter known as a compromis.
facto 7. Judicial Settlement
- Refugee Convention of 1951: does not deal with  Similar to arbitration:
admission but with non-refoulment (no contracting 1. nature of the proceedings
state shall expel or return a refugee in any manner 2. binding character of the award
whatsoever, to the frontiers of territories where his  Differences:
life or freedom is threatened. The state is under
obligation to grant him temporary asylum) Judicial Settlement Arbitration
IX. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES Judicial body is pre- Arbitrary body is ad hoc
International Disputes Jurisdiction is usually
 Actual disagreement between States regarding compulsory
the conduct to be taken by one of them for the Law applied is
protection or vindication of the interests of the independent of the will
other. of the parties
 Situation – initial stage of dispute Judicial settlement of
international dispute is
Pacific or Amicable Modes now lodges in the
 Article 3 of the UN Chapter International Court of
 Parties to any dispute, the continuance of which Justice
is likely to endanger the maintenance of
international peace and security shall seek a  Optional Jurisdiction Clause
solution by:  ICJ’s jurisdiction is based on consent of the
1. Negotiation parties.
 States settle their differences through an  BUT Article 36 of the Statute of the
exchange of views between diplomatic agencies. International Court of Justice provides that
2. Enquiry states/parties to the Statute recognize the
 Ascertainment of pertinent facts and issues jurisdiction of the Court over disputes concerning:
3. Tender of Good Offices 1. interpretation of a treaty
2. any question of international law

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

3. existence of any fact which would constitute a a. Security Council will recommend appropriate
breach of international obligations measures; consider amicable measures or refer
4. nature or extent of the reparation to be made matter to ICJ;
for such breach b. If unsuccessful, Security Council may
8. Resort to Regional Agencies or Arrangements recommend such terms of settlement as it may deem
 Parties may of their own volition or at the appropriate; and
instance of the organization itself, assume the c. If the terms of settlement are rejected, Security
obligation of settling the dispute. Council may take:
 Preventive Action
Hostile Methods  Not involving use of armed force
- Pacific methods have failed.  E.g. complete or partial interruption of
- Includes: economic relations, and of rail, sea, air, postal,
1. Severance of Diplomatic Relations telegraphic, radio or other means of
2. Retorsion – unfriendly but lawful, coercive acts communications and severance of diplomatic
done in retaliation for unfair treatment and acts of relations.
discrimination of another state. (e.g. levy of high  Enforcement Action
discriminatory tariffs on goods)  By air, sea or land forces as may be necessary to
3. Reprisal – unfriendly and unlawful acts in maintain or restore international peace and security
retaliation for reciprocal unlawful acts of another including demonstrations, blockades and other
state: operations by air, sea or land forces of members of
a. Freezing of the assets of the nationals of the the UN.
other state  Member state is obliged to render assistance in
b. Embargo – forcible detention or sequestration of carrying out the measures decided upon by the
vessels and other property of the offending state. Security Council.
c. Pacific blockade – prevention of entry/exit from
the ports of the offending state of means of General Assembly
communication or transportation n(could be - If the Security Council because of lack of
violative of UN Charter) unanimity fails to exercise its primary responsibility
d. Non-intercourse – suspension of all intercourse to maintain peace and security, the General
with the offending state, in matters of trade and Assembly shall consider making recommendations
commerce including the use of armed forces when necessary.
e. Boycott – concerted suspension of commercial
relations with the offending state, particularly, the X. WAR AND NEUTRALITY
refusal to purchase goods.
4. Intervention War
5. other Peaceful Means  Contention between 2 states, through their
armed forces, for the purpose of overpowering the
Role of the United Nations other and imposing such conditions of peace as the
- Methods of settling disputes do not succeed, UN victor pleases.
may be asked or may decide on its own authority to
 Does not mean the mere employment of force.
take a hand in the settlement
- Security Council or the General Assembly  If a nation declares war, war exists though no
force has yet been used.
Security Council
- Intervene in all disputes affecting international Outlawry of War
peace and security and in all disputes which  Condemnation of war on an international scale
although coming under the domestic jurisdiction  Covenant of the League of Nations: conditions
clause, have been submitted to it by the parties for for the right to go to war
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 or General Treaty  State may, in time of war, authorize and provide
for Renunciation of War: forbade war as an for seizure and sequestration, through executive
instrument of national policy channels, of properties believed to be enemy-
 Charter of the United Nations: prohibits the owned, if adequate provision is made for their
threat or use of force against the territorial integrity return in case of mistake.
or political independence of a state.
Participants in War
Commencement of War 1. Combatants – those who engage directly in the
a. Declaration of war hostilities
b. Rejection of an ultimatum 2. Non-combatants – those who do not
c. Commission of an act of force regarded by one
of the belligerents as an act of war Combatants – may be:
1. Non-privileged: like spies, who under false
Effects of Outbreak of War pretenses try to obtain vital information from the
(1) Laws of peace cease to regulate the relations enemy ranks and who, then caught, are not
between the belligerents and are superseded by laws considered prisoners of war.
of war; 2. Privileged : who, when captured, enjoy the
Third states are governed by laws of neutrality privileges of prisoners of war:
in their relations with the belligerents; a. Regular armed forces
(2) Diplomatic and consular relations are b. Ancillary services
terminated; c. Accompany the armed forces
Representatives are allowed to return to their d. Levees en masse, inhabitants of unoccupied
countries; territory who, on approach of the enemy,
(3) Treaties of political nature are automatically spontaneously take up arms to resist the invading
cancelled, except those intended to operate during troops without having had time to organize
the war; themselves, provided they carry arms openly and
Multipartite treaties dealing with technical or observe the laws and customs of war;
administrative matters are merely suspended as e. Franc tireursm, or guerillas, provided they are
between belligerents. commanded by a person responsible for his
(4) Individuals are impressed with enemy character: subordinates, wear a fixed distinct emblem
a. Nationality test – nationals of the other recognizable at a distance, carry their arms openly,
belligerent, wherever they may be and conduct their operations according to the laws
b. Domicillary test – domiciled aliens in the and customs of war; and
territory of the other belligerent on the assumption f. Officers and crew of merchant vessels who
that they contribute to its economic resources forcibly resist attack.
c. Activities test – if being foreigners, they
participate in the hostilities in favor of the other Rights of Prisoners of War
belligerent  1949 Geneva Convention
(5) Corporations and other juridical persons are  Treated humanely
considered enemies:  Not subject to torture
a. where the controlling stockholders are nationals  Allowed to communicate with their families
of the other belligerent OR  Receive food, clothing. Religious articles, etc.
b. if incorporated in the territory or under the laws
of the other belligerent and may not be allowed to Spies
continue operations.  Individual is deemed a spy only if,
(6) Enemy public property found in the territory of a. Acting clandestinely or under false pretenses
the other belligerent at the outbreak of the war is b. He obtains or seeks to obtain information in the
subject to confiscation; zone of operations of a belligerent
Private property is subject to requisition.
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

c. With the intention of communicating it to the maintain international peace and security,
hostile party. humanitarian rules of warfare should still govern.
 When captured, may be proceeded against under
the municipal law of the belligerent. Principle of Chivalry
 Although under the Hague Convention, may not  Prohibits the belligerents from the employment
be executed without a trial. of perfidious or treacherous methods.
 But if captured after he has succeeded in
rejoining his army, must be treated as a prisoner of Belligerent Occupation
war.  Temporary military occupation of the enemy’s
 Scouts or soldiers in uniform who penetrate the territory during the war.
zone of operations of the hostile army to obtain  Maintains effective control and military
information are NOT spies. superiority and being able to send sufficient forces
to assert its authority within a reasonable time.
 Protocol I to the 1949 Geneva Convention Effects
No change in sovereignty, but exercise of the
 Mercenaries shall not have the rights of
powers of sovereignty is suspended.
combatants or of prisoners of war.
Political laws, except the laws on treason, are
 To be considered a mercenary
a. The person must be a specially recruited to fight
Municipal laws remain in force.
for a particular armed conflict
b. Must take direct part in the hostilities
Rights and Duties of Belligerent Occupant
c. Motivated essentially by the desire for personal
1. Re-establish or continue the processes of orderly
gain and is provided material compensation
administration, including enactment of laws.
substantially in excess of that promised or paid to
2. Adopt measures for the protection of the
combatants of similar ranks and functions in the
armed forces of that party.
3. Requisition (sequester) goods with proper cash
or future payment and services in non-military
Conduct of Hostilities.
projects (Conscription is prohibited)
Three Basic Principles
4. Demand taxes and contributions to finance
Principle of Military Necessity
military and local administrative needs
The belligerent may employ any amount of force to
 Foraging: the actual taking of provisions for
compel the complete submission of the enemy with
men and animals by the occupation troops where
the least possible loss of lives, time and money.
lack of time makes it inconvenient to obtain
Principle of Humanity
supplies by usual or ordinary methods.
Prohibits the use of any measure that is not
 Compensation must be paid at the end of the
absolutely necessary for the purposes of the war.
Humanitarian Convention in Armed Conflict
5. Issue legal currency
The right of the parties to adopt means of injuring
6. Use enemy property, public or private, but
the enemy is not unlimited
private property is subject to indemnification or
Parties are prohibited to launch attacks against the
return at the end of the war.
civilian population as such
Distinction must be made at all times between
Right of Angary
persons taking part in the hostilities and members of
 Right of belligerent state, in cases of extreme
the civilian population, to spare the latter as much
necessity, to destroy or use neutral property on its
as possible.
own or on enemy territory or on the high seas
Enforcement action undertaken by UN is not war in
the traditional sense, as it is employed only to
Non-Hostile Intercourse

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

Flag of Truce Cease-Fire

 White in color  desire to communicate with  Unconditional stoppage of hostilities
the enemy  Usually ordered by an international body
 Agent (parlementaire) enjoys inviolability and is
entrusted with the duty of negotiating with the Truce
enemy.  Conditional cease-fire for political purposes

Cartels Capitulation
 Agreements to regulate intercourse during the  Surrender of military forces, places or districts
war in accordance with rules of military honor.
 Usually on the exchange of prisoners of war
Termination of War
Passport 1. Simple Cessation of Hostilities
 Written permission given by the belligerent  Principle of uti possidetis with respect to
government property and territory possessed by the belligerents
 To the subjects of the enemy is applied.
 To travel generally in the belligerent state 2. Conclusion of a negotiated treaty of peace
3. Defeat of one of the belligerents
Sage-conduct  Followed by a dictated territory of peace or
 Permission given to an enemy subject or to an annexation of conquered territory.
enemy vessel
 Allowing passage between defined points Postliminium
 Revival or reversion to the old laws and
Safeguard sovereignty of territory which has been under
 Protection granted by a commanding officer to belligerent occupation once control of the
enemy persons or property within his command belligerent occupant is lost over the territory
 Usually with an escort or convoy of soldiers affected.
providing the needed protection.
Distinguished from Uti Possidetis
Licenses to Trade  Uti Possidetis alloaws retention of property or
 Permission given by competent authority to territory in the belligerent’s actual possession at the
individuals to carry on trade though there is state of time of the cessation of hostilities.
War Crimes
Suspension of Hostilities - Acts for which soldiers or other individuals may
be punished by the enemy on capture of the
Suspension of Arms offender.
 Temporary cessation of hostilities - War Criminal: any person – civilian or member
 By agreement of the local commanders of the armed forces of the State, who commits an
 For the purposes of gathering of the wounded act that violates a rule of international law
and burial of the dead governing armed conflicts

Armistice Neutrality and Neutralization

 Suspension of hostilities within a certain area or
in the entire region of the war  Neutrality
 Agreed upon by the belligerents Non-participation in a war between contending
 Usually for the purpose of arranging the terms belligerents
of the peace Exists only during war
Governed by the law of nations
Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

 Naturalization  Doctrine of Infection – innocent goods shipped

Result of a treaty wherein conditions of the status with contraband may also be seized
are agreed upon by the neutralized state and other  Doctrine of continuous voyage/continuous
signatories transport – goods reloaded at an intermediate port
Exists both in times of war and of peace on the same vessel or reloaded on another vessel or
Governed by the agreement entered into by and other forms of transportation may also be seized 
between the parties Doctrine of Ultimate Consumption
 A permanently neutral or neutralized state is one  Engaging in Unneutral Services – acts of a more
whose independence or integrity is guaranteed by hostile character than carriage of contraband or
other states, under the condition that such state breach of a blockade, undertaken by merchant
binds itself never to participate in an armed conflict vessels of a neutral state in aid of any of the
or military operation except for individual self- belligerents.
defense. To prevent its territory and other resources from
 In Cold War, the states which sided with neither being used in the conduct of hostilities
the democracies nor the communists were referred To acquiesce to certain restriction and limitations
to as neutralist or non-alligned states. which the belligerents may find necessary to
 Non-belligerency – did not take part in military impose:
operations but which did not observe the duties of a Blockade – hostile operation where vessels and
neutral. aircraft of one belligerent prevent all other vessels
o Mid-way between a neutral and a belligerent (including neutral states) from leaving or entering
o Not recognized in international law the port or coasts of the other belligerent; Purpose
 shut off the place from international commerce
Neutrality under UN Charter and communications with other states. (Pacific
o Because of enforcement action that UN may Blockade: applies only to vessels of blockaded
undertake, absolute neutrality cannot exist among stated, not to those of others)
UN Members To be valid:
1. blockade must be binding (duly communicated
Rules of Neutrality to neutral states)
Neutrals have the right and duty: 2. effective
Abstain from taking part in the hostilities and from 3. established by competent authority of
giving assistance to either belligerents by: belligerent government
Sending of troops 4. limited only to the territory of the enemy
Official grant of loans 5. impartially applied to all states
Carriage of contraband *LIABILITY OF A NEUTRAL VESSEL TO
Contraband – goods which, although neutral CAPTURE FOR BREACH OF THE BLOCKADE
property, may be seized by a belligerent because IS CONTINGENT ON ACTUAL OR
they are useful for war and are bound for a hostile PRESUMPTIVE KNOWLEDGE OF THE
destination. BLOCKADE.
i. Absolute – useful for war under all Visit and Search to the authority of the prize courts
circumstances (guns/ammunitions) Belligerent warships and aircraft have the right to
ii. Conditional – have both civilian and military visit and search neutral merchant vessels to
utility (food and clothing) determine whether they are in any way connected
iii. Free list – exempt from the law on contraband with the hostilities.
for humanitarian reasons (Medicines) Vessels captured for engaging in hostile activities
 Doctrine of Ultimate Consumption – goods are considered as prize.
intended for civilian use which may ultimately find They may not be confiscated summarily but brought
their way to and be consumed by belligerent forces before prize court – a tribunal established by a
may be seized on the way. belligerent under its own laws; in its territory or

Nachura Notes – Constitutional Law

territory of its allies; applying international law in

the absence of special municipal legislation.

Termination of Neutrality
(1) Conclusion of a treaty or peace between
(2) Neutral state itself joins war


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