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Bahasa anak jaksel

 Trust issue= sulit percaya orang

 Social butterfly: extrovert
 Split bill: bayar sendiri-sendiri
 Sleep call: telponan sampe tidur
 Flexing: pamer
 Burnout: capek banget
 Brainstorm: mencari ide
 Anxiety: kecemasan
 Which is: yang
 Vibe: suasana
 Literally:dengan sebenarnya
 Honestly
 Actually
 Basically
 Even
 Prefer
 Me time
 It means
 Support system
 Like – Unlike: Seperti-tidak seperti
 Somehow: Bagaimanapun
 Perhaps later: Mungkin nanti
 Figuratively: Secara kiasan
 You know: Kamu tahulah..
 Better: Lebih baik
 Because why: Karena kenapa
 Whereas: Sedangkan
 End up: Akhiri
 The point is: Pada intinya
 While: Sementara
 Not yet: Belum
 Confuse: Membingungkan
 Surely: Pastinya
 Honestly: Sejujurnya
 Attitude: Sikap
 Probably: Mungkin
 Whatever: Terserah
 Make sure: Yakinkan
 Confirm: Konfirmasi
 Mingle: berbaur
 Bestie
 Relate
 Oversize
 Degrading:menghina
 Self proclaim: mengaku ngaku
 Self harm
 Hectic: kerjaan numpuk/ sibuk
 Humble/ down to earth: rendh hati
 Backstreet: pacaran diam2
 Quarter life: usia 25

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