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Types of

According to Purpose

Inform Persuade Entertain

In this kind There is an

attempt The goal

of an
speech, the

goal of

to get listeners to entertaining


is to
the speaker

embrace a
point of

is to increase
help the audience

view or to

adopt a audience enjoyment,

learn something

they behavior

they which can

in a
don't already know. would not have done variety of forms.

According to Delivery

Impromptu Extemporaneous
An impromptu speech is the Extemporaneous speech has
presentation of a short been carefully planned and
message without advance practiced but is given in a casual
preparation. way with just a few notes.

Memorized Manuscript
A memorized speech is the Manuscript reading or
rote recitation of a written speech is the word-for-
message that the speaker word iteration of a
has committed to memory. carefully written message.

According to Occasion

Ceremonial Inspirational
This type of speech is The goal of an
given during a ceremony inspirational speech is
or a ritual marked by the to elicit or arouse an
observance of formality emotional state within
or etiquette. an audience.

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