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Mollvo/Or< for 0 Down Doy :n

are eSlablL.hing is nul h~al thy and predic.tahlc.. The ,,,sull ,,'ill be a luI
of down days.
• Excessive dri nki ng a nd dru g li se-Useless, blab mon,ings lypkaUy
follow nightll when drugs and alcohol af<" overdone.
• Alle rgies-Allergies change Ihe produclion and funcHon of lhe brain's
"eu'olra"smilleffl. Sudd~n increllS<-'S ill pol l ~" or mold levels can make
a \radN feel like h~ is IighO"g I,is way through a hal'e all day .
• Lac k or e x ~ rd".,-Ir you do nol gel a<l"'lu31e exerd. .. , you will t>egin
tu feel51ugglSh and find it difficult IU concentrale.

SI'·"I .. gle~ ru,' )"ulllng OUI ur :, 1),lIIn Ill') lin .. 'u "h,'~ll' :"
( : m,~e~ Physical causes are the easiest IU address and Iheir slrategiC'S
ore usually sim ple al1houg!, lhey may not t>e what you w""l to t,ear, You
rna,' simply ha"c IU forget about trading on a panic"lar do" ... day and take
care uf yuur body. Only you knuw whethN you are duwn be<.:ause uf surn~~
Ihin! yuu aw, dra"k, ur too k inh' yuur body .

If t he problem is ex haus tion from a la ck o f s leep , forget about

lrading. Take the day orr and get IU bed. If II is not possible IU
take the day off, work but do not trade K('('p your stress le"ds
low and take good care of you"",tr, Thier<' is no cure for Ihis day
but res\.
Ir yo u are ,"e .ei), lire d , bu~ no~ tu 1.h~ pu in t u r e xh a usti on , t.~ke
a 10- I" I[,.minute C."'n.~I" Thi. will , e,i"e you for """era! hou",.
Stay away from earoohydrale5 al lunch or you will not be able 10
Slay awake in the afternoon. If your energy is marginal , Slick 10
domg things you can do automatically. Somelim",", just k('('pmg
going will actually t>ellin to r<'V up the old engines. 1I00n'...,r, a good
night's sleep;" re<luir~d \unigh(.
Ir f OU ha d 10" on .. ~h to d rh lt. m,d feel '*" 'erely d,·ple1..,.-[. , eplace
nutrienL~ ""d hydral", MNat,olism of akohol rt'<[uires Ihe body 10
use its store of salt. waler, and various n ,itami"" You will feel
belli'r wlwn Ihese nutrients are replaced. A li'aspoon of salt in a
tall gJ""" of water with a good muiti·.,itamin and a small meal can
work wondel>! for your energy.
A la c k or a( l,ivit.y can creal~ dO,,"'n days. G~t UI' fron' your des k and
fin,l a way 10 lake a bris k walk or gel I" the gym for a quick work·
out. You will f",,1 redtarg~d as a ...._.UIL A word of ca ution: Do ,wI
Adre na l Ex hausti o n is lhe causp of a high percentage of down days
Sl-n-ss, emotional scenes, lack of slffp, a bad diet, and won)' can
exlla""t )'our ad"' nals and leave you f('('lIng down. Severe mus--
cle pain in the neek "nd shuulders may also de,'clop. This u,,~.{Jay

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