Los Warren

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Ed and Lorraine Warren were a couple of investigators of paranormal

phenomena of American origin and also the inspiration for several films,

including the famous franchise "THE SPELL".

Ed Warren, born in Connecticut in 1926, said that from a very young age

he had experienced strange things in what was his home; of which at

first scared but in the end ended up bringing him closer to the

paranormal world..

Lorraine Warren born in 1927, who had studied at a prestigious private

school, had experienced clairvoyance from a very young age, so, when

she met Ed, she discovered in him a companion.

Throughout their career, Ed and Lorraine investigated more than 10,000

paranormal events; however, four stand out: "The Amityville

Investigation", "The Case of Annabelle", "The Story of the Werewolf"

and "The Strange Events in the Perron Family Home"


The real Annabelle doll was not made of porcelain nor did she look like a

little girl as she is characterized in the movies. Rag Era.

Annabelle was a mother's gift to her daughter in 1970. But gradually, he

began to see strange things; According to his testimony, the doll moved

her limbs and even changed rooms and even messages of "help".

The situation caused them to call a medium; and the expert in these

phenomena informed them that the spirit of a 7-year-old girl named

Annabelle Higgins had possessed the doll since she had died on the spot.

The situation became more serious later, which, according to the

testimony, the doll made physical aggressions that magically

disappeared the next day. They called several members of the church

who contacted the Warren couple who investigated the case and

concluded that the spirit was not of a human but of a demon. Then, the

Warrens took the doll with them..


It was in this house on the night of November 13, 1974 that a 23-year-

old murdered his parents and four siblings in cold blood while they

slept. The young man assured before the trial that some "voices of the

house" had pushed him to commit the terrible murders.

But, the fame of this house is when a year later a family moves into the

franchise. On the same day they were established, strange phenomena

began: nightmares of murder with facts that nobody knew, substances

on the walls or secret rooms with apparitions of demonic creatures. The

family tried to perform an exorcism on the house but everyone involved

disappeared without a trace, resulting in the abandonment of the


The Warrens' visit to the house was too famous to have the stories

adapted from the Conjuring saga.

Lorraine had no idea what had happened but as soon as she stood on

the door door of the murderer Ronnie DeFeo room she left the house
saying that she "could not enter" because there was a "great evil and a

lot of oppression" even ensuring that this place was "the closest to hell

she wanted to be" in her life and she did not plan to cross that


Ed Warren died on August 23, 2006 at the age of 79 and Lorraine on

April 18, 2019 at the age of 92.

Their last case together was the Warren dossier: "Forced by the Devil"

which is very popular in the United States.

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