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Motiv%n f'" 0 Down Doy

p~l'erie,,<:e the highl'St rate;; of deprffiSio" "nd suicide_ Sun light ap-
pears to influence mood and a S('lIS(' of wellheing_
• Bad ne ..·s- ~o one IS immune to bad news , It <:ould he almost any-
thing' a friend dies, a ~pou"" IOS('~ ajob, a bad ,<'Sult from a mffiical
l<"'~ or a catastrophe that "ffects otkrs and us, Down da,.,. may fol low
as a "-,,,ull.
• [""[a Uu n- T rad,·,,, who "'ork from ho"'~ ,,·;thout "'ueh h,,,,,,,n con ·
tac1 can have down days simply from a lack or S<>CiaI in1.eractiun .
• Unp[ ~asanl Soda ! En ha"g~s-When ""mNlne dedde;; 10 unlmd
his miS('», on you, it can leave you fffling down. Unplea<;ant exchanges
can come ",i1hoUl warning. Nevertheless, the r""t of your day can spi-
ral downward because of it.

SIl·"I .. gl.. ~ I'"r I"u[[[ng Out ... ' a ...",,, II.. ~· lIu .. I" ~:IH .. II'""'I
, :.",,,,,,, " nowing so",,, key irlfonnat;on is "ila[ Iu pull ing you"",,[f out of
a downwani Wj L~I'in .

Are you "n illi ro ve r l 0 ' " " exlrovert? An extrowrt gaI'1S energy by
Ix-ing aruund othe r people, An inlrovert builds energy by hein~ alone and
away from olhe "" lIow do you fill up youremolional en.o:in<'S?

Strate g)' One: Ify"u ar.. an extrtwert, get on th .. pholle and talk with
SI"""""e wh" likes to hear from you or 6nd a place where pe"pl"
c"ngregate and join in the eo"versaUon.
Strate!!y T wo : If y"u are an intro,."n.. find y"ur "wn cave and shut
the door so Ihat you can , ebui ld your emotional energy, Fifteen
",mutes of peace and qukl is oftcn enough 10 bring you bac k to a
stal~ of emuli(mal "'/11 ili"'iv II!_

Strate!!)' Thre e: If y"u are an "pllmiS!., analyze what pulled you into
a down day. Mentally hst H,e JIOsitivc lhin.o:s that ha"e happmcd
and all of your pfUudes1 acl,iC'lements. I~clur~ th~ las! ti",~ you
pullt'{[ yuur'St' lf OUI of a bad siwatio"_ Congmlul al~ you"",,[f for
your c reativity and courage and imagine how you can "'If' this t"
,..,,'erse the situati"n' FlII up with a sellse of power and lake action_
Rewanl "ourself
afterwanl "
Strate!!)' Fo ur: If Y"U are a pessimist, Y"U may need a friend to help
you . This "I",uld he somcone wI", Ix-lie'"" in you and has known
you [ung e no ugh 10 ""mind you of all that you h,,"e achic"ed in
your [ife . As a r>eSsi, nisl, you ,U3Y find your'St'f( piling b.~d neWS on
top of b.~,1 n"ws, making life seem hopel"""_

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