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8/23/23, 7:42 AM DAILY CHECKLIST


1. MORNING (Before and After Breakfast)

Tick all that apply.

Make bed (Merapikan tempat tidur)

Get dressed (Berpakaian)
Brush teeth (Sikat gigi)
Brush and style hair (Sisir dan tata rambut)
Wash hands and face (Cuci tangan dan muka)
Put on makeup (Pakailah makeup)
take morning meds (minum obat pagi)
check schedule (periksa jadwal)
Make coffe (Membuat Kopi)
Eat Breakfast (Sarapan)

2. Evening (Before Bed)

Tick all that apply.

Put dirty Clothes in hamper (Masukkan Pakaian kotor ke dalam keranjang)

Pick up bedroom (Ambil kamar tidur)
Pick up living spaces (Ambil kamar tinggal)
Bath or shower if necessary (Mandi atau mandi jika perlu)
Brush teeth (Sikat gigi)
Wash hands and face (Cuci tangan dan muka)

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