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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one
answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the
answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.

1. Films speed are either express in arithmetic (ASA) or logarithmic (DIN)). Which of film that has
finest silver grains?
A. ASA 1000 C. ASA 200
B. ASA 100 D. ASA 400

2. Which is a sign of genuineness in guided hand signature?

A. Good pen control C. Uneven alignment
B. Abrupt change in direction D. Slanting strokes

3. What type of forged signature where no attempt has been made to make a copy of the original
signature of the person purported to sign the document?
A. Simple C. Simulated
B. Traced D. Spurious

4. Intermittent force on the pen against the paper surface with an increase in speed (periodic
increase in pressure) is known in questioned document examination jargon as –
A. tremor C. retouching
B. pressure D. pen emphasis

5. An introductory backward strokes found in some capital and small letters is known as –
A. hitch C. beard
B. humps D. buckle knot

6. It is that part of the cartridge case where the priming mixture imparts ignition to the gun powder.
Which of these?
A. Flash hole C. Paper disc
B. Anvil D. Primer pocket

7. A type of a cartridge with protruding metal around the body near its rim designed to provide
support to the cartridge case and generally used in high power gun. Which one?
A. Rimmed C. Rebated
B. Belted D. Rimless

8. What instrument is used in measuring the weight of a bullet with its equivalent caliber?
A. Calipher C. Tortion balance
B. Helixometer D. Chronograph

9. The rate of speed which the bullet leaves the gun muzzle expressed in feet per seconds is known
as –
A. Muzzle velocity C. Terminal velocity
B. Velocity D. Trajectory
10. Strokes which are added to the form of the letter designed to complete its form is called –
A. diacritical marks C. idiosyncrasies
b. embellishments D. flourishing strokes

11. Stereoscopic microscope is one of the most expensive instruments used for examination of
documents that would show three dimensional enlargements. Three diameter enlargement in a
projection means that for each inch of the negative along a side, the print measures three inches
and has –
A. 12 times the area of the original negative
B. 18 times the area of the original negative
C. 8 times the area of the original negative
D. 9 times the area of the original negative

12. Which death that is characterized by a complete and persistent cessation of respiration,
circulation and almost all brain functions?
A. Molecular C. Apparent
b. Somatic D. State of suspended animation
13. An external examination of dead body without incising being made although blood and other
body fluids may be collected for examination. Which is being referred?
A. Autopsy C. Post mortem examination
B. Dissection D. Embalming

14. It is a change of the color of the body after death when blood accumulates in the dependent
portion of the body. Which is being described?
A. Rigor mortis C. Livor mortis
B. Algor mortis D. Vinor mortis

15. Which writing instrument used by the forger that will make detection of pen-lifting and
retouching more difficult?
A. Ball point pen C. Pencil
B. Fountain pen D. Fiber pen

16. It is the only specific test for semen and seminal stain. Which of these?
A. Microchemical test C. Microscopic test
B. Fluorescence test D. Spectrographic test

17. Which writing specimen normally executed by the writer without intention of changing his/her
usual writing habits?
A. Natural writing C. Disguised writing
B. Guided writing D. Assisted writing

18. In procuring fingerprint from the subject, ink can be evenly distributed to the fingerprint slab
through the use of –
A. fingerprint brush C. fingerprint ink
B. ink slab D. ink roller

19. The purpose of rolling the finger from nail edge to nail edge is in order to –
A. complete the pattern C. cover all the ridge characteristics
B. have a good impression D. avoid missing the delta

20. After developing latent prints in the surface where it was found, what instrument is necessary
for preserving this latent print?
A. Fingerprint card C. Latent Print transfer card
B. Fingerprint tapes D. Latent prints lifters

21. Writing forms can either be a disconnected or joined letter writings. What specimen of writing is
characterized by disconnected style?
A. Hand lettering C. Cursive writing
B. Manuscript form D. Rounded

22. It is the unstable rotating motion of the projectile. Which is described?

A. Gyroscopic action C. Trajectory
B. Ricochet D. Yaw

23. In the identification of shell, which the firing pin marks and breech face marks is not
discernable, the positive identification can be based on –
A. extractor marks confirmed by ejector marks
B. chamber marks
C. magazine lip marks
D. shearing marks

24. The following are public documents, EXCEPT –

A. Written official acts, or records of the official acts of the sovereign authority, official
bodies and tribunals and public officers, whether of the Philippines, or of a foreign country.
B. Documents acknowledged before a notary public.
C. Last will and testaments
D. Public records, kept in the Philippines, of private documents required by law to be
entered therein.

25. Before any private document offered as authentic is received in evidence, its due execution and
authenticity must be proved either:
I. By anyone who saw the document executed or written
II. By evidence of the genuineness of the signature or handwriting of the maker.
III. Ancient document

A. I and II only C. I only

B. I, II and III D. III only

26. There are five major section of the polygraph machine. Which section is designed to provide a
permanent record of the test result?
A. Keymograph C. Pen and inking system
B. Pneumograph D. Galvanogaph

27. In this stage of the polygraph test, subject’s consent is obtained. Which of these?
A. Initial Interview C. Instrumentation
B. Pre-test Interview D. Post test Interview/Interrogation

28. Which of the following that can be described as coarse, wiry, with constriction and twists and
has many broken ends?
A. Trunk hair C. Axillary hair
B. Pubic hair D. Hair in the penis or vulva

29. A dead body is found in a parked car with the motor still running and the windows closed.
Carbon monoxide is suspected as contributing to the death. Such suspicions would be
strengthened if the skin of the deceased was found to be –
A. a dark brown color C. a bruised black and blue appearance
B. a cherry red color D. a chalky white color

30. “Did you shoot Kardo Dalisay last night?” is an example of what question?
A. Irrelevant question C. Control question
B. Relevant question D. Peak of tension

31. An emotional response to specific danger that appears to be beyond the persons defensive power
is –
A. stimulus C. fear
B. response D. emotion

32. Is the type of question designed to established specific response from the subject?
A. Relevant C. Irrelevant
B. Control D. Knowledge

33. A type of test where questions are consisting of series of irrelevant questions with only one
relevant question?
A. General question test C. Peak of tension test
B. Guilt complex test D. Silent answer test

34. You, a Police Officer-Investigator assigned in a remote municipal police station somewhere in
CALABARZON found a discarded cartridge case at the crime scene. In order to maintain the chain
of custody, you wishes to mark the cartridge case for identification. You will mark your initials on –
A. the base of the cartridge case
B. the side of the cartridge case
C. both the side and the base of the cartridge case
D. either the side or the base of the cartridge case depending on the amount of space

35. An illustration of the basic form or designs of letter considered as fundamentals in the writing
system is known as –
A. copy book form C. writing movement
B. system of writing D. line quality

36. Forged signature which resembles the genuine signature written in free-hand. Which is being
A. Traced forgery C. Simulated forgery
B. Simple forgery D. Spurious signature
37. At the scene of the suspected homicide, the deceased is found lying nude and face down. On
the upper side of the deceased’s back is evidence of post mortem lividity, a dark blue discoloration
that is apparent after death. Accordingly, which of the following may NOT be properly concluded?
A. That the death occurred at least two hours in the past
B. That the body has not been moved
C. That the discoloration is probably not from bruising if the color is uniform
D. That the discoloration is probably not from the bruising if there is no indication of swelling
or an abrasion

38. A light examination where the source of light comes from one side and striking the surface of
the paper at a very low angle, which is best used in the examination of indented writing?
A. Direct light C. Transmitted light
B. Side light D. Oblique light

39. He conceived the idea of utilizing an instrument for detecting deception in the year 1895. Who is
A. Cesare Lombroso C. Sir James Mackenzie
B. John A. Larson D. Leonarde Keeler

40. Who introduced a completely revised polygraph technique wherein the most significant feature
was the utilization of control question and guilt complex test?
A. John A. Larson C. John E. Reid
B. Richard O. Arthur D. Leonarde Keeler

41. When the muzzle of the gun was held within 2 inches to 36 inches, what characteristic pattern
can you observe around the bullet hole?
A. Gaping hole and singeing C. Tearing and burning
B. Smudging and tattooing D. Singeing

42. The following are not major components of the polygraph, EXCEPT-
A. sphygmomanometer C. kymograph
B. blood pressure cuff D. cardiospygmograph

43. The pneumograph component has how many divisions?

A. one C. three
B. two D. four

44. Post mortem lividity or livor mortis is a very good basis for determining the position maintained
by the body after death. What stage of lividity that the blood goes to the dependent portion of the
body but not yet permanently clotted?
A. Hypostatic C. Diffusion
B. Livor mortis D. Algor mortis

45. The following are muscle changes after death EXCEPT –

A. primary flascidity C. rigor mortis
B. secondary flascidity D. post-mortem lividity

46. SPO1 Jessie Dela Cruz responds to a shooting. He was informed that a shot has been fired
through the glass windowpane. In such an instance, he would be most likely to find on the side of
the windowpane where the shot exited the windowpane all the following, EXCEPT-
A. a crater formed C. concentric circles
B. flaking of glass D. radial fractures

47. Persons who are the subjects involved in a family dispute should be tactfully removed by the
responding officers from which of the following rooms?
A. The living room C. The kitchen
B. Any room that has a window D. The bedroom

48. Which of the following is the biological test for blood?

A. Benzidine test C. Takayama test
B. Precipitin test D. Bardero's test

49. Kind of ink which is not visible to the naked eye is called –
A. nigrosine ink C. stamp pad ink
B. sympathetic ink D. printer's ink

50. Consider the following statements concerning fingerprints:

I. Visible fingerprints made by the bloody hands should be photographed
II. Plastic fingerprints are visible and molded into an object
III. Latent fingerprints are not visible to the naked eye

Which of the following choices best classifies the above statements into
those which are accurate and those which are inaccurate?
A. Statement 1 is inaccurate; statements 2 and 3 are accurate
B. Statement 2 is inaccurate; statements 1 and 3 are accurate
C. Statement 3 is inaccurate; statements 1 and 2 are accurate
D. All of the statements are accurate

51. In handwriting examination, the sudden increased in pressure or the intermittently

forcing the pen against the paper surface with an increase in speed is known as –
A. pen pressure C. pen emphasis
B. pen shading D. retouching

52. The stillness or steadiness of the bullet in its flight until it finally reaches the target is
A. Rifling C. Ricochet
B. Gyroscopic action D. Trajectory

53. What is a short duration artificial light commonly attached to a camera?

A. Incandescent lamp C. fluorescence lamp
B. photo flood lamp D. flash bulb

54. The fingerprint card used in recording the subject print has a size of –
A. 8 1/2” x 8 ½” C. 8” x 8”
B. 9” x 9” D. 10” x 10”

55. The pressure generated within the chamber erroneously called breeched pressure is
known as –
A. Hammer power C. Chamber weight
B. Chamber pressure D. Breech face

56. A form of ligature strangulation in which the force applied to the neck is derived from
the gravitational drag of the weight of the body is_____.
A. hanging C. lynching
B. strangulation by ligature D. throttling

57. Fired cartridges extracted from the body of the gunshot victim are marked at its:
1. Base 2. Ogive 3. Nose 4. Body 5. Striations
A. 1, 3 and 5 C. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2 and 4 D. 3, 4 and 5

58. Fired shells used in the shooting incident collected from the crime scene are marked on
any part of the shell for the purpose of identification?
1. Inside near mouth
2. Head of the shell
3. Body
4. Base
5. Outside near the mouth
A. 1, 3 and 5 C. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2 and 4 D. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

59. A purplish color that appears under the skin on portions of the body closest to the
ground is known as___.
A. hypostasis C. post mortem caloricity
B. rigor mortis D. none of these

60. When the “draws” of the revolver is completed, the index finger should?
A. touch the outside of the trigger guard
B. be straighten along the barrel
C. grasp the stock
D. be inside the trigger guard

61. Basic principles that may guide a document examiner in the examination of
1. Gross characteristics in writing can be found not only in writing of one person but
in a group of persons' writing
2. Characteristics of writing or its identifying details are any property, elements or
features which serve to individualized writing.
3. Significant writing habits is sufficiently unique and well fixed to serve as a strong
basis for the identity or non-identity of the writing.
4. Any repeated elements of handwriting serve to distinguish the writing habits
of one person from another

Which of them is/are true?

A. 1and 2 C. 1, 2 and 3
B. 3 and 4 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

62. In case that there is no loop among the fingerprint patterns in the fingerprint card,
how will you get the Key Division?
A. Count the ridges of the first plain whorl
B. Count the ridges of the first whorl
C. No key division to derived
D. Write Dash

63. When one uses a photographic filter in taking a photograph, he is actually

__________light rays or color from the light to reach the film.
A. adding C. multiplying
B. subtracting D. dividing

64. Before any private document can be offered in evidence, its authenticity and due
execution must be proved first. How?
1. By anyone who saw the document executed or written
2. By evidence of the genuineness of the signature or handwriting of the maker.
3. Ancient document
4. By expert opinion of a questioned document examiner whose expertise must
be duly proved first

A. 1 and 4 C. 1 and 2
B. 1, 2 and 4 D. 4 only

65. If light meter determines the amount of reflected light, the amount of light a flash unit
may yield at a given distance can be determine by a_____.
A. luminescence C. guide number
B. wattage D. volts

66. Which part of an enlarger that provides even illumination of the negative when
A. Lamp house C. Condenser

67. Emulsion speed indicator expressed in an arithmetic form is____

A. American Standards Association
B. Deutche Industre Normen
C. International Standard Organization
D. Gross Domestic Product

68. The following persons CANNOT be subject to polygraph examination:

1. moron 3. feeble-minded
2. imbeciles 4. minor
A. 1 and 3 C. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2 and 4 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

69. In a sale of a car Joey is asked to acknowledge the transaction through a deed of
sale which he must write something to indicate his acceptance and recognition of
its contents. Which of the following should Joey writes?
a. His acknowledgment of the sale through writing his signature in each page of
the deed of sale
b. His penmanship
c. His greetings, name and autograph
d. His name and signature

70. Juana Galvez is a Registrar in one of the biggest University in Metro Manila. Due to
countless documents she signs everyday you will notice usual or normal deviations
of her handwriting. Which of the following statements is true about the facts?
a. Galvez handwriting may undergo transitory change
b. Galvez signature may sustain temporary defect
c. Natural variation may be observed on Galvez’s handwriting
d. Tremor may be noticed on Galvez, s handwriting

71. Which fingerprint impressions are taken simultaneously and serve as a guide in
checking the
proper location of rolled impressions in the finger in the card?
A. Rolled Impression C. Plain Impression
B. Contaminated with colored substance D. Molded Prints

72. Person whose fingers are more than the usual number in both hands is known
A. Polyfinger C. Deformities
B. Polydactyl D. Bidactyl

73. The Primary Division of the fingerprints’ classification formula , if all fingers are
missing or cut
A. 1/1 C. 31/31
B. 32/32 D. 16/16

74. In the examination of handwriting slant, a questioned document examiner a ruled or

plastic glass plates called____.
A. Typewriting measuring test plates C. Protractor
B. Handwriting slope measuring test plates D. Compass

75. Physical injury wherein the victim is ill–treated or incapacitated for work or require
medical attendance for a period of 1 to 9 days is categorized as___.
A. slight physical injury C. serious physical injury
B. less serious physical injury D. mutilation

76. Hitch of a letter:

A. refers to the outer part of an upper curve, bend or crook
B. refers to an introductory up and down strokes which can be observed in some capital
C. refers to the strokes added to the form of a letter which merely serves as a decorative
or ornamentation and which are not necessary to the legibility of the letter.
D. refers to the introductory backward strokes found in many small letters

77. The power of the bullet which delivers a very heavy paralyzing blow that put the victim
down and may then recover if the wound inflicted upon is not fatal is called –
A. Knocking power C. Fire power
B. Power kick D. Double action

78. The noise created at the muzzle point of the gun due to the sudden escape of the
expanding gas coming in contact with the air in the surrounding atmosphere at the
muzzle point is called –
A. Muzzle Blast C. Fire power
B. Bang Effect D. Atmospheric pressure

79. The actual curbed path of the bullet during its flight from the gun muzzle to the
target is known as –
A. Straight horizontal line C. Vertical drop
B. Parabola-like flight D. Trajectory

80. A type of fingerprint pattern consisting of a core, delta, recurving ridge and a ridge
count of at least one is____.
A. radial loop C. ulnar loop
B. loop D. tented arch

81. Which camera accessory that designed to fix the camera focus and avoid its unusual
movement during the process of photographing?
A. cable release C. stand
B. tripod D. camera strap

82. Instrument used to hold or secure fingerprint cards in taking fingerprint of a dead
person is___.
A. Card holder C. Spatula
B. Strip holder D. Forceps

83. If you are going to measure the straight distance between the muzzle point and the
target, then what are you actually trying to solve?
A. Velocity C. Accuracy
B. Range D. Bore size
84. When the material in the path of the light is transparent a change in the direction of
the light occurs, there is –
A. Refraction C. Diffraction
B. Reflection D. Detraction
85. What color has the longest wavelength?
A. Red C. Green
B. Blue D. Cyan
86. What part of the camera is consisted of one or more glass or plastic disk with flat,
concave, or convex surfaces, each disk is called element and the purpose of it is to
focus light on the film?
A. Diaphragm C. Shutter
B. Lens D. Film
87. What part of the camera can be adjusted to different speed, the speed means the
length of time it is open?
A. Diaphragm C. Shutter
B. Lens D. Film
88. The lens aperture not only controls the amount of light entering the camera, it also
affects another fundamental aspects of the photograph which is the –
A. Focus C. Image
B. Depth of field D. Film
89. Police Officers with extensive experience in accident investigation and refresher
course maybe called by the court to testify as to speed, point of impact, and other
related issues. Airplane expertise usually requires and engineering degree and
experience. It is common for this kind of expert to demonstrate exhibits showing
reconstruction of the accident. What is being talked about?
A. Automobile accidents
B. Automobile and airplane crashes
C. Traffic investigation
D. Terrorism
90. It is generally considered most reliable personal identification, but challenges
continue to occur at the laboratory protocol level and the extent of interpretation.
Which one among the following?
A. Alkaloid synthesis C. Evidence custodian
B. Laboratory SOP D. DNA Testing
91. Usually a social psychologist that augments or impeaches the witness’s cognitive or
perceptual abilities at a show up, line-up, or recollection of facts. Memory experts
tend to bring a lot of books to the court room, and perception experts tend to host
simple courtroom demonstrations. What is described in this statement?
A. Portrait parle C. Police line up
B. Interrogation D. Eye witness identification
92. This can refer to the work of a crime lab unit or a freelance gun expert who is
capable of examining cartridge cases, shells, and ammunition of all types. Garments
and other objects are also sometimes examined in terms of discharge residue.
Firearms identifiers rely upon some of the same principles as tool mark experts.
What is being described?
A. External ballistics C. Firearms identification
B. Internal ballistics D. Terminal ballistics
93. This most commonly describes biologists and serologists who work in a crime lab
who identify and type dried bloodstains, other body fluids, and DNA. Others work
with hairs and fibers as well as identify and compare botanical specimens such as
wood and plants. Which one is described?
A. Botany C. Plant remains analysis
B. Forensic Biology D. Fossil analysis
94. A title for coroners or medical examiners that work closely with police. Numerous
techniques used here, depending upon financial resources of a community, but still
based around autopsy. The expertise involves the medico-legal investigation of
sudden, unnatural, unexplained, or violent deaths. What is being described?
A. Forensic medicine C. Forensic odontology
B. Forensic pathology D. Medico legal examination
95. This relies upon laboratory devices involving the techniques of spectrography and
chromatography to produce findings such as what you had ate three years ago in
hair samples. Fiber analysis tends to use the simple means of 10X microscopes (or
higher). What is being described?
A. Chromatographic examination C. Analysis of Medulla
B. Hair and fiber analysis D. Chemistry
96. A dead person was found with a contact gunshot in the right temple and the fatal
gun tightly grip by the right hand, such condition is called –
A. Rigor mortis C. Cadaveric spasm
B. Post mortem rigidity D. Death stiffening
97. Which of the following stimulus can cause physical injury?
A. Gonorrhea C. Close wound
B. Syphilis D. headache
98. The duration of death can be determined by the following factors, EXCEPT –
A. Presence of rigor mortis
B. Onset of decomposition
C. Presence of post mortem lividity
D. Stage of digestion of food in the stomach
99. What are the reasons for the inadmissibility to the court of the result of lie detector
1. Polygraph techniques are still in the experimental stage
2. There is no way to assure that a qualified examiner administered the test
3. The test cannot relied upon because of many errors
4. The examination is not scientifically made
A. 1 only C. 1, 2 and 3 only
B. 1 and 2 only D. 1, 2 and 4 only
100. Virginity is not synonymous with chastity. From this, which of the following is
correct? A woman may –
A. resort to many forms of homosexual and heterosexual practices without losing her
virginity and yet maybe unchaste
B. have a ruptured and other signs of loss of physical virginity and yet she is chaste
C. resort to masturbation with rupture of the hymen and yet she may still be a virgin
D. become virgin lifetime if married



INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one
answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the
answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.

1. Films speed are either express in arithmetic (ASA) or logarithmic (DIN)). Which of film that has
finest silver grains?
A. ASA 1000 C. ASA 200
B. ASA 100 D. ASA 400

2. Which is a sign of genuineness in guided hand signature?

A. Good pen control C. Uneven alignment
B. Abrupt change in direction D. Slanting strokes

3. What type of forged signature where no attempt has been made to make a copy of the original
signature of the person purported to sign the document?
A. Simple C. Simulated
B. Traced D. Spurious

4. Intermittent force on the pen against the paper surface with an increase in speed (periodic
increase in pressure) is known in questioned document examination jargon as –
A. tremor C. retouching
B. pressure D. pen emphasis

5. An introductory backward strokes found in some capital and small letters is known as –
A. hitch C. beard
B. humps D. buckle knot

6. It is that part of the cartridge case where the priming mixture imparts ignition to the gun powder.
Which of these?
A. Flash hole C. Paper disc
B. Anvil D. Primer pocket

7. A type of a cartridge with protruding metal around the body near its rim designed to provide
support to the cartridge case and generally used in high power gun. Which one?
A. Rimmed C. Rebated
B. Belted D. Rimless

8. What instrument is used in measuring the weight of a bullet with its equivalent caliber?
A. Calipher C. Tortion balance
B. Helixometer D. Chronograph

9. The rate of speed which the bullet leaves the gun muzzle expressed in feet per seconds is known
as –
A. Muzzle velocity C. Terminal velocity
B. Velocity D. Trajectory
10. Strokes which are added to the form of the letter designed to complete its form is called –
A. diacritical marks C. idiosyncrasies
b. embellishments D. flourishing strokes

11. Stereoscopic microscope is one of the most expensive instruments used for examination of
documents that would show three dimensional enlargements. Three diameter enlargement in a
projection means that for each inch of the negative along a side, the print measures three inches
and has –
A. 12 times the area of the original negative
B. 18 times the area of the original negative
C. 8 times the area of the original negative
D. 9 times the area of the original negative

12. Which death that is characterized by a complete and persistent cessation of respiration,
circulation and almost all brain functions?
A. Molecular C. Apparent
b. Somatic D. State of suspended animation

13. An external examination of dead body without incising being made although blood and other
body fluids may be collected for examination. Which is being referred?
A. Autopsy C. Post mortem examination
B. Dissection D. Embalming

14. It is a change of the color of the body after death when blood accumulates in the dependent
portion of the body. Which is being described?
A. Rigor mortis C. Livor mortis
B. Algor mortis D. Vinor mortis

15. Which writing instrument used by the forger that will make detection of pen-lifting and
retouching more difficult?
A. Ball point pen C. Pencil
B. Fountain pen D. Fiber pen

16. It is the only specific test for semen and seminal stain. Which of these?
A. Microchemical test C. Microscopic test
B. Fluorescence test D. Spectrographic test

17. Which writing specimen normally executed by the writer without intention of changing his/her
usual writing habits?
A. Natural writing C. Disguised writing
B. Guided writing D. Assisted writing

18. In procuring fingerprint from the subject, ink can be evenly distributed to the fingerprint slab
through the use of –
A. fingerprint brush C. fingerprint ink
B. ink slab D. ink roller

19. The purpose of rolling the finger from nail edge to nail edge is in order to –
A. complete the pattern C. cover all the ridge characteristics
B. have a good impression D. avoid missing the delta

20. After developing latent prints in the surface where it was found, what instrument is necessary
for preserving this latent print?
A. Fingerprint card C. Latent Print transfer card
B. Fingerprint tapes D. Latent prints lifters

21. Writing forms can either be a disconnected or joined letter writings. What specimen of writing is
characterized by disconnected style?
A. Hand lettering C. Cursive writing
B. Manuscript form D. Rounded

22. It is the unstable rotating motion of the projectile. Which is described?

A. Gyroscopic action C. Trajectory
B. Ricochet D. Yaw

23. In the identification of shell, which the firing pin marks and breech face marks is not
discernable, the positive identification can be based on –
A. extractor marks confirmed by ejector marks
B. chamber marks
C. magazine lip marks
D. shearing marks

24. The following are public documents, EXCEPT –

A. Written official acts, or records of the official acts of the sovereign authority, official
bodies and tribunals and public officers, whether of the Philippines, or of a foreign country.
B. Documents acknowledged before a notary public.
C. Last will and testaments
D. Public records, kept in the Philippines, of private documents required by law to be
entered therein.

25. Before any private document offered as authentic is received in evidence, its due execution and
authenticity must be proved either:
I. By anyone who saw the document executed or written
II. By evidence of the genuineness of the signature or handwriting of the maker.
III. Ancient document

C. I and II only C. I only

D. I, II and III D. III only

26. There are five major section of the polygraph machine. Which section is designed to provide a
permanent record of the test result?
A. Keymograph C. Pen and inking system
B. Pneumograph D. Galvanogaph

27. In this stage of the polygraph test, subject’s consent is obtained. Which of these?
A. Initial Interview C. Instrumentation
B. Pre-test Interview D. Post test Interview/Interrogation

28. Which of the following that can be described as coarse, wiry, with constriction and twists and
has many broken ends?
A. Trunk hair C. Axillary hair
B. Pubic hair D. Hair in the penis or vulva

29. A dead body is found in a parked car with the motor still running and the windows closed.
Carbon monoxide is suspected as contributing to the death. Such suspicions would be
strengthened if the skin of the deceased was found to be –
A. a dark brown color C. a bruised black and blue appearance
B. a cherry red color D. a chalky white color

30. “Did you shoot Kardo Dalisay last night?” is an example of what question?
A. Irrelevant question C. Control question
B. Relevant question D. Peak of tension

31. An emotional response to specific danger that appears to be beyond the persons defensive power
is –
A. stimulus C. fear
B. response D. emotion

32. Is the type of question designed to established specific response from the subject?
A. Relevant C. Irrelevant
B. Control D. Knowledge

33. A type of test where questions are consisting of series of irrelevant questions with only one
relevant question?
A. General question test C. Peak of tension test
B. Guilt complex test D. Silent answer test

34. You, a Police Officer-Investigator assigned in a remote municipal police station somewhere in
CALABARZON found a discarded cartridge case at the crime scene. In order to maintain the chain
of custody, you wishes to mark the cartridge case for identification. You will mark your initials on –
A. the base of the cartridge case
B. the side of the cartridge case
C. both the side and the base of the cartridge case
D. either the side or the base of the cartridge case depending on the amount of space

35. An illustration of the basic form or designs of letter considered as fundamentals in the writing
system is known as –
A. copy book form C. writing movement
B. system of writing D. line quality

36. Forged signature which resembles the genuine signature written in free-hand. Which is being
A. Traced forgery C. Simulated forgery
B. Simple forgery D. Spurious signature
37. At the scene of the suspected homicide, the deceased is found lying nude and face down. On
the upper side of the deceased’s back is evidence of post mortem lividity, a dark blue discoloration
that is apparent after death. Accordingly, which of the following may NOT be properly concluded?
A. That the death occurred at least two hours in the past
B. That the body has not been moved
C. That the discoloration is probably not from bruising if the color is uniform
D. That the discoloration is probably not from the bruising if there is no indication of swelling
or an abrasion

38. A light examination where the source of light comes from one side and striking the surface of
the paper at a very low angle, which is best used in the examination of indented writing?
A. Direct light C. Transmitted light
B. Side light D. Oblique light

39. He conceived the idea of utilizing an instrument for detecting deception in the year 1895. Who is
A. Cesare Lombroso C. Sir James Mackenzie
B. John A. Larson D. Leonarde Keeler

40. Who introduced a completely revised polygraph technique wherein the most significant feature
was the utilization of control question and guilt complex test?
A. John A. Larson C. John E. Reid
B. Richard O. Arthur D. Leonarde Keeler

41. When the muzzle of the gun was held within 2 inches to 36 inches, what characteristic pattern
can you observe around the bullet hole?
A. Gaping hole and singeing C. Tearing and burning
B. Smudging and tattooing D. Singeing

42. The following are not major components of the polygraph, EXCEPT-
A. sphygmomanometer C. kymograph
B. blood pressure cuff D. cardiospygmograph

43. The pneumograph component has how many divisions?

A. one C. three
B. two D. four

44. Post mortem lividity or livor mortis is a very good basis for determining the position maintained
by the body after death. What stage of lividity that the blood goes to the dependent portion of the
body but not yet permanently clotted?
A. Hypostatic C. Diffusion
B. Livor mortis D. Algor mortis

45. The following are muscle changes after death EXCEPT –

A. primary flascidity C. rigor mortis
B. secondary flascidity D. post-mortem lividity

46. SPO1 Jessie Dela Cruz responds to a shooting. He was informed that a shot has been fired
through the glass windowpane. In such an instance, he would be most likely to find on the side of
the windowpane where the shot exited the windowpane all the following, EXCEPT-
A. a crater formed C. concentric circles
B. flaking of glass D. radial fractures

47. Persons who are the subjects involved in a family dispute should be tactfully removed by the
responding officers from which of the following rooms?
A. The living room C. The kitchen
B. Any room that has a window D. The bedroom

48. Which of the following is the biological test for blood?

A. Benzidine test C. Takayama test
B. Precipitin test D. Bardero's test

49. Kind of ink which is not visible to the naked eye is called –
A. nigrosine ink C. stamp pad ink
B. sympathetic ink D. printer's ink

50. Consider the following statements concerning fingerprints:

I. Visible fingerprints made by the bloody hands should be photographed
II. Plastic fingerprints are visible and molded into an object
III. Latent fingerprints are not visible to the naked eye

Which of the following choices best classifies the above statements into
those which are accurate and those which are inaccurate?
E. Statement 1 is inaccurate; statements 2 and 3 are accurate
F. Statement 2 is inaccurate; statements 1 and 3 are accurate
G. Statement 3 is inaccurate; statements 1 and 2 are accurate
H. All of the statements are accurate

51. In handwriting examination, the sudden increased in pressure or the intermittently

forcing the pen against the paper surface with an increase in speed is known as –
A. pen pressure C. pen emphasis
B. pen shading D. retouching

52. The stillness or steadiness of the bullet in its flight until it finally reaches the target is
A. Rifling C. Ricochet
B. Gyroscopic action D. Trajectory

53. What is a short duration artificial light commonly attached to a camera?

A. Incandescent lamp C. fluorescence lamp
B. photo flood lamp D. flash bulb

54. The fingerprint card used in recording the subject print has a size of –
A. 8 1/2” x 8 ½” C. 8” x 8”
B. 9” x 9” D. 10” x 10”

55. The pressure generated within the chamber erroneously called breeched pressure is
known as –
C. Hammer power C. Chamber weight
D. Chamber pressure D. Breech face

56. A form of ligature strangulation in which the force applied to the neck is derived from
the gravitational drag of the weight of the body is_____.
A. hanging C. lynching
B. strangulation by ligature D. throttling

57. Fired cartridges extracted from the body of the gunshot victim are marked at its:
1. Base 2. Ogive 3. Nose 4. Body 5. Striations
A. 1, 3 and 5 C. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2 and 4 D. 3, 4 and 5

58. Fired shells used in the shooting incident collected from the crime scene are marked on
any part of the shell for the purpose of identification?
1. Inside near mouth
2. Head of the shell
3. Body
4. Base
5. Outside near the mouth
A. 1, 3 and 5 C. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2 and 4 D. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

59. A purplish color that appears under the skin on portions of the body closest to the
ground is known as___.
A. hypostasis C. post mortem caloricity
B. rigor mortis D. none of these

60. When the “draws” of the revolver is completed, the index finger should?
A. touch the outside of the trigger guard
B. be straighten along the barrel
C. grasp the stock
D. be inside the trigger guard

61. Basic principles that may guide a document examiner in the examination of
1. Gross characteristics in writing can be found not only in writing of one person but
in a group of persons' writing
2. Characteristics of writing or its identifying details are any property, elements or
features which serve to individualized writing.
3. Significant writing habits is sufficiently unique and well fixed to serve as a strong
basis for the identity or non-identity of the writing.
4. Any repeated elements of handwriting serve to distinguish the writing habits
of one person from another

Which of them is/are true?

C. 1and 2 C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 3 and 4 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

62. In case that there is no loop among the fingerprint patterns in the fingerprint card,
how will you get the Key Division?
A. Count the ridges of the first plain whorl
B. Count the ridges of the first whorl
C. No key division to derived
D. Write Dash

63. When one uses a photographic filter in taking a photograph, he is actually

__________light rays or color from the light to reach the film.
A. adding C. multiplying
B. subtracting D. dividing

64. Before any private document can be offered in evidence, its authenticity and due
execution must be proved first. How?
5. By anyone who saw the document executed or written
6. By evidence of the genuineness of the signature or handwriting of the maker.
7. Ancient document
8. By expert opinion of a questioned document examiner whose expertise must
be duly proved first

C. 1 and 4 C. 1 and 2
D. 1, 2 and 4 D. 4 only

65. If light meter determines the amount of reflected light, the amount of light a flash unit
may yield at a given distance can be determine by a_____.
A. luminescence C. guide number
B. wattage D. volts

66. Which part of an enlarger that provides even illumination of the negative when
A. Lamp house C. Condenser

67. Emulsion speed indicator expressed in an arithmetic form is____

E. American Standards Association
F. Deutche Industre Normen
G. International Standard Organization
H. Gross Domestic Product

71. The following persons CANNOT be subject to polygraph examination:

1. moron 3. feeble-minded
2. imbeciles 4. minor
A. 1 and 3 C. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2 and 4 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

72. In a sale of a car Joey is asked to acknowledge the transaction through a deed of
sale which he must write something to indicate his acceptance and recognition of
its contents. Which of the following should Joey writes?
a. His acknowledgment of the sale through writing his signature in each page of
the deed of sale
b. His penmanship
c. His greetings, name and autograph
d. His name and signature

73. Juana Galvez is a Registrar in one of the biggest University in Metro Manila. Due to
countless documents she signs everyday you will notice usual or normal deviations
of her handwriting. Which of the following statements is true about the facts?
a. Galvez handwriting may undergo transitory change
b. Galvez signature may sustain temporary defect
c. Natural variation may be observed on Galvez’s handwriting
d. Tremor may be noticed on Galvez, s handwriting

71. Which fingerprint impressions are taken simultaneously and serve as a guide in
checking the
proper location of rolled impressions in the finger in the card?
A. Rolled Impression C. Plain Impression
B. Contaminated with colored substance D. Molded Prints

72. Person whose fingers are more than the usual number in both hands is known
A. Polyfinger C. Deformities
B. Polydactyl D. Bidactyl

73. The Primary Division of the fingerprints’ classification formula , if all fingers are
missing or cut
A. 1/1 C. 31/31
B. 32/32 D. 16/16

74. In the examination of handwriting slant, a questioned document examiner a ruled or

plastic glass plates called____.
A. Typewriting measuring test plates C. Protractor
B. Handwriting slope measuring test plates D. Compass

75. Physical injury wherein the victim is ill–treated or incapacitated for work or require
medical attendance for a period of 1 to 9 days is categorized as___.
A. slight physical injury C. serious physical injury
B. less serious physical injury D. mutilation

76. Hitch of a letter:

A. refers to the outer part of an upper curve, bend or crook
B. refers to an introductory up and down strokes which can be observed in some capital
C. refers to the strokes added to the form of a letter which merely serves as a
decorative or ornamentation and which are not necessary to the legibility of the letter.
D. refers to the introductory backward strokes found in many small letters

77. The power of the bullet which delivers a very heavy paralyzing blow that put the victim
down and may then recover if the wound inflicted upon is not fatal is called –
C. Knocking power C. Fire power
D. Power kick D. Double action

80. The noise created at the muzzle point of the gun due to the sudden escape of the
expanding gas coming in contact with the air in the surrounding atmosphere at the
muzzle point is called –
C. Muzzle Blast C. Fire power
D. Bang Effect D. Atmospheric pressure

81. The actual curbed path of the bullet during its flight from the gun muzzle to the
target is known as –
C. Straight horizontal line C. Vertical drop
D. Parabola-like flight D. Trajectory

80. A type of fingerprint pattern consisting of a core, delta, recurving ridge and a ridge
count of at least one is____.
A. radial loop C. ulnar loop
B. loop D. tented arch

81. Which camera accessory that designed to fix the camera focus and avoid its unusual
movement during the process of photographing?
A. cable release C. stand
B. tripod D. camera strap

82. Instrument used to hold or secure fingerprint cards in taking fingerprint of a dead
person is___.
A. Card holder C. Spatula
B. Strip holder D. Forceps

101. If you are going to measure the straight distance between the muzzle point and
the target, then what are you actually trying to solve?
C. Velocity C. Accuracy
D. Range D. Bore size
102. When the material in the path of the light is transparent a change in the
direction of the light occurs, there is –
C. Refraction C. Diffraction
D. Reflection D. Detraction
103. What color has the longest wavelength?
C. Red C. Green
D. Blue D. Cyan
104. What part of the camera is consisted of one or more glass or plastic disk with
flat, concave, or convex surfaces, each disk is called element and the purpose of it is
to focus light on the film?
C. Diaphragm C. Shutter
D. Lens D. Film
105. What part of the camera can be adjusted to different speed, the speed means
the length of time it is open?
C. Diaphragm C. Shutter
D. Lens D. Film
106. The lens aperture not only controls the amount of light entering the camera,
it also affects another fundamental aspects of the photograph which is the –
C. Focus C. Image
D. Depth of field D. Film
107. Police Officers with extensive experience in accident investigation and refresher
course maybe called by the court to testify as to speed, point of impact, and other
related issues. Airplane expertise usually requires and engineering degree and
experience. It is common for this kind of expert to demonstrate exhibits showing
reconstruction of the accident. What is being talked about?
E. Automobile accidents
F. Automobile and airplane crashes
G. Traffic investigation
H. Terrorism
108. It is generally considered most reliable personal identification, but challenges
continue to occur at the laboratory protocol level and the extent of interpretation.
Which one among the following?
C. Alkaloid synthesis C. Evidence custodian
D. Laboratory SOP D. DNA Testing
109. Usually a social psychologist that augments or impeaches the witness’s
cognitive or perceptual abilities at a show up, line-up, or recollection of facts.
Memory experts tend to bring a lot of books to the court room, and perception
experts tend to host simple courtroom demonstrations. What is described in this
C. Portrait parle C. Police line up
D. Interrogation D. Eye witness identification
110. This can refer to the work of a crime lab unit or a freelance gun expert who is
capable of examining cartridge cases, shells, and ammunition of all types. Garments
and other objects are also sometimes examined in terms of discharge residue.
Firearms identifiers rely upon some of the same principles as tool mark experts.
What is being described?
C. External ballistics C. Firearms identification
D. Internal ballistics D. Terminal ballistics
111. This most commonly describes biologists and serologists who work in a crime
lab who identify and type dried bloodstains, other body fluids, and DNA. Others work
with hairs and fibers as well as identify and compare botanical specimens such as
wood and plants. Which one is described?
C. Botany C. Plant remains analysis
D. Forensic Biology D. Fossil analysis
112. A title for coroners or medical examiners that work closely with police.
Numerous techniques used here, depending upon financial resources of a
community, but still based around autopsy. The expertise involves the medico-legal
investigation of sudden, unnatural, unexplained, or violent deaths. What is being
C. Forensic medicine C. Forensic odontology
D. Forensic pathology D. Medico legal examination
113. This relies upon laboratory devices involving the techniques of spectrography
and chromatography to produce findings such as what you had ate three years ago
in hair samples. Fiber analysis tends to use the simple means of 10X microscopes (or
higher). What is being described?
C. Chromatographic examination C. Analysis of Medulla
D. Hair and fiber analysis D. Chemistry
114. A dead person was found with a contact gunshot in the right temple and the
fatal gun tightly grip by the right hand, such condition is called –
C. Rigor mortis C. Cadaveric spasm
D. Post mortem rigidity D. Death stiffening
115. Which of the following stimulus can cause physical injury?
C. Gonorrhea C. Close wound
D. Syphilis D. headache
116. The duration of death can be determined by the following factors, EXCEPT –
E. Presence of rigor mortis
F. Onset of decomposition
G. Presence of post mortem lividity
H. Stage of digestion of food in the stomach
117. What are the reasons for the inadmissibility to the court of the result of lie
detector examination?
5. Polygraph techniques are still in the experimental stage
6. There is no way to assure that a qualified examiner administered the test
7. The test cannot relied upon because of many errors
8. The examination is not scientifically made
C. 1 only C. 1, 2 and 3 only
D. 1 and 2 only D. 1, 2 and 4 only
118. Virginity is not synonymous with chastity. From this, which of the following is
correct? A woman may –
E. resort to many forms of homosexual and heterosexual practices without losing her
virginity and yet maybe unchaste
F. have a ruptured and other signs of loss of physical virginity and yet she is chaste
G. resort to masturbation with rupture of the hymen and yet she may still be a virgin
H. become virgin lifetime if married


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