Facade Colours Not Just A Matter of Personal Taste

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Facade Coulours

not just a Matter of Personal Taste

– a psychological account of preferences for exterior building colours

Jan Janssens

he psychological impor- the lack of applicable knowledge about the psycholo-
tance of colours to humans gical and perceptual effects of environmental colours.
has been the topic of scientific studies for over a Besides the apparent gap of information exchange
century. Recent research has shown that environ- between academics and practitioners, most of the
mental colours may increase or reduce brain activa- psychological facts about colour were considered to
tion and contribute to feelings of pleasantness, variation, be rather abstract in nature. Much of the knowledge
spaciousness, social rank and originality in architectu- was out of contact with real life and therefore discar-
ral spaces. Colours can also attain symbolic values and ded by the colour designers and planners. Some archi-
hereby increase the built environment’s identity or tects even claimed it was not possible to take a scien-
cultural character. In a study, presented here and con- tific approach, because individual colour preferences
ducted by the author together with Rikard Küller at the were subjective and unique. Instead, they argued for
Environmental Psychology Unit in Lund, a number of the more intuitive or artistic approach, where colour
questions about urban colouration were investigated design is founded on previous experience, professional
(Janssens & Küller, 1997). What colours are perceived touch and common sense.
as adequate for different kinds of buildings? Are there The general public’s discomfort with environme-
any general rules for this? Are there differences in co- ntal colourations obviously corresponds to a decrease
lour preferences between different subject groups? in knowledge about colours during the last decades.
In a previous survey it was noticed that these ques- Colours are no longer inseparably connected with
tions frequently were asked by architects and that scien- specific building materials, processes or styles. The
tific information in these subjects was generally insuf- constant urge for new architectural expressions de-
ficient (Janssens, 1995; Janssens & Mikellides, 1998). As mands the use of new forms and materials, sometimes
a matter of fact, many practitioners complained about provoking a less conscious colour use. On the whole,

Jan Janssens: Facade Coulours… 17

the appearance of our urban spaces is determined Berlyne’s investigations of abstract stimuli and art ob-
not by devoted architects and skilful planners, but by jects, defining aesthetic evaluations as basically deter-
ignorant decision makers and entrepreneurs. mined by the arousal value of the object or stimulus.
Psychological studies of colour may be of interest Berlyne (1971) described this process as a curvilinear
to environmental planners for a number of reasons. pattern, involving an increasing positive evaluation
One of the more interesting aspects of colours is their when arousal increases, up to a certain optimal level.
perceptual properties sometimes described as aesthe- After that, additional arousal would lead to a decrease
tic qualities, which are closely related to people’s prefe- in evaluation and finally to a strong negative evaluation
rences. Theories about colour preferences are nume- (Figure 1, page 34). Thus, this hypothesis proposes that
rous, from the simple assumption that some colours the preference for a colour is determined by its arousal
always are more preferred than others, to complicated value.
models about styles, contexts and cultural determina- Based on Allan Whitfield’s and Philip Slatter’s work
tors. The main purpose of the study reported below was (1978, 1979), our third hypothesis predicts that colour
to test three well defined hypotheses, based on diffe- preferences are determined by people’s expectations
rent theories about colour preferences. and previous experiences. Each artefact is judged ac-
cording to it’s typicality, that is for buildings and fur-
Colour preference theories niture their style and function. This assumption lends
A common assumption is that our liking or disliking of support from a study by Masao Inui (1969), who found
colours is merely ”a matter of personal taste” and that that specific room functions were emotionally con-
each individual would have his or her own and unique nected with choices of specific room colours. Also
colour preference pattern. An extension of this as- geographical, cultural and historical linkages may be
sumption could be that a person’s subjective liking of substantial in the evaluation of environmental co-
specific colours would influence his preferences for co- lours. Since certain colours may be traditionally and/
lours on all kinds of artefacts, such as clothes, cars and or regionally attributed to certain building types, this
interiors. Even if everyday experience tells us that this ought to be of importance in studies of architectural
is not so, a vast amount of scientific effort has been in- colour perception.
vested in trying to prove the existence of more general The relation between some of these singular expla-
colour preference rules. natory assumptions has been the object of several stu-
Our first hypothesis therefore stated that colours in dies lately, resulting in new and interesting approaches
the exterior environment are preferred in the same order to aesthetic behaviour. For instance, Amos Tversky
as colour samples. By summarising the results of a lar- (1977) claims that both the arousing and prototypical
ge number of studies, Hans Eysenck (1941) found the potential are determinants of the affect for an object.
colour blue to be the most preferred, followed by red, He describes this quality as feature salience, compri-
green, purple, orange and yellow. These results, howe- sing the two components; intensity (arousal) and di-
ver, were often founded on judgements of rather un- agnosticity (prototypicality). Other studies relate
specified colour samples. More precise evaluations preference to specific subject attributes like gender,
were reported by Lars Sivik (1974) by means of so cal- age and education. The present author found that
led isosemantic mappings according to the NCS (Natu- architects as a group favour building exteriors with
ral Colour System), thereby facilitating a more accurate higher unity and coherence, whereas laymen prefer fa-
preference ranking of different colour hues. It was thus cades with higher complexity and variation (Janssens,
hypothesised that the results from both Eysenck and 1984). It is worth noticing that the three hypotheses of
Sivik would be good predictors for the appreciation of our study represent different standpoints in the nature
specific colours even on buildings. – nurture continuum. The second hypothesis takes its
Our second hypothesis was based on Daniel departure in our basic biological characteristics and

18 Nordisk Arkitekturforskning 2001:2

the third one in our refined capacities as social and cul- mental colours were chosen to represent four colour
tural beings, whereas the first one includes both the hues, each in one less and one more saturated rende-
subjective and general human aspects. ring. The white colour was also included (Figure 2,
page 34). It should be noted that the aim of the present
Experiments study was to investigate the validity of the three colour
The study started as a field survey in Malmö, where preference theories and their possible interrelations,
twelve urban environments of different age, scale and not to examine the particular colours.
function were selected and assessed. Each environme- The first experiment aimed at assessing the prefe-
nt was evaluated from a given spot in various respects, rences for colours on specific buildings. These ratings
amongst others regarding colour preferences, arousal were made under two conditions, one directed at the
and prototypicality characteristics. Similar evaluations central building and one at the entire street environ-
were made by different groups of subjects, both ex- ment. Under the first condition, the subjects had to ex-
perts and laymen, both local inhabitants and passing press their likings for each colouration on a four point
people under different weather and seasonal con- scale, ranging from ”dislike very much” to ”like very
ditions. In this way it was hoped that differences in much”. Under the second condition, the whole street
experience would be elucidated. This field survey then environment was assessed by means of a seven step
formed the basis for two simulation studies intended semantic rating scale ranging from ”boring” to ”plea-
to test the above hypotheses. Pictures had been ta- sant”. According to the first hypothesis these prefe-
ken of each environment and these pictures became rences were expected to correlate positively with the
the basis for the colour simulations. In the first expe- general colour preference rank order, as established by
riment, slides of the urban environments were eva- Eysenck or Sivik or, at least, by the subjects themsel-
luated by groups of subjects and in the second one, ves.
judgements were made individually directly on a In order to test the second hypothesis an experi-
computer screen. ment was designed to assess the perceived arousal va-
In order to test the hypotheses mentioned above, lue of the coloured exteriors in terms of how well they
three consecutive experiments were carried out. For each fitted into the environment. This was done by rating
hypothesis a specific test had been designed with that each building’s relation to its surrounding on a four
specific problem in mind. Also the assessment techni- point scale, ranging from ”anonymous/insignificant”
ques had been adapted to each problem. A number to ”conspicuous/stirs attention”. According Berlyne,
of likely colour schemes had been applied on the dif- the relationship of these assessments to the evalua-
ferent buildings. In two of the three experiments the tive measures were expected to be curvilinear (Figure
same pictures were used. These represented the urban 1, page 34). A verification of the third hypothesis re-
environments from the field study, with the focus on quired a fit between the preference for exterior colours
one centrally located building surrounded by other and the appropriateness of the colour schemes for a
buildings. In the third experiment concerning proto- given type of building. For this purpose, each building
typicality, only a black and white cut of each central was presented isolated in black and white together
building was presented together with various colour with samples of the nine colours. The subjects were
samples. asked to rank these samples according their appropri-
In each of the urban environments the building in ateness to each building type. All together more than
the centre was coloured in nine different colours. The 200 subjects were taking part in the study and asses-
colour rendering was made with digital picture proces- sed the simulated environments. In addition to the usual
sing and then transferred to a normal colour slide film. personal background questions, all subjects were also
In the colour manipulated facade, all details, as well as asked to rank the colours used on the central facades,
the other buildings and the fore- and backgrounds, according their subjective preferences for them,
were retained as in the original picture. The experi- when presented as isolated colour samples.

Jan Janssens: Facade Coulours… 19

Results Conclusions
On the whole, our findings clearly showed the exis- Our results emphasise the importance of the relation bet-
tence of a strong influence of exterior colours on the ween the coloured facade and its surroundings, rather
overall perception of the urban environment. It was than of the colour itself. The foremost finding was the
also obvious that the simulation technique developed existence of a curvilinear relationship between arousal
and used within the research project was superior to the and evaluation in accordance with Berlyne’s theory. A
presentation with overlays and filters used in earlier colour has to fit in to its surrounding, not disappearing
colour studies. The technique may therefore, within all together and becoming indifferent, nor becoming
certain limits, be used as an efficient and reliable tool too conspicuous, which might make it appear badly
for colour planning of new and old environments. chosen.
The main hypotheses were tested by means of a sta- Almost equally strong support was obtained for the
tistical technique, where all assessments were incor- importance of prototypicality as proposed by Whitfield
porated in multiple regression analyses. The analyses and Slatter. When it comes to preferences for facade co-
revealed similar patterns, irrespective of whether the lours, it appears to be more a question of which colours
dependent variable was the evaluation of the whole do fit with in than which colours are beautiful. In fact,
street or of the central building. In both cases the the ranking of the colours’ fitness was based more on
strongest relationship was between the evaluation conventions than on aesthetic considerations.
on one hand and the arousing property of the building Thus, the results of the study point to a dual expla-
colour on the other. When the whole street environment nation for facade colour preferences, as suggested by
was assessed, a small part of the evaluation could be Tversky (1977). Both the specific facade colour’s arousal
ascribed to the buildings’ prototypicality and an potential and its prototypical quality are important for
equally small portion to the subjects’ individual colour the appreciation. We also found indications of a varia-
preferences. When each particular building was asses- tion in the relative importance of these two factors. For
sed, the prototypicality was the second most impor- instance, in old environments with small scale dwel-
tant whereas the subjective colour preferences were lings, the prototypicality became very important. In
almost negligible. The results also indicate some varia- modern, large scale industrial settings, the arousing
tion in the importance of the main explanatory factors properties came more to the front. In the first case we
between different types of urban scenes, which implies are obviously more bound by our previous experiences
that an individual approach is demanded for each par- and expectations, whereas in the latter, we may not yet
ticular colour project. have developed any specific expectancies but are incli-
Thus the existence of a general order of colour ned to rely more on basic perceptual rules.
preferences as suggested by Eysenck’s and Sivik’s re- The results support the conclusion that the evalua-
sults, could be rejected. The assumption that the ap- tion of environmental colours might be both biologi-
preciation of a particular colour is valid also when this cally and culturally determined. The urban scene ought
colour is applied on a building obviously is not true. to please and satisfy the needs of most people. Since
Even if a colour’s inherent beauty may not be trivial, our results are based on the experiences of the general
in this context it is clearly of less importance. Also the public, they might help professional planners to avoid
characteristics of the spectator, such as age and gen- colour solutions that are either too insignificant or too
der, and external factors such as weather and lighting ”outstanding”, or are completely in conflict with the ex-
conditions, had only minor influences on the assess- pectations of the general public. (The research project
ments. Differences between experts and laymen howe- was supported by the Swedish Council for Building
ver need to be examined more in detail. Research and the Colour Science Foundation.)
Jan Janssens, associate professor,
Environmental psychology, School of architecture
Lund institute of Technology Jan.Janssens@mpe.lth.se

20 Nordisk Arkitekturforskning 2001:2

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