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S", what 110 yuu s<><, in the mlm" tuday?

If you see yourself siuiog at

the computer "n"ha,'en, in pajamas, and barefoot. your appearance may
be refl""'ing the source of your trading problems, One of the lessons I have
Icame<l from attending mumi""" trade shows is thai I can S(XII a I"ghly
s"cc~'SSfllltradN froll' a hundred f~'<-"t away. lie is rardy (iIc Sh)(lpy fello'"
,..ith (he r,"e o'clock shadow "'ho looks like h~ n.,...,1s a sllo,.."r. lie ,..ill
have a dean..:!u{ appearanc.e with an air or .;onfiden<:t' a11t)U{ him.

~ol"lion: Ht-I1t'1"l ll \\dl -lI rt-SSt-ti hnilgl'

JIIS( a~ (h" Sla(e of yOllr l,iIY'ica( environn>"nl Inay ....11...::1 disorder in your
trading, your physical appearanc.e may do so, !.<~). Taking care of your ap-
l>eamnce tell~ yum unc.,ms.;ious mind that you are in control or your ,.."rld
and that you care about youfS<'lf, as ,..ell as promoung discipline in your
hfe. \\1,en you look in the nllrror and see a person proud or his appear-
ance, your unconscious reHects {hat succ""". All ofthe"" mcssa.o:"" pro'1de
positiw instructions for your U"CO"""IOUS nllnd.
Pan of looking g<JOd is looking healthy and lit. So, wearing e,'cn the
1lI,";{ e~pensive dothes,..iIl not ubscure {he fac:t that yuu ,,~~ke unheal{hy
ehuic.Pll in yuur diet mId eJwrcL<;e regilne". If yuu bulge i" the middle, m,d
if your skin and hair look ulIl,eahhy, you wiU "ot be able to hide it rrom
your mirror

(; UC)()SI \'C; IIOW "01, l ' um C; \HI'; 01'

\ 'nt.H Il:U: H SF-I,F: "Ot H 1'11411. c;lI'I'S
\\:11 F,UO'l'ln\:s

When you look carefully at your face in the mIrror, you "ill see your OWII
thoul(hts alld f('{'lings rclkcte<l in yo", cy"" and in the comc,"" of your
mouth. Is it a happy. detcrmincd , ]l""iti~c. content , or succf"SSful aura Uw
you ~-e" Is it a d"pr~_d, ~ iUcr, frighten~... I, Of resigned face thai look8
back at ~'ou" If We can .... ad (hose pow"rful e"'olions iro (he fac~'S of th"""
aruw>d u.~, we leanl t() """ th~", ill oursel",,,",, as well . Su take a goud
long I"ok
Our thoughts determine our emolio"". which in {urn detem,ine our
Ix-h",;o,"", If our thoughts are ncgative. P<'ssinustic, &'If·dcprt'Cati''-'l. and
fingcr pointinll, our emotions will Ix- dark, fun of dcprf"SSion and anller,
and ,'nergy dCllleling. Our IrJding will ...11".::( (huse !huught8 and erno! iuns.
Wilh such po",,,rful inn~r fol"C..-s at work, i! is "asy to sec ho,.. a trader
would have llifficulty dealing ,,;th the inevitable lus.<;eS tlla{ al"f' a na1!lrai
pan or trading.

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