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Labor unions

Definition- are organizations sanctioned by Labor Code of the Philippines as an acknowledgment of

Filipino workers' freedom to self-organize.
Any labor organization organized for collective bargaining and for other legitimate purpose.
1. enlightenment among Filipino workers concerning their wages, hour of work, and other legal
2. raise awareness on their obligations as union members and employees, as well.
3. serve as legitimate entities that negotiate with employers in policy-making with regard to
terms and conditions of employment. These negotiations formally take place in the process
of collective bargaining agreement.
Rights of Unions:
1. go on a strike- temporary stoppage of work by the employees when there is a labor dispute
The union, however, must file a notice of strike or the employer must file a notice of lockout to the
Department of Labor and Employment. But when a strike or lockout is deemed to compromise
national interests or interests of the Filipino public (for instance, the case of health workers), the
Secretary of Labor and Employment has the authority to prohibit it and deliberately enforce
resumption of regular operations.

Registration of Unions:
Union registration refers to the process of determining whether the application for registration of
a labor union organized for collective bargaining, complies with the documentary requirements
prescribed under Rule 3 and 4 of DOLE Department Order No. 40-03 and the rules implementing
Book V of the Labor Code, as amended.
The DOLE is mandated to process the application for registration of labor organizations in order for
them to acquire legal personality and to enjoy the rights given to legitimate labor organization

Sample of Labor Unions in the Philippines:

1. The Trade Union Congress of the Philippines is the largest union and confederation of 30
labor federations in the country which come from a wide range of sectors. As of 2009, there
are a total of 34,320 unions with consist of members summing up to 2.6 million.
2. include the Kilusang Mayo Uno, or May First Labor Movement.
3. the Federation of Free Workers (FFW)
Requirements for Union registration:


Public Sector Union Application Form (BLR Form No. 8, s. 2023)

Sample Constitution By-Laws for Public Sector Union

Independent Union
Federation/National Union
Chartered Local Union
Sample Constitution and By-Laws
Request for SEBA Certification
Report for Affiliation

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