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a a1 mg Air-X-Changers Harsco Installation, Maintenance, and Operating Instructions for Electric Motor Drive Units Airexcchangers has prepared this manual for the care and up keep of your Cooler. With these simple instructions and a few tools, the cwner can performn many ‘maintenance and light tepair procedures such as tightening the V-belts, checking fan blade angle, greasing bearings, setting the vibration switch, and cleaning fins and tubes. If more information is needed about a specific component we recommend that you refer to the attached specific manufactures maintenance instructions i.e. (motors, fans, and bearings). Because this manual covers several cooler styles and sizes, the instructions outlined are general in nature. This should be noted when looking at any illustration or parts of the manual that may not apply to your cooler. Good judgement should be used when purchasing either replacement parts or Products to be used in your repair or maintenance work. Some products may cause a decrease in performance. All replacement parts should be equivalent to the ‘anufacture’s original parts. Replacement paris ordered from the factory always ‘rary nur required high level of quality. DO NOT take a chance with products that might not do the job. INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS MANUAL Equipment Siting and Installation On Arrival At Site ‘Shipping Damage Loose Parts a Unioading Coolers Lifting Layouts Prior to Run-in Fans Bearings Lubrication Guide V-botts . Tension Tester. HTD Drives - Gear Drives | Louvers - Runin Vibration Switches V-belts Gear Drives Process Start-up Plugs 7 Long Ter Fin Cleaning Tube Cleaning Leaking Tubes Taper Pins Fesonmended Spare Parts Inspection. . Warranty ..... Limitation of Liability” For Sale EQUIPMENT SITING AND INSTALLATION Setting of cooler(s) isthe responsibilty of the purchaser who must insure that Cooler intake areas are free from obstruction to airflow and sources of hot sir (including other air coolers). Spacing of air coolers should te adequate to avoid hot 2ir recirculation. Raising and or separating units should compensate for the effects, of grouping coolers together. ON ARRIVAL AT SITE SHIPPING DAMAGE ‘The cooler should be thoroughly inspected for damage by receiving personnel. Damage in transit can be result of dropping or being struck by heavy objects, any damage should be described on receiving documents presented by Carrie. Prompt claim fing wil expedite early compensation from the offending cartier. Loose Parts ‘The parts list should be checked to see that all parts shipped with the cooler are present. These parts may be secured to the skid base (ff so designed) or inside the plenum area. Basically this cooler is completely shop assembled and no ‘assembly atthe job-site is required, but occasionally special accessory devices willbe required which must be shipped disassembled to meet height or width limitations. UNLOADING COOLER ‘Spreader bars are to be used {or liting when the cooler is eight (8) fost. The cooler is supplied with liting Points to be used for aff loading from ‘carer. Lifting by any other point may : cause damage to the cooler. Following are some suggested ways of ‘iting. Locate the picture which resembles the type of unit you ha and use as a guide on how to unioad and handle the cooler propery. (See unit name plate for unit type Le. EH, H, Fl,ete.) TUBE BUNDLES “ HUNITS £ Zz 2? = Z-UNITS < ty AWARNING| ‘TURN OFF AND LOCK OUT DRIVER BEFORE ENTERING COOLER PRIOR TO RUN-IN NOTE: Check all nuts and bolts for tightness, bolting will loosen during shipment + Fans Check fan blade bots and hub set screws for tightness. Rotate fan by hand to insure that shaft, speed reducer, and driver turn freely. The fan should be ch for adequate tip clearance and blade pitch angle. Slight adjcstment of the tip clearance can be made by loosening the fan shaft bearing bolts and moving the Complete fan and fan shaft assembly unt itis centered in the ring. To check the fan. blade angle, use a level bubble protractor (this can be obtained from the factory), Loosen the nuts on the bolts and place the protractor on the angle setting mare the clevis (refer to fan manufactures information for proper Iccation). Using a mallet ‘ap on the shank end of the blade to adjust the angle. Tighten fan blade bolts to the proper torque (refer to manufactures maintenance instructions) making sure to tighten evenly. Recheck biade angle. Some coolers are equipped with an automatic fan. These fans have blade angles controlled by varying the air supply pressure. Ar bressure should be applied by to the fan before starting to check for proper operation, Before starting, the motor should be bumped to check for proper direction of fan rotation, Bearings Bearing mounting bolts and set screws should be checked for tightness, The manufacturer lubricates the bearings and no additional grease is sary t0 star, When remote lube lines are provided check to insure they are {ull by loosening at the bearing end, then fil with grease from fiting end. This will insure that the grease lines are full of grease. During high-speed operation too uch grease will cause over heating. To protect bearings against entrance of foreign material when dust and water are present the bearings should contain as much grease as speed wil alow. Daily lubrication may be required to maintain Slight leakage at the seals. Under normal conditions use the following table as & 9uide. However, certain conditions may require a change of lubrication periods such 48 the ones described above. Read preceding page before establishing lubrication schedule LUBRICATION GUIDE [Suggested Lubrication Pariod in leeks - HOURS [4 T0 [251 TO]607 TO| 761 TO] 1001 TO] 1801 TO] 2001 TO|2801 TO PER | 250 | 500 | 750 | +000 | +500 | 2co0 |” 2500 | 3000 PAY) RPM | RPM | RPM | RPM | RPM | RPM | RPM | RPM a [ae pe wy, 7 5 7 a fe we) 2] 7 | s | 4 2 2 1 i a | ow} s {3s | 2 1 1 el Le 6 V-Belts On cooters with an idler or electric motor, the belts should be adjusted before rurvin. First, loosen the four (4) bolts, which clamp the motor to the sie ‘member, or the four (4) bolls, which secure the motor to the slide base. Then, Using the adjustment screw, take the slack out of the belts. Following the instructions below on using the tension tester to property tension the belts, USING THE V-BELT TENSION TESTER 1, Measure the span length (1). (See sketch on page 8) 2. Position the lower ofthe two O-rings using either of the following methods: ‘3. On the scale reading ‘Deflection Inches’, set the o-ring to show a deflection equal to 1/64" per inch of span length (t). . On the scale reading ‘iiches of Span Length’, set the O-ring to show a election equal tothe inches of measured span length (). NOTE: Read scales at bottom edge of O-ring in maximum up position, 5. At center of span (t) apply force, with tension tester perpendicular to the span, large enough to deflect one belt on the drive until the bottom edge of the lower O- Fing is even with the tops of the remaining belts. A straight edge across the tops of the belts will insure accuracy of positioning 4. Find the amount of deflection force on upper scale of tension tester. The Sliding Rubber O-ring “slides down scale as tool compresses’—stays down for accurate readings of pounds pressure. Read at top edge of ring. (Sliding ring up before re-using). 5. Compare the deflection force with range of forces in table on age 8. ifless than minimum recommended deflection force, belts should be tightened. If more than maximum deftection force, drive ‘tighter than novessary. NOTE: there will normally be a rapid drop in tension during the “run-n* period, Tension new drives with a 1/3 greater deflection force than the maximumn force recommended, Ei? DEFLECTION FORGE TABLE =] \V-BELT TENSION TESTER ‘SMALL SHEAVE | SWALL SHEAVE RECOMMENDED DEFLECT DIA. RANGE | RPM RANGE (INCHES) RANGE DEFLECTION FORCE (Pd) MINIMUM | MAXIMUM WK 230 7200-3600 28 Ta 2.36:2.60 +200-3600, 32 a7 2.85280 1200-3600 | 29 35 si | 3.00515, v2o0-s00 | 4 | 38 55 335-365 12003600 | 4 41 60 442500, 990-3600 48 1 5530-690, 900-3600 | 58 85 [SVK 440-465 1200-3600 80 13 490550 41200-3600 10 5 §.90-6.70 1200-3600 20 Ww 7 i 740-800 800-1800 | fo 3 of 8.50-10.90 600-1800 - 14 20 ¥%,80-1600 | 400-1200 8 2 HTD Drives Place belt on sprockets and adjust take-up so that belt teeth mesh securely with sprocket grooves. Measure belt span (). Then tighter belt so that it deflects 164° /inch of belt span when a force is applied es specified in the table below. Gear Drives Gears are shipped with or without oll depending en the manufacture and ‘must be checked before start-up. Some gears are shipped ‘over-flod’ and the cil must be drained tothe proper level. Fill gear with approved grade oll (efer to ‘manufactures information for listings of recommended ols), Measure the pan length (0) as shown in sketch above [HTO DEFLECTION FORCE TABLE] BELT | BELT | FORCE erréH | worm | tbs) 2amm 30mm 8mm 50mm 5mm 140mm 85mm ‘4mm 85mm 115mm s7omm__ NOTE: For bolts wider than 2 inch, itis suggested that a tinch stip of metal be placed across the belt between the “tension tester and the beltto prevent belt distortion, Louvers Check all mounting brackets and bolts for tightness. On manually rated louvers, to insure thet the linkage is adjusted property, operate biades a fully open position toa fully closed position. On a air motor ie should be applied to actuator to check ‘or proper raion, and sufficient air supply. See intenance instrucions fr further information on ait metors, . - | AWARNING DO NOT WALK ON LOUVERS OR USE AS A LADDER! RUN-IN Vibration Switch (optional) (Murphy & Nelson) ‘ter the switch has been installed, adjust by turning the adjustment screw in a clockwise direction uni the starting torque does not vp the vibration switch. For other brends see manufactures information, V-Belts un fan and check the tension frequently during tre first twenty-four (24) hhours of operation, Thereafter, check the belt tension peviodically. Excessive tension shortens belt and bearing life. Keep belts and sheaves clean of ant foreign material, which may cause slippage. For instructions on proper belt tension see V-BELTS page 7. Gear Drives Change the original oil after two weeks of operation by draining the original oil and filing to operating level with flushing oil. Start the fan and shut it immediately after it reaches operating speed. Drain flushing oil and fil with the recommended type and amount of ol. Normally the oil should be changed every six (6) months unless subjected to unusual operating conditions. Check the i level once a week. Level is accurate only when drive is stopped. Grease the vertical and horizontal shafts annually under normal operating conditions. For more information refer to manufactures maintenance instuctions. Process Start-up The process star-up should be conducted in a manner that will minimize {ermal shock of the tube bundles. Over cooling of fluids during periods of low ‘ambient temperature end low heat loads should also be evoided during start up. Plugs Header plugs are installed at room temperature in our plant. To correct ‘any minor leaking, it may be necessary to tighten the plugs when the bundle is at ‘operating temperature. WARNING: Do not tighten plugs while the bundle is Under pressure, If any plugs are removed, the gasket (for shoulder plugs only) should always be replaced. Replacement gaskets should be ordered from the factory. When installing the plugs, a thread lubricant and antigaling compound should be used. LONG TERM Fin Cleaning Fins should be kept free of dir and lint, which car be removed by directing Compressed air perpendicular to the tubes in a direction opposite to the ormal airflow. Do not use steam or chemicals to clean fins. Tube Cleaning ‘The intemal cleaning of tubes can be done three differert ways: 1. Mechanical Cleaning: This consists of using drils, (or wire brushes), on ‘ong rods. And rotating them with air or electic motors. This is normally followed by a water wash or ar purge. - 2. Chemical Cleaning ‘This consists of circulating hot chemical solution through the tubes. The solution contains inhibitors to avoid corrosion of the tube walls High Pressure Water Sprays: This consists of placing a high-pressure water jet head at the end of the hollow rods and pushing through the individual tubes. NOTE: Tho last two processes will not work on tubes that are plugged, they ‘must be driled out mechanically Leaking Tubes ‘Tube leaks can be two types: (1) leaks through the tube wall and (2) leaks inthe tube attachment. In the fist case it Is most practical to plug both ends of the tube. Only a limited number of tubes can be sealed off in this manner before performance is affected. When performance drops below acceptable limis, tube bundle must be retubed. If leaks develop in the tube end attachment, reroling of the tube willbe necessary. Care must be taken in selecting the proper tube ‘expander for the size and gauge of tube to be rolled. When roling a tube, ov rolling must be avoided, Consult the factory for information on taper pins to plug the tubes and roller tube sizes, 2. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING TAPER PINS FOR SEALING LEAKING TUBES 1. Remove plug from one end of leaking tube (do not switch plugs i holes). 2. Insert taper pin through plug hole into tube and tap lightly with hammer until ‘seated firmly, but not too tight to be removed. 3. Measure plug for depth it was originally screwed into ‘he plug sheet. 4. Measure the distance that the tape pin protrudes from the plug sheet in seated position, 5. Add the distance measured in Steps 3 and 4 then suttract 1/8*. This will be the length which should be cut off the large end of the taper pin D ; = or — ZA PLUG sweet Remove the taper pin rom the end of the tube. Saw a piece off the large end ofthe taper pin, the leng:h figured in Siep 5. Be careful not to cut the pin too short. & Re-insert the taper pin in the tube and drive well into place. 8. Lubricate plug (see PLUGS page 12) and replace in plug sheet, Run up tightly. The plug should now seat and help hold the taper pin in place. 10.Repeat operation on opposite end of tube, NOTE: ifthe plug removed does not seal replace it and the gasket if so equipped, 13. Recommended Spare Parts We suggest that one each of the parts, which are designated by an asterisk (*) on the pars list be cartied in your stock of spare parts. The down time caused by waiting for delivery of a spare part usually cost more in lost Production or Service than the cost of the part itself Spare parts orders should be specified in accordance with the parts list description and the Job numberof the uni P.0. |aTY. | DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS. —_[ SECTONS IN RCGORDANGE WITH SPECIFICATION SHEET DATED. —__ STRUCTURES) SET|s) SHUTTERS SET(S) TURNING VANES < | FaNis) roa. BLADE: "SORE Witt >, “| FaWsHAFT(sy “01a x _”LONG wiTH_ KEYWAY LENGTH "FAN BEARING(S): "IDLER BEARING(S> IDLER SHAFT(S) _"DIA X_—*LONG WIT "50 KEV ‘ONG ONE Eno, OUER PIVOT SHAFT(S) "DIA. X__ "LONG, CRS, WHH ONEHIOLE DRILeeo con ve" (COTTER PIN 22"FROM THE END, | SETS) __TVPE IDLER FRAME PARTS; PULLROO LENGTH MiNi THREAD LENGTH. VIBRATION SWICKES Heke ___ one. BETS cg: NPE" CENTERDISTANCE, _Hp EACH, MATCHED SeTS OF _ = | sheave SETS GROVES, "FAN SHEAVE _—* OD, BORE WITH __"x__"KEYWAY FITCH, MOTOR SHEAVE: "Fon, "Gore wind. >X\7Reyway + | Motor y HP, __ RPM, _ PHASE, Hz, __VOLTS, “ENGL, VARIABLE TORQUE, SINGLEVINDING, “SHAFT, "MOUNTING, "FRawe~” \“Subeease, UST. SPECIFICATIONS _| HOTOR DATAREQUIRED ._, WIRING DIAGHANS * RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS 14. INSPECTION Tubes : “Tubes are to be inspected for intemal and external corrosion and/or erosion periodically. This depends on the severity of service and atmosphere {thatthe tubes are in. Inspection ofthe tubes should be performed every six months. Tube wall thickness can be checked externally using the ultrasonic technique, Fans Fans should be inspected for wear (pitting, eracks and corrosion) on all surfaces. These inspections should be preformed every six months. in addition 'o surface inspections, al bolts and nuts must be checkéd for proper torque. Motors ‘The motors should be kept free of ol, dust, dirt, weter and chemicals. itis Particularly important to Keep the air intake cpenings free of foreign material. Do ot block air outlet or inlet. The following maintenance procedures should be performed regularly: 1. Bearing lubrication 2. Insulation resistance check 3. Cleaning ‘These inspections should be done at least every six (6) months. Bearings In ation o bearing checks as recommenced by the manufacture; he ‘mounting bolts should be checked for proper torque and cignment, "These checks should be done at least every six (2) months Structure AA general inspection ofthe structure should be performed every six (6) ‘months. This inspection should include checks for corrosion, damaged members ‘and sheeting, and for loose bolting, Headers Headers should be inspected for corrosion, This corrosion should not be allowed to proceed past the stated corrosion allowance as stated on the specification sheet. WARRANTY Ark changers warrants that the apparatus it manufactures is free of defects in material and workmanship, when operated in ‘accordance with conditions stated, for @ period of one (1) year after start-up not to exceed fiteen months from shipment. Such warranty shall ‘ot apply to any equipment, which thas been altered or repaired by other than the Company's personnel. The Company's obligation under this warranty is limited, however, to = repairing or, ifin the Company's judgement it seems more ‘appropriate, to furnishing without charge, F.0.8. the Company's factory, a similar part to replace any Part which after examination shall, to It's own satisfaction be determined to have been defective at the time it was shipped. This warranty applies only ifthe Company received an immediate written notice upon discovery of such defect. The Company makes no warranties ‘covering deterioration of fallure due {o corrosion, erosion or fouling or due to improper installation or operation. EXCEPT AS. ‘SPECIFICALLY STATED ABOVE, AIRX-CHANGERS HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHETHER OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY THE REMEDIES SET FORTH HEREIN ARE EXCLUSIVE. AIRX- CHANGERS SHALL NOT BE UABLE, INEXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE EQUIPMENT, FOR ANY DAMAGES, WHETHER IN CONTRAG", IN TORT OR ON ANY OTHER BASIS, SUSTAINED BY ‘THE CUSTOMER OR ANY OTHER PERSON ARRISING FROM OR RELATED TO THE DELIVERY, USE OR FAILURE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR FOR ANY DELAY, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL INDIRECT OR COMMERCIAL DAMAGES WHETHER DUE TO LOST PROFITS OR OTHERWISE RESULTING FROM THE DELIVERY, USE OR FAILURE OF THE EQUIPMENT. IF IT IS EVER NECESSARY ‘TO CONTACT OUR PLANT FOR SERVICE OR REPLACEMENTPARTS, IT IS. ESSENTIAL THAT OUR JOB NUMBER AND OTHER IDENTIFYING DATA BE OBTAINED FROM THE METAL NAMEPLATE ATTACHED TO THE COOLER, OR THE NAMEPLATE ATTACHED TO ‘THE TUBE BUNDLE HEADER BOX, WHICH ALSO CONTAINS THE DESIGN PRESSURE, TEMPERATURE, AND NUMBER. SERIAL AIR-X-CHANGERS, P.0. BOX 1604 Tulsa, OK 74101 (218) 266-1850, 16: FOR SALE mem DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT SEAL PINS USED TO SEAL LEAKING TUBES HANO TUBE ROLLER USED TO ROLL TUBE IN BOX V-BELT TENSIONER USED TO SET BELT TENSION SOCKETS FOR PLUGS TOOL KiT PROTRACTOR USED TO CHECK FAN BLADE ANGLE’ PROTRACTORBASE USEDON —~ VERTICAL FANS FINS PLUG GASKETS TAPER PLUGS (BR) TAPERED BRASS TAPER PLUGS (STL) TAPERED STEEL ‘OULDER PLUGS EAD LUBE LOK-CEASE COMPOUND. -AEAD LUBE (SS) LIQUID-O-RING #404 NOTE: PRICE INCLUDES ALL SHIPPING ‘TOTAL FROM AND HANDLING ABOVE TAX TOTAL ENCLOSED PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND WITHOUT INCURRING OBLIGATION. WHEN ORDERING PROVIDE FOLLOWING INFORMATION, JOB NUMBER MODEL TYPE __ ora! CUSTOMER “Af air-x-changers seis" PARTS LIST JOBNUMBER: 11614 Sab Bere nad Naa ee tie can OURS SEAS Gnd aig] ar DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE — H i — z —— = Five Universal Compression Standard SURFACE PREPARATION: Chemical Clean PRIMER COAT: ILLS 9267 Gay Primer 1.S.TO 2.8 MILS, DFT. FINISH CONT: H:£5 91601 Universal Compression Gra, 1.5 10 2.0 MILS, DFT. FO. QTY. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS NOTE: AN ASTERIK () IN QUANTITY COLUMN INDICATES A RECOMMENDED SPARE PART 'FECTION(S) IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATION SHEET DATED: 7/1201 SET SHUTTERS: TWP Alana FOR SERVICH(S) AC. SQ.T = 16g, WINKAGESETS=1, Standard, EXTRA FEATURES: YANG), lh DIAMETER, ZBLADES, RHROTATION, MOOREMAKE, 11 ANGLE Clas 2718 Inch BORE WITH Inch X26 neh KEY WAY. MODEL/PITCH: 27/Manual, HUB-Taper SHEAVE SETS 2GROOVES, 7 PITCH, — FANSHEAVE: 226 Inch OD, 2.716 Inch BORE WITH Sf loch X.$/6 Inch KEYWAY [MOTOR SHEAVE: 67 ch OD, 7-54 Inch BORE WITH ies X 3/16 lc KEYWAY, ma air-x-changers Ynocuws ‘Aen Fla harsco company, Focuses sot | ae“ COTRETTION a {ie tae z Sa [topes ese Tere Poe Se PERroManeE [aes esha 4 so sar ea a [eto a rsaer rex uaTo ‘ar ras Fea ar — ‘Sei ie enon age aa ‘| Setens, Ne /Connecte qianctr — | ' fac ————l HY ~ ee 4 - — ‘lie o0 owe ae = - 2a) ir Sx ana ve = : per specton OT 110K RT fat hen as RM BAW PLUS TORU oa aacit wie Se Spo RT af Teng aver 8 Ted Ge prior (Us 10 UT eal ead na ache ace ae B= 100% RT fa arse awe TRC ORT «sled Ar Tene ils Fa tat ole So Toa) ieou 5 [en ru sig FORM U-1A MANUFACTURER'S DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS {avternativa Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop Fabricated Vessels Onl) (Az Required te Provisions of ti ASME Cue Rules, Section Vil Dr | saedardsensed ty __Alex-changors, A Harsco Company 6218 Arkansas Road, Por of Catoosa, OK 74015 2 wecwetior UNIVERSAL COMPRESSION - PO 8X 1009 - HOUSTON, TX 77240 _ 3 eaten etinsataton UNIVERSAS( COMPRESSION. HOUSTON, TX _ ee 4 oe_Meat exchanger ouewie HORA REVO 40809, 2001 5, Thectamil and prs rope al prt ol queers of mat spect he ASME BOILER ANO PRESSURE VESEEL CODE “re dni eonsneten, we wots ono AME Paes, Seton WH Oon 1098, . 490 - — None Shea __gasie 700 as o Sars: T1925" > seams, “Coma Joint we e209 me = — a RR 1. ros ‘SAsi0 700 eran sasi870 So Taare | ian [See | Gon | RS ES | Oa aS | | Sera Ol ete ca i ee ieee [on =s = = = bers pease sane veins an aN —_— s00__ptatmaxtenp 290. ‘od Btn 09 oa Lk, paso con a OT Dio" ie pena ao wate ont | oe | a Teac Raton | Fem [CT a ee Sonne Sa ets teas gn One _SERERI — paac - 12 ematis: andacaros Pai Daa Repo roe eed ad signed by Goniseodnpacor have buen nih tlre ot overt - a : uses 17275" opgrmgnr "168" tong) —.060" HO santa “powsomnesiser, an HG TAP UNF yp SATS esa HET TUPACT EXEMPT PER: UG.2010. - ‘GERTIGATE OF SFP COUPLANEE \Wecatiy at te sslemarts mada hs repr arco and at a dea of ig mei, crete, an works fives com, {othe ASME Code Praveen Satan Val Doon ,"U"Cartelectuhatzaton No. 4281 gates __Y231_ a _ 02 due 2-250) Conane me aiekchangers Sons — eee ‘tet Zi a ‘Vessco oy ‘irk Changers * ‘ules, Okanema \ the undres nliig SIT SIG GALS Bye Neon! BONG of Bar ad Frcs Vase pad endor the Sie orFcarce 3 ‘Gkanoms aay ‘Sonpicil Union Insurance Company, 1 pesado arnponuo acid Wis Nance ala por on Bch 7 Bd vs Pak obo "Zipesndoeol bw Mancacurerbascostuce is pcere vere! in oreo Win AME Codi Seclon Vi, Otsen 1 By ora 1 Ale ntarne pacer empyema any naa, eesse or pbs, crceing te peso ves eserbed nie Sines Dain Arpt. Futhemoe, ihe the pcr nor Keele aalb ate any mnt any exeal uy er pepe aage or oo SEBS is ae NP — yelaadeine ‘a9 worm arm e01noro aed IR pa en a O22. 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PALPATION wo9sK0F TOSS TAMU, POSIT TeueEND “JWOSHO NOILOAdSNI SS39ONd NI~- TWN “> LNSIWAYINDSY ‘diNOD TWSU3AINN WNC “'dav aa Bq air-x-changers 2a 85 narseo company oS, PAINT -- IN PROCESS IN moon: [GaAcu WiTaLANODATE | GR 3 1830 ALL CHECKPOINTS Surface Preparation ‘Before Final Paint Final Paint Accepted/] Dry Mills Total: 1 Pager of Top Coat Ory Mills Total: i] eT TESST TE ‘SUSONVHO"X RIV Anna sy sMPSE MLRR CasvaTaa Ss ISED WHEN WORE THAN ONE SHUTTER ARE BANvED TOGE THE Ss 650 SERIES SHUTTER To SHUTTER SIZE Of CUSTOMER spec's, WUT ANO Lock WASHERS. TT eV (or) LINK

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