Dislipidemia Lancet Durrington

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Paul Durrington

The lowering of serum cholesterol is increasingly recognised as essential in the prevention of coronary heart disease
and other atherosclerotic disease. The success of statin trials and the need to deploy these drugs effectively in
the population has led increasingly to the identification of many people whose serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and
HDL-cholesterol require clinical assessment, and frequently treatment. Lipid disorders are mainly straightforward, but
some are complex or resistant to simple treatment strategies. I have reviewed the clinical manifestations of
disordered lipid metabolism (dyslipidaemia) and its management.

The past 8 years have brought about a transformation in the control, hypertension clinics that dealt only with blood-
clinical trial evidence for the effects of lowering serum pressure control, and cardiology and peripheral arterial
cholesterol. Earlier scepticism was so great that proof was disease clinics that specialised only in investigation and
demanded that lipid lowering decreases not only mortality treatment of vascular consequences of atherosclerosis.
but also morbidity from coronary heart disease (CHD) and Atherosclerosis is multifactorial, and lipid and other
all-cause mortality1—proof seldom required for other specialist clinics should form part of a cohesive preventive
pharmacotherapies, except perhaps chemotherapy of cardiovascular disease service that facilitates access to
malignant disease. Statin treatment now presents the various specialties.
greatest likelihood that a physician engaged in general
medical practice can routinely prolong life.2–10 Hypercholesterolaemia
To translate clinical trial evidence into medical practice, Familial hypercholesterolaemia
many international and national recommendations have The diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolaemia should
been developed that attempt to provide the clinician with always be sought among patients who have predominant
simple algorithms to guide practice. However, not all hypercholesterolaemia, because it carries a particularly high
patients have the simple lipid disorders the guidelines risk of CHD that can easily be overlooked.11–15 The existence
presuppose. Application of these approaches frequently of a dominantly inherited form of hypercholesterolaemia
reveals complex disorders. I have, therefore, surveyed that causes tendon xanthomata was recognised for 50 years
current knowledge and practice across the whole field of before the LDL receptor, and its diminished expression in
dyslipidaemia. Adopting a clinical approach, I have grouped familial hypercholesterolaemia was discovered in 1974.16
the disorders according to whether the biochemical The gene for the LDL receptor is located on chromosome
phenotype is mainly hypercholesterolaemia, a combined 19. The receptor allows cellular uptake of LDL from the
increase in cholesterol and triglycerides, mainly tissue fluid. An outline of lipoprotein metabolism is shown
hypertriglyceridaemia, hypolipidaemia, or secondary in figure 1. Mutations of this receptor in familial
dyslipidaemia. hypercholesterolaemia prevent it from participating
efficiently in LDL uptake because it cannot be transported
Lipid clinics to the cell surface, cannot bind properly to LDL once it gets
With the inclusion of serum lipid measurements in there, cannot be internalised, or is not released from the
screening programmes to identify individuals at high endosome.11 Well before the discovery of the LDL-receptor
cardiovascular risk, unusual lipid disorders and clinical- defect in familial hypercholesterolaemia, the time LDL
management issues have inevitably come to light (table). A spent in the circulation before its catabolism was shown to
need has arisen, therefore, for specialist clinicians, who are be increased from the normal 2·5 days to about 4·5 days in
generally physicians or chemical pathologists who have heterozygotes, and even longer in homozygotes.17
trained in endocrinology (diabetes) and metabolism. Some
lipid disorders present clinical difficulties that can be treated Search strategy
successfully only in a lipid clinic that provides specialised
I drew early references, before 1980, largely from Havel RJ,
dietetic care, and laboratory (including genetics), nursing,
Goldstein JL, Brown MS. Lipoproteins and lipid transport.
and inpatient facilities. There is also a need for clinicians
In: Bondy PK, Rosenberg LE, eds. Metabolic control and
who can provide expertise in lipid disorders in primary care
disease, 8th edn. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1980:
or district general hospitals. However, the mistakes of earlier
393–494. For later references, I searched the databases of
single-risk-factor clinics should not be repeated, such as
Current Opinion in Lipidology, augmented by MEDLINE and
diabetes clinics that concentrated only on glycaemic
PubMed, with the keywords: apolipoprotein, cholesterol,
dyslipidaemia, hypercholesterolaemia, hyperlipidaemia,
hyperlipoproteinaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, lipoprotein, and
Lancet 2003; 362: 717–31
triglyceride. I made my final selection dependent on limitations
of space, whether the references quoted were a good source
University Department of Medicine, Manchester Royal Infirmary,
of further references, and on the basis of my own clinical,
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL, UK (Prof P Durrington FMedSci)
research, and teaching experience.
(e-mail: pdurrington@man.ac.uk)

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Dyslipidaemia WHO phenotype Diagnosis Estimated prevalence

(hyperlipoproteinaemia) among adults of
European descent
Mainly hypercholesterolaemia* Type IIa: raised LDL Polygenic hypercholesterolaemia; 20–80%
familial hypercholesterolaemia;† 0·2%
familial defective apolipoprotein B 0·2%
Combined hypercholesterolaemia
and hypertriglyceridaemia
Triglycerides 2·0–10·0 mmol/L‡ Type IIb: raised VLDL and LDL Familial combined if relatives have 10%
hyperlipoproteinaemia, otherwise simply
combined hyperlipidaemia
Triglycerides 5·0–20·0 mmol/L Type III: raised chylomicron Frequently called type III hyperlipoproteinaemia, 0·02%
(cholesterol typically remnants and IDL but also synonyms†
7·0–12·0 mmol/L)
Triglycerides >10·0 mmol/L Type V: raised chylomicrons Familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency or 0·1%
and VLDL; or type I: raised heterozygous lipoprotein lipase mutation
chylomicrons plus another cause for hypertriglyceridaemia†
Raised triglycerides alone‡ Type IV Familial or sporadic hypertriglyceridaemia 1%
Hypoalphalipoproteinaemia None: low HDL Most undiagnosed or associated with 10–25%
hypertriglyceridaemia. Occasionally heterozygous
ABCAI mutation, APOAI mutation
Hypobetalipoproteinaemia None: low LDL and frequently Familial—eg, truncated apolipoprotein B 0·1–0·01%
*Serum cholesterol >5·0 mmol/L. WHO phenotype has not been updated since views about what constitutes raised cholesterol have changed. When devised,
⭓6·5 mmol/L would have been abnormal. †Diagnoses can have distinct clinical phenotype. ‡National Cholesterol Education Program recommendations III suggest
triglycerides >1·5 mmol/L are unhealthy. Disorders occurring at frequencies of <0·01% have been omitted.
Primary dyslipidaemia that could present on measurement of serum cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides

In open societies, such as the UK and USA, many terolaemia, cholesterol concentrations as low as
mutations of the LDLR gene cause the clinical syndrome 5·5 mmol/L in children do not altogether exclude the
of familial hypercholesterolaemia—more than 700 diagnosis, particularly if the family is already on a
mutations have already been reported.18 This genetic cholesterol-lowering diet. Repeated measurements over
disorder is the most common in Europe and the USA, and time are required for these children.
affects about one in 500 people in its heterozygous form. Serum cholesterol in people who have familial
In societies that have sprung from small numbers of early hypercholesterolaemia, as in the general population,
settlers or migrants, familial hypercholesterolaemia may increases with advancing age. Generally, in heterozygous
be more common than in large open societies, and is familial hypercholesterolaemia values are about double
caused by a smaller number of mutations (founder effect). what they would have been in the absence of the LDL-
Thus, for example, one in 80 South Africans of Dutch or
French descent have familial hypercholesterolaemia, most Acquire apolipoproteins
eg, E, CII
of whom have one of only three different LDLR ApoB48
mutations.19 A similar situation seems to explain the high Gut
prevalence of familial hypercholesterolaemia in
descendants of French Canadian trappers20 and in the TG
Christian population of the Lebanon.21
Serum cholesterol concentrations in heterozygous TG
familial hypercholesterolaemia are raised from birth. The Lipoprotein ApoAI
normal mean serum cholesterol concentration in TG
umbilical cord blood is only about 1·7–2·0 mmol/L, and it Chylomicron remnant
is much higher in familial hypercholesterolaemia. TG
However, screening by measurement of total serum Can accept LRP Liver
cholesterol is not recommended among neonates because chylomicron ApoAI
HDL-cholesterol, which is the dominant lipoprotein in remnants, VLDL,
fetal blood, can cause raised cholesterol concentrations IDL, and LDL. HDL
more commonly than familial hypercholesterolaemia.22 when liver is TP
Serum cholesterol rises in the first year of life to a mean of cholesterol replete VLDL CE
l e s t e r ol

4·1 mmol/L (95th percentile 5·2 mmol/L), which persists Acquire

until the early teens, with mean concentrations being apolipoproteins eg, E, CII
similar in boys and girls before puberty.22 The normal Lipoprotein TG

range for serum cholesterol varies little with age lipase TG

in childhood. A diagnostic threshold for childhood Hepatic
familial hypercholesterolaemia can, therefore, be defined lipase ABCA1
and explains why total serum cholesterol higher than TG LDL receptor
6·7 mmol/L correctly identifies 95% of heterozygotes O NRM
and only 2·5% of unaffected children.23 Cholesterol Small dense
measurements must be confined to the children of LDL
Foam Generalised
affected parents to keep the chances of the disorder being cell cell
discovered to one in two. If children in general were
screened, the chance of finding a heterozygote is one in Figure 1: Outline of lipoprotein metabolism
CETP=cholesteryl ester transfer protein. IDL=intermediate-density
500; therefore, even a 2·5% false-positive rate would lipoprotein. TG=triglyceride. LRP=LDL-receptor-like protein. SRA=scavenger
falsely identify ten unaffected children for every affected receptor A. SRB1=scavenger receptor B1. NRM=non-receptor-mediated
one. In families of probands with familial hypercholes- uptake. ABCA1=ATP binding cassette A1. O·=oxygen free radical.

718 THE LANCET • Vol 362 • August 30, 2003 • www.thelancet.com

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Figure 2: Clinical manifestations of hyperlipidaemia

A: Achilles tendon xanthoma (heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia). B: Tendon xanthomata on dorsum of hand (heterozygous familial
hypercholesterolaemia. C: Subperiosteal xanthomata (heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia). D: Planar xanthoma in antecubital fossa (homozygous
familial hypercholesterolaemia). E: Striate palmar xanthomata (type III hyperlipoproteinaemia). F: Tuberoeruptive xanthomata on elbow and extensor surface of
arm (type III hyperlipoproteinaemia). G: Milky plasma from patient with acute abdominal pain (severe hypertriglyceridaemia). H: Eruptive xanthomata on extensor
surface of forearm (severe hypertriglyceridaemia).

receptor mutation.24 By adulthood, the serum cholesterol corneal arcus until much later in the disease course, and
in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia in the UK will never develop xanthelasmata.25–27 Therefore, whether
is thus typically in the range 9·0–14·0 mmol/L. tendon xanthomata are present should be checked in all
The diagnostic hallmarks of familial hypercholestero- patients who have hypercholesterolaemia, irrespective of
laemia are tendon xanthomata.11,12 Other causes of these, the presence of corneal arcus or xanthelasmata.
cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis and phytosterolaemia The most common sites for tendon xanthomata are in
are exceptionally rare. Xanthomata are localised infiltrates the Achilles tendons and in the tendons overlying the
of lipid-containing foam cells that histologically resemble knuckles (figure 2);12 less-common sites are in other
atheroma. Corneal arcus and xanthelasmata are not tendons. Xanthomata are also commonly firmly attached
specific to familial hypercholesterolaemia, but they to the tibial tuberosities at the site of insertion of the
frequently occur much earlier in life in familial patellar tendon (subperiosteal xanthomata, figure 2). The
hypercholesterolaemia than in the more common skin overlying tendon xanthomata and subperiosteal
polygenic type of hypercholesterolaemia. Nonetheless, xanthomata is a normal colour and does not appear
many heterozygotes who have familial hypercholestero- yellow. The cholesterol accumulation is deep within the
laemia with obvious tendon xanthomata do not have tendons and much of the swelling is fibrous. The

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xanthomata feel hard. Those in the Achilles tendons can CHD is by far the most common manifestation of
become inflamed and many patients who have familial atheroma in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia.
hypercholesterolaemia will, if asked, describe previous In homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia particularly,
Achilles tenosynovitis. Xanthomata in the tendons on the but also occasionally in heterozygotes, atheromatous
dorsum of the hands are generally nodular or fusiform, deposits may be present in the root of the aorta and can
and because they frequently overlie the knuckles extend into the aortic valve cusps.36,39 This form of
(especially when the fist is clenched) and feel as hard as supravalvar aortic stenosis can cause sudden death in
bone, physicians may miss them. The hands should be severely affected heterozygotes and in homozygotes. Some
examined with the fingers extended when xanthomata are patients also develop carotid and cerebrovascular atheroma,
pulled back from the knuckles and can be moved from although less commonly than CHD. Femoropopliteal
side to side. Achilles-tendon xanthomata may be visually atheroma is uncommon and is really encountered only in
obvious, because of thickening, swelling, irregularity, or cigarette smokers who have familial hypercholesterolaemia.
nodularity of the tendon. They may, however, be subtle, The discovery of a new case of familial hyper-
the nodularity in the tendon becoming obvious only on cholesterolaemia provides the opportunity to detect
palpation. affected relatives. Such an approach, known as cascade
The other frequent striking feature of familial family screening, is better than general or selective
hypercholesterolaemia is the adverse family history of CHD. screening, and should be introduced, involving trained
If they remain untreated, more than half of male and about nurses working from regional lipid clinics to ensure family
15% of female heterozygotes die before age 60 years.14,28 members receive adequate treatment and access to
Intriguingly, this high mortality associated with the medical services.13,27,40 The Simon Broome register
inheritance of the LDLR mutation seems to have been definition of heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia
absent in some families at least until the early part of the provides a good guideline for identification of affected
20th century.29 This pattern generally parallels the rise of relatives:15 serum cholesterol concentrations higher than
CHD mortality in North American and European Societies, 6·7 mmol/L in children younger than 16 years or more
although the risk to the familial hypercholesterolaemia than 7·5 mmol/L in adults, plus tendon xanthomata in the
heterozygote, particularly in early adulthood, compared patient or first-degree or second-degree relatives.
with the average risk, is increased many-fold.15 In some Whether the familial hypercholesterolaemia genotype
present-day families, familial hypercholesterolaemia seems can be present in people without the clinical syndrome
particularly devastating, causing CHD in men even in their and whether, therefore, genetic testing could be useful is
20s and in women before the menopause. In other families, debated.13 The high numbers of mutations involved,
male heterozygotes are unaffected until late middle age or however, mean no simple widely applicable means of
sometimes older, and women survive to extreme old age genetic testing is likely to be generally feasible in the UK
with little evidence of CHD symptoms. The median age for and USA. Some encouraging results have been reported
the development of CHD in men is around 50 years. in South Africa and in the Netherlands, where fewer
Typically, affected women in the same family develop CHD mutations account for a higher proportion of familial
about 9 years later than their affected male relatives.30 hypercholesterolaemia.41 Although the controversy over
There has been much speculation as to why some genetic testing continues, many people with obvious
families with familial hypercholesterolaemia are more clinical features of familial hypercholesterolaemia who are
susceptible to CHD than others.26,31–36 The nature of the at risk of premature CHD go undetected or the
mutation might itself be important, because some importance of the diagnosis and the rigour with which this
mutations will more severely compromise LDL uptake disorder must be treated is not appreciated.13
than others. The particular combination of mutations The statin drugs have been a major advance in the
certainly affects the severity of homozygous familial management of familial hypercholesterolaemia in
hypercholesterolaemia, but this effect is less clear in adults.42,43 Most familial hypercholesterolaemia heterozy-
heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia.32 Serum gotes can achieve serum cholesterol concentrations lower
HDL-cholesterol relates to the likelihood of CHD in than 7·0 mmol/L, and some even lower than 5·0 mmol/L.
familial hypercholesterolaemia.33,34 Serum HDL choles- The most potent of the statins may be required at
terol is generally lower than would be expected in familial maximum dose to lower the highest cholesterol
hypercholesterolaemia, but in families in which this concentrations. Occasionally the response to statins alone
decrease is most obvious, prognosis is frequently bad. is inadequate, and addition of a bile-acid-sequestrating
Generally, in familial hypercholesterolaemia, only serum agent is the most logical approach. The development of
cholesterol is raised. In a few patients, triglycerides are more potent statins or use of the cholesterol-absorption
also raised, although seldom to more than 4·0 mmol/L, inhibitor, ezetimibe may supersede this approach.
which has also been associated with a poor prognosis.33 Nicotinic acid in doses up to 7 g daily is also effective in
Many such patients are obese, and obesity can increase lowering cholesterol, but must be carefully monitored and
their serum cholesterol, rarely even up to 20·0 mmol/L.12 is rarely acceptable to patients because of the severe
Obesity is generally uncommon in familial hypercholes- flushing it invariably produces. Partial ileal bypass is
terolaemia, compared with almost all other hyperlipi- frequently successful in lowering serum cholesterol,44 but
daemias, in which obesity is over-represented. Hyper- has been used less since the advent of statins.
tension and diabetes mellitus are also noticeably The penetrance of familial hypercholesterolaemia
infrequent in familial hypercholesterolaemia.27 Therefore, judged in terms of CHD risk generally breeds true in
familial hypercholesterolaemia may not be diagnosed if families.30 This information can be helpful in making
cholesterol screening is confined to patients with non- decisions about the age at which to introduce statin
lipid risk factors. Serum lipoprotein (a) concentrations treatment. Generally, despite the need for more evidence
are raised in familial hypercholesterolaemia,36 and are about the safety of statins in childhood,45 in male
related to increased CHD risk.37 Increased intestinal heterozygotes statin treatment should be started in the late
cholesterol absorption related to co-inheritance of an teens, but could be started earlier if the family history is
apolipoprotein E ⑀4 genotype may also worsen particularly adverse. In many women the introduction of
prognosis.33 cholesterol-lowering medication can safely be left until

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later, but there are reproductive issues. Women should be angina of effort in childhood due to the aortic stenosis and
advised against pregnancy while they are taking statins coronary atheroma. Myocardial infarction has been
since the risks are unknown. Many women do not, recorded as early as age 2 years, and life expectancy does
however, contemplate motherhood until their 30s or early not generally extend beyond the early 20s. Although
40s by which time they should have started statin therapy. homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia is always
In planned pregnancies women can discontinue serious, the worst prognosis seems to occur when both
medication while they are attempting to conceive and LDLR mutations are of the type that completely prevent
during pregnancy. The time to start statin treatment LDL receptors appearing on the cell surface.11
must, therefore, be negotiated with each female patient, The most potent statins can lower serum cholesterol by
but generally women choose to begin statin treatment in up to 30% in homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia,
their early 20s because they know they will stop for and ezetimibe can produce a further 20% decrease.47
around a year per planned pregnancy, dependent on how However, even then substantial hypercholesterolaemia
long conception takes. will remain. Plasmapheresis or LDL apheresis is the best
I believe there is no justification for use of bile-acid approach to treatment.48,49 Generally the procedure must
sequestrants in children, even if these drugs are judged be done every 2 weeks. Liver transplantation has also met
safe.46 This treatment is poorly tolerated by children and, with some success.50 Normal donor hepatic LDL
thus, adherence is inadequate; therefore, these drugs serve receptors are introduced; the liver is the site of about half
no function in preventing vascular disease. The poor of LDL catabolism in normal people. The LDLR gene can
tolerance can also alienate children from the clinic, which be transfected into LDLR knockout mice, in which it is
means they can be lost altogether during the rebellious expressed and lowers serum cholesterol, albeit briefly,
years of adolescence when effective treatment with statins before it is cleared from the cell nuclei along with viral
should be considered. For the same reasons, repeated DNA.51 As soon as a vector that allows foreign DNA to
blood testing in children should be avoided between persist safely in mammalian cells become available,
diagnosis and the time when statin intervention is being homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia will probably
considered. Children should generally receive no be one of the first genetic disorders to be treated by this
treatment other than a healthy diet, exercise, and technique.
avoidance of smoking.
The introduction of lipid-lowering treatment is not the Other defects in LDL catabolism in familial
only reason for identifying heterozygotes for familial hypercholesterolaemia syndrome
hypercholesterolaemia. The disorder is still not widely The familial hypercholesterolaemia phenotype is generally
recognised. Therefore, when patients present with caused by an LDLR mutation. Rarely, however, the same
manifestations of CHD they are frequently inappro- syndrome is caused because apolipoprotein B, the
priately managed. Many physicians do not believe that component of LDL that allows it to bind to the LDL
such young apparently fit people can have severe CHD, receptor, has a mutation that interferes with binding.
which commonly leads to delay in investigations, Thus, a similar defect in LDL catabolism is produced,
especially coronary angiography. Certainly, exercise called familial defective apolipoprotein B. This disorder is
electrocardiography should be done promptly if any most commonly due to an aminoacid substitution at
symptom even slightly suggestive of CHD occurs, and position 3500 in the aminoacid sequence of apolipopro-
patients who have familial hypercholesterolaemia should tein B.52 This mutation has a frequency of about one
be encouraged to report such symptoms. Coronary in 600 in the general population, although usually it
angiography should be done since it frequently reveals does not produce a particularly severe hyperlipidaemia.
surprisingly extensive disease, despite non-severe However, as many as 4% of people with clinical familial
symptoms. Measurement of the pressure gradient across hyercholesterolaemia may have familial defective
the aortic valve with echocardiography should also be apolipoprotein B.53 These patients’ hypercholesterolaemia
undertaken if a systolic murmur is present. seems to respond more easily to treatment than is
Homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia rarely generally the case in familial hypercholesterolaemia.
occurs by chance. The odds of two unrelated Currently, about half the patients in the UK and USA
heterozygotes marrying is one in 250 000, and the chances who have a clinical diagnosis of heterozygous familial
of them having a child who is homozygous is one in four, hypercholesterolaemia will have identifiable mutations of
meaning that the theoretical incidence of homozygous the LDLR gene.54 Genetic techniques might be failing to
familial hypercholesterolaemia is one in 1 million. The detect LDLR mutations in some of these patients.
chances of a marriage between heterozygotes is increased However, another gene or genes involved in LDL
greatly when there is, for example, a tradition of first- catabolism might be discovered, which, when they
cousin marriage. In such circumstances both the LDLR undergo mutation, will explain the presence of familial
mutations in homozygotes are likely to be the same. These hypercholesterolaemia in some patients. A type of familial
people are thus true homozygotes (strictly compound hypercholesterolaemia that is inherited as an autosomal
homozygotes), as opposed to homozygotes that arise from recessive has been reported to be due to mutations of a
random unions, in which LDLR mutations are probably gene involved in the internalisation of the LDL and LDL-
different for each allele. Serum cholesterol concentrations receptor complex from the cell surface by endocytosis.55
in homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia are almost The mutation produces a clinical phenotype intermediate
invariably higher than 15·0 mmol/L and can be as high as between heterozygous and homozygous familial
30·0 mmol/L.11,12 Xanthomata develop in childhood. In hypercholesterolaemia, and has so far been described
addition to florid tendon xanthomata, orange-yellow mainly, but not exclusively, in people from Sardinia.55,56
cutaneous planar xanthomata develop, particularly in the
popliteal and antecubital fossae (figure 2), buttocks, and Polygenic hypercholesterolaemia
in the webs between the fingers. They can also develop on The most common cause of raised LDL cholesterol is not
the palms of the hands and front of the knees. an inherited catabolic defect but a hepatic overproduction
Polyarthralgia is common and supravalvar aortic stenosis of VLDL, which is converted to LDL sufficiently rapidly
can cause sudden death. Many homozygotes develop that VLDL triglyceride concentrations remain within

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normal limits but LDL cholesterol rises.57 The main causes HDL-cholesterol concentration, blood pressure, smoking,
are high fat intake, particularly saturated fat, and obesity. diabetes, and family history. The Framingham risk
Genetic factors are also assumed to be important, because equation has found favour in the identification of
individuals vary in their cholesterol response to diet. individuals more likely to benefit from statin
However, there is no clear pattern of inheritance; a treatment.67–72 However, this high-risk approach will not
combination of more than one genetic variant is generally prevent most heart attacks, which will occur at an average
required for this type of hypercholesterolaemia (polygenic concentration of serum cholesterol and in the presence of
inheritance). Hypercholesterolaemia is prevalent in Europe average CHD risk.
and the USA and countries that have adopted features of Currently, the only hope of preventing such typical
their cultures,58,59 particularly lifestyle, values, and so on. events is to reduce the levels of risk factors in the
Treatment has proved troublesome. There is no shortage population as a whole. To achieve this reduction would
of good evidence that lowering cholesterol decreases CHD require a concerted public-health policy aimed at
risk,2–10,60 but difficulty lies in the translation of this reducing smoking, improving nutrition, and encouraging
approach into clinical and public-health practice. exercise. Cholesterol reduction has a special place in
Countries with high CHD mortality are those in which the CHD prevention because, in societies in which the typical
typical cholesterol concentration of their inhabitants is concentrations are low, such as those in Asia, other CHD
much higher than that in countries where lower CHD risk risk factors, such as smoking, hypertension, and diabetes
is the rule.58,59 Within apparently healthy populations there seem to have much less impact on CHD risk than in
is an exponential relation between serum cholesterol and societies with high cholesterol concentrations.58,73,74 This
coronary risk.61 The slope of this relation is greater among effect is consistent with our concepts of atherogenesis, in
younger than older people. In middle-age, the risk which LDL is intimately involved, and the other risk
increases by about 2% for each 1% increase in cholesterol. factors operate by increasing its atherogenicity by
Even in countries such as China, where the average modifying its chemical and physical structure or by
cholesterol concentration is less than 4·0 mmol/L, this facilitating its passage into the arterial wall.75
gradient of risk is still evident, although set at a lower level Furthermore, the reasons for the substantial differences
than, for example, in the UK, where the average in CHD risk between different societies have been
cholesterol in middle age is around 6·0 mmol/L.62 consistently attributed to nutritional differences: countries
The great difficulty for clinicians has been to with the highest energy consumption, particularly in the
comprehend that in a society in which cholesterol form of saturated fats as opposed to carbohydrate, have
concentrations and coronary risk are generally high, CHD the highest CHD rates.58 Obesity and high consumption
events occur most frequently among people whose serum of saturated fats both raise serum cholesterol.76,77 Sadly, as
cholesterol is average, and that even at low people migrate from Asian societies and consume the diet
concentrations, cholesterol can contribute to high CHD more typical of countries with high CHD rates, their
risk. Most heart attacks will occur in people whose CHD risk increases.78,79 Similarly, as the diet in Asian
cholesterol and CHD risk are average simply because they countries becomes increasingly more like European and
are more numerous than those with higher degrees of US diets, they are poised to experience an epidemic of
risk.63 Thus, the expectation that the typical individual CHD. This epidemic will be worse than in other countries
who has a myocardial infarction will also have because Asian countries are so highly populated and the
substantially higher-than-average cholesterol is wrong. financial resources to deal with it are limited. In addition,
For too long opportunities to prevent CHD or metabolic polymorphisms present in Asian populations
recurrent CHD have been missed because practitioners in that may have survival potential on a subsistence-level diet
societies in which risk factors for CHD are prevalent have with low fat content, might, if a high-fat diet is adopted,
sought to treat only patients with exceptionally high lead to higher rates of dyslipidaemia, glucose intolerance,
cholesterol concentrations. In the UK, for example, the and CHD than in people of European descent.80
typical patient with acute myocardial infarction will have a High-risk patients will derive little individual benefit
cholesterol concentration of around 6·0 mmol/L, the from public-health policy; a higher proportion of them
average for the middle-aged and older population. There will benefit from lipid-lowering drug therapy. Treatment
is excellent evidence that lowering cholesterol irrespective should be directed not so much at cholesterol
of its initial concentration will lessen the likelihood of a concentrations, but at high CHD risk. Certainly, among
recurrence.2–6 Of course, it is perfectly reasonable to ask patients with clinical CHD or equivalent risk, serum
why some people will have a heart attack with low cholesterol concentrations as low as 4·0 mmol/L should
cholesterol concentrations but others will not. This issue be treated.3–6 Evidence is strongest for statins. Dietary
poses the greatest difficulty in primary prevention if we are intervention should not, however, be abandoned, but
not to treat huge numbers of people, many of whom will realistically it frequently does not achieve an adequate
be treated needlessly. reduction in serum cholesterol outside the metabolic
Identification of people who have high susceptibility to ward.81 This inadequate effect may be related to
CHD is easy if they already have some manifestation of commercial and cultural pressures or to more complex
CHD or other atherosclerotic disease. The relation issues of early nutritional effects, perhaps as early as in
between serum cholesterol (or HDL-cholesterol) and utero,82 which produce metabolic resistance in later life.
CHD risk is steeper in myocardial infarction survivors There have been nine major randomised statin trials
than in the general population,64 and in half of people who with clinical endpoints (figure 3).2–8,60,83 The trials were
die from CHD the disease has been previously done in patients with a wide range of CHD risk, from
symptomatic,65 frequently early enough for preventive around 5%2 to less than 1% for each year of study.8 The
measures to have been effective.2–6 results show decreases in CHD and stroke risk of about a
Ideally we should be able to identify people most third, irrespective of cholesterol concentration at entry, at
susceptible to cholesterol even before symptoms develop least down to 3·5 mmol/L among men and women for
(primary prevention) and treat them. In practice we can primary and secondary prevention.5,8,9 The trials show that
identify some of these people by taking into account risk the improvement in risk with statins is maintained in old
factors other than serum cholesterol,65–68 such as sex, age, despite the relative decrease in the predictive power

722 THE LANCET • Vol 362 • August 30, 2003 • www.thelancet.com

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45 account remains unsettled. Although this consideration

GREACE complicates recommendations, it is potentially important.
40 The trials do seem to show that the percentage decrease in
Decrease in LDL cholesterol (%)

cholesterol produces a similar percentage decrease in

relative CHD risk, irrespective of the initial LDL
cholesterol concentration—a 1% decrease in LDL
cholesterol produces roughly a 1·25% decrease in CHD
30 HPS risk (figure 3). Thus in a patient who has an LDL-
PROSPER CARE WOSCOPS cholesterol concentration of 6·0 mmol/L, a 40% decrease
in LDL cholesterol will produce a concentration of
3·6 mmol/L—higher than the absolute target of less than
20 2·5 mmol/L, but nevertheless a 50% decrease in CHD
risk. In another patient whose LDL cholesterol is only
ALLHAT 3·0 mmol/L initially, a reduction in LDL to 2·4 mmol/L,
15 achieving the absolute target, will result from a 20%
decrease in LDL cholesterol, but represents only a 25%
0 decrease in CHD risk. This patient may have a similar
initial CHD risk to that of the first patient because his
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
susceptibility to cholesterol is increased say by the
Decrease in CHD risk (%)
presence of other risk factors. Thus, despite achieving a
Figure 3: Decrease in combined CHD morbidity and mortality as a lower LDL target the second patient will have a poorer
function of average LDL-cholesterol reduction in randomised prognosis, unless an LDL target that is lower still were
clinical trials of statin treatment achieved. Therefore, for a given reduction in CHD risk,
Endpoint in AFCAPS/TexCAPS was fatal and non-fatal myocardial infarction, the absolute target can differ between patients.
otherwise it was death from CHD or non-fatal myocardial infarction. Bars The issue is further complicated because some trials
show 95% CI.
suggest that the decrease in CHD risk is not linearly
related to the percentage decrease in LDL cholesterol, but
of cholesterol with advancing age in epidemiological declines exponentially with no detectable additional
studies.84 The decrease in CHD risk with statin therapy benefit beyond, for example, a decrease of 25%.88 If,
was evident by the second year of such trials and there is however, the overall results of the statin trials are
some suggestion that a decrease in cardiovascular risk can considered in relation to the average LDL-cholesterol
be achieved in the 6 months immediately after an acute reductions they achieved, there does seem to be increased
coronary event.85 The starting of statin treatment at that benefit from greater reduction in LDL cholesterol,
time seems to have no adverse effects,86,87 and it is one way although the CI are wide (figure 3). This analysis,
of ensuring that statin treatment is not subsequently however, has the advantage that the randomisation within
overlooked and its long-term benefit denied. the individual trials is not disturbed. On the other hand
Whether cholesterol needs to be measured at all is an additional complication is that different statins were
questioned in making the decision to introduce statin used in the trials. Thus, some statins might be more
treatment in patients with CHD or other atherosclerosis. antiatherogenic than others. Currently, therefore, to aim
Measurement might be best avoided if it impedes the for at least a 30% decrease in LDL cholesterol or an
introduction of statin treatment. As for the dose, an absolute concentration of 2·5 mmol/L, whichever is lower,
evidence-based dose could be prescribed and left at that, seems reasonable.
but measurement of serum cholesterol after the
introduction of a statin is essential to monitor its effect Combined hypercholesterolaemia and
and to titrate the dose to achieve an LDL-cholesterol hypertriglyceridaemia
target. Familial combined hyperlipidaemia
The statin trials are unfortunately confounded as to Hypertriglyceridaemia associated with hypercholestero-
what should be the LDL-cholesterol target of statin laemia is most commonly due to a combined increase
treatment. None was designed to establish what the target in LDL and VLDL. Combined hyperlipidaemia is a
should be. Post-hoc analysis comparing patients with common disorder, occurring in around 30% of
greater and lesser degrees of cholesterol lowering breaks myocardial-infarction survivors, and may affect as many
the randomisation and involves factors other than the as one in 50 of the general population.89,90 The disorder’s
dose and efficacy of the statin. One trial did aim to pattern is frequently familial, and is commonly referred to
compare the effect of achieving the US National as familial combined hyperlipidaemia. In family studies,
Cholesterol Education Program LDL-cholesterol target of phenotype has proved variable, and some family members
2·5 mmol/L with normal care among patients with CHD.6 may have an isolated rise in cholesterol or triglycerides,
95% of the active intervention group, who received whereas in others rises are combined. Originally,
10–80 mg atorvastatin daily (average 24 mg), achieved combined hyperlipidaemia was suggested to have a
the LDL-cholesterol target, compared with only 3% dominant monogenic mode of inheritance.89 Now it is
receiving normal care. The LDL-cholesterol in the active thought to result from genetic factors, some predisposing
intervention group was 41% lower than in the normal care to high cholesterol and some to hypertriglyceridaemia
group, which resulted in a decrease in fatal and non-fatal running in the same family.91 Thus variants in exons or
new myocardial infarction of 51% and in overall mortality promoters of the lipoprotein lipase gene or its activators
of 43% during the 3 years of the trial. The decrease in and inhibitors, apolipoprotein CII and CIII, or of the
LDL cholesterol and in CHD risk achieved was greater cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) gene or the
than in any previous statin trial. genes regulating uptake or release of non-esterified fatty
Whether an absolute LDL-cholesterol concentration acid by adipose tissue, such as acylation stimulating
should be the only target of statin treatment or whether protein or insulin resistance, may, in some families, be
the starting concentration should also be taken into co-inherited with a polygenic tendency for high hepatic

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14 small dense LDL concentrations.106,107 Interest has been

Serum cholesterol (mmol/L) shown in the development of more specific inhibitors of
9·0 cholesteryl ester transfer protein.108 The relation of low
12 7·5 HDL concentrations with CHD risk is the subject of
6·0 much interest and is undoubtedly complex. Low HDL
Myocardial infarction risk

10 concentrations are potentially associated with heightened

activity of cholesteryl ester transfer protein and small
dense LDL. Attention has also been drawn to the capacity
of HDL to protect LDL against atherogenic oxidative
modification, which seems to reside in the enzyme
6 paraoxonase located on HDL.109

4 Small dense LDL and hyperapobetalipoproteinaemia

Patients with and without diabetes who have high
triglyceride concentrations may, despite apparently
normal serum or LDL cholesterol, have high serum
concentrations of apolipoprotein B, the main protein
0 component of LDL.110 Sniderman and colleagues111 were
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 the first to realise the cause was the presence of
Serum triglycerides (mmol/L) a cholesterol-depleted LDL, and termed the disorder
hyperapobetalipoproteinaemia. Direct measurements of
Figure 4: Fatal and non-fatal myocardial infarction risk over next the cholesterol-depleted LDL subtype, known as LDLIII
6 years per 100 men or small dense LDL, in epidemiological studies have
Risk calculated from reference 95, by use of Spirit 6 calculator for men aged shown a strong association with the risk of developing
50 years with no family history of CHD, non-smokers and non-diabetic, CHD,101 and experimental studies show it to be more
and with systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg and serum HDL cholesterol
1·4 mmol/L. Plotted as function of serum triglyceride concentration at three susceptible to oxidation than more buoyant LDL.98,112,113
different serum cholesterol concentrations. Small dense LDL concentrations increase as serum
triglycerides concentrations rise to higher than
VLDL secretion, and thus high concentrations of its 1·5 mmol/L.100,114 Small dense LDL is generally also
product, LDL. Raised serum triglyceride concentrations associated with low HDL-cholesterol concentrations, but
are associated with low HDL partly because they may be raised concentrations of serum cholesterol or LDL
the result of diminished lipoprotein lipase activity, which cholesterol are not necessary for it to be present. Methods
not only catabolises triglycerides in the core of for the direct measurement of small dense LDL are not
triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, but in doing so generates currently available in clinical practice, but its presence
HDL components from their surface. undoubtedly explains many of the cases of acute
An increased flux of cholesteryl ester from HDL to myocardial infarction occurring in people with low
triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in hypertriglyceridaemia cholesterol concentrations. More patients with small
causes a further tendency to low HDL-cholesterol dense LDL would be detected, if serum apolipoprotein B
concentrations.92 This process is mediated by cholesteryl was measured instead of serum cholesterol.115 There is a
ester transfer protein.93 Hypertriglyceridaemia increases strong case for at least monitoring statin treatment in
the risk of atherosclerosis to higher than that which would terms of apolipoprotein B rather than cholesterol
be predicted from the cholesterol concentration reduction, because concentrations of apolipoprotein B
(figure 4).94–104 The raised CHD risk seems to stem partly frequently relate more closely to subsequent CHD event
from the low HDL-cholesterol concentrations and partly rates.115,116
from an increased concentration of cholesterol-depleted
LDL (small dense LDL), the presence of which is not Type III hyperlipoproteinaemia
necessarily appreciated from the serum or LDL Type III hyperlipoproteinaemia (synonyms: broad
cholesterol concentration, and which is highly ␤ disease, floating ␤ disease, dysbetalipoproteinaemia,
atherogenic.100 remnant removal disease) results from the presence in the
The effectiveness of statins to reduce cardiovascular circulation of large amounts of chylomicron remnants and
risk2–10 means that these drugs should be the first-line intermediate-density lipoprotein (or partly metabolised
treatment for familial combined hyperlipidaemia. Their VLDL), commonly collectively termed ␤ VLDL. This
triglyceride-lowering effect, which is mainly through an disorder is rare and cannot be described in detail here, but
increase in the hepatic reuptake of VLDL, intermediate- reviews of the disorder are available.12,117,118 Serum
density lipoprotein, and LDL105 is, however, generally less cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations are raised
than that of fibrate drugs, which increase lipoprotein (table). Striate palmar and tuberoeruptive xanthomata
lipase activity by a mechanism involving peroxisome occur (figure 2). If untreated, the likelihood of CHD and
proliferator activator receptors ␣ and ␥.106 Their peripheral arterial disease increase strikingly. The disorder
cholesterol-lowering effect is, however, smaller than that generally responds to weight reduction and fibrate
of statins and is due mainly to a decrease in VLDL treatment.
cholesterol. ␻-3 fatty acids also lower VLDL triglyceride In the absence of typical xanthomata, type III cannot be
with little effect on serum cholesterol. Fibrates or ␻-3 distinguished on simple lipid measurement from type IIb
fatty acids may thus be combined with statins to lower or V hyperlipoproteinaemia. DNA testing can be used to
triglycerides further, but the former combination increases identify apolipoprotein E ⑀2 homozygosity present in 90%
the risk of myositis, albeit probably rarely. Nicotinic acid, of cases. If this test is undertaken, it may show that a
although it can lower cholesterol and triglycerides, almost patient is unlikely to have type III hyperlipoproteinaemia,
invariably causes unpleasant flushing in therapeutic but provide the unwelcome finding that apolipoprotein E
doses.12 There is evidence that all four classes of drugs ⑀4 is present. This apolipoprotein has been linked with
decrease activity of cholesteryl ester transfer protein and Alzheimer’s disease, certainly in its late-onset form and, in

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some studies, with the early-onset type. Laboratories the same clearance mechanism (lipoprotein lipase). The
should probably report only whether apolipoprotein E ⑀2 lipoprotein phenotype is thus normally type V. This severe
homozygosity is present or absent to avoid information hypertriglyceridaemia generally ensues when an increase
being openly available in medical records without in hepatic VLDL production, either familial or secondary
patients’ consent.119 If the diagnosis of type III hyperlipo- to, for example, obesity, diabetes, alcohol, or oestrogen
proteinaemia is deemed still possible when apolipoprotein administration, is associated with decreased lipolysis of
E ⑀2 homozygosity is absent, plasma should be sent to a VLDL and chylomicrons, which again may be genetic or
centre that can provide ultracentrifugation to identify the acquired, such as in hypothyroidism, ␤ blockade, or
presence of ␤ VLDL typical of type III.117 Para- diabetes mellitus (diabetes can cause overproduction of
proteinaemia, which can produce hyperlipoproteinaemia VLDL and decreased lipoprotein lipase activity). Since
that can mimic type III, should be excluded.12 the clearance mechanism is already overloaded with
VLDL, the rise in serum triglyceride concentrations when
Predominant hypertriglyceridaemia chylomicrons enter the circulation after a fatty meal may
Moderate hypertriglyceridaemia be tumultuous and they may spend days rather than hours
Patients who have raised fasting triglycerides, whose in the circulation.12,125 The serum takes on the appearance
serum cholesterol is not raised, have dwindled in numbers of milk (figure 2). Overall the frequency of severe
over the years as high serum cholesterol cut-off values hypertriglyceridaemia (>10·0 mmol/L) is probably no
have been revised downwards from 6·5 to 5·0 mmol/L. more than one in 1000 in adults. The disorder is more
Thus, many people formerly deemed to have common among people with type 2 diabetes.
hypertriglyceridaemia alone have now become classified Rarely, severe hypertriglyceridaemia is caused by
as having combined hyperlipidaemia. Currently, the most familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency, a genetic deficiency
common reason to encounter hypertriglyceridaemia in the in lipoprotein lipase activity. This disorder is inherited as
presence of cholesterol concentrations lower than an autosomal recessive trait. Generally it is due to
5·0 mmol/L is in patients with combined hyperlipidaemia mutations in the lipoprotein lipase gene, leading to
receiving statin treatment who have some persisting defective function or production,125 but occasionally it is
hypertriglyceridaemia. An LDL cholesterol target is due to a genetic deficiency of apolipoprotein CII, the
inappropriate in such patients because much of their activator of lipoprotein lipase.126 In familial lipoprotein
serum cholesterol will be in VLDL. The National lipase deficiency, severe hypertriglyceridaemia may be
Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel encountered in childhood. Occasionally, in children and
III recommendations, partly for this reason, provide a young adults presenting for the first time, type I
non-HDL-cholesterol threshold for the introduction of hyperlipoproteinaemia arises, in which only serum
statin treatment and a non-HDL-cholesterol target.72 chylomicron concentrations are raised. VLDL is not
Non-HDL cholesterol is the difference between the serum raised probably because hepatic lipase can catabolise the
cholesterol and the HDL cholesterol, and generally lower concentrations of VLDL produced in childhood,
represents the sum of LDL and VLDL cholesterol. although it is unable to compensate for the absence of
Although not measured routinely, many patients with lipoprotein lipase in chylomicron catabolism. With
increased triglycerides and apparently low LDL advancing age VLDL rises to concentrations higher than
cholesterol actually have increased concentrations of those that can be cleared by hepatic lipase. VLDL along
small dense LDL.96–100 Serum apolipoprotein B, if with chylomicrons thus accumulate in the circulation and
available, thus gives a better indication of the type V hyperlipoproteinaemia becomes the rule.127
concentration of atherogenic lipoproteins than does non- Eruptive xanthomata are characteristic of extreme
HDL cholesterol.115 No trial evidence shows that treating hypertriglyceridaemia. These appear as yellow papules on
moderate hypertriglyceridaemia is of benefit in primary the extensor surfaces of the arms and legs, buttocks, and
prevention unless cholesterol is also raised. In the three back (figure 2). Hepatosplenomegaly frequently occurs.
secondary-prevention trials of fibrate drugs, a significant Liver imaging shows the liver to be fatty, and bone-
decrease in CHD events occurred in only one, all-cause marrow biopsy may reveal macrophages engorged with
mortality was reduced in none, and initial serum lipid droplets (foam cells).128 Because the triglyceride-rich
triglyceride concentration determined the likelihood lipoproteins can interfere with the measurement of
of benefit in only one.120–122 On the other hand, ␻-3 fatty transaminases, giving spuriously high values, liver disease,
acids do decrease all-cause mortality, albeit by an especially alcoholic liver disease, may be difficult to
antidysrhythmic mechanism that may not involve exclude other than by the prompt resolution of the
triglycerides,123 and in larger doses can decrease syndrome when a low-fat diet is started. Another feature is
triglycerides by almost as much as fibrates.124 lipaemia retinalis (pallor of the optic fundus, in which the
retinal veins and arteries appear white).
Severe hypertriglyceridaemia The risk of atheroma in familial lipoprotein lipase
When fasting triglyceride concentrations higher than deficiency is uncertain,125 but it does complicate severe
10 mmol/L are encountered, almost invariably chylo- hypertriglyceridaemia, in which there is some lipoprotein
microns and VLDL are contributing to the hyper- lipase activity, albeit diminished. Precise estimation of the
triglyceridaemia.125 Chylomicronaemia can produce risk from this hyperlipidaemia per se is difficult because
spectacularly high concentrations of serum triglycerides, it is so frequently associated with insulin resistance or
sometimes exceeding 100 mmol/L. Under these frank diabetes, which are themselves risk factors for
circumstances, because chylomicrons contain cholesterol atherosclerosis. If these disorders are included as part of
from the diet and through synthesis in the gut, and the syndrome, coronary heart disease and peripheral
because VLDL, which also contains cholesterol is also arterial disease are common. The reason why the
raised, the accompanying serum cholesterol concentration complete absence of lipoprotein lipase obscures the risk of
may also be increased sometimes by 30 mmol/L or more atheroma is unclear. It may be because the incidence of
with no increase in LDL cholesterol. diabetes is not raised in familial lipoprotein lipase
In severe hypertriglyceridaemia, chylomicrons and deficiency or because fibrinogen and factor VII activity are
VLDL are typically increased, because both compete for not increased,129 or because the conversion of VLDL and

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chylomicrons to the atherogenic IDL, LDL, and remnant agents also exacerbate hypertriglyceridaemia. Anecdotally,
lipoproteins is impaired in the absence of lipoprotein when I have been unable to lower triglycerides sufficiently
lipase. Serum LDL and apolipoprotein B concentrations to prevent recurrent acute pancreatitis, I have been
are frequently normal or low.110 impressed by the effect of high-dose antioxidant therapy
Acute pancreatitis may occur when serum triglyceride in preventing attacks, even though this treatment does not
concentrations become higher than 20–30 mmol/L.12 lower triglycerides further.130
Falsely low serum amylase activities can be encountered
because of interference by triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in Secondary hyperlipidaemia
the laboratory method. All laboratories should inspect Secondary hyperlipoproteinaemias are those caused by
serum for milkiness (figure 2) before reporting normal or another primary disorder that has hyperlipidaemia as a
only moderately raised serum amylase activity among complication (panel). In societies in which polygenic
patients who have severe abdominal pain to prevent hyperlipoproteinaemia is prevalent, secondary hyper-
clinicians from wrongly excluding acute pancreatitis. lipoproteinaemia will have high impact. For example, in
Generally the pain subsides within a few hours or days of the UK and USA, CHD is the most common cause of
starting nasogastric aspiration and intravenous fluids, with premature death in diabetes mellitus, but in Japan it is
nothing taken by mouth. only rarely a complication.73,131 Despite the variety of
Pseudohyponatraemia in extreme hypertriglyceridaemia secondary disorders, space permits only diabetes mellitus
may lead to serious consequences, if it is interpreted as to be reviewed.
true hyponatraemia. When the serum triglycerides exceed
40–50 mmol/L the concentration of sodium in the Diabetes mellitus
aqueous phase, and thus the serum osmolality, may be The dominant hyperlipidaemia in diabetes is
normal. However, spurious serum sodium concentrations hypertriglyceridaemia,12,132 which is most likely to be
of 120–130 mmol/L are reported because much of the associated with hypercholesterolaemia and with decreased
volume of the serum sample in which sodium is measured HDL cholesterol in type 2 diabetes.133 The
is occupied by lipoproteins as opposed to water. hypertriglyceridaemia is associated not simply with an
The treatment of severe hypertriglyceridaemia can be increase in VLDL, but also in intermediate-density
difficult. Secondary causes should be excluded. The lipoprotein and small dense LDL.134,135 Since neither of
correct diet is low in all types of fat (to shut off the supply these lipoproteins contribute greatly to a rise in lipid
of chylomicrons), frequently to as little as 20 g per day. If concentrations, the term dyslipoproteinaemia is
adhered to, the correct diet is more effective than particularly aptly applied in diabetes. There is also an
pharmacotherapy. Fibrate drugs generally have some increased activity of cholesteryl ester transfer protein.136,137
effect. Of the other drugs available, I have not been Additionally, plasma fibrinogen concentration, which is
impressed by fish oil, which contributes to chylomicrons, increased in type 1 and 2 diabetes, relates to serum
although the more refined ␻-3 fatty acid preparation that
has become available may prove more effective. Medium- 50 High cholesterol
chain triglycerides make matters worse, despite claims to High blood pressure
the contrary, because preparations available contain 40 High triglyceride
quantities of long-chain fatty acids and the medium-chain High glucose
triglycerides themselves contribute to hepatic VLDL Low HDL cholesterol
synthesis even though they arrive in the portal blood and
bypass chylomicron formation. Bile-acid-sequestrating
Common causes of secondary
hyperlipoproteinaemia 10
Percentage rise per quintile

Diabetes mellitus 0
Hypothyroidism 0 1 2 3 4 5
Pregnancy Quintiles of body-mass index
Obesity 50
Alcohol excess
Renal 40
Nephrotic disease
Chronic renal failure
Hepatic disease 30
Heptocellular dysfunction 20
Immunoglobulin excess
Association, rather than a cause
Drugs 0
␤-adrenoreceptor blockers 0 1 2 3 4 5
Thiazide diuretics Quintiles of serum insulin
Steroid hormones
Microsomal enzyme-inducing agents Figure 5: Effect of increasing body-mass index and serum insulin
Retinoic-acid derivatives on prevalence of high blood pressure, hypercholesterolaemia,
Protease inhibitors (HIV infection) hypertriglyceridaemia, and high glucose in men
Data from the British Regional Heart Study (reference 143).

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triglyceride concentrations.138 Lipoprotein abnormalities Some people who have serum cholesterol concentrations
in type 1 diabetes may be less frequent than in type 2, but around 1·0–3·5 mmol/L will have heterozygous familial
the risk of coronary heart disease in type 1 diabetes is hypobetalipoproteinaemia, an autosomal dominant
more frequently compounded by the presence of disorder in which truncated apolipoprotein B mutations
proteinuria. In type 1 diabetes that is uncomplicated by have been described.152 This hypolipidaemia is benign.
proteinuria, the risk of coronary heart disease is about two However, the much rarer homozygous hypobeta-
to three times that of non-diabetic people of a similar age. lipoproteinaemia and abetalipoproteinaemia (inherited
Proteinuria increases the risk as much as 40-fold,139 which as autosomal recessive), which produce more severe
may stem partly from hypertension and an exacerbation of hypocholesterolaemia, are associated with retinitis
the dyslipoproteinaemia that accompany the development pigmentosa, steatorrhoea, fatty liver, abnormally shaped
of proteinuria.140,141 However, the increase in risk is greater erythrocytes (acanthocytes), and a syndrome that
than can be explained in this way and may result because resembles Friedreich’s ataxia, and is preventable with
the proteinuria reflects a generalised increase in the fat-soluble vitamin administration. Mutation of the
permeability of arterial endothelium, promoting the entry microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) gene
of macromolecules into the subintima and thus necessary for VLDL assembly rather than of the APOB
accelerating atherogenesis.142 gene is associated with apobetalipoproteinaemia.
The increased blood glucose concentration in diabetes Analphalipoproteinaemia (Tangier disease) is a very
mellitus results from insulin resistance, insulin deficiency, rare disorder with virtually absent HDL because of rapid
or both. Insulin resistance may be present in non-diabetic, clearance, and reduced LDL cholesteryl ester, but
generally obese, people who are still able to secrete increased tissue cholesteryl ester deposition throughout
sufficient insulin to maintain control of blood sugar, the body. This deposition leads to enlarged orange-yellow
but in such people there is often hypertriglyceridaemia tonsils and adenoids, lymph-node enlargement, hepato-
with low HDL cholesterol and hypercholesterolaemia, splenomegaly, bone-marrow infiltration (thrombo-
hypertension (figure 5)143 and increased risk of coronary cytopenia), orange-brown spots on the rectal mucosa,
heart disease. This syndrome is commonly referred to neuropathy, and corneal cloudiness.153 The disorder has
as the insulin resistance syndrome (syndrome X) or been ascribed to mutation of the ABCA1 gene encoding
metabolic syndrome.72,144 Clearly, the disorder has features the cholesterol efflux regulatory protein.154
in common with familial combined hyperlipidaemia and Low HDL-cholesterol (hypoalphalipoproteinaemia) has
with diabetes. Indeed, a substantial proportion of people been defined as concentrations lower than 1·0 mmol/L.
who have this syndrome ultimately develop diabetes,145 This definition would make it a common disorder,
although sometimes not until after they have already affecting as many as 25% of adults in the USA.155 Only
developed CHD,146 which explains partly why glycaemic rarely could it be caused by a single-gene disorder, such
control in diabetes seems to have little impact in as heterozygous APOAI or ABCA1 mutation. More
preventing its atheromatous complications.133 Statin frequently it is the result of similar factors to those leading
treatment, on the other hand, is effective in preventing to hypertriglyceridaemia, and is associated with obesity
CHD in diabetes5,6,133 and may lessen the excess case and the metabolic syndrome or frank diabetes (figure 5).
fatality in diabetes associated with acute myocardial Low HDL cholesterol is a common finding in patients
infarction.147 In one report, statin treatment postponed the who have CHD, and frequently precedes this disease by
development of diabetes.148 many years.156 Measurement of HDL cholesterol is,
Women who have diabetes, particularly those with therefore, essential in CHD risk prediction.157 However,
type 2 disease, generally have a distribution of adipose low HDL-cholesterol concentrations cannot be effectively
tissue resembling that of obese men around the abdomen raised by pharmacological means or lifestyle changes of
and waist, rather than the more female pattern, which raising.72 A 20% increase in HDL cholesterol would be
involves the buttocks and thighs but leaves the waist more than could be expected in most patients, but with an
relatively small. The protection from CHD that most initial concentration of, for example, 0·9 mmol/L, even
women have, even those with familial hyper- this improvement would be hardly appreciable in the
cholesterolaemia, is largely lost by those who have clinic. Therefore, particular attention to achieving LDL-
diabetes, which it is suggested results from this cholesterol or non-HDL-cholesterol targets in patients
androgenisation.149 Many women with a similar body with low HDL cholesterol is recommended,72 which in
shape, but who have not yet developed diabetes, are higher-risk patients will generally require statin treatment.
insulin resistant, hypertensive, have hyperlipidaemia, and Further research is required to find out whether more
have an increased risk of CHD. There is an undoubted precise diagnosis of the causes of low HDL-cholesterol
overlap here too with polycystic ovary syndrome.150 can identify people at particular CHD risk and allow the
development of more specific interventions.
Hypolipidaemia is an increasing clinical problem, since Conflict of interest statement
more cases are being discovered because of population None declared.
screening for high cholesterol. People who have had a low
serum cholesterol concentration all their lives seem to Acknowledgment
I thank C Price for the preparation of this manuscript.
be at no disadvantage unless the decrease is substantial, as
in abetalipoproteinaemia. Indeed, their freedom from References
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Uses of error
Errors: Incompetence, ineptitude or failure
Lionel H Opie

Errors are of most interest if they reflect overt My other major error occurred only a few weeks
incompetence or ineptitude (my first example) or failure before writing this piece. In a meta-analysis of calcium
to do what should have been done (my second example). channel blockers (CCBs), my co-worker and I found
In about 1973, I was doing a student teaching ward that CCB therapy for hypertension reduced stroke but
round certain that I knew most of internal medicine and increased myocardial infarction, while leaving
all of cardiology. During a teaching ward round the cardiovascular and total mortality unchanged relative to
patient, an elderly gentleman of about 76 years of age conventional therapy by diuretics or ␤ blockers. In view
with a cerebrovascular accident thought to be on the of the continuing controversy about the safety of CCBs,
basis of atrial fibrillation, developed another stroke, the it was my hope that this article and the other recent
direct result of my ward round. Why? I wanted to meta-analyses published, would help settle the issue.
explain to the students that carotid sinus massage was no But, to cut a long story short, we made a calculation
therapy for atrial fibrillation, though an excellent self- error in the rate of reduction of non-fatal stroke, which
help remedy in younger patients with supraventricular we claimed was the very high rate of 25%. We
tachycardia. By way of demonstration, totally incorrectly emphasised stroke reduction as being
unnecessary for the health of the patient, I proceeded to statistically more robust than increased non-fatal
massage the right carotid sinus, and within seconds he myocardial infarction. In fact, stroke reduction just
went pale. I was totally surprised and did not know what about exactly balanced myocardial infarct increase.
to do. There were no resuscitation trolleys on the ward. Although the overall results are still intact, any error in
Instead of thumping or pumping the chest, I just stood this contentious area is serious. Published errors are very
there, paralysed. I slowly came to realise that he had had difficult to correct. What should we have done to avoid
carotid sinus syncope that precipitated another stroke. the error? Simple addition of the numbers for non-fatal
Why this happened is still not clear. On the background stroke would have shown up the error. Ironically, there
of increased carotid sinus sensitivity of the elderly, have been other addition errors in previous meta-
increased conduction block probably induced severe analyses that I had picked up and criticised. So I should
bradycardia with reduced cerebral blood flow. Great have been ultra careful. Thus, before publication, apply
care is needed to protect the patient’s interests during commonsense checks to statistics. It is not the job of the
teaching ward rounds. referees to pick up statistical errors.

Hatter Institute, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, Observatory 7925, South Africa (L H Opie MD)

THE LANCET • Vol 362 • August 30, 2003 • www.thelancet.com 731

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