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Assignment (Chapter: 17+19)

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following has long range order structure?
(a) Crystalline (b) Amorphous (c) Polymeric (d) None
2. The ratio of applied stress to volume strain is called:
(a) Young’s modulus (b) Bulk modulus (c) Shear modulus (d) None
3. Out of the following which material is brittle:
(a) Wrought iron (b) Copper (c) High carbon steel (d) Tungsten
4. In p-type substance, the minority carriers are:
(a) Electrons (b) Protons (c) Holes (d) Neutrons
5. A vacant or partially filled band is called:
(a) Fermi band (b) Valence band
(c) Conduction band (d) Forbidden band
6. A material which is insulator at 0K and conductor at room temperature is:

(a) Silver (b) Lead (c) Germanium (d) Polythene

7. In extrinsic semi-conductors dopping is of order of:
(a) 1 atom to 104 (b) 1 atom to 106
(c) 1 atom to 108 (d) 1 atom to 1010
8. Electromagnetic waves emitted from radio antenna are:
(a) Stationary (b) Longitudnal (c) Transverse (d) Both a &b
9. When a ferromagnetic substance is heated to a temperature above its curie temperature, it:
(a) Behaves like a paramagnetic substance
(b) Behaves like a diamagnetic substance

(c) Remains ferromagnetic substance

(d) Is permanently magnetized
10. Very weak magnetic field produced by brain can be detected by:
(a) Compass (b) Metallic needle (c) Squids (d) Liquids
11. All the motions are:
(a) Absolute (b) Uniform (c) Relative (d) Variable
12. Joule - second is the unit of:
(a) Energy (b) Heat (c) Plank’s constant (d) Work
13. The Compton shift in wavelength will be maximum when angle of scattering is:
(a) 900 (b) 450 (c) 1800 (d) 00
14. Potassium cathode in photocell emit electrons for a light:
(a) Visible (b) Infra red
(c) Ultraviolet (d) X-rays
15. The rest mass of photon is:
(a) Infinite (b) Zero

(c) 1.6×10-27kg (d) 3×108kg

16. The quantity has the dimension of:
𝑚0 𝑐
(a) Length (b) Mass
(c) Time (d) Energy
17. Which one is low energy photon?
(a) Visible light (b) Infrared light

(c) Ultra violet light (d) X-rays

18. Wave nature of particle appears in:
(a) Pair production (b) Compton effect
(c) Photoelectric effect (d) Interference
19. Antiparticle of electron is:
(a) Proton (b) Positron (c) Neutron (d) Photon
20. At low temperature a body emits radiations of:
(a) Shorter wavelength (b) Longer wavelength

(c) High frequency

(d) High frequency and shorter wavelength
1. Distinguish between crystalline solids and glassy solids.
2. Define stress and strain. Give units of both.
3. Define modulus of elasticity. Show that the units of modulus of elasticity and stress are same.
4. What are ductile and brittle substances? Give an example of each.
5. Define modulus of elasticity and write its formula.
6. How the conduction take place in semi-conductors by electrons and holes?
7. Discuss the mechanism of electrical conduction by holes and electrons in a pure semi-
conductor material.
8. How will you obtain N-type and P-type material from silicon?
9. What is critical temperature? What is its value for lead?
10. Define (a) Paramagnetic substances (b) Diamagnetic substances
11. What is meant by hysteresis loss?
12. Define retantivity and coercivity.
13. Write a note on super conductors.
14. What are the measurements on which two observers in relative motion will always agree
15. If the speed of light were infinite, what would the equations of special theory of relativity
reduce to?
16. Find mass “m” of an object moving with speed of 0.8C.
17. As a solid is heated and begins to glow, why does it first appear red?
18. Will higher frequency light eject greater number of electrons than low frequency light?
Explain briefly.
19. Why do not we observe Compton Effect with visible light?
20. Which photon red, green, or blue the most (a) Energy and (b) Momentum
21. Can a pair production take place in vacuum? Explain.
22. What happens to total radiation energy from a black body if its absolute temperature is
23. Why can red light be used in photographic dark room when developing films, but a blue or
white light cannot?
24. Does brightness of beam of light primarily depends upon the frequency of photons or on the
number of photons?
25. Photon A has twice the energy of photon B. What is the ratio of momentum of A to that of

Important Long Questions

1. Describe de-Broglie hypothesis and explain is confirmed through Davisson and Germer
2. What are black body radiations? Explain the effect of temperature on radiation emitted by hot
body. Also discuss energy distribution curve of black body among different wavelength.

3. Explain photo electric effect on the basis of Einstein’s quantum theory. Also derive Einstein
4. What is energy band theory? Explain insulators and conductors on the basis of band theory.

5. What is meant by strain energy? How can it be determined from the force extension graph?

Important Numerical
1. A 1.25 cm diameter cylinder is subjected to a load of 2500 kg. Calculate the stress on the bar
in mega Pascals.
2. What stress would cause a wire to increase in the length by 0.01 % if the Young’s modulus of
the wire is 12×1010Pa. What force produces this stress if the diameter of the wire is 0.56 mm?

3. An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 50 volts. Calculate its de-Broglie

4. An electron is placed in a box about the size of an atom that is about 1.0×10-10m. What is the
velocity of the electron?
5. What is the mass of a 70 kg man in a space rocket travelling at 0.8 C from us as measured
from earth?
6. Assuming you radiate as does a black body at your body temperature about 370C, at what
wavelength do you emit the most energy?

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