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General Linear Model: Warping versus Copper Content, Temperature


Factor coding (-1, 0, +1)

Rows unused 6

Factor Information

Factor Type Levels Values

Copper Content Fixed 4 40, 60, 80, 100
Temperature Fixed 4 50, 75, 100, 125

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Copper Content 3 698.3 232.781 34.33 0.000
Temperature 3 156.1 52.031 7.67 0.002
Copper Content*Temperature 9 113.8 12.642 1.86 0.133
Error 16 108.5 6.781
Total 31 1076.7

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

2.60408 89.92% 80.48% 59.69%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant 20.906 0.460 45.41 0.000
Copper Content
40 -5.406 0.797 -6.78 0.000 1.50
60 -2.031 0.797 -2.55 0.022 1.50
80 0.094 0.797 0.12 0.908 1.50
50 0.969 0.797 1.21 0.242 1.50
75 -3.531 0.797 -4.43 0.000 1.50
100 0.094 0.797 0.12 0.908 1.50
Copper Content*Temperature
40 50 2.03 1.38 1.47 0.161 2.25
40 75 -1.47 1.38 -1.06 0.303 2.25
40 100 -1.59 1.38 -1.15 0.265 2.25
60 50 -1.34 1.38 -0.97 0.345 2.25
60 75 0.16 1.38 0.11 0.911 2.25
60 100 0.53 1.38 0.38 0.706 2.25
80 50 1.03 1.38 0.75 0.466 2.25
80 75 -2.97 1.38 -2.15 0.047 2.25
80 100 2.91 1.38 2.10 0.052 2.25

Regression Equation

Warping = 20.906 - 5.406 Copper Content_40 - 2.031 Copper Content_60

+ 0.094 Copper Content_80 + 7.344 Copper Content_100
+ 0.969 Temperature_50
- 3.531 Temperature_75 + 0.094 Temperature_100
+ 2.469 Temperature_125
+ 2.03 Copper Content*Temperature_40 50
- 1.47 Copper Content*Temperature_40 75
- 1.59 Copper Content*Temperature_40 100
+ 1.03 Copper Content*Temperature_40 125
- 1.34 Copper Content*Temperature_60 50
+ 0.16 Copper Content*Temperature_60 75
+ 0.53 Copper Content*Temperature_60 100
+ 0.66 Copper Content*Temperature_60 125
+ 1.03 Copper Content*Temperature_80 50
- 2.97 Copper Content*Temperature_80 75
+ 2.91 Copper Content*Temperature_80 100
- 0.97 Copper Content*Temperature_80 125
- 1.72 Copper Content*Temperature_100 50
+ 4.28 Copper Content*Temperature_100 75
- 1.84 Copper Content*Temperature_100 100
- 0.72 Copper Content*Temperature_100 125


General Linear Model: Warping versus Copper Content, Temperature


Factor coding (-1, 0, +1)

Rows unused 6

Factor Information

Factor Type Levels Values

Copper Content Fixed 4 40, 60, 80, 100
Temperature Fixed 4 50, 75, 100, 125

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Copper Content 3 698.3 232.781 26.18 0.000
Temperature 3 156.1 52.031 5.85 0.004
Error 25 222.3 8.891
Lack-of-Fit 9 113.8 12.642 1.86 0.133
Pure Error 16 108.5 6.781
Total 31 1076.7

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

2.98182 79.36% 74.40% 66.18%


Term Coef SE Coef T-Value P-Value VIF

Constant 20.906 0.527 39.66 0.000
Copper Content
40 -5.406 0.913 -5.92 0.000 1.50
60 -2.031 0.913 -2.22 0.035 1.50
80 0.094 0.913 0.10 0.919 1.50
50 0.969 0.913 1.06 0.299 1.50
75 -3.531 0.913 -3.87 0.001 1.50
100 0.094 0.913 0.10 0.919 1.50

Regression Equation

Warping = 20.906 - 5.406 Copper Content_40 - 2.031 Copper Content_60

+ 0.094 Copper Content_80 + 7.344 Copper Content_100
+ 0.969 Temperature_50
- 3.531 Temperature_75 + 0.094 Temperature_100
+ 2.469 Temperature_125

Fits and Diagnostics for Unusual Observations

Obs Warping Fit Resid Std Resid

14 12.00 17.47 -5.47 -2.07 R
16 31.00 24.72 6.28 2.38 R
24 23.00 28.34 -5.34 -2.03 R

R Large residual

Probability Plot of RESI2

Test for Equal Variances: RESI2 versus Copper Content, Temperature


Null hypothesis All variances are equal

Alternative hypothesis At least one variance is different
Significance level α = 0.05

Bartlett’s method is used. This method is accurate for normal data only.

95% Bonferroni Confidence Intervals for Standard Deviations

Content Temperature N StDev CI
40 50 2 2.12132 (0.67071, 1083.24)
40 75 2 2.12132 (0.67071, 1083.24)
40 100 2 2.82843 (0.89427, 1444.32)
40 125 2 2.82843 (0.89427, 1444.32)
60 50 2 3.53553 (1.11784, 1805.41)
60 75 2 3.53553 (1.11784, 1805.41)
60 100 2 2.12132 (0.67071, 1083.24)
60 125 2 1.41421 (0.44714, 722.16)
80 50 2 1.41421 (0.44714, 722.16)
80 75 2 3.53553 (1.11784, 1805.41)
80 100 2 1.41421 (0.44714, 722.16)
80 125 2 0.70711 (0.22357, 361.08)
100 50 2 0.70711 (0.22357, 361.08)
100 75 2 2.82843 (0.89427, 1444.32)
100 100 2 4.94975 (1.56498, 2527.57)
100 125 2 1.41421 (0.44714, 722.16)

Individual confidence level = 99.6875%


Method Statistic P-Value
Bartlett 5.70 0.984

Test for Equal Variances: RESI2 vs Copper Content, Temperature

Comparisons for Warping

Fisher Pairwise Comparisons: Response = Warping, Term = Copper Content

Grouping Information Using Fisher LSD Method and 95% Confidence

Content N Mean Grouping
100 8 28.250 A
80 8 21.000 B
60 8 18.875 B
40 8 15.500 C

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Fisher Individual Tests for Differences of Means

of Copper
Content Difference SE of Individual
Levels of Means Difference 95% CI T-Value P-Value
60 - 40 3.37 1.49 ( 0.30, 6.45) 2.26 0.033
80 - 40 5.50 1.49 ( 2.43, 8.57) 3.69 0.001
100 - 40 12.75 1.49 ( 9.68, 15.82) 8.55 0.000
80 - 60 2.12 1.49 (-0.95, 5.20) 1.43 0.166
100 - 60 9.38 1.49 ( 6.30, 12.45) 6.29 0.000
100 - 80 7.25 1.49 ( 4.18, 10.32) 4.86 0.000

Simultaneous confidence level = 80.60%

Fisher Individual 95% CIs

Fisher Pairwise Comparisons: Response = Warping, Term = Temperature

Grouping Information Using Fisher LSD Method and 95% Confidence

Temperature N Mean Grouping

125 8 23.375 A
50 8 21.875 A
100 8 21.000 A
75 8 17.375 B

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Fisher Individual Tests for Differences of Means

Difference of
Temperature Difference SE of Individual
Levels of Means Difference 95% CI T-Value P-Value
75 - 50 -4.50 1.49 (-7.57, -1.43) -3.02 0.006
100 - 50 -0.88 1.49 (-3.95, 2.20) -0.59 0.563
125 - 50 1.50 1.49 (-1.57, 4.57) 1.01 0.324
100 - 75 3.63 1.49 ( 0.55, 6.70) 2.43 0.023
125 - 75 6.00 1.49 ( 2.93, 9.07) 4.02 0.000
125 - 100 2.38 1.49 (-0.70, 5.45) 1.59 0.124

Simultaneous confidence level = 80.60%

Fisher Individual 95% CIs

* NOTE * There are no valid interactions to plot.

Main Effects Plot for Warping

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