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Satan Has His Miracles

A campaign setting by Tristan Edge for the most popular tabletop RPG in the world

“We are in error if we regard as miraculous, works which are used for any other purpose
than to magnify the name of God”
John Calvin, Protestant Reformer

In this year, the year of our Lord Sixteen Hundred and Thirty, war rages.

Germany is burning, with Protestant princes and Catholic kings ruthlessly

slaughtering their religious enemies. Spain and France pour men and gold into
the furnace, neither willing to let the other reign over the ashes.

The Enlightenment is in its infancy, and superstition abounds. Witches are

blamed for all manner of ills. The Inquisition is out in force, hunting for the
Devil's minions.

A party of adventurers can make its fortune in this chaotic world, whether as
agents of the king, as bounty hunters and problem solvers, or as daring
highwaymen and plundering pirates.

The Battle of Empel, 1585

"El milagro de Empel", by Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau
Table Of Contents 6 Items and Prices
1 The World 6.1 Mundanities
1.1 Magic 6.2 Hirelings
1.2 Alignment and Religion 6.2.1 Mercenary Companies
1.3 The Three Sources, Three Emanations and 6.3 Hired Spellcasters
Nine Aspects of Magic 6.3.4 Spell Costs
1.4 Saints and Blessings 6.4 Gunsmith's Shop
1.5 Holy and Unholy Books 6.4.1 Firearm Rules
1.6 Races and Demographics 6.5 Swordsmith's Shop
1.7 Languages 6.5.1 Bespoke Swords
1.8 Political Philosophy 6.6 Armour Factory
1.9 Currency 6.6.1 Upgrading Armour
1.9.1 European Coinage 6.7 Pawn Shop
1.10 Guilds 6.8 Cannon Foundry
1.10.4 Examples of Guilds 6.9 Alchemist's Shop
1.11 Legal Systems 6.9.1 Illegal Potions
1.12 Empires, Kingdoms, Republics, and their 6.10 Magic Black Market
Rulers 6.10.1 Commissioning a Magic Item
1.12.1 Holland 6.10.2 Player Projects
1.13 Dragons 6.11 Magic Items

2 Backgrounds 7 Ship Combat

2.1 Backgrounds from Other Publications 7.2 Sails Ahoy
2.2 Highwayman
2.3 Exotic Dignitary 8 Wars and Mass Combat
2.4 War Refugee 8.1 A Military Campaign
2.5 Witch's Scion 9 The Adventure
2.6 Cultist 9.2 The Party
3 Classes 9.3 Encounters of Social Grace and of Mortal
3.1 Classes from Other Publications Peril
3.2 Paladin Oaths 9.4 Assorted Name Lists by Nationality
3.2.1 Oath of the Unhallowed 9.4.1 Dutch and Flemish
9.4.2 French and Walloon
3.3 Cleric Domains
3.3.1 Law Domain 10 Bestiary
3.3.2 Commerce Domain 10.1 Mounts
3.4 Monk Traditions 10.2 Soldiers and Guards
3.4.1 The Way of Beguines and Beghards 10.2.1 Militia
3.5 Arcane Smith 10.2.2 Landsknecht Mercenaries
4 Feats 10.2.3 Swiss Guard
4.1 Quick Reload 10.2.4 Swedish Army
4.2 Shield Fighter 10.3 Bandits
10.3.1 Goblin Bandits
4.3 Munitions Expert
4.4 Magic Crafter 10.4 Cults and Covens
4.5 Occult Novice 10.4.1 Cultists
4.6 Commander 10.4.2 Vampire Coteries
10.5 Sailers and Pirates
4.7 Quartermaster
4.8 Sawbones 10.5.1 Saracen Corsairs
4.9 Sergeant Major 11 Timeline
5 Curses 12 Licences and Attributions
5.1 Lycanthropy
5.2 Vampirism
5.3 Ghoul Servitude

The World
Pagan Syncretism
Magic In the periphery of the great empires, rural
By the grace of God, magic runs in the veins of poverty and isolation precludes formal education.
some gifted individuals. This is a rare talent. In Ireland, Poland, and Russia there are said to be
Modern accounts, and Roman census data, both traditions of roaming Druids who combine
show the magical Spark to occur once per 10,000 Christian beliefs with methods of elven magic
individuals. Even then, powerful spellcasters are which heal the earth. And in the savage forests of
rare. There are spellcasters from every nation and Sweden, the woodsmen bless the Lord when an
every race, but how their society trains them Orcish Ranger saves their village from a
marks them apart. marauding werewolf.

Catholic Communion Magic Far Afield

Catholic nations, such as France and Spain, and the Knowledge of magic outside Europe is hard to
Mussulmen of Turkey, tend to have powerful kings come by, but missionaries to Africa and the
who can serve as patrons for the magical arts. Americas, and Portuguese merchants from far
Even the most humble peasant with the Spark, Nippon, say miracles are worked even in those
whether Human or otherwise, will be whisked benighted lands.
away to be clothed in silken robes and taught to
read from gold-trimmed manuscripts.
The Italian universities are famous for their
genius Wizards who become advisors to the
Catholic kings, but also for mad Arcane Smiths
dabbling in golemcraft and siege weaponry. Other
spellcasters learn their art in strict Jesuit schools,
ancient monasteries and secluded abbeys, and
become earnest Clerics and fiery Paladins.

Protestant Purifiers
Protestant nations, such as England, Germany and
Holland, have recently been in the grips of
religious reformation – the doctrines of Calvin and
Luther, themselves Clerics dissatisfied with the
operation of the Catholic Church.
Protestants reject what they see as the
decadence of Catholicism, with its extravagant
churches and corrupt priests, and this attitude has
extended to their education of spellcasters.
Protestant children with the Spark are often
sent to austere halls of learning, becoming
politically influential Wizards, Arcane Smiths with
interest in commerce, or Bards with a flair for

Satanic Influences
Superstitious rumours abound across Europe of
unruly children fleeing Christian society, who are
taken in by covens of witches where they are
taught darker arts, becoming murderous Warlocks
and hedonistic Sorcerers. The Papal Inquisition
have their hands full with their Protestant
adversaries, however, and the dreadful tales grow
ever taller in the coffee houses of civilised lands.

Alignment and Religion The Three Sources, Three
No one has seen the face of God. No being who Emanations and Nine
walked this earth could say what waits for us after
death, save for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Aspects of Magic
Devils and demons have spoken to those
individuals burdened with magical talent, promising
Professor Francesco Accarigi, Department of
them ever greater power in exchange for sacrifice Gnostic Conjuration and Experimental
and worship. And those evil beings have often lied Thaumaturgy, University of Sienna, 1593
to us, saying that God is a myth we mortals The power of magic is borne in the blood. This has
invented to explain the hardships we endure. been confirmed through the ages by pagans,
But these are tests of our faith, placed on Earth heretics and Satanists who value the blood of
to challenge us, to let us prove ourselves worthy of spellcasters above all others. Such practices are
entering God's domain. We see evidence of God's now outlawed, though the historical records of the
grace all around us: miracles of mercy, of the pre-Christian Romans and Greeks continue to be
faithful dead returned to life to continue holy studied.
missions and defeat evil-doers. As understood by modern philosophers, this
Angels have spoken to a blessed few. The magic can be manifested in nine different ways,
listeners always seem to find peace in the called Aspects. This depends upon the conjunction
message, though their minds be unhinged by the of both the Source the spellcaster seeks to
listening. harness, and the Emanation of the Monad with
The Catholics and Protestants are battling across which the spellcaster resonates.
Europe, and Mohammad's heirs waged war on the
Romans in the name of Allah. Every rational being The Emanations of the Monad are thus:
wishes to be right, to enter Heaven and be one
The Mind, called by the ancients Nous, whereby
with God for eternity.
the spellcaster is in direct intellectual discussion
Which religious doctrine is correct? Only our
with the Source.
faith can answer this before the hereafter.
The Soul, called by the ancients Psyche,
whereby the spellcaster is in unconscious
Why do they despise me so? I created spiritual harmony with the Source.
them. Do you think God stays in Heaven
because He, too, lives in fear of what The Nature, called by the ancients Physis,
He created, here on Earth? whereby the spellcaster physically embodies the
Source's conjunction with the Emanation of the
Romero, Florentine Necromancer Monad.

The Sources are thus:

Divine intervention from Heaven such as by

Author's Note
Angels, called by the ancients Theurgia, and
There are planes besides the mortal realm, but today Theurgy.
their nature is debated by the major religions.
The recently deceased can be brought back from Natural magic, such as laws governing life and
matter, called by the ancients Magia Naturalis.
somewhere, but they have no memory of their
time while dead. Angels and Demons are ancient Satanic influnce from Hell such as by demons,
beings but have utterly alien moral systems. called by the ancients Goetia.
Angels refuse to sate the curiosity of mortals on
the grounds that greater knowledge would bring
us into further sin, while Demons demand an
ounce of flesh for every whispered word about
the nature of the cosmos.

The Aspects of Theurgy, the most celebrated of The Emanation of Psyche in conjunction with
Christendom, are thus: Goetia is the Aspect of the Sorcerer, whose
resonations with the Satanic despoil his soul. He
The Emanation of Nous in conjunction with may seek to hide his darkness, but he is usually
Theurgy is the Aspect of the Wizard, who seeks unable, and is liable to destroy himself and those
understanding of the hereafter through the around him in a blaze of Hellfire when
summoning of Angelic beings, the observation of confronted by Inquisitors and Witch Hunters.
Heavenly bodies, through rigorous debate with
his peers, and with the testing of hypothesis The Emanation of Physis in conjunction with
against argument in experiments. This is truly Goetia is the Aspect of the Bard. These sordid
the greatest Aspect, as evidenced by the individuals are thought to be the progeny of
research carried out in the universities on the Satanists who consorted with Succubi, and are
subject of magic. able to escape the notice of Inquisitors and
Witch Hunters thanks to the sins of those
The Emanation of Psyche in conjunction with around them. What is one more fornicating liar
Theurgy is the Aspect of the Cleric, who seeks in this fallen world? Only their unique talents
spiritual harmony with the Divine, and shares give them away, so they forge for themselves
its fulfilment with others in turn. doctorates and seek patrons to protect them.
The Emanation of Physis in conjunction with
Theurgy is the Aspect of the Paladin, who is
imbued by God's grace to smite sinners and
protect the innocent.

The Aspects of Magia Naturalis are thus:

The Emanation of Nous in conjunction with

Magia Naturalis is the Aspect of the Arcane
Smith, sometimes called Alchemy by the
Mussulmen, who seeks intellectual
understanding of the natural world, its laws, and
how to magically alter those laws according to
the needs of civilised peoples. Arcane Smiths
are the foundations upon which are built the
great manufacturies, merchant navies and
banking houses of Europe.

The Emanation of Psyche in conjunction with

Magia Naturalis is the Aspect of the Druid, who
seeks spiritual harmony with nature. This is
thankfully dying out in Europe with the
disappearance of all but the most stubborn sects
of pagans and tree worshippers.

The Emanation of Physis in conjunction with

Magia Naturalis is the Aspect of the Ranger, a
barbaric waste of magical talent.

Lastly we reach Goetia, the most accursed Source

of magic, whose Aspects are thus:

The Emanation of Nous in conjunction with

Goetia is the Aspect of the Warlock, who
communes directly with demons, seeking power
and wealth for selfish reasons, and plots the
downfall of Christendom whether knowingly or
through recklessness. Warlocks are
abominations in every civilised land, and are its
greatest threat owing to their intellect.

Saints and Blessings
Our belief in Almighty God leads us to humble lives, good deeds and, hopefully, to eventual salvation. The
forms of worship are ever increasing, as new miracles are celebrated under new Saints, and as schismatics
break away from the true faith.
Many Clerics are closely aligned to one Saint, often the patron of the abbey they were trained at. Other
Clerics will uphold their creed more generally. Some heretics damn their souls for eternity by seeking out
demons to worship, in exchange for power, or to avenge some petty slight they received within the Holy
Demonologists agree that Lucifer, the First Angel, is the supreme demon, and he is called Satan, or Devil.
His immediate servants are the kings of Hell, who are sometimes also called devils, as a mark of fear or
respect. While Lucifer is unlikely to answer a mortal plea, his servants are eager to bring new souls to Hell,
to strengthen their position in their internecine wars.
Christian Creed Domains Symbols
Catholicism Life, Death Body of Christ on a cross; the Madonna
Lutheranism Knowledge, War Red heart inside a white rose
Calvinism Commerce, Law A plain cross
Bohemian Hussites War Crown of thorns; cup of the Eucharist
Anglicanism Tempest An ornate cross
English Puritans Light A plain cross
French Huguenots Trickery A Maltese cross; a dove
English Protestant Levellers Nature A plain cross
Hiberno-Gaelic Catholics Nature Triquetra; Celtic cross
Holy Inquisition Law, Light Black and white robes (Dominican friars)
Eastern Orthodoxy Law, War An ornate cross; the Chi Rho ☧

Heathen Religion Domains Symbols

Paganism Life, Nature Animal sacrifices; wicker statues; sacred bones
Sunni Islam Light, Knowledge Star and crescent; the Shahada
Shia Islam Light, War Star and crescent; the Shahada; Persian lion and sun
Ibadi Islam Light, Commerce Star and crescent; the Shahada
Judaism Commerce, Law Star of David; seven-candle Menorah
Hinduism Death, Knowledge Om ॐ; the Swastika 卐
Sikhism Life, War Khanda swords
Buddhism Death, Trickery Lotus flowers; the Dharma wheel
Taoism Life, Trickery Yin and yang
Confucianism Law, Knowledge The Four Books and Five Classics
Shinto Nature, Tempest Torii gateways

Holy Figure Domain Holy Day Devil or Demon Domain Appearances
Mary, Mother of God, the Life August 15th Belial, the Second Light Black-winged Angel
Most Blessed Angel
Saint Agatha of Sicily, Tempest February 5th Baal, King of the Trickery Cat; Tabaxi clergyman
Patroness of Martyrs East
Saint Augustine of Hippo, Law August 28th Paimon, the Loyal War Orc general
Doctor of Grace King
Saint Constantine the Great, War May 21st Baron Commerce Human merchant
Emperor of Rome Mephistopheles
Saint Columba, Apostle to the Nature June 9th Duke Agares Tempest Dwarf nobleman
Prince Vassago Knowledge Human philosopher
Saint Fris, Abbess of Oxford Knowledge October 19th
Marquis Samigina Death Horse; Human pauper
Saint John of Damascus, Life April 30th
Doctor of the Assumption of Councillor Marbas Law Lion; Gnome
Mary magistrate
Saint Jerome the Hermit Light September Duke Valefor Trickery Hobgoblin
30th highwayman

Saint Ambrose of Milan, Death December Marquis Amon War Wolf; Bugbear general
Suppresser of Pagans 7th Duke Barbatos Nature High Elf soothsayer
Judas Iscariot Trickery Not Prince Sitri Life Leopard; Aarakocra
celebrated warrior

Hear Me, and make all Spirits subject

I believe in one, holy, catholic and unto Me: so that every Spirit of the
apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism Firmament and of the Ether; upon the
for the forgiveness of sins and I look Earth and under the Earth: on dry Land
forward to the resurrection of the dead and in the Water: of Whirling Air, and
and the life of the world to come. Amen of rushing Fire: and every Spell and
Scourge of God may be obedient unto
Extract from the Nicene Creed Me.
An Invocation from the Lesser Key of

De Rerum Natura
Holy and Unholy Books Grimoire of Transmutation
A poetic essay by Roman philosopher Lucretius,
written in the 1st century before Christ. 'On the
“If a God of love and life ever did exist, Nature of Things' is the best known intellectual
He is long since dead. Someone, work of the Epicureans, a Satanic cult that
something, rules in His place”. sometimes springs up in wicked times and places,
preaching hedonism and denying God.
Prince Prospero, Satanist
A handwritten copy is sometimes used as a form
of identification, to allow entry into hidden temples
where orgies and rituals are performed.
Treatise of the Three Impostors Senior Clerics and Inquisitors are expected to
know the work, in order to explain its flaws, and
Grimoire of Illusion to identify Satanists in the world and to defeat
A text written in 1239 Anno Domini by an
their ideology.
anonymous philosopher in the court of Emperor
Frederick II of Germany, supposedly under his Spells for copying: Feather Fall, Knock, Haste,
patronage. The text denounces Moses, Jesus and Polymorph, Animate Objects
Mohammad as merely powerful spellcasters and
persuasive speakers, rejecting them as holy The Mirror of Simple Souls
The text contributed to tensions with the Pope Grimoire of Divination
that had been simmering since the wars of the Written around 1300 Anno Domini by French poet
Guelphs and Ghibellines. It was later suppressed as Marguerite Porete, a member of the Beguines, a
part of attempts at reconciliation by Frederick's religious movement composed of ordinary women
heirs. who travelled the country preaching the love of
Owning a copy of the text today will incur the Christ. The movement was suppressed as heretical
suspicion of Christian, Islamic and Jewish and Porete was burnt at the stake in 1311 Anno
authorities alike. It is sometimes sought after by Domini by the inquisition of France.
confidence tricksters. The book describes the soul "dissolving" and
becoming one with God. This is the explanation
Spells for copying: Disguise Self, Invisibility, Major given by occult practioners to explain the
Image, Phantasmal Killer, Mislead prevalence of magic amongst pagan sects. Such
Sorcerers claim their uncivilised behaviour is
Processions of the Dead compatible with Christianity.
Grimoire of Necromancy Spells for copying: Detect Evil and Good, Locate
An account written by an Italian Druid in the 15th Object, Clairvoyance, Locate Creature, Scrying
century of our Lord, describing his night battles
against Satanic forces which assaulted his village
on moonlit nights. The author, 'Ginzburg of the
Eighth Circle', describes himself as a 'benandanti', Author's Note
a 'good walker' of the night. These grimoires mostly have a single spell from
The account was supposedly written in order to level 1 to 5. If characters have access to 6th
justify the Christian credentials of the rural level spells or higher, more could be added to
Druids, and to appeal to Christian society for aid the grimoire, or characters could spend
against Satanists. The account was initially
discounted as a work of fiction, and Ginzburg was downtime studying the tome to learn new
burned at the stake for heresy. secrets (with a high Arcana DC).
The Inquisition finds it to be an instructive If a wizard already has a listed spell prior to
textbook on uncovering both Satanists, and the finding a grimoire, the spell could be swapped
heresies of rural pagan-Christian syncretists they for a different spell from the same school.
supposedly battle.
Spells for copying: False Life, Blindness/Deafness,
Gentle Repose, Animate Dead, Blight

The Lemegeton The Liber Atomus
Grimoires of Pure Magic Grimoire of Evocation
A compendium of many works on the philosophy of The Book of Atomus is one essay from a larger
magic, brought together by university professors. collection of Jewish histories, the Antiquities of
Mastering the Lemegeton is a basic requirement the Jews, written by Jewish general Yosef ben
for every student. The precise contents differ from Matityahu, better known as Flavius Josephus after
university to university, according to the tastes of his defection to the Romans in 71 Anno Domini.
the Archmage setting the curriculum. While Josephus's texts on the life of Jesus hold
Some of the essays contained within might more interest to theologians, to occultists he is an
include the Ars Theurgia (for contacting Heavenly excellent source on ancient rites of practical
beings), the Ars Paulina (allegedly written by Saint kabbalah (the origin of the word cabal). Atomus
Paul himself), the Ars Almadel (for manipulating was a Jewish magician contemporary to Jesus,
the four elements of nature), the Ars Notoria (for said to have had immense magical power before
summoning spirits of natural magic), and the Ars being killed during the Roman invasion of Judea,
Goetia (usually restricted to lecturers). and Josephus took meticulous notes on the
Copies of the compilations sometimes find their activities of Atomus.
way into the hands of Satanists, who lack both the The academic importance of the Antiquitates
formal education of Church-ordained spellcasters, Iudaicae is very great, therefore copies of the
and the oral tradition of the Druids and Rangers. Liber Atomus also exist in many libraries (to the
Misuse of the incantations by poorly supervised consternation of secular authorities, who have to
novices can result in disaster. deal with the illicit magic use inevitable from
private access to this powerful grimoire).
Ars Theurgia Spells for copying: Magic Missile, Acid Arrow,
Spells for copying: Mage Armour, Misty Step,
Fireball, Resilient Sphere, Wall of Force
Dispel Magic, Arcane Eye, Contact Other Plane

Ars Paulina A Guide to Grand-Jury Men

Spells for copying: Detect Magic, Suggestion, Grimoire of Abjuration
Remove Curse, Banishment, Telepathic Bond Published in 1627 Anno Domini, this instructional
textbook teaches both jurists and witchhunters on
Ars Almadel the techniques for identifying and combatting
Spells for copying: Fog Cloud, Flaming Sphere, Satanists and pagans, with a special eye for
Sleet Storm, Wall of Fire, Cone of Cold protecting the witchhunter from magical attack.
False accusations of witchcraft are rife, so
Ars Notoria Puritans in England joined their efforts in
Spells for copying: Find Familiar, Web, Protection producing this book to make their efforts more
from Energy, Conjure Minor Elementals, Conjure effective. The reader is warned that false
Elemental accusations may be made against innocents both
for the personal profit of the accusor and as
Ars Goetia Satanic plots in themselves.
Spells for copying: Unseen Servant, Hold Person,
The author, Richard Bernard, is especially
Magic Circle, Black Tentacles, Planar Binding
influential in the New World: his son-in-law is the
governor-general of Rhode Island.

Spells for copying: Protection from Evil and Good,

“Day by day they kept forcing the
woodland to creep further up the Arcane Lock, Dispel Magic, Counterspell,
hillside, surrendering the lower reaches Banishment
to tillage. Over hill and plain they
extended meadowland and cornland,
reservoirs and water courses and
laughing vine yards, with the distinctive
strip of blue grey olives running
between... So the countryside assumed
its present aspect of variegated beauty,
gaily interspersed with luscious
orchards and marked out by encircling
hedges of luxuriant trees”.
Lucretius, On the Nature of Things

The Codex Regius
Grimoire of the Sagas
The King's Book is a collection of anonymous
Icelandic poems recounting the great deeds of
pagan gods and heroes. It was written around
1270 Anno Domini as a gift for a Danish king, but
the Poetic Edda it recounts is much older, dating to
before the Norsemen were civilised by Christian
Some of the poems include the tale of Odin
outwitting the king of the giants in a contest of
riddles, a list of the dwarves and their ancestry,
Loki being punished for the murder of Baldur, and
Thor's slaying of the serpent Jormungandr during

Spells for copying: Longstrider, Darkvision, Water

Breathing, Control Water, Passwall

The Prophetiæ Merlini

Grimoire of the Seer
The Prophesies of Merlin were compiled by
Norman chronicler Geoffrey of Monmouth. They
recount the Arthurian legends, duels between
dragons, battles between the Britons and the
Saxons, and the mysteries of the Druids.
With careful study, knowledge of future events is
said to be gleaned by the wise.
Spells for copying: Comprehend Languages, Magic
Mouth, Speak with Dead, Divination, Legend Lore

Races and Demographics Halflings love the quiet country life even more
Humans than Gnomes, preferring good food and drink over
the stress of technology, and are rarely seen
Humans are the most common race on God's green outside their villages. The home counties in the
earth, forming the bulk of every nation's stock,
interior of England are their stereotypical abode in
from peasant to tradesman to king. The average
the English world, but there are vastly more
Human in Europe is God-fearing and hardworking,
halflings living in the wine regions of Gascony in
though parasitic thieves and ruffians exist who France, La Mancha in Spain, and especially the
steal from the weak and foolish. Human noble
central Italian regions of Tuscany and Umbria.
dynasties are obsessed with ancestry, tracing their
Halflings make for good taxpayers, but poor
origins back to Charlemagne and the Franks, to soldiers, so their villages are often defended by a
the patricians of ancient cities, or to heroes contingent of Human or Orcish soldiers from a
ennobled for great deeds. Commoners try to nearby city, usually an easy assignment given to
emulate this behaviour as best they can, as there is
old veterans looking to retire.
social prestige in knowing one's parentage. Due to
this obsession with lineage and legacy, Human
marriages tend to be to other Humans, since Elves,
Orcs and others do not bear part-Human children. Orcs have reputations as fearsome warriors,
The Church frowns upon pairings between couples reputations which they cultivate consciously, telling
who cannot produce children: marriage is for all who will listen that they do not feel pain or
procreation. Sinful kings and commoners are pity. Opponents facing an Orcish mercenary clan
prone to fornication with other races, however. from the Gaelic highlands, armed with Claymores
and screaming forgotten Celtic cries, are liable to
Dwarves turn and flee, giving the clan and its employers an
easy victory. The Orcish statesman Niccolo
Dwarves have a reputation for living in mountains,
Machiavelli was a master of using propaganda and
which can be true, and the best Swiss clock-
rumour to fight his battles for him. Many
makers are said to be Dwarfish, rather than
Landsknecht mercenary companies will pay double
Gnomish, but they also gravitate towards coastal
wages for a large Orc wielding a Zweihänder,
cities, where their skill with metals and tools finds
placing him at the very front of the formations
the highest price in the markets of the world, such
where he can intimidate the enemy ranks.
as London, Amsterdam, Venice and Constantinople.
At the core of every king's armour factory and
weapons workshop is a Dwarf being paid High Elves
handsomely for the efficiency and skill that that The New World Elves, called High Elves, are seen
race brings to every endeavour. by the upper classes of Europe as sophisticated,
loyal, honest and proud. This perception has
Gnomes allowed them to assimilate themselves into the
courts of the Spanish monarchs with their grace
Gnomes are renowned as great thinkers and
and beauty, wearing the sovereign's favourite
inventors, but they usually detest the large cities
fashions and speaking the foreign Spanish tongue
where universities and colleges are found. Instead
with ease, while their Halfling and Human
they form communities in quiet market towns,
compatriots across the Atlantic perished of the
sometimes at the invitation of a local lord or
plagues brought over by colonists.
patrician who would commission fine art from
Working-class subjects of every race and realm
them. Tragically, Human cities tend to grow in the
distrust these beautiful interlopers, seeing their
shadows of a Gnomish master artist or smith.
bewitchment of European nobility as unnatural, and
Gnomes are quite long lived, and if they have
suspecting them of pagan and Satanic influence.
already revolutionised their field, they might
suddenly leave to accomplish the same in a smaller
settlement a thousand miles away, to escape the
noise of city life and to recapture the thrill of

Wood Elves Dragonkin, Tabaxi, Goliaths and
The reclusive Wood Elves of Lapland are less well Genasi
known than the High Elves, only having adopted Some unusual races seem to be the result of
Christianity a few hundred years ago, rarely magical experiments gone wrong, of a witch's
trading with the outside world, and being said to curse against a pregnant mother, or of recklessly
maintain their practice of cannibalism in secret. settling in an area with strong magical residue
Wood Elves sometimes serve the kings of (usually due to a battle between mages some time
Sweden in their wars against the other nations of in the past).
Europe, usually to fulfil feudal oaths sworn to the Individuals of races believed to be cursed by
distant ancestors of the reigning king. They take magic might encounter pity, fear or wonder,
the opportunity that war affords them to sate their depending upon their appearance and demeanor.
appetite for the flesh of sapient beings, a
predilection that makes them greatly feared by Werewolves
those unlucky enough to encounter them.
On werewolves, little needs to be said save that
the curse has been largely stamped out in Europe.
Drow Rumours of lycanthropes living in the forests of
The black-skinned Drow are very scarce in northern Germany are absurd, given the frequency
Europe, originally being wise kings and disciplined with which Christian armies scour the area in
soldiers of the West African empire of Songhai, their battles with one another.
before that realm was conquered by the Musulmen
of Morocco. They are occasionally seen today in Vampires
Bulgaria and Turkey, serving as emirs of the
On vampires, that superstition has been roundly
Ottoman Caliphate, and in the great city-states of
dispelled by the advance of the sciences. Legends
Italy, acting as the Sultan's dignitaries and
of Transylvanian princes with bloodlust are
products of overactive imaginations fuelled by tall
Although the Drow are recent converts to Islam,
stories based on the wars between Turkey and
those selected to come to Europe tend to be the
Christendom. The belligerents may be bloodthirsty,
most passionate believers in the word of their
but they are definitely Human (or Gnomish, in the
prophet, Muhammed. In the more cosmopolitan
case of the Sultan).
cities of Europe, the learned and charismatic Drow
have intense debates over theurgy and theology
with local Christian philosophers.

Kobolds and Goblins

These miscreants have been pushed to the
peripheries thanks to the advance of civilisation.
Feral tribes can sometimes be found in forests, but
most have adapted to living as an underclass in the
cities, especially coastal cities where they are
hired to climb rigging, or forced to row oars as
galley slaves. Aggressive gangs are occasionally
encountered on rural paths, robbing travellers, but
they are poor planners and easily routed by guard
Kobolds have a strange folk religion which
venerates dragons as gods. Dragons, being at best
reclusive and at worst hostile to outsiders, tend to
reject this worship, especially since such a
blasphemy would be punished by Christian
civilisation - dragons dominate the lands they live
on because they navigate feudal politics so well.
Goblins are more individualistic than kobolds, and
will split from their tribe if they feel insulted or
undervalued. Since the more civilised races look
down on goblins in so many ways, they tend to
underestimate their cunning, and goblins can be
very effective spies and thieves in lower class
environments - a goblin would not be permitted to
enter an upstanding merchant's house.

Aasimar and Tieflings Luminous Service
Angels are sent to our world to stop Hellish
The forces of the High Heavens continually battle incursions in exceptional circumstances. The
the armies of Hell. The conflict has raged long imperfect realm of mortals saps much of an
before the biblical Fall, when Lucifer came to the Angel's power, and their flawed body takes the
Garden to tempt Adam and Eve. Sometimes that form of an Aasimar, born to parents of a mundane
conflict touches the earthly soil we know, and race but with the soul of an Angel, sometimes with
Angels and Demons walk amongst the mortal Angelic features such as golden eyes and glowing
races. skin. Initially, the Aasimar will be unaware of his
nature, lacking a direct connexion to Heaven. An
Bonded in Sin Aasimar usually gains knowledge of his divine
The great lords and princes of Hell send their purpose when coming of age - an Archangel will
minions to the mortal realm both to help damn the appear in a vision or dream to explain the service
souls of sinners so as to gain slaves and soldiers, which the Aasimar was sent to perform.
and as part of the petty games of prestige they The morals of mortals are complex and hard for
play against one another. These minions are lesser Angels to understand. To an Angel, service to God
Demons inhabiting mortal bodies, born both to justifies any means conceivable, whether illegal or
sinful witches who made a deal with a Demon in violent. Tasks for an Aasimar might include
exchange for bearing its child, and to lustful men destroying a piece of art or architecture which
visited by succubi in their dreams, with their threatens to obscure the glory of God, the
unsuspecting wives carrying the Demon-spawn as assassination of a philospher expounding doctrines
their own. that would lead mortals to sin, or inciting a
The mortal body of the Tieflings, as they are religious war between nations. An overthoughtful
known, might show some signs of Demonic Aasimar might be troubled by the simple morality
corruption, especially after the onset of puberty, of their Angelic benefactor, but must have faith in
such as growths resembling horns, deformed feet the wisdom of their visions.
resembling cloven hooves, or heavy hair verging Aasimar will reveal themselves to the public only
on fur. The soul of the Demon feels a constant when necessary, rallying commoners into an ad
compulsion to obey the commands of their Hellish hoc crusading army to topple an evil government,
patron, sometimes even receiving visions and or seeking out a powerful spellcaster to assist in
dreams commanding the Tiefling to submit to some matters of theurgy. They much prefer to work
action of a sinful nature. It would require great alone, or in small groups of those they trust, since
mental strength on the part of a Tiefling to defy the veneration of the Holy Church can easily give
his master and defect to the eternal enemy. Upon way to jealous politicking, especially when the local
the death of a Tiefling, the Demonic soul inhabiting Church has been infiltrated by a Tiefling.
the mortal coil will return to face its master's Though beings of Heavenly goodness, Angels are
pleasure or wrath. still susceptible to pride, temptation and sin, as the
The motivations of Tieflings vary depending upon fall of Lucifer shows all too well. Aasimar, being
the mission their master has sent them on: the subjected to the temptations of the flesh, are even
theft of a holy relic, spying on a venerable bishop, more likely to reject their luminous service.
assassination of a nobleman; any whim the greater
Demon desires in pursuit of his ambitions.
Agents of Hell obscure their Demonic heritage
22 And the Lord our God said unto us:
from all but the most damnable mortals - Satanists
"Behold, they are one people, and this
and witches will ally with a Tiefling for reasons of
they begin to do, and now nothing will
power, pride or lust, and criminal elements who be withholden from them. Go to, let us
don't ask too many questions can be hired to go down and confound their language,
perform specific tasks. But most Tieflings are that they may not understand one
willing to get their own hands dirty, since this another's speech, and they may be
world, with its naive commoners and foolish dispersed into cities and nations, and
priests, is vastly softer than the terrors that are one purpose will no longer abide with
waiting in Hell. them till the day of judgment."
Book of Jubilees, chapter 10

High German
Languages Native to the highland areas in the south, such as
Bavaria, Switzerland and Austria. High prestige
Common Languages thanks to the political power of the Habsburgs.
Native to England. Medium prestige. Upper class Italian
also speak French, Castilian and Latin. High prestige standard based on the Tuscan dialect,
as codified by the poet Dante in the 1300s.
A branch of Old English native to the lowlands of Rhaetian
Low prestige rural dialects in northern Italy.
Scotland. Low prestige, with middle and upper
class locals speaking English or French. Variants include Romansh, in the Swiss Alps;
Ladin, in the mountains of Tyrol; and Friulian, on
Gaelic the Adriatic coast.
Native to Ireland and the highlands of Scotland
(the dialects are barely mutually intelligible). Low Polish
prestige, with middle and upper class locals Language of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
speaking Scots or English. Medium prestige.

French Danish
Native to northern France. High prestige. Spoken Native to Denmark. Dialects in Sweden and
by the middle and upper classes of France, Brittany Norway are mutually intelligible.
and Wallonia, and by the nobles of every court in
western Europe. Uncommon Languages
Occitan Spoken by the upper classes and by churchmen.
Native to southern France. Low prestige, with
High prestige.
middle and upper class locals speaking French.
Walloon Dialect of High German spoken by European Jews.
Native to Wallonia, in the Habsburg Netherlands.
Low prestige, with middle and upper class locals Brittonic
speaking French. Native to Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany (each has
its own dialect). Low prestige, with middle and
Dutch upper class locals speaking English or French.
A variant of Low German native to the Republic of
the Netherlands. Growing prestige due to the Frisian
Republic's wealth and success. Low prestige dialect forming a continuum between
Dutch and Low German.
Native to central Spain. High prestige. Spoken by Basque
nobles of every court in Europe. Exported across A pre-Indo-European language native to the
the world by the conquistadors. mountains between Spain and France.

Catalan Mayan
Native to eastern Spain and the Balearic Islands. Spoken by natives of the Yucatan and southern
Low prestige, with middle and upper class locals Mexico. Spoken in Europe by returned Spanish
speaking Castilian. missionaries and merchants.

Portuguese Japanese
Native to Portingale, west of Spain. Spoken by natives of Nippon. Spoken in Europe by
returned Portuguese missionaries and merchants.
Low German
Native to the low-lying German regions in the Turkish
north, such as Bremen, Hamburg and Pomerania. Native to Anatolia. High prestige in the Ottoman
Falling prestige from the days of the medieval Empire, spoken by the middle and upper classes of
Hansa League, due to the power of the Austrian Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia.
Habsburgs and their High German.

Middle German
Native to the great forests and hills in the centre
of Germany, such as Alsace, Hesse and Saxony.

Rare Languages Arabic
Religious language of the Ottoman Empire. Spoken
Hebrew in secret by former Muslims in southern Spain.
Used in Jewish religious ceremonies. Also learned
by serious Biblical scholars. Draconic
A variant of Latin spoken by dragons and their
Ancient Greek most trusted mortal thralls.
Spoken by academics, especially Biblical scholars.
Not mutually intelligible with modern Greek. Infernal
A variant of Latin intelligible only to the most
accursed Satanists.

Ethnolinguistic map of Europe circa 1630

Dialects within a language group (same colour) may or may not be mutually intelligible

Political Philosophy Currency
Europe has been enjoying the influence of the The princes of the world, ever prone to
Renaissance on the arts for a hundred years, with ostentatiousness, have produced such an array of
kings giving patronage to artists for prestige, but coinage of varying quality as to make an honest
the impact of the Enlightenment on politics has Christian unsure of a coin's value. Confusing
been limited. matters further is the inflation rising from the
Thomas Hobbes is but a tutor in Paris, not yet flow of gold and silver from the Americas.
having written his pillar of Enlightenment While many coins have a face value, such as that
philosophy, Leviathan (1647). Rationalist René the Spanish silver dollar, or piece of eight in
Descartes will seek to refute the principle of common parlance, is worth eight reales, the true
radical doubt with the argument “cogito ergo sum” value in terms of weight of gold and silver is
in 1637. harder to determine, requiring a merchant armed
with accurate scales and official weights to judge
the specie against.
Absolute Monarchism Units of account for the books of merchants
Instead, absolutism is the driving force in the royal (showing assets and liabilities) tend to be based
courts. The infamous Cardinal Richelieu, chief around weights of silver, as determined by the
minister to Louis XIII of France, is hammering the official measures of a city or government, such as
feudal nobles into submission, and the French kings the Florentine lira (pound), the Cologne mark, the
will soon be damned by history for uttering “l'etat, French “livre tournois” (Tours pound) or the
c'est moi!” English pound sterling.
Centralisation of the state is both a goal and a Counterfeiting of coins, such as by diluting silver
method. The tax collectors are sent to bring the with base tin, or plating gold on a lead core, is a
king his due, and the royal soldiers, paid for with severe crime in every land.
taxes, are sent to protect them. In places that
refuse to be taxed, such as Ireland, subjects loyal European Coinage
to the imperial core are sent to take the place of
Origin Gold Silver Copper
the butchered locals, a process euphemistically
called “plantation”. Spain Doubloon Peso/Spanish Dollar Maravedí
Those who defy the centralisation quickly find Holland Guilder Stuiver Penning
themselves in mortal peril. The ancient rights of
England Sovereign Shilling Penny
cities and regions are trampled underfoot, and the
burghers and nobles alike rise up in response. The France Écu/Crown Sol Denier
Calvinist Hugenots of France have recently fought Germany Ducat Reichsthaler/Imperial Pfennig
a bloody civil war to secure their religious Dollar
freedom under the 1598 Edict of Nantes. They Italy Florin Soldo Denaro
lost, and Protestant refugees pour from France to
England and Holland, many of them skilled
There was little else in the volume but a
few bearings of places noted in the
The Enlightened Future blank leaves towards the end, and a
In another world, the Thirty Years War will soon table for reducing French, English, and
end with the Treaty of Westphalia, bringing a close Spanish moneys to a common value.
to the wars of religion and the supremacy of popes 'Thrifty man!' cried the doctor. 'He
and emperors. The Catholic Stuarts will clash with wasn't the one to be cheated.'
the Protestant Roundheads, resulting in the Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island
execution of a king and the supremacy of
But in this world, Europe is at a crossroads, and
anything could happen. Author's Note
Currency conversion is a huge headache thanks
to large silver coins like dollars being worth as
much as small gold coins, and thanks to
differences between face value and intrinsic
value. Throw the names of coins into dialogue
but stick to simple decimal values (1 gold to 10
silver to 100 copper).

Examples of Guilds
Guilds Not every city will have every kind of guild.
Guilds are still forces to be reckoned with in cities Merchant guilds will only exist in coastal trading
without powerful central governments. cities with weak or plutocratic governments, such
A merchant guild controls the price of bulk as Germany, Italy and the Netherlands.
goods, and restricts foreign traders. Craft guilds present in a city should reflect the
A craft guild controls a profession. It arranges prominence of local industries - cities near mines
for apprentices to serve under masters. It sets should have smiths and armourers, cities near
standards and wages. It also acts as a charity hemp production should have rope-makers, and
when members die, arranging funerals and paying cities with universities should have doctors and
a pension to orphans and widows. artists.
Guilds are conservative institutions in many These were the guilds in medieval Florence,
ways. They are hierarchical, act to benefit their together with their prestige and earliest recorded
own members over society, and are very religious, activity:
often organising regular sermons on Sundays at
their private chapels. Major Guilds
Judges, Lawyers and Notaries, 1197
Legal Status Bankers, 1197
Where central governments are strong, taxes are
imposed on the guilds, royal agents supervise guild Physicians and Pharmacists, 1197
officers, and guild members are conscripted into Cloth Merchants, 1190
performing vital work, such as for armies.
Where central governments are weak, as in Wool Merchants, 1192
Germany and Italy, the guilds control local
Silk Merchants, 1192
government and grant themselves monopolies.
The party might get in trouble if they infringe on Fur Merchants, 1197
the rights of a guild. For example, buying an
animal and butchering it for meat within the city
might anger the Butchers' Guild. Making a magic
Middle Guilds
Butchers, 1236
suit of armour would step on the toes of the
Armourers' Guild and Arcane Guild. Blacksmiths, 1236

Shoemakers, 1236
Craft guilds are semi-democratic, in that all Stonemasons, 1236
masters get to vote on how they operate and who
Tailers, 1266
the guild officers will be. Officers are often
corrupt, and use guild byelaws to attack their
rivals or collect bribes. They cement their control Minor Guilds
over the guild by restricting who becomes a Wine Merchants and Vintners, 1266
member and who gets promotions - often children
Innkeepers, 1282
of masters are the only source of new apprentices.
Apprentices are tied to a master for around Tanners, 1282
seven years. They then buy accreditation as a
journeyman, allowing them to work independently Salt and Oil Merchants, 1236
of the master. Saddlers, 1236

Guild Fees Toolmakers and Locksmiths, 1236

Merchant guilds charge non-guild traders a fee to Armourers and Swordsmiths, 1236
deal in goods they have a legal monopoly over.
Craft guild officers liable to bribes might Carpenters, 1236
accredit a party member in exchange for a Bakers and Millers, 1236
"licensing fee" of ten times the monthly guild
membership, instantly making them into a
journeyman member.
Guild Fees
Merchant Guild 10% of transactions
Craft Guild 1g / month
Arcane Guild 10g / month

Legal Rights and Procedures
Legal Systems Most societies grant at least some legal rights to
the accused. An overeager witch hunter or corrupt
Criminal law describes offences against the state,
local official might try to ignore or circumvent
such as theft, treason, or murdering the subjects of
these procedures, but they do so at the risk of
the sovereign. These are usually punished by
being themselves prosecuted by a higher court.
executing the criminal.
Some of these rights might be suspended, such as
A tort describes offences against private
the Right to Silence being ignored by the Star
individuals, such as breach of contract, slander or
Chamber of the kings of England.
trespass. These are usually punished by fining the
Grand Jury or Sumario: before the guilt of the
tortfeasor to compensate the plaintif.
accused is confirmed, there must first be a crime.
This is established by a Grand Jury in common
Use of Force law, or by a judge's Sumario in Roman and canon
The use of force, even lethal force, is permitted for
law. If a crime has been found to have occurred, a
agents of the state upholding the law or
summons is issued. If the summons is ignored, the
implementing orders of the court, but other
accused becomes an outlaw, hated by all civilised
subjects have to prove that their use of force was
people and with no right to life or property.
required for self-defence or to prevent commission
Criminal Trial or Plenario: the suspect is
of a crime.
informed of the charges and can plead his case. In
Torture is frequently used to extract confessions,
common law, all testimony and evidence is
a state of affairs denounced by some soft-hearted
presented at the criminal trial, while in Roman
reformers, while greedy and sadistic jurists stoke
and canon law, the facts and testimony gathered at
the fires of popular outrage, fires that are then fed
the Sumario are presented and the accused can
with suspected witches and political rivals alike.
cross examine the witnesses.
Magic in Law Accusor or Inquisitor: in common law, there is
Spellcasters are rare, but powerful enough to an accusor who makes a case to the impartial
found dynasties and reshape countries. Some judge and jury. In Roman and canon law, the judge
sovereigns of Europe have passed laws to control must prove that the crime in the Summario was
abuses by spellcasters, so as to maintain the committed by the accused in the Plenario; a higher
stability of the realm. court might overturn a conviction if the accused
In the absence of specific laws, the state will see appeals and persuades them that the judge failed.
magic as another form of violence equivalent to a Silence: many courts force the accused to make
mundane weapon. an oath to tell the truth. If the accused then
Using magical mind control to cheat a merchant refuses to answer questions, they are guilty of
out of money will be seen as a form of theft, breaking their oath. This is seen as an abuse of an
whereas using such magic to defuse a potential ancient right to silence.
fight will be looked on favourably by a court. Counsel: the accused is entitled to legal counsel,
provided by the court if they do not have a lawyer.
Magic in Trials Appeal: an appellate court can be appealed to if
Magic is extremely useful for court proceedings. If the rights of the accused were breached. The
the accusor is a noble or wealthy merchant, they accused can demand an immediate appeal if they
may hire a spellcaster to cast Zone of Truth or notice irregularities in the proceedings.
Detect Thoughts on the defendant, if the judge Equity: a convicted criminal can ask for a
agrees. If the court is a royal court, there will be a pardon from a higher court if they feel they were
dedicated Cleric or Wizard for casting such spells. justified in their actions. In cases of self-defence,
Refusing to testify while under such magical this is usually granted. They may also be granted
effects might be seen as a sign of guilt. reprieve if there were mitigating circumstances or
if applying the law seems unfair.

“Cogitationis penam nemo patiatur”.

“Nobody deserves punishment for I will go down now, and see whether
thought”. they have done altogether according to
the cry of it, which is come unto me;
Justinian the Great, Digesta seu and if not, I will know.
Book of Genesis, chapter 18, verse 21

Roman Law Canon Law
Most of Europe uses law derived from Byzantium: Ordained members of the clergy, including
the Justinian Code, written around 530AD. This is licenced Clerics and Wizards, have the right to be
an inquisitorial system, where the judge, appointed tried by an ecclesiastical court, rather than the
by the feudal ruler, investigates crimes and common law or Roman law court. This might be
interrogates witnesses and suspects. preferable if the local lay court is corrupt or
At the secret Sumario, the accused will not be biased. On the other hand, canon law is also used
informed of charges, but will be asked to provide to try suspected heretics and witches, who are
testimony, as will other witnesses. After sufficient unlikely to receive much sympathy.
evidence is gathered, the judge holds the public At trial, the suspect is interrogated by a panel of
Plenario, presenting the charges and proof to the three judges appointed by the local bishop. At least
accused and allowing cross examination of two of the three judges must find the suspect
witnesses. guilty, and punishments are typically of a religious
Bodies of legal doctrine go back centuries. Feudal nature, such as casting Geas to force them to
rulers can pass any kind of law they wish, and atone for their actions. If the suspect is a repeat
judges are expected to enact it without referral to offender, the sentence for a 'relapse' is death.
precedent, but this will be seen as an abuse against
the "customary rights" of Roman law. Suspects Municipal Law and Byelaws
who do not have the facts on their side must thus In free cities, such as in Germany, Italy and
focus on the personality of the judge (or the Holland, feudal rulers are replaced by more
interests of the feudal ruler) to escape conviction. republican institutions. Burghers with citizenship
rights vote on who becomes mayor, and on
Common Law changes to the law. The mayor appoints judges to
In England and Scandinavia, crimes are reported oversee cases, and bailiffs to enforce the law.
to agents of the king such as sheriffs. If a Grand Guilds and wealthy families have a lot of power
Jury agrees a crime has occurred, the sheriff will in free cities, because receiving the freedom to
issue a summons for a criminal trial, or an arrest vote is not guaranteed (except for the children of
warrant carried out by bailiffs for a fugitive who existing burghers) and therefore the mayor can
refused to obey the summons. confer the "Freedom of the City" to new voters
If the suspect refuses to enter a plea or likely to support him (or who pay for the privilege,
recognise the court's authority, he will be starved since this freedom also grants trading rights).
to death in a prison cell, or publicly tortured by Trials might be either inquisitorial (as with
being pressed to death under heavy stones. Roman law) or have a jury, according to local
At trial, the accusor must convince a jury of the custom. Changing the form of trial would be seen
suspect's guilt. The jury is drawn from local people as an abuse, but a suspect with popular sympathy
who likely have a bias, so appeals to their emotion might be refused a jury trial if the mayor's
are effective. Common law is based heavily on the interests are threatened.
precedent of previous rulings, so a suspect with a
grasp of history also has a better chance of
escaping punishment. After conviction, the judge
then passes sentence (usually forfeiture of
property for a minor crime, or death for a violent
Convicts can appeal to a higher court, and equity
is often granted for mitigating cirumstances such
as self-defence, but appellate courts rarely hear
cases to overturn a conviction altogether, instead
relying on the lower courts to follow precedent.
Sometimes, the king will skip the lower courts
and hold a trial in his Star Chamber, which stacks
the burden against the accused and compels him to

Empires, Kingdoms, Republics, and their Rulers

Formal name: United Provinces of the Netherlands
In Europe, there have been unfortunate developments in the science of statecraft. The old feudal order has
been shaken by upstart merchants from the cities, who hold the realms to ransom with their demands for
self-governing cities, councils of merchants, and similar anarchic nonsense. Nowhere is this more true than
in the Dutch Republic, previously the Spanish Netherlands, which broke with the King of Spain first in its
Union of Utrecht of 1579 and finally with its Act of Abjuration in 1581.

Form of government: confederation of provinces

Each of the 7 provinces, such as the Lordship of Utrecht, the Duchy of Guelders, and the County of
Zeeland, have a legislature composed of a council of regents, half appointed from city merchants and half
from rural knights. Of the provinces, the most powerful is the County of Holland, which lends its name to
the nation in common parlance. Each of the 7 councils elects a permanent official, the Stadtholder, to serve
as the ruler of the province until death. By political intrigue, popular demand, and the exchange of
patronage and bribery, the new Stadtholder is usually the son of the last one. Hence political power tends to
accumulate into a few families over time.

Ruler: Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange

The House of Orange is the wealthiest, most popular and most powerful of all the families of the regents,
and Frederick Henry personally holds the title of Stadtholder of 5 of the 7 provinces (the remaining two
being held by Ernest Casimir, Count of Nassau-Dietz, who is, naturally, one of Frederick's cousins).
Frederick's grandfather, William the Silent, led the Dutch Revolt against Habsburg Spain which continues to
this day, 50 years later.

Religion: Protestant (Calvinist)

The Dutch Revolt was sparked partly by heavy-handed attempts at taxation, but mostly by growing
religious differences. Protestants in the Netherlands amounted to a sizable minority when the Spanish king
decided to help the pope crack down on the “heresy” sweeping Europe. Spanish soldiers participated in
executions of Calvinist agitators, critics of the king, and even loyal Catholics who were not loud enough in
their denunciations of neighbours. This brutality, far from instilling cowardice and restoring control, instead
unleashed a popular revolution which achieved some lucky victories and grew from there. Today, the regent
councils have been largely purged of Catholics thanks to Frederick's father, Maurice of Orange, and
Protestantism is entrenched.

Geopolitical Goals
The Eighty Years War, which forged Holland's independence, continues. Spain still holds many cities and
fortifications in the Southern Netherlands, sometimes called Belgium. Their hold there has allowed the
Counter-Reformation to cement Catholic power in the south, and popular support for the Republic is lower
there than in the Protestant north.
Holland's immediate goals are the conquest of the Spanish Netherlands, alliances with fellow Protestants
in England, Germany and Sweden for mutual protection, and victory over the Austrian Habsburgs to end the
Thirty Years War in Protestantism's favour.
Longer term goals centre on Holland's ambitions as a trading power and colonial empire. These ambitions
run directly counter to Holland's current ally, England. The wealthy and politically powerful Dutch East India
Company has fingers in many pies, and seeks to expand Dutch holdings in New Amsterdam (North
America), Suriname (South America), Cape Colony (South Africa), Ceylon (India) and Batavia (Indonesia).
This will surely lead to conflict with England.

Dragons are ancient and terrible beings, but very few in number. The worst of the dragons have been slain
by heroes in ages past, and those remaining cull the weak and young in their quest for territorial
supremacy. The kings and emperors of Europe have formed agreements with many of the dragons still alive,
both sides finding diplomacy preferable over costly battles. As time goes on and the kings of Europe develop
better cannons and larger armies, the continued existence of dragons seems less certain.
Dragons tend to stay in one place: the lair. This could be a cave, an ancient castle, a forest grove or a
mountaintop, and serves as the site of their hoard and seat of their power. The domain of a dragon is
whatever the dragon can see, so dragons tend to make their lairs at least a day's flight from any other
dragon's borders. Any closer and they would encounter one another and risk a fight to the death. Hence
lairs are usually at least a hundred miles away from one other.

European Dragons
Name Colloquial Name Colour Domain History Temperament
Anogandra Uilebheist Loch Silver Scotland Sometimes acts as custodian of Has an ancient feud with
Nis the peace between England and Xulharyss over the Isle of Man.
Xulharyss Lig na Paiste Black Ireland Paid a monthly pension by the Delights in slaying Irish kings.
English to stay outside the Pale.
Cambarax Y Ddraig Goch Red Wales Defeated in single combat by Seeks worthy champions to
Edward, the Black Prince, in 1370. challenge in battle.
Spared in exchange for loyalty to
the king of England.
Helvellyx Lake Beast White Northern Ate the Viking leader Ivar the Preys on shepherds and their
England Boneless. flocks.
Daljarax Lord of Scilly Bronze Cornwall Granted lordship of the Scilly Rescues ships in peril in
Isles by William the Conqueror. exchange for a toll.
Alanthryne Bisterne Dragon Black East Anglia Leads an army of kobold bandits Raids church cemetaries to
who worship him. consume the recently dead.
Mitarax Storsjöodjuret White Northern The ultimate challenge for Viking Raids isolated farms and
Sweden champions, never defeated. terrorises farmers.
Ardyni Fafnir Gold Southern Viking chiefs sought his advice Grants wisdom in exchange for
Sweden until the rise of Christianity. tribute.
Sitalophrax Jade-Wächter Green Frisia Acknowledged as a sovereign Seeks political domination of
prince of the Holy Roman Empire. Germany.
Indranel Thüringer Copper Central Invested into the Hanseatic Sometimes poses riddles to
Walderpel Germany trading league in the Middle passersby, offering them small
Ages. Now lives in a cave in treasures in exchange for
Thuringia. correct answers.
Ildrantiss Feuerdrachen Red Austria Helped break the Turkish siege of Intruders on his mountain are
Vienna in exchange for a king's made to compose a song to his
ransom in gold. glory or be burned to a crisp.
Ossyleth Seespitzedrachen Silver Switzerland Patron of the Swiss Anonymously funds
Confederation in its war for orphanages and hospitals
independence from the German across Switzerland.

Backgrounds from Other Highwayman
Publications You are a gentleman of the highway. Seeing
yourself as a redistributor of wealth, you extract
Backgrounds such as the Acolyte are of course special tolls from passing merchants. The money
valid and easily convertible to this setting. will probably find its way to a poor person
However, item costs and starting money should eventually. Popular consciousness finds you a
be divided by ten - the Acolyte's pouch containing romantic figure, living by your wits on the edge of
15gp becomes a pouch containing 15 silver dollars. civilisation, but you can act ruthlessly when you
need to.
You are an excellent judge of when a fight is too
much for you to handle - foolhardy highwaymen
get killed by guards, while cowardly highwaymen

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation and Perception

Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land)
Languages: One common
Equipment: A matchlock pistol worth 10s. A
munitions bandolier worth 10s. A pistol holster
worth 1s. Travellers clothes worth 2s. A pouch
containing ill-gotten gains of 10 silver dollars.

Feature: Quick Appraisal

You've learned to quickly judge the potential risks
and benefits of a combat encounter.
If your character is able to see and is not
incapacitated, you can ask your DM for a quick
appraisal, and be told the encounter difficulty
(easy, medium, hard or deadly) of a combat or
potential combat. If an encounter has not been
planned, you are told which is the most powerful
creature present, and its Challenge Rating.
You are also informed of a valuable item your
character can see, if any are present.
This feature can be used once per hour.

d6 Style of Criminality
1 You leave a romantic calling card after every
robbery, such as a flower
2 You leave a grisly calling card after every robbery,
such as a severed ear
3 You leave no survivors after robbing your victims
4 You've never willingly killed a sapient creature and
you don't intend to start
5 You rob from the rich and give to the poor
6 You bury your stolen valuables in hidden caches,
and have a map and riddle to remind you where it's

You can pick overarching goals from the tables
Exotic Dignitary below, or you could come up with your own origin
and reasons for being in Europe.
You are a well spoken diplomat from a far-off
country. You were born to a family of lesser d8 Country of Origin Language Religion
nobles, and received a good education. You skilfully 1 Ottoman Empire Turkish Sunni Islam
navigated the social games of the ruling class to
2 Safavid Persia Persian Shia Islam
the point that you had enough prestige to attend
your country's royal court, where you caught the 3 Mughal India Persian Sunni Islam
eye of your sovereign. You might have been sent to 4 Imamate of Oman Arabic Ibadi Islam
Europe to achieve a specific goal, or perhaps you 5 Sultanate of Banten Javanese Sunni Islam
are an exile in disgrace, with your position of
diplomat being a nicety given to you by your rivals 6 Ming China Mandarin Taoism
in court. 7 Tsardom of Russia Russian Eastern Orthodoxy
8 Abyssinian Empire Ethiopian Eastern Orthodoxy
Skill Proficiencies: Insight and Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: Calligrapher's Supplies d8 Public Mission
Languages: One from your homeland, one from 1 Open trade negotiations
your host nation, and one other lingua franca
2 Hire mercenaries
(either Latin, French, Spanish or Arabic)
Equipment: Exotic clothes worth 15s, an exotic 3 Arrange a marriage
weapon worth 50s, exotic jewellery worth 50s, 4 Negotiate an alliance
and Calligrapher's Supplies worth 10s. A purse 5 Negotiate a peace treaty
containing 5 foreign gold coins.
6 Gain international recognition
7 Demand fealty for your sovereign
Feature: Introduction at Court
The role of diplomat is a respected one, even in 8 Observe the inferiority of the European barbarians
these barbarous times. As a dignitary from an
exotic land, you have an excellent excuse to d8 Secret Mission
introduce yourself and your companions to a local 1 Spy on your host nation
leader, perhaps even the sovereign of the nation. 2 Assassinate an exiled dissident
Getting an invitation will be made much easier if
you have a gift to present to your host, and if you 3 Steal a cultural artefact
are dressed in opulent clothes and carry an ornate 4 Open negotiations with smugglers
weapon. 5 Negotiate an exile's return
You might only have time to say a few words to
6 Preach your religion and convert the masses
the sovereign, but the introductions you make to
other attendees will be invaluable for making 7 Preach your religion and convert the nobility
connexions with the rich and powerful, and the 8 Observe the inferiority of the European barbarians
banquet you feast on will be truly decadent.
However, you must look and act the part at all
times, as too much suspicion will see you quietly
escorted from the room and then ejected
unceremoniously from the palace.
This feature can be used once per country you

d6 Fate of your family
War Refugee 1 Your spouse and children are accompanying you
nearby. You can rebuild if you find the money.
You were once a simple peasant, working the land
and feeding your family, but the wars ravaging 2 Your parents fled in a different direction and you
need to know what happened to them.
Europe did not spare your community. Your home
and your old life are gone. Begging has fed you 3 Your village was split by religious differences. You
saw your cousin help the invading army and you
when you've been lucky, but there are more want revenge.
refugees on the roads than charitable strangers,
and stealing has become second nature to you. 4 You and your neighbour's child escaped the
destruction. The child has family in a nearby town
For the last few months you've fled the and you want to take them there.
onslaught, and now you've finally got room to catch
5 You used the confusion of war as a screen to
your breath. It's about all you have left. commit a terrible crime. Now the guilt is becoming
too much to bear.
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Sleight of Hand 6 Everyone's gone. You feel completely lost, and
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools, ready to follow anyone who seems to have a plan.
vehicles (land)
Equipment: Common clothes worth 5d.

Feature: Didn't Mean Nothing By It Milord

The world seems full of angry officials looking for
an excuse to hurt you. You've learned to escape
their notice as best you can. You can become the
very image of a stupid, oafish peasant, too dull to
understand the words coming from your own lips.
When an authority figure has a negative reaction
to something you or a party member has said, you
can apologise and say the words Didn't Mean
Nothing By It to force that character to
reconsider. You will automatically persuade them
not to call the guards, remove you from the
building, or take some other drastic action.
This feature does not work twice on the same
character, and it only negates a stupid thing you've
said, not done.

Feature: Five-Finger Discount

You were law abiding once, before the soldiers
came. If you don't do what is needed, those who
depend upon you will starve.
You have advantage on Sleight of Hand checks
relating to stealing goods from shops and market
This feature can be used once per shop or
market stall.

d6 Reason for leaving
Witch's Scion 1 Your mentor fell foul of a witch hunter after being
blamed for crop failures. You had to flee, her
You've lived your life serving a community of rural screams still echoing in your ears.
folk, a village surrounded by small farms and
2 You stole from your mentor and she banished you in
hamlets. You helped deliver babies, tend the sick, anger.
set broken bones, and ensured the dead did not stir
from their graves. 3 You got bored of the simple village life and left to
find excitement.
You learned your craft from the ancient wise
woman some called a witch. She taught you which 4 You reached the limits of your mentor's knowledge.
You left to find new sources of learning and power.
herbs are good for curing diseases, closing wounds
and purging poisons. 5 Word reached your village of a terrible plague. Your
mentor sent you to help as best you can.
The herbs to induce poison and disease were
taught later, when you had earned the wise 6 The sovereign demanded conscripts from every
woman's trust. village. You were chosen, and your village chose
well: you survived the campaign.
Some villagers found the witch to be abrasive
and unpleasant, and were rude to her. Occasionally
one of these farmers would come down with a
rash, fever or other ailment. Perhaps they were
right about her, but they learned to mind their
own business.

Skill Proficiencies: Nature and Medicine

Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit, Poisoner's Kit
Equipment: A Herbalism Kit worth 5s. A
Poisoner's Kit worth 5g. Travellers clothes worth
2s. A pouch of 10 silver coins.

Feature: Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble

You've had years of practice brewing plants and
herbs into potions of all kinds.
When crafting, this feature halves the time and
cost to produce a potion or poison. For example, a
Common Potion of Healing takes you half a day
and 5 silver coins to make, while a Rare Potion of
Superior Healing takes you 3 and a half days and
20 gold coins to make.
Potions of Very Rare or Legendary rarity still
require the contributions of multiple spellcasters
(the Witch's Scion counts as a spellcaster for this
purpose, regardless of their class).
To use this feature for rarities above Common,
you need the following character level: 2 for
Uncommon, 8 for Rare, 13 for Very Rare, and 18
for Legendary.
This doesn't stack with other features which
reduce costs and times of crafting, such as the
Arcane Smith's Project Leader ability.

d6 Your Past
Cultist 1 A witch hunter suspected you and was close to
exposing you. His corpse now lies in a shallow grave
Growing up, you always felt different than your outside the city.
peers. You were drawn to the bizarre and
2 Your parents forbade you from joining your evil cult.
macabre, and sought out even the most shunned They were the sacrifices you chose for your ritual of
individuals, eager to hear outside perspectives. joining.
This became an obsession which you ultimately 3 Your parents were members of the cult before you.
tried to sate by joining an underground cult. You They sponsored your entry and taught you many
knew that this would be a dangerous path to tread, secrets.
but you are willing to risk everything to get what 4 You were shocked to discover your rival had joined
you want: power and knowledge. the cult before you, and in fact advocated for your
The cult taught you the secrets of magic, of entry. You learned how to forgive past wrongs.
Angels and Demons, even of the creation of the 5 You met the love of your life at the cult. They
universe; but always you had more questions than showed you that power and knowledge are just the
they could answer. means to an end: a happy life.
6 You met the love of your life at the cult. Their
betrayal of your trust showed you that nothing in
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana and Religion life really matters beyond power and knowledge.
Tool Proficiencies: Tarot Cards
Languages: One common, plus one of either Latin, d6 Your Future
Arabic, Draconic or Infernal
1 The cult has learned of a powerful artefact in
Equipment: Common clothes worth 5d. Cultist another city. You've been sent to secure it.
robes (counts as a costume worth 5s). An old,
2 An enemy of yours within the cult killed the old
handwritten tome of forbidden knowledge, with leader and seized power. You've fled the city before
illustrations of rituals, worth 20g. A pouch of 10 the same happens to you.
silver coins.
3 The cult seeks to expand into a new city. You've
been sent to establish the new sect, as cell leader.
Feature: Knowledge is Power 4 A government spy infiltrated the cult and forced
Your desire for knowledge is insatiable. You've you to betray your friends. Your reward was exile
spent years studying ancient texts, and neither from your home city, instead of execution.
Church condemnations, government bans, bad 5 You became disillusioned by the cult leader's abuses
handwriting, damaged pages, nor even forgotten of power. You fled the city, ever fearful that an old
friend will appear and put a knife in your back.
language will stand in your way.
This feature allows you to cast spells from scrolls 6 The naive fools condemned you and revoked your
membership. You'll have your revenge, even if your
regardless of whether the spell is in your class list, quest for knowledge has been delayed.
or whether you are even a spellcaster.
To cast a spell not on your class list, you must
make a skill check against a DC equal to 10 + the
spell's level, using either Arcana or Religion (your
choice). The scroll crumbles without effect if you
fail this check.

Classes from Other Armour worth 25s or less

Publications Melee weapons worth 5s or less

Some starting equipment in other classes needs to Either (a) a buckler worth 10s and melee
be adjusted to make sense in this setting. When in weapons worth 11s or less, or (b) a matchlock
doubt, divide costs by ten (eg, a handaxe worth 5gp pistol worth 10s, a pistol holster worth 1s, and a
in other publications becomes 5 silver dollars). munitions bandolier worth 10s
Items below are assumed to be fresh from the
armour factory, swordsmith or gunsmith. Players Either (a) a priest’s pack or (b) an explorer’s
can't start with cheaper items from the pawn pack
shop! A holy symbol, such as a Bible, Quran, Crucifix
Players should be given the option of taking or rune-inscribed skull
money equal to the item's price if they aren't
interested in it. They should also get back "change"
if the item they pick is worth less than the stated Druid
Proficiency in pistols
amount (eg, with the fighter's 20s firearm option,
they could pick a matchlock musket for 15s and A club (light, 1d4 bludgeoning damage) worth 1d
get back 5s change).
A sling (1d4 bludgeoning damage, range
Barbarian 30/120) worth 1d and 20 lead bullets worth 2s
Armour worth 25s or less
Four potions of healing (common, heals 2d4+2),
Melee weapons worth 50s or less each worth 1g

Four javelins (1d6 piercing, range 30/120) An explorer’s pack

worth 4s in total
A Druidic focus, such as a sprig of mistletoe, a
An explorer’s pack wand or sceptre made of yew, a copper sickle,
or the Druid's birth caul (amniotic sack)
Armour worth 10s or less Fighter
Armour worth 25s or less
A rapier worth 5s and a dagger worth 1s
Melee weapons worth 10s or less
Either (a) a purse of 20s, a sling (1d4
bludgeoning damage, range 30/120) worth 1d Either (a) a shield or buckler worth 15s or less
and 20 lead bullets worth 2s, or (b) a and melee weapons worth 16s or less, or (b)
matchlock pistol worth 10s, a pistol holster firearms worth 20s or less, a pistol holster
worth 1s, and a munitions bandolier worth 10s worth 1s, and a munitions bandolier worth 10s

A lute or other musical instrument Either (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an

explorer’s pack
Either (a) a diplomat’s pack or (b) an
entertainer’s pack
Melee weapons worth 10s or less

Either (a) a purse of 20s, and 10 darts (1d4

piercing damage, finesse, range 20/60) worth
1s in total, or (b) a matchlock pistol worth 10s,
a pistol holster worth 1s, and a munitions
bandolier worth 10s

Either (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an

explorer’s pack

Paladin Sorcerer
Armour worth 25s or less Proficiency in pistols

Melee weapons worth 10s or less Two daggers each worth 1s

Either (a) a shield or buckler worth 15s or less Either (a) a purse of 20s, a sling (1d4
and melee weapons worth 11s or less, or (b) bludgeoning damage, range 30/120) worth 1d,
firearms worth 15s or less, a pistol holster and 20 lead bullets worth 2s, or (b) a
worth 1s, and a munitions bandolier worth 10s matchlock pistol worth 10s, a pistol holster
worth 1s, and a munitions bandolier worth 10s
Either (a) a priest’s pack or (b) an explorer’s
pack Either (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an
explorer’s pack
A holy symbol, such as a Bible, Quran, Crucifix
or rune-inscribed skull Either (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane

Armour worth 25s or less Warlock
Two daggers each worth 1s
Melee weapons worth 10s or less
Either (a) melee weapons worth 21s or less, or
Either (a) a purse of 20s, a longbow (1d8 (b) a matchlock pistol worth 10s, a pistol holster
piercing damage, heavy, two-handed, range worth 1s, and a munitions bandolier worth 10s
150/600) worth 1s, and 20 arrows worth 2s
in total, or (b) firearms worth 15s or less, a Either (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an
pistol holster worth 1s, and a munitions dungeoneer’s pack
bandolier worth 10s
Either (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane
Either (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an focus
explorer’s pack
Rogue Proficiency in pistols
Armour worth 10s or less A quarterstaff (1d6 bludgeoning damage,
A rapier worth 5s and a dagger worth 1s versatile 1d8) worth 2d

Either (a) melee weapons worth 21s or less, or A dagger worth 1s

(b) a matchlock pistol worth 10s, a pistol holster
Either (a) a purse of 20s, a sling (1d4
worth 1s, and a munitions bandolier worth 10s
bludgeoning damage, range 30/120) worth 1d,
Either (a) a burglar’s pack, (b) a dungeoneer’s and 20 lead bullets worth 2s, or (b) a
pack or (c) an explorer’s pack matchlock pistol worth 10s, a pistol holster
worth 1s, and a munitions bandolier worth 10s

Either (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s


Either (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane

focus, such as a crystal ball, magic wand,
pentagram necklace, sacrificial dagger, or
glowing gem.

A spellbook

Oath of the Unhallowed Spells
Paladin Oaths Paladin Level Spells
3rd Unseen Servant, Hellish Rebuke
Oath of the Unhallowed
5th Suggestion, Ray of Enfeeblement
The history of Europe is one of battles, crusades,
rebellions and massacres. This world is a 9th Fear, Vampiric Touch
nightmare for mortals, drowning in oceans of 13th Blight, Black Tentacles
blood and scattered with the rotting carcasses of 17th Contact Other Plane, Insect Plague
the innumerable dead. How can a holy knight see
these horrors and devote themselves to an absent
God? Channel Divinity: Halting Heresy
A Paladin who swears an Oath to the 3rd level Paladin of the Unhallowed feature
Unhallowed has given up all hope for salvation Your war against Heaven is seen by the Church
through Jesus Christ, Light of the World, and as a war against reality, but your belief gives
seeks instead the favour of darker princes. weight to your actions. Those who serve the absent
The alignment of the Paladin of the Unhallowed God can be magically assaulted by your heresy.
reflects their motivations for forsaking God. As an action, you desecrate your holy symbol, or
A Lawful Evil character may believe that order present your unholy symbol, filling it with dark
is absent from the mortal world, and that we power. Hostile creatures within 30 feet must pass
require the imposition of order from the lords of a Charisma saving throw against your spell save
Hell, who seem to show more interest in the plight DC or be Stunned until the end of your next turn.
of mortals than does our Heavenly Father. The hostile creatures must have Intelligence of 6
A Chaotic Good character may believe that the or higher, and must be able to either see you, or
old order of God and His Angels is tyrannical and hear and understand you.
needs tearing down. A temporary alliance with The creatures have advantage on their saving
other rebels against God makes sense, despite their throw if they are irreligious or pagans, and
barbaric methods. disadvantage if they are devout believers, such as
A Chaotic Evil character may have had their Christian priests, Paladins or Clerics.
mind broken while campaigning for the Light.
Perhaps they believe that they never abandoned
God, but that He abandoned them! Perhaps they Aura of Disbelief
uncovered a truth about our reality so horrifying 3rd level Paladin of the Unhallowed feature
that the total destruction of mortal life is the most Your continued existence is an attack on the
merciful path remaining to us. authority of the Church, which has been all-
powerful for millenia. Those who travel with you
have learned to doubt everything they see and
Tenets of the Unhallowed While you are conscious, you and friendly
Deviance. We live in a fallen world. The creatures within 10 feet of you have advantage on
first sin of Adam and Eve is still with checks to disbelieve illusions.
us. It permeates our mortal life, and we At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to
cannot overcome it, so we must 30 feet.
embrace sin as part of our identity.
Distrust. Jesus Christ gave his life in vain.
It has been a thousand years, and God
has not brought the Kingdom of Heaven.
We are damned and alone.
Destruction. The old order is rotten to the
core. The Pope is weak and the kings
and emperors are bickering fools. We
will topple the old order and create a
new order free from the illusion of God.

Anti-Hero Channel Divinity: Topple the Throne
7th level Paladin of the Unhallowed feature 15th level Paladin of the Unhallowed feature
The souls of billions are held hostage by the lies Your growing fury at the agents of Heaven has
of the Church. You are willing to make use of any culminated in the supernatural ability to imbue
resource to achieve the liberation of the mortal yourself and your allies with the power to strike
world. down servants of God.
You learn the Infernal language. If you already As an action, you destroy a holy symbol. Dark
knew Infernal, you learn your choice of either flames engulf your party's weapons. For 1 minute,
Latin, Arabic, Ancient Greek or Hebrew. you and your allies within 30 feet add 1d6
You also gain resistance to your choice of either necrotic damage to weapon damage rolls. If the
necrotic, fire or radiant damage. This choice can target is a Celestial creature, or a Christian Cleric
be changed at the end of a long rest after having or Paladin, add 2d6 necrotic damage instead.
communed with an extraplanar entity.
Unhallowed Chrysalis
Aura of Betrayal 20th level Paladin of the Unhallowed feature
7th level Paladin of the Unhallowed feature This unholy path has led you to the depths of
Your heresy is infectious. You can easily depravity. You have come too far to turn back
undermine the faith and loyalty of those with weak now.
wills. Your creature type becomes Fiend in addition to
While you are conscious, creatures within 10 your other types, making you vulnerable to spells
feet of you have disadvantage on their saving affecting demons such as Protection from Evil.
throws against spells which you or your allies cast You gain resistance to bludgeoning, slashing and
and which either cause the Charmed condition, or piercing damage from non-magical, non-silvered
which compel the victim to follow your orders, sources.
such as the Suggestion spell. Wings emerge from your back, giving you a
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to flying speed of 60 feet.
30 feet. If you haven't sold your soul, devils will see you
as a fellow lord of Hell, and lesser demons will
seek to serve you.

Paladin of the Unhallowed

Level Proficiency Bonus Features 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Divine Sense, Lay on Hands — — — — —
2nd +2 Fighting Style, Spellcasting, Divine Smite 2 — — — —
3rd +2 Divine Health, Channel Divinity: Halting Heresy, Aura of Disbelief 3 — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 — — — —
5th +3 Extra Attack 4 2 — — —
6th +3 Aura of Protection 4 2 — — —
7th +3 Anti-Hero, Aura of Betrayal 4 3 — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 — — —
9th +4 ─ 4 3 2 — —
10th +4 Aura of Courage 4 3 2 — —
11th +4 Improved Divine Smite 4 3 3 — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 — —
13th +5 ─ 4 3 3 1 —
14th +5 Cleansing Touch 4 3 3 1 —
15th +5 Channel Divinity: Topple the Throne 4 3 3 2 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 2 —
17th +6 — 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Aura Improvements 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Unhallowed Chrysalis 4 3 3 3 2

Officer of the Court
Cleric Domains 6th level Cleric of Law feature
You are recognised locally as an important
Dungeon Masters can of course choose to swap
authority figure. You add your Wisdom modifier to
any Cleric domains listed in Satan Has His
your weapon damage rolls against non-Lawful
Miracles (the basic 8 domains, plus Law and
Commerce) for a similar domain the DM prefers
Additionally, you have advantage on skill checks
from a different publication.
you make related to law and legal proceedings. For
example, using History to cite a legal precedent, or
Law Domain using Persuasion to convince a jury to convict or
The Cleric of Law is a magistrate or officer of the acquit a defendant.
peace. Enforcing the state religion is the highest
calling imaginable, and enforcing the state's laws is Apprehend Villain
a necessary duty carried out by the Cleric. 8th level Cleric of Law feature
In lands of justice, where the law is created by You can focus the party's attentions on a
elected officials and suspected criminals see a fair ringleader who refuses to submit to justice, quickly
jury trial in an open court, the Cleric is likely bringing them down.
Lawful Good. In lands of tyranny, where an As an action, you target one creature within 30
absolute king metes out capital punishment and the feet. The target must be a creature who has been
law allows for the torture of subjects without trial the target of the Habeas Corpus ability in the last
or evidence, the Cleric is likely Lawful Evil. But 24 hours (the creature could have succeeded or
even in a land of extremes, all but the most failed its save). For the next minute, or until you
indoctrinated of Clerics have at least some designate a new target of this ability, all attack
sympathy, and some ego. rolls against the target creature have advantage.
This ability can be used a number of times equal
Law Domain Spells to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once).
Cleric Level Spells These uses recharge after a short or long rest.
1st Alarm, Detect Poison and Disease
3rd Detect Thoughts, Knock
Channel Divinity: Posse Comitatus
17th level Cleric of Law feature
5th Clairvoyance, Tongues You can use your Channel Divinity to gather a
7th Divination, Resilient Sphere militia or mob to see justice done.
9th Dispel Evil and Good, Geas You spend 1 minute citing a legal principle. All
non-hostile creatures within 60 feet who heard
Legal Training and understood you must pass a Charisma saving
1st level Cleric of Law feature throw with a DC of 8 + your Wisdom modifier +
You gain proficiency in one of Insight, your proficiency bonus, or be compelled to assist in
Investigation, History, Persuasion, Intimidation, or the defence of settlements, the capture of fugitives
Performance (your choice). and the suppression of insurrection. The creatures
You also learn Latin (if you already knew Latin, are considered Charmed and will obey risky but
you learn a common language of your choice). reasonable commands (not commands leading to
certain death). The effect lasts for 8 hours.
Channel Divinity: Habeas Corpus For saving throws against joining the posse,
2nd level Cleric of Law feature creatures have advantage if they are Chaotic and
You can use your Channel Divinity to compel disadvantage if they are Lawful.
another creature to surrender to justice.
As an action, you target one creature you can
see within 30 feet of you. The target creature
must hear and understand you. The creature must
pass a Charisma saving throw with a DC of 8 +
your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, or
be compelled to surrender to your custody under
the weight of its shame and guilt. The creature is
considered Charmed and will obey reasonable
commands, such as turning themselves over to
guards, or returning stolen property. The effect
lasts for 1 hour.
Creatures have advantage on their saving throw
if they are Chaotic or hostile (and automatically
succeed on their throw if they are both), and
disadvantage if they are Lawful (hostile and Lawful
negate each other for this purpose).

Cleric of Law
Proficiency Cantrips
Level Bonus Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Legal Training 3 2 — — — — — — — —
2nd +2 Channel Divinity (1/rest), Channel Divinity: 3 3 — — — — — — — —
Habeas Corpus
3rd +2 ─ 3 4 2 — — — — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 3 — — — — — — —
5th +3 ─ 4 4 3 2 — — — — — —
6th +3 Channel Divinity (2/rest), Officer of the 4 4 3 3 — — — — — —
7th +3 ─ 4 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Apprehend 4 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
Villain, Destroy Undead (CR 1)
9th +4 ─ 4 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
10th +4 Divine Intervention 5 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
11th +4 Destroy Undead (CR 2) 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
13th +5 — 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
14th +5 Destroy Undead (CR 3) 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
15th +5 — 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
17th +6 Destroy Undead (CR 4), Channel Divinity: 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
Posse Comitatus
18th +6 Channel Divinity (3/rest) 5 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Divine Intervention Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Conspicuous Consumption
Commerce Domain 6th level Cleric of Commerce feature
The Cleric of Commerce preaches the doctrine of You gain one point of bonus damage on weapon
prosperity. Those who work hard are rewarded by damage rolls for every 2g the weapon is worth, to
God, therefore those who are successful in life a maximum of 5. This is in addition to any
must be God's chosen. Wealth is a mark of divine Dexterity or Strength modifiers.
Clerics of Commerce are treated with respect by Indulge Me
urban merchants, who often turn to them for 6th level Cleric of Commerce feature
advice and arbitration in disputes over contracts Sinners are liable for their crimes in the
and debts. hereafter, but can assuage their guilt by donating
In lands where rich philanthropists give to to charity (such as one administered by a Cleric of
worthy causes, the Cleric might be Lawful Good. Commerce), paying tithes, or by purchasing an
In meaner places, where the Cleric must extract indulgence in Catholic lands. You can redeem the
tithes from peasants to fund the Holy Church and souls of sinners for a price. This involves
cut the hands from thieves, he might be Lawful confessionals, penitence, and good works.
Evil. By ministering in this way, you can use your
Some charlatans merely hide behind the facade down time to gain silver coins amounting to 1d6
of the Church in their self-serving path, and are times your proficiency bonus each day.
Chaotic Neutral.
A Cleric of Commerce who is Chaotic Evil might Channel Divinity: The Lord Makes Rich
have such insatiable lust for gold that they turn to 8th level Cleric of Commerce feature
outright banditry. You can inspire a combination of fervent belief
and lust for profit in those around you.
Commerce Domain Spells As an action, any number of creatures you
Cleric Level Spells choose within 30 feet gain 1d6 radiant damage on
1st Comprehend Languages, Unseen Servant their weapon damage rolls. The effect lasts until
3rd Arcane Lock, Find Steed the end of your next turn. If any hostile creature
within sight has visible signs of wealth, such as
5th Create Food and Water, Glyph of Warding
coin purses, fine clothes or jewelry, the effect
7th Faithful Hound, Private Sanctum instead lasts for 1 minute.
9th Passwall, Wall of Stone
There's Gold in Those Hills
Eye for Detail 17th level Cleric of Commerce feature
1st level Cleric of Commerce feature You can very easily persuade people about
You gain proficiency in one of Insight, opportunities for coin, even in the face of danger.
Perception, Investigation, Arcana, Sleight of Hand, As a bonus action, you can end the charmed,
or Deception (your choice). frightened and stunned conditions of any number
You also gain the Mending cantrip. of creatures you choose within 30 feet. The
creatures must be able to hear and understand you.
Channel Divinity: Hired on the Spot You can use this ability a number of times equal to
2nd level Cleric of Commerce feature your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You
You have enough commercial experience to regain these uses after a short or long rest.
know a good hire when you see one. As an action, Additionally, you gain advantage on skill checks
you throw a coin purse to a creature within 30 when appealing to a creature's greed (for example,
feet. A reasonable sum might be 5g per Hit Dice of Persuading a mercenary to accompany you for pay,
the creature. The creature must be able to hear or Deceiving a foolish merchant as to the value of
and understand you, and understand the concept of a fake gem).
The creature must pass a Charisma saving throw
with a DC of 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your
proficiency bonus, or be charmed by you for 1
hour, ceasing hostility and leaving the scene to
spend or hide its new wealth. If the contents of
the purse are very generous, it has disadvantage
on the save. If the contents are less than
reasonable, or if the creature is hostile, it has
advantage on the save (hostility and generosity
negate each other for this purpose). A creature
automatically succeeds on its throw if the coin
purse is insultingly light.

Cleric of Commerce
Proficiency Cantrips
Level Bonus Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Eye for Detail 3 2 — — — — — — — —
2nd +2 Channel Divinity (1/rest), Channel Divinity: 3 3 — — — — — — — —
Hired on the Spot
3rd +2 ─ 3 4 2 — — — — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 3 — — — — — — —
5th +3 ─ 4 4 3 2 — — — — — —
6th +3 Channel Divinity (2/rest), Conspicuous 4 4 3 3 — — — — — —
Consumption, Indulge Me
7th +3 ─ 4 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Channel 4 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
Divinity: The Lord Makes Rich, Destroy
Undead (CR 1)
9th +4 ─ 4 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
10th +4 Divine Intervention 5 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
11th +4 Destroy Undead (CR 2) 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
13th +5 — 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
14th +5 Destroy Undead (CR 3) 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
15th +5 — 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
17th +6 Destroy Undead (CR 4), There's Gold in 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
Those Hills
18th +6 Channel Divinity (3/rest) 5 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Divine Intervention Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Lord, Do Not Hold This Sin Against Them
Monk Traditions 3rd level Beguines and Beghards feature
Relieving the suffering of others is a noble goal
The Way of Beguines and Beghards for any Christian. Our lord Jesus Christ showed us
Monks and nuns who follow the tenets of the by example that we can be ever humble and
Beguines (female) and Beghards (male) are willing to bear our burdens without complaint,
laypeople (meaning they are not ordained priests) though the trials ahead grow ever harder.
of the Catholic creed. They wander the land, As an action, you touch another creature which
preaching their interpretation of the Bible to the has exhaustion. You move one point of exhaustion
poor, living amongst them on the scraps they beg from the creature to yourself. You also regain ki
for. They emphasise finding salvation through the points equal to your proficiency modifier.
love of Jesus Christ. This feature can be used a number of times equal
They have had a complicated relationship with to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and
the Catholic Church. Their popularity amongst the the uses return after a long rest.
people is useful for spreading Catholic doctrine
amongst heretics such as Anabaptists, Hussites and If I Be Offered, I Rejoice
Cathars, but they exist outside the Church 6th level Beguines and Beghards feature
hierarchy, making them a potential threat to the This body is just a coil. Your immortal soul will
authority of the Pope. If commoners can find live forever in God's sight, if you stay true in your
salvation without the clergy, why are farmers faith. If the sinful would threaten you, let them
made to pay tithes to well-fed priests and richly- know that a Christian would rather suffer death
clothed bishops? than submit to the authority of a sinner.
Monasteries for the Beguines and Beghards are You spend one point of ki. All unarmed and
called beguinages. The monks and nuns there Monk weapon damage you deal this turn is doubled,
usually venerate Saint Begue as their patron. She with half dealt as radiant damage. Attackers have
was a daughter of Pepin the Old; wife to a advantage on weapon attacks against you until the
Frankish warrior; and her children founded the start of your next turn.
Carolingian dynasty of Charlemagne, who became This feature can be used a number of times equal
famous for conquering the Baltic pagans and to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and
saving Christendom from the Moors of Spain. She the uses return after a long rest.
used her nobility to give away vast sums to charity,
founding seven churches in Wallonia, and became
And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears
abbess of a convent there, dedicating her last 30
11th level Beguines and Beghards feature
Your actions are helping to liberate countless
years of life to God.
billions of souls. Every sinner who repents, every
The Wicked Shall Not Be Unpunished heretic brought back to God's communion, every
3rd level Beguines and Beghards feature heathen told the Word of the Lord: these
It is written that we mortals are made in God's individuals will spend eternity in Heaven, and they
image, and therefore they who shed a mortal's will themselves spread the Word to others! You
blood shall have their blood shed in turn. You must feel blessed to have been given this chance to
punish the wicked for their crimes against God, serve God.
even if it costs you your life. When taking non-magical damage, you can use
When taking non-magical damage, you can use your reaction and spend one point of ki. You halve
your reaction and spend one point of ki to halve the damage, while reducing your exhaustion by one
the damage. On your next turn, you have point.
advantage on unarmed and Monk weapon attacks
against creatures which dealt damage to you since
Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death
your last turn.
17th level Beguines and Beghards feature
Christians see many tests in life, but fear of
death ought not be one of them. Death means an
end to all pain and sorrow, while sitting at the
Lord's side for eternity. This reward is open to any
who would maintain belief despite their hardships.
If you would be reduced to 0 hitpoints, you can
choose to stay on 1 hitpoint while gaining one point
of exhaustion.
This feature can be used a number of times equal
to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and
the uses return after a long rest.

Tradition of Beguines and Beghards
Proficiency Martial Ki Unarmored
Level Bonus Arts Points Movement Features
1st +2 1d4 — — Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts
2nd +2 1d4 2 +10 ft. Ki, Unarmored Movement
3rd +2 1d4 3 +10 ft. Deflect Missiles, If I Be Offered I Rejoice, Lord Do
Not Hold This Sin Against Them
4th +2 1d4 4 +10 ft. Ability Score Improvement, Slow Fall
5th +3 1d6 5 +10 ft. Extra Attack, Stunning Strike
6th +3 1d6 6 +15 ft. Ki-Empowered Strikes, The Wicked Shall Not Be
7th +3 1d6 7 +15 ft. Evasion, Stillness of Mind
8th +3 1d6 8 +15 ft. Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 1d6 9 +15 ft. Unarmored Movement Improvement
10th +4 1d6 10 +20 ft. Purity of Body
11th +4 1d8 11 +20 ft. And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears
12th +4 1d8 12 +20 ft. Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 1d8 13 +20 ft. Tongue of the Sun and Moon
14th +5 1d8 14 +25 ft. Diamond Soul
15th +5 1d8 15 +25 ft. Timeless Body
16th +5 1d8 16 +25 ft. Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 1d10 17 +25 ft. Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death
18th +6 1d10 18 +30 ft. Empty Body
19th +6 1d10 19 +30 ft. Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 1d10 20 +30 ft. Perfect Self

Metals of Antiquity
Arcane Smith The first seven Specialisms correspond to the
The Arcane Smith takes a more hands-on Metals of Antiquity, dating back thousands of
approach to magic than a Wizard, augmenting years. These have great significance to book-
their skill at the forge and knowledge of industrial learned seers and fortune tellers, who believe each
processes with principles of natural magic such as celestial body has dominion over a metal and
alchemy, elementalism, herbology and algebra greater effect on one day of the week. Christian
(many of the Smith's tenets having been codified in theologians decry as heresy the appeal to pagan
the glorious cities in Mesopotamia and Andalusia gods of Rome, but a good Smith can produce
during the Islamic Golden Age). profound effects with this knowledge.
The best Arcane Smiths can produce exquisite
arts and deadly arms in their workshops, while Metal Celestial Body Day
unleashing limited but specialised spells in battle to Gold Sun Sunday
supplement their fighting ability. They could Silver Moon Monday
adventure in the field, oversee a commercial
Iron Mars Tuesday
empire, or serve in court as their patron's advisor.
Mercury Mercury Wednesday
Magical Metallurgist Tin Jupiter Thursday
The basis for an Arcane Smith's skill is the Copper Venus Friday
training they undergo, whether at universities, at a Lead Saturn Saturday
frontier forge, or in the field camps of travelling
armies. This training is very specific, and Smiths The Four Groups of Metals
pick Specialisms to excel at, starting with one at
1st level and gaining an additional Specialism every Arcane Smiths recognise four groups of metals.
3 levels thereafter, with a maximum of 4 at level While each metal has unique properties, some are
10. more similar than others.

Precious Metals
Chains of Specialism Gold, Silver and Platinum are associated with
The Specialisms are represented with a Chain magic. Smiths who focus on these metals tend to
forged from links of metal, with different metals have a wide variety of spells to call upon, giving
corresponding to the different skills. Even where them great flexibility in different situations.
the courtly fashion of France and Spain gives way
to the austere robes of English puritans or the Metals of War
functional armour of German mercenaries, the Iron, Bronze and Steel are metals associated with
Chain of Specialism remains, as a physical warfare. Smiths who focus on these metals
embodiment of the pride a Smith has in their own become fearsome armoured warriors in the melee,
skill and training. delivering pulverising blows with hammers or
The Chain can be used as a spell focus for the cutting enemies to ribbons with swords.
Arcane Smith.
Metals of Crafting
Forging Chains of Specialism Copper, Lead and Tin are used in everyday life by
As a Smith gains greater skill, they may be common folk. Smiths who focus on these metals
socially expected to reforge their Chain with new are respected for being reliable, using
links to show off their new Specialisms, but this is enchantments to aid their comrades instead of
not needed for the Smith's abilities. seeking glory for themselves.
If the Arcane Smith does wish to update their
Chain, know that they excel at smelting and Metals of Duplicity
alloying metals, and the process will be trivial with Bismuth, Arsenic and Mercury are not commonly
some materials, a set of Smith's tools, and a fire. used. They often have unfortunate side effects, and
Look at the cost of the Chains in the Specialisms Smiths focusing on these metals tend to be shifty
below. Add the costs of all the metals needed, then and roguish, using stealth and ranged attacks to
divide by the number of Specialisms known. For assassinate enemies in unfair fights.
example, to make a Chain with half gold and half
silver links, we add 20g to 5g, then divide by 2.
The price of the completed Chain is thus 12g 5s. If
the Smith started with a gold Chain, they receive
back 7g 5s worth of gold links, added to their
inventory as coins. If they started with a silver
Chain, they pay 7g 5s for the needed materials.

Arcane Smith
Level Bonus Features 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, First Specialism, Attuned to Magic, Project 2 — — — — — — — —
Leader: Common, Local Artisan: 1d10
2nd +2 Concentration Aide, Project Leader: Uncommon 3 — — — — — — — —
3rd +2 ─ 4 2 — — — — — — —
4th +2 Second Specialism, Ability Score Improvement 4 3 — — — — — — —
5th +3 ─ 4 3 2 — — — — — —
6th +3 Extra Attack, Efficient Gunner 4 3 3 — — — — — —
7th +3 Third Specialism 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
8th +3 Project Leader: Rare, Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
9th +4 ─ 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
10th +4 Fourth Specialism, Local Artisan: 2d10 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
11th +4 ─ 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
13th +5 Project Leader: Very Rare 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
14th +5 Extra Attack (2), Concentration Aide (2), Attuned to 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
Magic (2), Efficient Gunner (2), Perfect Alloy
15th +5 Local Artisan: 3d10 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
17th +6 — 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Project Leader: Legendary 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Extra Attack (3), Concentration Aide (3), Attuned to 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
Magic (3), Efficient Gunner (3), Perfect Alloy (2)

Class Features Arcane Smiths pick one Specialism at 1st level and
As an Arcane Smith, you gain the following class gain an additional Specialism every 3 levels
features. In addition, the Arcane Smith gains thereafter, with a maximum of 4 at level 10.
starting proficiencies and equipment based on their
first selected Specialism. Local Artisan
1st level Arcane Smith feature
Hit Points You are respected enough to produce minor
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Arcane Smith level. items for local merchants. During down time, you
can work for 8 hours a day making trinkets and
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution
selling services, gaining 1d10 silver coins per day.
This ability is improved at level 10 to 2d10 silver
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your coins, and at level 15 to 3d10 silver coins.
Constitution modifier per Arcane Smith level after To do this openly and legally, you might need
1st. guild accreditation, depending upon your city's
Starting Proficiencies
Armor: Light armor Project Leader
1st level Arcane Smith feature
Weapons: Simple weapons You are an intelligent planner as well as a
Tools: Smith's Tools or Alchemist's Supplies talented mage, and if you devote downtime to
crafting a magic item, you will produce it quicker
Saving Throws: Constitution and Intelligence and at lower cost than other spellcasters. When
working on an item of Common rarity, divide the
Skills: Athletics and Arcana cost and time to produce the item by 2.
For example, a Potion of Healing requiring 1 gold
Starting Equipment and 1 work day now requires 5 silvers and half a
You start with the following equipment, in addition
work day (e.g. 4 working hours) to complete.
to the equipment granted by your Specialism and
This ability is improved at level 2 to include
Uncommon items, at level 8 to include Rare items,
A Match-lock Pistol worth 10s at level 13 to include Very Rare items, and at level
18 to include Legendary items. Items of high rarity
A Pistol Holster and Belt worth 1s might require multiple spellcasters, but the project
will still be faster and cheaper if you are one of
A Bandolier of Munition Pouches worth 10s
the contributors.
Another weapon worth 10s or less
Attuned to Magic
Armour worth 10s or less Precious Metal feature
A Dungeoneer's Pack, Explorer's Pack, or At 1st level, an Arcane Smith with either the
Scholar's Pack Silver, Platinum, or Gold Specialism can attune to
one additional magic item (for a total of 4).
A set of Smith's Tools or a set of Alchemist's At 14th level, if the Arcane Smith has two
Supplies Specialisms giving Attuned to Magic, they can
attune to two additional magic items instead of one
Multiclassing (for a total of 5).
For purposes of the optional multiclassing rule: At 20th level, if the Arcane Smith has all three
Specialisms giving Attuned to Magic, they can
The Arcane Smith is a full caster attune to three additional magic items (for a total
of 6).
You require 13 Intelligence and Strength

You gain the proficiencies of your first

Specialism, plus simple weapons, light armour
and either Smith's Tools or Alchemist's Supplies

Characters multiclassing into Arcane Smith

may pick from Arcana or Athletics as
alternatives to skill proficiencies listed in

Concentration Aide Perfect Alloy
Metal of Crafting feature 14th level Arcane Smith feature
Starting at 2nd level, an Arcane Smith with Starting at 14th level, an Arcane Smith with one
either the Tin, Copper or Lead Specialism can Specialism in each of the four groups of metals
concentrate on two spells at the same time. One gains greater perspective on the malleability of
spell must target the Smith, or an item wielded or both magic and mundane materials. The Arcane
worn by the Smith. The other spell must target a Smith can spend any number of stored Hit Dice
different friendly creature, or an item wielded or during short rests to regain used spell slots of 8th
worn by that creature. The two instances of level and below.
concentration do not have to be for the same spell Roll a d8 for each Hit Dice spent on this ability.
(for example, the Smith could cast Fly on himself The Smith regains a used spell slot of every level
and Magic Weapon on a friendly creature's sword). equal to or lower than the roll.
At 14th level, if the Arcane Smith has two of At 20th level, this ability improves, and the dice
the Specialisms giving Concentration Aide, it is does not need to be rolled: each Hit Dice spent
upgraded so that three spells can be concentrated restores a spell slot for each level of 8th and
on simultaneously. The same restrictions apply (one below.
spell must target the Smith and two must target
one friendly creature/item each). Spellcasting
At 20th level, if the Arcane Smith has all three The Arcane Smith casts arcane spells using
Specialisms, they can concetrate on four spells magical principles discovered or learned from
with the same restrictions. formal training or experimentation, and uses
Intelligence for spellcasting modifiers.
Extra Attack
Metal of War feature Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
At 6th level, Arcane Smiths with either the Intelligence modifier
Iron, Bronze or Steel Specialism can deliver two
strikes with weapons in one Attack action. This Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
can be with any combination of main hand and off your Intelligence modifier
hand melee weapons, or with pistols if they are The Smith regains spell slots on a long rest.
held in each hand or drawn from holsters.
At 14th level, if the Arcane Smith has two The Smith's Chain of Specialism can be used as an
Specialisms giving Extra Attack, it is upraded to arcane focus.
allow for three strikes with a single Attack action.
Three pistols can be fired if the Smith has them The Smith's spell list is composed primarily of the
Specialisms, in addition to the following core spells
stowed in holsters, or is holding them in three or
known by all Arcane Smiths:
more arms.
At 20th level, if the Smith has all three Core Spells
Specialisms giving Extra Attack, they can make Smith Level Spell Spell Level
four strikes per Attack action.
1st Prestidigitation Cantrip
Efficient Gunner 1st Mending Cantrip
Metal of Duplicity feature 1st Identify 1st
At 6th level, an Arcane Smith with either the
3rd Magic Weapon 2nd
Bismuth, Mercury or Arsenic Specialism is a
magical blur of speed when reloading firearms, 5th Protection from Energy 3rd
able to reload two firearms with an action, and/or 7th Stoneskin 4th
one firearm with a bonus action. 9th Conjure Elemental 5th
At 14th level, if the Arcane Smith has two
11th Disintegrate 6th
Specialisms giving Efficient Gunner, they can
reload two firearms with an action, and/or two 13th Forcecage 7th
firearms with a bonus action. 15th Demiplane 8th
At 20th level, if the Arcane Smith has all three 17th Prismatic Wall 9th
Specialisms giving Efficient Gunner, they can
reload three firearms with an action, and/or three
firearms with a bonus action.

Gold Specialism Platinum Specialism
Precious Metal Precious Metal
Gold is the metal of nobles, and is used to invoke Platinum is a newly discovered metal, recently
the Sun's power of light and fire. An Arcane Smith brought to Europe from the mines of Mexico and
with a Specialism in Gold is seen by some as Bolivia. While valued by the High Elves of Chichen
pretentious, but is much loved by the rulers of a Itza, it is considered by the Spanish conquistadors
realm. to be an impurity, and carefully purged from more
valuable gold and silver deposits. It has a melting
Starting items: one of Calligrapher's Supplies or point higher than steel, so dissolving it in aqua
Jeweler's Tools (your choice), and a gold Chain of regia ("regal water", a strong acid) is the only
Specialism worth 20g reliable way to extract and isolate it from ores.
Proficiencies: one of Calligrapher's Supplies or Starting items: one of Navigator’s Tools or
Jeweler's Tools (your choice), and Latin language Alchemist’s Supplies (your choice), a volcanic glass
(or another common language if Latin is known) sacrificial dagger worth 1 copper penny, and a
platinum Chain of Specialism worth 1g
Gold Specialism Spells
Smith Level Spell Spell Level Proficiencies: one of Navigator’s Tools or
1st Burning Hands 1st Alchemist’s Supplies (your choice), and Mayan
language (or another Indigenous American
3rd Heat Metal 2nd
5th Fireball 3rd
Platinum Specialism Spells
7th Wall of Fire 4th
Smith Level Spell Spell Level
9th Flame Strike 5th
1st Charm Person 1st
11th Sunbeam 6th
3rd Flaming Sphere 2nd
13th Fire Storm 7th
5th Stinking Cloud 3rd
15th Sunburst 8th
7th Giant Insect 4th
17th Meteor Swarm 9th
9th Insect Plague 5th

Silver Specialism 11th Mass Suggestion 6th

13th Teleport 7th
Precious Metal
Silver is the metal of merchants, and is used for 15th Antimagic Field 8th
psychic protection and attacks, and to invoke the 17th Shapechange 9th
power of the Moon in divination.

Starting items: one of Navigator’s Tools or Copper Specialism

Jeweler's Tools (your choice), and a silver Chain of Metal of Crafting
Specialism worth 5g Copper is the metal of peasants, representing the
love of Venus, and is used for spells of healing,
Proficiencies: one of Navigator’s Tools or
persuasion and pacifism.
Jeweler's Tools (your choice), and one of Insight,
Nature, or Deception (your choice) Starting items: one of Cook’s utensils, Cobbler’s
tools, or Herbalism kit (your choice), and a copper
Silver Specialism Spells
Chain of Specialism worth 1g
Smith Level Spell Spell Level
1st Guiding Bolt 1st Proficiencies: one of Cook’s utensils, Cobbler’s
tools, or Herbalism kit (your choice), and one of
3rd Moonbeam 2nd
Nature, Persuasion, or Healing (your choice)
5th Fly 3rd
7th Divination 4th
Copper Specialism Spells
Smith Level Spell Spell Level
9th Legend Lore 5th
1st Spare the Dying Cantrip
11th Magic Jar 6th
1st Bless 1st
13th Simulacrum 7th
3rd Lesser Restoration 2nd
15th Mind Blank 8th
5th Mass Healing Word 3rd
17th Foresight 9th
7th Death Ward 4th
9th Raise Dead 5th

Tin Specialism Mercury Specialism
Metal of Crafting Metal of Duplicity
Tin is the metal of the king of the Roman gods, Mercury, called quicksilver by some, is a fickle
Jupiter, and it conducts the lightning of his metal, acting as a liquid at room temperature. It
thunderbolts. Less destructively, it conducts the has healing properties but it is also associated with
harmonious sound of musical instruments. It is a the speed and trickery of the messenger-god of
chief component of many alloys, such as bronze Rome, patron of luck and commerce who guides
for warfare, pewter for trade, and solder for souls to the afterlife.
metalwork. Starting items: one of Herbalism kit or
Starting items: any musical instrument, and a tin- Calligrapher's supplies (your choice), and a
antimony alloy (pewter) Chain of Specialism worth mercury-silver alloy (amalgam) Chain of
5s Specialism worth 1g

Proficiencies: any musical instrument, and one of Proficiencies: one of Herbalism kit or
Intimidation or Performance (your choice) Calligrapher's supplies (your choice), and one of
Healing, Acrobatics, or Deception (your choice)
Tin Specialism Spells
Smith Level Spell Spell Level Mercury Specialism Spells
Smith Level Spell Spell Level
1st Guidance Cantrip
1st Healing Word 1st
1st Heroism 1st
3rd Arcanist's Magic Aura 2nd
3rd Shatter 2nd
5th Haste 3rd
5th Call Lightning 3rd
7th Polymorph 4th
7th Arcane Eye 4th
9th Teleportation Circle 5th
9th Dominate Person 5th

Lead Specialism Bismuth Specialism

Metal of Crafting Metal of Duplicity
Bismuth is a bizarre substance, somewhere
Saturn's metal, lead is a metal of pragmatism and
between a crystal and a metal. It can be alloyed
groundedness. Used by the ancients in plumbing
with copper to make a very hard form of bronze,
and by glassblowers in stained-glass windows, it is
used by the Incans in sacrificial daggers. Its
seen as conservative and reliable. It is used in
delightful rainbow surface after polishing belies a
abjuration spells for nullifying magic.
treacherous nature beneath, as it can be confused
Starting items: Glassblower’s tools, and a lead- for lead or silver due to its softness and unpolished
silver alloy (stagnum) Chain of Specialism worth hue. It can produce fake pearls and is used in the
1g cosmetics of noble ladies.

Proficiencies: Glassblower’s tools, and one of Starting items: one of Disguise kit or Painter’s
History or Religion (your choice) supplies (your choice), and a bismuth bronze Chain
of Specialism worth 1g
Lead Specialism Spells
Smith Level Spell Spell Level Proficiencies: one of Disguise kit or Painter’s
supplies (your choice), and one of Performance,
1st Resistance Cantrip
Stealth or Deception (your choice)
1st Divine Favor 1st
Bismuth Specialism Spells
3rd Barkskin 2nd
Smith Level Spell Spell Level
5th Counterspell 3rd
1st Faerie Fire 1st
7th Fabricate 4th
3rd Mirror Image 2nd
9th Dispel Evil and Good 5th
5th Dispel Magic 3rd
7th Banishment 4th
9th Dream 5th

Arsenic Specialism Bronze Specialism
Metal of Duplicity Metal of War
Arsenic is a by-product from the mines of Bronze is an alloy, being composed of tin and
worthier metals such as silver. It is a metal of copper. It was used by the ancients for war, but is
deception and of criminals, being used by now obsolete except in the heaviest of cannons,
prostitutes to whiten their skin and by assassins to and in church bells. It is a metal of decrepit
poison victims. Copper mines streaked with majesty; of regal obsolescence. It is popular with
arsenic impurities will produce a natural alloy Smiths who remain in universities instead of
called arsenical bronze, which is paler and tougher selling services to a patron.
than pure copper, but usually purified by smelting. Starting items: any weapon worth 10s or less, any
Starting items: one of Disguise kit, Forgery kit, or item of armour worth 30s or less, and a bronze
Poisoner's kit (your choice), and an arsenical Chain of Specialism worth 1g
bronze Chain of Specialism worth 1g Proficiencies: medium armour. If you already have
Proficiencies: one of Disguise kit, Forgery kit, or medium armour, choose one from: Smith's Tools,
Poisoner's kit (your choice), and one of Sleight of heavy armour, shields, martial weapons, or a
Hand, Stealth, or Deception (your choice) fighting style from the Fighter's list.

Arsenic Specialism Spells Bronze Specialism Spells

Smith Level Spell Spell Level Smith Level Spell Spell Level
1st Color Spray 1st 1st Mage Armour 1st
3rd Alter Self 2nd 3rd Zone of Truth 2nd
5th Vampiric Touch 3rd 5th Beacon of Hope 3rd

7th Greater Invisibility 4th 7th Guardian of Faith 4th

9th Cloudkill 5th
Steel Specialism
Iron Specialism Metal of War
Steel is another alloy, consisting of iron with
Metal of War traces of carbon. It is the disciplined counterpart
Iron is the metal of warriors, invoking the brittle
to the brittle fury of Mars, and as such is more
fury of Mars. It is more common to Barbaric
popular amongst Christian courts and kings, being
methods of war, since steel has supplanted it in
seen as iron's tamer cousin. It can be stalwart in
disciplined warfare.
defence or ruthless in offence.
Starting items: any weapon worth 10s or less, any
Starting items: any weapon worth 10s or less, any
item of armour worth 30s or less, and an iron
item of armour worth 30s or less, and a steel
Chain of Specialism worth 5s
Chain of Specialism worth 5s
Proficiencies: medium armour. If you already have
Proficiencies: medium armour. If you already have
medium armour, choose one from: Smith's Tools,
medium armour, choose one from: Smith's Tools,
heavy armour, shields, martial weapons, or a
heavy armour, shields, martial weapons, or a
fighting style from the Fighter's list.
fighting style from the Fighter's list.
Iron Specialism Spells
Steel Specialism Spells
Smith Level Spell Spell Level
Smith Level Spell Spell Level
1st Shield 1st
1st Shield of Faith 1st
3rd Flame Blade 2nd
3rd Enhance Ability 2nd
5th Fear 3rd
5th Meld into Stone 3rd
7th Ice Storm 4th
7th Fire Shield 4th

Quick Reload Munitions Expert
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13 or higher. Prerequisites: Dexterity or Intelligence of 13 or
Ordinarily, characters are slow to reload higher.
firearms, requiring an action. With this feat, you Any fool can place a keg of powder against a
are exceptionally fast when it comes to ramrods door and blast the whole room to smithereens, but
and cartridges, allowing you to maintain a constant that lacks subtlety. With this feat, you know the
rate of fire in battle. strength of gunpowder very well, and you're not
afraid to put that knowledge to use for ends both
You can reload two pistols using one action. noble and nefarious.

You can reload a pistol, carbine or musket using You increase your Dexterity or Intelligence
a bonus action. score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

During ship combat, you can fire your cannon or You can spend 10 minutes to modify a grenado
musket twice in a single phase. This includes with shrapnel shards, so that it deals an extra
both during a broadside and when firing bow 1d10 piercing damage when exploding. The
and stern chasers. materials cost 1 silver piece.

When a lit grenado travels or lands within 5

Shield Fighter feet of you, you can use your reaction to catch
or pick up the grenado and extinguish the fuze.
Prerequisites: proficiency with shields and simple
weapons. You can blast the lock off a chest using 3
The solid steel of a pistol-proof shield or buckler ounces of gunpowder, or 6 shots from a
packs a hefty punch. With this feat, you can add munitions bandolier. This takes one minute to
the weight of your shield or buckler to your melee prepare the powder charge and one action to
attacks. set it off. The noise alerts creatures within 100
feet, or through 3 closed doors. You can
You can use your bonus action to attack with a prepare the charge ahead of time if you've seen
shield or buckler as if it were a weapon in your the lock or had it described to you.
off-hand. It does 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
You can blast the hinges off an unarmoured
If you have proficiency with martial weapons, door using 6 ounces of gunpowder, or 12 shots
shields and bucklers gain the Finesse trait from a munitions bandolier. This takes one
(allowing you to use Dexterity instead of minute to prepare the powder charge and one
Strength for rolls), and you add your ability action to set it off. The noise alerts creatures
modifier to damage rolls as well as attack rolls. within 500 feet, or through 6 closed doors. You
can prepare the charge ahead of time if you've
Shields and bucklers ignore the rules on light
seen the door or had it described to you
weapons for purposes of two-weapon fighting, as
do the weapon they are paired with.

You can make 2 shield or buckler strikes with

your bonus action if you have Extra Attack. This
number improves if your Extra Attack gets

Magic Crafter Occult Novice
Prerequisites: proficiency in either Arcana or Prerequisites: proficiency in Arcana and Religion.
Medicine, and proficiency in either any set of You've delved into ancient tablets and forbidden
Artisan's Tools, in Herbalism Kit, or in Poisoner's tomes, and you understand the theory of magic,
Kit. even if you lack the intrinsic ability of a practiced
Normally, crafting a magic item is an spellcaster. You can put your knowledge to
achievement beyond the reach of mundane smiths practical use if you find magical scrolls.
and brewers. You increase your Wisdom or Intelligence score
You've dedicated some time and effort to by 1, to a maximum of 20.
assisting in the creation of powerful artefacts. You
can prepare ingredients, mix alloys, cast moulds, You learn one of either Latin, Arabic, Ancient
hammer blades, and have gained a limited ability to Greek, Hebrew, Draconic or Infernal.
manipulate magic.
You can cast spells from scrolls regardless of
You increase your Strength or Intelligence whether the spell is in your class list, or
score by 1, to a maximum of 20. whether you are even a spellcaster. To cast a
spell not on your class list, you must make a
You learn the Mending cantrip. skill check against a DC equal to 10 + the spell's
You can contribute to crafting magic items even level, using either Arcana or Religion (your
if you aren't a spellcaster. You count towards choice). The scroll crumbles without effect if
you fail this check.
the required Project Size. You can make magic
items by yourself if its Project Size is 1.

Alternatively, you can assist a project that has a

sufficient number of spellcasters without you. In
that case, the project takes half as much time
and money to complete. To use this feature for
rarities above Common, you need the following
character level: 2 for Uncommon, 8 for Rare,
13 for Very Rare, and 18 for Legendary. This
doesn't stack with similar features, such as the
Arcane Smith's Project Leader feature.

During down time, you can work for 8 hours a

day making trinkets and selling repair services,
gaining 1d10 silver coins per day. To do this
openly and legally, you might need guild
accreditation, depending upon your city's

Commander Sawbones
Prerequisites: proficiency in History and Prerequisites: proficiency in Survival and
Persuasion. Medicine.
You have proven ability in commanding You have proven ability as a battlefield surgeon.
formations of troops on the battlefield. You can You can quickly triage many wounded people and
draw from the tactics and strategy used in treat them according to their likelihood of
historical battles, and you know the importance of survival. You can remove a limb in seconds and
inspiring the troops to great deeds. cauterise the stump to prevent blood loss. You can
organise a camp or settlement to prevent the
You increase your Intelligence or Charisma spread of disease.
score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You increase your Wisdom or Intelligence score
You have advantage on skill checks related to by 1, to a maximum of 20.
commanding troops. For example, when giving
an inspiring speech with Persuasion, when You have advantage on skill checks related to
getting officers to cooperate with your plan (and battlefield injuries and treating large numbers
with each other) with Insight, when of sick or wounded at the same time. For
implementing tactics you learned with History, example, when picking which nurses and
when attempting to ambush an enemy force surgeons perform which duties with Insight,
with Stealth, when coercing enemy troops to when carrying out a large number of operations
surrender with Intimidation, or when marching yourself with Medicine, when selecting the site
through a forest quickly with Survival. of your camp's latrines with Nature, and when
implementing measures to curb the spread of
disease with Survival.
Prerequisites: proficiency in Deception and Animal Sergeant Major
You have proven ability in the logistics of armed Prerequisites: proficiency in Insight and
forces. You know how to put together a supply Intimidation.
train, how to keep it moving, how to lower the You have proven ability as a trainer of troops
wages of troops under your banner, and how to and a maintainer of discipline in the ranks. You
coax cheap provisions from greedy shopkeepers can quickly show raw recruits how to handle
and reluctant farmers. weapons, teach them to fire and reload muskets,
and even get some to hit their target on occasion.
You increase your Wisdom or Charisma score You can keep them following orders through a
by 1, to a maximum of 20. combination of fear, loyalty and camaraderie.

You have advantage on skill checks related to You increase your Wisdom or Charisma score
supporting troops off the field of battle. For by 1, to a maximum of 20.
example, when scavenging for food with
Survival, when looting villagers with You have advantage on skill checks related to
Intimidation, when getting lower prices from handling the training and morale of soldiers. For
merchants with Persuasion, when keeping a example, when leading a unit in training with
mass of donkeys under order with Animal Athletics, when overcoming an individual
Handling, and when tricking soldiers into solider's lack of progress with Insight, when
accepting less pay with Deception. leading the troops in an inspiring song with
Performance, and when forcing troops to
remain in direct peril with Intimidation.

“Damnit, captain, I'm a doctor, not an

A surgeon, to his commander.

Its Strength score, if 14 or lower, is now 15. It
Lycanthropy still feels the urge to hunt as a wolf under the full
moon, and will grow unnaturally hungry if denied
In the dark forests of central Europe, lumberjacks
the flesh of intelligent beings, losing 1 point of
keep silver charms and wolfsbane on their person. Strength each month it abstains. If it reaches 0
The city-folk believe mortals to be apex predators, Strength, it will die. The score returns to 15 (or
masters of God's green earth, but they are wrong. higher) once it feeds.
Spreading and Curing the Curse Transformation
Should a humanoid be subjected to the bite of a When transforming into the hybrid form (whether
werewolf, it must pass a Constitution saving throw
by choice or due to damage), clothes are torn to
(DC 12 for a bite from an NPC werewolf; or 8 +
shreds and jewellery and light and medium armour
proficiency modifier + Constitution modifier if the clatters to the floor. Heavy armour is either
bite is from a player character) or be cursed. destroyed by the transformation, with mundane
Lycanthropy is permanent in its advanced form materials cracking apart in the face of the
for anything less than the reality-bending power of
werewolf's supernatural might, or if the armour is
the Wish spell, but it can be cured in its early
magical, it pins the werewolf in place, causing the
form with the casting of Remove Curse, or by Restrained condition.
eating an ounce of fresh belladonna (wolfsbane) When transforming into the wolf form, clothes
before the curse becomes unshakeable. fall loose to the ground, as does most armour. But
Unfortunately, belladonna is a poison in its own
heavy armour will cause the Restrained condition
right and may instead kill the sufferer (2d6 acid to the wolf until it spends half its movement
damage per ounce ingested). (20ft.) to shake it off.
Early Lycanthropy Involuntary Transformation
Lycanthropy does not take long to cause changes. If a sufferer of advanced lycanthropy takes
The bite remains inflamed for weeks, body hair is
damage while in mundane form, it must pass a
more apparent, and facial hair grows wild. Silver
Wisdom saving throw (against a DC equal to the
itches against the skin, while ingesting silver
damage suffered) to retain control.
causes 2d6 poison damage per ounce (or per pint If it fails, it immediately transforms (as a free
of holy water).
action) into its hybrid form.
The sufferer gains the Shapechanger creature The werewolf can change forms on subsequent
subtype, in addition to its previous subtypes.
turns by using its action as normal.
At the next full moon and every full moon
thereafter, the sufferer transforms at night into
its wolf form, and goes hunting. If the werewolf
passes a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw, it retains its
self-control during this episode, and will refrain
from attacking friends and loved ones, and from
sapient creatures in general if Good-aligned,
instead seeking animals as prey. The werewolf will
lose all memory of the night regardless.

Advanced Lycanthropy
Should a sufferer of early lycanthropy attack a
fellow sapient being and eat its flesh, it advances
to the next stage of the curse.
The werewolf gains awareness of its own nature.
It can use an action at any time to transform
between its mundane, hybrid and wolf forms.
It now takes permanent damage when exposed
to holy water, with maximum hitpoints reduced by
2d6 when a vial is thrown at the werewolf. The
maximum is restored the next time the werewolf
eats sapient flesh.

Jupiter punishes King Lycaon with lycanthropy for the cannibalism of his own son

48 Jan Cossiers, 1636

Werewolf Forms
Property Mundane Form Hybrid Form Wolf Form
Non-magic, non-silvered weapons - Immune Immune
Can wear armour Yes No No
Can wield weapons and shields Yes Yes No
Natural armour - +2 +2
Speed - - 40 ft.
Darkvision Yes Yes Yes
Perception (Hearing and Smell) - Advantage Advantage
Stealth - - Advantage
Actions gained - Bite Bite
Bonus actions gained - Claws -
Class features and spellcasting - - Suppressed

While in hybrid and wolf form, the werewolf can
attack with its bite as an action. This is a Strength The nobility of Europe have an obsession with
melee attack dealing 1d8 piercing damage, and power and death that is usually the result of the
spreading the curse in turn. mortal sins of lust and pride. But sometimes the
With Extra Attack, the hybrid can use its bite source of their sin is of supernatural origin, and
multiple times in one action. their subjects know true fear.
The attack is considered magical for purposes of
defeating damage resistances and immunities (such Aristocracy of the Night
as the supernatural hides of other werewolves). Most victims of a vampire remain dead after
This is not a weapon attack (eg. for purposes of exsanguination, their immortal souls finding peace
Paladin/Monk abilities). at God's side. But should the vampire think its
victim worthy, it can choose to impart a drop of
Claws its own blood into the mouth of the desiccated
While in hybrid form, the werewolf can attack corpse, the soul being wrenched away from
with its claws as a bonus action if it has a free eternal rest, drawn back by the power of its new
hand. This is a Strength melee attack dealing 2d4 curse.
slashing damage. Ties of blood are strong, and the risen vampire
With Extra Attack, the hybrid can use its claws will be considered permanently Charmed by its
multiple times in one bonus action. new master. Any vampires raised by the subject
The attack is considered magical for purposes of will likewise be Charmed by its seniors in the
defeating damage resistances and immunities (such hierarchy. Thus the risen nobility erect a new
as the supernatural hides of other werewolves). feudalism in death, an evil parody of the God-given
This is not a weapon attack (eg. for purposes of right to rule which bound and empowered them in
Paladin/Monk abilities). life.
Only the master at the top of this pyramid has
true free will. Its underlings gain their freedom
“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and become masters in turn should their dark
and the moon into blood, before the liege perish. Each coterie of vampires in the world
great and terrible day of the LORD will must therefore once have been part of a single
come.” hierarchy, with a single original vampire spawning
all such monsters we see today. Fortunately, that
The Book of Joel, 2:31. vampire is surely long since destroyed.
A conspiracy of silence evolves around noble
vampires, with loyal mortal thralls competing with
each other for the favour of their vampire
superiors, each hoping to be given advancement
and immortality via the curse. Churchmen will be
misled, bribed or attacked if they threaten to
expose this aristocracy of the night.

Parasitic Survival Vampire Masters
The vampire's body is dead. It has been reanimated A character turned to vampirism will gain true
by the return of the soul, but it no longer needs freedom only if the master of their coterie is
sleep or mortal sustenance. destroyed. The bond of blood causing the underling
Instead, the vampire survives on the blood of the to be Charmed prevents hostile actions against the
living. The vampire is unable to take a short rest master, so an outsider will need to be compelled to
unless it fed in the last 24 hours, and is unable to do the deed on behalf of the lesser vampire.
take a long rest unless it fed in the last 8 hours. After gaining free will and forming a new
Should the vampire not feed from a mortal for coterie, a vampire master has a number of powers
24 hours, its Strength, Dexterity and Constitution which their enthralled minions lack.
scores all fall by 1. Should a score fall to 0, the
vampire is destroyed. The scores return to 14 (or Come to Me
higher) once the vampire feeds. The vampire master can attempt to dominate the
The unnatural urges which compel the vampire mind of a mortal.
are difficult to resist. The vampire can prevent As an action, the vampire master picks a target
itself from killing a victim during feeding only by it can see within 30 feet. The target must pass a
spending a Hit Dice. Charisma saving throw (DC 17 for an NPC
The vampire's creature type changes from vampire master; or 8 + proficiency modifier +
Humanoid to Undead, making it immune to some Charisma modifier for a player character).
spells but vulnerable to others. If the target fails its saving throw, it is
considered Charmed by the vampire master for
Vampire Strengths 24 hours, or until the vampire master is
The curse flowing through the blackened veins of destroyed. The target can make a new saving
the vampire imbues the sufferer with monstrous throw every time it takes damage.
If the vampire's Strength, Dexterity or Creeping Cold
Constitution score was less than 14 before being If the vampire master is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it
turned to vampirism, that score becomes 14. can instead choose to remain on 1 hitpoint and
The vampire gains resistance to necrotic damage, transform into a cloud of mist for up to 1 hour.
and to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage The vampire must take a long rest to use this
from non-magical, non-silvered attacks. feature again.
The vampire can regenerate 10 hitpoints at the When the vampire transforms into mist, all
start of each of its turns if it has at least 1 items carried or worn by the vampire drop to the
hitpoint and isn't in sunlight or running water. If floor.
the vampire takes radiant damage or damage from While in mist form, the vampire cannot use class
silver weapons or holy water, this trait doesn't features or cast spells, is immune to all damage
function at the start of the vampire's next turn. types besides radiant, has blindsight 120ft., and has
The vampire can climb difficult surfaces, advantage on stealth checks.
including upside down on ceilings, without needing
to make an ability check.
The vampire's bite and claws are considered
magical for purposes of defeating damage
resistances and immunities (such as the
supernatural hides of werewolves).

Vampire Weaknesses
Vampires are unholy creatures. Our heavenly
Father would not allow such monsters to exist in
this world without giving His faithful mortal
servants some means to defeat them.
The vampire takes 20 acid damage when it ends
its turn in running water.
When a vial of holy water is thrown at or
emptied onto a vampire, it takes 2d6 acid damage,
and that damage causes a reduction in maximum
hitpoints only restored by feeding on blood.
The vampire takes 20 radiant damage when it
starts its turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, it has
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.

Ghoul Servitude
Drinking the blood of a being of such grace and
terror as a vampire is a supernaturally
intoxicating experience which changes the life of
the imbiber.
The first sip of blood will be remembered as the
best moment of the sufferer's life, regardless of
any abuses and indignities which might follow.

Enthralled by Vitae
A creature which consumes the blood of a vampire
becomes a ghoul servant. The name bears a
resemblance to the undead cannibals which haunt
graveyards and battlefields, but the ghoul servant
is still a living being.
For one month after the consumption, the
creature ceases natural aging and will regain 1 hit
point at the start of each of its turns.
Additionally, the creature will be considered
permanently Charmed by the vampire whose blood
it consumed (the 'domitor'), and by that vampire's
masters in the undead hierarchy (if any exist).
Obeying the domitor's orders is second nature to
the ghoul servant. It takes a great effort of
willpower to disobey. The ghoul must pass a
Wisdom saving throw against a DC equal to the
domitor's spell save (8 + proficiency modifier +
spellcasting modifier). Even then, the ghoul is
unable to take direct hostile action against the

Treatment and Withdrawal

After one month, if no further blood has been
provided, the creature loses the benefits of
ghouldom, and enters a state of withdrawal.
The vitae can also be removed from the
creature's body by use of the Lesser Restoration
spell, which immediately ends the benefits of
ghouldom and begins withdrawal.

Withdrawal Effects
A lapsing ghoul which has not fed on vampire vitae
suffers great mental and physical hardship. For
one month, the ghoul's proficiency modifier is
Additionally, the body's natural aging resumes. If
the ghoul had been feeding on vampire blood for
over a year, every day of withdrawal will age the
ghoul's body by a year, until the body has 'caught
up' with the time that passed. If the ghoul is very
old, this will likely result in organ failure and

Items and Prices
War, inflation and the movement of refugees have
eroded the wages of honest workingmen across England's a perfect world.
Europe. The guild system legally restricts entry It has Indies too!
into industries, allowing only members who pay Correct your maps:
fees to work in a city. This pushes up prices and Newcastle is Peru!
makes urban merchants very wealthy. Let the naughty Spaniard,
Prices given are g for guilder (gold), s for triumph till 'tis told,
shillings (silver) and d for denars/pennies (copper).
Our sooty mineral,
purifies his gold.

Mundanities An English newspaper, 1651, on coal

Victuals Price
6 ounce loaf of white bread 1d
Value or
12 ounce loaf of brown bread 1d Minerals Weight
Pound of meat 2d 1 gold coin 1/50th of a
Pint of beer 1d pound
A cheesecake 2d 1 pound of gold 50 gold coins
Pound of tobacco 5d 1 silver coin 1/50th of a
Living Arrangements Price 1 pound of silver 50 silver
Night and meal at an inn 1s
1 copper coin 1/50th of a
Low quality lodging, annual rent 5g pound
Good quality lodging, annual rent 30g 1 pound of copper 50 copper
Cheap house 200g
1 pound of common metals (iron, tin, 1 copper coin
Three storey London town house 1,000g lead etc)

Long Term Expenses Value 1 pound of steel or bronze 1 silver coin

3 pounds of coal or charcoal (fuels a 1 copper coin
Average worker's annual living costs (food, fuel 10g small forge for an hour)
and clothes)
3 tons of firewood (heats a home for a 1 copper coin
Acre of agricultural land, annual rent 4s month)
Family farm, annual revenue 50g
Author's Note
Transportation Price
Gold is a very dense metal. A gold coin of the
Stallion (war horse) 25g
same size as a copper or silver coin would be
Mare (riding horse) 12g twice the weight. Hence gold coins tend to be
Gelding (work horse) 8g small.
Nag (old work horse) 6g
Public Stagecoach 2d per mile, 60 miles
per day Books Price
Shipping freight 1,000 miles 1s per 150 pounds of Illuminated Manuscript 20g
(Amsterdam to Stockholm) freight
Handwritten Book 5g
Shipping freight 13,000 miles 1g per 150 pounds of
(India to London) freight Printed Book 1s
Hiring a merchant ship (100 120g per month (crew Pamphlet 1d
ton capacity) wages and food 10 Sheets of Paper 1d
Buying a merchant ship (100 2,000g
ton capacity)
Hiring an East India Company 600g per month (crew
ship (500 ton capacity) wages and food
Buying an East India Company 10,000g
ship (500 ton capacity)

Small City
Hirelings Small cities of 30,000 citizens are regional
Hireling Price trading hubs with links to the outside world.
Common Labourer 5d per day Coastal cities have fishing fleets, and inland cities
are likely positioned on a river or highway. Such a
Skilled Artisan 1s per day (materials not included)
settlement probably has all of the following:
Trained Guard 1s per day (equipment not included)
Spellcaster Spells
Veteran Sergeant 2s per day (equipment not included)
Bishop Second level Cleric spells
Mercenary Companies University Student Second level Wizard spells
Mercenary troops in large companies are usually Master Blacksmith Second level Arcane Smith spells
loaned equipment which they then pay off with Private Detective Second level Bard spells
their wages, hence their propensity for looting. Criminal Mastermind Second level Sorcerer spells
It costs about 10 guilders to outfit a landsknecht
with cuirass, pike, sword and matchlock musket.
Assume a mercenary regiment of 2,000 Large City
infantrymen costs 20,000g to create, and 6,600g Large cities of 100,000 denizens have merchants
to maintain in wages every month. and visitors from across the civilised world. They
Cavalrymen wear partial plate and carry a brace might have several magical factions with multiple
of pistols. Assume 40 guilders for horse, arms and members, such as universities, colleges of divinity,
armour. A regiment of 1,000 cuirassiers thus costs and prominent banking houses. They likely compete
40,000g to muster. Cavalry units have a larger between one another to become the patrons and
proportion of officers to men, and need food for tutors of newly discovered spellcasters.
horses. Assume 4,400g wages and feed each
Spellcaster Spells
Eccentric Inventor Fourth level Arcane Smith
Hired Spellcasters University Professor Fourth level Wizard spells
Spellcasters are much more expensive than Catholic Cardinal Fourth level Cleric spells
mundane hirelings. Magicians with bills to pay Professor of Divinity Fourth level Cleric spells
sometimes stoop to the level of selling their PhD
talents, and Church services are an honourable use King's Spymaster Fourth level Bard spells
of a Cleric's time.
Metaphysical Poet Fourth level Sorcerer spells
The size of a settlement will affect the kinds of
spellcaster present. A prestigious university
professor is unlikely to be found in a rural village.
But he might send one of his disfavoured students
there, if field work is to be done.

Market Town
A market town of 5,000 souls probably has just
one local spellcaster. A Christian-trained
spellcaster will be on the lookout for signs of
heresy, whereas a pagan or Satanic spellcaster
might occasionally visit town for supplies before
retreating to a more isolated village.

Spellcaster Spells
Catholic Priest First level Cleric spells
Protestant Prior First level Cleric spells
Hiberno-Scottish Missionary First level Druid spells
Papal Inquisitor First level Paladin spells
Puritan Witch Hunter First level Paladin spells
Romani Wise Woman First level Warlock spells

Spell Costs
These are suggestions on the prices an NPC would
charge to cast a spell on behalf of player
characters. The NPC might charge less if they like
the PCs, or more if they dislike them.
For material costs, take the gold value listed in
other publications and treat it as a silver value
(divide it by 10).
The price in silver pieces for a hired spellcaster
to cast a spell is: the level of the spell squared, plus
twice the cost of materials consumed, plus a tenth
the cost of materials not consumed.

First level
Cure Wounds 1s

Identify (uses pearl worth 10g) 11s

Purify Food and Drink 1s

Ceremony (consumes silver worth 25s) 51s

Second level
Locate Animals or Plants 4s

Locate Object 4s

Lesser Restoration 4s

Zone of Truth 4s

Augury (uses marked bones worth 25s) 6s 5d

Third level
Remove Curse 9s

Summon Fey (uses gilded flower worth 30g)


Fourth level
Fabricate (consumes materials) at least 16s

Divination (consumes incense worth 25s) 66s

Summon Elemental (uses a gilded vial worth
40g) 56s

Fifth level
Commune with Nature 25s

Raise Dead (consumes a diamond worth 50g)


Awaken (consumes a gem worth 100g) 2,025s

Gunsmith's Shop

The shopkeep wrinkles his nose at the party, and immediately ushers them away from the
entrance, towards a rack of ugly, cumbersome match-locks in a darkened corner. From
behind the shop counter, the party catches the glint of musket barrels filigreed in gold,
silver wheel-lock mechanisms engraved with animals, the gleam of mother-of-pearl inlaid
onto pistol butts, and the shine of ivory carbine stocks.

The self-respecting ball or party host will be unlikely to invite persons to social occasions if they are seen
to be lugging heavy muskets through the streets. The gentleman of quality is therefore advised to procure a
firearm of a standard matching his station.
Bows and crossbows are occasionally seen in private hands, such as poverty-stricken peasants, Saracen
warriors, and antique collectors, but match-locks are cheap enough to have replaced them in European
warfare. The most modern firearms are the flint-locks, using very reliable mechanisms, while discerning
nobles continue to use wheel-locks in hunting.

Simple Weapons
Item Price Damage Weight Properties
Baron's Wheel-lock Pistol 8g 1d10 piercing 2 pounds Ammunition (range 30/90), light, loading
Gentleman's Flint-lock Pistol 30s 1d10 piercing 2 pounds Ammunition (range 30/90), light, loading
Cuirassier's Match-lock Pistol 10s 1d10 piercing 2 pounds Ammunition (range 0/60), light, loading

Martial Weapons
Item Price Damage Weight Properties
Duke's Wheel-lock Musket 12g 2d8 10 Ammunition (range 50/150), heavy, loading, two-
piercing pounds handed
Gamekeeper's Flint-lock Musket 40s 2d8 10 Ammunition (range 50/150), heavy, loading, two-
piercing pounds handed
Landsknecht's Match-lock 15s 2d8 10 Ammunition (range 0/100), heavy, loading, two-
Musket piercing pounds handed
Count's Wheel-lock Carbine 10g 2d6 8 pounds Ammunition (range 40/120), loading, two-handed
Coach Guard's Flint-lock Carbine 35s 2d6 8 pounds Ammunition (range 40/120), loading, two-handed
Harquebusier's Match-lock 12s 2d6 8 pounds Ammunition (range 0/80), loading, two-handed
Carbine piercing

Item Price Weight Properties
Gilded Bandolier of Munition Pouches 30s 6 pounds 50 shots of ball and powder
Leather Bandolier of Munition Pouches 10s 6 pounds 50 shots of ball and powder
Fashionable Pistol Holster and Belt 5s 3 pounds Draw a pistol with a free action
Functional Pistol Holster and Belt 1s 3 pounds Draw a pistol with a free action

Firearm Rules Ammunition
You may wish to ignore the bookkeeping around
Firearm Damage Weight Properties ammunition, if the character owns an ammunition
Pistol 1d10 2 Ammunition (range bandolier.
(simple) piercing pounds 30/90), light, loading
Ammunition Weight Price
Carbine 2d6 8 Ammunition (range
(martial) piercing pounds 40/120), loading, two- Lead ball 1 ounce 1d
handed 1 shot of black powder Half ounce 1d
Musket 2d8 10 Ammunition (range 1 shot of ball and powder 1.5 ounces 2d
(martial) piercing pounds 50/150), heavy, loading,
two-handed 10 shots of ball and powder 1 pound 2s
Bandolier of Munition Pouches 6 pounds 10s
Dropping, Drawing and Loading
Muzzle-loaded firearms are very unwieldy and
require an action to reload (rather than being part
of the attack action as with crossbows). Consider
carrying a brace of 2 or more pistols, especially
when roleplaying a highwayman.
Martial characters with Extra Attack can fire
two pistols in a single action, holding one in each
hand. If additional pistols are stowed in easily
accessed holsters, another two pistols could be
drawn and fired the next turn!
Dropping a weapon is a free action, so a
character firing their brace of pistols would have
a small pile of empty weapons at their feet at the
end of combat.

Dexterity to Hit and Damage

Remember that ranged weapon attacks receive
bonuses to hit from dexterity, and also bonuses to
damage, to represent a keen eye striking a
vulnerable point (correspondingly, a negative
dexterity modifier might reduce the damage to
zero on a bad roll).

Unreliable Match-locks
The match-lock has an effective range of zero and
a reduced maximum range. These weapons were
notoriously unreliable, and misfired half the time.
This is simulated by having the firer always be at

Carbines and Horseback Shooting

The carbine is a shorter firearm than a musket,
intended for use on horseback. Muskets are too
long to be fired or reloaded while riding.

Swordsmith's Shop

“The thrice-damned constable of Montpellier might have stolen my shop and my stock, but
I'll be dead before I make blades for a damned Catholic! Everything you see in here, I made
it to put the fear of God in that devil-spawned Louis, king of whores.”

Simple Weapons
Item Price Damage Weight Properties
Dagger 1s 1d4 piercing 1 pound Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Hammer 1s 1d6 bludgeoning 2 pounds Finesse, light, thrown (range 10/30)
Handaxe 1s 1d6 slashing 2 pounds Finesse, light, thrown (range 10/30)
Javelin 1s 1d6 piercing 2 pounds Thrown (range 30/120)
Machete 3s 1d6 slashing 2 pounds Finesse, light
Smallsword 3s 1d6 piercing 2 pounds Finesse, light
Sledgehammer 3s 1d10 bludgeoning 6 pounds Heavy, two-handed

Martial Weapons
Item Price Damage Weight Properties
Rapier 5s 1d8 piercing 3 pounds Finesse
Broadsword/Cutlass/Sabre 5s 1d8 slashing 3 pounds Finesse
Zweihänder/Claymore 10s 2d6 slashing 6 pounds Finesse, heavy, two-handed
Estoc 10s 2d6 piercing 6 pounds Finesse, heavy, two-handed
Pike 5s 2d6 piercing 6 pounds Reach, heavy, two-handed
Halberd 30s 2d6 slashing 6 pounds Reach, heavy, two-handed

Bespoke Swords
A master swordsmith can produce works of art. You can choose to have a weapon made with more
expensive components, to show off your wealth and social prestige. This will take about a week for a one-
handed sword, or two weeks for a two-hander.

Improvement Price Adjustment Function

Blade Improvements
    Engraved blade +1g (one-handed) / +2g (two-handed) Decorative
    Silvered blade +5g (one-handed) / +10g (two-handed) Bypass some magic resistances
    Masterwork blade +15g (one-handed) / +30g (two-handed) +1 to hit and damage rolls
Hilt Decorations
    Silver filigreed hilt +3g Decorative
    Solid silver hilt +8g Decorative
    Gold filigreed hilt +30g Decorative
    Solid gold hilt +80g Decorative
Pommel Decorations
    Pearl pommel +15g Decorative
    Sapphire or amethyst pommel +20g Decorative
    Ruby or emerald pommel +25g Decorative
    Diamond pommel +30g Decorative

Armour Factory
The rigours of modern war have made wooden shields and iron chainmail obsolete. Thankfully, metallurgy
has advanced alongside chemistry, and outfitting soldiers in a cuirass proofed against a bullet's impact is
affordable to a wealthy nation.
Much of the price of a piece of armour goes into the finishings, such as leather straps and fastenings. This
culminates in the extravagant armours worn by nobles, commissioned by master armourers and decorated
lavishly with inlaid gold and black enamel. This provides no benefit on the battlefield, besides marking one
as a target for capture, but it does look good in a portrait. A suit of custom armour is likely the second most
expensive purchase a nobleman will make, after his mansion.
Mass Produced Armour
Item Price Armour Class Weight Strength Stealth
Light Armour
    Helmet 5s 11+Dex 4 pounds - -
    Breastplate 10s 12+Dex 8 pounds 10 -
Medium Armour
    Breastplate and Helmet 15s 13+Dex (Max 2) 12 pounds 11 -
    Cuirass and Helmet 25s 14+Dex (Max 2) 20 pounds 12 Dis.
Heavy Armour
    Three Quarters Plate 40s 17 50 pounds 14 Dis.
    Munition Full Plate 80s 18 60 pounds 15 Dis.
    Pistol-proof Buckler 10s +1 12 pounds 11 -
    Pistol-proof Shield 15s +2 24 pounds 13 Dis.

Custom Harnesses
Item Price Armour Class Weight Strength Stealth
Fitted Full Plate 20g 18 60 pounds 15 Dis.
Enameled Full Plate 100g 18 60 pounds 15 Dis.
Gilded Full Plate 350g 18 60 pounds 15 Dis.

Characters lose 10 feet from their movement

speed if they don't meet the armour's Strength
requirement. Stealth means whether the armour
gives disadvantage to Stealth skill checks.

The buckler and shield are made of 6mm thick
steel, which can stop a pistol bullet at any range.
They are circular designs, of 38cm and 55cm
diameter respectively.

Upgrading Armour
Upgrade armour by purchasing the needed gear to
reach the next tier (subtract the price of what
you're wearing from the price of what you're
upgrading to).
A Cuirass is a breastplate with a backplate.
Three Quarters Plate consists of Cuirass, Helmet,
Pauldrons, Gauntlets, Sabatons, and Tassets. Full
Plate adds a visor to the open helmet, and adds
Cuisses and Greaves to the legs.
The custom harnesses from the royal armourers
are too expensive to be mixed and matched in this
way, and must be commissioned as a set.

Karl Ludwig, Elector Palatine, in Greenwich full plate armour

58 Anthony van Dyck, 1637

Pawn Shop

“Oh no, these are dollars from the godless Habsburg monarchy! You can't spend these in
the city without a permit from the Stadtholder's office! Lucky you found me first, friends, I
have a licence to exchange these dollars for good Dutch stuivers, at a reasonable exchange
rate I might add...”

At his best, the pawn broker gives honest Christians some money and a receipt for their item which will be
redeemed and returned once times are less hard. In this way they pay a little more in the future to stave
off poverty in the present, at the risk of someone else buying their item before they can overcome their
At his worst, with a lax or corrupt city guard, he is a fence for stolen goods, and the receipts are
addressed to make-believe characters living on fictitious streets, with no questions asked.

Simple Weapons
Item Price Damage Weight Properties
Rusty Dagger 5d 1d4 piercing 1 pound Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Chipped Handaxe 1s 1d6 slashing 2 pounds Light, thrown (range 20/60)
Club 1d 1d4 bludgeoning 2 pounds Light
Highwayman's Match-lock Pistol 8s 1d10 piercing 2 pounds Ammunition (range 0/60), light, loading

Martial Weapons
Item Price Damage Weight Properties
Old Rapier 3s 5d 1d8 piercing 3 pounds Finesse
Dull Sabre 3s 5d 1d8 slashing 3 pounds Finesse
Rusty Cutlass 3s 5d 1d8 slashing 3 pounds Finesse
Poacher's Match-lock Musket 12s 2d8 piercing 10 pounds Ammunition (range 0/100), heavy, loading, two-handed

Clothes, Accessories and Armour

Item Price Armour Class Weight Strength Required / Properties
Dented Helmet 8s 11+Dex 4 pounds -
Blood-Stained Breastplate 16s 12+Dex 8 pounds 10
Faded Guard's Uniform 1s - 2 pounds Poor disguise
Patched Woollen Clothes 5d - 2 pounds -
Scuffed Leather Boots 5d - 6 pounds -
Old Leather Pistol Holster and Belt 8d - 3 pounds Draw a pistol with a free action
Old Leather Bandolier of Munition Pouches 9s - 6 pounds 50 shots of ball and powder

Cannon Foundry
Metallurgy is still advancing, and iron cannon are prone to cracking apart under too much stress. The
largest guns are still made of bronze, for the time being, as bronze is less brittle and has the elasticity to
bend rather than crack.

Pirates tend to rely on the capture of guns from victims. Privateers can commission guns, but they are a
large investment.
Bronze Ordnance
Gun Price Properties
Royal Cannon (8 inch shot weighing 68 pounds) 600g per gun Too large for a ship
Cannon (7 inch shot weighing 46 pounds) 500g per gun Too large for a ship
Demi-Cannon (6 inch shot weighing 32 pounds) 400g per gun Too large for a ship
Culverin (5 inch shot weighing 18 pounds) 320g per gun Use easiest DC to hit at all distances
Demi-Culverin (4 inch shot weighing 12 pounds) 240g per gun Suitable for a ship's broadside
Saker (3 inch shot weighing 6 pounds) 140g per gun Cannot fire at long shot distance
Minion (2.5 inch shot weighing 4 pounds) 100g per gun Too small for a ship's broadside
Falcon (2 inch shot weighing 1.5 pounds) 50g per gun Too small for a ship's broadside

Iron Ordnance
Gun Price Properties
Culverin (5 inch shot weighing 18 pounds) 30g per gun Use easiest DC to hit at all distances
Demi-Culverin (4 inch shot weighing 12 pounds) 20g per gun Suitable for a ship's broadside
Saker (3 inch shot weighing 6 pounds) 15g per gun Cannot fire at long shot distance
Minion (2.5 inch shot weighing 4 pounds) 10g per gun Too small for a ship's broadside
Falcon (2 inch shot weighing 1.5 pounds) 5g per gun Too small for a ship's broadside

Munition Price Properties
Solid shot 1s per 12 pounds of -
Solid shot sufficient for a voyage 6g -
Grapeshot 3s per 12 pounds of Double crew damage, ignore hull damage, can't be fired at
weight long shot distance
Grapeshot sufficient for a voyage 18g Double crew damage, ignore hull damage, can't be fired at
long shot distance
Gnomish Exploding Shot 10s per 12 pounds of Roll an extra time for damage on hit
Gnomish Exploding Shot sufficient 60g Roll an extra time for damage on hit
for a voyage
Elven Trueshot 20s per 12 pounds of Cannot be deflected by enemy spellcaster
Elven Trueshot sufficient for a 120g Cannot be deflected by enemy spellcaster

The values "sufficient for a voyage" are a guess based on approximately 10 salvoes x 6 guns x 12 pounds of
weight of shot. If the quartermaster prefers, a vessel can fire fistfuls of pennies at the enemy in lieu of
grapeshot, as it may be cheaper.

Author's Note
When using Elven Trueshot against the players' ship, only announce it after a player tries to deflect a
shot, for optimal hijinks.

Alchemist's Shop
Often run by an inexperienced Arcane Smith or Wizard, the Alchemist's Shop has supplies of acids, animal
byproducts such as rendered fats and bones, powdered silver, pearls, and other substances for dabbling in
alchemical arts. The alchemist makes high quality gunpowder, and produces mundane explosives both for
mine owners and military units. Some curative potions might also be available for purchase.
Magical goods with damaging properties would be illegal to buy without a licence from the government.
Regularly shopping at this store is likely to attract the attention of local government spies on the lookout
for unlicenced spellcasters, such as witches and Satanists.

Potion of Healing Grenado

Common, Consumable, Potion Common, Consumable, Martial Weapon
Weight: half a pound Range (feet): 20, plus 10 times the thrower's
Price: 1g Strength modifier if positive
A phial of very pale red liquid. It has a faint Weight: 3 pounds
taste of vinegar. Price: 5s
A paper label is attached to the cork stopper A small, hollow sphere of iron with a tapered
with a string. The label reads "aqua sanat, one part hole. The insides are packed with gunpowder and
per hundred". the hole has a fuze. The owner lights the fuze (the
owner can be assumed to be carrying a lit
Action: Imbibe slowmatch) and then throws it at enemies. The
Drinking the potion heals 2d4+2 damage. fuze burns for a few seconds before exploding.
The name is derived from the pomegranate, due
Potion of Greater Healing to its appearance.
Uncommon, Consumable, Potion
Weight: half a pound Action: Light and Throw
Price: 4g The device explodes at the end of the thrower's
A phial of bright red liquid. It tastes like watery turn, inflicting the following damage on all
vinegar. creatures in a 10 foot radius sphere:
A paper label is attached to the cork stopper
Piercing damage of 1d10
with a string. The label reads "aqua sanat, one part
per twenty". Fire damage of 1d10 + thrower's proficiency
modifier + thrower's dexterity modifier
Action: Imbibe
Drinking the potion heals 4d4+4 damage.
This damage is halved on a successful dexterity
Potion of Superior Healing saving throw vs DC of 8 + thrower's proficiency
Rare, Consumable, Potion modifier + thrower's dexterity modifier.
Weight: half a pound
Feature: Collateral Damage
Price: 40g
The grenado has a chance to explode prematurely
A phial of murky red liquid. It tastes sour and
every time the owner takes fire damage. Roll a
bitter, like eating a lemon.
d20. If the roll is lower than or equal to the
A paper label is attached to the cork stopper
amount of fire damage, the grenado explodes,
with a string. The label reads "aqua sanat, half
inflicting 1d10 fire and 1d10 piercing damage on all
creatures in a 10 foot radius sphere with no save
Action: Imbibe allowed. This can also cause other grenados to
Drinking the potion heals 8d4+8 damage. explode.

Potion of Supreme Healing Author's Note

Very Rare, Consumable, Potion Inaccurate throws could be simulated by first
Weight: half a pound rolling a ranged weapon attack against a DC
Price: 375g
equal to the target's distance, then rolling a d6
A phial of red liquid, so dark it looks black in
dim light. It tastes very foul, like spoiled wine (hex map) or d8 (square map) and moving the
mixed with ash. thrown weapon in a corresponding direction 1
A paper label is attached to the cork stopper tile for a miss of 3 or lower, 2 tiles for a miss
with a string. The label reads "aqua sanat, nine- of 4 to 7, and 3 tiles for a miss of 8 or more.
tenths pure".

Action: Imbibe
Drinking the potion heals 10d4+20 damage.

Illegal Potions Potion of Flame-Proofing
Uncommon, Consumable, Potion
Though the alchemist denies participating in the Weight: half a pound
magic black market, some potions have found their Price: 4g
way into private hands despite being part of the A phial of light blue liquid. It tastes cool and
government monopoly. Here are some examples. gritty, like wet clay scooped from a river bed.
A paper label is attached to the cork stopper
Potion of Blood Frenzy with a string. The label reads "aqua ignis
Uncommon, Consumable, Potion probatum".
Weight: half a pound
Price: 4g Action: Imbibe
A phial of blood-red liquid. It tastes metallic, and After drinking this potion, you become resistant to
clings to your teeth. fire damage for 10 minutes.
A paper label is attached to the cork stopper
Feature: Crash
with a string. The label reads "aqua sanguinem
After the potion's effects end, you gain a point of
Action: Imbibe
After drinking this potion, you enter a blood Potion of Ice-Proofing
frenzy for one minute. The frenzy ends early if Uncommon, Consumable, Potion
you are knocked unconscious or use the Weight: half a pound
Barbarian's Rage feature. Price: 4g
You have advantage on Strength checks and A phial of light red liquid. It tastes warm and
Strength saving throws. gritty, like wet clay left in the sun.
Melee weapon attacks receive a +2 bonus to A paper label is attached to the cork stopper
damage. with a string. The label reads "aqua glacies
You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and probatum".
slashing damage. Action: Imbibe
If you are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them
After drinking this potion, you become resistant to
or concentrate on them while frenzied.
cold damage for 10 minutes.
Feature: Crash
Feature: Crash
After the blood frenzy ends, you gain a point of
After the potion's effects end, you gain a point of
Potion of Alacrity Potion of Magic Resistance
Uncommon, Consumable, Potion
Rare, Consumable, Potion
Weight: half a pound
Weight: half a pound
Price: 4g
Price: 40g
A phial of opaque grey liquid. It tastes sweet and
A phial of murky purple liquid. It tastes faintly of
A paper label is attached to the cork stopper
A paper label is attached to the cork stopper
with a string. The label reads "aqua alacritatem".
with a string. The label reads "aqua magia
Action: Imbibe immunis".
After drinking this potion, you become incredibly Action: Imbibe
swift for one minute. The swiftness ends early if
After drinking this potion, you gain advantage on
you are knocked unconscious or have Haste cast
saving throws against spells and magic for 10
upon you.
minutes. For example, the save to avoid damage
Your speed is doubled, you gain a +2 bonus to
from a Fireball, or the save to escape being
AC, you have advantage on Dexterity saving
charmed by a Succubus.
throws, and you gain an additional action on each
of your turns. That action can be used only to take Feature: Crash
the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, After the potion's effects end, you gain a point of
Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action. exhaustion.
Feature: Crash
After the swiftness ends, you gain a point of

Potion of Lesser Spell Mantle Potion of Supreme Spell Mantle
Rare, Consumable, Potion Legendary, Consumable, Potion
Weight: half a pound Weight: half a pound
Price: 40g Price: 2,000g
A phial of murky purple liquid. It tastes faintly of A phial of glowing pink liquid. It tastes very
pepper. spicy, like eating West Indian chili peppers.
A paper label is attached to the cork stopper A paper label is attached to the cork stopper
with a string. The label reads "aqua vestimentum with a string. The label reads "aqua vestimentum
incantatio, one part in four". incantatio, pure".

Action: Imbibe Action: Imbibe

After drinking this potion, you absorb magic (from After drinking this potion, you absorb magic (from
friend and foe) for 10 minutes. The effects end friend and foe) for 10 minutes. The effects end
early if you fall unconscious. early if you fall unconscious.
Cantrips aimed at you automatically fail without Cantrips aimed at you automatically fail without
testing the mantle or restoring hitpoints. testing the mantle or restoring hitpoints.
Each time a spell of first level or above would Each time a spell of first level or above would
affect you, roll a 1d4. If the roll is higher than the affect you, roll a 1d20. If the roll is higher than
level of the spell, the spell does not affect you, and the level of the spell, the spell does not affect you,
you regain hitpoints equal to the spell's level. and you regain hitpoints equal to the spell's level.
If the roll is lower than or equal to the level of If the roll is lower than or equal to the level of
the spell, the spell does not affect you, but you do the spell, the spell does not affect you, but you do
not regain hitpoints and the potion's spell mantle not regain hitpoints and the potion's spell mantle
collapses, ceasing further effect on you. collapses, ceasing further effect on you.

Feature: Crash Feature: Crash

After the potion's effects end, you gain a point of After the potion's effects end, you gain a point of
exhaustion. exhaustion.

Potion of Greater Spell Mantle Potion of Draconic Sympathy

Very Rare, Consumable, Potion Legendary, Consumable, Potion
Weight: half a pound Weight: half a pound
Price: 375g Price: 2,000g
A phial of bright purple liquid. It tastes spicy, like A phial of black liquid. It tastes bitter, like
eating East Indian peppercorns. drinking ash.
A paper label is attached to the cork stopper A paper label is attached to the cork stopper
with a string. The label reads "aqua vestimentum with a string. The label reads "aqua draconis
incantatio, half purity". sympathia".

Action: Imbibe Action: Imbibe

After drinking this potion, you absorb magic (from After drinking this potion, for ten minutes dragons
friend and foe) for 10 minutes. The effects end find you fascinating to behold.
early if you fall unconscious. Any dragon who is aware of your presence must
Cantrips aimed at you automatically fail without pass a DC 20 Charisma saving throw or be
testing the mantle or restoring hitpoints. charmed for the remainder of the duration. Such
Each time a spell of first level or above would dragons desire nothing more than to talk to you
affect you, roll a 1d8. If the roll is higher than the and befriend you.
level of the spell, the spell does not affect you, and After the potion's effects end, the dragon will
you regain hitpoints equal to the spell's level. retain a positive opinion of you, but suspicious
If the roll is lower than or equal to the level of behaviour or requests will quickly end this new
the spell, the spell does not affect you, but you do friendship.
not regain hitpoints and the potion's spell mantle If the dragon is attacked by you, the charm
collapses, ceasing further effect on you. effect ends immediately.

Feature: Crash Feature: Crash

After the potion's effects end, you gain a point of After the potion's effects end, you gain a point of
exhaustion. exhaustion.

My Word is my Bond
Magic Black Market Introductions to this shadowy world are hard to
come by. A Rogue or Bard likely has a criminal
Magic items tend to be produced by Arcane Smiths
contact in their home city, who can be appealed to
in cities, and therefore enjoy the guidance,
for a price. A Sorcerer or Warlock might have
standards and training of the city guilds. These
actually sold materials to a magic fence. A
goods will then be bought by the state monopoly to
Huguenot refugee might have wealthy family back
serve the king's interests. But some unscrupulous
in France who use the black market to help hide
spellcasters might avoid guild fees and mandated
from the king's dreaded Dragoons. Underground
prices, producing items without reporting them,
Jews and Muslims in Spain likewise use black
and operating outside the law.
market goods to continue practicing in secret.
This is a major threat to the stability of the
Catholics (and Quakers, Anabaptists and other
realm, since magic items might allow for the
dissenters) suffer legal persecution under
assassination of a ruler, the impersonation of a
mainstream Protestant governments and have
noble, the theft of a merchant's fortune, and so on.
their own networks.
Most governments of Europe try to keep track of
A great deal of trust is needed to enter this
the identity and activities of spellcasters, because
world because exposure by a government
they are so rare and dangerous. You can assume a
informant means death or imprisonment for every
spy is accompanying a licensed spellcaster in their
customer, fence and spellcaster involved, and
everyday business.
perhaps even their families.
Whispered rumours abound of underground black
Customers will undergo much less strutiny if
markets in large cities, where assassins, thieves,
they are from a persecuted minority, who cannot
and heretics buy nefarious goods from the go-
go to the guards without implicating their own
betweens of illicit spellcasters and hidden cults of
crimes. They may even receive a discount if they
pagans and Satanists. Sometimes this takes the
are of the same creed as the seller.
form of a shady den of iniquity like a smoky room
But underground religious groups are
at the back of an inn, but usually buyers and
underground because they feel strongly about their
sellers prefer to have a more legitimate-looking
beliefs, and refuse to convert. A Satanist player
front, where a well-dressed gentleman can sit and
character might be treated with hostility by a
drink coffee with a prim looking lady, exchange
network of underground Christians if matters of
words and packages, and leave without the
religion are discussed.
suspicion of guards or molestation from locals.

Commissioning a Magic Item Player Projects
An underground black market could have a few Player characters can also create, or help others
items on hand for fences to sell, and a few more create, magic items. Some class, feat and
in hidden stashes. But often a customer wishes for background features can reduce times and costs
an item tailored to their needs. The costs will be when a player character is involved in the project.
immense, and some will be paid up front, so the To contribute towards the required Project Size
possibility for betrayal is high. Consider purchasing of a magic item, a player character must be a
a few lower rarity items to establish trust before spellcaster: an Arcane Smith, Bard, Cleric, Druid,
requesting a meeting with the unlicensed Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock or Wizard. A
spellcaster in person to commission an item of masterwork item which is mundane could be made
great value. without magic ability.
More powerful items might require multiple The player character must have proficiency in
spellcasters, possibly experts from several an appropriate tool. Since proficiencies are hard to
disciplines, to collaborate. A custom musket with come by, DMs should be lenient when it comes to
enchantments would need the skills of both a tools - a pike has both wooden and metal
gunsmith and enchanter, while a box of magic components, so it could be crafted with Smith's,
bullets might be made by a small team of Carpenter's or Woodcarver's tools.
apprentices overseen by a master mage. The added Item Appropriate Tool
labour obviously increases costs, but more
individuals involved in a project also increase the Metal Weapons and Smith’s Tools
risk of detection, requiring higher payments to
secure a deal (and more bribes for guards). Wooden Weapons Carpenter’s Tools,
Woodcarver’s Tools
Major Item Leather Armour Leatherworker’s Tools
Item Rarity Price Time Project Size Footwear Cobbler’s Tools
Uncommon 15g 2 weeks 2 spellcasters Clothing and Cloth Weaver’s Tools
Rare 150g 1 month 3 spellcasters Armour
Very Rare 1500g 2 months 4 spellcasters Jewellery Jeweller’s Tools
Legendary 8000g 4 months 5 spellcasters Potions Alchemist's Supplies,
Herbalism Kit
Minor Item Poison Alchemist's Supplies,
Item Rarity Price Time Project Size Poisoner's Kit
Explosives Alchemist's Supplies
Uncommon 8g 1 week 1 spellcaster
Rare 75g 2 weeks 2 spellcasters Alcohol Brewer's Supplies

Very Rare 750g 1 month 3 spellcasters The project must take place in an appropriate
Legendary 4000g 2 months 4 spellcasters setting. This would be somewhere dry and safe,
where the partially completed project could be left
Scroll, Potion or Consumable without danger of theft or damage. A good place
Item Rarity Price Time Project Size would be a workshop or smith's forge.
Common 1g 1 day 1 spellcaster There are no level requirements for crafting
items of high rarity - access to spellcasters, time
Uncommon 4g 3 days 1 spellcaster
and money should be restrictive enough.
Rare 40g 1 week 1 spellcaster
Very Rare 375g 2 weeks 2 spellcasters
Legendary 2000g 1 month 3 spellcasters

A day means 8 hours of work (half a day would

be 4 hours of work).

Magic Items
Please, take a seat, sir. I trust your day has been uneventful? Good. Our mutual friend
wished me to gift you this box of Turkish spiced candies. Please do not open them here. Do
you have the second half of our friend's birthday gift? May I count it? Thank you. ... It all
seems to be in order. Please, finish your coffee before you leave, it is good for the
digestion. If you will excuse me, sir? Good evening.
A Gentleman in a Coffee House

Some items available for purchase or commission from black market dealers are as follows.

Musket of Accuracy
Rare (Requires Attunement), Major Item, Martial Weapon
This flint-lock musket has enchantments spiraling down the inside of its barrel, imparting a spin on any
bullets fired, causing them to fly with much greater accuracy and range. It is a fine weapon, but not overly
ostentatious, with no inlaid gold or silver. Weapons like this are sometimes made for dukes or princes to
hunt deer with, but are usually more impressive to look at.

Price Damage Weight Properties

150g 2d8 piercing 10 pounds +1 to Hit and Damage. Ammunition (range 100/300), heavy, loading, two-handed.

Mageslayer's Bullets
Very Rare, Consumable, Ammunition
Each of the 20 lead balls in this box, weighing an ounce each, has had a powerful abjuration spell woven
into the metal while bubbling in the mould. When fired, the bullet will unleash its spell into the first thing it
impacts. The abjurative spell causes magic to flee the person or object struck, with lingering effects. Such
bullets are used during assassinations of hated Catholic Inquisitors, influential court Wizards, and monarchs
with impatient heirs. The price of the bullets owes to the expertise, time and materials taken to make them,
and the risk involved in being caught with such a blatantly nefarious weapon.

Price Weight Properties

375g 2 Dispel Magic on hit (dispel check on spells higher than level 3 use +8 for spellcasting ability).
pounds Spellcasters hit are unable to cast spells until the end of your next turn.

Heretic's Communion
Uncommon, Minor Item, Wondrous Item
This pale, unadorned cross seems to be made from aspen wood. When one of the six Psalms of Calvin is
sung, the cross briefly shimmers with magic, and one of the six Huguenot Bishops hidden in France, who
own the corresponding crosses, will hear the supplicant's words, and can respond if they desire.
Several crosses like this have fallen into the hands of French and Spanish Inquisitors, and the six
Huguenot Bishops may be sceptical of the supplicant's words, fearing a trap.

Price Weight Properties

8g 1 pound Messages one of six Huguenot Bishops, as if by casting Magic Mouth on a cross they own

Snuffbox of Alertness
Uncommon, Consumable, Wondrous Item
The powder in this small silver box is derived from tobacco leaves, left to dry for months in barrels
during the Atlantic crossing and in warehouses afterwards. The barrel this specimen comes from contained
magical flavourings (a mix of incense, holy water and crushed pearl) to create a great sense of energy and
awareness in the user.
It feels like brisk winter mornings, sugar cubes dissolving on the tongue, fiery red peppers, and a dozen
morning coffees, all at once. The user suffers an exhausting crash after one hour.
The box contains powder enough for 6 uses. The silver box is worth 1gp after all the snuff is gone.
Price Weight Properties
4g 1 pound Contains 6 charges. 1 charge: for one hour, user gains advantage on Perception, Investigation,
Athletics and Acrobatics checks, and has advantage on saving throws against effects causing the
Stunned and Paralyzed conditions. Crash: after one hour, the user gains a point of exhaustion.

Gorgot of Deflection
Rare (Requires Attunement), Major Item, Wondrous Item
This small, curved armoured plate has a leather strap for placing around the neck. Gorgots are usually
ceremonial, but this one exerts strong deflective properties thanks to a transmutation spell upon it. When
blows or bullets are aimed at the wearer's head, the strike is instead drawn towards the better-armoured
gorgot on the chest, hopefully preventing a killing blow.

Price Weight Properties

150g 1 pound Any critical hits against the wearer are converted to ordinary hits.

Saint's Knucklebone
Uncommon (Requires Attunement), Minor Item, Wondrous Item
This is a sought after relic in the Christian faith. After attunement, once per day the owner can hold the
knucklebone and appeal for aid from the Saint in an endeavour related to the Saint's portfolio. The owner
then gains advantage on the first skill check related to the portfolio the owner makes. Some examples are
listed in the Saints and Blessings section.

Price Weight Properties

8g 1 ounce Once per day, gives advantage on a skill check related to the Saint.

Saint's Knucklebone, False

Common (Requires Attunement), Minor Item, Wondrous Item
Some deceitful individuals try to pass off a common knucklebone as having belonged to a Saint. A
spellcaster (or non-spellcaster who attempts to attune to the item) can detect the lack of magic with an
Arcana check against DC 10.
These items often pass through several owners, each trying to desperately recoup their losses by finding
someone just as gullible as them to buy it.
Should the owner "successfully" attune to the item (fail the Arcana check), they will find great confidence
in appealing to the Saint for help, and will gain the benefits of a genuine knucklebone.

Price Weight Properties

nothing (true price), 8g (deception) 1 ounce Once per day, gives advantage on a skill check related to the Saint.

Portable Swivel Gun

Very Rare (Requires Attunement), Major Item, Martial Weapon
This looks like a small calibre cannon from a warship, but it has teeth lining the mouth of the barrel.
It has also been enchanted heavily. The weight of the gun has been reduced so that it is as light as a
musket. There is almost no recoil after firing, even though the plume of black smoke bellows out for twenty
feet. There is no residue of unburned powder left in the barrel, removing the need to clean the weapon.
It fires 20 musket balls in a cone. Creatures in the path of this destruction can try to avoid the worst of
the damage with a DC 15 Dexterity save.
It takes 1 action to load after firing. The gun moves its mouth and sucks down powder and shot while the
barrel pulsates like a lamprey sucking the blood from its prey. Should a character place a hand inside the
barrel, the teeth move and deal 2d6 slashing damage, removing a finger on a roll of 7 or more.

Price Damage Weight Properties

1500g 6d8 piercing (DC 15 Dexterity save for 10 Ammunition (range: 40 foot cone), heavy, loading, two-
half) pounds handed.

Saboteur's Charge
Rare, Consumable, Wondrous Item
This is a large keg of blackpowder with a slow-burning fuze attached. The fuze burns for up to an hour
but can be trimmed down to as little as a minute's burn length. The fuze is not perfectly accurate and could
vary by 20%.
The keg and fuze alone would be mundane, but for an illusion spell infused into the blackpowder. When
the fuze reaches the powder, it creates a small area of perfect quiet, as if the Silence spell were cast. The
effect lasts for just a few seconds, but totally deadens the sound of the explosion and falling masonry and
rubble in the area.
Devices like this are of interest to military spies and professional thieves alike.
Price Weight Properties
40g 25 When exploding: Casts Silence for 1 turn and deals 10d10 fire and 10d10 bludgeoning damage in a 20
pounds foot radius.

Blood-Red Ring
Very Rare (Requires Attunement), Minor Item, Wondrous Item
This is a thin ring of gold, inset with a gorgeous red ruby.
Once per day, the first time a creature kisses the ruby, the power of the ring is unleashed. The creature
immediately suffers the effects of the spell Hold Person, being paralyzed for 1 minute unless they pass a
Wisdom saving throw (DC 16). The creature makes another attempt to save at the end of each of its turns
(except the turn it kissed the ring).
At the same time, the creature suffers the effects of Vampiric Touch, allowing the wearer of the ring to
deal 3d6 necrotic damage to the creature every turn if they succeed on a melee spell attack (the wearer
can choose to either use their own Intelligence and proficiency modifiers, or the combined modifier of 8
inherent to the ring). The wearer heals half the damage dealt.
A ring like this once sparked fears of a vampire infestation in Vienna, but it turned out to be a sadistic
but mortal noble Human, with too much money and too few morals.

Price Weight Properties

750g 1 ounce Casts Hold Person (DC 16) and Vampiric Touch (+8 to hit) on the first creature per day to kiss the ring.

Icon of the Madonna

Uncommon, Minor Item, Wondrous Item
This is a simple painting of the infant Jesus and the Virgin Mary, with beautific halo and adoring eyes.
Unlike mundane paintings of the Madonna, once per day this one blesses the owner and two nearby
companions with the spell Aid cast at 3rd level, raising maximum and current hitpoints by 10 for 8 hours.

To receive Aid from the Madonna, use an action to recite the Gloria Patria:
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
Both now and always, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Educated characters might recite it in Latin:

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto,
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper: et in Saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Price Weight Properties

8g 1 pound Casts Aid (3rd level) once per day.

Pouch of Leaves
Uncommon, Consumable, Wondrous Item
This is a small bag of dried leaves, which rustles gently when held.
The leaves within the bag are ensorcelled with abjuration magic, and just a handful sprinkled behind the
owner will somehow flow and spread even on windless evenings, seeming to multiply as they fall. As the
owner of the pouch moves, the fluttering leaves follow, obscuring the owner and any nearby companions for
an hour, improving their Stealth skill by 10 points and hiding their trail, as if the Pass Without Trace spell
had been cast.
The pouch contains 4 handfuls of leaves.

Price Weight Properties

4g 1 pound Contains 4 charges. 1 charge: cast Pass Without Trace.

Mobile Harem
Legendary, Minor Item, Wondrous Item
This is a Turkish-style tambourine, with golden bells and a silver frame.
Once per day, when the owner shakes and strikes the tambourine, a magical opening appears nearby.
Within the opening is an extradimensional mansion capable of hosting a feast for 24 hours, complete with
sumptuous food and a hundred shimmering servants.
One of the Ottoman Sultans devised the concept of the Mobile Harem when marching in the field during
his battles against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Exhausted by the hardships and frustrated by his
Vizier's inability to organise a proper feast, the Gnomish sovereign retreated to the workshops of
Constantinople for six weeks, only emerging to exclaim his victory and to demonstrate the first such Mobile
Harem. Having neglected palace politics for so long, he was soon murdered in a coup and replaced, but his
invention lives on.

Price Weight Properties

4000g 1 pound Casts Magnificent Mansion once per day.

Holy Grail and Decanter of Greater Eucharist
Legendary, Consumable, Wondrous Item
This is a crystal decanter filled with half a pint of blood, and an accompanying golden chalice (or in
French, a grail).
The principle of transubstantiation holds that the Sacramental wine and bread of the Eucharist transforms
into Christ's own blood and body once ingested. Theurgists have determined that this takes place in the
communicant's gullet, before it enters the stomach and mixes irrevocably with the acids therein. By
removing Christ's blood from the communicant's gullet, material can be gathered for experimentation and
rituals by licensed Clerics and Wizards.
The process of removing the blood is invasive, and most such communicants expire within a few minutes,
so condemned criminals are usually used for this purpose (captured Muslims given a forced Baptism ran out
after the reconquest of Spain). It is theorised that the souls of communicants who were interrupted while
performing the Eucharist will stay in Limbo eternally (around 30,000 had been thusly exsanguinated to
produce Decanters of Greater Eucharist before the practice was forbidden in response to Martin Luther's
95 Theses).
An early use of the blood was to perform experiments of planar communication, but attempts to directly
contact the Lord God merely resulted in tortured screaming, presumably of some demon caught by the
exorcising properties of the blood.
Primary uses for the blood is the control and destruction of demons and undead. By tipping the filled
chalice and sprinkling a portion on the ground, all but the most powerful Devil will be banished back to Hell.
Painting a cross in Christ's blood will consecrate an area. And taking a sip will imbue the drinker with the
power to smite even the greatest fiend.
When no charges remain, the decanter and chalice are each worth 50g and weigh 1 pound.

Price Weight Properties

2000g 3 Contains 6 charges. Use an action to cast one of the following: Hallow (1 charge). Banishing Smite (1
pounds charge). Divine Word (2 charges).

“Not sheep and goats”, said Judas, “but”

31. When the Son of man shall come in his
glory, and all the holy angels with him, then “Together we may dare”
shall he sit upon the throne of his glory “Shake off the chains of tyranny we share”.
32. And before him shall be gathered all nations:
So stand up, stand up, for Judas
and he shall separate them one from another, as
a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats And the cause that Judas served
33. And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, It was Jesus who betrayed the poor with his
but the goats on the left word
The Gospel according to Matthew, Extract from a Satanist folk song
chapter 25

Sword of Saint George
Very Rare (Requires Attunement), Major Item, Martial Weapon
This is a beautiful two-handed thrusting sword, an estoc, with Latin engravings on the blade and gold
filigree on the hilt.
The engravings speak of the death of the dragon Dadianus in the Amanus mountains near Antioch. The
blade is designed to punch through chainmail and the weak joints of plate armour, and could probably
penetrate a dragon's hide.
Religion check (DC 10): The dragon was felled in the year of our Lord 298AD after terrorising local
Christian villages.
History check (DC 10): This clearly cannot be the true sword of Saint George, "Ascalon", as the style of
the blade dates to the 14th century.
History check (DC 20): Weapons like this were made for Knights Hospitaller in the Crusade against
Smyrna, on the west coast of Turkey, in 1343AD. The local Emir of Aydin had entered into alliance with a
dragon and was raiding Christian ships near Greece. The dragon was slain but the crusaders only held the
coast for a few years before retreating back to the island of Rhodes.

Price Damage Weight Properties

4000g 1d12 6 +2 to Hit and Damage. +1d10 radiant damage against Dragons. Finesse, heavy, two-
piercing pounds handed.

Spear of Destiny
Legendary (Requires Attunement), Major Item, Martial Weapon
This ancient, jagged spearhead is stained red with blood. It has been mounted on a newer-looking spear
The fabled Spear of Destiny was used by Roman soldier Longinus to pierce the side of Jesus in an act of
mercy, as he died slowly on the cross. The spearhead is miraculous in never suffering battle damage,
although it has had its haft replaced many times. It is said that this Holy Lance was wielded by a knight of
the Order of Saint Lazarus in the defence of Jerusalem in 1244AD, when the Ayyubid sultanate attacked
and destroyed the city. The knight stood in front of the altar at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and slew
hundreds of invaders. Arrows would not pierce him and swords would not touch him. He was finally
crushed beneath the weight of the dead and the Holy Lance was lost to history.

Price Damage Weight Properties

8000g 1d12 piercing 6 pounds +3 to Hit and Damage. +3 to Armour Class. Reach, heavy, two-handed.

Girard's Grasping Graft

Rare (Requires Attunement), Major Item, Wondrous Item
This is a bronze arm, articulated at the elbow, wrist and fingers. At the shoulder is a wicked looking
barbed spike poking from a ball on bearings. When the arm is held, it attempts to grab nearby objects.
Girard of Avignon, an Arcane Smith in the court of Pope Pius V, produced the first of these magical-
mechnical devices, in service to a baron who had lost an arm in a tourney. Girard went into full scale
production after the baron re-entered the lists and won a glorious victory.
The spike can be plunged into either an empty arm socket to replace a lost arm, or into the lower ribcage
if the owner desires three arms. A fourth arm could be attached on the opposite side (each arm requires
attunement); four arms is the most that can reasonably fit a humanoid torso.
The arm must be of appropriate size. Most existing Grasping Grafts are of medium size, fitted for a
Human, but small or large arms could also be produced.
The arm must be attuned to before it conforms to the owner's will, after which it acts like a normal arm,
without needing to be commanded telepathically or otherwise. The arm allows the owner to make a strike
with the weapon it holds if the owner attacks with an action, reaction or bonus action. This can only happen
once per round (Extra Attack doesn't affect the arm).
The wound from the spike will never heal so long as the arm is inserted into the owner's body. The owner
must sacrifice one Hit Dice after every long rest to maintain the use of the arm, or else suffer 2d6
necrotic damage and lose attunement for that day.
To remove the arm, either cast Remove Curse on the arm, which will cause the spike to retract briefly,
or else pull out the barbed spike (Athletics DC 20 check), inflicting 10d6 piercing damage on the owner.
Price Weight Properties
150g 30 pounds Owner has an extra arm.

Ship Combat
If the party has acquired a vessel, it is likely they Statistics
will encounter pirates or privateers of enemy Each ship has a Hull value, representing sturdiness
nations. These rules focus on combat, rather than in the face of combat, and a Broadside value, being
ship management. Other publications have dealt the number of guns brought to bear in a salvo. The
with management in depth. But the combat in accuracy of naval ordnance is severely diminished
those publications can leave players without much by the swell of the waves, so its effective range is
to do if they aren't the captain. These rules are just 750 feet, and a broadside is often delivered at
intended to be very simple and fast, and give just 325 feet – musket shot range, about 3 ships'
everyone a chance to contribute. lengths.
There are 2 phases each turn: the Engagement A sailing ship cruises at a speed of about 6
and Pursuit phase, and the Gun Crews, Fire! phase. knots, or 10 feet per second, but measurements of
Both ships fire at each other whoever wins the precise speed and distance are too hard to take in
first phase, but the winner gets to decide the the chaos of battle.
distance, and shoots first.

A ship is always assumed to have enough crew to
manage all aspects of a ship's functions, whether
loading and firing guns in battle, reefing or
unfurling sail, or tending to day to day needs.
Into the ordinary Able Bodied seamen of the
crew are added the party, whose exceptional
talents make them prized additions both in
captaining a vessel and in the ensuing combat.
Spellcasters can put in place magical barriers
which deflect incoming shot. Martial classes can
lay guns with efficient speed and aim them with
great accuracy. Half-casters can do either.
So strong is the influence of the party on their
crew, that the crew are likely to surrender if all
the player characters have been knocked
unconscious by battle.

The Battle of Lepanto, 1571

"Miguel de Cervantes", by Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau

Chain of Command Magical Interference
Before ship combat begins (hopefully before the Each turn, spellcasters can summon up enough
ship sets sail!) the party needs to agree on a chain mystical energy to make one Magical Interference,
of command. Besides the captain, the particular either in Engagement and Pursuit, or in Gun
ranks differ from ship to ship, Royal Navy vessels Crews, Fire!, but not both. Choose your timing
having lieutenants and midshipmen; pirates and carefully.
privateers having a quartermaster, sailing master,
gunner and bosun (boatswain); while merchantmen Storm, Sea and Fire, Heed My Call
have a first, second and third mate, and a bosun. In the Engagement and Pursuit phase, spellcasters
on each side can add to their captain's outcome
Mechanically, this determines both who is
making the decision to engage or flee, and the (this can be declared after the result is known – it
is, after all, magic). The winds and tides are bent
order in which players are shot at. In a bow or
stern chase, only the captain is in direct danger. to the Wizard's whims; sea beasts and birds throw
Thus the sword of Damocles looms perilously themselves against the Druid's enemies; and the
closer. face of the Madonna herself appears on a cloud,
guaranteeing the Cleric's success. The spellcaster
Mages as Captains chooses either an Animal Handling, Arcana or
Captaining a ship is an exhausting task all by itself, Religion check. For every 5 points scored, add 1 to
and a spellcaster will be unable to both command the captain's outcome for determining the winner
the vessel and muster mystical energy. They can of the Engagement and Pursuit phase.
still be captain, but must forgo their Magical
Interference ability. Base Metals Bend
In the Gun Crews, Fire! phase, spellcasters can
The Captain is Hit! either guide a friendly cannonball to its mark,
In the event of the captain being wounded, the automatically succeeding on its To Hit roll, or can
first mate etc will begin making choices on deflect an incoming cannonball, ignoring the
whether to fight or flee, and likewise a spellcaster outcome of its Damage roll (or rolls, if an enemy
in that role gives up their Magical Interference. spellcaster deflects a lucky martial character's
Again, the spellcaster can choose to Interfere
Distances after the dice has been rolled. It's entirely possible
There are three distances: long shot range, musket for one spellcaster to guide an erring cannonball
shot range, and boarding. In the event a ship closes to its mark, only for an opposing spellcaster to
to board, these rules cease to apply and a deflect it into the sea after seeing it hurtle
conventional combat begins, with characters towards him.
fighting one another with sword and spell. In the
event a ship flees out of long shot, ship combat
ends as the vessels gradually lose sight of one

The carrack Victoria, 1522

72 “El Fuimos los primeros”, by Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau
Engagement and Pursuit Musketry
Firing a musket at long shot distance is DC20.
In this phase, the captains of the ships have a Firing at musket range is DC15. Landing the shot
battle of wills to determine how combat proceeds. (dexterity to hit) will wound 1 enemy crewman.
The captains of both vessels make a check of
their skill at handling the ship and its crew. Each Artillery
captain chooses one: Insight or History, to predict Firing a cannon at long shot distance is DC15.
the opposing captain's course of action; Firing a cannon at musket range is DC10. The
Intimidation, Persuasion or Performance, to party member laying the gun can opt to use either
inspire (or incite) the crew to great (or savage) Athletics or Acrobatics to assist in loading,
deeds; or Nature, to sail closer to the wind than a Perception to assist in aiming, or Intimidation,
seasoned mariner has any right to. The rolls of Persuasion or Performance to command the gun
both captains are compared and the winner (coin crew.
toss to decide a draw) picks how the combat In the event of a cannon ball hitting a vessel, roll
ensues: if at musket shot range, they can widen a d6 on the ship damage table. In the event the DC
the gap to long shot range, or stay at musket shot is exceeded by 5, roll twice; by 10, roll three
range and present a broadside, or close to a times, and so on.
boarding action; if at long shot range, they can
break off combat altogether, or stay at long shot Ship Damage Table
range and deliver a broadside, or close to musket d6 Damage
shot range. 1 Holed below the waterline! Subtract 2 from the
After the winner has plotted the course of ship's Hull. 2 enemy Crew are wounded or killed.
events, the turn moves to the Gun Crews, Fire! 2/3 Smashed a bulkhead! Subtract 1 from the ship's
phase. Both captains will either fire their full Hull. 2 enemy Crew are wounded or killed.
broadside, or a single bow or stern chaser – the 4/5 Splinters everywhere! 3 enemy Crew are wounded
slower captain will follow suit, having been or killed. The party member being shot at takes 1d6
outsmarted or outsailed. piercing and 1d6 slashing damage.
6 Turned to strawberry jam! 4 enemy Crew are
wounded or killed. The party member being shot at
Gun Crews, Fire! takes 2d6 piercing and 2d6 slashing damage.
In this phase, cannonballs scream through the air
and crews scream in turn as splinters and Being Shot At
shrapnel fly about. Both ships get to fire at one Party members take turns being the target of
another. The vessel which won the Engagement incoming shots, from senior to junior rank. The
and Pursuit phase fires first, followed by the other senior officers are likely to be wounded the most
vessel. If they are maintaining range (not closing quickly, but at least everyone will get a turn being
or fleeing), both ships get the full Broadside value. the captain! Any party member knocked
If either ship is fleeing, it turns to show its single unconscious by damage is taken belowdecks to the
stern chaser and the pursuer turns to show its ship's doctor, where they are stabilised but remain
single bow chaser. unconscious for the rest of the battle.
After the cannon and musketry have been
resolved, return to the Engagement and Pursuit
phase for a new turn.
When firing a bow or stern chaser, the captain
can opt to aim a gun himself, or pick a martial
party member with keener eyes. But incoming
shots will endanger the captain whoever lays the
gun. Idle martial party members fire muskets
If a broadside is being fired, the captain and
every martial party member each fires a gun. Any
spare martial party members without a gun fires a
musket. Any guns without party members to fire
them get a d20 to land a hit, with no modifiers
(and no multiple strikes if exceeding the DC).

Victory or Defeat Prize Money
In the event that a ship is reduced to no Hull The loot from a ship, and the cash raised by selling
points, it sinks (its crew must board rowing boats off the captured prize at auction, are traditionally
or swim ashore with much equipment lost). If the shared between some or all of: the victorious ship's
party is knocked unconscious, the friendly crew crew, the captain commanding the ship, the
surrenders to the enemy. remainder of the officers, the admiral
Enemy crews will surrender if they suffer many commanding the theatre of operations, the
casualties, have a damaged ship, a bad captain, or governor of the local colony, the widows and
some combination thereof. orphans of the dead, the invalid sailors at home,
At the end of a turn in which the enemy and the king or government.
sustained any damage, the enemy captain makes a This may be enforced by the courts of the
morale check (using any skill he wishes) against a victor's nation. If the ship is a privateer rather
DC 0 check using the following modifiers: than a military ship, they may need permission
from the court to sell the captured ship,
Morale Check Table permission which is contingent upon obeying the
DC prize share rules.
modifier Cause
Suggested Distribution of Prize Money
+5 The ship is a merchant vessel and its losses
are insured Recipient Prize Share
-5 The ship is a pirate ship and the crew will Charity 30%
be executed as criminals if captured Government 10%
-5 The players are flying a pirate flag, or have Officers (PCs) 30%
no flag at all
Crew (NPCs) 30%
+5 A quarter of the crew are killed and
+5 Half the crew are killed and wounded
+5 Three quarters of the crew are killed and
+5 The ship lost a quarter of its hull points
+5 The ship lost half of its hull points
+5 The ship lost three quarters of its hull
-5 The players are known to torture or
execute prisoners
+5 The players are known to release prisoners

If the captain fails the morale check, he strikes

his colours and surrenders his ship to the players.

Sails Ahoy Hull: 60
Broadside: 8 guns
Here are some suggestions on enemies the party Crew: 100
might meet at sea. Common pirate foes are Spellcasters: 0
Goblins, Kobolds and Humans. Privateers can be Ship value: 10,000 gold sovereigns
crewed by adventurers of all races. Merchantmen
tend to be crewed by cunning Dwarfs and
Loot value: 100,000 silver dollars
ambitious Gnomes. Despite the name, Men of War This large merchant vessel carries spices from
are often crewed by disciplined Elves and tough afar. It could be mistaken for a warship at a
Orcs, in addition to Humans. distance.
The captain is a veteran of the East India
Pirate Pinnace Company (Intimidation 5) and will eagerly smash
Hull: 20 pirates to pieces at close range.
Broadside: 2 guns
Crew: 50 Coast Guard Cutter
Spellcasters: 0 Hull: 30
Ship value: 1,000 gold sovereigns Broadside: 3 guns
Loot value: 10,000 silver dollars Crew: 40
Spellcasters: 0
This small boat combines sails with oars, as it Ship value: 1,500 gold sovereigns
races out from a hidden cove to board and
overwhelm passing merchants.
Loot value: 5,000 silver dollars
The captain is a bloodthirsty maniac This is a small vessel powered by sails. It fights
(Intimidation 3) and so are his crew. pirates and intercepts smugglers to ensure taxes
and tariffs are paid on goods.
Privateer Sloop The captain is a retired naval officer with a peg-
Hull: 40 leg and an inexperienced crew (Intimidation 2).
Broadside: 4 guns
Crew: 50 Man of War
Spellcasters: 2 Hull: 80
Ship value: 3,000 gold sovereigns Broadside: 10 guns
Loot value: 10,000 silver dollars Crew: 200
Spellcasters: 1
These adventurers are seeking profit while Ship value: 25,000 gold sovereigns
skirting the boundaries of the law. Loot value: 50,000 silver dollars
The captain is cunning (Insight 4) and will try to
stay at long shot distance as she decides if the This twenty gun galleon is a terror to pirates.
target is worth the risk of attacking. The captain is a seasoned master (Nature 5)
determined to do her duty. She will try to stay at
Merchantman musket shot range and pound the enemy into
Hull: 40 submission.
Broadside: 2 guns
Crew: 30 Treasure Galleon
Spellcasters: 0 Hull: 80
Ship value: 2,000 gold sovereigns Broadside: 12 guns
Loot value: 20,000 silver dollars Crew: 300
Spellcasters: 2
A cargo of dried fish or raw wool isn't the stuff Ship value: 50,000 gold sovereigns
of legends, but it pays the bills.
The captain is a skittish coward (Persuasion 1)
Loot value: 1,500,000 silver dollars
who just wants to go home to his wife and This huge vessel has been commissioned by the
children. king of Spain to transport gold and silver from the
New World.
The captain is an educated nobleman (History 5)
with a capable crew. He will avoid combat and
seek to deliver his precious cargo to Seville as
soon as possible.

Wars and Mass Combat
"War is the continuation of politics by other means", as a German will say in 1832. Kings and emperors of
Europe are absolutist monarchs, and see the state's goals and their own whims as one and the same. An
insult to a monarch delivered by pen and paper may be responded to with cannon and pike.
But though prestige of the royal legacy is a factor, economics is also a motivation for going to war. The
prince of Prussia looks longingly at the Austrian possessions in Silesia, rich with iron, coal and hemp.
The main reason for launching an offensive war, however, is to prevent other countries doing so first.
France and England are forever at each others throat in the Americas, to cut the other off from expansion.
Spain and France fight to stop the other inheriting even more lands, which might tip the balance of power
too far. And the vital corridor through Savoy and Franche-Comté that links Spain to its holdings in Italy
and the Netherlands has been drenched in the blood of soldiers from every corner of Europe.
Selling guns and swords to monarchs is profitable for cities untouched by war, but where the battlefields
are drawn, war tears up the fabric of society and destroys every economic endeavour. Fighting a war on a
rival's doorstep is a good way to save a king's domain from being ravaged first.

The Battle of Rocroi, 1643

“Rocroi, el último tercio”, by Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau
Battle is Joined
A Military Campaign During this time the defending army will muster
and fight back.
The Habsburgs have vast lands, but most major
The commanders of the armies make opposing
powers in Europe are arrayed against them. If you
rolls, picking either History, to draw on their
want to move things in a new direction, roll a d8
education; Performance, to inspire the troops;
and a d4:
Persuasion, to organise the colonels effectively;
d8 State Target Intimidation, to scare the enemy into mistakes; or
Insight, to outwit the enemy commander.
1 France Habsburg Italy
2 England Habsburg Belgium Attacker's
roll minus
3 Holland Habsburg Belgium defender's
4 Sweden Northern Germany roll Outcome of the battle Losses
5 Brandenburg Habsburg Austria -5 or less Attacking army is 5,000
6 Habsburg Spain France defeated and flees in attackers,
confusion. Attacking 2,000
7 Habsburg Austria Central Germany commander is captured. defenders
8 Habsburg Belgium Holland -4 to 0 Attacking army is 4,000
confounded and unable to attackers,
d4 Campaign goal Loot Prestige Time overcome the defender. 3,000
1 Besiege a Fortress 20,000g High 3 months 1 to 5 Attacker fights a bloody 3,000
2 Conquer a Large City 50,000g High 1 month campaign and wins attackers,
narrowly, accomplishing 4,000
3 Loot a Small City 20,000g Moderate 2 weeks its goal. defenders
4 Burn a Town 5,000g Low 1 week 6 or more Attacker fights a 2,000
lightning campaign, attackers,
This creates a large scale scenario which plays destroying the defending 5,000
army. Defending defenders
out whether or not the party is involved. If the commander is captured.
party are caught in the middle, such as by being in
a country targeted for invasion, prices will Disease and Famine
skyrocket, refugees clog the roads, and city After the battle, the losses continue to mount. Both
guardsmen become suspicious and heavy handed. armies are wracked with disease and must
scavenge for food on their way home. The
Mustering an Army commanders of both armies must make a check
An army has around 20,000 soldiers. Assume a
against either Nature, to ration existing supplies
state takes about 1 week and 20,000g to muster
efficiently; Survival, to loot supplies from villagers;
2,000 soldiers into an infantry regiment. If the
Medicine, to heal the sick; or Animal Handling, to
party is leading a unit, they are likely colonels of
scout the land with cavalry.
regiments (2,000 men). Replacements cost 10g
The DC of the check is the number of surviving
per soldier to equip with cuirass, pike and musket.
soldiers in thousands. Success results in 10%
Player characters could lend their skills to the
casualties, as wounded soldiers succumb to their
commander, if both are willing. A noble
injuries. Failing results in 20% of the survivors
commander is unlikely to seek aid from a mere
perishing or deserting. Failing by 5 or more
mercenary, but would share the prestige of victory
results in 40% losses, as starving soldiers flee in
with a knight or lord. Promotion into the nobility
every direction.
is assured for colonels in a successful campaign.

The Adventure
After making introductions, Pieter Schenk
A Note on Religious Strife apologises for the need to bring Catholics and
This is a time of religious war, and players might Protestants under the same roof, but says that the
be concerned that proponents of different religions coin all can earn from this endeavour will surely
might not work well in the same party. The lore make up for the damage to one's immortal soul.
on magic users indicates where a character's Pieter says that soldiers of the king of Sweden
loyalties would lie if he or she were meticulously have been marching through northern Germany
trained and believed wholeheartedly in the for a few weeks now, as is known across
doctrines they were exposed to. Amsterdam. What is not known is that some
But some free-thinkers may escape the soldiers strayed too far into the swamps of Frisia,
conditioning, some heretics may convert to the and intruded into the lagoon lair of the ancient
true faith in the face of majesty or tragedy, and Bronze Dragon Sitalophrax.
some sceptics might merely play along with Most dragons are an orderly lot, with long
religious organisations in order to gain more memories and strong senses of duty. The dragon
power. Additionally, while strong religious beliefs Sitalophrax made oaths with the emperors of
can lead to strife with other religious characters, Germany centuries ago, but these pacts lapsed with
such strife may be an entertaining form of drama. the deaths of the mortals who forged them.
In short, don't let the lore of this setting stand in Messengers from the Habsburg courts were turned
the way of your fun. away when they asked for aid against France and
Holland – dragons see themselves as the equals of

The Party kings, not their servants. But the soldiers of

Sweden awoke Sitalophrax, looted fishing villages
There could be any number of reasons a party which provide him with food, and insulted his
forms. These are dangerous times, and dignity by demanding he side with Sweden.
opportunities abound. Listed below are examples of Those Swedish troops are now fighting for their
adventures awaiting those whose bravery verges lives against the Bronze Dragon. Pieter says that
on the foolhardy. they will likely be destroyed within a week, which
leaves the party just enough time to sail to Frisia,
The Perfidious Pilferers loot the dragon's lair, and escape.
Pieter knows the location of the lair (he refuses
Our story begins in a tavern in Amsterdam, the
to say how he obtained it), and will accompany the
smokey room filled with hushed talk about news of party as they defend him from pirates during the
the Swedish king's invasion of Pomerania. The voyage there and back. If necessary, the party
party has been brought together by the innkeeper, might need to distract the dragon during the
Pieter Schenk, who has an item of news to share. plunder. He does not expect to have to kill the
Fortunately, all those present speak English. The noble monster.
backstories of the characters should explain this. This dragon hoard is rumoured to have tribute
Some examples: dating back to Charlemagne, and even gifts from
An Irish mercenary, recently paid-off from the Ostrogoths who sacked Rome. All those seated
their company. at the table could be as rich as princes this time
next week. What say you, friends?
A minor English noble, hoping to join the
infamous Teutonic Knights.

A sailor turned pirate, fresh from attacking

Danish shipping in the North Sea.

A wealthy merchant with connections across


A Scottish Catholic, self-exiled after the fall of

the Stuarts.

A spy from the court of a king, looking for


An accountant investigating insurance fraud for

a London company.

Sitalophrax, the Jade Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The dragon
uses one of the following breath
Watcher weapons.
Gargantuan Dragon, lawful good Lightning Breath The dragon exhales
lightning in a 120-foot line that is 10
Armor Class 22 (natural armour) feet wide. Each creature in that line
Hit Points 444 (24d4 + 192) must make a DC 23 Dexterity saving
Speed 40ft., fly 80ft., swim 40ft. throw, taking 88 (16d10) lightning
damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.
Repulsion Breath The dragon exhales
29 (+9) 10 (+0) 27 (+8) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 21 (+5)
repulsion energy in a 30-foot cone.
Each creature in that are must
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +15, Wis +10, Cha succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving
+12 throw. On a failed save, the creature
Skills Insight +10, Perception +17, Stealth +7 is pushed 60 feet away from the
Damage Immunities lightning dragon.
Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive
Perception 27 Change Shape. The dragon magically
Languages Draconic, Latin, Dutch, Low German polymorphs into a humanoid or beast
Challenge 22 (30,000 XP) that has a challenge rating no higher
than its own, or back into its true
Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air form. It reverts to its true form if it
and water. dies. Any equipment it is wearing or
carrying is absorbed or borne by the
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon new form (the dragon's choice).
fails a saving throw, it can choose to
In a new form, the dragon retains its
succeed instead. alignment, hitpoints, Hit Dice, ability to
speak, proficiencies, Legendary
Actions Resistance, lair actions, and
Multiattack. The dragon can use its Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma
Frightful Presence. It then makes scores, as well as this action. Its
three attacks: one with its bite and statistics and capabilities are
two with its claws. otherwise replaced by those of the
new form, except any class features
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, and legendary actions of that form.
reach 15ft., one target. Hit 20 (2d10 +
9) piercing damage. Legendary Actions
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, The dragon can take 3 legendary
reach 10ft., one target. Hit 16 (2d6 + actions, choosing from the options
9) slashing damage. below. Only one legendary action can
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach be used at a time and only at the end
20ft., one target. Hit 18 (2d8 + 9) of another creature's turn. The dragon
bludgeoning damage. regains spent legendary actions at the
start of its turn.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the
dragon's choice that is within 120 feet Detect The dragon makes a Wisdom
of the dragon and is aware of it must (Perception) check.
succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving
Tail Attack The dragon makes a tail
throw or become frightened for 1
minute. A creature can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions) The dragon
turns, ending the effect on itself on a beats its wings. Each creature within
success. If the creature's saving throw 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on
is successful or the effect ends for it, a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw or
the creature is immune to the dragon's take 16 (2d6 +9) bludgeoning damage
Fightful Presence for 24 hours. and be knocked prone. The dragon can
then fly up to half its flying speed.

Encounters of Social Grace and of Mortal Peril
This section contains suggestions for encounters which can be adapted them to the party's circumstances as
needed, with difficulty and rewards adjusted upwards or downwards.

Europeans encounter the Grand Canyon, 1540

“La conquista del Colorado”, by Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau
The Forgers If the players come across the scene of the crime,
An official of the city (a customs agent in a coastal the Master Smith could try to hide evidence using
city, else a bailiff of the court) approaches the his Arcanist's Magic Aura spell. For example, he
party. Counterfeit coins have been appearing and could make the coin press appear to radiate with
the official will pay each member of the party 50 Illusion magic, and claim that someone is trying to
silver dollars for successfully finding the base of frame him. He could make someone else's shop
operations of the forgery gang. The official makes radiate with Transmutation magic, to frame them.
sure the party will be discrete, saying the gang
may leave the city if they suspect they are being Smith's Appearance
investigated. The Master Smith wears a magic chain forged of
The gang is run by a respected nobleman who Gold and Lead links. If the Smith has used
needs to pay off gambling debts. The banker he is Arcanist's Magic Aura to hide evidence or frame
indebted to acts as the launderer, adding a few someone else, the Chains of Specialism worn by
counterfeits to every legitimate transaction made the Smith would be a clue. A fellow Arcane Smith
between travelling merchants. The official strongly amongst the player characters could be reminded
suspects all of this, but doesn't wish to anger the that specialists in Lead can manipulate magical
local nobles and merchants by arresting two auras. Other spellcasters could remember this by
important pillars of the community, hence hiring passing a DC 15 Arcana or History check.
the party. The official is incensed at the betrayal
of the law by these hypocritical men, but lacks the Loose Lips Sink Ships
courage to ruin his own career to see justice done. If the party talks openly about their investigation
The official will not name the nobleman, instead with anyone directly involved in the forging gang
relying on the party to uncover rumours and make (noble, Master Smith or banker), the gang will
the accusation. hire a team of lower class street thugs to
assassinate the party. The Master Smith might
Investigation Leads accompany the thugs (if the party are level 4+).
The official gives the party a sample of counterfeit
dollars and ducats, each snapped in half to prevent
use by the party. The official gives the party some
pointers for their investigation: the higher quality
Street Thug
Medium humanoid, chaotic evil
gold counterfeits are lead cores hammered into
shape on a press, then plated with gold leaf, so the Armor Class 12 (Unarmoured)
operation must be taking place in an artisan Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 4)
district to mask the noise. The press uses a die to Speed 30ft.
make the proper indentations, which is a hefty
investment of capital, so it must be a wealthy
merchant. The lower quality silver counterfeits are STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
cast from 9 parts tin to 1 part silver, so they need 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
access to shipments of fuel and metal. Casting
molten materials requires the technical knowledge Senses passive Perception 11
of a blacksmith. Languages one common (Dutch, French etc)
There are many false leads that can match the Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
criteria: the gunsmith's shop, the sword smithy,
the armour factory, a blacksmith's shop making
pots and cutlery, a farrier's smithy making
horseshoes, a wheelwright making and repairing Multiattack. The thug makes two melee
carriages and wheelbarrows. attacks with his Rapier and Dagger.
The nobleman's debts are common knowledge in Rapier and Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
the wealthier inns, since he is totally unable to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 7 (1d8 +
restrain himself at the cards table. He is also 2) piercing damage.
known to own a jeweller's workshop run by an
Arcane Smith. This is the front to the operation.

Corrupt Guards
The city guard are generally reluctant to help, but
a guard sergeant will offer to accompany the party
to make gaining access to buildings easier, for 10
silver dollars. Complying will gain the party a
useful witness in the trial of the gang leaders.

Jeweller's Shop
Human Master Smith The jeweller's shop consists of the show room
where customers view jewellery, and a workshop
Medium humanoid, lawful neutral in the back with work benches, tools, machines
and stockpiles of fuel and scrap metal. The Master
Armor Class 16 (Cuirass and Helmet)
Smith's apartment is on the floor above, accessed
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)
through stairs in the back alley.
Speed 30ft.
Staff at the shop consist of two well dressed
guards with pistols and rapiers, a shop assistant
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA (secretly a government spy), two apprentice
jewellers learning the Arcane Smith's trade, and
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 9 (-1)
the Master Smith running the technical side of the
forging gang.
Senses passive Perception 13
Access to the back room is barred from the
Skills Arcana +5, Athletics +6, Perception +3,
Religion +5, History +5 show room (DC 25 Athletics to knock the door
Languages Latin and two common (Dutch, French down). The door to the back alley has a high
etc) quality lock (DC 20 to lockpick).
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 The show room is dusty and has few items on
display (12 silver rings worth 1s each, 4 gold rings
Spellcasting. The Smith is a sixth level worth 5s each, and 2 gold necklaces worth 1g
spellcaster, using Intelligence for his each). No customers enter while the party are
modifier (spell save DC 13, spell attack present. If the party wishes to trade in gems, the
modifer +5). He has Specialisms in shop only has 10g of diamond dust available and
Gold and Lead, which give him the will not buy any materials (the nobleman owner
following spells: has little aptitude for business, hence his reliance
on counterfeiting). The party can clearly hear
1st level (4 slots): Identify, Burning hammering from the back room. If players do not
Hands, Mage Armor make the connection, characters with an interest
2nd level (3 slots): Magic Weapon, in commerce can make a DC 10 Insight check to
Heat Metal, Arcanist's Magic Aura see the disparity between the barren shop shelves
3rd level (3 slots): Protection from and the expensive guards and assistant.
Energy, Fireball, Counterspell In the workshop are work benches for making
jewellery (dusty from lack of use), plus plaster
Concentration Aide. The Smith can moulds for casting counterfeit silver dollars and a
concentrate on two spells, so long as press with steel dies for imprinting coin faces onto
one targets himself and the other
blank lead discs.
targets a friendly creature. He still
needs two slots and two actions to cast
the spells. Valuables on the workshop floor amount to:
Single Use Pistol. The Smith carries a a few ounces of gold leaf, worth 3g
flintlock pistol in a holster. He drops it
after use. 200 blank discs of lead, worth 2s

a pound of scrap silver cutlery, worth 50s

Multiattack. The Smith makes two melee 20 five-pound ingots of tin, worth in total 50s
attacks with his Sledgehammer. (each ingot is worth 2s 5d)

Sledgehammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to 4 sets of jeweller's tools, each worth 2g 5s

hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 9
(1d10+3) bludgeoning damage. Counterfeit coins with face values of 300 silver
dollars and 50 gold guilders.
Flintlock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 8
(1d10+2) piercing damage.

Government Spy
Every licensed mage in the city has a spy keeping
watch to prevent illicit spell use. The spy watching
the Master Smith is posing as a shop assistant in
the jeweller's workshop. He has uncovered the
conspiracy and is being paid off to keep his silence.
(DC 15 Perception to notice unusually fine clothes
for a shop assistant).
If questioned by the players about the forging
gang, he realises their investigation will
incriminate him for not doing his job. If the player
characters seem competent, he secretly offers to
testify against the gang (he knows the game is up,
and wants to be recognised by his spymaster for
ending a threat to the city). If the party are
unprofessional, he will help the gang murder the
party (to keep his bribes secret).

The Trial
If the party correctly uncovers the gang's identity,
the official will put anyone accused by the party on
trial for counterfeiting, and advocate for their
If the players are able to impress the judge (at
least one non-party witness, plus one player
character acting as witness and making a DC 15
Performance or Persuasion check), the accused
are convicted and executed.
If the players fail to convince the judge, the
banker (if accused) offers to pay restitution to the
city, of 500 guilders, and the nobleman asks to
talk to the judge in private, where he offers him a
bribe of some antique furniture. The judge issues a
pardon to both and they are released. The Arcane
Smith (if accused) and his employees will take the
blame and be executed.

After the trial, the party will become hated by the
city nobles and merchants, just as the official
feared. If any ringleaders (nobleman, banker or
Arcane Smith) were executed, he pays the party
50 silver dollars each, as promised, and sadly
advises them to leave the city quietly before
revenge is dished out.
If the government spy testified, the spymaster
might contact the party with opportunities for
If the party accuses the wrong shop owner, the
official will make a half-hearted attempt at a
prosecution but the case will be dismissed for lack
of evidence. The gang ceases activity for a few
weeks and the official ends his relationship with
the party.

If the party has the evidence, the innkeep will be
The Highwaymen arrested and hanged, and the party rewarded with
The party has elected to travel by horse or by a purse of ten gold ducats. If the party only has
coach to another city. Along the way they stop for the son (captured or dead), then they receive a
the night at an inn. purse of fifty silver dollars. If they were unable to
The innkeeper is in league with local defeat the bandit leader but report the incident to
highwaymen. In fact, the bandits are led by the the authorities, they are not rewarded but are
innkeeper's son. The stablehand (“hostler”) is assured that a patrol will be sent down the road as
responsible for checking the victims' luggage for soon as possible. The patrol naturally finds no sign
valuables, to ascertain whether they are worth the of the bandits, just some friendly farm workers at
risk of robbing. The innkeeper's son will engage a coaching inn.
the party in conversation, to discover any magical
talents and martial skills (“you slew a gang of
goblins? That's amazing. What weapons did you use?
Did you fight them hand to hand?”). The
innkeeper's daughter is responsible for plying the
victims with alcohol to keep them groggy the next
morning. The innkeeper's wife is responsible for
emptying any firearms the party has while they
sleep (“just cleaning up after you, go back to sleep

The Ambush
“Stand and deliver! Your money or your life!”
After the party leaves the inn, the highwaymen
will ambush the party 1 mile out from the inn,
appearing on the road 60 feet ahead with pistols
aimed to kill.
“We are gentlemen of the highway, and this is
the law of the road. You must pay the toll.”
The highwaymen consist of the clever
innkeeper's son, plus a group of hulking nephews
and friends from nearby farms. The bandits know
what valuables to demand if the party surrenders
(they will demand about half the wealth they know
about, to encourage the victims not to resist).

If the party fights back, and slays or captures the
innkeeper's son, they will immediately recognise
him after removing the handkerchief from his
face. If they confront the innkeeper, he will
initially plead ignorance. If they intimidate or
insight him (DC made easier by catching the staff
doing suspicious things earlier), he will offer them
a bribe of four match-lock pistols and a cache of
valuables worth fifty silver dollars taken from the
last few victims.
The party could turn the innkeeper over to a
local magistrate, if they turn over enough evidence
(two of the following: the son, dead or alive; an
account of the innkeeper's confession; the last
victim's possessions; a fellow guest who witnessed
the confrontation with the innkeeper).

Highwayman Leader Highwayman
Medium humanoid, chaotic neutral Medium humanoid, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 14 (Breastplate) Armor Class 12 (Unarmoured)

Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 6) Hit Points 43 (5d8 + 15)
Speed 30ft. Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 8 (-1)

Senses passive Perception 13 Senses passive Perception 11

Languages two common (Dutch, French etc) Languages one common (Dutch, French etc)
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Brace of Pistols. The Highwayman Leader Single Use Pistol. The Highwayman carries
carries 4 matchlock pistols in a matchlock pistol in a holster. He
holsters. He drops them after use. drops it after use.

Actions Actions
Multiattack. The Highwayman Leader Multiattack. The Tough Highwayman
makes two attacks, melee or ranged makes two melee attacks with his
(firing a pistol with each hand). Rapier and Dagger.

Rapier and Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to Rapier and Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 7 hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 7
(1d8+2) (1d8+2) piercing damage.
Matchlock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to Matchlock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, range 0/60 ft., one target. Hit: 8 hit, range 0/60 ft., one target. Hit: 8
(1d10+2) piercing damage. (1d10+2) piercing damage.

The Great Stink
The waterways of the city are stinking to high
heaven as of late. This is mentioned as unusual by
locals in inns and shops. The party hears that local
merchants are offering a bounty of 200 silver
dollars to any person or persons who can resolve
the stench. Nobles can simply leave the city and go
to their rural estates so the ruling class is not
dealing with the issue.

The Ooze
The source of the stench is a blockage in one of
the many underground rivers which carry away
effluence. These rivers have been built over by the
growing city and serve as a natural sewer system.
A careless Wizard performing experiments
allowed a sentient ooze to escape into the drains
and for the past five years it has been growing
large on the refuse of an entire neighbourhood. It
has finally grown large enough to obstruct the
flow of water and the garbage is piling up around
it. Smaller oozes are splitting off as the mother
ooze grows. If the party does not resolve the
situation, oozes will begin slipping out of drainage
grates and carrying off cats, dogs and children to
be consumed, their bleached bones forming sad
piles around the city gutters and drain gratings.

The Cult
Complicating matters is that the easiest way to
access the underground river (besides sailing
upstream) is via a catacomb built under an
abandoned church. The secretative underground
access to the river system made this church
popular first with smugglers and then with
religious dissenters, and now it has been taken
over by a cult of Satanists practicing magic.
Stumbling upon the cult in search of the blockage
will lead to conflict if the party are not careful.

“God may judge you, but His sins

outnumber your own.”
Satanist pass phrase

The smallest oozes creep in dark places until they After it has digested a creature or two, the ooze's
detect the warmth of a victim. They can propel internal metabolism changes, and it forms sacs of
themselves short distances towards sources of acidic fluid to spray at victims. With growing
bodyheat, their slimy forms sticking to victims, awareness of its surroundings, it now tries to
dissolving their skin and sucking nutrients out ambush victims by lurking in confined places.
through osmosis. The safest way to remove one is Though larger, it can move even more quickly
likely to burn or freeze it off, rather than trying thanks to the energy reserves it has stored.
to touch it.

Magic Ooze, Lurking

Magic Ooze, Hungry Small ooze, unaligned
Tiny ooze, unaligned
Armor Class 10
Armor Class 10 Hit Points 66 (6d12 + 24)
Hit Points 30 (3d12 + 9) Speed 15 ft., climb 15 ft.
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 2 (-4) 6 (-2) 2 (-4)
14 (+2) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) 1 (-5)
Damage Immunities Acid
Damage Immunities Acid Damage Vulnerabilities Cold, Fire, Lightning
Damage Vulnerabilities Cold, Fire, Lightning Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed,
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Prone
Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Prone Senses Blindsight 40 Ft. (Blind Beyond This
Senses Blindsight 30 Ft. (Blind Beyond This Radius), passive Perception 8
Radius), passive Perception 5 Skills Athletics +5, Acrobatics +3, Stealth +5
Skills Athletics +3, Acrobatics +1, Stealth +3 Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Backsplash 1d6. Splashes of fluid erupt
Caustic 1d4. The acidic surface of the from wounds to the ooze. When the
ooze rapidly dissolves organic tissue. ooze takes damage, creatures within 5
The ooze deals 1d4 acid damage to any feet must pass a dexterity saving
creature that touches it, such as throw (DC 12) or take 1d6 acid
during a grapple check. damage.
Caustic 1d6. The acidic surface of the
Actions ooze rapidly dissolves organic tissue.
Attach. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, The ooze deals 1d6 acid damage to any
reach 10ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d4+2) creature that touches it.
bludgeoning damage. If the attack hits,
the ooze is Attached, sharing the same Reactions
space as the target and being carried Drench 1d12. When the ooze takes
with the target when it moves. The damage sufficient to reduce it to 0
target can use an action to make a hitpoints, it convulses in the direction
grapple check to remove the ooze. of a hostile creature, spraying acid in
Digest. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, a 15 foot cone, dealing 1d12 acid
reach 5ft., one target. Hit 7 (1d8+2) damage to creatures in the area
acid damage. The ooze must be (halved on a dexterity saving throw vs
Attached to the target to use Digest. DC 13)

Consume 1d10. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 9
(1d10+3) acid damage.
Globule 1d8. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit 7
(1d8+2) acid damage.

An ooze that grows to the size of a Dwarf is
incredibly dangerous, deceptively fast, and has an
animal cunning that lets it adapt to its Bonus Actions
environment. It prefers to slide along the top of Harden. The surface of the ooze becomes
dark ceilings and drop onto its victims heads. It hard and brittle. Until the start of the
can whip slimy tendrils surprisingly far to ooze's next turn, it has resistance to
entangle creatures. slashing damage, but vulnerability to
bludgeoning damage.

Magic Ooze, Prowling Sponge. The surface of the ooze softens

like a sponge. Until the start of the
Medium ooze, unaligned ooze's next turn, it has resistance to
bludgeoning damage, but vulnerability
Armor Class 10 to slashing damage.
Hit Points 144 (12d12 + 60)
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft. Actions
Plunge (1/day). An ooze attached to a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ceiling can drop onto a target
creature. If the target is unaware of
18 (+4) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 4 (-3) 8 (-1) 4 (-3) the ooze, the ooze automatically
succeeds. If the target is aware of the
Damage Immunities Acid ooze, they make opposed Acrobatics
Damage Vulnerabilities Cold, Fire, Lightning checks. If the ooze succeeds, it then
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, makes two free Consume attacks.
Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Prone Whether it succeeds or fails, it also
Senses Blindsight 50 Ft. (Blind Beyond This splashes acid on every creature within
Radius), passive Perception 9 15 feet, dealing 1d10 acid damage
Skills Athletics +8, Acrobatics +6, Stealth +8 (halved on a dexterity saving throw vs
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) DC 15). The ooze is too large to occupy
the same space as victims, and rolls to
Backsplash 2d6. Splashes of fluid erupt an unoccupied space after plunging.
from open wounds. When the ooze
takes damage, creatures within 10 feet Multiattack. As a single action, the ooze
must pass a dexterity saving throw can strike two times with Tendril,
(DC 15) or take 2d6 acid damage. Consume, or Globule, or a combination.
It can pick different targets for the
Caustic 1d8. The acidic surface of the two strikes.
ooze rapidly dissolves organic tissue.
Tendril 1d10. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
The ooze deals 1d8 acid damage to any
reach 10ft., one target. Hit 10 (1d10+4)
creature that touches it.
bludgeoning damage.
Reactions Consume 2d6. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 12
Drench 2d10. When the ooze takes
(2d6+4) acid damage.
damage sufficient to reduce it to 0
hitpoints, it convulses in the direction Globule 1d10. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
of a hostile creature, spraying acid in hit, range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit 8
a 20 foot cone, dealing 2d10 acid (1d10+2) acid damage.
damage to creatures in the area
(halved on a dexterity saving throw vs
DC 15)

The oldest oozes have found a lair rich with dead
critters and settled down to breed. The mother
ooze spawns baby oozes. It has enough intelligence Bonus Actions
for true sapience, recognising other creatures as Harden. The surface of the ooze becomes
fellow living beings, but it has no desire to hard and brittle. Until the start of the
communicate, just to feed on its victims and spawn ooze's next turn, it has resistance to
new oozes. It cannot be reasoned with or slashing damage, but vulnerability to
intimidated. bludgeoning damage.
Sponge. The surface of the ooze softens
Magic Ooze, Mother like a sponge. Until the start of the
ooze's next turn, it has resistance to
Large ooze, neutral evil bludgeoning damage, but vulnerability
to slashing damage.
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 216 (18d12 + 90) Reactions
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Slough of Ooze. When the ooze is reduced
to three quarters hitpoints (162), half
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA hitpoints (108), and one quarter
hitpoints (54), a damaged section of
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) ooze sloughs off and becomes a new
tiny creature using the Magic Ooze,
Damage Immunities Acid Hungry stat block. The new creature is
Damage Vulnerabilities Cold, Fire, Lightning placed in the initiative order
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, immediately after the creature causing
Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Prone Slough of Ooze to trigger.
Senses Blindsight 60 Ft. (Blind Beyond This
Radius), passive Perception 11 Drench 3d10. When the ooze takes
Skills Athletics +10, Acrobatics +6, Stealth +8 damage sufficient to reduce it to 0
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) hitpoints, it convulses in the direction
of a hostile creature, spraying acid in
Backsplash 2d8. Splashes of fluid erupt a 25 foot cone, dealing 3d10 acid
from open wounds. When the ooze damage to creatures in the area
takes damage, creatures within 10 feet (halved on a dexterity saving throw vs
must pass a dexterity saving throw DC 16)
(DC 15) or take 2d8 acid damage.
Caustic 1d8. The acidic surface of the
Acid Spray. The ooze empties an acid sac
ooze rapidly dissolves organic tissue.
in a 25 foot cone. Creatures take
The ooze deals 1d8 acid damage to any 3d10 acid damage on a failed dexterity
creature that touches it.
saving throw (DC 16) or half that on a
successful save.
Multiattack. As a single action, the ooze
can strike three times with Tendril,
Consume, or Globule, or a combination.
It can pick different targets for the
three strikes.
Tendril 1d12. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
reach 15ft., one target. Hit 12
(1d12+5) bludgeoning damage.
Consume 3d4. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to
hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 14
(3d4+5) acid damage.
Globule 1d12. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit 9
(1d12+2) acid damage.

French and Walloon
Assorted Name Lists by Lower Class
Nationality Saints and Biblical names are common for the
French working class. Sometimes men are given
Some names for use by fictional NPCs in middle names taken from their godmother, and
adventures. women from a godfather.

Dutch and Flemish Male Female Surname

Patronymics are common amongst the working Jacques Marie Dubois [of the forest]
class Dutch, so Jan might have children called Jean-Baptiste Jeanne Durand [enduring]
Pieter Jansen and Margaretha Jansdochter. Michel Marguerite Gauthier [warrior]
Male Female Surname Pierre Françoise Leclercq [the clerk]
Willem Anna de Jong [the Young] Corentin Élisabeth Laurent [shining one]
Hendrik Geesjie Meyer [steward] Paul Anne Martin [of Mars]
Simon Mathilde de Vries [the Frisian] Luc Angela Tremblay [of the Aspen]
Anselm Cunegonda van de Berg [from the
mountain] Upper Class
Nobility confers legal advantages, such as
Johannes Amalia van Dijk [from the dike]
exemption to taxation, and nobles are to be
Bartholomeus Magdalena Bakker [baker] addressed as monseigneur (sir) by commoners.
Jacob Juliana Visser [fisher] Surnames are derived from estates, sometimes
Jeuriaen Geertruy Smit [smith] several such estates. A feudal title such as count is
often added to the name, depending on the prestige
of the family. Duke is reserved for distant relatives
of kings. Knight or squire is used for children and
lesser nobles.

Male Female Surname Title

Sébastien Angélique de Beaulieu comte de Blénac
Pontault Victoire de Porthau marquis
Charles Christine de Courbon sieur du Cange
Roland Antoinette de Camptort escuyer
Guillaume Charlotte de Saint- chevalier
Christophe Isabelle de comte de
Spoelberch Pierrepont

Mounts War Horse
Mounts give a soldier great mobility, allowing him Large beast (Horse), unaligned
to strike vulnerable positions while avoiding the
enemy's counterstike. Armor Class 12 (Unarmoured)
Hit Points 20 (2d12 + 6)
Speed 60ft.
War Reindeer
Large beast (Reindeer), unaligned STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Armor Class 14 (Natural Armour) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
Hit Points 44 (4d12 + 16)
Speed 50ft. Senses passive Perception 12
Skills Athletics 4, Perception 2
Languages none
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 6 (-2)
Senses passive Perception 14 Hoofs. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
Skills Athletics 6, Perception 4 reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+3)
Languages none bludgeoning damage.
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Charge. If the reindeer moves at least

20 feet straight towards a target and
then hits it with its antlers, the target
takes an extra 8 (2d6) damage. If the Riding Horse
target is a creature, it must succeed Large beast (Horse), unaligned
on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or
be knocked prone. Armor Class 12 (Unarmoured)
Hit Points 9 (1d12 + 2)
Bonus Actions Speed 60ft.

Hoofs. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,

reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+4) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
bludgeoning damage.
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)

Actions Senses passive Perception 11

Antlers. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, Languages none
reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 10 Challenge 0 (10 XP)
(1d10+4) slashing damage.
Hoofs. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+2)
bludgeoning damage.

Soldiers and Guards Human Militiaman
Militia Medium humanoid (Human), lawful neutral
Nationality: any Armor Class 11 (Helmet)
Race: any, but primarily Human Hit Points 11 (2d10 + 0)
Members of the militia are poorly trained Speed 30ft.
volunteers. They have probably been given a lesson
in loading and firing a musket and may even have
fired a few shots at a straw dummy, but they have STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
little hand-to-hand training, swinging their 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
muskets wildly like two-handed clubs. They exist
mostly to suppress insurrections, and to give Senses passive Perception 10
professional soldiers support when fighting reaches Languages one common (Dutch, French etc)
the militia's home city. Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Bandits will avoid militiamen, since even with
their low combat ability the risk outweighs the Musket Butt. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
reward. Pirate raids on a coastal town will likely reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d8)
be met by militiamen manning the gun batteries bludgeoning damage.
and guarding the walls.
Matchlock Musket. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2
to hit, range 0/100 ft., one target. Hit:
Dwarfen Militiaman 10 (2d8) piercing damage.

Medium humanoid (Dwarf), lawful neutral

Armor Class 12 (Helmet)

Hit Points 16 (2d10 + 4)
Speed 25ft. Orcish Militiaman
Medium humanoid (Orc), lawful neutral

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Armor Class 13 (Breastplate and Helmet)
Hit Points 24 (3d10 + 6)
12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 9 (-1) Speed 30ft.
Damage Resistances poison
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 11 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Languages one common (Dutch, French etc)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 9 (-1)

Quick Reload. As a bonus action, the Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10
dwarf reloads his musket. Languages one common (Dutch, French etc)
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Musket Butt. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d8+1) Improved Critical. The orc's weapon attacks
bludgeoning damage. score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or
Matchlock Musket. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 20.
to hit, range 0/100 ft., one target. Hit: Great Weapon Fighting. Once per dice,
11 (2d8+1) piercing damage. during melee damage rolls the orc can
reroll a result of 1 or 2.
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc
Militiaman loot: matchlock musket (15s), can move up to its speed toward a
ammunition bandolier (10s), helmet (5s) or hostile creature that it can see.
breastplate and helmet (15s), purse (1s 5d). Musket Butt. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit 8 (1d8+3)
bludgeoning damage.
Matchlock Musket. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2
to hit, range 0/100 ft., one target. Hit:
10 (2d8) piercing damage.

Landsknecht Mercenaries
Nationality: German; serve the highest bidder
Race: Human and Orcish
These mercenaries are organised into regiments
Medium humanoid (Human), neutral evil
of 2,000 men under a colonel, split into 10
companies of 200 men led by captains. They are Armor Class 14 (Breastplate)
not patriots fighting for their country, rather Hit Points 24 (4d8 + 4)
being raised as a commercial endeavour - the Speed 30ft.
colonel expects the troops to supplement their
wages with loot (saving the best for him).
The last fifty years in Europe have seen the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
fabric of society torn to shreds by warfare over 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 9 (-1) 12 (+1) 9 (-1)
land, religion and prestige, and the Landsknechte
are the product of this broken world. At best, they Senses passive Perception 11
are ruthless and efficient in destroying their Skills Stealth 4, Acrobatics 4, Survival 3
employer's enemies. At worst, they are self- Languages Middle German
serving, cowardly, and brutal to the civilian Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
populations they feed from like vultures.
Snipe. If the Musketier lands a ranged
weapon hit while hidden, the attack
Landsknecht Pikenier deals an extra 2d6 damage.
Medium humanoid (Human), neutral evil Cunning Action. The Musketier can
perform Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a
Armor Class 14 (Breastplate and Helmet) bonus action instead of an action.
Hit Points 32 (4d10 + 8)
Speed 30ft. Actions
Multiattack. The Musketier makes two
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA attacks with his Rapier and Dagger.
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) 9 (-1) 9 (-1) Rapier and Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 7
Senses passive Perception 9 (1d8+2) piercing damage.
Skills Athletics 4, Acrobatics 3, Survival 3
Languages Middle German Matchlock Musket. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 to hit, range 0/100 ft., one target. Hit:
12 (2d8+2) piercing damage.
Repel. As an action, the Pikenier
focuses on parrying melee blows aimed
at himself and allies within 10 feet. Musketier loot: matchlock musket (15s),
Melee attacks against these creatures ammunition bandolier (10s), rapier (5s), dagger
are made with disadvantage until the (1s), breastplate (10s), purse (20s).
start of the Pikenier's next turn.
Multiattack. The Pikenier makes two
attacks with his pike.
Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
10ft., one target. Hit 8 (1d10+2)
piercing damage.

Pikenier loot: pike (5s), rapier (5s), dagger (1s),

breastplate and helmet (15s), purse (20s).

Landsknecht Landsknecht Offizier
Doppelsöldner Medium humanoid (Human), neutral evil

Medium humanoid (Orc), neutral evil Armor Class 16 (Cuirass and Helmet)
Hit Points 42 (6d10 + 6)
Armor Class 15 (Cuirass and Helmet) Speed 30ft.
Hit Points 45 (5d12 + 10)
Speed 30ft.
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) 9 (-1) 9 (-1) Senses passive Perception 14
Skills Perception 4, Investigation 5, Persuasion 5,
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 9 History 5, Religion 5
Skills Athletics 6, Intimidation 4 Languages Middle German and French
Languages Middle German Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Pair of Pistols. The officer carries 2 flint-
Improved Critical. The orc's weapon attacks lock pistols in holsters.
score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or
20. Schnell! As a bonus action, the officer
orders a friendly creature who can
Great Weapon Fighting. Once per dice, hear him to move up to the creature's
during melee damage rolls the orc can speed to a new position (this doesn't
reroll a result of 1 or 2. count as forced movement, so it still
triggers attacks of opportunity).
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the Orc
can move up to his speed toward a Achtung! (1/round). As a reaction to seeing
hostile creature that he can see. a friendly creature being flanked, the
officer orders that creature to make
Actions an attack against one of the flanking
Multiattack. The Orc makes two attacks
with his zweihänder.
Zweihänder. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, Quick Reload. The officer can reload both
reach 5ft., one target. Hit 11 (2d6+3) his pistols in one action.
slashing damage.
Multiattack. The officer makes two
attacks, melee or ranged (firing a
pistol with each hand).
Doppelsöldner loot: zweihänder (10s), rapier (5s),
dagger (1s), cuirass and helmet (25s), purse (40s). Rapier and Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 7
(1d8+2) piercing damage.
Flint-lock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 8
(1d10+2) piercing damage.

Officer loot: two flint-lock pistols (30s each), two

fashionable pistol holsters (5s each), gilded
bandolier of munition pouches (30s), ornate rapier
(5g), ornate dagger (1g), cuirass and helmet (25s),
purse (8g 5s).

Landsknecht Oberst Actions
Medium humanoid (Human), neutral evil
Channel Divinity (2/day). The colonel can
Channel Divinity either into The Lord
Armor Class 14 (Breastplate)
Makes Rich or Hired on the Spot:
Hit Points 48 (8d8 + 8)
Speed 30ft. The Lord Makes Rich. The colonel waves his
sword and recites a Bible verse. He,
and allies within 30 feet, are bathed
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA in light and gain 1d6 radiant damage
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) on their weapon damage rolls until the
end of the colonel's next turn.
Saving Throws Str +1, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +2, Wis Hired on the Spot. The colonel offers
+6, Cha +5 employment and throws his coinpurse
Senses passive Perception 13 (40g) to a non-player creature that
Skills Arcana 5, Performance 5, Persuasion 5, can understand him. The creature
History 5, Religion 5 must pass a DC 14 Wisdom saving
Languages High German, Spanish and French throw, or be charmed by the colonel
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 for 1 hour, ceasing hostility and
leaving the scene to spend or hide its
Conspicuous Consumption. The colonel's new wealth. The creature has
belief in the divinity of gold gives his advantage on the saving throw if it has
ornate weapons higher damage. 9 or more Hit Dice, and disadvantage
if it has 4 or fewer Hit Dice.
Spellcasting. The colonel is an eighth level
Cleric of Commerce, using Wisdom for Wheel-lock Carbine. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5
his modifier (spell save DC 14, spell to hit, range 40/120 ft., one target.
attack modifer +6). He has the Hit: 14 (2d6+6) piercing damage.
following spells ready: Multiattack. The colonel makes two
Cantrips: Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, attacks with his Rapier and Dagger.
Resistance, Light, Mending Rapier and Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
1st level (4/day): Cure Wounds, Guiding hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 10
Bolt, Shield of Faith, Bless, (1d8+5) piercing damage.
Comprehend Languages, Unseen
2nd level (3/day): Aid, Hold Person, Famous leaders of mercenary companies include
Silence, Arcane Lock, Find Steed Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar, Albrecht von
3rd level (3/day): Dispel Magic, Mass Wallenstein, Johan Banér, and Lennart
Healing Word, Protection from Torstensson.
Energy, Create Food and Water, Glyph
of Warding
4th level (2/day): Banishment, Faithful
Hound, Private Sanctum

Colonel loot: ivory-stock wheel-lock carbine (10g),

gilded bandolier of munition pouches (30s), gilded
rapier (10g), ornate dagger (1g), gilded breastplate
(20g), purse (40g).

Swiss Guard
Nationality: Swiss; in service to France or the
Swiss Carabinier
Pope Small humanoid (Gnome), lawful good
Race: Human, Gnomish and Dwarfish
The disciplined Swiss mercenaries of the Armor Class 15 (Breastplate)
Hit Points 42 (7d8 + 7)
medieval period so impressed the European
Speed 25ft.
monarchies that many clamoured to hire them on
a permanent basis. The Pope and the king of
France are well known for their Swiss Guard, who STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
protect the person of the sovereign, and stand
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
watch outside their palaces. Given the more recent
turn to Protestantism in the Swiss cantons, the
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 14
sovereigns are strict in ensuring that recruits to
Skills Acrobatics 6, Stealth 6, Perception 4,
the Guard are Catholic.
Athletics 3
Languages High German, French, Italian

Swiss Halberdier Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Medium humanoid (Human), lawful good Gnome Cunning. The Gnome has advantage
on Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma
Armor Class 16 (Cuirass and Helmet) saving throws against magic.
Hit Points 56 (7d10 + 14)
Speed 30ft. Snipe. If the Gnome lands a ranged
weapon hit while having advantage
(such as by attacking while hidden),
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the attack deals an extra 4d6 damage.
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Bonus Actions
Senses passive Perception 11 Cunning Action. The Gnome can perform
Skills Athletics 6, Acrobatics 5, Intimidation 4 Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a bonus
Languages High German, French, Italian action instead of an action.
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Quick Reload. As a bonus action, the
Gnome reloads his carbine.
Threaten. As an action, the Switzer
focuses on holding his position while Actions
posing a threat. Melee attacks against
him are made with disadvantage. Any Flint-lock Carbine. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
movement by a hostile creature in hit, range 40/120 ft., one target. Hit:
reach of his Halberd provokes a free 11 (2d6+3) piercing damage.
attack. This includes both entering and
exiting the reach of the Halberd, as Multiattack. The Gnome makes two melee
well as manoeuvre within it. These attacks with his smallsword.
free attacks can trigger once per Smallsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
creature per round. This lasts until the reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+3)
start of the Switzer's next turn. piercing damage.
Multiattack. The Switzer makes two
attacks with his Halberd.
Halberd. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 10ft., one target. Hit 12 (2d6+2)
slashing damage.

Carabinier loot: flint-lock carbine (35s),

ammunition bandolier (10s), smallsword (10s),
dagger (1s), breastplate (10s), purse (40s).
Halberdier loot: halberd (30s), rapier (5s),
cuirass and helmet (25s), purse (40s).

Swiss Grenadier Swiss Captain
Medium humanoid (Dwarf), lawful good Medium humanoid (Human), lawful good

Armor Class 17 (Three Quarters Plate) Armor Class 18 (Full Plate)

Hit Points 70 (7d10 + 28) Hit Points 72 (9d10 + 18)
Speed 25ft. Speed 30ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)

Damage Resistances poison Senses passive Perception 17

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 11 Skills Perception 7, Investigation 7, Persuasion 7,
Skills Athletics 6, Acrobatics 5, Intimidation 4 History 7, Religion 7, Athletics 7
Languages High German, French, Italian Languages High German, Spanish, French, Italian
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4

Heroic Lunge. As a reaction to a grenado Indomitable (1/day). The captain can reroll
travelling or landing within 5 feet of a failed saving throw.
the Dwarf, he catches or picks up the
device and extinguishes the fuze. He Flourish. As a bonus action, the captain
can light and throw it back on his confuses a target in melee range with
next turn if he chooses. feints and fancy foot-work. The target
must make an Intelligence saving
Collateral Damage. Grenados have a chance throw against DC 15. If the target
to explode prematurely when their fails, all creatures have advantage
owner suffers fire damage. If the when making melee attacks against
Dwarf still has his grenado and he is the target. This lasts until the end of
hit by fire damage, roll a d20. If the the target's next turn.
roll is lower than or equal to the Quick Reload. As a bonus action, the
amount of fire damage, the grenado captain reloads his pistol.
explodes, dealing 2d10 piercing and
1d10 fire damage to all creatures in a Actions
10 foot radius sphere with no save
allowed. Wheel-lock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 7
Actions (1d10+1) piercing damage.
Grenado (1/day). As an action, the Dwarf Multiattack. The captain makes two melee
lights and throws an improved grenado attacks with his estoc.
(range: 50 feet). At the end of his
Estoc. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
turn, it deals 2d10 piercing and
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d12+3)
1d10+5 fire damage in a 10 foot radius
piercing damage.
sphere. Damage is halved on a
dexterity saving throw vs DC 13.
Flint-lock Musket. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
Captain loot: ivory-stock wheel-lock pistol (4g),
hit, range 50/150 ft., one target. Hit:
12 (2d8+2) piercing damage. fashionable pistol holster (5s), gilded bandolier of
munition pouches (30s), ornate estoc (5g), ornate
Multiattack. The Dwarf makes two melee dagger (1g), fitted full plate (20g), purse (10g).
attacks with his broadsword.
Broadsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+3)
slashing damage.

Grenadier loot: flint-lock musket (40s),

ammunition bandolier (10s), shrapnel-improved
grenado (6s), ornate broadsword (5g), dagger (1s),
three quarters plate (40s), purse (40s).

Swiss Commander Bonus Actions
Medium humanoid (Human), lawful good
Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+3)
Armor Class 20 (Full Plate and Shield)
bludgeoning damage.
Hit Points 80 (10d10 + 20)
Speed 30ft.
Lay on Hands (50 hitpoint pool/day). The
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA commander can restore hitpoints for a
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) friendly creature he touches, up to the
hitpoint pool. He can also cure poison
Senses passive Perception 17 and disease at the cost of 5 hitpoints
Skills Perception 7, Investigation 7, Persuasion 8, (per condition) from the pool.
History 7, Religion 7, Athletics 7
Languages Latin, High German, Spanish, French, Divine Sense (4/day). The commander can
detect the presence and location of
celestial, fiendish and undead creatures
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
within 60 feet. This lasts until the end
of his next turn.
Divine Health. The commander is immune
to disease. Channel Divinity (1/day). The commander
can Channel Divinity either into his
Divine Smite. The commander can expend Sacred Weapon or to Turn the Unholy:
spell slots to deal extra radiant
damage to enemies he hits: 2d8 for a Sacred Weapon. For one minute, the
1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each commander's weapon glows, is
spell level higher than 1st. The damage magical, and gains +4 to attack rolls.
increases by 1d8 if the target is an Turn the Unholy. Fiends and undead within
undead or a fiend. 30 feet that can see or hear the
Aura of Protection, Devotion and Courage. The commander's prayer must pass a
commander and all friendly creatures Wisdom saving throw against DC 16
within 10 feet of him gain +4 on or be turned for one minute.
saving throws and cannot be charmed Multiattack. The commander makes two
or frightened. melee attacks with his broadsword.
Spellcasting. The commander is a tenth Broadsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
level Paladin of Devotion, using reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+3)
Charisma for his modifier (spell save slashing damage.
DC 16, spell attack modifer +8). He
Wheel-lock Carbine. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5
has the following spells ready:
to hit, range 40/120 ft., one target.
1st level (4 slots): Protection from Evil Hit: 9 (2d6+1) piercing damage.
and Good, Sanctuary, Bless, Shield of
Faith, Wrathful Smite, Divine Favor
2nd level (3 slots): Lesser Restoration, Prefect Nikolaus Fleckenstein is the commander
Zone of Truth, Find Steed, Aid of the Swiss Guard in the Papacy. He is a native of
3rd level (2 slots): Beacon of Hope, Lucerne, and before commanding the Pontifical
Dispel Magic, Aura of Vitality, Guard he was a member of both the Teutonic
Crusader’s Mantle, Revivify Order and the Knights of Saint John.
If Fleckenstein perishes he is likely to be
Reactions replaced by Captain Johann Rudolf Pfyffer von
Protection. The commander uses his Altishofen, a scion of the powerful Catholic
shield to impose disadvantage on an Pfyffer dynasty of Lucerne.
attack roll against a creature within 5 Colonel-Général César du Cambout, Duke of
feet of him (other than himself). Coislin, Count of Crécy, is the commander of the
Swiss Guard in France. He is politically influential,
being a nephew of Cardinal Richelieu.
Under Cambout, Captain Jean Ulrich Greder
Commander loot: gilded wheel-lock carbine (20g), von Wartenfels oversees day-to-day activities for
gilded bandolier of munition pouches (30s), gilded the Gardes Suisses.
broadsword (20g), gilded full plate (100g), gilded
pistol-proof shield (10g), purse (50g).

Swedish Army
Nationality: primarily Swedish; some Germans and
Swedish Captain
Finns Medium humanoid (Human), lawful good
Race: primarily Human; some Halflings and Elves
The current king of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus, Armor Class 16 (Cuirass and Helmet)
Hit Points 64 (8d10 + 16)
is a dedicated reformer of the army, and is himself
Speed 30ft.
a heroic soldier, always leading his armies from
the front. He has overhauled the recruitment
system, abandoning the reliance on unreliable STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
mercenaries and instead allying with the state
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Lutheran Church in Sweden.
The Church, with its vast records of births,
Senses passive Perception 11
marriages and deaths, conscripts Swedish peasants
Skills Athletics 5, Religion 4, Insight 6,
into regional armies. The king can then rotate
Performance 6, Persuasion 6
these armies in and out of the country according Languages Swedish, Low German
to the threats posed by Russia, Denmark and Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Currently, the king has involved himself in the Reposition! As a bonus action, the
war gripping Germany, and has dedicated the captain orders a non-incapacitated
Swedish nation to the protection of Protestantism friendly creature (other than himself)
in Europe. that can see or hear him to move up
to 15 feet. Melee attack rolls against
that creature are made with
Swedish Conscript disadvantage until the start of that
creature's next turn.
Medium humanoid (Human), lawful good

Armor Class 14 (Breastplate) Actions

Hit Points 24 (3d10 + 6) Keep Formation! As an action, the captain
Speed 30ft. gives orders to up to 4 friendly
creatures (other than himself) who
can see or hear him and are not
incapacitated. For 1 minute, those
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) creatures have advantage on all
weapon attack rolls. This effect ends if
Senses passive Perception 10 any of the creatures becomes
Skills Athletics 4, Religion 2 incapacitated, falls to 0 hitpoints,
Languages Swedish moves, or is forced to move. The
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Reposition! ability does not cause Keep
Formation! to end.
Push of Pike. If the Conscript has not yet
Flint-lock Musket. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
moved on his turn, he can attack twice
with his pike instead of once. If he hit, range 50/150 ft., one target. Hit:
attacks twice, his movement becomes 12 (2d8+2) piercing damage.
0ft. until the end of his turn. Multiattack. The captain makes three
melee attacks with his Rapier and
Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach Dagger.
10ft., one target. Hit 8 (1d10+2)
piercing damage. Rapier and Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 7
(1d8+2) piercing damage.

Conscript loot: pike (5s), rapier (5s), dagger (1s),

breastplate (10s), purse (5s).
Captain loot: flint-lock musket (40s), bandolier of
munition pouches (10s), ornate rapier (5g), ornate
dagger (1g), cuirass and helmet (25s), purse (10g).

Swedish Sharpshooter Finnish Hussar
Small humanoid (Halfling), lawful good Medium humanoid (Human), lawful good
Mounted: large humanoid (Human)/beast (Horse)
Armor Class 15 (Helmet)
Hit Points 25 (5d8 + 0) Armor Class 15 (Breastplate)
Speed 25ft. Mount Armor Class 12 (Unarmoured)
Hit Points 48 (6d10 + 12)
Mount Hit Points 9 (1d12 + 2)
9 (-1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Mounted Speed 60ft.

Senses passive Perception 14 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

Skills Stealth 7, Acrobatics 7, Perception 4,
Religion 4, Athletics 2 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Languages Swedish
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Senses passive Perception 11
Skills Athletics 5, Acrobatics 6, Survival 4
Lucky. If he rolled a 1, the Halfling can Languages Finnish, Swedish
reroll his d20 once for an attack, Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
ability check or saving throw.
Riding Horse. If the Hussar is reduced to
Brave. The Halfling has advantage on 0 hitpoints, he will fall from his mount
saving throws against being frightened. and his riding horse will flee combat.
Halfling Nimbleness. The Halfling can move Sabre Charge. If the Hussar is mounted,
through the space of any Medium or and he has made one attack with his
larger creature. sabre, he can disengage as a free
Snipe. If the Halfling lands a ranged action. He loses the ability to attack
weapon hit while having advantage or with his sabre, but he can still use his
by attacking while hidden, the attack second attack to fire his pistol.
deals an extra 3d6 damage. Quick Reload. As a bonus action, the
Hussar reloads his pistol.
Bonus Actions
Cunning Action. The Halfling can perform Actions
Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a bonus Multiattack. The Hussar makes two
action instead of an action. attacks with his sabre, or one each
Quick Reload. As a bonus action, the with sabre and pistol.
Halfling reloads his carbine. Sabre. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+3)
Actions slashing damage.
Multiattack. The Halfling makes two Flint-lock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
melee attacks with his smallsword. hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 9
Smallsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, (1d10+3) piercing damage.
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6+4)
piercing damage.
Match-lock Carbine. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 Hussar loot: flintlock pistol (30s), ammunition
to hit, range 0/80 ft., one target. Hit: bandolier (10s), pistol holster (1s), sabre (5s),
12 (2d6+4) piercing damage. breastplate (10s), purse (20s), saddled riding horse

Sharpshooter loot: matchlock carbine (12s),

ammunition bandolier (10s), smallsword (10s),
helmet (5s), purse (10s), cook's utensils (1s).

Scricfinn Hunter Scricfinn Rider
Medium humanoid (Elf), chaotic neutral Medium humanoid (Elf), chaotic neutral
Mounted: large humanoid (Elf)/beast (Reindeer)
Armor Class 15 (Unarmoured)
Hit Points 49 (7d10 + 7) Armor Class 15 (Unarmoured)
Speed 30ft., 60ft. when skiing Mount Armor Class 14 (Natural Armour)
Hit Points 49 (9d10 + 7)
Mount Hit Points 44 (4d12 + 16)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Speed 30ft., 60ft. when skiing
12 (+1) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) Mounted Speed 50ft.

Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +3 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 14
Skills Stealth +7, Acrobatics +7, Perception +4, 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 9 (-1)
Nature +3, Survival +4, Medicine +4
Languages Sami, Finnish, Swedish Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +3
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 14
Skills Stealth +7, Acrobatics +7, Perception +4,
Fey Ancestry. The Elf cannot be put to Nature +3, Survival +4, Medicine +4
sleep by magic, and has advantage on Languages Sami, Finnish, Swedish
saving throws against being charmed. Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Cannibal. Covered in blood and gore, the Fey Ancestry. The Elf cannot be put to
sight and smell of a Finnish Elf up sleep by magic, and has advantage on
close is horrifying. If the Elf lands a saving throws against being charmed.
melee hit on an enemy, and the enemy
has an Intelligence higher than 3, the Cannibal. Covered in blood and gore, the
enemy must pass a DC 10 Wisdom sight and smell of a Finnish Elf up
saving throw or be frightened for 1 close is horrifying. If the Elf lands a
minute. The condition ends early if the melee hit on an enemy, and the enemy
Elf is slain or unconscious. has an Intelligence higher than 3, the
enemy must pass a DC 11 Wisdom
Poisoned Arrows. The Elf crafts poisons saving throw or be frightened for 1
from forest plants. Creatures suffering minute. The condition ends early if the
damage from the Elf's bow must pass a Elf is slain or unconscious.
DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be
poisoned for one hour. Skis. Scricfinn tribes use smooth boards
to quickly move over snow and ice.
Skis. Scricfinn tribes use smooth boards
to quickly move over snow and ice. War Reindeer. The Elf's mount will gore
an enemy with its antlers once per
Actions turn. If the Elf is reduced to 0
hitpoints, his reindeer continues
Multiattack. The Elf makes three attacks fighting any remaining enemies.
with either his long knives or bow.
Antlers. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
Long Knives. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d10+4)
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d6+5) slashing damage.
slashing damage.
Charge. If the reindeer moves at least
Hunting Bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to 20 feet straight towards a target and
hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: then hits it with its antlers, the target
9 (1d6+5) piercing damage. takes an extra 8 (2d6) damage. If the
target is a creature, it must succeed
on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or
be knocked prone.
Hunter loot: hunting bow (5d), 50 arrows (5d),
two lange messer (1s each), phial of poison (1s), Actions
herbalism kit (5s), purse (20s).
Rider loot: sabre (5s), herbalism kit (5s), purse Multiattack. The Elf makes three attacks
(20s). with his sabre.
Sabre. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8+5)
slashing damage.

Tengild Tuulihattu, Cannibal. Covered in blood and gore, the
sight and smell of a Finnish Elf up
Prince of Scricfinns close is horrifying. If Tengild lands a
melee hit on an enemy, and the enemy
Medium humanoid (Elf), chaotic neutral
has an Intelligence higher than 3, the
Armor Class 15 (Unarmoured) enemy must pass a DC 14 Wisdom
Hit Points 70 (10d10 + 10) saving throw or be frightened for 1
Speed 30ft., 60ft. when skiing minute. The condition ends early if
Tengild is slain or unconscious.


12 (+1) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) Wildshape (2/day). Tengild can transform
into a CR1 or lower creature for 5
Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +8 hours. He prefers to take the form of
Condition Immunities poisoned, diseases a war reindeer. Skis, Spellcasting and
Damage Immunities poison Cannibal do not function while in
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 18 wildshape form.
Skills Arcana +5, Stealth +8, Acrobatics +8,
Perception +8, Nature +5, Survival +8, Multiattack. Tengild makes two attacks
Medicine +8 with his quarterstaff (or Shillelagh if
Languages Sami, Finnish, Swedish, Low German he has cast it).
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+1)
Fey Ancestry. Tengild cannot be put to bludgeoning damage.
sleep by magic.
Shillelagh. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
Nature's Ward. Tengild cannot be charmed reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8+5)
or frightened. magic bludgeoning damage.
Skis. Scricfinn tribes use smooth boards
to quickly move over snow and ice.
Weatherhat. Storms protect Tengild at Tengild Tuulihattu is a lord of Finland. He is an
sea. Captains chasing Tengild must pass ancient being, said by Human Scricfinns to be over
a DC 16 Nature check every 10 a thousand years old.
minutes or suffer 10 points of Hull In the days before Christianity had tamed the
damage for each failure. Baltic, Finnish raiding ships terrorised the
Hanseatic coasts, with German merchants and
Spellcasting. Tengild is a tenth level Druid their mercenaries unable to catch the pagan
of the Land, using Wisdom for his
pirates thanks to the magic of Human Sorcerers,
modifier (spell save DC 16, spell attack
and of Elven Druids like Tengild.
modifer +8). He has the following
spells ready: The Swedish Crusade changed this relationship,
with Swedish colonists dominating the coasts and
Cantrips: Shillelagh, Poison Spray, Christian missionaries converting the Human
Druidcraft, Guidance, Resistance Finns. The Sorcerers were burned at the stake as
1st level (4/day): Charm Person, Cure heretics, and the Druids were pursued into the
Wounds, Detect Magic, Goodberry, wilds and became outlaws. To escape this fate,
Entangle, Speak with Animals Tengild agreed to swear fealty to the king of
2nd level (3/day): Hold Person, Spike Sweden and in return was granted status as
Growth, Heat Metal, Lesser Prince of the Scricfinns, the northern tribes.
Restoration, Moonbeam Today, the Elves of Finland show polite deference
to the Christian God. Sweden's turn from
3rd level (3/day): Sleet Storm, Slow, Catholicism to Lutheranism barely registered to
Windwall, Protection from Energy them, which leads many to suspect their piety is a
4th level (3/day): Ice Storm, Freedom of public face. What they worship in private is
Movement, Blight, Control Water, unknown to outsiders. Still, they have been loyal
Confusion and strong fighters, so the Swedish king avoids
5th level (2/day): Cone of Cold, provoking religious conflict.
Commune with Nature, Reincarnate, Tengild leads Scricfinn contingents to war to
Contagion fulfil his feudal obligations. The Humans he leads
are promised loot and glory, while the Elves are
given the rare chance to butcher and feed freely.

Bandits Goblin Bandit
Goblin Bandits Small humanoid (goblinoid), chaotic evil
Ne'er-do-wells of any race can turn to banditry, Armor Class 13 (Unarmoured)
but this is especially true for races forced to live Hit Points 30 (6d6 + 6)
in the periphery, such as goblins, who find Speed 30ft.
opportunities for legitimate advancement rare.
Still, in this brutal world, one must respond to
violence with violence if one wishes to see the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
dawn. Compassion is a limited resource, and 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
compassion for the downtrodden might see you
trodden upon in turn. Saving Throws Str +1, Dex +5
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Skills Stealth +5
Goblin Thief Languages one common (Dutch, French etc)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Small humanoid (goblinoid), chaotic evil

Armor Class 12 (Unarmoured) Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the
Hit Points 8 (2d6 + 0) Disengage or Hide action as a bonus
Speed 30ft. action on each of its turns.
Match-lock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA hit, range 0/60 ft., one target. Hit: 9
(1d10+3) piercing damage.
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 8 (-1)
Multiattack. The goblin makes two attacks
Saving Throws Str +1, Dex +4 with its Dagger.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Skills Stealth +4 reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d4+2)
Languages one common (Dutch, French etc) piercing damage.
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the

Disengage or Hide action as a bonus Goblin Bandit loot: match-lock pistol (10s), dagger
action on each of its turns. (1s).

Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,

reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d4+2)
piercing damage.

Goblin Thief loot: dagger (1s).

Cults and Covens Cult Follower
Cultists Medium humanoid (Human), lawful evil
Secret societies, Bible study groups, Satanic sects Armor Class 11 (Unarmoured)
and underground worshippers of forbidden Hit Points 12 (2d8 + 2)
religions often use elaborate ceremonies combined Speed 30ft.
with the unveiling of mysteries, creating an air of
solidarity between members and power over
Many of the titles and functions of underground 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
groups are derived from the dominant Churches of
the land. After all, Christianity itself began as an Saving Throws Wis +3, Int +3
underground religion, persecuted by the Romans, Senses passive Perception 11
who themselves had many underground cults and Skills Arcana +3, Religion +3
sacred mysteries. Languages one common (Dutch, French etc)
At the top of the cult might be a self-proclaimed Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Prophet, a Patriarch or Matriarch, a Pontifex
(Latin: one who "builds bridges" between Heaven Sacrifice. As an action, the Cultist
and Earth), or a Hierophant (Greek: one who declares his intent to consummate his
"shows others the light"). faith and meet his Maker (or demonic
The cultists of regions or cities might be led by a patron, or cosmic horror). Until the
High Priest or Priestess, a Bishop, a Prelate, a start of the Cultist's next turn, hostile
Syndic, or an Exarch. creatures within 30 feet must pass a
The leader of a congregation (or cell) at the DC 11 Wisdom saving throw to make a
local level might be a Priest or Priestess, an Abbot weapon or spell attack against any
or Abbess, a Reverend, or a Canon or Canoness. target other than a Cultist Follower. If
they fail, the attack is directed against
the Cultist instead of the original
target, if the Cultist is within reach. If
out of reach, the Cultist will move up
to his speed to receive this attack.
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit 4 (1d4+1)
piercing damage.

Follower loot: dagger (1s), robes (1s), purse (1s).

Cult Guard
Medium humanoid (Human), lawful evil

Armor Class 16 (Cuirass and Helmet)

Hit Points 24 (3d10 + 6)
Speed 30ft.


14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +4

Senses passive Perception 11
Skills Arcana +3, Religion +3, Intimidation +2
Languages one common (Dutch, French etc)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Loyal Till Death. As a reaction to seeing a

friendly spellcaster be hit by a hostile
creature's weapon attack, the Guard
moves up to his speed, and then strikes
the hostile creature with his Rapier if
within reach.

Flint-lock Musket. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, range 50/150 ft., one target. Hit:
11 (2d8+2) piercing damage.
Multiattack. The Guard makes two melee
attacks with his Rapier.
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+2)
piercing damage.

Guard loot: flint-lock musket (40s), ammunition

bandolier (10s), rapier (5s), dagger (1s), cuirass
and helmet (25s), purse (20s).

Cult Anti-Hero Actions
Medium humanoid (Human), lawful evil
Lay on Hands (40 hitpoint pool/day). The Cultist
can restore hitpoints for a friendly
Armor Class 18 (Full Plate)
creature he touches, up to the hitpoint
Hit Points 72 (8d10 + 24)
pool. He can also cure poison and
Speed 30ft. disease at the cost of 5 hitpoints (per
condition) from the pool.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Divine Sense (3/day). The Cultist can detect
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) the presence and location of celestial,
fiendish and undead creatures within
Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +6 60 feet. This lasts until the end of his
Senses passive Perception 13 next turn.
Skills Arcana +4, Religion +5, Athletics +6, Insight Flint-lock Musket. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
+5 hit, range 50/150 ft., one target. Hit:
Damage Resistances fire 11 (2d8+1) piercing damage.
Languages two common (Dutch, French etc), plus
either Latin, Infernal or Draconic Multiattack. The Cultist makes two melee
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 attacks with his Zweihänder.
Zweihänder. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
Divine Health. The Cultist is immune to reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3)
disease. slashing damage.
Divine Smite. The Cultist can expend spell
slots to deal extra radiant damage to
enemies he hits: 2d8 for a 1st-level Anti-Hero loot: flint-lock musket (40s),
spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level ammunition bandolier (10s), zweihänder (10s),
higher than 1st. The damage increases dagger (1s), munition full plate (60s), purse (40s).
by 1d8 against undead and fiends.
Aura of Protection. The Cultist and all
friendly creatures within 10 feet of
him gain +3 on saving throws.
Aura of Disbelief. The Cultist and all
friendly creatures within 10 feet of
him have advantage on checks to
disbelieve illusions.
Aura of Betrayal. Suggestion and Charm
spells cast by the Cultist and all
friendly creatures within 10 feet of
him are more difficult to resist. The
target saves at disadvantage.
Spellcasting. The Cultist is an eighth level
Paladin of the Unhallowed, using
Charisma for his modifier (spell save
DC 13, spell attack modifer +5). He
has the following spells ready:
1st level (4/day): Sanctuary, Bless,
Shield of Faith, Wrathful Smite,
Unseen Servant, Hellish Rebuke
2nd level (3/day): Lesser Restoration,
Zone of Truth, Find Steed, Aid,
Suggestion, Ray of Enfeeblement

Cult Initiate Cult Master
Medium humanoid (Human), lawful evil Medium humanoid (Human), lawful evil

Armor Class 11 (Unarmoured) Armor Class 11 (Unarmoured)

Hit Points 24 (4d8 + 4) Hit Points 48 (8d8 + 8)
Speed 30ft Speed 30ft

10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +3 Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +7
Senses passive Perception 13 Senses passive Perception 14
Skills Arcana +4, Religion +5 Skills Arcana +6, Religion +7, Persuasion +7
Languages two common (Dutch, French etc), plus Languages three common (Dutch, French etc),
either Latin, Infernal or Draconic plus either Latin, Infernal or Draconic
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Spellcasting. The Cultist is a fourth level Spellcasting. The Cultist is an eighth level
Cleric of Death, using Wisdom for his Cleric of Death, using Wisdom for his
modifier (spell save DC 13, spell attack modifier (spell save DC 15, spell attack
modifer +5). He has the following modifer +7). He has the following
spells ready: spells ready:

Cantrips: Sacred Flame Cantrips: Sacred Flame

1st level (4/day): False Life, Ray of 1st level (4/day): False Life, Ray of
Sickness Sickness
2nd level (3/day): Blindness/Deafness, 2nd level (3/day): Blindness/Deafness,
Ray of Enfeeblement Ray of Enfeeblement
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, 3rd level (3/day): Animate Dead,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+1) Vampiric Touch
piercing damage. 4th level (2/day): Blight, Death Ward
Flint-lock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to Multiattack. The Cultist makes two
hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 7 attacks with his Rapier.
(1d10+1) piercing damage.
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+1)
piercing damage.
Flint-lock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 7
(1d10+1) piercing damage.

Vampire Coteries
Spellcasting. The vampire is a Cleric of
Death, using Wisdom for its modifier
Vampire Neonate (spell save DC 14, spell attack modifer
+6). It has the following spells ready:
Medium undead, neutral evil
Cantrips: Sacred Flame
Armor Class 14 (Breastplate)
Hit Points 54 (8d8 + 18) 1st level (4/day): False Life, Ray of
Speed 30ft Sickness
2nd level (3/day): Blindness/Deafness,
Ray of Enfeeblement
3rd level (3/day): Animate Dead,
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) Vampiric Touch

Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +4 4th level (2/day): Blight, Death Ward
Senses Darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 14 Supernatural Weapons. The vampire's claws
Skills Arcana +4, Religion +4, Persuasion +4, and bite deal magic damage.
Perception +4
Damage Resistances Necrotic; Bludgeoning, Actions
Piercing, and Slashing from non-magical, non-
silvered attacks Multiattack. The vampire makes two
attacks, only one of which can be a
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire; Radiant
Languages Three common (Dutch, French etc) bite attack.
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4+3)
Regeneration. The vampire regains 5 hit slashing damage. Instead of dealing
points at the start of its turn if it has damage, the vampire can grapple the
at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight. target (escape DC 13).
If the vampire takes Radiant damage
or damage from silver or holy water, Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
this trait doesn't function at the start 5 ft., one willing creature, or a
of the vampire's next turn. creature that is grappled by the
vampire, incapacitated, or restrained.
Spider Climb. The vampire can climb Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage plus 4
difficult surfaces, including upside (1d6) necrotic damage. The target's hit
down on ceilings, without needing to point maximum is reduced by an
make an ability check. amount equal to the necrotic damage
taken, and the vampire regains hit
Torpor. When reduced to 0 hit points, points equal to that amount. The
the vampire will become unconscious reduction lasts until the target finishes
and cannot be woken. It gains a long rest. The target dies if this
immunity to all damage types besides effect reduces its hit point maximum
Radiant. It regains 1 hit point the next to 0.
time the sun sets, or when blood is fed
to the unconscious vampire.
Vampire Weaknesses. The vampire has the
following flaws:
Harmed by Silver. The vampire takes 2d6
acid damage for each ounce of silver
(or pint of holy water) it ingests.
Stake to the Heart. The vampire is
paralyzed if a wooden stake or weapon
is driven into its heart, until removed.
Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The vampire takes
20 Radiant damage when it starts its
turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, it
has disadvantage on attack rolls and
ability checks.

Vampire Ancilla Spellcasting. The vampire is a Cleric of
Death, using Wisdom for its modifier
Medium undead, neutral evil
(spell save DC 14, spell attack modifer
+6). It has the following spells ready:
Armor Class 15 (Breastplate)
Hit Points 82 (11d8 + 33) Cantrips: Sacred Flame
Speed 30ft
1st level (4/day): False Life, Ray of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 2nd level (3/day): Blindness/Deafness,
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) Ray of Enfeeblement
3rd level (3/day): Animate Dead,
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +6 Vampiric Touch
Senses Darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 16
Skills Arcana +6, Religion +6, Persuasion +6, 4th level (3/day): Blight, Death Ward
Perception +6 5th level (2/day): Antilife Shell, Cloudkill
Damage Resistances Necrotic; Bludgeoning,
Piercing, and Slashing from non-magical, non- 6th level (1/day): Harm, Create Undead
silvered attacks Supernatural Weapons. The vampire's claws
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire; Radiant and bite deal magic damage.
Languages Latin and three common (Dutch,
French etc) Actions
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Multiattack. The vampire makes three
attacks, only one of which can be a
Regeneration. The vampire regains 10 hit bite attack.
points at the start of its turn if it has
at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight. Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
If the vampire takes Radiant damage reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4+3)
or damage from silver or holy water, slashing damage. Instead of dealing
this trait doesn't function at the start damage, the vampire can grapple the
of the vampire's next turn. target (escape DC 13).
Spider Climb. The vampire can climb Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
difficult surfaces, including upside 5 ft., one willing creature, or a
down on ceilings, without needing to creature that is grappled by the
make an ability check. vampire, incapacitated, or restrained.
Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage plus 7
Torpor. When reduced to 0 hit points, (2d6) necrotic damage. The target's
the vampire will become unconscious hit point maximum is reduced by an
and cannot be woken. It gains amount equal to the necrotic damage
immunity to all damage types besides taken, and the vampire regains hit
Radiant. It regains 1 hit point the next points equal to that amount. The
time the sun sets, or when blood is fed reduction lasts until the target finishes
to the unconscious vampire. a long rest. The target dies if this
Vampire Weaknesses. The vampire has the effect reduces its hit point maximum
following flaws: to 0.
Harmed by Silver. The vampire takes 2d6
acid damage for each ounce of silver
(or pint of holy water) it ingests.
Stake to the Heart. The vampire is
paralyzed if a wooden stake or weapon
is driven into its heart, until removed.
Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The vampire takes
20 Radiant damage when it starts its
turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, it
has disadvantage on attack rolls and
ability checks.

Vampire Elder Spellcasting. The vampire is a Cleric of
Death, using Wisdom for its modifier
Medium undead, neutral evil
(spell save DC 16, spell attack modifer
+8). It has the following spells ready:
Armor Class 16 (Breastplate)
Hit Points 136 (16d8 + 64) Cantrips: Sacred Flame
Speed 30ft
1st level (4/day): False Life, Ray of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 2nd level (3/day): Blindness/Deafness,
18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) Ray of Enfeeblement
3rd level (3/day): Animate Dead,
Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +8 Vampiric Touch
Senses Darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 18
Skills Arcana +8, Religion +8, Perception +8, 4th level (3/day): Blight, Death Ward
Persuasion +8, Deception +8, Intimidation +8 5th level (2/day): Antilife Shell, Cloudkill
Damage Resistances Necrotic; Bludgeoning,
Piercing, and Slashing from non-magical, non- 6th level (1/day): Harm, Create Undead
silvered attacks 7th level (1/day): Symbol, Regenerate
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire; Radiant
8th level (1/day): Antimagic Field
Languages Latin, Draconic, and four common
(Dutch, French etc) Supernatural Weapons. The vampire's claws
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 and bite deal magic damage.

Regeneration. The vampire regains 15 hit Actions

points at the start of its turn if it has Multiattack. The vampire makes four
at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight. attacks, only one of which can be a
If the vampire takes Radiant damage bite attack.
or damage from silver or holy water,
this trait doesn't function at the start Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
of the vampire's next turn. reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d4+4)
slashing damage. Instead of dealing
Spider Climb. The vampire can climb damage, the vampire can grapple the
difficult surfaces, including upside target (escape DC 16).
down on ceilings, without needing to
make an ability check. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
5 ft., one willing creature, or a
Torpor. When reduced to 0 hit points, creature that is grappled by the
the vampire will become unconscious vampire, incapacitated, or restrained.
and cannot be woken. It gains Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage plus 11
immunity to all damage types besides (3d6) necrotic damage. The target's
Radiant. It regains 1 hit point the next hit point maximum is reduced by an
time the sun sets, or when blood is fed amount equal to the necrotic damage
to the unconscious vampire. taken, and the vampire regains hit
Vampire Weaknesses. The vampire has the points equal to that amount. The
following flaws: reduction lasts until the target finishes
a long rest. The target dies if this
Harmed by Silver. The vampire takes 2d6 effect reduces its hit point maximum
acid damage for each ounce of silver to 0.
(or pint of holy water) it ingests.
Stake to the Heart. The vampire is
paralyzed if a wooden stake or weapon
is driven into its heart, until removed.
Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The vampire takes
20 Radiant damage when it starts its
turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, it
has disadvantage on attack rolls and
ability checks.

Vampire Methuselah Stake to the Heart. The vampire is
paralyzed if a wooden stake or weapon
Medium undead, neutral evil
is driven into its heart, until removed.
Armor Class 17 (Breastplate) Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The vampire takes
Hit Points 209 (22d8 + 64) 20 Radiant damage when it starts its
Speed 30ft turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, it
has disadvantage on attack rolls and
ability checks.
Spellcasting. The vampire is a Cleric of
20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) Death, using Wisdom for its modifier
(spell save DC 18, spell attack modifer
Saving Throws Dex +10, Wis +10 +10). It has the following spells ready:
Senses Darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 20
Skills Arcana +10, Religion +10, Perception +10, Cantrips: Sacred Flame
Persuasion +10, Deception +10, Intimidation 1st level (4/day): False Life, Ray of
+10 Sickness
Damage Resistances Necrotic; Bludgeoning,
Piercing, and Slashing from non-magical, non- 2nd level (3/day): Blindness/Deafness,
silvered attacks Ray of Enfeeblement
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire; Radiant 3rd level (3/day): Animate Dead,
Languages Latin, Draconic, Infernal, and five Vampiric Touch
common (Dutch, French etc)
4th level (3/day): Blight, Death Ward
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
5th level (3/day): Antilife Shell, Cloudkill
Regeneration. The vampire regains 20 hit 6th level (2/day): Harm, Create Undead
points at the start of its turn if it has
at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight. 7th level (2/day): Symbol, Regenerate
If the vampire takes Radiant damage 8th level (1/day): Antimagic Field
or damage from silver or holy water,
this trait doesn't function at the start 9th level (1/day): Gate
of the vampire's next turn. Supernatural Weapons. The vampire's claws
and bite deal magic damage.
Spider Climb. The vampire can climb
difficult surfaces, including upside
down on ceilings, without needing to
make an ability check. Multiattack. The vampire makes five
attacks, only one of which can be a
Creeping Cold. (1/day) When reduced to 0
bite attack.
hit points, the vampire transforms into
mist for 1 hour. It gains immunity to Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit,
all damage types besides Radiant, and reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d4+5)
cannot use spellcasting. It can slashing damage. Instead of dealing
transform back into its corporeal form damage, the vampire can grapple the
at will. target (escape DC 18).
Torpor. When reduced to 0 hit points Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit,
and unable to transform into mist, the reach 5 ft., one willing creature, or a
vampire will become unconscious and creature that is grappled by the
cannot be woken. It gains immunity to vampire, incapacitated, or restrained.
all damage types besides radiant. It Hit: 9 (1d6+5) piercing damage plus 14
regains 1 hit point the next time the (4d6) necrotic damage. The target's
sun sets, or when blood is fed to the hit point maximum is reduced by an
unconscious vampire. amount equal to the necrotic damage
Vampire Weaknesses. The vampire has the taken, and the vampire regains hit
following flaws: points equal to that amount. The
reduction lasts until the target finishes
Harmed by Silver. The vampire takes 2d6 a long rest. The target dies if this
acid damage for each ounce of silver effect reduces its hit point maximum
(or pint of holy water) it ingests. to 0.

Sailers and Pirates Drow Corsair
Saracen Corsairs Medium humanoid (Elf), neutral evil
The Sultans and Beys of North Africa dominate the Armor Class 15 (Cuirass)
western Mediterranean. Though nominally vassals Hit Points 35 (5d8 + 10)
of the Ottoman Empire, the princes in Algiers, Speed 30ft.
Tunis and Tangier pursue their own ambitions.
They frequently send their raiders to seize slaves
in Portugal, Spain and the south of France, and are STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
known to travel as far afield as Italy in the east, 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Ireland in the west, and once even captured a
village of Icelandic peasants from the frigid north. Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +3
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Skills Perception 3, Athletics 3, Acrobatics 5
Human Corsair Languages Arabic, Songhai
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Medium humanoid (Human), neutral evil

Armor Class 12 (Unarmoured) Sailor. The Drow Corsair can use ropes
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) and rigging to move about with no DC
Speed 30ft. check.
Brace of Pistols. The Drow Corsair carries
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 4 matchlock pistols in holsters.
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) Actions
Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +3 Multiattack. The Drow Corsair makes two
Senses passive Perception 12 attacks, either with pistols or her
Skills Perception 2, Athletics 3, Acrobatics 4 scimitar.
Languages Arabic Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 reach 5ft., one target. Hit 8 (1d8+3)
slashing damage.
Sailor. The corsair can use ropes and
rigging to move about with no DC Matchlock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
check. hit, range 0/60 ft., one target. Hit: 9
(1d10+3) piercing damage.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit 7 (1d8+2) Drow Corsair loot: four matchlock pistols (10s
slashing damage. each), four pistol holsters (1s each), ammunition
bandolier (10s), scimitar (5s), dagger (1s),
Matchlock Musket. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 breastplate (10s), purse (20s).
to hit, range 0/100 ft., one target. Hit:
12 (2d8+2) piercing damage.

Human Corsair loot: matchlock musket (15s),

ammunition bandolier (10s), scimitar (5s), dagger
(1s), purse (10s).

1415-1628 1629-1630
1415: Jan Hus is executed for heresy, though his February, 1629: 6,000 Swedish troops under
early Protestant movement, the Hussites, continues Field Marshal Herman Wrangel defeat 4,000
to fight in Bohemia and wins many victories. Polish-Lithuanians at the Battle of Górzno.
1450: Johannes Gutenberg begins printing copies March, 1629: The Edict of Restitution. The
of the Bible in Latin. Habsburg Emperor of Germany declares that
1517: Martin Luther publishes his 95 Theses. church lands taken by Protestant princes, and the
1521: The Edict of Worms . The Holy Roman lands of Bishops which have abandoned
Emperor forbids distribution of Martin Luther's Catholicism, such as Magdeburg, must return to
works at an Imperial congress (Diet) in the free Catholic rule.
city of Worms. April, 1629: Dutch Stadtholder Frederick Henry
1527: The Sack of Rome by mutinous Habsburg begins the siege of Den Bosch. He has an army of
soldiers. Incited by lack of pay and by the ideas of 10,000 Dutch infantry, 4,000 cavalry, 116
Martin Luther, the soldiers occupy the city for 8 cannons, 9,000 English mercenaries led by Baron
months. 10,000 civilians are murdered and more Horace Vere, and 5,000 Scottish mercenaries led
are wounded, kidnapped and brutalised. by Sir William Brog. The Spanish defenders have
1541: John Calvin publishes his Institutes of the 3,000 infantry and 4,000 militia.
Christian Religion. May, 1629: The Siege of Privas ends in 15 days,
1572: The Dutch Revolt seizes its first town, as with French Catholics storming the Huguenot
anti-Catholic riots turn to nationalist revolution. town, looting and burning it to the ground.
1598: The French Wars of Religion end in June, 1629: The French Huguenot town of Alès
Catholic victory, although King Henry IV tries to falls to the king of France. The Treaty of Alès is
unify the country with the Edict of Nantes . signed by Huguenot leaders after their devastating
French Protestants gain certain civil rights, such defeats over the last few years. Cardinal Richelieu
as freedom from prosecution for heresy, the right signs on behalf of the king of France. Armed
to appeal to the king's court, and freedom to enrol resistance by Huguenots largely ends.
at universities. July, 1629: A Spanish relief force arrives at Den
1609: The Twelve Years' Truce is signed between Bosch but is unable to breach the siege lines. The
the Spanish king and the Dutch Republic, formally force is led by Count Hendrik van den Bergh, a
recognising the latter's existence. Dutch Catholic, and cousin of Frederick Henry.
1618: The Defenestration of Prague marks the August, 1629: Count Hendrik van den Bergh
beginning of the Bohemian revolt against the captures the town of Amersfoort, near Utrecht, to
Habsburg Emperor of Germany. Religious tensions try to draw the besieging Dutch army away from
between Hussites and Catholics ignite into war. Den Bosch, but they do not take the bait.
1619: The Thirty Years War spreads. The Early September, 1629: The siege of Den Bosch
Bohemian legislature offers the crown of Bohemia ends. Count Anthonie Schetz surrenders his city to
to Protestant prince Frederick V, Count Palatine. the Dutch Republic. 30,000 cannonballs have been
Frederick is soon deposed by the Emperor of fired at the defenders, the nearby rivers have been
Germany, which shocks the other princes of the diverted, the swamps protecting the approaches
have been drained, and the walls have been
Holy Roman Empire.
November, 1620: The Battle of White Mountain. undermined and destroyed with explosives.
After two centuries of defiance, the Hussites in Late September, 1629: The Truce of Altmark
Bohemia are finally defeated by an Imperial and ends the war between Sweden and Poland-
Spanish army, led by the Count of Tilly. Lithuania. The Swedish army is now free to invade
December, 1620: The Huguenot Rebellions begin. Germany.
Protestants concerned by the French state April, 1630: The Winthrop Fleet departs England
encroaching on their independence enter open with almost a thousand Puritan settlers. In June
insurrection, centred on La Rochelle. they will arrive at Salem, Massachusetts.
September, 1628: 60 English vessels attempt to July, 1630: The Swedish army lands in Pomerania
relieve the French Huguenots at La Rochelle for a and captures Stettin.
third time, but are repulsed by the Catholic October, 1630: The French-backed candidate for
besiegers. the Duchy of Mantua defeats the Spanish candidate
October, 1628: The French Huguenot capital of La and takes the throne. Tens of thousands of French
and Imperial soldiers, and Italian civilians, have
Rochelle surrenders to King Louis XIII of France.
died over this insignificant town.

1631-1635 1636-1685
April, 1631: Swedish forces under their king, June, 1636: The Battle of Tornavento. French and
Gustavus Adolphus, conquer the fortified town of Savoyard forces clash indecisively against
Frankfurt an der Oder, in Brandenburg. Habsburg troops in Spanish Italy.
May, 1631: The Sack of Magdeburg. The 1637: Imperial armies enter Pomerania to seize it
Protestant city of 25,000 souls is razed and back from Sweden on behalf of Brandenburg.
20,000 inhabitants slaughtered by troops under 1638: Swedish armies under Johan Banér retake
the Habsburg Count of Tilly. “Magdeburg mercy” Pomerania.
becomes a euphemism for execution of prisoners. June, 1639: The Battle of the Brig of Dee.
September, 1631: The Battle of Breitenfeld, near Scottish Protestants, called Covenanters, revolt
Leipzig, Saxony. Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus against the Catholic king Charles I.
annihilates the army of the Count of Tilly. August, 1640: The fortified town of Arras, in
April, 1632: The Conspiracy of Nobles. Walloon Artois, is besieged and conquered from the Spanish
Netherlands by France.
Count René de Renesse and Dutch Count Hendrik
van den Bergh defect from Habsburg Spain to the 1641: Ireland revolts against England.
Dutch Republic. They seek to incite other Walloon 1642: The English Civil Wars begin.
nobles to rebel against Spain but fail. Catholic October, 1648: The Peace of Westphalia. The
Count van den Bergh now fights alongside his Habsburg Emperor of Germany agrees with his
Protestant cousin, Stadtholder Frederick Henry. Protestant princes that a state has the right to
May, 1632: Count Hendrik van den Bergh determine its internal affairs. France, Sweden and
captures the fortified towns of Roermond and the Dutch Republic also make peace with the
Venlo, along the river Maas, adding them to the Habsburgs. This ends both the Thirty Years War
Dutch Republic until the Spanish retake them in and the Dutch Eighty Years War.
1637. 1649: King Charles I is executed and the
June, 1632: Dutch Stadtholder Frederick Henry Commonwealth of England is declared.
besieges Maastricht. 1651: The English Civil Wars end. Oliver
August, 1632: Maastricht falls to the Dutch Cromwell is declared Lord Protector of the
Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland.
besiegers, despite a relief attempt by Spanish
troops sent from the Rhine area by the Spanish 1653: The last Irish resistance to England ends.
Habsburg Queen Isabella. 1658: Oliver Cromwell dies and is succeeded as
November, 1632: The Battle of Lützen. Swedish Lord Protector by his son Richard.
and Protestant troops win a costly victory against 1659: Richard Cromwell is deposed by
the Habsburg troops under mercenary leader Parliament.
Albrecht von Wallenstein. However, Gustavus 1660: Parliament declares Charles II to have
Adolphus, King of Sweden, is killed while leading a succeeded Charles I in 1649. The Commonwealth
is no more.
cavalry charge.
September, 1634: The Battle of Nördlingen. A 1667: John Milton publishes Paradise Lost. The
Swedish and Protestant army is utterly destroyed Pope later bans Catholics from reading it.
in Bavaria. The Imperial heir, Prince Ferdinand, 1681: Louis XIV instructs his dragoon regiments to
wins much prestige for leading this victory. harass the remaining Huguenots in France, to
May, 1635: The French king, concerned at the encourage them to convert to Catholicism.
Swedish losses, decides to intervene directly. After 1685: The Edict of Nantes is revoked. Protestants
hiring mercenaries, France declares war upon lose their civil rights. Protestantism largely
the Habsburgs of Spain and Austria. disappears from France.
Later May, 1635: With France in open war, the
Habsburgs seek peace with the Protestant princes
in the Peace of Prague. The Habsburg Emperor of
Germany rescinds the Edict of Restitution, allowing
Protestant Bishops to hold office. Princes who
fought against the Emperor are pardoned. In
exchange, the princes agree not to form diplomatic
relations, and dissolve their alliances with Sweden
and France.

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Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open
Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names,
Fonts mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor
“Oldenburg”, by Nicole Fally to identify itself or its products or the associated products
contributed to theOpen Game License by the Contributor
“Almendra SC”, by Ana Sanfelippo (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute,
“Solway”, by Mariya V. Pigoulevskaya for The copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create
Northern Block Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or
"Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
For the editor:

For formatting assistance: /u/Gazook89 on Reddit

For technical assistance: /u/Gambatte on Reddit

2. The License: This License applies to any Open 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated
Game Content that contains a notice indicating Agents may publish updated versions of this
that the Open Game Content may only be Used License. You may use any authorized version of
under and in terms of this License. You must this License to copy, modify and distribute any
affix such a notice to any Open Game Content Open Game Content originally distributed under
that you Use. No terms may be added to or any version of this License.
subtracted from this License except as
described by the License itself. No other terms 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy
or conditions may be applied to any Open Game of this License with every copy of the Open
Content distributed using this License. Game Content You Distribute.

3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market
Content You indicate Your acceptance of the or advertise the Open Game Content using the
terms of this License. name of any Contributor unless You have
written permission from the Contributor to do
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for so.
agreeing to use this License, the Contributors
grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-­‐‑free, 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to
non-­‐‑exclusive license with the exact terms of comply with any of the terms of this License
this License to Use, the Open Game Content. with respect to some or all of the Open Game
Content due to statute, judicial order, or
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If governmental regulation then You may not Use
You are contributing original material as Open any Open Game Material so affected.
Game Content, You represent that Your
Contributions are Your original creation and/or 13. Termination: This License will terminate
You have sufficient rights to grant the rights automatically if You fail to comply with all
conveyed by this License. terms hereinand fail to cure such breach within
30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update sublicenses shall survive the termination of this
the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License License.
to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is
copying, modifying or distributing, and You must held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be
add the title, the copyright date, and the reformed only to the extent necessary to make
copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT it enforceable.
NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000,
any Product Identity, including as an indication Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed
System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016,
in another, independent Agreement with the
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls,
owner of each element of that Product Identity.
Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney
You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-­‐
Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J.
‑adaptability with any Trademark or Registered
Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve
Trademark in conjunction with a work
Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary
containing Open Game Content except as
Gygax and Dave Arneson.
expressly licensed in another, independent
Agreement with the owner of such Trademark Satan Has His Miracles Copyright 2021, Tristan
or Registered Trademark. The use of any Edge.
Product Identity in Open Game Content does not
constitute a challenge to the ownershipof that END OF LICENSE
Product Identity. The owner of any Product
Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain
all rights, title and interest in and to that
Product Identity.

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game

Content You must clearly indicate which
portions of the work that you are distributing
are Open Game Content.


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