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Gonindaoju M MV

4sst. Protessor
Queueing Theong i
a (ommon word tHhat means either a waiting line
the q Joning a Line T+ 6 omed ohen the
DUm ber Custoners artan i greater than the umber
Cus tonmrs being sevved duing peid q time

Vehicles waihnq in aa petel bunk

Patients watin tor cloctor's clinic
Wuhing toy barbe shoor heirr Cul
Passengets Lwarting o a ralway botting Cornter
at rathon shop etc.

situabans have Sone teatues Wke

Al +he abve
Cus toner's ailival bormatan bor
Seyite Pronsion Sern'e to theCus tomers cer tai
Seevice etc
ordes depur tue af ter
tere we leals how to and Sole the equahons thal
descn be queueing behaiaur tor the as oe
Situaions. The maln aim q eveloping queueing model
to inimjze the toal Co t queve and the Coot tim e
the Suteuble mahemahical model:

The queues ase gen erally denoted by

F epreserls the probabi t'lg d'tri bution
the aigival g jobs tor ihe Service
Yeprments the probabii lg
the Seen ce times
he SeverS
Putiala ye the totlowing notab on:
M’ Fr Pefsson Exponenthial d'strbuhion
G Fer 9eneral o'stTi buh'n
Er K-slage Erong9 di'stribuh
¬rlan e te.

Queuein9 System ?

syslem the agival process

Pooces (M) and Sezice tie
Petsson the
expomen hal ad these ne Seswey.

Model- 1' This model deals uih a

hatng ingie Serer Posson assival Expmental
ServiceS and io finile Capa e hy bo Sevice
he basis
totlwing the
terminotoqies wed

A unit for Seie to the Seice

Custom ey:
Caled Custon er
6 Persons, maines, telephone Calls et.

Waiting line: A ine tormed by Cus toneys

watng to
re ceie Seyvice Known al wai ting ine
3. Arival yate: The arAiva rate Calcw aed by elividins
to tal no. arrivads he total
the by
unitsq time ît n deneled by
4: Sevice rate: Pverage no. q Customeys being Served
Por unit q time .Tt
. denoted by e.
5. TYatic int ensity : deneed bt '9CRho) and

mean arrival rale

mean serice yale

Nota reproents the aVerage sen'ce time

the averag e aseial time

’eprerst s

6. Tdle Rate île rcte á dened by Po and

Expeded idle time C tor sernte tecelit )

Total se
= ( - ) XxTotel serite time

Enpeted no stomoys to the sysltn, sot;

Soth oaiting and
Po Sence 5 clened by ECn) and s detined
E(n) =

Enpected Cuytoners &watin4

deneled by E(m) and detined
ECm) =

Enpe ded time Spent the (us tomers en The sysln

9. by
Gdenoed by ECT)
ECT) = epeced time Spent hile wathng Y sernce
the Seryice time
ECw) +
Sioce the rale 4 assivals A, the epe chd no,
Cus tomers P the Sy slem ECn) will be equcl to
E (T)
EcT) = Ecn)

Expeled waiting time the s deneled by

ECw) and detined

ECw) =

The Prob ability thal there ale Cus torness

the Syslem at
ang time boh wai tin and o
Serice den ed by Pot)
a) Tbe probasi l customers wai tin9
Po -p=

Prob abili 4 1, persons waiting

tor Segvce ale

Po )

Probabiig that
the no Cus toners io the Syslen
grealor than equal to K
PC nK) = S PK k

d) Probabi l'lj e2 Spending moe than wunits time b

Model- I! wh en warting Spote i limited

modl bi cahons muJ be made to the prena
m odels Io this model the momum
Customers in The Syslem linited to c


((-) -pI)

ECn) Pverage (usto mers the System

E(m)= S'(n-)P 1

E(n) = En)

E(m) -> Perage quene lengl

3. The avyage waiting time Po the Syslem
ECT)= L ECn)

men rale Cus tomes enterin9 Ihe Syslm

Gnol e9hal to
wai in time Ihe queue
4 9verage 1) ECw)= = E()
EcT) -

Queuein9 Syslerm
the alival Process
ms|1 qeuein system
Pofsson Process ( M) the Sernce time
9eneral d'sibuhion (4), and th ere es ony

Vaious Fomulae

9 Aerage Custom eYS the Syslem

En) Sern ce
2 Aerage qeue Long th

tine Cus tomey the

3) Aver age waitn a


time that a cus tomer

mer Sperds
Pver ag e wating
The Syslom

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