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Department of Mathematics and Statistics

MAT 2110: Engineering Mathematics I
Tutorial Sheet 3 (2022/2023)
1. (a) Calculate the second derivative for each of the following.
√ √
i. y = √
x + cos xy iii. y = (x−3)3 .
iv. 1 = x− y.
ii. y = 4 x2 + 1.

(b) Find all derivatives y (n) of the function.


i. y = x−1 ii. y = 2x − 1. iii. y = 2x2 + x − 1 + x1 .

(c) i. Find y (5) for y = sin2 x

ii. Find y 00 given x2 + y 2 = a2 .
2. (a) In each of the following, find y 0 and y 00 .

i. tan xy = y iii. tan2 (y + 1) = 3 sin x.

ii. sec2 y + cot2 y = 3

(b) If the curve sin y = x3 − x5 passes through the point (1, 0), find y 0 and y 00 at (1, 0).
(c) In each of the following, find dx .

i. y = ln( x−1
x+1 )
−1 sin x
ii. y = x(2x+3) 4
iv. tan(ey−x ) = x2
iii. y = (log2 x)(ln(sec x)) v. y = 3sin x
(d) Find dx if

iii. y = tan−1 1−xx

v. y = cosh−1 (sin x)

i. y = coth 4x 2

ii. y = sinh 2x cos x iv. y = 2x sin−1 3x

3. (a) A cylindrical tank of radius 10 cm is being filled with wheat at the rate of
314 cm3 /s. How fast is the depth of the wheat increasing?
(b) A rocket is being shot vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 400 meters per
second. Its height S after t seconds is S = 400 t − 16 t2 . How fast is the distance
changing from the rocket to an observer on the ground 1800 meters away from
the launching site, when the rocket is still rising and is 2400 meters above the
(c) A rail road track crosses a highway at an angle of 60◦ . A train is approaching the
intersection at the rate of 40 kilometres per hour, and a car is approaching the
intersection from the same side as the train, at the rate of 50 kilometres per hour.
If, at a certain moment, the train and car both 2 kilometres from the intersection,
how fast is the distance between them changing?
(d) A small funnel in the shape of a cone is being emptied of fluid at the rate of 12
cubic centimetres per second. The height of the funnel is 20cm and the radius of
the top is 4cm. How fast is the fluid level dropping when the level stands 5cm
above the vertex of the cone?
(e) Water is pouring into an inverted cone at the rate of 3.14 cubic meters per minute.
The height of the cone is 10m, and the radius of its base is 5 meters. How fast
is the water level rising when the water stands 7.5m above the base? Leave your
answer to three decimal places.
4. (a) Find the stationary points and determine whether they are maxima, minima, in-
flection points, or none of these.
i. y = x4 − 18x2 + 9
ii. y = (x2 − 1)3
iii. y = sin2 x for − π2 ≤ x ≤ π2 .
iv. y = x−1
(b) i. A printed page must contain 60 cm3 of printed material. There are to be
margins 5 cm on either side and margins of 3 cm on the top and bottom. How
long should the printed lines be in order to minimize the amount of paper used.
ii. A thin walled cone shaped cup is to hold 36π cm3 of ice-cream when full. What
dimension will minimize the amount of material needed for the cup?
(c) i. Find the equation of the tangent line and normal line to the graph of y =
x + cos xy at (0, 1).
ii. Find the equations of the tangent lines to the ellipse 9x2 + 16y 2 = 52 that are
parallel to the line 9x − 8y = 1.
iii. Show that the circle x2 + y 2 − 12x − 6y + 25 = 0 and x2 + y 2 + 2x + y − 10 = 0
are tangent to each other at the point (2, 1).
5. (a) In each of the following, determine whether the hypotheses of Rolle’s theorem
hold for the function f on the given interval, and, if they do, verify the conclusion
of the theorem.
i. f (x) = x2 − 2x − 3 on [−1, 3].
ii. f (x) = 9x3 − 4x on [− 23 , 23 ].
2 1
iii. f (x) = x 3 − 2x 3 on [0, 8].
(b) i. Find the Linearization of f (x) = tan x at x = π4 .

ii. Find the Linearization of f (x) = x + 1 + sin x at x = 0.
(c) Use Linearization to approximate each of the following.
√ √ √
i. 51 ii. 3 123 iii. 3 0.065

(d) Evaluate each of the following.

i. limx→0 sinex −1(x) iii. limx→∞ 2xx

x+1−1− x2 iv. limx→0 x sin( x1 )
ii. limx→0
v. limx→0+ x1 − csc x .


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