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1 Tiepcancauh6ithuonggap
A Unit01Track

Are you a student or do you work?
la sinh vien hay dang di lam?
ngh,~p sinh vi~n a student

• hQCnganh Quan ttj kinh doanh • majomg" busness

, se t6t nghitp vao nrun sau • will graduatenextyear

Y tuling dang di lam I work

2 • lam vitc t~i mOtcOngty marketing , work at a marketingagency
• da lam vitc di/QCba nAm • ha\/8beenworknglorthraeyea,s

'!' Cau
tra lbi Tham khao cac y IU'Clngtren vii II/ mlnh Ira leli, sau d6 so sanh vai cau Ira lbi mau
cua bsin d~ hoiln thi~n cau tra lbi cua b;;m.

Cautra TrQng tam I'm a student. Di~n giai More TOIIi mQtsinh vltn.
lbi mau Cu th4 hon, IOIIi slnh vlln chuyln ngllnh
speclflcally, I'm a college student majoring
in business management. I'll graduate next Quant~ kinh doanh.TOIsA 161nghl♦p vao
nlm sau.

HI vi,tng speclflcallylspasifikali]mOteach cv th~ major(meid3ar]chuy~n nganh buslneH

managementquan ttj kinh doanh graduate(gra!d3uan]t6t nghitp

A UnitOllrack2

Why did you choose your job?
T1;1isac b1;1n
chQn cong vi~c cua minh?
ngh,~p thu nh~p t6t the pay was great

• ~ m(>tkhoanvay
h6tn;,silhv!An • took out a student loan
• 1/Uti6nla i<W!m
dll</Cnh~ tio§n • being able to make money was
a priority
y tU'ang liAn quan dl!n chuyAn nganh d~I it is related to my college major
hQCcua tOi
• hQc chuyAnnganhtruy&,thOng , studiedcommunicationat college
• tr/Hhanhnhabaolarooll&cuatOi • Journalistwas my dream job

Tcautraioi Tham khao cac y IU'ClngIran vii 11,1 m1nh tra lcii, sau d6 so sanh vai cau Ira leli mau
cua~ di! hoiln thi~n cau tra lc:licua b,in.

Cau tra TrQng tam Frankly speaking, because the pay Thu lhi,rc ml ndl, d6 la vi
was great. D,An g,a.1When I was in college, I lhu nh$p "' t6L Khl di hQC.
took out a student loan. Therefore, being able to IOIconl$1 mOtkho1nvay h6trq slnh
vlln. Vl 1116,
kl6mdi/QC 111$1
make a lot of money was a priority for me when
ll llUti6ncuatOikhl chqn vltc-
choosing a job.

TL/vvng frankly speakinglhu 111\ICloanllounJnq prlority(prao:rall]1/UUAn

A Unit01Track
What is the best thing about your job?
f>i~m t6t nhi!I acOng vi~c cua b;;i.nla gl?
ngh,tp lam viec c(mg nhi:lngd6ng nghi~pt6t work with nice people

• h9 thi,tcsi,tquan tam tffl tOi • they really care for me

• cho tOinhi:lngIOikhuyan hOUfch • give me usefuladvice

Y hieing Tr9ng tMi c6 ch~ d¢ dAi ng¢ t6t cho nhan vian has good employee benefits

2 p1Angilli • congc6pcac kh6ahQconlinem~n phi • provklesfreeOMl8 courses

• phat ~ cacky nang ~ ngo, k~ • developforeignlang.Jage,
toan va 1<ynang
maytinh accounti'lg.

T CAu tra IOi Tham khao cac y ll/Ong tren va ti,/ minh Ira Joi, sau d6 so sanh voi cAu Ira Joi mau
cuab,m d~ hoan thil)n cAu tra Joi cua b(ln.

CAu Ira Tr9ng tam What I like most about my job a
Tr9ng tAm Di6u t61thfch nh4t c6ng vi$c er
is that I get lo work with such nice people. cua mlnh la t61duc;,clam vi$c vdi nhOng .,,

nguoi r4t t6t. 016ngill! Ngay cA khi t6i vllo c:'

Diin glai Even though I haven't been there ~
c6ng ty chua !Au, h9 duong nhu thi,tc sv
long, they seem to really care for me. For z
quan tam !di t6i. VI du m6i khl 161gtp kh6 <O
example, when I have a struggle with work, -::r
khan trong c6ng vl$c, h9 l~I gtp vll cho 16i
they come to me and give me useful advice. nhOngIOIkhuyanhOufch.
Tl/ vi,tng care for -quan tam ai d6 have a struggle glp phai kh6 khAn <
A Unit01Track
4 <»

What do you not like about your job?

f>i~u gi b~n khOng thfch
acOng vi$c cua minh?
nghi~p "vwon9 Ytl/<lng lam vitc ngoai gill work overtime

vacau • lam vi❖c mu¢n 4 tran 5 ngay • work late 4 out of 5 days
trueIraIOi • kh6i lllc;JngcOngvi❖c qua ntng • workload is too heavy

Y tlfclng TrQn tam cOngvitc r4t te nh~t the work is boring

2 ··6;i;,;··;i,j·····;··~;;;;_;:,;;ti;~-;,;;~-~-~---·_-~~-;~~-~~
• mongla tOic6 tMthll lam<f~ugi m<JI
me • wish I could try out something

T cautra loi Tham khao cac y tl/Ong tren va ti,/ minh Ira loi, sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra loi mau
cua b;m d!! hoan thil)n cau tra Joi cua b(ln.

CAu tra Tr9ng tlim The only thing I don't like is TrQngt~m Di6u duy nh4t t61kh6ng hill long v6
loi mau c6ng vi$(: cua mlnh d6 la o6ng vitc dbl h61phai
that I am frequently expected to work
lam vi$c ngoal glb thllbng xuy6n DIAng1aiTuAn
overtime. Di~n giai Last week, for
vua r61.chlng han.t6i phai lam vitc mu¢n 4 tran
example, I had to work late 4 out of 5
5 ngay lam vi$(:. Kh6i IUQngcOngvi$<:n61aon
days. The workload is simply too heavy.
glan m¢t cAula qua ntng.

Tu vi,rng expect[ikspektJy6u c4u, di,rtfnh work tate lam thAm gia workload[wa:rkloudJkh6i

PART 1 Job & Study 53

A Unit01Track

II Why did you choose your major?

T1;1isao b1;1n
chQn chuyen nganh cua minh?

~\,tuong V ll/C/ng TrQngtAm d6 ki6m vi$c more likely to get hired

vadlu 1 □i6n g,a • 1am6quancam
k)i ruacact,;w,smvm • a bigconcernfor colleges1udents
true tra lcil
•la~~ <lfr1g
cl6ngti&,bal9<'() • a majo<that wooldpay off
Ytl/i'lng TrQngtAm th4y hung thu vai vi$c hQCvan hQC was Interestedin studyingiterature
2 DIAngial • cho ta nhi~u bai hQChilu fch trong , gives us many useful lessons
cu¢<:s6ng for our lives
• dQCvan hQCAnh dem I~ ni~m vui • it gives me joy to read English
cho tOi literature

'i' Cautralcsi Tham khao cac y tlli'lng tren vii 11,1minh tra lcsi,sau d6 so sanh vai cflu tra lcsimAu
cuab~ d~ hoan thi~n cflu tra lcsicua bi;ln.

Ci!u tra
Trc;>ngtam I chose business management Tr9ng !Am TOI hQC nganh quan I~ klnh
!bi mAu
because I'm more likely to get hired with a doanh bdi vl IOItMy s6 d6 kl,m vl$c hon
degree in that field. DiAn giai These days, v¢1mQtt4mbAngtrong ngAnhnAy.DIAnglal
Ngay nay,ki,m dU(lcmQtcOngvi~ IA m6i
getting a job is a big concern for college
quan IAmldn cua slnh vl6n d,1 hQC.V1thf,
students. Therefore, I wanted lo invest my
tOimu6n d4u tu thOiglan va ti6n b,c vao
time and money in a major that would pay off. mQtnganhd6ng d6ng ti6n b6t 9\10,

Tll vi,tng more likely to -c6 kha nang cao degree(digrl:] t4m bAng, b!ng c4p
concern[kanso:rn] m6i quan tam, m6i lo ng9 i lnvest(inv6st] d.iu hi

A Unit01Track

D What do you learn while studying your major?

hQc gi trong chuyen nganh cua minh?

~\11/ong Y tlli'lng TrQngUlm ly thuy,t quan t~, k6 toan va d9odue managementtheory, accounting,
vadlu doanh nghi$p and business ethics
true tra lcil DIAnglal • hQC
n'ltnh~u cac mOnhQC
kMc nhau • study a lot of varied subjects
• trang bi cho IOInhilng ky nang c:An • give me the skills I need to get
thiet d~ kiem dUQCm¢t cOngvitc a job
Y tlli'lng TrQngtam ti6ng Trung Ou6c thuong m9i Chinese for business
2 ················-··························································································
Diln gill! • hQCtll v,,mgva cac each di,n d9t • learnedthe vocabularyand
dUQCdung trong kinh doanh expressionsused in business
• luy$n ~p lam cac bai thuy6t trlnh situations
b!ng ti6ng Trung Ou6c • practiced doing presentations
In Chinese

-f,cautralcli Tham khao cac y ti/Ong tr~n va tt,I minh tra lcsi,sau d6 so sanh vai cflu tra llli mAu
cua~ d~ hoan thi~n cau tra 1111
cua bi;ln.

~ Tn;,ng Ulm I have to take courses in Tr9ng 1AmTOIphal hQCcac kh6a hQCv6 ly
~ management theory, accounting, and thuylt quan trj, kl toAn vA d,o dac doanh
business ethics. DiAn giai Since I'm nghl$p DIAngiaiV1chuyAnngAnhcua IOIIA
majoring in business administration, I have quan 1~klnh doanh, tOi phai hQCr4t nhl6u
mOnhQCkh6c nhau ki4u nhu vty. TOinghT
to study a lot of varied subjects like those.
cAc mOnhQCnAys6 trang bl cho tOi nhOng
I think that will give me the skills I need to k9nlng c4n lh14td4 UmdUQC mOtcOngvi~
get a job attar graduation. sau khi 161nghltp.

Tu vlfng take a coursehQC

kh6a hQC eccountingl~untilJI k6 toan ethlcs[eeiksJ
"90 due
varled[v~rid) nhi6u lo~ khac nhau, da d~ng

A UnttDlTrack

What are you going to do after graduation?
B1;1nse lam gl sau khi t6t nghi~p?

1ap ·vw,g Y tllong kkSmdUi,c mOIcOngvi~ look for a job
va~u 1 , n4u mQivitc khOngsuOnsi\ • tt lhlngs don'! work oul
true tra 1/j
• di du ljch nu&: ngoai • will traveloverseas

Y tllong hQC16nchl/C1ng
lrinh sau d~I hQC move on to graduals school

2 • mu6n hQcsaut'Ol v6 c:huy6nnganh • wan! lo sludy my major

cuamnh more deeply
• mu6n~ ~ chJyoogialnlngIm.,.,, • wish lo become an expert
maikelrg In marketing

':i:'cautral<Ji Tham khao cac y tuong trlm va ti,/ mlnh tra 1/:Ji,sau d6 so sanh vcli cau tra 1/:JimAu
cua~ d6 hoan thi~n cau tra 1/:Jicua bi;m.

Trong tAm I'll be looking for a job, most likely. Tr "9 m TOIsl di Um vl•c. ch6c la vty.
Dilln giai However, if things don't work out, I D a Tuy nhM!n,n4u mQIchuytn khOng
will take a break and travel overseas. Since suOnsi, IOIsl nghl ngOImOIlh!II glan va di
du ljeh nl/Ocngoal. VI 101chi/a bao glb d$t
I've never been to Europe, I think that's
probably where I'll be headed.
chln d&nChlu Au, nAnIOInghl c6 II d6 la z
nol IOIsl d4n. -::r
Tu v!Jng lookfor -tim loom most likely chAc la v&y work out suOnsi\ -::r
take a break nghl ngai mOIthlii gian head(hed( (hi/Ong) Mn -0
A UnttDlTrack
8 <)

Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon? -0

B1;1nthich hQc vao bu6i sang hay bu6i t6i hon?

0y h./clng y tl/ong TrJl!!Qlam DAu 6c minh min vao bu61 my mind Is clearer in lhe morning
va~u sang
true tra 1/j D,~n • b!ng ~c sOm lam xong • by finishing all my asslgnmenls early
• nlnhrangvao
ct.&, • lree up my atternoons and evenings
Y II/Ong TrQng14m TOIlhfch hQCvao bu6i chi6u I prefer lo sludy in the atternoon
2 o,AngiaJ • ga g~I vao bu61sang • half asleep, half awake in Iha
• ~P !rung t6t han vao bu61 morning
chi6u • focus better In lhe atternoon

':i:'CAu Ira 1/:Ji Tham khao cac y tuong tr6n va 11,1 mlnh tra IC1i,sau d6 so sanh vcli cau tra IC1imAu
cua~ d6 hoan thi~n cau tra IC1icua b1;1n.

Trong !Am My mind is usually clearer In the Trong tam fl4u 6c cua 161lhllbng minh
morning, so I prefer to study then. Di~n giai m4n t>Onvao bui!I dng, n6n IOIthlch hoc
Also, by finishing all my assignments early, v6o IOc 06. O g1 COng nhtJ v,y, n,u
aOmlam xong bal ttp, 161sl ranh rang vao
I free up my afternoons and evenings. I can
etc budl ch16uva 161.T61c6 th4 danh t~I
spend that time meeting my friends, playing
glan gtp bfn b•. ct>OIcic tr6 chOIhay ~
games, or doing sports.
lh4 lhao.

Tu v!Jng a11lgnment(os~lnmont)bai dlli,c giao free up ranh rang

PART 1 Job & Study 55

aPart2. cau h6i thuongduQcdua ra la yeu caumieu ta v~ngh~ nghiep.
Nghe nghi~p Trongtruong hQpd6.oPart3 giamkhaoseh6i banv~ nhangngM nghiep
c6 tM c6 thu nhapt6tva ngh~nghiepc6 thu nhaptMp.


D Describe an Interesting job that you know. Hay m~u ta m¢t rong vi~ thu vj ma~

You should say:


what the job Is cOng vi~c d6 la gl

what kind of education or qualities are needed to get this job
cOng vl~c nay yeu cAu trlnh d¢ dao 11;10
vii phdm ch.ft gl
and explain why you think this job Is Interesting. vii giai thich vl sao b1;1nth.fy cOng
vi~c nay thu vi.

0.Ytvong Ol COngv+: 06 la gl • nha vAn • writer

vii c.fu
tnic Ira lc1i ® COng v+: nay • !al nAng lhi6n b,m • naturaJtaJent
yeu c:Au trinh dQ • dao 1$0chfnh quy • formal education
dao 1$0 vii phlm • ky nAng quan s61 va lral • observalionalskils and diverse
chillgl nghi♦m phong phu experiences

~Glal lhfch vi sao • tac ph4mcuacacnha vAn dllc;IC • the work of wrtters is widely
~n lh:ly c¢ng d6ndQcr¢ng rai read
vitc nay lhu vt • dem l~i nhi~u cam xuc cho • cause emotional reactions in so
nhi~u nglllJi many people
• c6 th~ lam cOng vi♦c cua mlnh • can do one's work anywhere at
ii bill cadAu, bill c11luc nao anytime

Tham khao cac y 111angtren vii 11,1minh tra lc!i, sau d6 so sanh vcJicau tra 111;
d~ hoan thi~n cau tra I1ficua b1;1n.

• nofuroltalent
• formal education
sklU$ .d1verse.experience································ .......................................... .
.• _observotlonol.
• the work Is widelyread, cause emotlonolreaction
.•.do.work.onywhereony.+1me········································ ................................................. .
• reloxedworkingcondition,employeebenefit
• hiringprocess, competitive
• work with the best
. • .dNerse.perks mossogeroom,.free meol······················ ................................................... .

leiimAu <DThere are many interesting jobs these
A Unit01Track

<DNgay nay c6 ,,1 nhi6u cOngvi♦c thu vi,

nhllng nha van la cOng vi♦c d4u ti&n
days, but the first thing that comes er,
hi♦n ra trong tam trf tOI. C6 ,,1 nhl6u
to mind Is writer. There are many ki&u nhll vAn, vi dv nhll nhll tl&u thuy4t,

types of writers, such as novelists nhll vi4t kich. T«t ca cac kl&u nha vAn
and screenwriters. Both these types trAn d6u t,o ra cac lac ph,m sang 1,0
til y ti/Ong cua chlnh hQ.
of writers produce creative work with
their own ideas.

ai Surprisingly, none of these writing jobs -.. Ng~c nhlAn Ill. khOngc6 cOngvi$c IIAn
quan d4n vi4t Isch nllo thl,lc SI/ yAu
really requires a specific education.
c4u mQtn6n tang giao dvc cv th&. MQt
Some writers can make it with just val tac gla c6 th& vl4t ch! vl d6 la tai
natural talent. In Vietnam, however, nAng thiAn b'"1 cua hQ. Tuy nhlAn, o
many people study Vietnamese Vitt Nam, ,,1 nhi6u ngllbi hQCnganh
VAn hQCVi♦t Nam ho,c vi4t sang l\lo
literature or creative writing to be
d& tro thllnh nha van. Du c6 n6n tang
a writer. Whether they have formal giao dvc bai ban hay ddn gian Ill tal
education or natural talent, all writers nAng thlAn b,m thl t4t ca cac nha vAn
d6u c4n c6 cac ky nAng quan sat va
must have observational skills and
trai nghi♦m phong phu.
diverse experiences.
ll I find writing to be a very interesting job TOIth4y vi4t vAn la mQtcOng vi♦c thu
vj vl vai ly do. Tht1nh4t, tac ph,m cua
for several reasons. First, the work of
cac nha vAn dl/Qc d6n dQc rQng rAI.
writers is widely read. So, they can Vl th4, hQ c6 th& chis se nhilng suy
share their ideas and cause emotional nghT cua mlnh vii l<hi4n nhi6u ngtJOi

reactions in so many people. I think xuc dQng. TOI th4y vl♦c vl4t vAn r4t
dtc bi♦t vl da s6 mQi ngllbi khOng lam
writing is really special because most
cOng vifc nay. Ngoai ra, vl♦c cac nhA
people don't get to do that. I also think vAn c6 th& vi4t ob4t ell dAu va b4t
it's great that they can work wherever ca khl nao h9 mu6n cOng n(t tuyft.
KhOng gi6ng nhOng ngh6 nghifp
and whenever they want to. Unlike
khac phal lam glb hanh chfnh t~I vAn
most workers who work 9-to-5 in phong, nha vAn c6 th& sang tac omQI
an office, writers can do their work nefi,moi IUc.

anywhere at any time.

Tu vvng novellat(n!:valistl tl~u thuy4t gia 1creenwrlter(skri:nraitarlnha vi4hkjch natural talent
tal nAng thiAn phu formal education dao 1,0 chlnh quy observatlonal[dbzarvei/anl)
quan sat wldely(w.lidlij rQng rAi, kh4p ndi reactlon(riaekfanf phan (Ing
&-to-5 lam vifc tu 9h d4n 17h/ lam gib hllnh chlnh

PART2&3 Job & Study 57

3 A Unit01Track
What kind of jobs make little money?
EJ Nhung c6ng vi~c nao c6 thu nh~p thap?

0 Y....._
lUVIIQ TrQng !Am Cong viO<,thu¢c kh6i nganh dich vv jobs in the service Industry
va~u DIAnglal • nhan vi6n phvc V\Ihay nhAnvi6n banltl • serveror retailclerk
trueIraloi • workon holidaysor over the weekends
• cac vj trf t~m thlli h~c ban thefigian
• khOngyAu cAu dilo t~o chfnh quy hay • work long shifts In the evenings
bAng ~P • have to handle customers' problems and
• c6 r4t nhi6u Ling cLIviAn d~t yAu c4u demands

Tham khao cac y tlll1ngtren va ttJmlnh tra le1i,sau d6 so sanh vdi cau tra le1imllu
d~ hoan thi~ncau tra le1i
cua b;m.

CAutra c::r
le1imllu TrQng tAm I think that jobs in the Tr9ng !Am TOI nghi n\ng cOng vitc thu¢c
service industry such as server or
retail clerk should be better paid.
Dilln giai This Is because these jobs
kh61 ngilnh dich vv nhll nhAn viAn phvc

vv hay nhAn vlAn nAn dllC:,Ctra llldng cao

Mn. DIAn glai 06 IA bbi nhOng cOng vlec

require working on holidays or over nay yAu cAu phal lam vilo ngily nghl IA ""
the weekend. Also, many of these ho~c ca cu6i tuAn. Ngoal ra, hQ cOng phal .;;;;

jobs make people work long shifts in ti!ng ca dAm khi lam nhOng cOng viOc nay. ~
the evenings. Finally, servers and Cu61 cung, nhOng nglleli phvc vv vil ban 0
clerks have to handle customers' hang phai giai quyft v4n d6 vil yAu cAu &

problems and demands. Therefore, cua kMch hilng. V1v$y, hQ phai dl/C:,Ctra

they should be paid more than they mLlc llldng cao hon hlOn t~i.
currently are. c.,:,
n1 vJ,lng retall(rl:teill di~m ban ltl, ban le clerk(kla:rkl nhAn viAn degree (digri:I .,.
bAng c4p qualified lkw.!:lifaldl d~t yAu c4u appllcant(a,plikant] (Ing cLI viAn

naturally(na,tjarali] le tJ,InhiAn, le thllctng tinh """'


PART2&3 Job & Study 59

A Unit02Track

Do you live in an apartment or a house?
BGindang song 6 ciin h◊ hay nha rieng?
clla 0 Y..1uu11g
,,._ Tr9ng tAm ID cAn hQstudio a studioapartment
DIAnglai • g6m mQtphbng ddn • consistsof a singleroom
trueIra lo! • im ap vii thoai mai • cozy and comfortable

Tr9ng tam ~ nha riAng a house

DiAngial • ngOinha 2 tAng • a two-story house

• vbi 3 phong ngu, 2 phbng t4m vii 1 • with three bedrooms, two bathrooms,
khu vulln dll(/CchAm s6c ky cang and a well-maintainedgarden

Tham khao cac y tvc'Jngva each dien d1;1Idi! luy❖n n6i dap an cua mlnh, sau d6
so sanh veli cAu Ira loi mau di! hoan thil)n cAu Ira loi cua b1;1n.

Tr9ng tam I live in a studio apartment. DiAn Tr9ng 14m TOi s6ng trong mQt c!n hQ
g1ai II consists of a single room and has studio. DiAngiai N6 chi cO mQtphOngdon
just enough space for a bed and a desk. va du khOnggian d' kA mQtchi~ gilJOng
vA mOt chi4c biln Jamvi$c. OU n6 hoi nh6,
Even though it's quite small, it's cozy and
nhungkhaim ap va thoai mat.

Tfl v',lng studio apartment c!n hQ studio consist of -bao g6m cozyfk6uzi]im ap

A Unit02Track2
What do you like about your house or apartment?
El Nha
Oi~m ma bGinthich 6 ciin h◊ hay ngoi nha cua minh la gi?

cU'a 0y 11/cJng Tr9ng tam (I) c6 vj tri thu~n titn is conveniently located
DiAn glal • mit 3 phut di d~n lfslm xe buy! gAnnhit • 3 minutesfromthe nearest busstop
trueIra lo!
• c6 he th6ng suai va lam mat tuytt v/li • has a greatheatingandcoolingsystem

Tr9ng t4m ~ rQngrai spacious

DIAnglal • tr6ng rau cu va hoa la • grow cropsand flowers

• du rQngrai d' m/li b~n be d~n cMi • hasenoughspaceto invitefriendsover

'i'ca.u traIOI Tham khao cac y tvc'Jngva each dien d1;1tdi! luyl)n n6i dap an cua mlnh, sau d6
cuab<lJ) so sanh vai cAu Ira loi mi!u di! hoan thil)n cAu Ira loi cua b1;1n.

Tr9ng tam Let's see. First of all, my apartment Trqng tam o& t61 nghi. OAu 1i6n IA cAn h~
is conveniently located. Di~n giai It's only cua tOi c6 vi trf kha ti$n IQi.DIAngl61Chi
about 3 minutes from the nearest bus stop. mit 3 phut d4n b4n xe buyt. Tha hal. n6
khOngchi sang sua mA cbn c6 hf th6ng
Secondly, tt is not onty well-lit but tt also has
su~i vA lam mat. V1th4 ngOInha s6 4m
a great heating and cooling system. So, tt's
1!ipvAo mUadOngvA mBtmi vlliomUa h8.
warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

TfJv',lng convenlently[kanvi:njantli] tien l\fi

A Unit02Track
What do you not like about your house or apartment?
0ii§m ma b,;1nkhong thfch 6 ng6i nha/ din h6 cua minh?

cl/a v h/bng TrQng!Am hang x6m !Angtran my upstairsneighbor

vacau Dien gl/11 • ~ danghitavao hlc nua dam , practicesguitarn themiddlea thel19ll
tnictra leii • plays loud music all the time at full
• mo nh~c Ami o muc am
to nh~t volume

v tuong TrQngtam kha cu ky quite old

2 Di6n glal • chi phi bao tri cao • has high maintenancecosts
• lhuangxuyanxay rahongh6c • problemsfrequentlyarise, including
baog6mca~ th6ng6ngnll& plumbingand electricity

~Cautral<li Tham khao cac y tuClng va each dilln d.it d~ luyl)n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6
cuab,m so sanh voi cau Ira IC!imau cl~ hoan thil)n cau Ira IC!icua b,m.
CAu Ira Tr9ng tam I'm content with nearly everything Tr9ngt4m TOIhai lbng vcllhdu hft ,,, cA c:::,
IC1imau m9i thu'v6 cAnhe)cUamlnhngo~itrll'ngU'Oi
about my apartment, except for my upstairs ~
hangx6m t4ngtrAn.DIAngidiAnh fy kha :::,
neighbor. DiAn giai He is so noisy. For
6n ao. VI dU,anh fy thlnhthoangt$p dan <¥'
Instance, he sometimes practices guitar in a,
ghitavttoIllem)adAm.ThAmvao d6, anh 5.
the middle of the night. What's more, he ci:
.ty cbn mO nh~c ,m i C1mU'caimhJQngcao

plays loud music all the time at full volume. nh,t. 00

Ti/ vvng be content with -hili lbng vdi except for -ngo~I tril 9.
A Unit02Track

What room in your house or apartment do you prefer most?

B,;1nthich nhat can phong nao trong ng6i nha hay can h6 cua minh?

cUa 0,.,...._ Y tuong Trong !Am phong ngu my bedroom

vacau Di6n gl~ • th~t sv am ap • reallysnug
tnictra~ • mc)Icti tiviman
hilh k'.t1treo trM llblg • a big TV hangingon the wall

Y tt/elng Tr9ng!Am phong b~p kitchen

2 Dl~nglal • nau bat kym6n gi minh thfch • cookingis what I'm into
• hln,g Vim6nann11a1amlli 1h11Qian • the smell of home-cookedfood
is comforting

Tciiutral<li Tham khao cac y 1uc,ng vii each di~n d<1Id~ luy~n n6i clap an cua mlnh, sau do
cuab<1n so sanh vai ciiu 1ra lbi mau d~ hoan lhi~n cau Ira lbi cua b,m.

Tr9ng tam I like my bedroom the most. Di~n Trongt!m TOIthlchnh,t phbngngti.DI6n
giai There are a lot of cushions in it, so it glal C6 rat nhl~ug6I trong phbngnAn n6
thO,t s11 ifm 6p. Hon nOa, tOI cbn co m~t
is really snug. Moreover, I've got a big TV
chi~ctivltreotu~ng.TOIrft thlchxemphim
hanging on the wall. I love to watch movies
khidangnlm dAitrAngil./Ong.
while lying in bed.

Ti/ vl,fng snugfsMg)am ap hangfhaeDJ

treo Ian

PART 1 Accommodation & Buildings 67

A Unit02Track

What can you see from the window of your house or apartment?
B!;ln c6 th~ nhln thay gi W cl/a s6 ngOi nha hay cl!.n h◊ cua mlnh?
c(/a ·v111ong Y lllcJng nhilng toa nha chung cu khac va other apartment buildings and
vadiu 1 con ph6 the street
truetralei o· • mOt vai c(/a hang d6i di$n thAng • several shops directly across
vai nha tOI from my house
• mOtc(la hang hoa, mOtti$m ban a florist, a small grocery store,
If P h6a va thVc ph&mnhl>,va mOt and a laundry service
ti♦m gi~t la

Y tuling mOIcon sOngnhl> a small river

2 ~ • rtu-grq.fi<JwNcl,x:a;,cbl!sOng • peoplejogging along the bank

• ga tau di♦n ng4m Mn kia sOng • subway stationacross the river

Tham khao cac y tuang va each di~n d,it dil luy~n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6
so sanh vcii cAu Ira 1111
mau di! hoan thi~n cAu Ira 1111
cua b,in.

CAutra Trong tam I can see other apartment Trone , TOIc6 th' th4ynhllngtba chung
lbi mau
buildings and the street from my window. cu khac vl con ph6 tis c(/a ~ nhl mlnh.
Dien giai There are also several shops D,~ngI 0 d6 cOngc6 vai cua hlng d6l
directly across from my house. To be more dl♦n thing vdi nhl IOI.c~ th' hon ll mQt
cila hlng hoa, mOtU♦m ban lfp h6a, vl
specific, there is a florist, a small grocery
mQtUfm gll\l ll.
store, and a laundry service.

Tllv!Jng florist (fl~rist]c(/a hang hoa grocery store c(/a hang ban t"p ph~m
laundry service ti♦m gi~t la

A Unit02Track

How long have you been living there?
B!;ln da s6ng CJday dU<;fcbao lau roi?

cl/a dUQc2 nam tinh d4n nay for 2 years now

I ···""•
• chuy~n d4n ngay sau khl 161nghl♦p
"'p ba
• moved after graduating
from high school
• phal tlm nai a mOigAn khuOnvien • had to find a new place
trubng d"I hoc near campus
Y IL/ling Tr2!!QJ1_m ca cuOcdbl tOi for my entire life
2 DiA • dl/Qc sinh ra va k!n len trong ngOi • was born and raised in this
nha nay house
• vAn s6ng cung vai b6 m~ IOi • still live with my parents

Tham khao cac y tl/Ong va each dien d,it dil luy❖n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6
so sanh vc'.Jicau tra llli mAu di! hoan thi♦n cau tra llli cua b.in.

CAutra Tro~g I've been living there for 2 years TOIdi s6ng adly dUQc2 nAm
IOimau tinh d4n nay. TOIdi chuy,n d4n
now. o,~n I moved to my apartment right
after graduating from high school. That's cAnhOhi♦n lfl ngaysau khl 161nghlfp c(p
because I had to find a new place near ba. 06 ll vi 101phal tlm mQtndi 6 mdi g6n
khuOnvi6n ltUllngdfl hQC, vl !rulingth&!sv
campus, since my university is really far
xa nhl b6 m, IOI.
from my parents' house.

Ti/ vl,fng graduate from - 161nghl♦p Iii-

A Unit02Track
Will you keep living there in the future?
Nha +
song Oday trong tlldng lai chu?
B~n se tiep 11,JC

Y tullng tOichi/a c6 ,; djnh gl ca I have no idea

cUa "Y tuOllg
varau • chi/a c6 dV djnh chuy4n • don't have any plans to move
truetra ~ • n6u IOItlm dll</CcOng vltc mOi • if I get a new job or get married
hoJc k6t hOn
• cAn phai tim mOt ran hO ~ ndi • needto find en apa11men1
khac somewhereelse

Y tullng tOise chuy4n d~n khu khac I'll be moving to another area

2 • chuy4n ra khOinha cua b6 me tOi • will move out of my parents' house

• se s6ng d!u d6 gAn ndi lam • wlll live somewhere closer to work
vitc han

Tham khao cac tuong va each di~n d.it d~ luy~n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6 :,»
so sanh ve1icau Ira I/Ji m/lu de hoan thi~n cau Ira I/Ji cua b.in. n
Cau tra Trong tam To be honest, I have no idea. IOIchlla c6 y djnhgl ca.
Trong11lmThuthl,IC, =
1/Jimau o,an gia TOIkhOngc6 dV dlnh chuy,n di Cl

Di~n giai I don't have any plans to move ::::,
ngayth(II dl,m hltn 1,1.Tuy nhiln, "'" IOI er,
right now. However, if I get a new job or get
tlm dUQC cOngvitc mdi hay k,1 hOn,IOIc6
married, I might need to find an apartment 5,
lh4 c4n tlm mOIcAnhOOndi khlic. C:
somewhere else. s·

T(I vlJng to be honest thu thVCla, n6i mOIeach thanh lhVc la z

A Unit02Track8 ~
Do you want to live near your family when you get your own house? ~

B~n c6 muon song gan gia dlnh mlnh khi b~n da c6 nha rieng khOng?
+ Y tullng Trang tam tOir4t thfch s6ng gAngia dlnh mlnh I'd love to live near my family

cl.la • y IUOllg ..........................................................................................................

varau 1 Dien ·a, • khOng mu6n phf hang gill di • don't want to spend hours on the
tnlctra~ road
chuy4ntrln di/Ong
• me IOIse mangcho tOinhungm6n • my mom would bring me hot food
An n6ng hOi

Y tullng IOi~ mu6n

gia- mW, I don't want to live near my family

2 • se thAm nha IOIqua thllOngxuyln • wouldvisitmy housetoooften

• mu6n du,;icd¢c l~p khoi b6 me tOi • want to be independent from my

Tham khao cac tu{lng va each di~n d.it de luy~n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6
so sanh ve1icau tra I/Ji m/lu de hoan thi~n cau Ira I/Ji cua b.in.

Tr9ng tam Yes, I'd love to. Even after I get TrQngt•m VAng,IOIril thlch. Ngay ca khl
my own place, I want to stay near my family IOIc6 OUI/Cndi rtang, 101mu6n O g4n gia
dlnh mlnh n4u c6 th~. D n gol!JTOIkhOng
ii I can. Dien giai That's because I don't
mu6n phi hang gill lr6n Oullngm61khl 101
want to spend hours on the road whenever I
di thlm b6 mf. 86n c,nh 00, n4u IOIOg4n
visit my parents. Besides, if I lived near her nhAcua bA, mt IOIthlnh 1/loangsA mang
house, my mom would bring me hot food chaIOinhilng m6nAn n6nghdl.
from time to time,

T(I yVng from time to time thlnh tholing, dOi khi

PART 1 Accommodation & Buildings 69

o Part z. cau h6i thuong duQcra la yl!u c~u mieu ta eaekien true. Trong
truong hQpd6. a Part3 giam khao se hay h6i vediem khaenhaugffia kien
Kien true
true hien dai vakien true /au dai hoacvem6i quan he giua khf Mu vaeae
khuynhhu(,ngkien true.


D Describe an important building in your town. Hay miliu ta cong trlnh kien true quan
trQng Clkhu dan ell b<;tnCl.

You should say:

where the building is located vj trf cua kien true nay o dau
what it looks like kien true nay trOng nhll the nao
when you visited it b;;m da den thi!m kien true nay khi nao
and explain why this building is Important. va giai thich t<;tisao kien true nay l<;ti
quan trong.

0Ytvong ill VI tri cua kiln true <Jthanh ph6 H6 Chf Minh in Ho Chi Minh City
truetra~ (2) Ki~n true nay trOng • c6 68 t~ng • has 68 floors
nhll th~ nao • c6 san dap trvc thang tr~n cao • Vietnam's first non-rooftop
dAu tiGn (khOng phai tran Ling helipad is on the 52nd floor
lhllQng) <JVi~t Nam ~I Ling 52
cua tea nha

Ql s,n da dln tMm kiln

, khoang mQt!hang lrll&: • about a month ago
true nay khi nao

© T,i sao ki~n tuc nay • la tea nha cao nh~t Vi~I Nam vao • was the tallest building in
1,i quan trong thlli di~m n6 dUI/Cxay dVng Vietnam when it was built
• dll<;lexem nhll mQt dja dl~m n6i • acts as a landmark of Ho
li~ng cua thanh ph6 H6 Chi Minh Chi Minh City
• d,i di$n cho van h6a truy~n th6ng • represent a blossoming
cua Vi$! Nam vii khat VQngVI/On of Vietnamese traditional
16ncua d~t nu&: culture with the nation's

cua b<;tn


Tham khao cac y tvong trlin va tt.i mlnh tra ICli,sau d6 so sanh vdi cau tra IC/imau
d~ hoan thi()n cau tra IC/icua b<;tn.

~ Ghichu
I • BltexcoF1nonc1ol

• hos bBfloors

exterior............................................................................................................. .
• o month090
······•··••···•·-································ •••••••••

A Unit02Track

~ <l) There are many important buildings in <l) C6 kha nhl6u toa nhll quan trQng

our town, but Bitexco Financial Tower trong thllnh ph6 nhung tOInghi d4n

comes to mind first. It is located in Ho toa thap thUdng m,I Blxteco c!Au
ti6n. N6 nlm II Ou$n 1, thllnh ph6
Chi Minh City, overlooking the Sai Gon
H6 Chi Minh, nhln ra song Slli Gon. >
River. n
<Z>Bitexco Financial Tower has 68 Toa thap thLldng m,I Bitexco c6 68
<%> CL

floors. It also has a unique exterior tAng. Toa nhll c6 ngoel th't c!Oc ~-
because it shapes as the lotus bud dao "Y cam h(lng thl4t k4 w bup er>

and it's covered with glass facade. sen vll dLIQCbao phu bbl klnh. SAn ""

clap trl,lc thang tr6n cao c!Auti6n II :;·
The Vietnam's first non-rooftop helipad 00
Vi♦t Nam II tAng 52 cua toa thap
is on the 52nd floor of this tower.
nay. VOi thl4t k4 ngh♦ thu$t duy6n
With its graceful statusque design, dang, d4y la mlnh chLlng chua Wng 9.
it is an unprecedented example of c6 cho s1,1h(Jptac ky thu$I qu6c t4. ~
international engineering collaboration. C»

~ The last time I visited the building was n l.An g4n d4y nh4t tOI tOl thAm toa
about a month ago. My sister and I went nhll Ill mQt thang In.I&. Em gai vll -:::r
to one of its most popular facilities, the IOI c!A d4n thAm mQt trong nhOng
di,m h'p dAn nMI toa nhll la dill
observation deck. We got an amazing,
quan sat. Chung tOidLl</C
ngAm nhln
360-degree view of the city and learned
toan canh cua thanh ph6 va hilu
more about the city from the informative
th6m v6 thllnh ph6 W nhOng man
touch screens and long-rangebinoculars. hlnh cam (Ing va 6ng nhom tAm xa.
The night view of Ho Chi Minh City was Canh quan cua thllnh ph6 H6 Chi
breathtakinglybeautiful. Minh v6 d6m dep d4n nln th/I.

~ The building is significant because @ Toa nhll n6I ~t vl n6 la toa nhll

it was the tallest building in Vi~t Nam cao nh,1 Vi♦t Nam 1,1thOIdi,m n6
when it was built. Nowadays, Bitexco dLIQcxAy dl,lng. Ngay nay. toa thap
thLldng m,I Bitexco Ill mQt trong
Financial Tower is one of the most
nhOng toa nhll n6i ll4ng nh,1 Vi♦t
famous buildings in Vietnam and acts as
Nam vll Ill dia di,m d~c tnmg cua
a landmark of Ho Chi Minh City. In fact,
thanh ph6 H6 Chi Minh. Thl,ICt4 thl
the building represents a blossoming of tOa thap con dei di♦n cho vAn h6a
Vietnamese traditional culture with the truy6n th6ng cUa Vi•t Nam vii khit
nation's progressive aspirations. VQngvLldn I6n cua d4t nLI&.

TiJ vl,lng overlookl6uvarluk)nhln xu6ng, nhln raxa on loot nhln ra xa observatory(•bzhvoo:n)

dal quan sat breathtaklngly(brieteik1ijli) ngoen mvc. dep d4n nln th/I
slgnlllcant(sign.flk•ntl n6I b$I, quan tr9ng landmarkllzndma:rkl dia di,m def di♦n, dac
trung represent(r~pnzentld~I dl♦n. d~i bi,u cho

PART2&3 Accommodation& Bulldings 71

3 A Unit02Track

What are the differences between modern buildings and traditional
E>i~mkhac bi~t giOa cac toa nha hi~n d~i va cac toa nha truyen th6ng la gl?
•,i'tuoog v$t li♦ u x4y dt,lng construction materials
• duqc x4y dt,lng blng cac v$I li♦u hi • were built with natural materials like
nhi!n nhu g6 hay 0«1 da wood or soil
• duqc x4y dt,lng bMg cac vtt ll♦u • are constructed with stronger, man-
nh4n 1,0 vOngch4c hcsn. made materials

d¢cao height

• ouqc thi4t k4 ngay cang cao han • are constructed to be taller than ever
• nhOngtOa nha chQCtrol • high-rise skyscrapers

':rcau tralai Tham khaocac y 11.16'ng d6luyl)n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6
va eachdien d<1I
cua~ so sanh vdi cau Ira l~i mAud6 hoanthil)n cau Ira l~i cua b(ln.

Mo da1 There are significant C6 m¢t vai di&m khac bi♦t dang

differences between modern and k& giOacac tOanha hi♦n 0,1 va cac tOa

traditional buildings. TrQng tam First nha truy6n lh6ng. 04u

of all, their construction materials are ti6n, v$t l;+u xAy dt,1119
dA rft khac b;+t.

very different. Dien giai In the past, D g Trong qua kh(I, nha c.:raduqc

buildings were mostly built with natural xAy chtl yfu blng V$I li♦u hi nhl6n nhll

materials like wood or soil. However, g6 hay d.it da. Tuy nhi6n, cac tOa nha

modern buildings are constructed with hl♦n d'1 1,1"""" xAy bbl cac V$1ll♦u
stronger, man-made materials, such nhAn i.o vOng ch4c hcsnnhll b6 !Ong

as concrete and steel. Trc;mg tam va thllp. M¢t di<Smkhac

Another difference between modern bi♦t nOa giOa cac tOa nha hi♦n O,i vii

and traditional buildings is height. Dien nhlt truy6n th6ng la b d¢ cao.

giai Buildings today are constructed to Cac 10a nha ngay nay duqc lhi4t k4

be taller than ever. You can see many ngay cang cao Mn. Ban c6 lh4 Ny

more high-rise skyscrapers today than nhOngtOanha ChQCt~i nhl6u hdn hAn

in the past. so vOItnldc kla.

Tu vl,lng man-madelam bAng sue nguoi, nhAn 1,0 helght(haitJd¢ cao

high-risecao t4ng, si6u cao tAng akyacraper(skaiskreipar)
nha chQCtroi

3 {\ Unit02Track

Does a region's climate affect the way buildings are constructed?

El Khf h~u cua khu vvc c6 anh hUang den each cac toa nha c!Uc;lcxay dVng hay khOng?

w y tvcing khf h$u cO anh h<l<lngd,n cac toa nha it does influence the area's buildings
vacilu trong khu vvc
truetraIOI • Clcac khu VIJC nhlft dOi • in tropicalareas
• cac toa nha th<IIJngc6 mai nghiilng • buildings usually have sloped roofs
• giup n<10cchay xu6ng hifu qua hOn • helps water fall down more
• n,u mai bAng ph&ng, n<IOcm<la sil • If the roofs were flat, rain would sit
dQng triln mai on the roof

'i'cau tralai Tham khao cac y tl/ang va each dien dat d~ luyen n6i dap an ctia minh, sau d6
cua ban so sanh vdi cau tra IC1i
mau do'!hoan thi~n cAu tra IC1i
ctia b~n.

cau tra
lai mau Tr9ng tam Yes, it does influence the T ong n C6, khf h$u c6 anh h<tbng
d,n cac toa nha trong khu v,;c.
area's buildings. Dien giai For example, =
VI dv, Clkhu VIJC nhitt d(li nc,i c6 ~
in tropical areas where there is a lot of 5·
l<1Qngm<la Ion, cac toa nha th<IIJngc6 :::,
rainfall, buildings usually have sloped q,
mai nghiilng. Oi6u nay giup n<10cchily a:,
roofs. This helps water fall down more 5.
xu6ng hifu qua hOn. N,u mai bAng 0::
effectively. If the roofs were flat, rain 5·
ph&ng, n<IOcm<lasil dQng 1(1.i
triln mai 00

would sit on the roof and that would be va di6u d6 se trel thanh rAc r6i. "'
problematic. 9.
Tit v,;ng ralnlalllreinb:11l<t(fngm<la slope(slouplnghiilng v6, d6c v6 flat(fla,t] bAng phAng ,..,


PART 2&3 Accommodation & Buildings 73

0 Part2, cauh6i thuong dUQ'C
ra la hay mi~u ta v~ ng6i nha ctia b~n.Trong
Nha cua truong hopd6 aPart3 giam khaosehayh6i veditm khilcgiaa c~nhCchung
wva nhari~ng hoacditm khilc giaa ngoi nhanh6va ng6i nha Ian.


II Describe your ideal future home. Hay mieu ta ng6i nhil tlfdng lai ly tl!ang cua ban.

You should say:

what this house would look like ng6i nha nay tr6ng nhl/ the nao
where this house would be ng6i nha nay nlim adau
who you want to live with ban mu6n s6ng cung ai
and explain why you want to have this house. va giai thich vi sao ban mu6n c6 ng6i
nha nay.

0.y tl/C!ng <D NgOi nha nay trOng nhl/ • phai th$t Ion • would have to be very big
vacau th' nao • nh(lng cua s6 Ion • bigwindows
tnic tra~ • mQtbA bai osan sau • a pool in the backyard
• mQtkhu Vl//1n nJC r~ • a gorgeous garden
• chAc chAn phal c6 mQtphong • a largeandcozylivingroom
khach rQngva §m 4p would be a must

12) NgOI nha nay od4u • gAn biAn • near the beach
....................................... , ······································ ........................................
a>8 9n mu6n s6ng cung ai • ca gia cllnh tOi, bao g6m ca • my whole family, including my
ong ba grandparents

© V1sao b9n mu6n c6 ngOi • s6ng cung d9i gia cllnh cua • livingwith my extendedfamily
nha nay mlnh luOnla l/OCme,cua tOi has always been my dream

Tham khao cac y tl!ang triin va tv mlnh tra lei, sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra lei mAu
d6 hoan thi~n cau tra lbi cua ban.

• very big
• big windows
• poolin ihe bockyard
• garden

• _large, cozy_IIVlngroom,_a_must .................................................................................. .

• near the beach

• whole fom1ly, grondporents

..................... , ................................................................................................... .
• bvlng wiih extended fom1ly, dream

A Unit02Track
(l) My ideal future home would have to be
very big because I've wanted to live in
(l) NgOInha ll/dng lal ly lllbng cua IOI
phal th$1 l&l bdi vl ngay ti/ nhci IOI
da luOn mu6n s6ng cimg cad(ll gia C>
a large home with my whole family ever 3
dlnh cua mlnh trong mQt can nha C>
since I was young. It would have big rQng lcln. N6 cung phal c6 nhilng
windows, too. That would let in tons of cila s6 k'ln nila. Dl6u d6 si! lam o·
cho can nha tran ng$p Anh sang to,t Ci>
natural light and fresh air and help me to CD
nhiAn, khOngkhi trong lanh vs giup 5.
wake up in the morning. I also want to tOithuc d$y vao m6I bu6I sang. TOI
cung mu6n c6 mQt b& bdl b sAn

have a pool in the backyard, so I could "'
sau d& c6 th& m/sl b(ln be d,n do,t z
invite my friends over for pool parties. 9.
nhilng bOa t1$cb& bdl. TMm nila, 0-
In addition, it should have a gorgeous ngOI nha cOng phal c6 m¢t khu ~
garden where my mom could spend her VIJ/snn,rc reld& m, tOi danh th/sl a,.
time. Lastly, a large and cozy living room gian b d6. Cu6i cimg, m¢t phong 0
khach rQng va ,m cung la chAc ::,
would be a must for our family quality ::r
chAn phal c6 d& 1,0 khoang th/sl "'
time. gian chit lll<;lngcho gia dlnh.

12>I don't really care about the location, as qi TOI khOng tho,tcso,tquan tAm d,n
vj trl, chi cAn n6 gAn bl&n la dllqc.
long as it's near the beach. But a city
Nhl/ng m¢I lhanh ph6 gi6ng nhll
like Miami, Santa Barbara, or Busan Miami, Santa Barbara hay Busan
would be great. th! Si! th$! tuy$t v/11.

I) As I mentioned earlier, I want my whole .ll Nhll IOI dA d6 c$p trllclc d6, IOI

family, including my grandparents, to live mu6n dfl gla dlnh mlnh, bao
g6m ca Ong ba 101,d6u s6ng b
there with me. d6 vOI IOI.

© Living with my extended family has S6ng cimg d(ll gia dlnh mlnh luOn
la ll&: md cua IOI va s6ng trong
always been my dream, and living in this
cAn nha nay si! bl,n Uclc md cua
house would make my dream come true. IOIthanh so,tth$t. TOIUn chAc rAng
I'm sure my home would always be filled ngOI nhll cUa tOi s6 luOn luOn tr&n

with laughter and joy. ng$p 114ngcll/si va ni6m vui.

Til vo,tng natural Ilght anh sang to,tnhiAn gorgeous{p:rd)(2sJ

n,rcra, ~g I4y must lrnostl
so,tcAn thl41
extended family dtl gia dlnh come true lrb thanh so,tlh$I be filled with Iran ng$p
laughter(la,ltorJli4ng cl/ISi

PART2&3 Accommodation & Buildings 75

PART3 r. Unit02Track13
Do people prefer living in apartments or houses in your country?

11 Why?
0 nucic b,;1n,mQi ngl.loi thich
s6ng 6 cl!.n he;>chung ell hay nha rii!ng? Ti;ii sao?

m9I ngu/Jithfch s6ng d cAn h◊ chung cu people prefer to live in apartments

~~ ............... .
true Ira 1¢1 • c6 an ninh 161hem • have better security
• c6 camera CCTV am9I hllnh lang • thereare CCTVcamerasineveryhallway
• cac bao v♦ thll/Jngtn.sc • guards on duty
• dlle/Ctrang bi cac ti$n nghi da d\lng • are equippedwithvariousamenities
• khi!'!ncu◊e s6ng ti♦n IQihan • makeslifemoreconvenient

~Cautral<1i Tham khao cac y tl/ong va each dien d1,1tdi!I luy~n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6
cua b;m so sanh vcii cau tra ICJimAu di!I hoan thi~n cau tra ICJicua b1,1n.

Cau tra
IC!imAu Trong !Am I think people in my country r mg • m TOI nghi m9i ngu/Ji d nt/&:
generally prefer to live in apartments. Dien IOIn6i chung d6u thich s6ng d cac cAn
giai This Is because apartment buildings hO chung cu. D11in91/11
Bdi vl cac toa

usually have better security. For Instance, nhll chung cu thu/Jng c6 an nlnh 161
hon. vr dv, c6 rtt nhi6u camera CCTV
there are CCTV cameras in every hallway
d m9i hllnh lang cua toa nhll. B\ln
of an apartment building. You can find
cOng c6 thd thty bao v♦ luOn thu/Jng
guards on duty as well. Furthermore,
trl,fc. Han nOa,cac toa chung cu hl♦n
modern apartment buildings are often
d\li thu/Jng dlle/Ctrang bl cac li♦n nghi
equipped with various amenities, like da d\lng nhu bd bOi,phOngl$p gym vll
pools, gyms, and convenience stores. cac cila hang ti♦n IQi. C6 nhClngll♦n
Having these things in the complex makes nghi nay trong tOa nhll phuc hQp glup
life more convenient. cho cu◊e s6ng thutn li♦n han.

Tirvl,fng securlty(sakjurati)an ninh hallway(M:lweiJhllnh lang guard(ga:rdJbao v♦

on duty dang trl,fc be equippedwith -dll(/C trang bi viii amenltylamenatiJli♦n
nghi complex[ka:mpleksJ khu phuc hQp

3 A Unit02Track
Some people prefer living In a small house to living In a big house.

I Why is that?
M◊t s6 ngl/~i
ICJn.Vi sao v~y?
thfch s6ng trong m¢t ngOi nha nh6 hem la s6ng trong m◊t ngOi nha

y llJ<))g d6 bi!.otri hdn easier to maintain
truetra~ , cl6ih6inth/Agianvac0ngsu::hdn ~ dQn • require much less time and effort to
~ clean
, sua chOa ~t vtt hdn • repairs are minor

ft OAtOohdn less expensive

• mOt h,rach9n t6t hdn cho nhOng ngtJOI • a better choice for people who are on
Oang c6 ngAn sach h,n hop a budget

Tham khao cac y tul1ngva each diAn d~t d~ luy~n n6i dap an cua mlnh, sau d6 3
so sanh vc'.iicau Ira 11limAud~ hoan thi~n cau Ira llli cua b~n. c:,,.
cautra Tn;mg tam The specific reasons would Ly do CV th& thl se khac =
be differentfrom personto person, but I nhau glOa m6i ngtibl, nhtJng t6i nghi ==

ngtibi ta thfch nhOng ng61 nhll nho hdn

think people prefer smaller homes because

vl chung d6 bao lri hdn nhi6u.
they are far easier to maintain. Ditln giai Nhll nho 001hol It thbi gian vii c6ng s(rc
They require much less time and effort to hdn o&d9n dop vii sua chOa thl ltt vtt
clean, and repairs are usually relatively hdn. Ngolll ra, nhOng

minor. Trc;mgtam Also, smaller homes ng61 nhll nho hdn cung It oAt Oo hdn.
L Q Oi6u nay 111m
chung trb thanh
are less expensive. DiAn giai This makes
1,,rachQn t6t hdn cho nhOng ngtJbi Oang
them a much better choice for people who c6 ngAnsAch h,n hop.
are on a budget.

Tilv,,rng malntafn(meint~in) quan ly, bao trl mlnor(mjinar( It hdn, kh6ng quan tr9ng

·sau khi tra lbi thu, hay so sAnh v~ bang Ti~u chi danh gia trang 348.

PART2&3 Accommodation & Buildings 77

1 Tiepcancauh6ithuonggap
A Unit04Track

D Ca hat
What kind of songs do you like to sing?
Bc;1nthich nhGng ki~u bai hat nhV the nao?

0.Ylllang Y II/ling TrQngtam bai hat vui ve va hid! tAn merry and cheerful songs
vacifu 1 O~n IA! , thu vj khi hat nhOngbai hat , fun to sing them with my friends
tn)c tra lo1
d6 cung ban b~
, I0i bai hat don gian vii giai , silly lyrics or catchy melodies
di~u dA nhd

y tllllng Trong tAm blli hat thOithO~u songs from my youth

• nhOng bai hat tOi di! nghe • the songs I listened to when I was a
tilnho teenager
, lam tOicam th~y hoal nitm , make me feel nostalgic

':i:'cautra 1o1 Tham khao cac y lllang va each dien d~I di! luy~n n6i dap an cua mlnh, sau d6
cua~ so sanh vdi ca.u Ira I/li mau di! hoan thi~n ca.u Ira I/li cua b~n.

cau tra
Tr,;>ng tam I like merry and cheerful songs TrongIAmTOIthlch nh(t nhongblli hat vui
the best. DiAn giai That's because it's so vi vii 1<101
tln. 0,6n g ai V1 nhDngbM hat
fun to sing them with my friends at Karaoke. naykhi hAtkaraokecungban b~s6 r(t vul.
More speclflcally, I love the ones with silly Cy th4 tOlthlch nhilng bill hat c6 ca tiJddn
glan va glal dltu di nhd.
lyrics or catchy melodies.

TU vvng merrylmeri) vui ve cheerful[t/iarfal) vui hldVhldi tln catchy[ka!tnJdA nhd

A Unit04Track

Did you learn to sing when you were a child?
Khi con nho bc;1nc6 dV<;ich9c hat kh6ng?
ca hat
0.y tllong Y tllllng Tn;mgtam khOngh~n not really
vacifu 1 D1Angial • da Mt trong gia Am nhac
tn)c tra lo1 • sang songs during music classes
, chlla bao gia day chung tOi • never really taught us how to sing
each Mt nhll th~ nao
Y tllllng Trong tAm tOidi! hoc hat khi con nho I learned singing as a child
2 o,Anglai • di! Wng trong dQih<;Jp
x\/dng • was in a student choir
, d~c biet thich hat carols (bai • especially loved to sing carols
hat chuc m(Jng)

':i:'cau traioi Tham khao cac y lllclng va each dien d;.it di! luy~n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6
cuab~ so sanh vdi ca.u Ira I/li mau di! hoan thi~n cau Ira I/li cua b~n.

Tr9ng tiim Not really. Dien giai Although Tr9ng tam Kh0ng hln. DIAnglAI Tuy IOI
I sang songs during music classes in dUQcMt lrong gi0 Am nhec ~ In/Ongli4u
elementary school, the teachers never really hQCnh\/ng thAyco chua bao gi0 lh\fCS\f
taught us how to sing. However, I wish my deychungtOieachhat. NhungU/Jcgl thAy
cOdi dey vl IOIr4t thlch hat.
teacher did, because I love to sing.

T(J vvng elementary school tn1ongti~u h9c

A Unit04Track
Do people in your country like to sing? Why?
Ca hA!
MQi ngi./oi cJdat ni./oc bi;tn c6 thich ca hat khong? Ti;ti sao?

0.Ytuang Y h/O'ng lfrQOgtam tOinghi nglllfi Viet Nam r,11hich I think Vietnamesepeople really do

vacau 016 rai • c6 nhi~u quan Karaoke • therearea lotol Karaokebusilesses

true tralcli • take vocaltrainingcourses
• tham gia IOphQCthanh nh,c

Y tl/O'ng rQ<lgtAm nhi~u ng11aing,i ngung khl hat many peopleare too shy to sing

2 Di6n , • ng~ ngungkhi hattnl& dam cl6ng • scaredof singingin public

• d6i l~I hQthfch nghe hat • like to listen to songs Instead

'i' Cau tralc!i Tham khao cac y tUOng va each dien di;tt d~ luyl)n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6
cuab,m so sanh vai cau tra leli mau d~ hoan thii)n cau Ira leli cua bi;tn.

Cau tra Trang tam TOInghi ,Ang ngu~iVift Nam thVc

Trong tam I think Vietnamese people really
do. Di~n giai For Instance, there are a lot sV thlch hat. Oi6n gri,. VI dy, 0 Vift Nam c6
of Karaoke businesses in the country, nhi6uqu~n Karaokevh moi ngl.lbidU l1IUatu61
and people of all ages love to go there. nio cOngthlch d4n day. KhOngchi v$y, dto
Besides, these days, many people take g~n dQydu khOngdjnh trO thinh ca sTchuyAn
vocal training courses even when they
nghitp nhllng m9i ngUbivAn tham gla 10-phQC
don't plan to become professional singers.

Til vVng of all ages cl mQilua tu6i

A Unit04Track
4 '°iii"
Do you like dancing?
Bi;tn c6 thich nhay khong?

0.v wan
Y tllO'ng TrQ!1gtam IOIthfch nhay I like to dance V,
9 Q,
vacau Di6n g1a, • c6 m¢t vai d¢ng tac chi/a • have several moves that never fail to g.
true Irali>'i ;,
bao gilf th,t b'i trong vitc impress my friends :r
gay '" t11i;1ngvoi cac b,n
cua IOi

Y tl/O'ng TrQ<lgtam
• th~ hltn dieu nhay robot

tOikhOngthfch nhay
• performmy robotdance routine

I do not like dancing

2 Di6n giaf • r,1 vvng v~ • have two left feet en
• bu6n clllfi khi nhay • feel ridiculouswhen dancing ;:g

•---~ """
'i' Gau tra leli Tham khao cac y tl/Ong va each dien di;tl 116luyi)n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6 =
cua bi;tn so sanh vai cau tra leli mau d~ hoan thi~n cau Ira leli cua bi;tn.

Cautra TrQngIQmC6, tOIthlch nhay. 016nglal M~c

Trong tam Yes, I like to dance. Dien giai
lelimau du tOIkhOngblit nhl6udiOunhay nhUngIOIc6
Even though I do not know many dances,
v~I dQngt~c chUabao gi~ th,1 b9i trong viOc
f have several moves that never fail to
gAy &n hJc;fngvbi eAc b(ln. Vi th,, tOi thUtfng
impress my friends. So, whenever I have the
thd hi$n 01$u nh8y robot cUa mlnh m61khl c6
chance, I perform my robot dance routine.

Tit vl,lng lmpress(impres)gay 4n 11/i;fng

mqnh dance routine d¢ng tac nhay

PART 1 Leisure time & Hobbies 95

A Unit04Track

When do people usually dance in your country?
d nuoc b1;1nmQi nguai thuang nhay khi nao?
(; . Y h/ling
v won
ta khi titc tung when they are partying
vacau 1 Obi al • nhay theo nh,c hip-hop h~c • dance to hip-hop or electronic
true traJoi
nh,c dl$n tit music
• khi c6 cuQcthi tili nAng • whenever there is a talent show

Y tuling acac Iii hQi at festivals

2 • m~c trang phvc d~c bi$! • wear special costume

• giao ll/u vlfi nhOng ngt/~i • socialize with new people
b,n ma

'!' Cflu tra I/Ji Tham khao cac y tuang vii each dien d<1td~ luy~n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6
cua bs1n so sanh vdi cau tra I/Ji mau d~ hoim thi~n <:Autra I/Ji cua bs1n.

cautra TrQng tam Vietnamese people mostly nA I " NguOiVitt Nam lhUOngnhaytrong
dance when they are partying. Di~n nhilng bOatitc. ng Nhilng ngUOltre tu6i
giai Young people like to go to clubs to thlchd6n cau I,c b¢ thamdi/ lite tungvii d d6
party and they usually dance to hip-hop hQlhl/Ongnhay lheo hip-hoph~c nh,c ditn
or electronic while there. In addition,
tit. Ngoll ra, nguOIVitt cOngnhaym6i khl c6
Vietnamese also dance whenever there
chUanglrlnhtill nfing.
is a talent show.

TiJ vl,lng talent show chlldng trlnh tili nAng

A Unit04Track

[I Do you collect anything?

B1;1nc6 suu t~p khong?
t~p ~- .
Yhidng Y ti/ling ti~n XU Cuanhi~u nl/OC coinsof differentcountries
vilcau 1 • thlch di du ljch nuac ngoili • love to travel overseas
true tra loi
• ti~n xu cua mQts6 nllclc chau Au • coins from several European
vii chau A and Asian countries
Y tuling w nllclc hoa perfume
2 • sl/Ut~p nuac hoa cua lhuang hltu • have collectedfamous
n6i ti6ng perfume brands
• x, hlldng la mill hlldng y6u thlch • musk is my favorite scent
cua tOi

T Cflu tra loi Tham khao cac y tuang vii each dien d<1td~ luy~n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6
cua b<1n so sanh voi cau tra I/Ji mAu d~ hoiln thl~n cau tra loi cua b<1n.

TrQng tam I collect coins from different Tro n T6i s\/U tf,p tl6n xu cUa nhi6u mlbc.
countries. Dilin gia.1 I started doing D TOIbit d,u sl/U1$pvl 101lhlch di du
this because I love to travel overseas. llch nude ngoll. D6n hitn 1,1.IOi dfi sUU l$p
So far, I have collected coins from dl/c;fe xu cUamO,ts6 nuOcchAuAu vA chAu
several European and Asian countries,
"nhu Phap, Uy BanNha,Y, ThalLan,Trung
including France, Spain, Italy, Thailand,
Ou6cvl Nh$IBan.
China, and Japan.

TiJ Vl/ng collectlk•l~kl] SIIU t~p so far d~n hi~n t,i

A Unit04Track
Why do you collect them?
II T1;1isao b1;1n

0 y tvang
suu t~p chung?

remind me of good memories

Y tllc'lng lam 101nM d'n nhilng kl ni~m dep
va~u 1 • lam IOI nM i?i nhilng lrai nghi~m • recallmy experiences
true tra loi khi di du ljch traveling
• lhi,1 k' d¢c dao • have unique designs

vwang Tr !Am nll/lc hoa lam tAmtri~ngtOi16tIAn wearing a perfume instanUy

nhanh ch6ng lightens my mood
2 ·············"·········································································· ..••••••••••••••
• tOI dung io?I nl//lc hoa khac nhau • put on differentperfumes
tuy thu¢c vao !Amtr?ng dependingon my mood
• d6trang trf nha tuy~t vOi

• great home decor items

•---~ Tham khao cac y tUOng va each dien d?t di! luy~n n6i dap an cua mlnh, sau d6
'f' Cau tra lcli
cua b;m so sanh voi cau tra lili mau d6 hoan thi~n cliu tra lili cua bi;m.

Trong Ulm I collect them because they Trqngtam TOIsuu 1$p ti6n xu vl chllng gQicho
remind me of good memories. DiAn tOlnM v6 nhongky nitm a,p. Dl~n g,iu vr d~.
khl tOinhln ttify nhOngd6ng ti6n xu dl/QCsuu
giai For example, when I see the, coins
t$P tit r4t nhi6unll/lc, tOiIJI nM a4n nhilng tral
that I collected from various countries, I
nghiAmkhl du ijch nll/lc d6. E>6ngtho!, t4t cA
recall my experiences traveling to each Chungd6u dUQClhl4t k4 r4t khic bl$! nAn tor
of them. Also, all of them have unique thichng6mchung.
designs, so I enjoy looking at them.

Tu vl,lng remlnd[rimiind] gQinhcl recall[rilo:I] h6i tl/Ong,nM l?i

A Unit04Track
What do you do when you get stressed out?

thuang lam gi khi bi cang thAng?

0 y. .,,_ thao lu$n v~n d6 viii b,n be discuss my problemswith my friends

V tllc'lng
va~u 1 • ho IAngnghe tOi mQteach cAn • they listen to me carefully
true tra loi th$n
• cho tOiIOikhuyAndi! giai quy4t • give me advice on how to deal with
Onhhu6ng cua mlnh my situation

V tllc'lng v$n dQng work out

2 • 1$p luytn giai ph6ng nAng • exercise releases positive energy

IUQngtfch C\IC
• lam pMn tan tll tll~ng vcli • distract the mind with something
nh(lngvi•c khac trong ch6c lat else briefly

•---~ Tham khao cac y tl!Ong va each dilin cl~t cl!l luy~n n6i dap an cua mlnh, sau d6
'f' cautra l<Ji
cuab?n so sanh voi cAu tra lili m~u cl6 hoan thi~n cAu tra lili cua b~n.

~ Trong tam Whenever I get stressed out, I like Trong tAm M6i khi IOIbi clng thing, tOl
~ to discuss my problems with my friends. DiAn thfch dUQCchla si v6 v4n d6 cua mlnh
vdi btn bl. 0,6n giai HQ t!ng nghe mOt
giai I talk about my feelings and they listen to
cAchcAnth$n khi tOIn6I v6 nhilng cAm
me carefully. Sometimes, they give me advice
nh$n cua bAn thln. 061 khl, hQcon cho
on how to deal with my situation, too. IOI ibl khuyAna, giAI quy4t tlnh hu6ng

Tu v1,1ng deal with -giai quy~t altuatlon[sitfueiJnltlnh hu6ng

PART 1 Leisure time & Hobbies 97

oPart2, cauh6i thuongduocra la mieuta v~m(lt b(Iphim.Trongtruong hop
Phim anh d6, o Part3 giam khaosl! hayh6i v~ tM loi,!iphim nao c1uuc
1/iJ thfch a nuac

bi,!n.mQinguai thfchxem phim a nhahay a ri,!p.


II Describe the movie that you like the most. B~ hay n6i vl! b¢ phim mlnhyeu thfchnhal

You should say:

what genre the movie belongs to b◊ phim thu◊e th~ lo1;1i
what plot It has c6t truy~n phim nhu nao
how many times you've watched It b1;1n
da xem bao nhieu IAn
and explain why you like this movie the most. va giai thfch t1;1i thfch b◊
sao b1;1n
phlm nay nh,1.

r-1 vadu
~ phim lhuOc th&
lofi nao

T6m 141 n¢1 dung

• phim hanh d¢ng ht! trong
djp nghl IA

• v6 C$ub6 tan Kevin

• gia cllnh ctu b6 v6 llnh b6
• a holiday comedy and action movie

• about a young boy named Kevin

• his family accidentally forgets him
quan ctu • when they leave for their Christmas
• khi hQdi nghl IA Giang Sinh vacation
• bao vt ng61 nha In/&: hal • defend the house against two
l6ntr¢m thieves

r Xem bao nhitu 14n • it nh~I 10 Ian • al least 10 times

• Tfi sao lhlch b¢ phlm • Mi hll&: gAy Cl/Iii • good for a laugh
nay nh,1 • lhll glAn va lhoal mlli khi • fun to watch with a relaxed mind
xem phim
• di6n xu,t cUa diln viAn • actors'performancesare great
luytl vOI


Ycau traICli Tham khao cac y tubng tren va 11,1 minh tra ieli,sau d6 so sanh vffl cau tra lelim.lu
cua b1;1n d~ hoan thi~n cau tra lelicua b,in.

• HomeAlone

• holidaycomedyand action
• a youngboy namedKevin
• his fom1lyforgets him
• leavefor Chrlsfmosvacation
. •.defend.the.house.agaJnst.thieves············· ..................................................................... .
• 10times
• goodfor a laugh
• _actors'.performances,_
great ........................................................................................ .

A Unit04Track12

cautra (l) There are many movies that I like, but my (!) TOI thlch nhi6u b◊ phim nhung hcln
loimllu ca phal k6 d~n b¢ phim Home Alone
all-time favorite is Home Alone,which is a
(0 nha mOt mlnh), mOt bO phim hai
holiday comedy and action movie. hanh dOng trong dip nghl IA.

<%> It's about a young boy named Kevin. <%>BO phim xoay quanh c$u be
Kevin. Vao ngay Glhg sinh, khi
On Christmas, his family accidentally
gla dlnh di nghl IA da vO tlnh bo
forgets him when they leave for their quAn c$u. Sau d6, c$u phai d6i
Christmas vacation. Then, he is put in mtt vcli tlnh hu6ng phai bao vO

a situation where he has to defend the ngOI nha truclc hai tAn trOm.

house against two thieves.

Gl I have watched this movie at least 10 'll TOI dA xem b0 phlm nay It nh,t 10
IAn vl tiJ nho nAm nao d,n Giang
times because I have watched it every
sinh tOicOngxem.
Christmas since I was young.

© There are several reasons that I love this 1) MOtval ly do khl,n tOIyAu thlch nhft
bO phlm nay. OAu tlAn la bO phlm
movie the most. First, it's good for a laugh.
nay hai hllclc. N6 khl,n tOi b$t cuoi
I like movies that make me laugh without ma khOng h6 phai suy nghi qua
thinking too seriously. In this movie there nghiAm hie. KhOngc6 thOng dl0p to

are no hidden serious messages - it's just lcln nao dn ch(ta trong bOphim • th$t
thu vj khi chi cAn ng6i xem vcll tAm trl
fun to watch with a relaxed mind. Also, the
thoai mal. Cung vcll d6 la dlAn xu,t
actors' performances are great. The actor th$t tuyOtvoi cua cac dlAn vlAn. Mtc
who plays Kevin is really good at acting, du con nho tudl nhung diAn viAn
d6ng val Kevin ,it gioi trong diAn
despite his young age. In addition, the
xuft. Ngoal ra, dlAn xuft cua cac
performances by the supporting actors, diAn vlAn phv trong val nhilng ten
the thieves, are so realistic that they really trOm cOngthVc 1, d,n mile trOng h9

seem like bad guys.

nhu nhilng ke x«u thVc sv.

TU vVng all-time m9i thoi d~i. mAi mAi accldentally[zksad~ntall) khOng c6 y dinh, vO tlnh
good for a laugh gAy cuol, bu6n cuoi serlously[slriasll) mOt each nghlAm tuc
hldden[hidn) dn dfu, che d,u supporllng actor diAn viAn phv reallsllclrl:allstik)tinh
hi~n thVC,thVC 1,

PART 2&3 Leisure time & Hobbies 103

3 A Unit04Track

II What movie genre do people in your country enjoy most?

Th~ loi;li phim nao dllc;1Clla thfch CJnllelc bi;ln?

Tr909 = phlm hlli comedy

trueIraicj ·h;;;~·~;~········:~~;6~·,;·~~~~;·~~~·~i~~·········
• ~m thlli quGndi nhOnglo IAng • forgetabouttheirconcernstemporarily
• cl.llli tnJacnhOngdi4u hai hi.lach~c • laugh at something amusing or ridiculous
• ~m gac nhOng v4n d4 cua hQ 1,1 • their problems get pushed to the back of
phfasau their minds

Tham khao cac y tuang va each dien dat dE!luy~n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6
so sanh vdi cau Ira ICJimau dE!hoan thi~n cau Ira ICJicua ban.

Cau tra
ICJimau TrQng tam Individual preferences differ Trong tam Sd thfch cua m6I ngl.llll
se khac nhau, nhl.lng IOI nghi th&
from person to person, but I think the
10,1 dl.lQCI.la lhfch nh4t la hlli kjch.
most popular genre overall is comedy. DI6n glai 0I4u d6 111 bdi vl hltn nay,
Dien giai This is because people these m9I ngl.llli gJp nh14u vl!n d4 cling
days experience a great deal of stress and thing vii lo IAng. Khi xem phlm hlll,
hQ c6 th& !Jm thlli quGn di nhOng
worry. Watching funny movies allows them n6I lo. HQ b$I cl.llli trl.lclc nhOng di4u
to forget about their concerns temporarily. hill hl.lclc ho~c 16 bjch trGn man hlnh
vll !Jm gac nhOng vl!n d4 cue hQ IJI
When they laugh at something amusing
phfa sau.
or ridiculous on screen, their problems get
pushed to the back of their minds.

TiJ vi,rng lndlvldualr,ndavfd3ualftinh ca nha.n overall[ouvan:lf v4 ca ban, nhln chung

temporarlly[temparerali) nhl!t thlli, 1,m thlli amuslngfamju:ziij) vui miJng
rldlculous[ridlkjalas)gAy cl.llli, hai hi.lac

3 A Unit04Track

Do people prefer watching movies at home or at a cinema?
MQi nguc:Jithfch xem phim CJnha hay xem phim CJr~p chi~u phim?

~y· ,u..,,""
• ,.....,_ n•n ~
o xem ph1'mu nh"• wooId rather stay home to watch movies
·,;,- ·:~I~~-~-~;
•••••••• ~;.~-~~-~-i~~-~~ ~6~ ·~;~
~~~~~- ••..................

• ve xem phim r111> r,t d4t • movie theater tickets are quite pricey
• thoai mal h<lnr«t nhi4u • Is much more comfortable
• c6 th& nAm tr6n sofa • can lie down on the sofa
• tam dllng phlm d6 chtY vao nha tAm • pause the movieto run to the bathroom

Tham khao cac y w~ng vii ca.chdl~n di,l,td~ luy(m n6i dap an ctia mlnh, sau d6
so sanh vdi cAutra lctimdu di! hoan thi~n cAu tra lctictia bi,l,n.

TrQng tAm I think many people would Trong tam T61 nghT c6 nhldu ngulll C:
rather stay home to watch movies. Dien mu6n xem phim ii nha. D1M g,ai El4u
giai First, watching them at home saves tl6n, n6u xem phlm {I nha s4 ti6t ki•m q,

time and money. Movie theater tickets dU\fCthl!I glan va ti4n bfc. Ngay nay =
are quite pricey today. It also takes a ve xem phlm ngoai rtp cOng kha dAt. ;;;·
while to get to the theater, if you don't e,n cOng m«t thOi glan di 1,1 n6u "'
live nearby. Second, watching movies khOnga g4n rfp. TM hal, xem a nha 9:
at home is much more comfortable. At s6 thoai mal hon r;![tnhi6u. 0 nha ~ ai'

home, you can lie down on the sofa, chat c6 th& nAm tr6n s0 pha, trb chuy•n al-
with your family, and even pause the v<li gia dlnh, th$m chf cbn c6 th& tam
movie to run to the bathroom. However, dllng phim d& vao nha tAm. Nhung ~
at a cinema, none of these are possible. nhOng di4u nay la khOng th& a rtp 0-
chi6u phlm. r,

T(I vl,/llg prlcey(praisil d4t lie down nAm xu6ng chatitfa,tj n61chuy•n
1,m d(lng

·sau khi tra lctithll, hAy so sanh vdi bang Tiilu chi danh gia trang 348.

PART2&3 Leisure time & Hobbies 105

A Unit05Track

What kind of music do you like to listen to?
BG1nthfch nghe IOGlinhGICnao?

nhstc Ytuong T·on91Am nh{lc dance dance music
va~u ...................................... ···•·••••·•··•••·····•························ .................. .
We Ira lcli 1 D1/in illl • bai hat trao h/U mdi cua • trendy songs by girl groups
. rq, mamvagiai~ r(lnrang • fast tempos and upbeat melodies
, lam tam trang tOit6t hdn • improve my mood greatly

vtuong T<Qngtam nhstcJazz jazz

2 D14nglai , yau am thanh saxophone • love the sound of saxophone
, lam tOilhoai mai va blnh yan • makes me feel relaxed and tranquil

Tham khao cac y tuang tn~n va 11,1 mlnh tra loi, sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra loi m~u
d~ hoan thi~n cau tra loi cua ban.

Trang tam I'm into dance music nowadays. TrQng!Am o,o nay tOI mA nhac dance.
Diln glai Mora specifically, I love to listen DI6nglal N6I cv th' h<lnIll tOi lhfch nghe
nhOngblli hat lh~I lhUQngcue cAc nh6m
to trendy songs by girl groups. They usually
nhac nO. Chung c6 nhip di$u nhanh vll
have fast tempos and upbeat melodies, so glal dI$u rOnranglam tAmtrangtOi161hon
they improve my mood greatly. r§t nhi6u.

Ti/ yVng be Into -r§t quan tam upbeat[Apbl:t]r¢n rang

A Unit05Track

El Am
Do you prefer to listen to live music or recorded music?
BG1nthfch nghe nhG1csong hay nhG1cphong thu?

0 Ytllang
nhstc Yti/Ong 1 Trongtam nhstcs6ng live music
va~u •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
true Ira lcli Diln giai , xem t~n mAtcac ngh• sTbi,u , watch artists actually perlorm on
di6n tran san kh§u stage
• v~ di nghe hOanhi;t.cdAt • concert tickets are expensive
• phAn Ian nhstctOinghe c!6ula , most of the songs I listen to are
nhstcphong thu recorded
Y ti/Ong 2 Trong IAm nhstcphong thu recorded music
•·oiii~ ·;~~~~~~-; i •
-~;~i•• ••• •:· ~-~~-~-~~; ~;·~~i ~~~ ;~i ~~6~ • ••••·: ·~~-~ •;;;;~~-·;~•~-~~.i~-
, ch§t hl9ng am thanh budi hoa want to
nhstcc6 th' khOngt6t • sound quality of concerts can
be poor

Tham khao cac y tuang tn~n va ti,/ minh tra loi, sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra IOi m~u
d~ hoan thi~n cau Ira loi cua b,m.

~ Trang tam I definitely prefer live music. Trongtam TOIch6cch6nthlchnhacs6nghon.

~ DiAn giai Listening to recorded songs Diln gla, Nghe nhac phOngthu khOngth'
cannot compare to watching artists sAnh dU'QcvOi vi(lc tfin mitt xem c,c nght si
actually perform on stage. However, bl,u dl6ntrGnsankh§u.Nhungv6 di nghehOa
concert tickets are expensive, so most of nhtc kM d6t nGnphAnlc!ncAcbil hit IOInghe
the songs I listen to are recorded. d6u la qua phOnglhu.

Ti/ vi,mg record(rild:rd] ghi am compare to so vdi-

A Uni1

Do you like to take pictures? Why?
B~n c6 thfch chvp anh khOng? T~i sao?

anh Y II/Ong r9ng IAm tOithlch chvp anh like to take pictures
y h.lCng
vacru., , §n • chi c6 nhOngbuc anh la qua IIJ\J • photos are the only real
truetra~ nitm th\fc s\f souvenirs
• khOng c6 each nao khac dd • there's no other way to
nMchung rememberthem

Y II/Ong khOnghung thu chvp anh I'm not Interestedin taking pictures
2 • khOngc6 nl!ng khl~u chvp anh • have no talentfor photography
• lhlch~ hUlng kh&:
tit,gkhoanh • prefer to live In the moment
• thlnh thoang chup anh sellle • sometimestake selfies

Tham khao cac y tuong vaeach di€in d,it d~ luy~n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6
cuat>.in so sanh vcii cAu Ira 1¢1mAu d~ hoan thi~n cAu Ira 1¢1cua b,in.

fcautin ....

TrQng tam I do like to take pictures. TronaIAmTOIth$! SVlhlchchypinh. Di&ng1a1
Di6n 911\i In my opinion, photos are
the only real souvenirs. For example,
Theoy ki4ncua tOI,chi c6 nhilng bOcinh mOI
la m6nqua hJUn~m chAnchfnh.vrdu, n4utOI
if I go to a restaurant and the dishes °'n nhahangvanhilngm6nIn tr6nglh$ttuytt.
look fabulous, I need to take pictures
tOIs6 phai chyp ifl nhilng m6n In d6. Kh6ng
of them. There's no other way to
c6n cAchnlo khlc a, ghl nhOhaykhoechung
remember them or show them to
VOi bfn bl.

Tu v\fng aouvenlr[su:vonlor)
qua IIJ\Jnitm l1butou1[hebjalas)
tuytt vbl, tuytt vbi

A Unit05Track

What do you do with the pictures that you take?
B~n dung nhtJng buc anh chvp c,~lam gl?

{. Y tl/Ong r9ngtam chia se vOibfn b~ va gia <llnh share them with my friends and family
va~u n • chvp mQtvai buc anh • take multipleshots
tructra~ • dang IGn nhi6u trang m~ng • upload them on various social
xllhQi networkingwebsites

Ytuong !{lo album anh create photo albums

2 • chlnh anh d~p han • edit the picturesbeautifully
• d6ngkhungva treo trong nha • frame and hang them in my house

Tham khao cac y tuong vaeach di€in d,it d~ luy~n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6
cuat>.in so sanh vcii cAu Ira 1¢imAu d~ hoan thi~n cAu Ira llli cua b,in.

Tr9ng !Am Most of the time, I share them with Trong !AmPh6n IOnlhlli glan tOIchla sl
my friends and famity. Dh~n gidi Whenever I chUng ybf b,n be v• gla dlnh. 01 n a • M61

take pictures, I take multiple shots. After that, I khichuplnh, IOIthUIJngchupmOtlofL Sau
d6, IOIChon ra t!m ungy nhll v• ding Min
choose the ones I like the most Then I upload
nho\utrangffl"19 xi h¢i.
them on various social networking websttes.

Tu v\fng muttlple[mAl<opi)

PART 1 Music & Art 109

A Unit05Track
Do you think you should learn skills related to photography?
81;1nc6 nghi minh can hc;>ccac ky ni:\ng nhiep anh khOng?

Anh ~'y
Y ti/ling Trong tAm vitc nay khOngthVcsvquan trong it Isn't really that Importantto me
true Ira~ 0 n goal • tOI dung ditn th~ di d¢ng d' • use my cell phone to take
chvp Anh photos
• ky nAngchvp Anhctla tOi khOng • my photography skills aren't
qua k6m that bad
Y ti/ling Trong tAm tOInghi cAnphAIhQC I think I should
2 0 ng@ • c6 th' tao nAn nh(lng ~m hlnh • can createeye•catchingshots
bAtmAt • want to caplure Incredible
• mu6n b&t duQCnhOngchi ti4t detail
bit ngll

Tham khao cac y 111ongIran va 11,1mlnh tra 1111.

sau d6 so sanh vol cau tra 1111
d~ hoan thi❖n cau tra 1111
cua b.in.

TrQng tam For now, studying photography Trangtam H~n tal. v~ hQCchupAnh khOng
isn't really that important to me. Di6n giai I lh\lC5'J qusn trong vdl ~. o· n a TOich!
only use my cell phone to take photos, so dung~ thoOidi d¢<lg"' chyp inll, nAnc6
there might not be a lot to learn. Besides, 16cOngkMng c6 nhl6u~u "' hQcJ!m.86n
my photography skills aren't that bad for C40hd6, k9nAng chupAnh ctla IOIcilng kMng
the kind of pictures I usually take. qu4k6md6i v(li 1MJov.Jilnh m~~ haychup.

T(I vvng bealdes{b,s.lidz{bAn c~nh d6

A Unit05Track

Do you like to go to art galleries?
81;1nc6 thich di den phong trllng bay nghe thu~t khong?

hQa w' y Wlg Y ti/ling l 1"Q ta'Tl d4n phong tntng bay nght visit art galleries whenever I can
va~u thu$t m6i khl c6 lh~
trueIra~ Oi<5ngial • xem nhOngbite tranh ctla cac • see paintingsby local artists
nght si dia phuong • a special exhibition
• triln lam d$c bltt
y !Liang TrQ!lg tan khOngbao gill d4n don't visit them at all
2 06ngial • khOngc6 nhl6u ki4n thuc v6 • don't have much background
nght thuJt knowledgeof art
• c6 th~ 6m nhOng b(lc tranh • can find paintingsonline, too
trAn mang

Tham khao cac y IIIO'ng Iran va to,tminh tra 1111,

sau d6 so sanh vol cau tra 1111
cua~ di! holln thitn cau tra llli cua ban.

Trong tam Yes, I visit art galleries T Ill !Am Vllng, tOi (Ii phOngtrung bay nght
whenever I can. DiAn giAi There is 111141 mcllkhl co lhd. o " gi.!.C6 mOtphongInmg
a municipal art gallery not far from bay ngh♦ lhutt lhlnh ph6 khOngxa nol IOIs6ng.
where I live, so I usually go there to nan 161thUOngd&nd6 a, xem cAc bOctranhvt
see paintings by local artists. Also, I txli ngh♦ sTdJaphuong.Ngoaira, 161cOnglhlnh
sometimes go to the National Museum lhoing di d6n Bao tang Ngh♦ lhu., H~n ~ vl
of Modern and Contemporary Art when Duongdfi Ou6c Gia mcllkhl a d6 c6 tri41nJim
there is a special exhibition. d•cb~t.

T(I vvng munlclpal(mju:nfsip~thuOc th~nh ph6 National Museum of Modern and

Contemporary Art Bao tang Nght lhu$t Hi•n 0,1 va Duong d,I Ou6c Gia
exhlbltlon(eks,bijnJtri~n Jim

A Unit05Track

Do you like to draw?
B~n c6 thfch ve tranh khong?
0 Ytvang Y hJang TrQ!lli tam thfch phac hQavao s6 lay like to sketch in my notebooks
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ····••···········•·····•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
vacau 1 • doodle when I'm bored
• ve linh tinh khi bu6n
true traloi
• tranh bi6m hQacac b11n • caricaturesof my friends

V ll/Ong TrQng tam khOnglhfch vo don't like lo draw

2 Dl~n gial • vO cung kem mOnvo • terribleat drawing

• khOnglhfch l(lp hQCngh~ thu$t • didn't like art classes al school

Tham khao cac y tllong lrlin va 11,1
mlnh tra l¢i, sau d6 so sanh veli cau tra Jai mAu
cuabl;ln d~ hoan thi(ln cilu tra 1¢i cua ~1;1n.

Cl!.utra Trong tam Du chua tilng duqc dao 1110 bal

TrQng tAm Even though I had no formal
lbl mAu
training, I do like to sketch in my notebooks ban, nhUngta! thfch phac hoa trong s6 lay
va nh$t ky . Dlfn gl~I Ngoal ra, khi bu6n
and personal diaries. Di~n gial Also, I
cMn IOIthullng ve linh tinh. PhAnJanlave
sometimes doodle when I'm bored. Most
bi4m hoa m4y ngUlll b/jn hotc d6 V$I b4I
often, they are caricatures of my friends or
ky /Jquanh IOI.
random objects around me.

T(I V\1119 doodleJdu:dlJVOngu~ch ngo11c randomjraondamJb4I ky

A Unit05Track
Did you take art classes when you were young?
B~n c6 tham gia lop hQc ngh~ thu~t khi con nh6 khong?

hQa 0Ytvong Y tl/ang Trqng tam hQCeach ve tranh iJ trllllng was taught how to draw at school
vacau • nh(l da lilng ve buc tranh qua • remember drawing a perfect
true traloi apple
tao hoan hao
• da d11yeach 1110kh6i sang vii • taught me how lo highlight and
mang t6i cho vtt th& shade the objects

Y tl/Ong TrQngtam tham gia l(lp my thu$t sau gill hQC took after-school art classes

2 Ol~ia • th& hi~n cam xuc cua mlnh qua • expressed my feelings through
nhOng buc tranh paintings
• hQCdl/QCnhi~u thu phap ngh~ • learneddifferentartistictechniques
thu$t khac nhau

Tham khao cac tllong trl!n va 11,1 minh tra Jcii,sau d6 so sanh veli cAu Ira lai mau
bl;ln d6 hoan thi(ln cau tra 1¢i cua b1;1n.

cau tra ve/Jlap hoc ngh$

TrongtAmC6. tOIdi dll<ICd1,1y
TrQng tAm Yes, I was taught how to
Jai mAu
draw in art classes at school. Di~n giai thu&tatnJllng. DIAng1a1
TOInM mlnh dil vi dU(k:
m¢t qui tao mQ1c6ch hoan hAo trong khl quan
t remember drawing a perfect apple
sat mQtqu6 tao th$t. ThAy glAo my thu$t di d1,1y
while observing a real apple. My art
tOI cAch d& 1,0 kh6i sing va mang t6i cho vAt
teacher taught me how to highlight and
th' mi IOIve.
shade the objects I drew.

Til yVng observeJabz~:tvJquan sat shadeUeidJt110b6ng, mang t6i

PART 1 Music & Art 111

oPart 2. cau h6i thuong duQ'cdua ra la hay n6i v~am nh;Jc.Trongtruong
hO'Pd6. 6 Part3 giam khao s~ hay h6i v~ tM lo;Jiam nh;Jcdu,;,cmoi nguai
y~u thfch.tM lo;Jinguai Ian tu6i vanguai tre tu6i y~u thfchkMc nhau nhu


II Describe a memorable song to you. Hay mieu ta bai hat dang nhcl cua bi;in.

You should say:

what the song Is d6 la bai hat nao
when you first heard this song bi;in nghe bai hat nay 14nd4u la khi nao
how often you hear this song bi;in thullng xuyen nghe bai hat nay
and explain why It Is memorable to you. va giai thfch ti;li sao bai hat nay dang nha
nh~t viii bi;in.

0. y ••"-
luutlg E>6la bai hat nao • Imagine cUaJohn Lennon • Imagine by John Lennon
va~u • mQt trong nhilng ca khuc • one of Lennon's first solo
trueIra~ solo dAu Mn cua Lennon songs

B,n nghe !An dAu khi • vai IAnkhi tOihQCu,u hQC • sometime when I was in
nao elementary school

Bfn c6 lhUilng xuyGn • khOng thuang xuyGn nghe • don't listen to this song often
nghe khOng Mi hat nay • at least once a year
• It nhAt mQtIAnmQtnAm

I!: Tfl sao bal Mt dang • dA hat trong budi ti$c sinh • sang it at my tathe~s birthday
nhO nh~t b6 tOi party
• man song ca dAuMn cua tOi • my first duet with my brother
vOiem trai • tyrics are meaningful
• lai bai Mt y nghia

§)Ghi chti
cua bi;in

Tham khao cac y tuci'ngtren va IV mlnh tra I/Ii, sau d6 so sanh vai ciiu tra I/Ii m~u
di! hoan thi~n ciiu tra lbi cua bi;in.

• Imagine,JohnLeMon,first solosong
• can't rememberexactlywhen
.................................................................................. .
• not often
a year,_fathers_
birthday...................................................................................... .

• birthdayparty, my first duet

• lyrics,meaningful,
conflictsIn the world

A Unit5Track
CAu tra
<DThe song that has left the biggest <PBai hat a:n tuQng nha'.t vdl tOi la
Imagine cua John Lennon, mOt
impression on me is Imagine by John
trong nhilng nglllli d6ng sang l&p
Lennon, one of the co-founders of the cua The Beatles. Imagine la mQt
Beatles. Imagine was one of Lennon's trong nhilng ca khuc solo d4u tlAn

first solo songs after the band split up. It cua Lennon sau khi nh6m nh11-ctan
ra. oay d6ng thlli cung la bal hat
was also his most popular solo release.
solo dll</CIla chuOng nha'.tcua Ong.

(2) I can't really remember when I first heard (2) TOI khOng nhd rO 14n d4u tiAn nghe
ca khuc a'.yla khl nao nhllng n6 vao
the song. But it was probably sometime
khoang thlll gian tOi hQCca'.p mOt.
when I was in elementaryschool.My father 86 tOi la mOt nglllli hAm mO cu6ng
is a huge fan of John Lennon, so his music nhi9t cua John Lennon nAn nh11-c
cua Ong luOn dll</C vang IAn trong
was always playing in our house.
nha tOI.
Ol I don't listen to this song often since I'm 0) TOi khOng con thllllng xuyAn nghe .....,
into other types of music, like hip hop,
ca khuc nay nila k& khi tOi b4t d4u =
thfch cac 1011-i
nh11-ckhac nhU hip ;:;:;
these days. However, I play this song hop. Nhl/ng tOi dA b&t bal hat nay .,.
at least once a year, on my father's it nha'.tmOt IAn mOt nAm, vao ngay .....,

slnh nh&t b6 tOi vl dAy la bai hat yAu

birthday, because it's his favorite song. z---
thlch cua Ong. =
© There are a couple of reasons why this © co mOt vai ly do khhfo tOI tha'.ybal
hat nay dang nhd. 04u tiAn, day la
song is memorable. First, my brother
bai hat tOi va em trai da cung nhau
and I sang it together at my father's hat trong ngay sinh nh&t b6. KhOng
birthday party. It was not only my first chi la IAn dAu tiAn bi&u di~n trU&:
dOng nglllli ma con la IAn dAu tlAn
time performing in front of many people,
tOI va em trai song ca. Thu hal llli
but also my first duet with my brother.
bal hat ,a:t y nghia. Bai hat mlAu ta
Second, the lyrics are meaningful. They mot th, giOI hoa blnh. Ngay nay khi

describe a world where there is peace. xung dOt trAn th' gidi khOng ngung
xay ra, 001 khl lh$1 kh6 Od khOng
With all the conflicts going on in the world
ngAm nghl vA nOI dung bai hat.
today, it's hard not to think about the
song's lyrics from time to time.

Tu vo,tng memorablelmemorobll dang nhO,lin tUQng releaselrill:s) phat hanh duet ldju:et) song ca
lyric lllrikJ llli bal hat confllct[k6:nfliktJ phan tranh, xung dOt

PART2&3 Music & Art 113

3 A Unit5Track

What kind of music do people like in your country?
MQi ngubi onuc:'.lc
bl;l.nthich lol;l.inhl;l,cnao?

0 YILIOOg ITr2!JJLlam«> nh,c pop pop music

vacau of3ngial • vui khl hat theo • fun to sing along to
tructra ICli
• d~c bi$t khl di hat Karaoke • especially when you're at a karaoke

ffr9ng tAm QJ nh,c rap rap music

:··;~; ;;i;bi~;
-~6i;i6~~: ~.ii
-~~t~~~~-1~-. -~~~~;~;.-.-~;~~~i~i1;.
• chllang trinh tlm ki~m ngOi sao nh,c young people
rap tai nAng tr6n truy6n hlnh • TV talent shows searching for rap

Tham khao cac y lllOng tr~n va II/ mlnh tra llii, sau d6 so sanh v6i cau Ira llii mau
dA hoan thi~n cau Ira llii cua b,m.

Mo dau There are severaltypes of music Mir dAu Hlfn nay c6 mOt s6 th4 10$1nhJc
that are popular in Vietnam at the moment. dllc/Cua chuOngIr ~t Nam. Trong 1am<D
Trc;mgtam <DOne of them is pop music. MOI lrong s6 d6 Ill nh,c pop. 016n glal tOI
Dien giai I think Vietnamese people like
nghTngll~i Vi$1Nam Chichnh,c pop vl khl
pop music becauseit's fun to sing along to,
especially when you're at a karaoke room h4t theo IUcdi Karaoke ri'.tvul. Trong tAm

with friends. Trc;,ng tam ~ Vietnamese ® Ngll~I Vl$t Nam cOng lhfch nghe nhJc
people love to listen to rap music as well. rap. 016n glal N6 dA lrlr n6n eve ky phd
Dien giai It's gotten extremely popular, bifn, d,c bl$t la viii giOItre, khl c:Acchi/Ong
especially wtth young people, as TV
lrinh tal nAng tr6n truy&n hlnh llm klfm c.tc
talent shows searching for rap stars have
become increasingly common. ngOi sao nh,c rap ngay cang lrlr n6n phd


Tu vl,fng popularlp~:pjolor) ph~ bifn di/QCIla chuOng pop music Am nh$c d$1chung sing
along hat theo

3 A Unit5Track

Are there any differences between the music young people like and
the music old people like in your country?
6 nuoc bi;m, c6 gl khac bi~t giua Am nh~c ngucii tre yeu thfch va Am nh~c nguai Ion
tu6i yllu thfch khOng?

'"'vw,g IQ!'Q-11 Am nh,c nglllll IOn tu6i a Vitt Nam nghe lhe music lhat lhe elderly listen to in
va~u hoan toan khac Vietnam is totally different
truetra1¢i o,Angolli , ng11oigia nghe nh,c truy6n th6ng • seniorcitizens music
listento traditional
nhll nhfC d6ng quA My
• IUdng 11,1 • similarto Americancountrymusk:
• gibi Ire lhich nhfc rap vii hip hop • youlh enjoy rap and hip hop music
• vAn h6a phlldng Tay c6 Anh hllang IC,n • Western culture has had a big
d6n Vi$! Nam Influence on Viet Nam


'i' tra1¢i Tham khao cac y 111ang 1rAnva IV minh Ira 1111,
sau d6 so sanh voi c:Autra llfi mau
cuab<111 d~ hoan thi~n cau Ira llfi cua ban.

~ Trc;mgtAm Yes, the music that the elderly u.rr C6, Am nh,c mil ngucliIOntu6i b
~ listen to in Vietnam is totally different V~t Nam nghe holln Iolln kh6c vcliAm nh,c
mil nhOngngubl Ire nghe. Doong,11,NhI6u
from the music young people listen to.
ngUOlidn tu6i nghe nh,c truy6n lh6ng. DAy
Dien giai Many senior citizens listen iii phong each Am nl,fc truy6n lh6ng. TOI
to traditional music. This is a traditional doAn n6 c6 mQIchul gi6ng vcli nh,c d6ng

style of music. I guess it's a bit similar to qu6 My a mQt viii phudng d~n nllo d6.

American country music in some ways. Trang khi d6, gibl 110nglly nay ifJ lhlch nl,fc
rap vii hip hop. TOInghi c!i6ud6 iii bat vi van
Meanwhile, today's youth enjoy rap """
and hip hop music. I think it's because
h6a phlldng TAy dA c6 llnh huang I¢n din
Viti Nam lrong viii lh$p ky qua.
Western culture has had a big influence !:;
on Vietnam in the last couple of decades. en

Til vl,lng the elderly ngl/CIIIC,ntu6i senior citizen ngubi cao tu6I meanwhllelmf:nwa,II z
trong khi d6 youthhu:9) gidl Ire decadeldiiceid) lhtp ky

PART 2&3 Music & Art 115

1 Tiepcancauh6ithuonggap
A Unit06Track
What kind of factors do you consider when buying a bag?
II Tui
NhOng yeu t6 nao b~n can cAn nhac khi mua tui xach?

Xllch 0vtuang Y tllbng Tr9ng1Am 101can nhAc hai y~u 16 khl h,ta there are two things I consider
vaca:u chQntui xach when I buy a bag
true Ira lc1i DiAn glal • tui xach hQpvOIquAn ao cua 101 • a bag that matches well with
my clothes
, ch(ra dl/C/Cnhi6u d6 khac nhau , carry many different items
, tui va ngan , pockets and compartments

Y tllling TrQng!Am gia ca va chit 1119ng price and quality

2 plen g,Ai • gia caphal hQply • should be reasonably priced
, khOngthfm nil& va ~n • waterproof and durable

'i' CAutraleli Tham khao cac y tllang tren va 1\1minh tra l11i,sau <16so sanh vdi cau Ira l11imau
cua b;µ, <16hoanthiencAu Ira l~i cua ban.

Cau Ira
TrQng !Am There are two things I consider Trong IAm TOIcan nhlc hal yfu 16khl IV•
when I buy a bag. Dien giai Rrst, I look for ChQntul Xllch. D16nglal Thu nh4t, 101tlm
a bag that matches well with my clothes. chifc tUi hQp vd:i qu4n Ao cUa mlnh. Th(f
hal, tOi tht/lfng mang theo nhi,u d6 nlln
Second, since I carry many different items,
st ti$n hon nfu c6 nhl6u till va ngAnnh6
it is handy to have one wi1h many pockets
btn trong.
and compartments.

Tu vvng handy[ha,ndil li~n 191,hilu dvng compartment[kampA:rtmant] ngAn, phAn chia

A Unit06Track

Do you carry different bags depending on the situation?
Ban c6 mang nhang chiec tui xach khac nhau tuy tung hoan canh kh6ng?
0 Y tllling Tn;,nglllrn chAc chAn c6 I certainly do
xach Ytuang
vacau 1 o,Angiai • thtJlfngmang theo tUi xiich vAi • usually carry around my gray fabric
true Ira lc1i
mau ghi backpack
• l;li nhilng sv ki~n trang lrQng • on formal events
, mang m¢t chi~c till da mau • take a basic black leather bag

Y tllling TrQngtam tOichi mangduy nMt m¢t chi&: tui I only carry one bag
2 D,An ial , c6 tui deo val mau nau • have a brown shoulder bag
• phu hQptrong mQIhoan canh • appropriatefor any situation

'i' Cau tra loi Tham khao cac y tuang tren va t\l mlnh tra 111i,sau d6 so sanh vdi cau tra l11imAu
cuab~ di! hoan thi~n cau tra 1111
cua b<""·

cau tra
Tr9ng tam Yes, I certainly do. DiAn giai I TrQngIAm C6, chic chln nhll v$y.DIAn
usually like to carry around my gray fabric glal TOIthubngthlch mangthao ba 10val
backpack because ii is comfortable and has a mlu ghi vl n6 thoalmaivl c6 nhl6ukhOng
gian chUa d6. Tuy nhiln, trong nhOngsv
lot of room. However, on formal events, such
kitn trang trQng, nhtJ dAm ctJd'icOa ~n
as a friend's wedding, I take a basic black
bil, tOIs6 mang theo chi&c tUI da den.
leather bag with me.

Tu vvng labrlc[t;;,brik)vai room[ru:m)phong,khooggian fonnal[6:rml)trang trQng,chlnh th(rc

A Unit06Track

When do people wear hats or caps in your country?
Moi nguoi adil:t nuacb~n thuong d◊i mii khi nao?
khl di leo nul ~c di ra bidn when they go hiking or go to
the beach

• bl!o vf mAt va khuOnmtt trv&: anh • protect one's eyes and lace
n6ng mtt trlil ch6i chang from the glaring sunlight
• mtc d&gay «n ttJ\fng • dress to impress

Y ll/O'ng trong su6t mua he during Iha summer

2 • khOngmu6n mtt miii bj ram nAng • don't like to get sunburnedon
their faces
• mua dOng khOng d¢I mO thtJong • don'I wear hats or caps as
xuy&nnhtJth' frequentlyin the winter

cua ban
Tham khao cac y tu6'ng trAn vii 11,1
d6 hoiln thl$n cau tra lill cua b,m.
mlnh tra lili, sau d6 so sanh vcii cau tra IOi mAu ■
cau tra
Trong tam In Vietnam, people generally wear rong tAm OVl♦t Nam, mol nguOIthuOng
hats and caps when they go hiking or go to d¢1mo khl di lao nul hotc di bldn.Di6ngl,li
the beach. D1<1n
giai I guess tt is to protect C6 thd vl mu6n bao vt mAtvl khuOnmtt
truOcAnhn6ngmtt trOIch61chang.Ngoll
their eyes and lace from the glaring sunlight.
ra, ~ dAy mo vlnh vl mo beaniedU</C glOI
Addltionally, because young people here -I
tre •~ dungnhu phu kltn 1h01 trangd' gAy ::r
consider caps and beanies fashion ttems, they 9:
,n IUQngvOInguOIkhk
like to wear them when they dress to impress. ::,

Ti/ Vl/ng glarlngjgl~riQ) ch6116a,rl!t sang beanle(bl:nl) mii (mOnho khOngc6 vanh) s::
A Unit06Track
4 ""
Do you wear caps for your convenience or for fashion?
B~n d◊i mu d6 thoai mai hay d6 h<;ipthoi trang?
y 11mg YtUO'ng vl thol!I mal for my convenience

true Ira~
1 • che mai t6c b6ng nhon • hide my greasy hair
• hOUdvng khi khOng c6 nhl6u • useful when I don1 have much
thOigian chu&nbi time to get ready

Y tu6'ng vl thOitrang for fashion

2 • ph6i mii vOIquAn so • match caps with my clothes
• lam cho tOi trOng thl!i trang va • make me look more stylish and
h\fp xu htJdngMn trendy

'i' cau tra 1a1 Tham khao cac y tu6'ng trl!n va tV mlnh tra lili, sau d6 so sanh vcii cau tra IOi mau
cuaban d6 hoiln thi$n cau tra lili cua ban.

CAu tra g m TOIthuongd¢i mOvi th'41>tl+n,

Trong tam I usually wear them for my •,o,
IOImAu D ~nQ.,\,Nfu IOIchuakip~ d,u va 16cb6t
convenience. Di~n giai If I can't wash my hair
and ifs a bit greasy, I put on a cap. That way, dlu b6ng nhon, IOIa6 dOImo. Blng c6ch
n•y. IOIcO th' cha di mai t6c bft cua mlnh.
I can hide my greasy hair. So, caps are pretty
VI vty, no la v•t kh4hDUdungkhl IOIkhOng
useful when I don1 have much time to get
co nhi6uthlli glanchu,n bf vao budl sang.
ready in the morning.

TO vl,lng greaay[gri:si] nhan, b4t hlde[haid)che, gl4u

PART 1 Fashion & Shopping 123

n. Unit06Track

II Giay
Do you like to wear fashionable shoes or comfortable shoes?
Bc;1nthfch di m(lt doi giay theli !rang hay m(lt doi giay thoai mai?

dep 0y l\/O'ng Y ll!Ong Trong ram IVa ch9n ca hai Mu chi go for both qualities
vilcau Oo&igtal • thfch giay tho.Ii mal • likecomfortableshoes
true trala
• khOngmu6n mang th(I gl d6 du xf • don'twantto wear
• tlm dOiphu hQpv¢i tOi something ugly
• find the right pair for me
Y tl!Ong TrQngIAm giay tho.Ii mai comfy shoes
2 D~n g,lli • dib¢ • commuteon foot
• thlch giay th~ thao c6 nh~u d$m II • prefer sneakers with lots of
g61cMn cushion In the heel
'r'cautralcli Tham khao cac y t11ong tren vii tv mlnh tra lbi, sau d6 so sanh viii cau tra lbi mllu
cua b1;1n d~ hoiln thi~n cau tra lbi cua b1;1n.

CAu tra
Tr9ng tAm I try to go for both qualities when Trongtam TOic6 gAngIV• ch9n ca hai tiAu
buying shoes. DiAn gial I like comfortable chi khl mua glay. D16ngiai TOI thlch giay
shoes, but obviously I don't want to wear thoai mai, nhllng rO rang tOikhOngmu6n
something ugly. So when I shop lor shoes, mtc tha gl d6 xlu xi. VI v,y, khi tOi mua
giay. IOI ghe lhAm cang nhi6u cila hang
I visit as many stores as possible to find the
cang t61 d' tlm di/QCdOIphu hQpvc!i mlnh.
right pair for me.

Tit vVng go for -IVa ch9n

n. Unit06Track

II Giay
How often do you buy shoes?
Bao nhieu lau bc;1nmua giay mot Ian?


true tralcli
Y lllOng T rQng!Am

D ngiai
khoang 6 thang m¢t 14n

• thlch di d~o xung quanh

• giay cua tOic6 XU hl1¢ngbj mOn
khA nhanh
every 6 monthsor so
• love to walk around
• my shoestend to wear out
pretty quickly
Y tl!Ong TrQngtam 3 ho~c 4 14nm¢t nam 3 or 4 timesa year
.............................................................. .
OiAng,ai • wu ~P giay cua m¢t nha thi~t k' • collectshoesby a certain
nhllt djnh designer
• bllt c(I khi nao thllong hl$u d6 di/a • wheneverthat brandputsout
ra m¢t dOngs/m ph~m mai a new line

'r' CAu tra lcli Tham khao cac y ttJOng tr~n vii ti,( minh tra lbi, sau d6 so sanh viii cau tra ICfimllu
cuatl"'1 di! hoan thi~n cau Ira ic!1icua b~n.

CAu tra
Trong !Am On average, I think I buy shoes TcongtAmTOI nghitrung blnh tOimua g!Ay
once every 6 months or so. Oien giai Because khoang 6 th4ng m¢114n.0,6n giAI VI t61
I love to walk around, my shoes tend to wear lhlch di dto. glay ctia 101c6 XU hi/Ongbl
out pretty quickly. Therefore, I need to get mbn khA nhanh. Do d6. tOIcan mua giay
mc!ithllllng xuy&nhon h4u h,1 mQlng1111i.
new ones more often than most other people.

Tit vvng averagef,evarid3)trung blnh or so - khoang, muc d¢ wear out cu, mOn

A Unit06Track

What is your favorite color?
Mau yeu thfch cua b~n la gl?
sAc 0 Y...,._ V tilling Trong !Am mau <!en black
1 biAn gia, • hAu h4t cac m6n <16tOIso hOu<16u • most of my possessions are
true tra l(ji black
la mau <!en
• khOng th6 ngang mua qu&n ao • can't help but buy black cloth-
mau <Ian ing

Vtllbn g Tr9ng tam mau <16 red

2 o,An gi • thfch mau <16vi n6 n~i b~t • like red since tt sticks out
• thlch thu hut s,J chu y tu ngl/Oikhac • like to get attention from other

'i' cau tra IOi
Tham khao cac
y tllci'ng tr~n
thi~n cau tra lai cua b_in.
va 1\1mlnh tra lai, sau cl6 so sanh vdi cau tra lai m~u
■ ....,
cau tra Trong1a.mM~us!c yAuthichcUa1011a

Tr,;mg tam My favorite color is black ::::,
IClimAu denvl n6 d6 ph6IdO.va n6 r41sangchAnh. q,
because it goes with every1hing, and it's en
D16ngiA1Vl v~y.hAuh4t cac m6n d6 IOiso
so chic. Di~n gial Therefore, most of my
hil\J. bao gOmcA quAn Ao d6u mau den.

possessions, including my clothes, are
MJc dU me 10iluOnn6i rAng tOInAn mf,c DO
black. Even though my mom always says
mau sang h~n. nhung101khOngth' ngung
that I should wear brighter colors, I can't dl/Qcvi$c mua qudn lio mt:tiu
help but buy black clothing.
WV1,lllg go with - twvcl chlc!;:l<Jlhanhric1>.
M trang possesslon[pa,ejan)~t sohil\Jtill san <O
A Unit06Track
8 a,

Do you like shopping? V,

Ban c6 thfch mua s1\m khOng?
sAm y tuong Vtilling 'TrQngtam t~t nhiAn of course

vacau , kham pha nhOng san phdm mlli • discovercooland stylish new
truetra lc1i <l~pva sanh <li~u products
, c6 gAng <16c6 <llle/Cm6n hoi , try to get the best deal

vtilling 'TrQngtAm tOIkhOngquan tAm<l~nmua sAm I don't care for shopping

2 bien gilt{ • m~t r~t nhi6u thOigian vil cOngs(lc • takes a lot of time and effort
• khi tOIcAn m¢t cai gl <16,tOisA mua • when I need something, I buy
hang trl}c tuy4n itonline

'i' cau traleli Tham khao cac y tllci'ng tren va t\l mlnh tra lai. sau cl6 so sanh vdi cAu tra lai mAu
cua b_in clg hoan thi~n cau tra lai cua b_in.

Cau tra TroogtAmTit nhlAnrOIIAl lfl khOngthlch

Tr9ng tam Of course! Who doesn't like
it? Di~n giai When I go shopping, I get to chil? D,6n glAi Khl tOIdi mua dm, tOIc6
thti khAm phA nhOng sin ph,m mOl d$ p
discover cool and stylish new products, so it
vt:tisbnh di$u, nAn n6 rd:tthU vj 061vdi tOI.
is very exciting for me. Addltlonally. it's very
Ngoal ra. 101cilng lhfy holng thu khi so
fun to compare different items and try to get
sanh cac m&1h~ng khac nhau va c6 gAng
the best deal. I love shopping so much that I d' c6 du(/CmOtm6nhbi.TOIyAumuas~m
can do it all day. d4n mactOIc6 th' lamdi6u d6 cAngay.

TU vo,tng dlscover(diskAvar)kham pha compare(kampear)so sanh

PART 1 Fashion & Shopping 125

oPart2. chli d~thuong duqcra la mi~u ta trangphvc.Trangtruong hc,pnay.
Trang phl,lc o Part3, giamkhaosi! haydat cauh6i v~ I.Ill nhu11c
di~mcuaddngphvc.ly do
thay d6i trangphvc theo tung hoancanhkhacnhau.


II Describe a clothing

You should say:

Item that you like. Hay millu ta trang phvc b1;1n
yllu thfch.

what the cloth Ing Item looks like trang phvc d6 d6 trOng nhv th~ nao
how you got It lam sao b~n c6 dl!Qc
and explain why you like this clothing Item. va giai thfch ly do vl sao b~n thfch n6.

~- • long enough to cover my

Ytvang (!) Trang phvc d6 trOng nhll • dai qua dAu g6i
vadlu knees
thf nao • c6 6 tui
trueIrak:!i • has six pockets

Lam sao b~n c6 di/QC • m~ t~ng tOivao djp sinh nh$t • my mothergave it to me for my
nAm ngoai birthday last year

<3lT$1sao bllJl thfch n6 • warm enough for me to endure

, du ,m d~ giup tOIchju d\fng
the freezing Lao Cal winters
mua dOngl~nh gia aLao Cai
• its design is just my type
• dung ki~u thi't k' tOithfch
• dirt and stains are less
• khOngd~ 1¢bui b&nvii vft 6

Tham khao cac y tvdng tn~nva t\l minh tra lili, sau d6 so sanh v(li cau tra lili mau
d~ hoan thi~n cau tra lili cua b~n.

• ch:k-down
• longenoughto covermyknees
• b pockets
································-··································································· --··-················•······

. •.mom'.mybirl!-day
• worm In the winter
• d~. mytype
• dirtf stai1S,lessnoflceable

A Unit06Track9
<I>I'd like to tell you about my duck-down <l)TOi sA n6i v6 chi.Sc 80 khoac !Ong
llllmau ....,
vu, m6n d6 yAu thfch cua tOI. El4y
coat, which is my favorite clothing item. Q>
la chi.Sc ao tuytt viii c6 dO dal du :::r
It's a great coat that is long enough to che qua dAu g61.Eli4u d6 c6 nghia la


cover my knees. That means I don't tOi khOng con phai lo 14ngv4 nhilng ""
con gl6 lua qua chan. El6ng thl!i, C>
have to worry about wind on my legs. -c:,
chi.SCao con c6 sau tui d6 dut tay va :i'
Also, it has six pockets, which offers me 00
d6 m9i thu d6 tOi c4n mang di.
room for my hands and all the things I ....
need to carry. 9:
~ My mother gave it to me for my birthday a>M~ da $lg chi.SCao cho tOi vao dip
sinh nh$t nlim ngoai. Luc §.y,tOIcung
last year. At the time, I had been s:
dang Om mua mOt chi.SCao khoac C:
shopping for a new coat, but all the good- m(fi, nhllng ~t canhilng chi.SCao viJa V,
looking ones cost an arm and a leg for m4t ~I qua d4t do veli mOt sinh v~n 3
a student like me. Therefore, I was so nhUtOI.Vi v$y khi nh$.ndUQCchi.SCAo
nay tOidli vO cung bi.Stcmm~.
grateful when I received this coat. l'T1

a> I absolutely love this coat for several

reasons. First of all, it is warm enough
<3>MOt viii ly do khi.Sn tOI hoan loan
mA tit chi4c ao nay. ElAu tiAn, n6 du
im d6 giup tOi chju dVng mua dOng
for me to endure the freezing Lao Cai l~nh gl8 cua Lao Cai. ThVc ra, tOi
winters. Actually, I didn't used to go khOng thUl!ng xuyAn ra ngoai vao =
mua dOng vl tOIdA bi cam khi nhi$l
out much in winter because I'm very
d0th,p. Nhllng nhl! c6 chi.Sc80 nay,
sensitive to cold temperatures. But,
tOi dli c6 th6 ra ngoal nhi6u hcln vao
thanks to this coat, I went outside a lot mua dOng nlim ngoal. Han th.SnOa,

last winter. Moreover, its design is just thi.St k.Scua n6 cung dung ki6u tOI
thlch. TOi d~c bi$! thlch mau den
my type. I especially like its color, black.
cua Ao. TOI yAu mau den vl n6 d6
I love the color black since it goes with k.Sth9p v(fi ttt ca mQIthu. KhOng chi
everything. Plus, dirt and stains are less v$y, chi.Sc Ao nay con khOng d6 10
bui bdn va v.St6.
noticeable on it.

Tl/ vvng downldaunl (!Ongvu) IOngta shop for tlm ki.Sm cost an arm and a leg d4t do, gia cao
cAt c6 gratefullgreitf•I) cam dn, bi.Stan endurelindJu•rl chju dVng freezlng(frf:zi~I
dOng cung, rit l~nh thanks to - nhl! c6 dlrt(d•:rtl bui bdn staln(steinl v.St 6
noticeable(n6utis•bll n6i btt, d6 thty

PART2&3 Fashion& Shopping 127

PART3 A Unit06Track

El Why do people dress differently at work than at other times?

T~i sao khi C,ilam, mQi nguoi m~c quan ao khac voi nhung hie khac?

0Ytucng TrQngtam i.. duqc trOng dQI vai ve ngoai chuyAn nghl$p are expected to look professional
va~u khi di lam at work
trueIraicj O~ng,al • xu~t hl$n t~i vAn phong trong bQd6 cOngsd • show up at the office in suits
• trang phvc phu h\fp vai b6i canh cOngvi$c • outtits appropriate for a business
TrQngtam ~ mu6n duqc thoai mai want to be comfortable
................... ~ .................................................................................................
Oi6ng,ai • khi m9i ngl/l!i d nha ho~c g~p b~n be • when people slay at home or
meet their friends
• m~c d6 blnh thlll!ng • wearcasualclothing

Tham khaocac y It/Ongtri~nva 1\1minh Ira lili, sau <l6so sanh vcticau Ira lili mAu
d!l hoan lhien cau Ira lbi cua bsin.

cautra TrQng tam <DThe specific reasons differ

!bi mAu Tr9ng tam (!) M61ngl/111
c6 ly do cv
from person to person, but it seems that thd kMc nhau, nhllng phAn ldn m9I

it's mostly because people are expected ngul!i d~u duqc mong d\fi sij xu~t
hi$n vol ve ngosi chuyAn nghitp khl
to look professional at work. Dien giai
1amvl$c. o,An g,ai V1 th4, phAn Ion
Therefore, most employees show nhAn viAn d4n vAn phong trong bQ
up at the office in suits or other outfits d6 cOng sd ho~c trang phvc phu h\fp
appropriate for a business setting. Trong vdl mOItrul!ng lam vi$c. Tr9ng tam (Z)

!Am <Z>On the other hand, when people Nguqc l~I. khl {j nha ho~c khi g~p b~n
be, m9i nglll!i mu6n duqc thoai ml!i.
stay at home or meet their friends, they
D16n glai V1 th4, hQ thul!ng m~c d6
want to be comfortable. Dien giai So, blnh thl/l!ng nhll qu4n bo, Ao phOng
they generally wear casual clothing, like va giay thd thao.
jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers.

T(I v\(ng professlonal(prafe/anl] chuyAn nghi$p sult(su:t) d6 cOng sd

outflt(autfit] trang phvc, qu4n Ao

3 A Unit06Track
What are the pros and cons of wearing a uniform?
El Vu va nhl/Qc diJm khi m~c dong ph1,1cla gl?

0.y tv<'Jng dA dang va nhanh ch6ng hdn r,t it Is a lot easier and quicker to get dressed
nhi6u khl thay d6 bu6i sang in the morning
truetra1¢1 Dtengiru • chl c6 m¢t IVach9n trang phvc • onlyhave one wardrobeoption
• khOngcAn t6n thoi gian IVa chQn • don't need to spend lime selecting
quAn ao phu h\fp appropriateclothes

c6 thd h,n ch6 catlnh ctla b~n can limit your individuality

p1An9iai • m◊t each thd hi♦n catfnh • one way of expressing your personality
• m~c quAn ao gi6ng h♦t mQingtlOi • wear the same outfit as everyone else

Tham khao cac y tuang ln'.!nva Ii/ minh tra llli, sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra llli mAu
d~ hoanthii)n ciiu Ira llli cua b1;in.
cau 1ra ..,

Tr9ng tAm (I) llu didm ldn nhgt ctla vl♦c Cl>
lllimAu TrQng tam <D One main advantage
mJc d6ng phvc ill sil dA dang vll nhanh
that it is a lot easier and quicker to -c,

get dressed in the morning if uniforms

ch6ng hdn khi thay d6 vllo bu6i sang. ='
DiAn gi~i Khi b$n chi c6 m¢t 1va chQn
are required. Di~n giai When you cho trang phvc ctla mlnh, b~n khOngcAn
only have one wardrobe option, you t6n thoi gian dAn do Iva chQn trang phvc
don't need to spend time selecting phu h\fp du dd di lam hay di hQC.Trang ::,
tAm (2) Ngtl\fC l\ii, vi♦c mtc d6ng phvc ~
appropriate clothes for work or school.
sil h~n ch6 ca tfnh ctla b,n. DlAn glai s:
TrQng tam <2>On the other hand, C:
Vi♦c hJachQn m,c m¢t trang phvc nllo OJ
having to wear a uniform can limit d6 Ill each dd b~n thd hi♦n tinh each. Tuy
your individuality. Di~n giai Choosing nhiAn, nfu phai m~c trang phvc gi6ng 14t
to wear certain clothes is one way of camQingtlOi,b$n Sil khOngc6 CCIh¢1thd
hl♦n di6u d6.
expressing your personality. However,
if you have to wear the same outfit as
everyone else, you can't do that.

TII vvng wardrobe[wo:rdroub] trang phvc, quAn ao lndlvldualltyPndavld3u.elati) ca nhA.n,

ca tfnh peraonallty[pa:rsan.elati) tfnh each

PART2&3 Fashion& Shopping 129

1 Tiepcancauh6ithuongg~p
A Unit07Track

Do you like walking?
B.;,.nc6 thfch di bO khOng?
Oi b¢

Y tllelng iTQng tarn

161cam lh4y lhU giAn

• m6i khi lh4y bi ap hJc

• ra ngoai di b6
• 161cho sac khoe cua 161
I find ii relaxing

• whenever I'm stressed

• go out for a walk
• good for my health

Y tllelng 'r nng tam 161kh6ng lhfch di b6 I don't like walklng

2 oJiig~ • use a car or a bicycle instead
• di 6 16hoJc xe d~p lhay cho di b¢
• d6 dang hdn d& di chuy&nIii di&m • easier lo get from point A lo
Alc!idi&m B point B

~cautra~, Tham khao cac y tllelng tren vii 11,1

mlnh tra lbi, sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra lbi mau
cua~ di! hoan thi❖n cau tra lbi cua b.in.

CAutra Tr9ng tAm Yes, I find It relaxing to walk Tro ,g Jrn VAng.tOicam tl\fy th\/ glln khi
lei mAu
around town. Di~n glai Whenever I'm di b¢ quanh th( trfn. Oit\n Q M61khl tOi
stressed or have a lot on my mind, I go out th(y bl 6p IVc hc,Jcc6 qu6 nhlfu 1h11 luM
quh, trong d!u. IOis6 ra ngoal di b¢. Vl tOi
for a ,walk. Since I usually don't exercise
khOngthl/llng xuyln t$P luy♦n cho 14m,tOi
much, I think it is good for my health, too.
nghTdi b6 cOng161cho s(lc khoecue IOI.

Til vl,(ng have a lot on one's mind c6 qua nhi6u lhl1 iu&n qu,n d!u, bi r6i trl go out for
a walk ra ngoal d& di b¢, di d~o

A Unit07Track

Do you visit parks often?
B~n c6 thllang di cOng vi~n hay khong?

vitn y 1tlOng Y tllelng TrQngtam 2·3 l!n m¢t thang two to three times a month
vaclu 1
D 91'11 • m6i khl lhlli ti~t nMg d' p va • when the weathe(s sunny and
trong xanh clear
• di d~o vong quanh c6ng viGnd& • stroll around the park 10enjoy
ngAm nhln lhiGnnhiGn nature

Y tllelng TrQn9tam t61d~n c6ng viGn hang ngay I visij the park every day
2 Dien giai • chi m,t s phut di b¢ Iii nha t6i • just a fiv&.minutewal<Imm my home
• la m¢t nal d6 chiu d& 1'P lhl d\lC • a lovely place to get some exercise

Tham khao cac y tuong tran vii tl,I mlnh tra lbi, sau d6 so sanh vdi cau tra llli m6u
d~ hoiln thi~n cau tra lbi cua b.in.

~ Tr9ng tam I go to the park near my house two Troo ~• TOi dfn cOng viln gAn nhl
~ to three times a month. Dien glai However, kho4ng2-3 14nmOItMng. 016n g1aiTuy
when the weathe(s sunny and clear, I visit it nhl6n.m61khl thbl lift n,ng dep vl 1rong
xanh, tOitelld6 hang ngay.M61khl IOId&y,
almost every day. When I visit, I usually stroll
IOiluOnluOnd•o quanh cOngvien a4 $1
around the park to enjoy nature.
hi/bogve dep lhlln nhlln.

Til vl,(ng slroll(sttoulJ di dfO, tan b¢

A UnitD7Track

Have you learned to swim?
B1;1nc:tatC/ng hQCboi Chila?
g4n dAy IOidii hQCbai I learned to swim recently
thao 0YbJClnQ
va~u • dii titng s(/ nu&: • had a fear of water
true tra l<J1
• mu6nvUQtqua n6is(} hAicUa • wantedto overcomemy fear
ban than

Y lllllng tOichua tilng hQCbal I haven't learned to swim

2 • b6 m~ chl.la bao gil:Sdi.la tOi • my parents never took me swimming

, tru~ng IOIkhOngc6 h6 bai • my school didn't have a pool

Tham khao cac y tllong tn~n va tt.tmlnh tra 111i,sau tl6 so sanh vc'.1i
cau tra I11imllu
di! hoan thi~n cau Ira lcti cua bi;ln.

Cau Ira Tr911g!Am vang, tOJtht,tcra mdi hQCl>Oi

Tr9ng tam Yes, I actually learned to swim
lai mau gin dAy. o,An gihi Khi con nh6 161di
recently. Dl6n giai I didn't learn how when
kh6nghQCl>Olvl t61bl SQnude.Nhungkhi
I was a child since I had a fear of water.
IOnIan, tOImu6n vuqtqua n6i sQcOamlnh
But as I grew up, I wanted to overcome my
va quy,1 dinh hQC!>OJ.BAygi~ t61c6 th4
fear and decided to learn. Now, I can swim
bOIkhi t6t.
pretty well.

T(I vt,tng overcome[ouvarkAm]vUQtqua fear[fiar) n6I s(/ hiil, sl,/ lo s(/

A UnitD7Track
Do you think children should learn to swim?
B1;1nc6 nghi r~ng tre em nen hQc boi hay khong?

0 yva~u
bJOl1g Y tilling ITfl)ngtAm vi~c nay r~t dn thi't it is vital
thao 1 ....................................................................................................... ..
true tra li1I Pi n giai • ky nAngc61M CJJu ""'"9 chungta • a skill that could save their lives
• v(la thU giAn v(la trb nan khoe • have a good time while becoming
m~nh han healthier

Y tilling TrQngtam khOngc4n thi,t notnecessarily

2 • khOngphai la mOtph4n thi,1 • not an essential part of our daily

y,u cua cuOcs6ng lives
• nan ti,/quy,1 djnh diAu mlnh • should decide for themselves
mu6n hQC what they wish lo learn

Tham khao cac y tllOng tren va 11,1 sau tl6 so sanh vc'.1i
minh tra 1111, cau Ira 111imau
tlii hoan thii)n cau tra I11icua bi;ln.

TrQng tam I think it is vital for children to Trongtam TOInghi vI$ccho Ire em hQCl>Oi
learn how to swim because It is a skill that la diAuc~n thi41~I dAyta mQtky nlng c6
th' cllu m,ng chling. Di6n gia, Hon nOa,
could save their lives. DiAn giai Furthermore,
l>Oi~i la mQIhott dQngthu vi danh cho Ire
swimming is a fun activity for children as well
em cOng nhll IA mOtc,ch vO,ncJQngt6t Khi
as a good workout. By swimming, children can
bai 1¢i,trit em vlla duc;,cthtJglAnvUa tra nan
have a good time while becoming healthier. khOemi,nh hem.

Tu vl,/ng vital[vaitl) mang tlnh thi41y,u, quan trong workout[wa:rkaut) v~n dOng

PART 1 Sports & Activities 137

r. Unit07Track

11 Th~
What is the most popular sport in your country?
Mon th~ thao ph6 bien nhllt a dl!t nuac b1;1n
la gi?

thao 0 y I\Jcfng Y II/Ong Tr9ng tAm b6ng da football

vacau ............................................................................................... .
true Ira lal Dien giA, • c6 Mng ta san v$n dQng , there are dozens of football
b6ng da stadiums
, kin khan gia , filled with spectators
Y h/ong TrQngtam b6ng r6 basketball
Dit!ng,al • ve xem b6ng r6 thuong dU(1C , tickets to basketball matches are
ban hft s<1ch otten sold out
• nhit!ucau ~c bOb6ngr6w nMn , many private basketballclubs

Tham khao cac y tl/Ong tn~n va ti,/ minh tra IC1i,sau d6 so sanh vai cAu tra IC1imau
d~ hoan thi~n cau tra IC1icua b1;1n.

Tr9ng tam That would be football. DiAn Tr9ng tam 06 sA la mOnb6ng da. D16n
gilli There are dozens of football stadiums g,a, CO hing ta sftn b6ng trAn ca nu/Jc,
throughout the country, and they are filled va chung thUi,ngkin khan gla m6l khl c6
with spectators whenever there is a match. tran dlu di6n ra. Han nOa,c6 rlt nhl6u
nguatVI$! Nam xem cac tran diu t.i glal
Moreover, many Vietnamese people watch
V-League matches on TV.

Ti/ vl,lng spectatorjspekteitar) khan gia match[ma,tn tr$n d~u

r. Unit07Track

D What kind of outdoor activities did you participate in when you were a child?
thu<1ngtham gia ho1;1t
d(>ngngoai tr<1inao khi b1;1n
con nho?

0 y I\Jcfng Y tllong Tr911gtam tilng chdi b6ng da used to play football

vacau 1 ............................................................................................. ..
true Ira IC1i Oien glai • nhOng dua tre Ian hdn giai , older kids explained the rules
thlch lu$t choi cho tOi to me
• b6 cua cac b,n dA d~n choi , kids' fathers came along and
cung va d<1ychung tOi taught us
Y tllong Tr9ng tam cau ca fishing
2 Oiengi:il • dA di cau ca vai b6khi con nho • went fishing with my dad when I
• dac bi$! yAu thlch di cAuca vao was little
bu6i t6i , especiallyloved fishing at night

Tham khao cac y tLJong tr6n va 11,1minh tra IC1i,sau d6 so sanh vai cAu tra IC1imau
d~ hoan thi~n cau tra IC1icua b1;1n.

Tr9ng tllm When I was five or six, I used to TrQngtam Khl IOI5 hay 6 tu6i, 101tilng chal
play football every day with other children b6ng dA hAng ng&y vdl nhOng dU'a tri kh6c

from the neighborhood. DiAn giai While trong khu. 016n gtiu Trong khi chc,ib6ng
playing soccer, the older kids explained the da, nhOngdOaIre I/In Mn di gi~Ithlchlutt
chal cho tOI.NgoAIra, b6 cua mOtvAib,n
rules to me. Also, some of the kids' fathers
di Mn chal cungvA dfy chungIOIeachdi
sometimes came along and taught us how
to play better.

Ti/ vl,lng nelghborhood[nelbarhudl khu hang x6m, vung IAn c$n

A Unit07Track
Which do you prefer: indoor or outdoor activities?
Bc;tnthich hoc;1t

d(>ngtrong nha hay ngoai trim

Y 111ong TrQllg 1t,m cac h~t dOngngoai tr~i outdoor activities

vaci!u 1 Di6n 91/li , chOicdu IOngho~c di xe diP , play badminton or go cycling
trueIra~ , cho phep tOiviJa t~p luy~n va viJa • allow me to exercise and get
c6 dl/Qcchill khOngkhl trong lanh some fresh air

Y tllong TrQ119
tam cac ho,1 dOng trong nha indoor activities

2 D16ng,al , b4t k~ thbi li~t • regardless of the weather

, doc sAch, xem phim, hay n4u An • read, watch movies, or cook

y tllbng

Tham khao cac tren vii tt,I mlnh tra lei, sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra lei mau
cuab,m d~ hoan thi~n cau tra lei cua bs1n.

Cflu tra Tr,;,ng tflm I prefer outdoor activities TrQngtam TOi thlch cac hoft dOng ngoai
leimAu trbi vi tOila mOtngilbi nAngdOng.O,Ang,a,
because I'm an active person. Dien giai
M61khi tOIg~p bfn be, chung IOI thil~g
Whenever I meet with friends, we usually
chol c4u IOngh~c di XOd~. TOithlch cac
play badminton or go cycling. I love to do
ho,t dOngnay vi chung cho pMp tOIviJa
these activities because they allow me to
1$pluyOnviJa c6 diJQcmOtchul khOngkhl
exercise and get some fresh air. trong IAnh.

TiJ v\(ng actlve(ii,ktiv} nAng dOng ,.,
A Unit07Track
B ::r
What kind of indoor activities do you enjoy? ""
[I Bc;1n
thich loc;tihoc;ttd{>ngtrong nha nao?
Hoit + 0
dOng -.'y ti.fang v 111ong TrQngtam xem tivi watching TV ~
vacau 1
Di6ng1ai • gial toa cang thAng • relieves my stress ::,
trueIra~ • my other favorite indoor
• mOt ho,1 dOng trong nM y6u thlch
kh6c cua IOI activity
• playing computer games
• chOIgame tr6n may tlnh
Y ti/Ong TrQngIAm nllling banh baking en
2 Di ngial • lam theo cac cOngth(lc n4u An d~ • follow recipes to make baked !:j
lam ra cac m6n nllling goods en
• chia se mQIval m6n tOl lam voi • share some of the things I
nh(lng ngll~i khac bake with other people z""'
Tham khao cac y 111<1ng
tr6n va 11,1
minh tra lcti, sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra lei mAu
di! hoan lhien cau tra lei cua b,m.

Tr9ng tam I enjoy watching TV when I'm Trqng tAm TOI thfch xem tivi khl Ii nha
018n gtfu C6 m¢t viii ch1JC1ng
trlnh truy6n
at home. Dl~n giai There are a couple of
hlnh mil t61thfch, v8 vl$c xem chUng lh\fc
TV shows I like, and watching them really
SI/ giup tOIglAi toa cAng thing. MOthofl
relieves my stress. My other favorite indoor
dl)ng trong nhli yAu th(ch khl\c cUa t61 Ill
activity is playing computer games. I usually
game trAn mAy trnh. T61 thllllng mbi
invite my friends to my house so that we can cic b~n cua mlnh dfn nha d& chung tOIc6
play them together. th& chol cung nhau.

TiJ v\fng relleve\rill:v} glai toa, lam khuay khoa

PART 1 Sports & Activities 139

lJ Part 2, cau h6i thuong duqc ra la mi~u ta v~ mOt m6n tM thao. Trong
Th,thao truong hqp nay. 6 Part 3. giam khao s!! hay d~t cau h6i v~ ly do moi ngum
thfchcacm6n tM thaomi)o hilm, t.1mquantrQngnla bOm6n tM dvc.

a Describe a sport that you've learned to play. Hay n6i v~ m¢t mOn thil thao b.in da
Wng choi.

You should say:

what this sport Is d6 la mOn thil thao gl
why you learned it t.ii sao b.in hQc choi mOn d6
how you learned It b.in da hQc th~ nao
and explain what benefits you've gained from It. va giai thfch nhQng lc;iifch b.in nh~
dll<;lctit d6 la gl.

0vtllang La mOnth' thao gl , boi 101 •swimming

vac1iu • vtn <!Ongtoan than • a total body workout
Tti sac b~n hQc • c6 n6i sQ nu&:
• had a fear of water
chol mOn d6 • mu6n VUQIqua n6
• wantedto overcomethat
• la mOt ky nAng s6ng cAn
• an essential life skill

Btn dA hQc th4 nllo • dAng ky IOphQCbai • signed up for swimming classes
• giao vian dtY bai cua tOI~t • my swimming coach was very
kiGnnhAnvOItOi patient with me

',) L,;,ilch ~ nh$n dUc;,c • tOikhOngcbn sQnu&: nila • I'm no longer scared of water
ti/d611lgl • giup tOigicrdang • helps me lo keep In shape
• khOngcbn ma thlla lJeo ni:la • don't have love handles anymore

cua b.in

Tham khao cac y tll6'ng tr/in va 1\1mlnh tra l(fi, sau d6 so sanh vdi cau tra ldi mAu
di! hoan thi~n cau Ira ldi cua b.in.

I!] Ghichu
mAu • swirm'lng
• overccmefoor of woter

• nolongerscoredof woter
. •.keep.in.shape,.
................................................................................... .

A Unit07Track
Cau Ira
lbimau © There are several sports that I've © TOI tllng hqc chdi mOt viii mOn
learned, but I'd llke to talk about lhA thao nhllng 101sii n6I v6 mOn

swimming, which is my favorite sport bdl 101,bO mOn thA thao y&u thfch
cua IOI gAn day. Bdi 101la bO mOn
these days. Swimming is a total body
cAn v$n dOng loan thAn, di6u d6
workout, which means that every muscle
c6 nghfa la tAI ca cac Cd trong ca
of the body is used. So, basically, it's
thA d6u dllq<; sl/ dvng. V1 v$y, v6
one of the best workouts for building up Cd ban, n6 la mOI trong nhOng bO
one's physical strength. mOn v$n dOng giup tAng cl/Ong sue
m~nh thA chAt cua con ngl/Oi.

(%) I started swimming because I always had (%)TOI bAt dAu hqc bdi vl tOi v6n c6
n6i s<1
nlllk: va tOi mu6n v11c;n
a fear of water and wanted to overcome
n6. TOI cOng nghi rAng d6 la mOt
that. I also thought it was an essential life ky nAng s6ng cAn thl4t. Gia dv n4u
skill. Not knowing how to swim could have nhll tOI bi tal n$n vii tai n~n d6 lien
been deadly if I'd had an accident and quan d4n sOng nlllk:, tOi c6 thA
bi nguy hiAm diln tinh m~ng nilu
somehow ended up in the water. I could
khOng bl4t bdi. TOI sii d6 bj chill
have easily drowned. So I gave it a go. du6i. V1 v$y, IOI da quyilt djnh di

hqc bai.

<l>To learn how to swim, I signed up for Q) TOI da dAng ky mOt kh6a hl)C bal. =

swimming classes. When I first started Khi tOi bAt dAu bai, tOI th$m chi ....,
khOng thA t\l n6I Ien tren m~t nll&:. en
swimming, I couldn't even float on my ;:;;
May mAn thay, giao viAn d~y bal cua
ownl Thankfully, my swimming coach was ~

tOi rAt kiAn nhAn v{Ji tOi. NhO vao S\I en
very patient with me. Thanks to his help
giup dC, vii dOng vien cua lhAy /Sy, ....,
and encouragement, I continued taking
tOi dA tiilp tvc theo hqc vao m6i bu~ ~
lessons every morning for over a year. sang trong su6t hdn mOI nAm. =
© I've experienced many benefts from © TOI da dllq<; tral nghiGm nhi6u 1\11
swimming. Its greatest advantage is fch t(/ bdi IQI. Lqi lch l{Jn nhAt Iii tOI

that I'm no longer scared of water. This khOng con s<1nlllk: noa. 0I,u nay
da dam dfn cho tOi sv tV tin vii lam
has given me so much confidence and
tOi cam thAy mlnh c6 thl! v11c;n
has made me feel like I can overcome
b/It cu di6u gl. Thu hai, n6 giup tOi
anything. Second, it helps me to keep in
duy trl v6c dang. TOi khOng con mo
shape. I don't have love handles anymore, thus {J eo nhll trlllk: noa.
like I used to!

Tu vi,rng workout[wa:rkaut] v$n dQng strength[stren0I sue m~nh overcome[ouvarkllm] v11c;n

qua deadly[dedli] gAy ILivong, nguy hiAm diln tfnh m~ng easlly[f:zali] mQt each d~
dang give It a go thl/ lam mQt IAn float[flout] n6i (triin nl/Oc) patlent[pel/ant] ki&n
nhAn keep In shape duy trl sue khoe love handle mO thua {J eo

PART2&3 Sports & Activities 145

3 A Unit07Track
Why do you think extreme sports are popular?
D B~n nghivl sao cac month~ thao m~o hi~m l~i ph6 bien?

0 ........
TrQngtAm Q) dem d~n cam giac h6i h◊p provide a thrill
vacau Di6nglal • lam nhilng vi~c nhAm chan gi6ng • do the same boringthings day after day
tructrak:11 nhau hang ngAy
• c6 thd giup pM bo nhilng th6i quen cii • can break up the old routine

TrQngtAm ~ cho mQi ngl/111co hQi thach thac give people a chance to testthemselves
ban thAn

O16nglal • bAng each d&y ban than mlnh tC,imuc • by pushing themselves to their
CI/C h<1ncua co thd physical limits
• c6 thd lam dl/QCnhi6u hOn muc ma • capable of much more than they
hQnghi thought

Tham khao cac y tt16'ngtrl!n va 11,1

mlnh tra 111i,
sau d6 so sanh vCJic:lu tra 111i
cua~ d~ hoan thi~n cau tra 111i
cua ban.

MO' <liiu People are attracted to MCId4u MQInglll!i thlll!ng bj h~ dAn b<Ji
extreme sports for so many reasons. cac m0n thd thao m9o hidm vl nhi6u ly
do. TrQng tam (l) Tuy nhiAn, t0I nghTsue
Trong tam <D However, I think their
hut 1c,nnh,t IA chung mang 19 1 cho hQ
biggest draw is that they provide a cam giac h6i hQp. O16nglAIPh4n iC,nmQi
thrill. Dien giai Most people do the nglll!i d6u tam nhl/ng vitc nham ch.In
same boring things day after day. gi6ng nhau hang ngay. Tuy nhiAn, cac

However, extreme sports are exciting m0n thd thao m9o hidm d6u ,~t thu vi vA
c6 thd glup hQ pha bo nhilng th6i quen
and can break up the old routine. Trong
co. TrQng tam C2) ThAm vao d6, chung
!Am a>In addition, they give people a dem d~n cho mQi nglll!i co h◊i dd thaeh
chance to test themselves. Dien giai By thuc ban than. Olin glAI Bang each d&y
pushing themselves to their physical ban than tC,imile CI/C h<1ncua co thd, h9

limits, they learn that they are capable sA bi~t dl/QC rAng h9 c6 thd !Am dl/QC
nhi6u hOnmuc ma h9 nghi.
of much more than they thought.

Tll vl,fng draw(dr5:J sue hut, I0i keo day after day hang ngay, ngay ngay
llmllllimitl el,feh 9n, h9 n ch~

PART3 A Unit07Track
Do you think students should take P.E. classes?
D B~n c6 nghi hQc sinh nan tham gia cac lop hQc giao d1,1cthJ chAt khOng?

0.Ytuang Tr9ng 1am h9 n6n tham gia cac lap hQCglao dvc th4 cMt they should take P.E. classes

va~u Dien gil\l • d~y nhOng ky nang ph6i hQPquy gia • teach valuable cooperation skUls
truetra leii • hQCeach lam vi$c nh6m • learn how to work as a team
• nang cao sac khoe va lh4 IVc cua hQCsinh • improve students' health and
• danh thlli gian cho cac ho~t dQngft v$n dQng • spend time doing sedentary
• r4t c6 l\fi cho ca lh4 cua h9 • highly beneficial for their body

Tham khao cac y hJ~ngtn'!n va 11,1 mlnh tra I11i,sau d6 so sanh ve1icAu tra I11imAu
d~ hoan thi~n cAu tra I11icua b,m.

CAu tra Tr9ng !Am C6, chung nan tham gia bai
!bi mAu Tr<;>ngtAm Yes, they should because
vi c6 r4I nhi,u l\fi fch. Dien glai Trll&
there are many benefits. Dien giai For
li6n, cac lap hQClh4 dvc c6 lh4 d~y
one, P.E. classes can teach valuable
chung nhOng ky nAng ph6I hQP quy
cooperation skills. For Instance, when gia. VI dv. khi hQCsinh chdi b6ng da
students play soccer in P.E. classes, trong lap th4 dvc, h9 hQCdll\fC each
they learn how to work as a team to lam vi$c nh6m d4 ghi ban. Th6m vao
d6, mOnth4 dvc c6 th4 nang cao sac
score goals. On top of that, P.E. can
khoe va th~ IVCcho hQCslnh mQIeach
improve students' health and fitness
dang k4. HQCsinh ngay nay khOngl$p
considerably. Students today do not luy$n du va danh nhi,u lhlli gian cho
exercise enough and spend much of cac ho~I dQng ft v$n dQng nhll chdi
their time doing sedentary activities, like game tr6n may tfnh. V1 th~. vf$c ttp
th~ dvc trong !hill gian hQCa lrllllng
playing computer games. Therefore,
thl r4I c6 l\fi cho ca th~ cua chung.
having to exercise during the school
day is highly beneficial for their body.

Tuvvng P.E.lpH:I giao dvc lh4 ch4I cooperatlon{koua:pareiJnl h\fp tac

conslderably{kansidarabli) dang k~. nhi,u sedentary{sednteri) ng6i m¢t ch6,
fl tfnh v$n d¢ng school day thlli gian h9c, ngay h9c

"Sau khi Ira IC1i

thu, hay so sanh ve1ibang Tieu chi danh gia trang 348.

PART 2&3 Sports & Activities 147

1 Tiepcancauh6ithuanggap
A Unit08Track

B~n be
How did you meet your best friend?
dii. g~p ngl/Clib1;1n
than nhat cua b1;1n
nhll the nao?

0Ytvong vtlibng Tr9ng IAm r,trl/Ongc~p 2 In middle school

vacau 1 D16ngiai • kMng n6ichuy6nnhioo_.,.nhau • didn'I talk much to each olher
• nhanh ch6ng than !loot sau khi , gol over it quickly after having
cimg lln lrVa lunch

vtlibng Tr9ngtam lrong cau l~c b¢ llnh nguy6n in a volunteer club

2 Pllnglal • danh thai glan r, cung m¢t 16 • donated our lime 10lhe same
ch(tc organization
• hqp nhau ngay W d!u • hit ii off from lhe slart

Tham khao cac y ti/Ong tren va 1\/ minh tra lbi, sau d6 so sanh veli cau tra lai mAu
d~ hoan thi~n cau Ira ll!i cua b~n.

Tr9ng Ulm My best friend Ha Xuan and I Tr9ng Lim Bljll lhAn nhil cua IOIHa XuAn
met when we were in middle school. Di~n va IOIgtp nhau khi chung 101hQCc«p 2.
giai She was sitting next to me on the first D!An g1A1CO fy ngOICljllh 10i vao ngay
day. At first, we didn't talk much to each other dAu di hQC.DAutiAn, Chung101khOngn61
chuyfn nhl6u vd:tnhau vl chUng t6i cbn qua
because we were too shy. However, we got
ng,1ngung.TuynhlAn,chung101 dAnhanh
over it quickly after having lunch together
ch6ng lrl1 nAn lhAn lhl,1 sau khl cung lln
and became close friends.
tnJava trl1lhanh b,n lhAn.

TiJ v\(ng shy~ai) ng~i ngung get over -khAc phvc. vlli;,t qua

A Unit08Track

How often do you meet your friends?
Bao lau b1;1n
g~p b1;1n
be m¢t Ian?

0Ytvong V tliang TrQng!Am gap nhau ft nh~I m¢t tu!n m¢I !An see each other at least once a week
016ngiai • van lam vay dll\fC vai nam r6i
• have beendoing thisfor severalyears
true tra lo
• nhOngcu¢c gap gOnay lam tOi , lhese meetingsmake me really
lh\fc S\f h~nh phuc happy
vtlibng TrQngtam m¢I thang m¢t IAn once a month
2 016ng,Ai • ljch trinh ban r¢n • have a demanding schedule
• gi(l liAn l~c vai hQ qua mljllg • keep in contactwith them lhrough
xa h¢i social media

Tham khao cac y 111ongtren vat\/ minh tra lbi, sau d6 so sanh ve1icau tra lbi m~u
di! hoan thl~n cau tra lcJictia b~n.

Tr9ng tam There are three friends I meet Trong tAm TOIc6 ba ngllai bfn thullng
regularly, and we see each other at least xuy6ngtp go va chungtOIgtp nhauIt nhdt
once a week. Dilln gial We've been doing m¢1luAn m¢t llln. DIAnghll ChungtOi!Am
this for several years now. Because we're vty dll(JCvii nam r61.Bdi vl ChungIOIla
bljll 161cua nhau nAn nhangcu¢c ~P gO
such good friends, these meetings make me
nay lam tOllhVcsv r4t vul.
really happy.

TiJ v\(ng regularly(regjalarli) lhlllrng xuy&n

{\ UnitOB

What do you usually do when you meet your friends?
B~n thl/ong lam gl khi g~p go b~n be?

Y lllo'ng TrQ!lg1am Mn rw chWluphim go to the theater
1 D16nglAI , ofn quan capM va tro chuy♦n , go lo a coffee shop and chat
tnictra l(j
, nOI chuy♦n v4 cac di6n vian va cac , talk about actors and upcom-
b(lphims4pra Ing movies

Y 11/o'ng Trong tam di da ngo,;,1-'cOngvian have a picnic In the park

2 Di6n giAi , lam nhi4u m6n an vtt ngon cho bu6i , make lots of delicious picnic
dA ngo'-' snacks
, choi n6m c!iav(ii b,;,nbe , play frisbee with my friends

Tham khao cac y tl!6'ng tran vii t\f mlnh tra loi, sau d6 so sanh voi cAu tra loi m~u
di! hoiln thi(ln cAu tra loi cua b.in.

Trong tam When a new movie comes Tr9ngIAm Khl c6 b(I phlmmOIra, chtlng IOIdi
out, we go to the theater together. OiAn dfn r"' chlfu phimcungnhau.Dl(n glil Tuy
gllli However, when there aren't any, nhlGn.khl khOngcophlm mOithl chtlng IOI
thUllngIOIquAnca phi va lro chuy♦n. Bdi vl
we usually go to a coffee shop and chat. n
tft ci chtlng tOIdfu la nhOngngUllldam mA 0
Since we all are avid movie fans, we like ::,
dl♦n inh. nan chtlng tOllhlch n61chuy♦n v6 ::,
to talk about actors and upcoming movies. IO
cAcdlAnvl6n va cac b(I phlm s4p ra.
Tu v1,1ng come out xu,1 hl♦n. xu,t thAn evld[a,vidl nhl♦t tlnh, nhl♦t li♦t upcomlng[,pkllmi~I
sAp ra, sAp tOi

{\ UnitOB

Do you prefer having lots of casual acquaintances or having a few
close friends?
B~n thfch quen biet nhieu nglloi hdn hay c6 m¢t vai nglloi b~n tMn hon?

Y tl/o'ng Trong tAm IOI lhlch co mQt val nglllli b,;,n I'd rather have a few close friends
va~u 1 than hon
tnic Iral(j DIAnglAI , d1,1adAm vao mQt val nguol • turn to my few close friends
bllO than
, khl IOic6 vitc IOncAn nho vA • when I have a big favor 10ask

Y ll/o'ng Tr9ng tam c6 nhl6u m6I quan h♦ quen bldl making lots ol casual acquainlances
2 D16nglAI , tidp xtlc vOI nhi6u y 111-'ngda • get exposure to more diverse
d,ng hon Ideas
• lhlch n6i chuy♦n vC,ingUOimOI , prefer lo talk lo new people rather
quen hon IA vOImai mQI nhOm than the same group
nguoi ca

Tham khao cac y tlfllng tr~n vii t\f mlnh tra loi, sau d6 so sanh vai c{iu tra loi m~u
ddhoiln thi(ln cAu Ira loi cua b;;m.

Trong !Am I'd rather have a few close friends Tr9ng 1am TOIlhlch c6 mOIviii ngulll b;in
than Jots of casual acquaintances. o,~n gial than hon ta co nhi6u ngual quen l>MltthOng
That's because I can turn to my few close lhUbng.DIAng,AIDOIII b<llvi IOIc6 th4 dl,la
vao nhang nguol bfn than khl 101c4n glup
friends when I'm in need of help. Besldea,
Oil. BAn c,nh d6. cOngkh6 o4 tOIgc;,I cho
It would be difficult for me to call casual
nhOngngu(II quen bl,1 khl IOIc6 c6ng c6
acquaintances when I have a big favor to ask.
vlt,: gl 16nc6n nhb vi.

T(J v1,1ng caeual[k.i!3ualJnhe nhllng. blnh thuang acqualntance[akweintansl nguai quen

turn to -dl,la vllo In need of -cAn lavor[feivarJ nho vA

PART1 People 151

A Unit08Track

Do you usually get invited to visit your friend's house, or do you invite
your friends to your house?
B,;1nc6 thllong dl!Qc moi den nha b,;1nbe, hay b,;1nc6 moi b,;1nbe den nha mlnh kh6ng?

Ytuong Yll/6'ng Trong t4m mOihQdfn nha tOi invite them over to my place
va~u 0I6n giai • c6 gAng khOng ra khoi nha ma , try not to leave home without
true khOngc6 chu ch6 cua tOi my dog
• b~ IOIdfn nha va Chaivai IOI • my friends come over and play
with him

Y h/6'ng Trong 14m dll</Cb,n be mlfi d4n nha get invited to my friends"houses
0I6n glAI • s6ng vai gia dlnh IOI • live with my family
• kh6 mlfi ~ be ~n nha , difficult to invite my friends to
my place

Tham khao cac y tll6'ng tren vii tt,1mlnh tra llli, sau d6 so sanh vdi cAu Ira llli mAu
d~ hoan thi~n cau tra lili cua bi;in.

Trong ta.m I'm usually the one who invites Trong tAmTOIlhllbng ta ngl/bl mill btn be
them over to my place. Dien g,a,
I have a d,n nha. o,6n g,A,TOIc6 mOtChuch6, vl
dog, and he gets lonely If he Is left alone n6 s8 thiy co don n4u bf bO1,1a nha mOt
mlnh. Vl lh4, n,u c6 th,, 101
c6 g6ng khOng
in my apartment. Therefore, I try not to
ra khOInha ml kh6ngc6 n6. Ngoll ra, b4J1
leave home without him whenever possible.
tOIcOngrlt lhich n6, nAn hQthllbng lhich
Besides, my friends adore him, so they love qua nha va chol c~ngchu cun nha IOI.
to come over and play with him.

Til vo,rng adore(odj:r) r«t thfch come over dfn nha. ghe tMm

A Unit08Track
Who do you think is more important to you, your family or your friends?
D Gia
B,;1nnghi b,;1nbe hay gia dinh quan trc;,ngv{Jib,;1nhdn?

dlnh -vy 11/0llg Y h/6'ng Tr9ng tAm gla dlnh family

vareu Dolngiai , khOnggl quan trong blng nhilng , not as important as the people
trueIra~ ngl/OidA nuOIn~g IOI who raisedme
• tOi dA blft d4n gla dlnh mlnh til • have known my family since the
khi mcliIQtlong moment I was born

Y tll6'ng Trong tam b~n be friends

2 OiAngi/tl • chung IOIc6 c(mg s~ thich • we are like-minded
• Chiase nhOngbf m$I vc!Inhau • share secrets with one another

Tham khao cac y tuc'lng tren vii ti/ mlnh Ira llli, sau d6 so sanh vdi cau Ira llli mAu
cuabl;ln Cl~hoan Ihlen cau tra llli cua b.in.

cautra TrQOgtam I would say that family comes before T"l'19 tamTOI.. n6i ,Anggla dlnh IOIquan
JoimAu trQng honbfl' be. o,~n g,~,e,n be rft dang
friends. D~n giai While my friends are very
dear to me, they are simply not as Important as quy vdl tOI,nhllngho khOngquantrongnhll
nhOngngl/bldA nuOlming IOl.Sau141ca,tOl
the people who raised me. After all, I've known
dA bl4t ~n gia dlnh mlnhtiJ khl mdlIQtlong.
my family since the moment I was born.

Til vo,rng come before -quan trQng han. -1/U tian so vol dear(d,or)dang quy, quy tr9ng
ralae(roiz)nuOl dllllng, nuOI alter all sau t&t ca, r6t cu¢c

{) UnitOB

What do you usually do when you spend time with your family?
thUOnglam gl khi cJgian ben gia dlnh mlnh?
0y IV<lng Y ttlong Tn;>ngtam di vao lrung 1am tMnh ph6 d& an 16i go downtown 10 have dinner
vadiu cUngnhau together
truetra lcA D16ngial • lhuang xuyan dung bOa16ivlli cagia • have regularly had family
tflnh ti/ khi con nho dinnerssinceI was a kid
• gQi l~i nhOngky ni~m xua • bringsbackold memories

Y tttong Tn;>ngtam di chal ngAnngay go on a short trtp

2 Di6n gla • rOikhoi lhanh ph6 d& danh thai gian , leave lhe cily lo spend lime
hoa mlnh vao thiAn nhiAn in nature
• nuong lhjl ngoai 1raivao bOa16i • have a barbecueoutside
for dinner

Tham khao cac y tttang tr6n va ti,/ mlnh tra li1i, sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra li1i mfiu
d~ hoan thi~n cau Ira li1i cua bi;ln.

TrQng tam Whenever I visit my family, we go Trong 1amBft cakhl nAoIOIdin thAmgia
dlnh, chung tOId6u di vao trung tam 1Mnh n
downtown to have dinner together. DiAn giai 0
ph6 dd An t61cung nhau. D16nglAI O d6 ::,
There is a big Chinese restaurant there, and
c6 mQI quAn d6 nu IOn ma ca gla dlnh
we have regularly had family dinners there
JOIlhU~ngxuyGndung bOa161 d6 kd tU ~
since I was a kid. Even though the food
khl tOIcon la mOIdaa Ire. Mtc du bAy gla
isn't all that great now, we still go because khOngphAI~t cacac m6n And6u rfl ngon,
it brings back old memories. ChungIOIvAn di din d6 vl n6 gQi1,1nhOng
ky nltm xua.

Tu v1,1ng bring back -mang l~i. gQi l~I old memories ky ni~m xua

A UnitOB
Who do you resemble the most among your family members?
gi6ng ai nhat trong gia dlnh?
0Ytvang Y ttllsng Tr9ng 1am me10i my molher

vadiu Dl~n glai • nhln lh~y net dac 1rung cua me • see my mother's features in
truetra lcA lronglOi me
• 1,onggi6ng b6 IOi1ruacday • looked jusl like my father

Y ttlong Tr9ng 1am ba tOi my grandmother

2 DiAn glAl • c6 dOimAI gi6ng ba , have my grandmother's eyes

• c6 lfnh each 1uangti,/ • have similarpersonalities

Tham khao cac y tttang tr~n va ti,/ mlnh tra li1i, sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra li1i mfiu
d~ hoan thien cau tra li1i cua bi;ln.

TrQng tam I think I resemble my mother Trong tAm TOI nghi 101gl6ng m, tOinhft.
the most. Di~n gial That's because a lot of DIAn918106 la ~I vl r4t nhi6u ngUOin6i
vol 101rlng hQnhln th4y n6t d~c <rungcua
people tell me that they see my mother's
m~ trong IOI.MJc du, khl IOIcon nh6, bAtOi
features in me. On the other hand, when I
thU~g nOIvOi IOIring tOItrOng r4t gl6ng
was young, my grandmother used to tell me
that I looked just like my father.

Til vl,lng reoemble[riz~mbl[ gi6ng, tl/C1ngti,/ leature[ft:t/ar) dac trung, dac lfnh

PART 1 People 153

Nha lanh (J Part 2. cau h6i thuong duo-cra la mi~u ta nha lanh d~o. Trong truong hQp
d6, 6 Part 3, giam khao s!! hay d~t cau h6i v~ tu cMt cua nha /anh d~o gioi.
vai tro cua truang hQctrong viec nuOiduang nhong nha /anh d~o tuang lai.


II Describe a leader that you know. Hay n6i ve m(\t nha liinh dsio ma bsin bi~t.

You should say:

who this person is/was ngubi d6 la ai
how you got to know him/her lam th~ nao ma bsin bi~t d~n anh ay/cO ay
and explaln what you think about him/her va giai thich suy nghi cua b,;in ve anh ay/
co ay.

<t\11./0hg (l) E>61aal • Steve Jobs • Steve Jobs

vacau • ngtllli sang l~p kiam CEO ctla • founder and CEO of Apple
truetra!bi hAng Apple
• CEO ctla Pixar • CEO of Pixar

12>T,i sao bilfl bl,t • khi iPhone dtl(/CgKJithitu • when the !Phone was intro-
dfn anh 5.y/cO5.y • c6 vO s6 bai bao n61 rAng Ong duced
la m¢t trong nhang ngtllli c6 anh • there were tons of articles say-
ht1angnh5.ttran th' gidi ing he was one of the most influ-
• dQCti~u sil ctla Ong ential people in the wortd
• read his biography

G>e,n nghT sao v4 • mOtnha lanhdsl<>

truy4ncAmhung • a very motivational leader
anh 5.y!c64y • c6 tai nAng thuy,t phvc ngtllli • great at convincing others to
khac tlng h0 tAm nhln ctla mlnh support his vision
• truy4n cam hllng cho tOic6 ni4m • inspired me to have faith in
tin vao ban thAn myself

':x'cautralbi Tham khao cac y tuang trlln va ti,/ minh tra IC1i,
sau d6 so sanh vai cau tra IC1i
cua b,;in d~ hoan thi~n cau tra lbi cua b,;in.

• SteveJobs,f....-.der$ CEO

• 11'1-Me
was 1ntra<Lced
• arllcles,oneof the most1nfuential
lnsplrirg............................. ······· ...............................................................•.....
• motlvot1onal
• great at convincing
• .lnsfllred
me,.havefail, .1n.myself··············•···

A Unit08Track9
<I>There are tons of leaders out there, but
the one who inspired me the most was
Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was the founder
<I>C6 rf.t nhl6u nha liinh o,o trAn th4
glOi, nhl/ng ngl/bi truy6n cam hang
cho tOI nhi6u nhf.t la Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs la ngllbi sang 1$p kiAm ;;;
and CEO of Apple. Under his watch, CEO ctla hAng Apple. Dl/01 SI/ dAn ,...,
the company developed a successful dAt ctla Ong, c6ng ty <la phat tridn ::,
thanh cOng lofl may tfnh ca nhAn, <O
personal computer, the Macintosh, as §:
dong may MacIntosh, cung nhl/ cac
well as innovative devices like the iPhone thl4t bl sang tfO nhl/ !Phone vii iPad.
and iPad. However, many people do not Tuy nhiAn, nhi6u ngl/bi khOng bi4t
rAng Ong cOng la CEO ctla Pixar,
realize that he was also the CEO of Pixar,
hAng phlm ho~t hinh n61ti4ng.
the famous animation studio.

1%)I first heard of Steve Jobs when the 1%)TOI dl/</C nghe d4n Steve Jobs ~
<lAukhi IPhone dll</Cra mAt. K~til cl6,
iPhone was introduced. After that, there
<lac6 vO s6 bill bao n6i rang Ong la
were tons of articles saying he was one of mQttrong nhung ngllill sang ~o va c6
the most innovative and influential people Anh hl/Ongnhf.t trAntM giOi.Oi6u nay

in the world. This made me curious about khl4n tOIto mo v6 Ong f.y, vl vty cu6i
c(mg tOi<laclQc~u su ctla Ongf.y. N6
him, so I eventually read his biography. It
thl/c s11truy6n cam
was very inspiring.

a> Steve Jobs was a very motivational leader. (l) Steve Jobs la mQtnha lanh o,o truy6n
cam hang. Ong kh6ng bao gi<l"~ n6i
He never let a fear of change extinguish
SQ SI/ thay 06; d$p !At khat VQng ctla
his desire for a technological revolution. ban thAn v6 mQt cuQc each m~g
In addition, he was great at convincing cOng ngh~. Ngoai ra, Ong f.y ntt giol

others to support his vision for new trong vi~c thuy4t phvc ngulli khac tlng
hQ tAm nhln ctla mlnh. Th~ chi Ong
technology. He even won over people who
con thuy4t phvc dll</C nhung nglllli
didn't initially like his ideas. His attitude ban <lAu khOng thfch y hl&lg ctla

inspired me to have faith in myself and mlnh. Thai dQctla Ong <latruy6n cam
hang cho tOic6 ni6m tin vao banthAn
persist with my ideas.
va kiAn trl vOiy hlang ctla mlnh.

Tll v11ng watchlwa:tfl theo doi, giam sat lnnovatlvel(naveitiv} mQteach sang 1,0 influentla!OnfluenP}
c6 anh hl/Ong blographylbaia:grafi} ti~u s(J lnsplrlng[inspaiariij} c6 vu, truy6n cam hang
extlngulshliksriijgwifl lam bl4n mf.t, 10,1bo, d$p tAt win over thuy4t phvc perslat(parslst}
kiAn lrl, kiAn <linh

PART 2&3 People 155

3 A UnitOB

What are the qualities of a good leader?
M9t nha lanh dGlOgioi can c6 nhung ph§m chat gi?

0y tvang Tr~,ngtAm .., kha nang giao ti'p t6t good communication skills
vacau Dl~n giA1 • trach nhi$m quiln ly m9i nglllii • in charge of other people
truetral<ll • di/a ra hudng dAn ro rang • provide them with clear instructions
• kha nang giao 1I,p 161la di~u b4t bu~ • the ability to communicate well
is a must

rTr9ngtAm 1) dam mA vdi nhiJng gi hQlam passionate about what they do

, nhi~t huy~t cua nglllii lanh diO truy~n • a leader's passion motivates oth•
d¢ng IVc cho nhiJngngllOi khac er people
, n6 IVc hdn d~ hoan thanh cOngvi~c , work harder to accomplish ob-

Tham khao cac y tllClngva each dien d"t d~ luyen n6i dap an cua mlnh, sau d6
so sanh voi c/lu Ira lai mAu d~ hoan thien c/lu Ira IC!icua bstn.

cautra M<'Idau There are several key qualities M<i dau C6 m¢t s6 phim chft quan
that all leaders should possess. Trong tr9ng ma m9i nha lanh d~o nAn c6.

tam <DFirst of all, good communication TrQng tam 11.04u liAn, gioi giao u,p
la di~u t6i c4n thi~t. Diln gia, Khl
skills are vital. Dien giai When you're in
b,n quan ly ngl/11Ikhac, b,n se phili
charge of other people, you must be able
di.la ra nhilng chi dAn ro rang. Va dA
to provide them with clear instructions.
lam dll9C xuft s4c vi$c nay, b,n can
And to do this successfully, the ability
c6 ky nang glao u,p 161.TrQng tam
to communicate well is a must. Trong
"I Ngoal ra, cac nha lanh diO gioi
tam <Z>Moreover, good leaders should phal dam mA nhiJng gl hQ film. DiAn
be passionate about what they do. Dien giai sv nhi$I huy,1 ctla m¢t ngllai
giai A leader's passion motivates other !Anh diO ciing la d¢ng IVC cho mQI
people as well. This makes them work nguoi. Oi6u nay lam cho hQ n6 1vc

harder to accomplish the objectives of hdn dA dil dllqc mvc tiAu chung ctla

their team. ca nh6m.

TilvVng possesslp•zesl c6, sa hOu vltal(v.litll 161can thi~t In charge of -phv

trach, quan ly fnstructlon(instr•kJnl chi thi, hlldng dAn must(mastl phai c6
passfonate(p,e/anatlnhi$t huy,t objectlve(abd3ektivlmvc IIAu.mvc dfch

3 A Unit08Track
What shouldschoolsdo to help children improvetheir leadershipskills?
El Truong hc;>cnen lam gi d~ giup hc;,csinh trau doi ky nang lanh di;io cua minh?

-}, Tr9ng tam I) khuyen khfch hc;,csinh tham gia cilc ho~t encourage students to participate in
dQngnh6m group activities
trueIra~ DIAnglal • d~y each ph6I h<;Jp
va glao Mp • teach how to cooperate and
• ky nAng quan tr9ng cho cac nha liinh d~o communicate
wong lai • important skills for future leaders

Tr9ng tam 1> giao bai t$p v6 nha assignhomework

DiAn glai • phai hoan thanh dung h~n dU<;Jegiao • have to finish ~ by the assigneddate
• nang cao tinh thAn trach nhitm • develop a sense of responsibility

• kha nang quan ty tMi gian • the ability to manage their time

Tham khao cac y ti.tangva each dien d~t d~ luy~n n6i dap an cua mlnh, sau d6 C)

so sanh velicAutra lciimAud~ hoan thi~n cliu tra lc:Ji
cua b~n.
cau tra Trc;,ng tam <l> I think schools should
Tr9ng 1am (l) TOi nghi cac trullng hc;,c §:
encourage students to participate in n6n khuy~n khfch h<;>csinh tham gia

group activities. Dien gial This would ho~t dQng nh6m. D16n glal Vite nay
sA d~y cho h<;>csinh each ph6i h<;Jp
teach students how to cooperate and
va giao ti~p. R6t cuQc, day la nhOng
communicate. After all, these are very
ky nang r,t quan trc;,ng d6i v~i cac
important skills for future leaders.
nhll liinh d~o tuong lal. Tr9ng tam C
Trc;,ng tam ® Further, assigning
Hon noa, giao bai t$p v6 nha cung c6
homework could also help students th~ giup hc;,cslnh phat tMn ky nang
develop their leadership skills. Dien !Anh d~o. DiAn giai Khi h<;>c
slnh nh$n
giai When children get homework, they bai t$p v6 nha. h9 phal hoan thllnh n6
have to finish it by the assigned date. tru~ h~n dU<;Je
glao. B~ng each d6, h9
By doing so, they develop a sense of nang cao tinh thAn trach nhi,m va khli

responsibility and the ability to manage niing quan ly thlll glan. Ca hal d6u la

their time. Both of them are important ky nang liinh d~o quan tr9ng.

leadership skills.

Ti/ vl,lng partlclpatefpa:rtisapeiti tham dV, tham gia assign homeworkgiao bai t$p v6 nha

PART2&3 People 157

aPart 2. cau h6i thuang duqc ra la mi~uta b;.mcuaban.Trong truang
B~n be hqp d6. o Part 3. giam khao sl! hay d~t cau h6i v~ vai tro cuattnh ban.
ho~c d6ngnghiepc6tM tro thJnhban be kh6ng._


II Describe an Interesting friend. Hay millu ta m¢t nglfc!i b,m thu vj.

You should say:

what Is Interesting about him/her dit1m thu vj Clanh ay/cO ay la gl
how you got to know him/her lam the nao ma b,m biet den anh ay/cO ay
what you usually do with him/her b(ln thl!ang cung anh ay/cO ay lam gi
and explain whether you think he/she Is a good friend. va giai thfch xem b(ln c6
nghi anh ay/cO ay la ngl/c!i b(ln t6t khOng.

0 . . ,,._
Y IUUIIQ Gl O~m thu vj ll anh .i.y/ • n6i b$t giOa oam OOng • standsout in a crowd
vacau cO4y la gl • r4t xinh O~p • extremely beautiful
tructra ~ • r.itcao • very tall
• chi em sinhdOi • twinsister

$ Bin quen anh «yl cO • g$p IAn oAu a tnJIJng0~ hl)C • first met in college
'y nh<tth~ nao • cung chuyan nganh • had the same major

<2lB$n vii anh «ytcO 4y • di mua sAm, xem tridn 1am • go shopping, check out art
th<tlJng cung nhau ngh~ thu$t ho~c c!ichdi exhibits, or Just hang out
lamgl • cac chuy~n du ljch n<t&: ngoai • take International trips

© B$n c6 nghTanh 'y/ • b$n t6t nh4t tOiWng c6 • the best friend I've ever had
cO4y la ng<tlli b$0 t6t • t6t bvng • kind heart
khOng • r4t hai h<t&: • a great senseof humor

cua b(ln

~Cau tra lc!i Tham khao cac y tl/C/ngtren va ti/ mlnh tra ICli,sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra lc!i mau
cuab~ d~ hoan thi~n cau tra lc!i cua b(ln.

~ Ghichu
I • standscutIn a crowd
• beauftful,
• 1""' sister,tel the cifference

• s«ne major
• go~- crt exl-hts,hongcut
. •. toke1ntemaf1ortil
_~ .................................................................................................. .

A UnitOBTrack

<Da a1 my friends, 1thi1k the most rnereswig (1) Trong t4t ca btn be, 101nghTng11c,1

Is a ~ named Mila. She a>.vays

stands vj nh4t la mQt bfn gal tAn Mina. CO
4y luOn ndi b•t trong dam dOng. CO
out in a crowd. She is not onlyextremely
4y khOng chi d~p ma con cao, khoang -a
beautiful,tu also very taJ, around 180 C>
tao cm. co 4y luOn thu hut svchu y, "CJ

centineters. She a>.vays

attractsattention, m
nh4t la khl co 4y di cung chi gai sinh
especialy when she's with her twin sister. dOI cua mlnh. HQ gi6ng nhau Mn mile ::,
They look so much aike that no one can tel khOng al c6 ih, phan biAt di/QC.
the difference
rz>I first met Mina in college. We were both (l) T01 g.p MIna IAn dAu a trllllng dtl

at the orientation session and realized hQC.Chung tOI cung c6 mtt ttl budl
dinh hlldng va phat hl$n ra rlng
that we had the same major. We ended
chung 101hQCcung chuyAn nganh.
up taking a lot of classes together over the Chung tOI sau d6 dA tham gia r4t

years and became best friends. nhl6u ldp hQCcung nhau trong m4y
nAm qua va trC,thanh dOI bin than.

a>We still spend a lot of time together. Q) GIii chung tOI v~n danh nhl6u thl!I

We meet a couple times a week to go gian cho nhau. Chung tOI g•p nhau
vel IAn mQt tuAn d& cung di mua sAm,
shopping, check out art exhibits, or just
xem tn,n IAm ngh$ thu•t hotc chi d&
hang out. Sometimes we even take di chOi. E>OIkhi chung tOI con di du

international trips. For Instance, we ljch nlldc ngoai vdi nhau. E>i&nhinh
la chuy4n di cimg nhau d4n E>aiLoan
went to Taiwan together last summer.
veo mua he nAm ngoai.

3) As I mentioned, Mina is the best friend (JI Nhll tOi dli n61, Mina la ngl/111b'" t6t
nh4t tOi tilng c6. CO 4y luOn lam cho
I've ever had. She always makes me feel
tOI htnh phuc va thoal mal. sv t6t
happy and comfortable. Her kind heart
bvng cua co 4y kh14n tOIcam thi!'.yco
makes me feel that she'll always be there 4y se luOn () d6 khl tOi cAn. Hon naa,

~ I need her. On top of that, she always co 4yluOn lem tOIc11c,1.

co 4yvo cung
Ml hlldc nAn tOIkhOng th6 ngi/ng cl/Iii
makes me laugh. She has such a great
toe toot khl abAn co 4y.
sense of humor that I can~ stop laughing
when I'm with her.

Ti/ voJng stand out n6i b•t crowdlkroudl dam dOng attenllon(atlnfnl t$p trung, chu y
tell the difference Om ra di&m khac nhau end up Ing - cu61cung hang out di chOl
sense of humor khl4u Ml hi/&:

PART 2&3 People 159


Is friendship important?
Tinh b~n c6 quan trQng kh6ng?

0 Tr9ng 1am finh b,n r4t quan lrQng friendshipis vital

Yb.I~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·····························
vacau DIAng1AI , b,n be cho ta ch6 di/a tinh tMn , friends provide emotional support
trueIrak:ll , trai qua kh6 khan trong cu~ s6ng , go through difficult times In our lives
• an tam vi c6 b,n be lam ch6 di/a , havinga friend to lean on providescomlort
, tang sv ti/ tin , boost self-esteem
, nhln nh~n ban than tiJ g6c d¢ ti6u eve • see ourselvesIn a negativelight
• nhAc nho b,n la nguOItuyft vai nhu • remindyou of whata great person
th~ nao you are

':rcau tra IC1i Tham khao cac y tllllng va each dien di;il d~ luy~n n6i dap an cua minh, sau d6
cuat>.in so sanh vai cau tra lai mdu d~ hoan thi~n cau tra lai cua b1;1n.

cau tra
IOim~u Trc;,ngtam I absolutely think that friendship Tr9ng tam TOi thl/c SI/ nghi rAng tlnh
is vital. Dien giai For one, friends provide b~n la di6u thi~t y~u. D16nglAI VOi IOi
ma n6i. b,n be cho ta ch6 dVa tinh
emotional support. We all go through
thAn. T~t ca chung ta d6u trai qua
difficult times in our lives. And having a
nhOng giai do,n kh6 khAn trong cu~
friend to lean on provides a lot of comfort s6ng. Va c6 b,n be lam ch6 dl,la trong
during these times. Moreover, friendship nhOngthOi dl~m nay mang 1,1SI/ an ul.
can boost self-esteem. We sometimes Han nOa, tlnh b,n c6 th~ lam tAng sv
II/ tin. OOikhi chung ta m4t di ni6m tin
suffer from a lack of confidence and see
vao ban than va II/ nhln mlnh tiJ g6c d◊
ourselves in a negative light. When this
ti6u eve. Khi di6u nay xay ra, th$! 161
happens, it's nice to have friends to remind n~u c6 nhOngngUai b~n nhAc nho b,n
you of what a great person you are. la ngUOituyft vai nhU th~ nao.

Tit v1,1ng support[sapS:rtJ ung h¢, h6 lrQ go through -trai qua lean on -dtJa
vao comfort[kAmfartJ an ui, d¢ng vl6n llghl[laitJ g6c nhln, quan di~m
·for one: Theo 111diin Cambridge, cvm 111nay dll,;Jc dung khi b~n nghi y ki~n
ho~c hanh dCng CUB mlnh la dung, ki cA khi nhang nglf(li khac kh6ng nghi •~Y-
(chu lhfch nay la cua ng1101

3 A UnitDBTrack14
Do you think people can become friends with their colleagues?
II B~n c6 nghi rang d6ng nghi~p c6 th~ tro thanh b~n be?

0y llJQ1g TrQngtam c6 th6 phat tri6n tlnh b~n tt is possibleto develop a friendship

vacau Dion glal , quen vcli vi~c b~n lam , familiar with what you do
trueIralcli , hl6u v,n 06 vil thit thach b~n c6 • understand the problems and challenges
th6 g&p phal you might be experiencing
, cho b~n 1111khuy6nth\/Csv hilu lch • give you really helpfuladvice

Tham khao cac y tllang va each dien d.it d~ luy(ln n6i dap an cua mlnh, sau d6
so sanh voi cAu Ira lbi m.\u d~ hoan thi(\n cAu Ira lai cua b.in.

Tr9ng tam That really depends on TrQngtam N6 phv thuOcrfh nhi4u vilo ....
the work environment and the kinds trnh chit cua m61trul!ng lam vi~c va ..,,
of coworkers you have. In certain 06ng nghi$p cua b~n. Trong mOt s6
circumstances, it is possible to tnllfng hqp, c6 th6 phat tri6n linh b~n ::,
develop a friendship with someone vcli m¢t al 06 tfi ndi lam vitc. D16nglili
Boi vi hQ quen v<fi nhllng gl bfn dang
from work. Di~n giai This Is because
they are familiar with what you do and lam vil hi6u nhOngv,n 04 vil kh6 khAn
can understand the problems and bfn c6 th6 tral qua. Vl v&y, hQ c6 th~
challenges you might be experiencing. khuy6n th\lC sv h(lu fch,
cho bfn 1111
Therefore, they might be able to give Oi6u 06 nay c6 th6 dAn tcll m6i quan
you really helpful advice, which can ht b~n be.
lead to friendships.

nt vvng colleaguelk6:li:g] (cung lam m¢t cOng vitc ho&c ngh6 nghi$p) 06ng nghitp
hoan canh, mOItnllfng lead to -dAn O~n

PART2&3 People 161

A Unit09Track

What kind of snack do you like?
Bi;in thich d6 An v~t gi?
0Ytvcwlg Y tLio'ng Trong IAm bim bim khoal tay chiAn potato chips
vaca:u 1 Di gial , ngon d~n m(lc tOi c6 th6 An , so tasty that I could eat them
true IraIOi
chung ca ngay all day
, c6 nhi6u huang vj khac nhau • come in many differentflavors

Y tLio'ng Tr9ng IAm Mnh quy crackers

2 D16ngi , ph~t kem phO ma! !An banh • spreadcreamcheeseon them
, ngon han khi dung cung ca ph6 • taste better with some coffee

Tham khao cac y h.lo'ng tren va I\/ mlnh tra 111i,

sau d6 so sanh vai cau tra li1i mau
d~ hoan thi~n cau tra IC1icua ban.

Tn;mg tam I'm practically in love with potato TrQngIAm TOi thyc sy nit thlch blm blm
chips. DiAn giai They are so tasty that I could khoal tAy chlAn. DIAn g,at Chung ngon
eat them all day, every day. Although they d4n mac tOic6 th6 an ci ngAy,hAngngAy.
1.1,cdu bAygill bim bim khoaltAychlAnc6
come in many different flavors nowadays, my
nh"u huang vf khac nhau, nhung tellvAn
favorite has always been original.
thlch vj truy6nth6ng.

Ti/ vi,tng practlcally(pra,ktikali) hAu nhu, thi,tc t~ llavor(fl~lvar) vf, huang vj

A Unit09Track

Do you eat different snacks depending on the time of the day?
Bi;in c6 an d6 an v~t khac nhau tuy theo thcJigian trong ngay khong?
0Ytvcwlg Y tL1l1ng Trong tAm t~t nhlAn r6i sure
vaca:u 1 O~ngiil1 • an cac foal hat ho,c trai cay tuai , eat nuts or fresh fruits In the
vao budi sang morning
• nh,t biJa m¢t tul khoai tay chiAn , grab a bag of chips or a
ho,c m¢t thanh so co la d6 an candybar in the afternoon
vao budi chidu

Y ILio'ng Trong tam khOngnhit thi~t not necessartly

2 Dien gia\ • an ~t cu thu gi c6 th6 an du~ • eat whatever is available
• an kem bit k6 thCJigian nao • eat ice cream regardlessof
trong ngay the time

Tham khao cac y tuong trim va I\/ minh tra li1i, sau d6 so sanh vai cau tra li1i mlu
di! hoan thi~n cau tra 11Jicua ban.

cautra Trong tam Sure. DiAn giai I usually like to eat Trong tAmT4t nhitn. Oi6n giAi TOIthUOng
nuts or fresh fruits, such as strawberries, thlch an c6c toal htt h°'c tr61cAy tuai nhu
bananas, or kiwis, in the morning. However, dAu tAy, chu6l vA kiwi vAo bu61sang. Tuy
when I get hungry in the afternoon, around 3 or nhlGn,vlo tAm 3 hay 4 gill chidu gi d6, tOI
thUOngnhft bila mOI tul khoal tay chitn
4, I usually grab a bag of chips or a candy bar.
ho,c mOtthanh sOcOla d& nh§m nMp.

TiJ v1,1ng grab[graeb)an, 1,y (nhanh) candy bar thanh k~o

A Unit09Track
Do you enjoy eating chocolate?
An v~t
B<;1nc6 thfch an so co la khong?

<6\1uong Y tulfng Tn;mg!Am tOir4t thfch an so cO la I love to eat chocolates

vild[u 1 •hi~-~~i ••••••: -~~~ ;;;i.
~~~ ~~;-~~~ -~~~.~~-i
·:~~~-;-~;~~ -~~-t;;;~~~:;~-~~~-~•••••••
true tra lcJI h~t 8'ch , eating chocolate improves
, an sOcOla lam tam tr(lng tOit6t hdn my mood

v tubng TrQng!Am khOngthem A.ncua ngQt I don'thave cravingsfor sweets

2 pIin gi.½J • A.nnhl6u d6 an v~t tinh b¢t va man • eat starchy and savory snacks
• an banh ml ng$1>rang • binge on bread

'i' Cau Ira l<li Tham khao cac y tulfng tn~n vii ti,/ mlnh tra I/!i, sau d6 so sanh vl1i cau tra ICfimau
cua~ di! hoiln thi~n cllu Ira lei cua b1;1n.

Cllu tra Tr9ng 1amC6, 161hAo ngot vii r.it lhloh

Tr9ng tam Yes, I have a sweet tooth and I love
to eat chocolates. Di~n giai Whenever I start an so co la. DI6n gill M6i~n b!t d4u an
chung,101 thUOngkh6nglhd d1/ngdU(/Ccho
eating them, I usually can't stop until they're
d,n khl h,1 SJChmOilhOi.An so co la lam
gone. Eating chocolate improves my mood.
!Am 11\IOQ cua 101t6t hdn. BJn be 101d6u
Since all my friends are well aware of this,
bl't dl6u nlly, vi v$y hQluOnttng 101s0 cO
they always get me some for my birthday. la vllo nglly slnh nh&t.

Ti/ vl,fng have a sweet tooth c6 mQtchl~c rang ngQt ngao be awere of - bi~t

A Unit09Track
Do you like cooking?
B<;1nc6 thfch nau an khong?

mr(1ng 0 vwong v tuong 'rr9ng tam tOi r4t thlch I really do

vil~u PIAn giai • c6 blog gi(1ithi~u nhi6u cOng th(/c • there Is a blog with many
true tra lcJI
n4u an recipes
, m6n an truy6n th6ng Vl~t Nam qua , Vietnamesetraditionaldishes
kh6 v(1i tOI are too difficultfor me
, tOIthlch n4u nhilng m6n an ddn gian • love to cook simple food

Y tulfng Trong !Am tOikhOngthich n4u nt1(1ng I don't enjoy cooking

2 Diingial , tOitha di ra ngoal an con hdn • I'd rather eat out

, m4t nhi6u ti6n hemd~ chu~n bi th(/c • it costs more to prepare
an anha meals at home

Tham khao cac y tuong trlin vii ti,/ mlnh Ira I/!i, sau d6 so sanh v{ji cAu tra I/!i mau
di! hoan thi~n cllu tra leli cua b~n.

Cau tra Tr9ng !Am TOIthVc sv lhlch niu An.DI6n

Tr9ng tllm I really do. Dilin g1ai There is a
Kl! mau
blog with many recipes that I like to visit, and glal C6 mQtblog glCIthi~unhl6u cOngthllc
n4u In ma tOIthUbngthfch vAo xem vll th$t
it's great fun to try them out. While many
IA vul khl lhu n4u theo nhilng cOngthllc
Vietnamese traditional dishes are too difficult
nAy.Nhl6um6n An truy6n lh6ng Vitt Nam
for me at this point, I love to cook simple
vln qui kh6 d6I vOitOi,tOi thlch n4u m6n
food, such as spaghetti or beef curry. don giAnnhu my Y h1>4c ca rl bo.

Ti/ vl,fng try out thll dlsh[difl m6n an

PART 1 Food & Health 165

A Unit09Track

II Na'u
Who does the cooking at your home?
Ai la ngUoi thUong nau an trong gia dinh b~n?

0 y llJcJng y ti/ling Tr9ng tam me tOi

m1ang my mother
va~u ................................ .
truetra ~ D~n glal • n4u cdm vii canh • makes steamed rice and soup
• ti,/ chu&n bl d6 An khi me • fix my own meal when she's not
khOnga nhil around
• khOng bao giOngonnhtl me na'u • never tastes as good as hers
Yti/ling Tr911gtam em trai tOi my brother
2 D~nglal • thich n4u an cho ca nha • enjoys makingmeals for my family
• sang tao khi ch6 bi6n thlJc an • creative when it comes to food

~CAutralOi Tham khao cac y IUOng cho <lap an va lhl/ 11,1
Ira llli, sau <l6 so sanh v<'.licau Ira llli
cua~ mau <l~ hoan thi~n cllu Ira llli cua b,;ln.

CAu Ira
Tr9ng tam Most often, my mother is the one Tr90g tam Thuongthl me tOita nguol
who cooks for the family. DiAn gial She usually n4u An cho ca nha. D16ng1alMe IOI
thutfng n,u c<fm,canh vA IAm thAm
makes steamed rice and soup and serves the
nhl6u m6n phu khk TOIlhi thoang
main meal with various side dishes. I sometimes cOngIVchu&nbl baa an cho minh khl
fix my own meal when she's not around. me khOngc6 nha. Nhung du cO n4u
However, even when I follow her recipes and theo cOng thu'c cUa mtt vA sU dvng
chfnh Xllc nguyan ll~u nhll me vln
use the exact same ingredients as she does, my
dung, m6ntor n4uch!ng bao gib ngon
food never tastes as good as hers. dll</Cnhu me n4u ca.

Ti/ vl,lng flx[fiks] (m6n An) chu&n bi lngredlent[lngr.:diant] nguy~n li~u

A Unit09Track
When you were a child, did you help your parents to prepare meals?
Khi con nho b~n c6 giup bo ml;! chu~n bi bClaan khong?
nuang 0 YtucJng Y tullng TrQngtam thlnh thoang giup I sometimes did
va~u D~n g,al • tOi thuang giup b6 me chu&n • used to help my parents
tructra ~ bj b()at6i prepare dinner
• rlla rau va 1amnem rAn , wash vegetables and make
spring rolls
Y ti/ling Trong tam tOihi4m khl giup I rarely did
2 D~ngiai , khOngmu6ntOichu&nbj b()aan • didn't want me preparing meals
• n'.labatsau khichungtOian xong , did the dishes after we ate

~ Cautral<li Tham khao cac y tuong cho <lap an va tht'.!tl,I Ira llli, sau d6 so sanh v(ji cau tra
cuab[;ln llli m~u dA hoan thi~n cau tra llli cua bi;ln.

cau tra TrQng tAm Yes, I sometimes did, especially Trong tam C6, thlnh lhoing t6l c6 glup
lilimllu b6 me, nh4t la trong nhOngdip ti nhll
during holidays like New Year's and
Independence Day. Dil!n giai In my country, T4t hallc ngayOu6c KhAnh.Dliin glAI0
d4t nuac t6I, ngul!I ta lhuong n§u nhl6u
it is customary to cook a lot of food for these
m6nan cho nhOngngayIii nay,vi vty 101
holidays, so I used to help my parents prepare
thuangglup b6 me chufn bl bOa161. Mtc
dinner. Even though my parents didn't let me du b6 me kMng cho I0I s~ dungMp n4u
use the stove or knives, they allowed me to hot,c dao, nhllng hQvln dd tOi rita rau vA
wash vegetables and make spring rolls. lltm nem rAn.

Ti/ vt,lng customary(kAstamari] phong tvc. thllllng I• allow[alau] cho phtlp, dt1<1C
spring rolls nem ran, cha nem

A Unit09Track

Do you think children should help their parents prepare meals?
B,;1nc6 nghi bQn tre nen giup do b6 m~ chuAn bi bOa lln khOng?
•y b.lctlg Y ti/ling TrQng!Am tft nhl&n of course
vacau 1 b1AngiAI • each tuyft val di giao due con tre • a great way to educate children
true Ira 1/j
• ky nAng hOulch trong cu¢<:s6ng • a useful life skill

Y ti/ling TrQngUlm tOIkhOngnghl nhu v$y I don't think so

2 DIAnglAI • bQn tre n&n dllc/Ct$n hubng thai • kids should enjoy their leisure
glan ranh time
• sau nay c6 lhl hQCn«u An • can learn to cook later In ltte


'!' Cau tra !bi Tham khao cAc y tUClng cho dap an va lhll 1\/ Ira IOi, sau d6 so sanh v<)i cau Ira
cua ban IOi mAu d~ hoan thi$n cau tra IOi cua b,m.

cau tra
TrQng tam Of course. DiAn g1ai In fact, I Trongtam T«t nhlln. 0I6n gl6I Th\lCtf, 161
think it is a great way to educate children. do 16m¢t c6ch tuy$t ylJI di glao dye
For starters, children can learn to be con Ire. E>Au tiln, nfu dllc/Cgiao nhi•m vu
n«u nuanghllng nglly, tr6 co thl hQCdUQC
responsible by being given a daily cooking
dnh lhAn lrtlch nhl.m. Hon nOa,niu 11n16
assignment to complete. Moreover, cooking
m¢t ky nangs6nghOUlch,ky nangnay nan
Is a very useful life skill, and it is good to start
blt dAuhQCtu khi con nh6 lll dl6ut6t.
learning it early on.

T(I v\lng educate(ed3ukeitJ giao due, d~y for starters d4u ti&n, ban dlu
aaalgnment(asilnmantJ blll t$p, nhi$m vu

A Unit09Track

[I What kind of food is popular in your country?

Lo,;1id6 lln nao n5i tieng a d11tnut'.ic b,;1n?

lh\lC v tullng Trong !Am banhml banh mi
vacau 1 PIAnglAI • m6n An ph6 blfn dllc/C giao • a popular food to have delivered
true Ira 1/j
t$n nha to home
• th$m chf con dUc/CMn b cac • ls even sokf at sports stadiums
sAn v$n d¢ng th6 thao
Y It/ling 'rrong tam d6 An nhanh fast food
2 o,An iAt • lll<lng <l6irll • relatively cheap
• dllc/Cchudn bl trong val phut • ready in a mane, of minutes

'!' cau tra 1/j Tham khao cac y tullng cho dap an va thll t\/ tra Joi, sau d6 so sanh v<)i cau tra
cuab\ln Joi mAu d~ hoan thi~n cau tra llli cua b,in.

Cau tra Trong!AmDTnhltn16binh ml '61.o·\n gi6I

TrQng tam Banh mi certainly is. DiAn giai
It Is a very popular food to have delivered Elly Ill m6nAn r«t phd bifn dUQC
glao d4n
t$n nhA,va lh$m chf con dUQC bAn~ s4n
to your home, and it's even sold al sports
v&n d~g th' thao lrong su6t Uc trtn 4'u.
stadiums during matches. II is a staple 06 16m6nIn chfnhc6 lh4 dung trong bOa
which can be served as breakfast, lunch s6ng, bOatrlla ho•c th$m chi c6 bOatell
or even dinner for anybody. As for me, it Is cho b4t kl al. Delivcll161,d6 luOn16•V IV•
chQnkhl 161 dangv¢1.
always my go-to when I am in a hurry.

Tu V\lng match(ma,tn lr$n dfu otaple ['ste,pal)m6n an chfnh,ca ban go-to lgou'toujS\I I\/a
chQn thuang xuy&n

PART 1 Food & Health 167

0 Part2. cauh6i thuong cJuqcra lil!n quan Mn trai nghiemcuaban cuav~
dd an.Trongtruong hqp cJ6.oPart3.giam khaos1!haycJatcauh6i nhu trach
Am thl/c
nhiemday tre v~th6i quenan u6ng.hoaccacth€ hec6suynghTkhacnhau
nhu th€ naov~nhimgm6nm6i la.


II Describe an experience when you tried a new food for the first time.
Hay mieu ta trai nghiem khi b1m thll m9t m6n lin mcJiIAn dAu lien.

You should say:

what you had bsin da lin m6n gl
when and where you had It bsin da lin bao giel va a dftu
how it tasted m6n lin d6 c6 vj nhu thil nao
and explain how you felt about it. va n6i vll cam nh~n cua b,m khi <l6.

0 II B$n era an , banh taco (m6n An truy6n , a taco

vilrau m6n gl th6ng cua nglil1i Mexico <11/Qc
true tra 1¢1 lam tll b¢t ngO ho~c b¢t my,
nMn banh lam ti/ thjt bAm vii

~B$n <la an lJ • thang tnt&: • last month

<!Auva t(I bao , nha hang ndi ti~ng lJ <llil1ng • a famous restaurantin Kim Ma
gil! Kim Ma Street

13)Mui vj m6n an , kha cay • was quite spicy

<16ra sao , vOcung thfch huang vi <1¢c<lao , couldn~get enoughof the uniqueflavors
, thjt bo khOngh6 bi khOva m6m • the beef was moist and tender

I<' Cam nl$1 cua • h~t sac kinh ng$c • blew my mind
b$0 khl <16 , tOivui vl <laanthli m6n <16 • I am glad I tried it
, (la nu&: mi~ng • makes my mouth water

cua b,m

'i'cau tra 1ai Tham khao cac y tuang tren vii II/ minh tra lcJi,sau d6 so sanh velicau tra lai mAu
cua b1;1n d~ hoan thil)n cftu tra lai cua b1;1n.

• foco

• lostmonth
• KmMostreet

• blewmymind
• glad
. •. rrw.•s.my mouthwater........................................ .

A Unit09Track

cautra al Recently, I tried a taco for the first time Ql GAn dAy, tOI da thit m6n banh taco
in my life. IAn d4u tiAn trong dbl.

~ I had it last month when my friends and ~ TOI da An lhl/ lhang trl/Oc khl cung

I visited a famous restaurant in Kim Ma b,n dl!n mOt nha hang ndi tiling a
dl/bng Kim Ma, khu ph6 ndi mol
street, a neighborhood where people ngl/bl tit mol nal trong thanh ph6 Ha J>,.
from all over Hanoi go to spend time. NOi danh thbi gian ghe lham. Khi
When we met up, one of my friends chung 101g~p nhau, m¢t trong nhOng
ngubi b,n cua tOi d6 nghi dlln nha
suggested going to his favorite Mexican
hang Mexico yAu lhlch cua anh ,y.
restaurant. Not knowing what to order, I TOIkhOngblllt phai goi m6n gl nAn da
asked him and he told me I should have hol anh ,Y va anh ,Y giai thl♦u cho tOi
m6n banh taco.
a taco.

a>I fell in love with tacos immediately. 0) TOi dii mA m6n banh Taco ngay ltp

Although the taco I ordered was quite tuc. Mtc du taco tOi goi la kha cay
nhllng tOi vO cung thlch vi d¢c dao
spicy, I couldn't get enough of the unique
cua s6t va gia vi. Th~ b6 khOngh6 bi
flavors from the sauces and spices.
kh6 vii m6m, vOi phO mai tan chay,
The beef was moist and tender, and the thAm rau qua ll/di t,o nAn SIJ hoan
melted cheese and fresh vegetables hao cho m6n banh. sv hoa h\!P cua
on top complemented it perfectly. The m6n banh nay IA trAn ca tuy♦t vbi.

combination was out of this world.

© Since I had never tried Mexican food © TOI chl/a An thil d6 an Mexico bao
gib vii cung khOng mong d\!i nhi6u.
before, I was not expecting much. But
Nhllng 1,1 ca nhOng gl 1,0 nAn
everything about that taco blew my chil!c banh d6 lam tOI hilt sue kinh
mind. I'm so glad I tried it. I think it's my ng,c. TOI ,,t hill lbng vl da quyl!t

favorite foreign dish now. Just thinking dinh thu m6n nay. TOi nghi bay gib
taco la d6 An nuOc ngoai yAu thfch
about it makes my mouth water!
cua tOI.Chi c4n nghi v6 n6 cOng du
lam tOI Ila nl/Oc mil!ng!

T(I v,Jng splcylspaisi] cay, gia vi d~m splcelspais) hlldng li♦u tenderltendar) m6m
complement[ka:mplamant)bd sung, hoan chlnh out of this world xu,1 chung
water[w:l~ar)Ila nu& mil!ng

PART2&3 Food & Health 173

3 A Unit01Track

Do you think the responsibility for teaching children healthy eating
habits lies with parents or with teachers?
con Ire th6i quen an uong lanh m1;1nhthu◊c ve phl,J
Theo bc;1n,trach nhi/:m d1;1y
huynh hay thAy co giao?

;;; their parents
, theo dOIth6i quen An u6ng cua con b,n • keep an eye on their children's
• sua ch(la nhilng th6i quen khOng eating habits
1/lnh m,nh • correct unhealthyones

~Cautni.lcii Tham khao cac y !Uong trlln va ti,/ m1nhIra lbi, sau d6 so sanh veli cau Ira lbi mau
cuab(lll d~ hoan thi~n cau tra lbi cua ban.

Cau tra
tam Both parents and teachers have a Tn1ng tAm Ca cha me vii thAy co
glao d6u c6 tac dOng Ion dfn tre. Tuy
major influenceon children.However,when it
nhiAn, vA vi$c d11-ytre bi~t each an
comes to teaching them how to eat healthily, u6ng lanh m11-nh,phv huynh nAn la
parents should be responsible.D~n giaJThis ngu~i c6 trach nhl$m. Dien gial Ol6u
nay la do tre em thu~ng An vOi b6
is becausechildren mostly have meals with
m~, khOng phal vdi giao vlAn cua cac
their parents, not their teachers. Therefore, con. Do d6, b6 me c6 nhi6u ca hOI
parents have more opportunities to keep h<ln d~ theo dOI th6i quan An u6ng
ctia con vii sua b~t ky th6i quen
an eye on their children's eating habits and
khOng lanh mlj.nh nao.
correct any unhealthy

Tis v1,1ng when It comes to - vA vl~c - keep an eye on - ti~p tvc cl~ mAt d~n
correctjkarektl sila, di~u chlnh

PART3 A Umt 09 Track 14

Who tries new and exotic food more often, the elderly or the young?
Ai hay thll m6n �n moi va I� hdn, ngl/Cli gia hay ngueli Ire?

? r9n9 tam young people are more likely to give new

ngllllt tre tu61 c6 xu hllo'ng thl/ nhiJng
.. y tlA'Jng m6n An mo'i han foods a try
true Ira lcj • sAn sang m110 hldm b11& ra khol vimg • are willing lo venture outside one's
an toan comfort zone
• hung thu khl lhu m6n an mOi • view eating something new as run
• ng1101 Ian tu6i khOng qua to mo hay • elderty people are not that curious or
tao b110
• quen vdi * An m¢t s6 m6n An nMt d";nh
• are used to eating certain foods

Tham khao cac y t\/O'ng tr�n va 11,1 mlnh tra llli, sau d6 so sanh veli cau tra llli mau
d� hoan thi�n cAu tra 1111 cua bsin.

Cau tra TrQng tam TOI nghi nhOng ngul!i tre

Trc;mg tam I'd say that young people are
l<li mAu
tu61 c6 xu hllo'ng hay thl/ nhOng m6n
more likely to give new foods a try. Dien
An mdi. DIAn glal DIAu nay Ill do nhiJng
giai This Is because young people are ngul!i tre tu61 thllong tao b110 hon vii
generally more adventurous and willing to slln sang m110 hidm bl/de ra ngolll
vung an toan cua hQ. HQ c6 thd tMy
venture outside their comfort zone. They
vi$c lhll nhOng m6n An mdl Ill hay ho.
might view eating something new as fun. Ngll,;1C �- nglllll lo'n tu61 khOng qua lo
In contrast, elderly people are not that mo hay tao b110. HQ dA quen vdi vi4c
An m¢t s6 m6n An nhft djnh va Ml
curious or daring. They are used to eating
lbng vcli chung.
certain foods and are satisfied with them.

T(! vvng exotlcligza:tikl mOl 111 adventurousla,dv�ntfarasj tinh m110 hidm venturelventfarj
m110 hidm In contrast trai ng119c darlngJd�rl�I tao b110, m110 hldm

·sau khl tra lai thll, hay so sanh viii bang TIAu chi c:lanh gla trang 348.
1 Tiepcancauhoithuonggap
A Unit10Track!

Which do you use more often, buses or taxis?
B~n thuang xuy~n sti dvng xe buyt hay taxi?


y tuang Tr<;>ng

xe buyt

• di ~t cundl naotaxic6 1Mdi

• gi>I phaicMng h<ln
• di taxi khi ~ cAndi dAugAp
• go anywhere that taxis can
• cheaper
• use taxis when I need to get
y tuang T<QngtAm taxi taxis
2 O~ngiai d◊ng tht!llng
• xe buyt khOngh<l\11 • buses don't operate frequently in
xuy~n cJkhu tOicJ my area
• dua tOiMn chlnh xac noi tOi • take me to exactly where I want
mu.Sndi to go

Tham khao cac y tuang vii each dien d~t d~ luy$n n6i dap an Cua mlnh, sau d6
so sanh vt'.1icAu tra lai m~u d~ hoan thi(ln cau tra lai cua b~n.

Tr9ng tam I use buses more often than taxis. Tr9ng!AmTOIthl/Ongxuy6nsit dvng xe
DiAn gial Where I live, buses can go anywhere buython taxi.Ditln glai Ono;IOIs6ng,xe
that taxis can, and they are cheaper, so tt buytco thi di b4tc(/ nol naoco taxic6 th'
makes more sense to take buses rather than di va gla r,I hdn, v1v$y IOIthllllng di xe
buyt hon la texl.N61vty nhllngIOIc1itaxi
taxis. That said, I do use taxis when I need to
khl c:4nd&n mOInol nao dO g{p nhllng
get somewhere as fast as possible. However,
nhQngtnJOnghQpnhll vfy khahl&m.
these cases are qutte rare.

Ti/ vi,tng make sense c6 y nghia that said n61v~y nht/ng rare(rear) hi~m

A Unit10Track

El Giao
Which do you prefer, public transportation or private cars?
B~n thfch phuctng ti~n giao thOng cOng c¢ng hay o to ca nhAn?

y IU<klg Y tuang TrQnQtam pht/dng tiOncOngc◊ng public transportation
• mua va bao dt!<lng O tO r!!t t6n
• buying and maintaining a car
kem costs a lot
• ~ kMngphai~ !rungIrandt!<lng • don't have to concentrate on
the road
Y tliang TrQngtam 010 ca nhAn private cars
2 Dien giai • khOngqua dOngngulfl • don~get too crowdedwtth people
• khOngai chl6mkMng giancanhAn • nooneinvadesmy personalspace

Tham khao cac y tuang trE!n va 11,1 mlnh tra Joi, sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra loi mau
d~ hoiln thi~n cau tra Joi cua b;;m.

Gau Ira
Tr9ng tam prefer using public Trong IAmTOIthlch sit dvng phllong ti$n
lai m.iu
transportation to driving. Dl~n giai Buying glao thOngCOngcOng.Diin giai Mua va
and maintaining a car costs a lot more than bao duOngmOIchlk xe o 10t6n kem hon
paying for buses and taxis. Furthermore, nhl6u so v~ vi$<:Ira tl~n v6 xe buyt va taxi.
I don't have to concentrate on the road Hon nOa,101 khOngphalIAP!rung IAixe lrAn
dl/Ongkhl s~ dvng phllongtl~n glao thOng
when I take public transport, so it's more
cOngcOng,n6n n6 r&tthoai mal.
comfortable for me.

Ti/ vi,tng malntaln(meintein)

duy trl, bao trl public transport pht/dngli$n giao lhOngoOngoOng

A UnillDTrack
What is your favorite type of transportation?
Phuong ti~n giao thOng cOng c,:mg yl!u thfch cua b.i,n la gl?

0 vtu~
thOng v tuong TrQngtAm tau hoa trains

vilrau 1 pi§n gl I , khOng bao gilJ g$p v~n d6 !Ac • neverget stuckintrafficjams
We Ira 1/j( dtilJng • trainaccidentsraretyhappen
• hi~m khi dy ra tai n~n tau hoa • have on-board restroom facilities
, c6 phong vO sinh trtn tau
Y ll/Ong TrQngtam tau diOnng4m subway

2 DIAnglal • thtJIJngMn dung gilJ • generallyarriveon time

, bu6n nOnkhi di xe buyt • get nauseouswhen on the bus

Tham khao cac y tuong cho clap an va t!J minh tra llli, sau d6 so sanh v<'.licAu tra
llli mAu di! hoan thi~n cau tra llli cua b.i,n.
Cau Ira
Trvng tAm I enjoy taking trains the most Dil!n Trong tAm TOI thlch di lllu nh(t. DIAn giAI ~
I/limAu q,
giai because they are very fast and never B01vi tau khA nhanhvii kh6ngbao gio bi t4c
dUong.Ngoill ra, tal ntn tau hoa hi6m khi xAy D>
get stuck in trafficjams. Also, train accidents ::::,
ra, v) v,$y n6 an toiln hdn so vdi O to hol)c xe
rarely happen, so they are safer than cars
buyt. Ngoili ra, kh6ng nhU cAc phUongtltn

or buses. On top of these, unlike other land :::i

di/Ongb¢ khAc,tau hl>acOngthu$ntitn hon vi ~
vehicles, trains have on-board restroom c6 nhil vt slnh btn trong.
facilities,so they're more convenient as well. 0

TiJ vt,tng !rattle Jam tAc nghAn giao thOng vehlcle(vl:akl] xe cO, phuang tiOn di l~i
on-board trtn tau, trtn xe

A Unit10Track
Do you think many people ride bikes in your country?
Xe d~p
B.i,n c6 nghi rAng lJ nuc'.lcb.i,n nhi~u ngUlli di xe d.i,p?

0 Ytu<1ng y It/Ong Trongtam IOIkhOngnghiv$y I don'I think so

vilrau Di6n glai • h4u nhll khOngth~y ai di xe d~p • arnostneverseeanyonero,gbicydes
true Ira 1/j(
• duong qua nguy hi~m • the roadsare too dangerous
Y It/Ong Trong!Ml tOInghi nhi6u nguoidi xe d~ I think many people ride bikes

2 Di6nglai • lhanh ph6 cua tOic6 nhOngcon • my city has excellent bike paths
duong tuyOtvol dilnh cho xe d~p
• phuang tiOndi chuy~n chfnh • lhe main form of transportation

Tham khao cac y tuong tr6n va IIJ minh tra llli, sau d6 so sanh vai cau tra llli mAu
cl~ hoan thi~n cau Ira llli cua b.i,n.

Cau Ira TrQng Ulm I don't think a lot of people ride Trong1amTOIkhOngnghic6 nhi6unguoldi
lllim~u xe dap If ViOINam.Olin giAI TOIhAunhU
bikes in Vietnam. Di~n giAI I almost never
khOngth(y al di xe df p tril khi If trongcong
see anyone riding them except in parks and
viGn hay quAng truang thilnh ph6. Bin
city squares. Besides, I think the roads in
cJnh d6. IOInghTrlng nhOngcon duongIf
my country are generally too dangerous for
d.it nu&: tOIqua nguy hilm di mQIngual
people to travel by bicycle. di xe dfp.

TiJ vt,tng square(skwear)quang tn/ong travel(tr.evl) du ljch. di l~I

PART 1 Travel & Transportation 179

I"\ Unit10Track

Xe d~p
Did you learn how to ride a bike when you were a child?
B~n cia Wng t~p di xe d\lP khi con nh6 chua?

• y tlJCtlg V tl/Clng b6 d,y tOi my father taught me
vaC&J 1
• kh6 khan khi giOthang bAng , had a hard time keeping my balance
true Ira lo1
• xe d~p cua tOiphai IApbanh , had to attach training wheels to my
phv bike
• cu6i cung da hQCdlle/Ceach , finally learned to ride ii without them
di ma khOngcAn chung
V tl/ang IOichi/a titng hQCkhi cl>nnh6 I didn't learn it when I was a child
2 o,~n gial • IOith~y kh6 d~ hQC • foundit difficuttto learn
• I/lie gl tOida hQCs(Jmhdn , wished I had been taught earlier

Tham khao cac y tlldng va h,1minh tra loi, sau d6 so sanh vai cAu tra leli mau cl6
hoan thi~n cAu tra leli cua b,m.

Trc;,ng!Am Yes, my father gave me a small t.lm C6, b6 d4 t$ng tOImOIchlfc xe

bike for my eighth birthday and taught me dfp nh6 vao slnh nh$I tam tu6i va dfy ttli
how to ride it. DiAn g,ai At first, I had a hard eachdi. o g Band4u, ttli th4y r4t kh6
time keeping my balance, so my father khAndi giOthAngblng, vi b6 IOIdA phli
had to attach training wheels to my bike. t!p thAmbanhphv vao xe. Tuy nhiAn.sau
However, after a lot of practice, I finally r4t nhiAu14nluy$nt$p.cu6i cungtOIda hQC
learned to ride it without them. dUQC
c6chdi ml khOng c:AnChung.

Tit vf/ng keep one's balance giOthang b~ng (c<Ith~) attach{at.i!tfl IAp,gAn

I"\ UnitlO

II Do you think children should learn how to ride a bike?

B~n c6 nghi bc;mtre nen hQc each di xe d~p khong?

.. y tlJCtlg V tl/Clng TrQll9~- 161cha bc;,ntre it is a good thing for children
• CfilJ
1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••···•············•··•••····················
o,!ng~ • khi thanh thao s6 lam chung If/ • masteringit can boost their
tinh<ln confidence
• tang kha nang giOthang bAng , develop a sense of balance
V tl/Clng Tr'l:"9 ~., khOngnh4t thi~t phal hc;,c it is nota must
2 0 n iltl , tungc6 nhi~utai ~ nghitlm lrQng , there have been many serious
• c6 th6 kha nguy hi~m • can be prettydangerous

Tham khao cac y tl/dng va t\l mlnh tra leli, sau d6 so sanh vai cAu Ira leli mau de
hoan thi~n cau Ira 111i
cua b,m.

CAu Ira
lelimAu Trc;mgtfun I'm sure that learning to do n is a r ~ ," TOIchk ch4nfM!IhQcd~ di xe
good thing for children. o,en giai Since riding ~ I/! m¢tcfi6u161cho tnl em.0 n go Vl di
xe~ lhlll!ng la lh~ lhach d6i v<liIre em,vi$c
a bicycle is usually challenging for children,
mastering n can boost their confidence. Plus, ~ XO lh;lo c6 °"
gitip ~- ti/ tin h<!n:Ngoal
ra, bAng each 1$1)di xe ~- ~• em cGng c6
by practicing riding, children can develop a
lh& pMt ~n khA nang giOc.1nb.!tng.
sense of balance as well.

Tit vf/ng challenglng{tjii,lind3iij]kh6 khan,tht) lhach master{m.i!star]-thanh lhl,IC.thanh~

A Unit10Track
Is it safe to ride a bike in your city?
Xe d~p
C6 an toan khi di xe d~p trong thanh ph6 cua b~n khong?

"YtvefnQ Y tl/O'ng Trvng 11\m nguy hi4m it is dangerous
vacau D ng~ • ngt/Oidi xe d~p khOngdtic/CbAove • cyclists are dangerously
truetra~ khoi nguy hi~m unprotected
• m¢t s6 ngt1oidi xe may !al xe kha • some motoristsdrive recklessly
li6u rrnh

Y tllang kM an loan it Is pretty safe

2 • miAnla b~n su dvng trang bj bAo h¢ , as long as you wear the

• nhi6u xe O 10 nht/Ong dt/Ong cho appropriateequipment
xe d~p • many cars yield to bikes

Tham khao cac y It/Ong va Ii/ minh Ira IC1i,sau d6 so sanh vdi cau Ira IC1imAu dg
hoan thi~n cau Ira IC1icua b1;1n.

Trong tAm I think riding bicycles in my TrQngIAm TOinghi di xe diP lrong lh!nh ph6 ...
cUa tOinguy hh1m.Oi6n g1A1Mtc dU mO,ts6 khu ~
city is dangerous. Di~n giai Although er,
some parts of the city have bike lanes
and paths, most do not. Without those,
vvc trong tMnh ph6 c6 Ian dt/OngvA dt/Ong
danh cho xe dip nhtlngh4u h4t d6u khOngc6. ...
Kh6ngc6 nhilng tM d6, ngt//Jidi xe diP kh6ng "C
cyclists are dangerously unprotected.
dt/QCan toAntrt/Ocnguy hldm.TrAnh4t, m¢t s6 =i.
On top of that, some motorists drive
ngti/Ji!Aixe mliy di khAli6uffnh,c6 thd gAynguy :::t.
recklessly, which can be deadly to those hl4mch4t ngt/Oicho nhilng ngt/0Idi xe dfp. :::,
on bicycles. 0

Tit vi,rng tane[lein)Iandtilklg recklessly[rekftSli]

ll6u ffnh deadly[dedli)nguy h~m ch6"tngll<Ji "~

A UnitlOTrack
8 0

Have you ever taken a long-distance trip by bus or train? ::i-
B~n da tung di du ljch xa bang xe buyt hay tau chua?
Du lIch

y tt/ang
Tro~ tam tOibAt xe buyt tlii Vung Tau

• bj ket la! vl tAc dt/Ong

I took a bus to get to Vung Tau

• got stuck in a trafftcjam


tructra ~
• da thi,rcsi,rkiet sue khi tOid6°nnoi • was really exhausted by the .,..

time I arrived en
Y tt/ang Tr9ng tAm tOi da thl,lc hien m¢t chuy6"ndi xa I have taken a long-distancetrip
bAngtau hoa by train z""
• khl tOl di du ljch bvi qua ChAu Au • when I was backpacking
through Europe
• di qua biAn gllii cac qu6c gia chau , crossed the borders of
Au bAng tau hoa European nations by train

Tham khao cac y It/Ong va 1\1mlnh tra lai, sau d6 so sanh vdi cau tra IC1imAu d~
hoan thi~n cau Ira IC1icua b11,n.

Trong tam Earlier this year, I visited my family Trong tAm E>d.unAm nay tOI di v6 thAm

in Vung Tau for the holidays, and I took a gia cllnhtOIb VOng Tau vAodjp IAvA tOI
dA bit xe buy! d& d,n d6. D1AnglA1Khl
bus to get there. Di6n giai Since the route
din con dllbng c:At
ngangqua vUngnOng
went through the countryside, I got to see
thOntOidA nhlnth(y r(t nhl6u cAnhdfp.
a lot of beautiful scenery. The bus was very
Xe buy! di r(t thu$n ll~n nhtlng chung
comfortable, but we got stuck in a traffic jam tOI bj ktt trong hon tAm glOd6ng h6 vl
for more than eight hours. Consequently, I t4c dUOng.Do d6, tOIth\fC S\f klft s(lc khl
was really exhausted by the time I arrived. dfnndl.

Tit vi,rng ocenery[si:nari) phong canh exhauoted[lgd:stid] kiet s(lc

PART 1 Travel & Transportation 181

aPart2, cauh6i thuong duocra la mi~u ta v~ dCngvat.Trangtruong hop
E>Qngv~t nay,o Part3, giam khaos~hay dat c3uh6i v~ nhOng/(Ji tM va Mt /(Ji cua
viecnuc)ithu cunghoaccac/o~i vat nuai ph6 bi~n nMt.


D Describe an Interesting wild animal. MOta mOtloai <!Ongvat hoang da thli vj.

You should say:

what the animal Is <!6la lo1;1i
<!Ongvat nao
how you came to know about the animal lam th.Snao b1;1n
bi~t <!l!n loai <!Ongvat <!6
whether you have seen the animal In person b1;1n
c6 nhln thlly trvc ti.Sphay khOng
and explain why this animal Is Interesting. vii giai thfch t1;1i
sao loai <!Ongvat nay thu vj
nhl/th~ nao.

0 Ytih1g La IO(lldQng • g4u BAc C\IC • polarbear

vii c.iu vtt nao , IOn,ntng tOi700 kg • large, weighing up to 700 kilograms
tructra ICJI • ca than mlnh mau trAng •SIi white
• ph(JhQpvc)ic!ja hlnh nhi~u tuy,St • blend in with the snowy landscapes
, trOng gi6ng nhll m¢t con g4u • look like giant white teddy bears
bOngtrAng kh~ng 16
"'> Lamsaot,an • khi con be trong m¢t quang cao • in a Coke commercial as a kid
~tloilidQng cUa coca-cola


~ c6 nhln • trong thl!i gian hQCtrung hQC , in middle school, my class visited
tMytn,1c~p ca s~. IOp chung tOi <!A <!.Sn the zoo
vlll!n bach thu
• tOi<!Axem chung bai va bAt ca , saw them swimmingand catchingfish

'i' T'1 sao b'1J • m¢t trong nhOng ke sAn m6i , one of the most powerful predators
tMy thu vi m,mh nh4t
• chfy nhanh hon hlldu vti bdi • can run faster than deer and swim
nhanh han hai cAu faster than seals

cua b<10

~cuabl;lO I
C4utralCJI Tham khao cac y tl/ang tren va 1\/minh tra I11i,sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra I11imau
d~ hoan thi(!n cau tra loi cua b~n.

® Ghichu
mau • polorbeai-
• lcrge,weitJ..
100 kAoo
c,l wlrle,_ble,,dsn wrih_tha
•__ r.ra,,ylondscape··································································
• ~ corrmerdoi

• vtsrled
Ihazooh mdcle
• saw !ham~ $ cotclw,g fish
• tokenobock

• powerfupredator
• con NI ,.-.j """' fosl

{\ Unit11Track
lbimAu a>The most interesting wild animal to me (!) Lolli d¢ng v$t hoang di! thu vi nhilt vcli

is the polar bear. Polar bears are quite tOI la g4u BAc eve. NhOng con g4u
BAc eve kha IOn va n~ng tOi 700 kg. :e
large, weighing up to 700 kilograms.
Va ca than mlnh d~u mau trAng triJ mui a:::r
And they are all white aside from den. Eli6u nay cho phep chung gl4u ~
their black noses. This allows them to mlnh vao mOi 11111Jng
to/In tuy,1 trAng :z:
blend in with the snowy landscapes noi Chung ell tni. Eli~u nay cung lam
they inhabit. It also makes them look cho chung trOng gl6ng nhll nhOngchu
gilu bOngtrAng kh6ng 16. ;;r
like giant white teddy bears. !?'.
<2lI first saw a polar bear in a Coke (2) Khi con be. tOi di! nhln thily gil:u BAc -I
eve IAn dAu tien trong m¢t quang cao io,'
commercial as a kid. Even though it ::,
coca-cola. M~c du IA m¢t con gilu hO\l,I ;;r
was an animated bear, it was the first io,'
hlnh nhllng d6 IA IAndAu tiAn IOI bi't ::,
time I learned they existed. rlng gi!u BAc eve t6n ~-

Gl Later, when I was in middle school, my Ql Sau d6. khl hQCtrung hQc co sc}, l(Jp
IOi da d,n vl/On bach lhu va IAn dAu
class visited the zoo and I got to see
liAn dll~c I$n mAt nhin thily m¢t con
polar bears with my own eyes for the
gil:u BAc eve. Th$1 tuytt voi khl nhin
first lime. It was really awesome seeing thily Chung bdl va bAt ca. NhLJngtOi
them swimming and catching fish. dA rill ngtc nhiAn khi thi!y chung
However, I was taken aback when I thVC sv to lcln nhll th' nao.

saw how large they really are.

© I think these white bears are indeed © TOi nghi rlng nhOng con gi!u trAng
interesting for a couple of reasons. nay thVc sv thu vi vi nhl6u ly do.
Chung lrOng thVC sv dA thlldng nhll
Although they seem really cute like
nhOng nhAn vtt ho~t hlnh, nhllng
cartoon characters, they're one of the chung IA m¢1trong nhOng ke sAn m6i
most powerful predators in the world. m~nh nhilt tr6n thf giai. Ben c~nh d6.
Plus, despite their massive size, they mtc du c6 klch thuclc kh6ng 16,chtlng

can run faster than deer and swim c6 th~ ch~y nhanh han hlldU vii bdi
nhanh hon hill c4ut
faster than seals!

up to - d4n aside from - ngo;;titril blend In htti hOa lnhablt(inh.i!bit) s6ng, cu tl'U
anlmated[Znameitid) hoQ;th\nh be taken aback ng;;tcnhlltn lndeed(indl:d] lhl/C SI/
predator(predatar]dOngvt,t sAn m6i masslve(mZsiv) to IOn,kh6ng 16

PART2&3 Weather & Nature 197

PART3 A Unit11Track

El What are the advantages and disadvantages of having pets?

NhCTnguu va nhuqc di~m cua vi~c nuoi thu cling la gi?

TrQngtam a> t6t cho sue kh6e linh thAn cua b9n It Is good for your mental health
trueIralc1i DIAnglai • khOngbao giO th4y co ddn • never feel lonety
I • luOnth6 hi$n tinh cam • alwaysshowtheir affection

TrQngtam ~ thu cung c4n nhi4u sv chAm s6c pets requirea lot of maintenance

Di6n giai • c4n c6 nhiAu thai gian va nAng luqng • need to havea greatdeal of time&energy
• khOngphai hie nao cung dA dang • not always an easy job

'f' Cllu tralc1i Tham khao cac y 1uongIran va l\f mlnh Ira lbi, sau <l6so sanh vdi cllu Ira li!i m§u
<lehoan lhi~n cau Ira lbi cua b;;m.

lclimAu Tr9ng tam <D The best thing about Tr9ng tam (l) EllAu t6t nh4t khi nuOI

having a pet is that it is good for your thu cung la vl$c nay t6t cho sue khoe
tinh th4n cua b(ln. Dl6n glal Khi nuOi
mental health. Dien giai When you have
thu cung, b 9 n khOng bao gia cam
a pet, you never feel lonely because
th4y cO ddn vl chung luOn th6 hi$n
they always show their affection. TrQng
tlnh cam. TrQng tam a>VA nhUC/C
tam ® On the downside, pets require a
di6m, thu cung c4n dUC/CchAm s6c
lot of maintenance. Dien giai You need
r4t nhlAu. Di6n giai e,n c4n c6 nhiAu
to have a great deal of time and energy thal gian va cOng sue d6 chAm s6c
to take care of them. Feeding them, chung. Cho chung An, chdi vOI chung
playing with them, and keeping them va glO Chung S(!Ch s6 khOng phai luc
clean are not always easy jobs. nao cOng la nhOng cOng vi$c dA dang.

TO vvng have a pet nuOIthu cung mental health sue kh6etinh th4n affectlonlafek/an)tlnh
cam,s\fg4n b6 feedlfi:d) cho An

3 A Unit11Track

What kind of pet Is most common in your country?
NhOng lo,;1iv~t nuoi nao ph6 bien nhat d dat nuoc bi:rn?

i~';°.1::·; :ft~~::::,::.:~
• lam tAm tring moi ngubi t6t han
, khi bin trli vA nha sau m¢t ngay dai
• put people in a good mood
• when you come home after a long day

? CAutralcJI Tham khao cac y tlfllng tr~n va 11,1
mlnh tra llfi, sau d6 so sanh vcli cau tra llfi mAu
cuabqn d6 hoan thien cau tra llfi cua b1;1n.

cautra Trong tAm C6 nhl6u 10,1 v$t nuOI cl

llfimAu TrQng t11.mThere are many different
VI$! Nam va ph.S bl,n nh,t la loal
kinds of pets in Vietnam, but dogs are
ch6. Dien glai Ngubi dAn Vi$t Nam
the most common. Di~·n giai People thlch nuOi ch6 vl chung !rung thanh.
here enjoy having dogs because they Cac chu ch6 luOn chAu ch\lc ll cua
are loyal. Dogs always wait at the door d~ chb chu v6. Ngoal ra, chung con

for their owners to come home. Plus, lam cho tAm !ring ngubi chu t6t han.

they put people in a good mood. For

VI dv, khl m¢t ngay dal k't thuc va ~
b,n trcl v6 nha, chu ch6 cua bin ~
example, when you come home after chiY d~n va mu6n duqc cung chai.
a long day, your dog comes running E>i6u nay ram cho bin kh6 c6 th~ ::,
to you and wants to play. This makes b\lC b¢1hay bu6n bli ma con lam tAm :::r
tring b,n phlln chlln han. ::,
it hard to stay angry or sad and makes
you feel better.

TUv\fng loy■lli>ial) trung thanh

PART2&3 Weather & Nature 199

oPart2. cauh6i thuongduqcra la mi~u ta v~met ky nghl. Trongtruong
Kynghi hqp nay,o Part3. giam khao s~ hay dat cauh6i v~ viec chudn bi truac
cho ky nghl, xu huang di nghl hien nay.


II Describe a vacation that you enjoyed. Hay n6i vi; ky nghl ma b,in y~u thfch.

You should say:

where you went b,in cla cli ciau
who you were with b,in cla Clcung ai
what you did b,in cla lam gi
and explain why you enjoyed the vacation. va vi sao b,in thfch ky nghl nay.

~~ y t\JClng
tnic Iralei
• Olla Phu Qu6c
5'ndAllcungai • anh h9
Phu Quoc Island
• my cousin
• d6ng vai tro nhu hU<lngdAnv~n • acted as my guide
Bon dA lam gl • d4n nhil;u bal bi&n d~p • visited some beautiful beaches
• chvp nh(lng btlc Anh phong • took pictures of the beautiful
canh d~p scenery
• di cau cadAm • went fishing at night
• A.nhai sam • had sea cucumbers
Vl sac ~ thk:h Icy • ca hQi tuy~t vbi d& di xa vil • the perfect opportunity to get
nghl nay nghl ngoi away and relax
• du d& h6i phvc nang IU~ng • was able to recharge enough
• ho/in toiln ~n hUllng thiAn nhiAn • truly enjoyed nature

cua b,in



····················--··········· ·····································-···---·················•·····························

·-··················································- ···········•··········-···············-····································

Tham khao cac y tl/C/ng tn~n va l\f minh tra 111i,

sau cl6 so sanh voi cAu Ira 111i
d~ hoan thi~n cdu tra 111i
cua b;;m.

• "'fCOUSOl,ododas"'t,..
• '1sl!odboad,es
• lookpiclum
• ragh!~
• rrind-blowrcj ... ~
• perfectcppomrl!y lo gel(M(t'f t relax
• rechorge
.• _e,joyodr<>lun··················································································································

A Unit12Track
cau tra
lo,mAu (1) I'd like to tell you about my trip to Phu TOI si kd cho b,n nghe v6 chuytfo

Quoc Island, which was my favorite Oi tOi OaoPhu Ou6c, ky nghl mil IOi

vacation ever. thfch nMt.

a>I went there with my cousin because TOI Olin 06 c(mg anh ho cua tOi b"i

he knows almost everything there is to vl anh .1y gAn nhu billt hllt m9I th(I

know about Phu Quoc Island. He has v6 Oao Phu Ou6c. Anh 4y OA Olin
06 vlli IAn, anh .1y OA lllm hUOng
visited more than a dozen times, so he
dAn vi&n cho IOI.
acted as my guide.

~ We got to do a lot of fun things while we Chung tOi dAlam r.11nhi6u Oi6u thu
were there. We visited some beautiful vt trongth!II glan " cl6. Chung IOI dA
Olin thl!m nhl6u bAIb~n Oqp Vilchvp
beaches and took a lot of pictures of the
nhi6u anh v6 cAnh Oqp " cl6. Chung
beautiful scenery. We even got to go
tOi ~m chi cooOi cau ca<lam. Tuy
fishing at night. However, our favorite nhl6n, h"'1 ~g y&u thfch cuachung
activity was eating. We had some mind- IOi la An u6ng. Chung tOi OAOUC,C

blowing sea cucumbers. It was pricey m6n hal sAm ngon tuyft Gia ca" dAy

because Phu Quoc is a tourist hotspot, kM °"' 06 vi Elio Phu Ou6c la <fia
<f"m du ljch n6i tiling, nhung n6 cOng
but it was worth it. r.1t04ng ti6n.

© I loved the trip for several reasons. • T 01 r.1I thfch chuylln Oi nay vl m¢t
First, this trip was the perfect val ly do. ElAu ll&n, chuylln 01 Ill ca
opportunity to get away and relax. h¢I tuytt vlll odIOIOUQC01 xa vll thU
Before we went, I'd been swamped giAn. TnlOc khl 01,tOi bi chlm n~p
trong cOng v;+c vi di/ 4n mcli. MJc
with work due to a new project.
du chuylln 01 khOng dlll, nhung
Although the trip wasn't that long, I
cOng Ou odIOIh6I phvc nAng IUQng.
was able to recharge enough. Also, Th&m nOa, 06 cling la IAn OAu ll&n
it was the first time I truly enjoyed 101thl/C SI/ 1$n hU""g Ihlen nhi&n.
nature. Since I was raised in a Vl 10Ilcln l&n "thllnh ph6 lcln, 101Oa
large city, I was more familiar with quen vOi cac toa nha choc trbi Mn
skyscrapers than trees and fields. Ill c6y c6i vll nhOng canh dOng. Tuy

However, on Phu Quoc island, I nhl&n, il Elio Phu Ou6c, du Olin OAu

was surrounded by nature no matter tOI cOng th4y mlnh OUQCbao quanh

where I went. bill lhi&n nhl&n.

Wvvng dozen(dt,zn) vli 14n,da s6 mind-blowing ngon tuy♦t, b4t ngb prlcey(prjlsl) 041 do
tourlal(hlrlst) du ljch, tham quan worth It dAng gl6, x(tng dAng get away di xa. di chOI
be swamped with work chlm ngtp trong c6ng vl♦c rechargelrl:t/hd3) h6l phvc, n111>
(nAngluqng nhb vi♦c di du ljch)

PART2&3 Special Events 215

3 [\ Unit12Track13

Do people prefer to spend their vacations alone or with their families?
MQi nglloi thllong thfch t~n hllang ky nghl m¢t mlnh hay la voi gia dlnh?

YIJJC),g lhich a cung vOigia dlnh prefer lo be in lhe company of their families
truetra~ DIAngial • t,o nAn nhOngky nltm luytt viii • makewonderfulmemories
• chia se nlAm vui cua nhOngtrai ng- • sharethe joyof newexperiences
hitm mOIcung nhOngngUl!i ma bfn lhose you love
yAu m«n
• c6 lhd phal sinh tinh hu6ng kh4n c4p • lhere might be an emergency
• a cung nhOngngul!i c6 lhd chlm s6c • tt Is better to be wtth people who care
cho b,n thl 161hdn about you

cua~ I Tham khaocac y tllllng tr~n vii to,tmlnh tra llli, sau d6 so sanh vlli cau tra llli mAu
dA ho/in thl~ncau tra llli cua b~n.

IClimAu TrQng t~m Well, Individual TrQng tAm M61 ngUl!i se c6 each 1$n
hUOng ky nghl kh4c nhau, nhung tOI
preferences differ from person to
nghi phAn IOn mQi ngul!i <!Au mu6n
person, but I think most people prefer
t$n hUOng ky nghl bAn gla dlnh cue
to be in the company of their families. mlnh. OiAn g,a, 06 la bOi vl khi btn
Dien giai That's because when you <Iidu lich cung gia dlnh, btn 58 c6 cd
travel with your family, you get the hQI <Id t,o ra nhOng ky nltm tuytt viii
va chla 58 nlAm vul cua nhOng tral
chance to make wonderful memories
nghltm mOI vOI nhOng ngUl!i ma btn
and share the joy of new experiences
y6u m«n. Hdn nOa, b,n se khOng thd
with those you love. Furthermore, you IUl!ng truoc <IUQccac tlnh hu6ng khdn
never know when there might be an cfp. N«u c6 chuytn khOng hay xay ra
emergency. If something bad happens, thl s6 161hdn nhlAu khl b cung nhOng
ngul!i c6 thd chAm s6c cho b,n hdn la
it is much better to be with people who
chi c6 mQt mlnh.
care about you than to be by yourself.

Til vvng In the company of - cung vdi emergencyllm•:rd3•nsll tlnh hu6ngkh&nc4p

3 A Unit12Track

D What do people do to prepare before going on a holiday?

MQi ngi./oi !hi.long chuiin bi gi tri./oc khi di nghl?

0 y h/c)1g il"r9ngtAm <ll tlm thOng tin v6 dia diAm mlnh se tlli lookup informationon the area

vac1'u Dl~n glill • tlm hl6u tinh hlnh thcii ti4t • find out what the weather will be like
trueIra~ • tiem phong hotc xin thj thlfc • get vaccinationsor visas
• c6 thA g~p m¢t s6 tra ngai • might encounter a number of obstacles

'TrQng!Am b !An k4 hoach cho chuy4n di maketravelarrangements

••··••••·••••••••·•·····•········•···••··•···•···•••••••··v··•···••• •• , ••••••••••••••••••••••• ···••·••••••••·•·•·····•

Olin gial • d~t phong khach ·~ • book a hotel

• thue xe • renta car

Tham khao cac
del hoan thi~n cau Ira lai cua ban.
y tl/ong trAn va tV mlnh tra !Oi,sau d6 so sanh v<ii cau tra IOi mAu ■

cau tra
lelimau TrQng tam Q) To begin with, people TrQng tAm (I) Tn/c)c tiAn, m9i ngucii "'
tlm hiAu thOng tin v6 dia diAm hQ se
look up information on the area that
tc)i. Diln giai ThOng qua tlm hiAu,
they'll be visiting. Dien giai Through hQ se bl4t dl/C,c tlnh hlnh thcii ti4t $8

their research, they can find out what the nhll th4 nao khl hQ d4n va li$U hQ
weather will be like when they visit and c6 nen tiAm chung ho~c xin thj thl/C
whether they should get vaccinations or khOng. N4u khOng kiAm tra trllc)c, hQ
c6 thA g~p m¢t viii tra ngai. Tr9ng
visas. If they don't check this beforehand,
tAm a>Them nOa, m9i ngllCJId~u !An
they might encounter a number of
k4 hoach cho chuy4n di tr11c)ckhi

obstacles. TrQng tam @ Plus, people ,...,


make travel arrangements before going

khcii hanh. Oien giai VI dv, vi$c dtt
phong khach san vll thuA xe trllc)c
away. Dien giai For Instance, booking d~u la nhOng v1$c m9! ngllCJithllCJng !::i
lam trl/c)c. c.,:,
a hotel and renting a car are commonly ;:g
done in advance. :><:
Tilvlfng look up - tim ki4m tiAm chllng beforehand(bif~:rhamd]
sAn s~ng tnlilc encounter(lnkauntarJg,p, 061mJt obstacle(Hstaklj tr~ ng~i
arrangement[;rf!ind3mantl k' ho~ch go away Oixa

PART 2&3 Special Events 217

Do you prefer to work or study alone or in a group?
Ban thich hQc ho~c lam vi~c theo nh6m hay m¢t minh?
A Unit14Track

Yllb,g Y 11/ong TrQng!Am hQCm¢t mlnh t6t hdn studying alone is better
0~va~u DIAn glal • dA t~p trung hdn • concentrating Is mucheasier
truetra ~
• khi hQCcung v(Jingulli khac • when I'm studying with other people
• xem 1,i nhOng bal tOI dA On • go back over lessons I have already
tn/llc d6 r6i covered
Y It.long Trong tam thfch lam vi$c theo nh6m prefer to work In a group
2 DiAnglal • fch flji tiJ nhOng quan didm • benefit from other people's
cua ngulli khac perspective
• c6 thd Chia se cOngvi$c • can spill up the work

!, c_a._u_tra_l¢i_
Tham khao cac y tuang tr~n va ti,t minh tra !bi, sau d6 so sanh vcJi cau tra !bi m~u
d~ hoim thi~ndlu tra llii cua b<;1n.

TrQng tAm Studying alone is better than Trong tAm Hoc mQt mlnh 161hon hoc
working in a group. DiAn giai I find that nh6m. Olin glii TOItMy dA lfp trung hon
concentrating is much easier when there is no r,1 nhiiu khi khOngc6 ai xung quenh IAm
one around to distract me. In addition, when tOIsao IAng,Thim vAod6, khl tOIhoc cung
I'm studying with other people, I sometimes ngUOikh6c, dOIkhl tOIphal xem 1,1nhilng
have to go back over lessons I have already bAi mA tOi dA On trU<lcd6 r6I. VI thf, vi$c
covered. Therefore, it is less efficient for me. hoc nh6m khOnghl$u qua d61vai 101.

Wv\fng concentratejka:nsantreit] l~p trung coverjluwar] On1$p,d,1 duqc

efficlent(ifffant] hi$u qua

A Unit14Track

Do you think group work is important?
Ban c6 nghi lam vi~c nh6m la quan tr9ng khong?


tructra ~ I
Y tllong Tr9ng tAm

DIAn glal
ho,t d¢ng nh6m rlil quan tr9ng group activities
• trong cac t6 chilc nhu trullng hQC • belongto organizationssuchas
• chla kh6a dAn I& lhanh cOng schools
• the key lo success
are very

Y tllong Tr9ng IAln IOi khOng nghT ho,1 dQng nh6m I don't think group activities are
2 quan trong crucial

D16ngial • t6n thlli gian • time-consuming

• mlit nhi~u thlli gian dd di d~n • takes a long time to reach a
quy~t djnh decision

Tham khao cac y tuang trAn va ti,t minh tra ll!i, sau d6 so sanh vcJi cau tra lbi mdu
dii hoan thi~n cau tra !bi cua bs1n.

cau tra TrQOg !Am Yes, I think group activities are Trong tam C6, 101nghf h°'t dQng nh6m rft
m~u very important Oi6n giai Since most people quan trQng.D16nglAI VI ph4n IOn mot ngulli
belong to organizations such as schools or dAuIA thAnhviAntrongcac 16chGcnhu Wbng
companies, they often have to worl< with hoc hay cOngty, nAnhQthuong phai lam ~
others. Therefore, knowing how to cooperate CungnguolkhAc.Vl lhf, vlfc bift each hQ'ptAc
and interact with a variety of people can vA tU<lngtac vlli nhi6u ngtllli dOIkhi c6 th& trb
sometimes be the key to success. thAnhchla kh6a d& d!n tellthAnhcOng.

Tu vvng organlzatlon(;:rg•nazt!ifn]t6 chuc,co quan lnteractf,ntrikt) Ming Ille, glao IUu

{\ Unit14Track

El When do you usually work in a group?

BG1nthllong lam vi~c nh6m khi nao?

• Yt,.mg
Y tt/l1ng r rong ta/Tl khl tOic6 b/li thuyft trinh when I have a presentation
va ci!u 1
truetra ~ • m6i hQCky c6 hal dV An nhll , have a couple of such projects per
vty semester
, y&u cAu lam vitc v/1 nghl&n , require a lot of wor1<and research
cuu nhi6u

Ytul1ng khl tOIchai b6ng r6 when I play basketball

2 , chai b6ng r6cung nAm nglllfi • play basketball with fr,e other
kMc people
• tinh thAn I/Im vi$c nh6m 161 , good teamwork leads to winning
dAn tOichi,n thAng

'i' Cau Ira 111i Tham khao cac y tuong tr6n vii 11,1
mlnh Ira I/Ji, sau d6 so sanh vlli cau Ira I/Ji mau
cua~ d6 hoiln thi~n cau tra lbi cua ban.

cautra Tr9ng tam I most often wor1<with other people rvng I, m TOI !Am vi♦c vOI ngulll kMc
lllimAu when I have a presentation assignment for nhl6u nh4t khl c6 blll thuy,t trlnh II IOphQC
my management class. Oi&n g,o I usually quin trl. o,6n TOIthuong c6 hat dV An
have a couple of such projects per semester. nhll vty m6I hQCky. Bdl vl cAc dV 6n d&u
Because they generally require a lot of y6u cAuI/Im vl♦c vii nghlGncau nhiAu,n&n "'

work and research, four or five students are thUOngsAc6 tU b6n d,n nAmslnh vl6n lam ::,
expected to wor1<on them together. cUngnhau. :::r
TU'vVng man1gement[mZnid3mant) quin t~. kinh doanh aemester(s1m,st.-r) hQCIcy V,


{\ Unit14Track

Have you helped a stranger? Why?
da tung giup da nguai 11;1
chua? T1;1i

"Yt,.mg Y tt/l1ng Tron 1am tOIgiup m¢t nglllfi phv nil dang I helped a lady who was struggling
ci!u g~p kh6 khlln vOIchl,c xe d~y with a stroller
~tra~ D1tlngiel , trOngc6 ve lo IAngcho em b6 • looked worried about her baby in
trong xe d~y the carriage
, d6 la vi•c n~n Jam • ij was the right thing to do

Y tLll1ng Tr9ng_tam tOiluOnsAn long glup ngulli I~ I'm always willing to help strangers

2 D16ngial , giup m¢t ngulli dan Ongbi ~c • helped a man who was lost
giOatrung !Am th/lnh ph6 downtown
, glup nhilng ngulli mang v/lc • assisted people with heavy
h/lnh ly n~ng baggage

'i' cautra llli Tham khao cac y IUOng tr6n vii h,tminh Ira leli, sau d6 so sanh vlli cau tra leli mau
cuab;in d6 hoiln thi~n cAu tra leli cua b,m.

~ Trong tam Yes, I helped a lady who was ""re A U C6, vilio lhAng tnJOc, 104CIAgiUp
~ struggling with a stroller on some stairs last mQt ngulJIphu no dang gtp kh6 khln vOI
month. o,An glAi She looked really tired and, chlfc xe d'y ~ cAu !hang. DIAng1AICO 4y
at the same time, worried about her baby In trOngthVc sv m♦t mill. vii cOnglo I4ng cho
the carriage. I went over to her and helped em be trong xo d,y. TOI1fi gAn vl giup cO
her move it becauseI thought 11was the right ly di chuy,n chik xe vi IOInghTd6 ll v~c
thing to do. nAn IAm.

Tilvvng stranger(strelnd3•rJngulJiIf, ngulJIkhOngquen strotler(str6ulorJxe a,y

carrlage(ka!rid3Ixe a,y

PART 1 Life Experiences 235

A Unit 14 Track

What do you think about helping people?
B9n nghi the nao ve vi$c giup do mQi nguoi?
(16 Y It/ling Tr9"g ta glup da nguoi khac r.1t tuyet vili helping others is great

D�ngl • cAn th$n tr9ng • need to be cautious

, khOng trcl thanh n�n nhAn tNc!c • not to fall victim to bad people's
nhilng am mt/U coa ke x.1u schemes

Y It/ling Tr()Og 1Am c6 thA t�o nen stJ khac biet trong can make a difference In a lot of
2 cul)c s6ng coa nhiAu nguili people's lives

Okin glaf • quyen g6p ti�n cho nh(Jng ng­ • raise money for those in need
uili cAn • volunteering time is highly
, th/Ji glan tlnh nguy�n r�t h(Ju ich beneficial

!, c_a_u_t_ _1__,1
ra. 11 Tham khao cac y tl/bng tren va 1\1 minh tra loi, sau d6 so sanh v{ji cau tra loi mau
cua b,m
d� hoan thi�n cau Ira lbi cua b,;1n.

cau tra Trong tam CA nhAn tOI nghT ,�ng vi� glup
TrQng tam Personally, I think that helping
others is great. Dl�n giai However, I also ngulli khac thl r,t tuyet. D1in g,a, Tuy nhien,
think that we need to be cautious because 101 cling cho n\ng chung ta c4n phal llltn lrQng
there are always people who try to abuse v1 co nhilng ngUlll luOn Om each tn,,c lql tit long
others' goodwill. We should be careful not 161 cua ngUOI kh4c. Chung ta nen d6 phong o&
to fall victim to such bad people's schemes khOng tr� tMnh nlJO nhAn tnJc!c nhilng Am muu
and traps when doing good. va c.,m b!y cua ke x4u khl lam vlec 161.

TiJvtJng cautlousflo:fas) coin th$n, thJn lrqng goodwllllgudw!) Ihlen chi. long 161
schemefski:m} am mllu, y <16 trapftr.ep) Clim bay do good lam vltc 161

A Unit 14 Track 6

Do you like to share things?
B9n c6 thfch chia se do v�t khong?
se Y tucing TrQng !Am tOi khOng th�y phi6n khi <li�u <16 la I don't mind it when it Is
cAn thi�t necessary

Di§ngial • miAn cl/Bng khi phai chia se thiic an • reluctant to share food
• tOi 6 n v<'.li vi�c nhll�ng <16 an • fine with giving up my food
• ii someone is really hungry
• n�u ai <16 thVc stJ <161

Y tubng Tr9ng 14m IOI thfch chia se I do like to share

2 Dien gial • t�g banh quy 1tJ lam • give out homemade cookies
• vi$C chia se nhilng gl tOi c6 vai • sharing what I have with oth­
ers makes me happy
nguili khac khl�n tOi h�nh phuc
• when I share, I always get
• khl chia sll, tOi luOn nh$n l�i dllcjc
much more in return
nhieu thii he!n
'i' cau tra lcli Tham khao cac y ll/Ong tren va 1\1 rnlnh tra lell, sau d6 so sanh vcii cau tra lell rnau
d� hoan thi�n cau Ira lbi cua b,;1n.

Tr9ng tAm I don't exactly like sharing, T· tam TOi khOng lh\fc stj lhlch viec chla si,
but I don't mind it when it is necessary. nhung IOI khOng tMy phl6n khl di6u 06 la can thlAL
DiAn giai For Instance, I'm reluctant to I) g, Ching hlJO, IOI lhdy rAI mlAn cuOng khl
share food In general because I want to chla &II 06 An vl IOI mu6n ltJ thuang thac n6. Tuy
enjoy it myself. However, I'm fine with nhien, 101 vln 6n vdi viec nhllllng 06 An n,u al 06
giving up my food if someone is really lhVc stJ 06i.

Titvuno retuctantlri!Aktantl bil d,c di aive uo - fl't hA nh11i'lnn r-.hn

A Unit14Track

What do you think about sharing accommodations?
Bc;1nnghTth~ nao v~ vi~c chia sech6 a?
se Y ILtbng la tOi c6 gAng tranh v$; "6, n4u I try to avoid it, npossible
vaci!u c6th'
tn)c tra~
Angliil • tOIth4y b4t tlfn • Inconvenientfor me
• mal b'1l be tlli nha • invite friends to my place
YILtbng d6 la vi~ lam thOngminh ifs a smart thing to do
2 • glam chi phi thuA dang k' • reduce the cost of rent signifi-
• th$t t6t khi c6 val ngulli {j ciJng cantly
• It is nice to have some company

I Tham khao cac y tlfang tr6n va
d~ hoan thi~n cllu Ira I1/i cua ban.
mlnh Ira I1/i, sau d6 so sanh vOi cllu Ira I1/i mau

~ Tr9ng tam I try to avoid it, n possible. ·roog !Am N4u c6 th4,IOIluOntrinh ~
~ DiAn gial Even though having a roommate chla sech6 b. CJ M(lc du c6 ti.,,
makes the rent cheaper, it is really inconvenient b ciJngsA lam gi!m chi phi lhu6 phong,
for me. Furthermore, I often invite friends nhungIOIlh4y lhVC•V b4t ~n. Hon noa.
to my place, which would probably bother IOIlhUllngmlli bfn b6 Mn nha,di<lunayc6
anyone who lived with me. th4lamphi<\nd4n bit ciJal s6ngciJngIOI.

wvung ndi b, ch6d

accommodallonj•kj:mildeiJ•nJ rentlrentlthu& bother[ba:Oorl


A Unit14Track
B 3

II Do you think sharing is important? V,

Bc;1nc6 nghT vi~c chia sela quan trc;,ngkhong? '°

tn)c Ira~
vto.tbng TrQngtam

Di ngial
vi$c chia se r4t quan tr9ng trong
cul)c s6ng cua chung ta

• cho th4y b~n quan tam d4n nguOI

• xay dVng va cung c6 cac m6I quan
sharing Is very crucial in our

• shows that you care about

other people
, build up and strengthen
hf relationships
y to.tong tOikhOngd6ng y vol y ki4n nay I disagree with the idea
2 • chiasebaihAtvaphimb4tt,w phAp • sharesongsandmovies111ega1y
• m9i ngual cAn tra phf cho nhilng gl • people need to pay for what
hQnh$n dUQC they get

Ycautra~ Tham khao cac y tlfang tr&n va 1\1mlnh Ira I1/i, sau d6 so sanh vdi cau Ira I1/i mau
d~ hoan thi~n cAu Ira I1/icua ban.

Tr9ng tam Sharing is very crucial In our Trong1amVite chla a6 rft quan trong trong
CAu Ira
lives. Dl~n giai That's because It shows that cuQcs6ngcua chllng ta. D,Ang,6IBbl vi vltc
d6 cho lh'y bfll quan 1Amd4n nhOngngU11i
you care about other people. By expressing
kh•c. Blng ckh th4 h~n •tJ quan ttm dtfn
that you care for others, you can build up nguol kh6c,bfll c6 th4 xiy dl/l1gva cung c6
and strengthen your relationships with them. cac m6i quan ht vc!IhQ.

TUvung crucl1l(krli:Jal)quan trong.!hilt yfu 11rength1njstriQ8•nJ

d4y m,nh, cling c6

PART1 Life Experiences 237

0 Part 2, cau h6i thuong gap la k� v� mOt Mn mac ltii. Trang truong hQp nay,
6 Part 3. giam khao thuong hay dat cau h6i v� nhOng bai hoc ma tre em rut
Loi lam
ra tu nhOng /Jn mac /6i hay each nguai Ian n�n phan ting vm /6i 1�m cua tre
em nhu tM nao.


II Describe a mistake you made. Hay n6i ve m◊t lll.n b;m mll.c lei.

You should say:

when you made the mistake ban mll.c ll'ii khi nao

what mistake it was d6 la ll'ii gi

how you felt ban cam th�y th� nao

and explain what you learned from it. va giai thfch nhOng gi ban hc;,c dl/<;lc thong qua d6.

t Ytvong C!J Bl;ln m4c 16i khl nao a

• d�I hQC , in college
va� , nl!.rrl nh�t • freshman
• thi glaa ky • the middle of midterm week

® El6 la 161 gl • quyl!t djnh di chdl v{JI b�n • decided to go out with my
cua mlnh friends
, khOng thuc d�y cha dl!n 1$n • didn't roll out of bed until after
khl bai thi di! bAt d4u the exam had started
, bo 1a bai thl vii nh�n di�m F • missed the exam and got an F

® Bl;ln cam lh�y thl! • r�t h1c gi�n v{Ji ban than • was really angry with myself
nao • cam giac 101 161 • felt guilty

© Bal hQc bl;ln nit ra Iii , LIU tian vi�c hQC hem cac hoat • 10 prioritize my studies above
d6 la gl d¢ng xii h¢i my social life
• ngu luc 12 gill dam , was asleep by midnight

Tham khao cac y IL/Ong tren vii W minh Ira lili, sau do so sanh v�i cau tra lili mau
de hoan thien cau Ira lili cua ban.
t, colege
• frWIY'<ln
• rnc/lom,we,I.

• went<>JI
wri!, friends
..'..~ Ina.exom,.gol
onF.................................................................................................... ..
• ~wrihmyself
. .'..~............................................................................................................................. .
• pnortftzed
•....ieepby rndr,ght
............................................................................................................... .

A Unit14Track

llfimAu <DI'd llke to talk about the most a: TOI se n6i v6 m¢t 161I4m dang nM ma

memorable mistake I made in college. mlnh di! m4c phal khi hQCd~i hQC.Vao
thoi didm d6, tOi la sinh vi&n nl!m nhAt
I was a freshman at that time and it
va dang (l gi(la tuAn cua ky thl gi(la ky. 5:
was the middle of midterm week. CD
a> I decided to go out with my friends one TOI quylh dinh di Chai v()l b~n vao m¢t -=
bu6i t6i trong tu4n. Khi §y, tOi dA khOng iii'
night during the week. At the time, I :::,

didn't realize what a huge mistake bi,1 rAng dAy se la m¢t sal 14m l<ln.
Chung tOI dA c6 khoang 1h01glan vui
this would be. We had a great time
vil va cung nhay nh6t d,n t$n 3 glo ""

clubbing and dancing until 3 A.M., ::,·
sang, m~c du chung tOi c6 bai kidm tra tc
even though we had an exam the :::r
vao sang hOm sau. Th$t khOng may, ~
next morning. Unfortunately, I didn't 3
bill thi da bAt dAu r6I ma tOi vAn chi/a V,
roll out of bed until after the exam had ra khoi gil/Ong, n&n tOI da bo Ill bai thi
started, so I missed it and got an F in va nh$n di6m F cho mOn hQc d6.
the class.

m I was really angry with myself. I was -., TOI thl/C SI/ gI$n chfnh mlnh. Elang ra,

supposed to be taking care of myself tOi phai ti/ chAm s6c ban than nhl/ m¢t

as an adult, but I couldn't even make ngl/Oi trl/(lng thanh, nhl/ng th$m chf IOI
con khOng thd d,n l<lp lam bai thi. TOI
it to class for an exam. I also felt guilty
cung cam th!y 101161khi lang phf s6
that I'd wasted the money my parents
ti6n ma b6 m~ da trll cho mOn h9c d6.
had paid for that class.

l!il After this incident, I learned several tJ Sau SI/ c6 nay, IOI di! hQCdl/(1Cnh16u
things. I learned to prioritize my studies di6u. TOI l/u ti&n vlec h9c h<1ncac ho~t
d¢ng xii h◊i. Mt k6 c6 vlec gl xay ra,
above my social life. No matter what
tOi cung khOng bao giO di qua d&m vao
was going on, I never stayed out past
cac ngay trong tu4n nila. Th&m n(la,
midnight on weekdays. Also, if I had
n,u IOIc6 bill thi vao ngay hOm sau, IOI
an exam the next day, I was asleep
se di ngu vao khoang 12 gio d&m. E>i6u
by midnight. This had a really positive
nay di! lhl/C SI/ tac d¢ng tfch CI/Cd,n
impact on my academic performance thanh trch h9c ttp cua 101va 101da c6
and I was able to graduate with th6 t6t nghi$p voi k,t qua t6t.
respectable grades.

Tuvl,lng freshman{frffman] sinh viAn na.mnhit midterm week tuAn ghla kY roll out of bed rbi
gll/bng gulltylgilti] cam giac tOI161 lncldent{insodont] vi$c, SI/ kien prlorltize{praihot~lz{
l/U Mn mldnlghl{mldnoit] 12 gib d6m, nua d6m academlc[kadem,k] (thuOCv6) hQC14P
respectable{rispektobl] tuytt vbi, dang kfnh tr9ng

PART2&3 life Experiences 243

PART 3 n. Unit 14 Track 13

What can children learn from making mistakes?

Tre em c6 th� hc;>c dl1<;1c di�u gi tu nh ng Ian mac loi?

TrQng �m ID hQC each khOng m!c 191 161 learn not to repeat them
vacau , lam v<l blnh hoa • break a vase
true Ira I/JI
� , c6 th� bl phqt • will likely be punished
, tranh nhilng hanh <l◊ng tllang 1\1 , avoid such behavior in the future
trong tllang lai

bi6t <lll<;IC r�ng khOng ai hoan hao learn that no one is perfect

, lam cho Ire tMu hi�u han , make children more understanding
, baa dung cho 161 IAm cua ngll/JI khac , tolerate the mistakes of others
, !hay vl ch6 ell/Ji hQ , rather than make fun of them

'i' cautra 1a1 Tham khao cac y tll<'lng tren va ti,/ mlnh tra IOi, sau d6 so sanh v(ji cau tra loi mau
d� hoan thi�n cau tra loi cua b<).n.

Tn;mg tam (I) By making mistakes, Tr9ng tam <ll ThOng qua vi�c mAc 161.
children learn not to repeat them. ire em se hQc <lll<;IC each khOng mAc 191
Dien giai For instance, let's say a nhilng 161 IAm d6. Dien g,iu Vi dV, hay

child is kicking a soccer ball around the n6i vil mQt dua tre <la b6ng quanh nha
va lam v<l blnh hoa. Elua tre se cam thi!y
house and breaks a vase. The child will
1¢1161 va c6 th6 bl phql. Vl di�u nay, C$U
likely feel bad and maybe be punished.
be se bi�t lam th6 nao d6 tranh mAc
Because of this, he will know to avoid
191 161 nay trong tll<lng lal. Tr9ng tam
such behavior in the future. Trc;>ng tam <%l Th6m vao d6, vi�c mAc 161 c6 th6 lam
In addition, making mistakes can teach Ire con hi�u ring khOng al la hoan hao
children that no one is perfect and that va m9i ngll/Ji dilu c6 th6 ph9m 161. Dien
everyone makes them. Dien giai This gial Elieu nay se lam chung thi!u hi�u
will make them more understanding of ngll/Ji khac hon. VI dV, chung se bao
other people. For example, they will dung nhOng 161 !Am cua ngll/Ji khac thay

tolerate the mistakes of others rather vi ch6 ell/JI hQ.

than make fun of them.

bad{ba,d) cim giac t¢i I6i, h6i h�n punlsh[pi\nlfl ph,t. mAng avoid[a�id] - �Anh
underslandlng[Andar.;til,ndiQ) thiu hi�u tolerale[t6:lareit) baa dung, dung thil
PART3 A Unit14Track

II How should adults react to children's mistakes?

Nglleli Ion n(m phan ung the nao voi 16i lam cua tre em?

w vm,g lim hi&uva'.nd6vah~ng dAntre each Identitythe problemand guide the child to
vadu glal quy~t a solution
trueIra l1j Oolngial kjn c6 nhi6u kinh nghi♦m
• ngt/111 • adults have more life experience
Trong !Am :z, t$n dyng i6i lam nhu mOt cd hOId& embracemistakesas teachablemoments
dfy tte

Di6n g • thay vl la m4nghay lam Ire xa'.uhd • Insteadof scoldingor shamingthe child
• dam bao tnl hQCdlf</Cbal hQChay • make sure the child learns a good lesson

!, CAu Ira IOI

Tham khao cac y tllang tr~n va tl,/ mlnh tra llli, sau d6 so sanh vai cau tra llli mau

d~ hoan thi~n cAu Ira llli cua bs1n.

CAutra Trqng IAm (I) Ngtilli Ian c6 th& phlln

Trc;,ng tAm (1) Adults can react to a
child's mistake in a lot of different ways, ung vC,i161lam cua tre em theo nhi6u
but I'd say that they should identify each khac nhau, nhtlng tOI nghT hQ

the problem and guide the child to a nAn lim hi&u v4n d6 va htidng dAn Ire
each xii ly. DIAn gulo Vl ngtllli ldn c6
solution. DiAn giai Since adults have
nhi6u kinh nghl ♦m s6ng, hQ nAn c6
more life experience, they should be
kha nAng lam dl6u d6. Trqng IAm CZ>
able to do this. Trc;,ng tAm CZ>Plus, they
Th6m nila, hQ n&n t$n dyng nhOng161
should embrace mistakes as teachable
lam nay nht/ mOtCd h0i dfy tre. OiAn
moments. DiAn giai Instead of scolding goalThay vl la m4ng hay lam tre xa'.u
or shaming the child, adults should use hd, ngt/01Ian nAn sil dyng Cd hOInay
the opportunity to make sure the child d& chac chan rAng Ire hQCdt/c;JcmOt
learns a good lesson on what to do or bill h9c hay v6 cal gl nAn va khOng
not do in the future. n&n lam trong ttldng lal.

embracel1mbn!isl {4ndyng(cd hQI) teachableld:tf•bl)co th, dfy momenllm6umont)

cd hQl.lrtJ~ng
hQI>.khl scoldlskould)la m6ng shameUelml-lam xiu h6, b& m,1
leaaonllesnlgllliohu4n,dfy d6, b•I hQC

·sau khi tra ll!i thil, hay so sanh voi bang 1i6u chi danh gla trang 348.

PART 2&3 Life Experiences 245

PART 1 Tiep can cau h6i thuong gap
A Unitl5 Track J
Who was your favorite teacher when you were a student?
Giao vien b1;1.n yeu thfch thoi di hQc la ai?
viAn Ytvang Y tllong Tr9ng h!\m giao vian my thu$I the art teacher
tructra l<i Dl�n giai • tre vii lla nhin • young and good-looking
• hi�m khi ki�m tra • rarely gave us quizzes

v tllllng Tr9ng tAm giao vian chu nhl�m rap 3 cua tOi my homeroom teacher in high school

2 D1An gial • kh6ng bao gill ngu g�t tran lap • never dozed off in her class
• ndi ti�ng vdi cac hQC sinh nam • was popular with male students

Tham khao cac y It/Ong tri!n va 11,1 mlnh Ira lb'i, sau d6 so sanh voi cau Ira lb'i mau
di! hoan lhi�n cau Ira lb'i cua ban.

Cau tra lili

m!iu Tr9ng tam When I was a freshman in high Trqng tAm Khl 161 hQC tap 10, fhAy gi�o my
school, the art teacher was my favorite. DIEn thuJI la giao viAn yAu thfch cua 101. 0I6n glal
glal He was very young and good-looking ThAy 4y r4t tri, lla nhin vii cung r4t am hl,u
as well as knowledgeable. Although he nos. M$c du thAy d�y chung tOi r4t nhi6u v6
taught us a lot about the history of art, he ljch s� my thutt nhung th4y hl4m khl kl,m tra
rarely gave us quiues or assignments, so hay giao bili l$p, vl th4 mqi ngllbi d6u r4t lhfch
everyone loved his class. tilt hQC Clla tMy.

Ti/ vVng knowledgeable(na:lld3obl) hi,u bi4t, am hi,u

A Unit 15 Track 2

Do you still keep in touch with your favorite teacher?
81;1.n con giC/ lien 11;1.c vdi giao vien b1;1.n yeu thfch khong?
vlan y tuO'ng TrQng 1am IMt khOng may, IOI khOng th6 unfortunately, I can't

Dien glal • khOng c6 th6ng m 1ioo i;;lc: cua !My • don't have his contact information
• chuy6n tai In.rang khac • moved to another school

Y tuong Tr9ng hl.m vao ky nghl on occasion

2 Df6n gllli • xem anh thay tran Facebook • see his pictures on Facebook
• gi(l l�n �c vai !hay qua tin nhan • keep in touch by text messaging

Tham khao cac y It/Ong tri!n va IV mlnh tra lb'i, sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra lb'i mau
d.1 hoan thi�n cau Ira lb'i cua b;;m.

Trong tam Unfortunately, I can't because I Trqng 1am Th;t khOng may, IOI khOng
don't have his contact information. Dien gia, th' vi khOng c6 thOng tin 116n I,c cilo
When I was a junior in high school, he moved th4y. 0I6n ghll Khl tOI hQC llfp 11, th4y d!
to another school without telling anyone. chuy,n tlfi lntbng kh!c ma khOng n61 viii
Many of my classmates were sad about it, al. Nhl6u bfn hQC ells IOI r41 bu6n vl dl6u
and they still talk about him sometimes when d6, va khl gtp nhau, chung !Oi vAn lhlnh
we meet up. thoilng nh4c Mn thAy.

TiJ vvng contact Information thOng tin lltm 1,c classmate(klZsmeit] btn hqc meet up gtp nhau
r. Unit15Track

Do you like teaching?
B1;1nc6 thich cOng vi~c giang d1;1ykhOng?

v16n ., Yttblg y ti.long tOithlch ~ glang doy I enjoy teaching
va~u 1
truetn\ 1/j • glup m9i ngl/lli phat tri,n ky nang , help peopledeveloptheir skffls
, lam gia sl/ vao miJahe nAm ngool • worked as a private tutor last

Y IL/Ong Tr9ng Ulm tOikhOngthlch vi♦c giang doy I do not enjoy teaching
2 Oi6n g,AI • tMy lo !Angkhl n61tnJOC
dam dOng • getaild feetwhenI speakn pt.Di:
• c:4nchu.fu bl qu6 nhi~u • involves too much preparation
• kh6 d6i ph6 vdi he;><:
sinh • hard to deal with students

7 cautn\~1
Tham khao cac y tllOng tn~n va IV mlnh tra ICJi,sau 06 so sanh veli cau Ira ICJim~u
0~ hoan lhi~n cau Ira IC!icua b;m.
Tr9ng tl!m Yes, I enjoy teaching because I Trong tamCo, tOIr4t lhlch vi♦c gling ~Y vi ::t.
like to help people develop their skills. Oi6n tOIthfchgiup dO mQIngl/bi ph6t trldn cAc ky :a
glAI For example, I worked as a private tutor nlng CUB hQ.016ng!AIVI dy, tOll&mgia SU
last summer. Even though it was challenging
at first, I enjoyed doing It because I could
v&omuah&nlm ngoal.M,c du bandAukM
kh6 khln, nhung tOIr4t lhfch cOngY1♦c nay
vi IOI c6 th' th4y hQCsinh cua mlnh ng&y

see that my student was making progress. 00

c&ngtiln bQ.

TUvyng private tutor gla su challenglng{tf,ehnd31~J

kh6,lhach thac

r. Unitl5Track

What did you like about your school when you were young?
B1;1nthfch dieu gl ve truong minh thoi di hQc?

hc;x: Y tuong Tr9ng Ulm s4n tnJllng rQng the big schoolyard
Yttblg •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
i)~va~u 1 o,6ng,al • du rQngcho mQts4n b6ng da , was large enough to fit a soccerfield
true tn\ ~
• ch$y ra sAnvao gill an tnJad' • ran out to the yard at lunchtime to
play ball
chai b6ng

YtllOng Tr9ng Ulm ky tuc xa the dormitory

0I6ngl/,f , chung phong vdi 3 nglllli b$n • shared a room with three friends
• g4n d,n muc c6 th& di b◊ • was within walking distance to class
d,n ldp

coab\ln I Tham khao cac y tllOng tn'!n va 11,1
o~ hoan thi~n cau tra ICJicua b;,m.
minh tra ICJi,sau d6 so sanh veli cau Ira ICJimau

TrQnQ tam My primary school had a big Trong tam TnJOng ti&u hocCUa IOIoO mQI
schoolyard and It was one of the best things cAJ san rOOgvl cl6 la m¢1trong nhilng
about the place. DiAn gi81The yard was large di6u tuytt nh41a ndi n&y.0I6n gla1Sin
enough to frt a soccer field as well as a basketball du r¢ngcho m¢tsan b6ngoa vl m◊I s4n
court. Thefwfore,my friends and I always ran out being «l. VI •·Y·~n IOIva IOIthullngchfy
to the yard at lunchtime to play ball. ra s4n vlo gli! nghltnJao&chdl b6ng.

primary school trullng u,u hoc achoolyardjsku:lja:rdJsin In/Ong

PART 1 Education & Learning 249

A Unit15Track

What subject was the most difficult for you?
Mon h9c nao kh6 nhlit d6i voi b~n?

hQC ~ y tva,g Y titling h6a hQC chemistry

true tralcj
1 • phai ghi nhO tAt cacac ky • had to memorize all the elements'
hitu nguyen 16h6a hQC symbols
, phai d6i mJt vOi cac cOng • had to deal with complex formulas
tMc phuc t,p

Y titling ti4ng Anh English

2 • th'y ngil phap ti4ng Anh • found English grammar especially
nit kh6 difficult
• ~p trung vao hQCquy tAc • focused on learning grammar rules
ngil phap

Tham khao cac y titling Iran vii 1\1mlnh tra loi, sau d6 so sanh vdi cau Ira lbi mau
d~ hoan lhi~n cau Ira loi cua b,m.

mau Trong tAm The most difficult subject Trong 1amMOnhl)Ckh6 nh4t vOttOIIll mOn
for me was chemistry. DIAn gial That h6a.Ol~ngidi Ly do IA161phal hl)Cthu~ long
Is because I had to memorize all the ~t ca ky hlOunguy&n16h6a hl)C. 016ud6 th$!
elements' symbols by heart. It was so SIJ kh6 khAnvOi101.
Ngolli ra. 161phal d61mtt
painfully hard for me. In addition, I had vm cac cOngthuc phllc 1,p va tOith4y chung
to deal with complex formulas, and they r4t kh6 hi,u.
were very confusing to me.

Wvvng memorlzelmemaraiz)ghl nhd by hean thu~ IOng formula[6:rmjula) cOngthllc

confuslng[kanfju:zi~)nh4m IAn

A Unit15Track

What was your favorite subject?
Mon h9c y~u thich cua b~n la gi?

hQC 0vtva,g Ytitling Trong tAm Am nh,c music

varau ··························································
............................................... .
true Iralcj 1 DiAngiili • thfch ca hat va chai nh,c cv • enjoyed singing and playing an
• giai lao sau nhilng gill hoc vOi instrument
sach giao khoa va ghi chep • the break from textbooks and
note taking
Ytitling Trc;,ngtam my thu~t art
················-································· ···························
........................... .
D16ngiilf , tOlthfch sv sang t~o • I like being creative
• giao vi&n my thu$I thulfng • my art teacher complimented my
xuy~n khen ky nAngve cua IOi skills frequently

~CAutra~, Tham khao cac y tubng tran v/1 1\1mlnh tra lbi, sau cl6 so sanh v~i cau tra llfi mAu
d6 hoan thi~n cau Ira lbi cua ban.

Tr9ng tam I liked music above all the TrongtAmTOIthfcham nhechon 141canhOng
others. Di6n glal Even though I wasn't mOnhl)Ckhk 016nglAI Mtc du khOngqua
very talented, I enjoyed singing and playing xu4t chung. nhllng IOI r4t thfch Mt vii Chol
an inslrument. Besides, the break from nh,c cy. Ban °'nh d6, 11,1h,;,cglil lao sau
textbooks and note taking gave me lime to nhilng gill hl)Cval dch giAokhoavii ghl ch6p
rest my brain. nay di cho IOI1h01 glan thU glAn.

TU Vl/ng tslentodltal!lantid)c6 nAngkhf,u

A Unit15Track

What kind of toys do children play with these days?
Tre em ngay nay thL1<1ng
chdi cac m6n do chdi gl?

" y tucrlg o 10d6choi toy cars

true tra kj • cMu tral cua IOIc6 mOt ~ sl/U • my nephew has a big collection
~P l"'1 O 10d6 chal of them
• luOnmang theo 1 chlk ben mlnh • always carries one with him

Ytib,g di♦n thQfl thOngminh smartphones

2 • chai game trAn dl♦n th()fi • play games on smartphones
• nuOlthu ao • keep electronic pets

rCAutn\~1 Tham khao cac y ti.fling trlm va ti/ mlnh tra IOi, sau <16so sanh voi cau tra IOi mAu
<1&hoan thi$n cau tra IOi cua b,m.

~ Trong tam I think toy cars are popular with Lil' TOInghTrlng O 10la m6n d6 Choi
~ kids these days. DiAn g,ai I have a nephew quenthuOcvdl tri em ngiy nay.0 TOI
who is four years old, and he loves toy c6 mOtcMu Ira! b6n tudi va c,tu b6 nh lhlch 0
cars. He has a big collection of them in his 10d6 chal.C$u bi co mOtbOsuu 1$p~n trong
room, and he always carries one with him ph6ngva lu6n mangtheo mOIchMlcb6n mlnh
wherever he goes. ITIQI
Ille mQInol.

Tuvi,mg nephew(nefju:Jchiu tral

A Unit15Track

What kinds of activities are good for children?
NhOng lo~i ho~t d¢ng nao thl 161cho tre?

tructra Iii
y II/ling
Trong 1Am

Dilin W

ra ngoal va chol th6 thao

• danh thl!i gian choi trOchai

• ngay cang tr<' nAn beo phi

vti.fling Tr !Am chai c4c 10\linhvc cv

go out and play sports

• spend time playing games

• are becomingincreasilglyoverweight

playing musical instruments


2 Di6n giil • kich thlch nao bOcua tre • stimulate their brains en
• lam ting kha nlng sang ~o • lead to increased creativity :c-
rcautra~ Tham khao cac y ti.fling trAn va ti/ mlnh tra IOi, sau <16so sanh voi cAu tra IOi mAu
1 d& hoan thi$n <:au tra IOi cua ban.

Tn,mg tam I think ii Is good for children to go Trang IAm TOI nghTring nAn cho In\ em ra
out and play sports. Di4n giai These days, ngoal va choi lh4 thao. Olin gl!, Ngiy nay,
chirldren spend too much time playing tr6 em danhqu6 nhl6u thai glan cho vitc chai
games or watching TV. Consequently, dltn W hotc xem tlvl. VI th4, l>QnIra dang
they are becoming Increasingly overweight.
ngay cang tr~ nAn b6o phi. Do cl<I,lham gla
Th•,.fore, doing physical activities such
cac hOfl dOngth4 ch,t nho/b6ngcUihay b6ng
as football or baseball would be good for
chay SI tdl cho sac khclecua Ira.
children's health.

Tuvi,mg con114tquently(lcj:MOkwentli)
kit qua overwelght(ouvorwflt) bio phi, thua can
phyalcal activity hOfl d0ng lh4 chfl

PART 1 Education & Learning 251

CJPart2.cauh6i thuong duo-cra li~n quanMn viechoctap.Trangtruong ho-p
HQC t~p nay.6 Part3, giam khao s~ hay dat cau h6i v~ ky nJng ma tre em n~n hQc
di!m khiic biet g;oaky nangma con trai vacongai hQc.


D Describe

You should say:

a skill that you learned recently. Hay n6i vl, m¢t ky nang ban hQCdll\1Cgan day.

what you learned b<1nda hi;>cdl/c;lc gl

why you learned it t<1isao ban hi;>cn6
how long you studied/practiced it b<1nhi;>c/luy~nt~p trong bao 1au
and explain how useful it was to you. vii giai thfch ky nang d6 hOUdvng vai b,:m nhll thl! nao.

(I) Ban dA hQCgl • di xe dap • cycling

trueIra~ • luOn x4u hO vi khOng bi~t di
~ Tai sao ban hQCn6 • was alwaysembarrassedabout
i'""" I
xe dap not knowinghowto ridea b<l<e
• cam th4y bl ~ch bitt m¢t chlit • felt a bit left out
(l) Ban hQClluytn ~p • khoang 5 !hang tntac • about five months ago
trong bao 14u • luytn t~p vao m6i cu6i tuAn • practiced every weekend for
trong khoang 2 thang about two months

© N6 hOU dvng vai • ti~t kitm thlli gianCho ~ di hQC • savedme time on my commute
b\lll nht/ th~ nao • t~n ht/Ongkhung canh d~p • enjoy the beautiful scenery
• th4y ngt/ai can d6i va khoe • feel myself becoming more fit
m~nh han and healthier

cua b\ln
I Tham khao cac y tllang trl!n va 1\1mlnh tra 11fi,sau d6 so sanh vc'.Jicau tra 11fim~u
d~ hoan thii)n cau Ira loi cua b<1n.

~ Ghichu
• ...-han-....d
• f,Jl leftout

• 5 months
• .P'ocliced
fo.-.2 months
...................................................................... .
•••ftl, heolt!ty·······•·············································································································

A Unit15Track

~ (]) The skill I recently picked up is cycling. l KY nAng tOI hQCg,1nday la di xe <!(II).
<%>I decided to learn it because I was a:>T Oiquy,t <linh hQCky nang nay vi luOn
always embarrassed about not knowing cam th«y x«u h6 v6 vi•c khOng bl~t di CL
xe <lfp. BAn .,.nh <!6, t«t ca cac b'" n
how to ride a bike. Also, since all my !!i
cua tOI<!6u blft di xe <ltp nAn tOIcam o·
friends could do it, I felt a bit left out, too. =
th«y bi tach bl.I mOt chul. Khl tOi n6i C¥>
When I told them this, they encouraged vOi hQ v6 chuyfn nay, cac ban tOi <la ~
me to learn. They all said it was great fun img hO tOi ttp <l(II)xe. r«t ca <!6u n61 =
and a good source of exercise. d6 la mOt vl•c r«t vui vii la khai <l4u
t6t cho vl•c ttp th& dvc.

~ I first got on a bike about five months TOi <!(II)xe 14n<l4u Mn vao khoang 5

ago, and I practiced every weekend for thang tru&: vii luy•n ttp vao m61cu61
tu4n trong khoang hai thang. Trong
about two months. During that time, my
tMi gian <!6, ban tOi da day each giO
friends taught me how to balance myself thAng bAng tr6n xe <l(II), c:4ch <li6u
on the bike, how to steer, and how to khi6n xe va lam tM nao <!6tranh xay
avoid accidents. ra tal n~m.

© Cycling has affected my life in so many , Vi•c <lfp xe c6 tac <!Ongt6t <lfn cu¢<:

good ways. Most obviously, it's saved s6ng cua IOI tr6n nhi6u ph</Ongditn.
fll6u ro rang nh«t la n6 glup tOI giam
me time on my commute. I can now get
thl!i gian <ll lal. Bay gill IOIc6 th6 "'n
to school in five minutes by bike, which tr<tllng trong vOng nAm phut. nhanh
is faster than walking for 15 minutes. Mn 1s phut di bO. Hon noa. tOi c6
Furthermore, I can go for rides through th6 "'P xe qua nhilng ml6n qu6 vii

the countryside and enjoy the beautiful ttn h<tc}ngkhung canh d~p nc,i day.
Nh<tng <!i6u t6t nh«t tOi c6 th6 tl,I cam
scenery. But the best part is that I can
nhtn ""~ la co th6 tr(} nAn can d61
feel myself becoming more fit and vii khoe manh hon. TOI r«t vui vi mlnh
healthier. I'm really glad I applied myself <!Abo cOng s(lc ra hQCeach <lap xe.
and learned.

TUvl,lng pick up quen vol embarrassedllmbzr•stl xfu hd feel left out cam glAc bi tAch bl•t
sourcels,:rsl khlll ngu6n, cAn nguy6n steer(sti•rl di6u khl,n, IAI commute(k•miu:t) dullng
di h9<, di tlm flt(fitl cAn d61.khoe m,nh apply oneself b6 c6ng sue ra

PART2&3 Education & Learning 253

PART3 {) Unit15Track10

B What skills are good for children to learn?

Tre em nen hc;>cnhOng

ky n~ng gi?

Y~g ng"<li ngO foreignlanguages

• khl con nho dA Mp thu hcln • easier to pickup at an earlyage
• hoc ngo~I ngOm¢t each I\/ nhiGn • learn foreign languages naturally
• khOngcAn nhiAu n6 l\fc • without much effort
ky nAng Am nh~c musical skills

• !Ang kha nAngIll duy sang ~o cho tre • Increase creative thinking in children

cuab9'1 I Tham khao cac y ttJangtr~n va tt,t mlnh tra lbi, sau d6 so sanh vOicAutra lbi mau
di! hoan thi~n cAuIra lclicua ban.

~m§u Ma ciau There are several important Mo dAu C6 m¢t s6 ky nAng quan tr9ng
skills that young people should learn. mil nhOng ngulfi Ire nGn h9c. Tr9ng
Trc;>ngtam <D For one, young children tAm Q: Di~u dAu IIGn, Ire nho nGn
should be taught foreign languages. dl/Qc h9c ngo~i ngO. D,~n g1a1Vite
Dien giai This Is because languages nay Iii do ngOn ngO dA dllQc 114pthu
are easier to pick up at an early age. han khi Ire con nh6. Khi nhOng dl1a
When younger children are taught Ire duc;,cd~y ngo~i ngO, chung se h9c
foreign languages, they learn them m¢t each l\f nhiGn mil khOng cAn qua
naturally, without much effort. Trc;>ng gAng sac. Tr9ng tAm 1) Ngo/Ii ra, ky
tam ~ In addition, musical skills nAng Am nh~c cOng c6 lc;,Icho nhOng
are also beneficial for young people. nglflfi tre tu6i. o,An giai Ky nAng Am
Dien giai Musical skills can increase nh,c c6 th6 lam tAng kha nAng tu duy
creative thinking in children and that dng 1,0 oIre vii nhln chung, di&u d6
would be beneficial for them overall. sA c6 lc;,icho chung.

Wv\fng pick up ti4p thu ettortlefartl n6 l\fc, c6 gAng lncreasellnkrl:sl !Ang,gla tAng

3 A Unit15Track

Should male and female students learn different skills?
HQc sinh nam va hQc sinh na c6 nen hoc cac ky nang khac nhau kh6ng?

0 Ytuoog T1Q11g
tiim chung ta khOng nAn d$Y hQCsinh dl,fa we should not teach students based on
va~u trAn glOI lfnh ctla chung their gender
Dieng , hQCky nAng dl,la trAn scJthlch ca nhAn , learn skisbasedontheirpersonal
, n~u m¢t hQCslnh nam mu6n tr<Jthanh • if a male student wants to become a
lh,;Jtrang di6m makeup artist
, khOng nAn ep bu¢c hQCsinh 4y hQC , he should not be forced to study wood-
nghA m¢c working
, ~ m¢t hQcsinh n(I mu6n lrclthanh m¢t , if a female student wants to be a profes-
v~ d(,r,g~n quyAn anh chuyAn ngh~ sional boxer
• it doesn't make sense to require her to

, lh$t vO ly n~u yAu cAu hQCsinh d6
hQCn~u An study cooking

•---- ,...,
~ CautraIOI Tham khao cac y tliong tr!in va It/ minh tra I/ii, sau d6 so sanh v(li ci!.utra loi mau =-
di! hoan thien ci!.uIra loi cua ban. ~
TrQng tAm In my opinion, we should not' Tr9ng tAm Theo quan di~m cua tOi, s·
chung ta khOng nAn d$y hQC sinh dl,la
teach students based on their gender.
trAn giOi tinh ctla chung. Oien glai Ma
Di~n giai But instead, students should
thay vao d6, hQCsinh nAn dll,;Jc hQCcac
be able to learn skills based on their
ky nAng d\fa trAn SCIthlch ca nhAn va
personal interests and future goals.
dinh huOng tuang lai. vrdV, n~u m¢t hQC
For instance, if a male student wants sinh nam mu6n tr<Jthanh th,;Jtrang di6m
to become a makeup artist, he should thl khOng nAn ep bu¢c hQCsinh «y hQC
not be forced to study woodworking ngh6 m¢c hoJc ngh6 nOng. Ngll,;Jc lti,
or agriculture. Conversely, if a female n~u m¢t hQCslnh nil mu6n tr<Jthanh v$n
student wants to be a professional d¢ng vlAn quy6n anh chuyAn nghiOp, sii =
boxer, it doesn't make sense to require th$! vO ly n,u yAu cAu hQC sinh d6 hQC
her to study cooking. n~u An. en
Tuvl,fng genderld3endar] giOitinh agrlcullure[a,graWtJarl nOngnghiep ""
converaely[kanva:rsll] ngul)C1$1 make senseh,;Jply =

PART2&3 Education & Learning 255

a Part2. cau h6i thuong duo-cra la mi~u ta trai nghiemli~n quan Mn ngo<1i
Ngon ngu ngO'.Trongtruong ho-pnay.oPart3.giam khaosl! haydat cauh6i v~ t.1mquan
trong cuango<1inguva thai di~m thfchhr;,pd~ hocngo<1i ngu.


D Describe a time when you spoke a foreign language for the first time.
Hay mi~u ta !An c!AuMn b,m n6i mQt ngOn ngll nvcic ngoai.

You should say:

when this time was Jued6 la khi nao
who you spoke with b,m n6i vcii ai
what you talked about b"n da n6i v~ chuy~n gl
and explain how you felt. va giai thfch b"n da cam th;![y nhv th~ nao.

\! y tuong .lJ Luc d6 la khi nao • khi hQCc~p 3 • when I was in high school
vac;![u ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
tnictra ~ <1\ B9n n6i vC,iai • mQtnglloi dan Ongngo.ii qu6c , a foreign man
JI B9 n da n6i v~ • hoi di/Ongtai Iba thj chinh , asked for directions to City Hall
chuytn gi • ch! dAn chi tit!'t cho Ong ~y , gave him a detailed explanationof
dllong tai d6 how to get there
• bao Ong~y dt!'nph6 c6 Ha NQi • told him to visit Hanoi Old Quarter

• B9n da camth~y • lo l~ng , was nervous
nhll tht!' nao • cam th~y IV hao v6 ban than , felt really proud of mysett
• cam th~y c6 dQng IVc hQC , felt moremotivatedto study Engr,sh
ti~ng Anh han

······•···························•·· ··············································••···········································
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••o•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••



'f' CAutrali1i
cua b<1n
Tham khao cac y tul1ng tr~n vii h,t minh tra l<li, sau do so sanh vcii cau tra l<li mau
d~ hoan thi~n cau tra l<li cua b<;1n.

• o foreignman

• dredloN. ,. CllyHal
• 9""•himon txplonohon lo gol11,e,..
of how
• toldhimlo visitHtmOldOJ«ter

• prt,Ud
lo sludy_Engkh
• _fell_rnolNolod ............................................................................................

A Unit16Track

<D I first spoke a foreign languagewhen I was
in high school. Even though i1has been
LAn d4u tl&n 101n6I li4ng nUclcngoal
Ill khl 101h()C c4p 3. Du chi dl6n ra

trong mOt lho~ng, nhllng IOIvAn nhd
a while, I still remember that day clearly.
r4t ro nglly d6.

My friends and I were walking down the Khi b,n tOi vll 161dang di bO tr&n
street when a foreign man suddenly dUl!ng, mOt ngUl!I dan Ong ngo,1
qu6c dOt nhi&n d(lng 1,1 truclc mtt
stopped us. C,
chung t61. a;

He asked for directions to City Hall Ong 4y h61 dUl!ng tell IOa thl chfnh ~
in English. I gave him a detailed bAng llfng Anh. TOI d! chi dAn chi
1141dUl!ng di lcli d4y cho Ong 4y.
explanation of how to get there. Then,
Sau d6. Ong 4y n6i mlnh dang di
he told us that he was visiting Vietnam tham quan va h61 chung tOf xem
and asked if there was anything he c6 vlOc gl n&n lam khl dfn VIOi
should do. That was a difficult question Nam khOng. 06 lll mOt cau hol kh6
because I'd never thought about it vl truclc gill tOI chua t(/ng nghi tcli.
Tuy nhl&n, sau khl suy nghi mOt
before. However, after a bit of thinking,
Jue. tOI dli bao Ong 4y lcli ph6 cd
I told him to visit Hanoi Old Quarter
Ha NOi bdi vl c} d6 c6 r4t nhl6u
because there are lots of souvenirs and d6 IUu niOm va clla hang truy6n
traditional shops there. He thanked us th6ng. Ong 4y cam dn chung tOl
and then headed to his destination. r6i di d4n dja dl6m nhU dl,I dlnh.

Initially, I was nervous about answering Ban d4u, tOIr4t lo i!ng khi tra lbi cau
his questions since I wasn't good at h6I clla Ong 4y bbl vl tOI khOng gi6I
lifng Anh, TOItMy rAng d6 la camOt
English. I thought it would be a struggle to
si,t n6 li,tc d6 nghTra dung t(I d6 n6I.
think of the right words. But after I helped
Nhllng sau khl giup Ong 4y. IOI tMy
him, I felt really proud of myself. Plus, I thi,tc si,t 11,1
hao v6 ban thAn. ThAm
felt more motivated to study English. vao d6, tOi cung th4y c6 dOng li,tc06
h()Cti4ngAnh Mn.

nvi,tng aouvenlrlsu:vanlarld6 luu nlOm destlnatlonldestanei/anldidm d4n, dichd4n fnltlally(inijalil

ban d4u atrugglelstrl\il) vlOckhOkhan, n6 Ivc ldn motlvated(m6uto~tid( c6 dQngIVc.c6
y mu6n llm

PART 2&3 Communication 267

3 f\ Unit16Track

II Do you think it's important to learn foreign languages?

B?n c6 nghi vi~c h9c ngo?i ngu la quan tr9ng khong?

.tl/Ong Trong tam hQCngo,1 ngOrill quan trong learning foreign languagesIs Important
trueIrallj o,lngial • Mu h.Stdoanh nghitp d6u c6 chi nMnh • most business has an International
mt&: ngoai component
• mua ban hang h6a {I cac qu6c gia kh6c • buy and sell goods In different
nhau countries
• tuy~n nglllJisit dvng dl/~ nhlAuthu ~ng • hire multilingual people
• Umdl/~ cOngv* b,n mu6n • to get the job that you want
• hoc ngo,1 ngO c6 thd d6ng val tro • learning a foreign language coutd
quan trong be crucial

Tham khao cac y tU~ngtrfm va t1,1mlnh tra 1111,

sau d6 so sanh vcsicau tra ll!i mAu
d~ hoan th1$ncAu tra llli cua bsin.

CAu tra TrQngtam I definitely think that learning Trong tam TOI hoan toan nghTrAng vi+c
foreign languages is important in hQcng~ ngOnft quan tr9ng trong th6 gldl
today's world. DiAn giai This Is ngay nay. DIAn gial 06 Ill do h4u Mt c6c
doanh nghltp nglly nay d6u c6 chi nMnh
because most business today has an
nl/&: ngoai. cac cOng ty khOng chi mua
international component. Companies
ban hang h6a {I cac qu6c gla khac nhau,
not only buy and sell goods in different
ma ho con c6 cavAn phong a nhong nl/&:
countries, but they also have offices
d6. VI v•y. h4u h.Stcac cOng ty s6 l/U tiGn
in them. As a result, most companies tuydn nhong ngl/(11c6 kha nllng sit dvng
prefer to hire multilingual people who dl/~ nhlAu tM ti.Sng,nhong nglllli ma c6
can communicate accordingly. Ket thd giao ti.Spphu h~p vcli hoan canh. K.St
lu~ So, to get the job that you want, 1u~n VI th.S. dd tim dl/~ cOng v* b'"
learning a foreign language could be mu6n, vitc hQCngOfl ngOs6 d6ng mOtval
quite crucial. tro kha quan tr9ng.

TilV\lllg component{komp6unont) yfu t6, t,O phJn goods{gudzJ hang h6a

muttltlngual(m/Jtiliijgwal)sit dvng nhiAungOnngo accordlngly(alo:rdlijli) phu h~p

3 A Unit16Track

El When is the best time for children to learn foreign languages?

Thai di~m nao la tot nh~t cho tre hQC ngo~i ngQ?

0v· .......
1uu,1 9 Trong
,, ·•m
"' ta·nh6, kho'ng
• 6 tu61' in early childhood, at around six years old
vacau ........................................................................................................................ .
true tra l(j D,An glaf • thOi di~m ly tullng dd hQCmQt ngOn • the ideal time to learn another language
ngil khac
• in the same way they learn their native
• cimg mQt each hoc tl6ng m~ de
• khOng lo IAng v6 vi$c mAc 16i
• without worrying about making mistakes
• n6i gi6ng nhu ngUOiban x(I ma khOng • speak like a native speaker without
cAn c6 gAng nhi6u much effort

Tham khao cac y tllelngtren va ti/ mlnh tra liii, sau d6 so sanh vai cau tra lbi mAu
d~ hoan thi~n cau tra lbi ctia b~n.
~ Tn;mgtam I know that many people Trong tAm TOi bi6t nhl6u ngul!i sil c6 quan ~
~ have different opinions about di~m khac nhau v6 chuy$n nay, nhung IOI
this, but I'd say the ideal time to nghTthOi didm ly tullng dd mQt hQCngOn ngO

learn another language is in early khac la khi tre con nh6, khol!ng tAm 6 tu6i.

childhood, at around six years old. DIAn giai 06 la do tre c6 xu hUCnghQCngOn

Oien giai This Is because younger ngO th(I hai theo cimg mQt each chung hoc =

ti~ng m~ de. Cv th~ h<!n,chung luy$n t$p vii ~

children tend to learn second :,c
languages in the same way they trl!i ngh1$m ma khOng lo IAng v6 vi$c mAc 16i ;:;:;
ngil phap hay phat Am. Chung chi ddn gian !:i
learn their native languages. To en

be specific, they practice and stl dvng ngOn ngil ma khOng phal nghT ng(11

gl v6 n6. K6t lu&n V1 v&y, n6u tre hQCngo\li

experiment without worrying about z
making grammar or pronunciation ngil stlm, chung sil c6 kha nAng n6i ngOn =
mistakes. They simply use the ngil d6 nhu ti6ng m~ de ma khOng m,t qua

language without thinking about it. nhi6u cOng s(lc.

Ket lu~n Therefore, if they learn a

foreign language early, they will be
able to speak that language like a
native speaker without much effort.

n,vvng ldeallaidi:all ly tu~ng early childhood tMi thd ~u second language ngOnngil
Iha hal (ngOnngil hoc sau tifng m~ de) pronunclatlonlpranAnsi~i/nl each phat Am

PART2&3 Communication 269

1 Tiepcancauh6ithuonggap
A Unit17Track

Do you like science?
Bi;ln c6 thich khoa hQCkhong?

hQC Ytllelng Tn;mgtam thfch m¢t chut quite a bit
y llJ<tlg
vac.1u 1 D1Angial • d~c bi$1Ill cac ph4n liAn quan d~n • especially the parts related to
tructra l(jj
thiAn van hQC astronomy
• dQCvll xem ch\/dng trinh vi khOng • read and watch programs
gian about space

Y lllelng TrQngtam khOngquan tam l!m d~n khoa hQC don't care for science that much
2 Dien giai • ngu g$I trong IOpkhoa hQC • dozed off in science classes
• khOnghi~u d\/(/Ccac kMI ni$m areCNermyhead
• C8flailconcepts

Tham khao cac y tllcJng lrem va 11,1

mlnh tra leli, sau d6 so sanh vC!i cau Ira leli mau
d~ hoan thi~n cau Ira leli cua ban.

cau tra
~mAu TrQng tAm Quite a bit, especially the Trong IAm TOIc6 thlch mOtchut, dfc bitt Ill
parts related to astronomy. DiAn giai c6c ph4n IIAn quan d6n thlAn vAn hQC.o,An
For example, I love to read and watch giai VI dv, tOi thfch dQC va xem c4c ch1J<1ng
programs about space. Whenever I learn trlnh vi khOngglan. Mt ca khl nao bi6t dUQC
a new fact about the universe, I get really mOIdiiu gl mdl vi vO111/,IOi~i th{y r4t lhfch
excited. I'm so glad that more documentary thu. TOI cang vu! hcln vl g4n d4y c6 nhliu
series about space are being shown on TV chUdngtrlnh till litu vi kh6nggian dUQCch16u
these days. trlmtivi.

Tuvvng astronomy!istra:naml] thi6n vAn hQC unlverseUU:nowa:rs)vU trv

A Unit17Track

Do you think science is important?
B,;1nc6 nghi khoa hQc quan trQng khong?

hQC 0 Y h.Jong Y tllelng TrQngtam tOinghi n6 quan tr9ng I think ii is important

~c.1~ l(jj 1 c;i~-~~i

.. :~~~~-~~~~~-~~~~ ~~; ~~~-;~~ ....
....... :~~;~·~;~~~~~~·1;~~-;
• c6 th~ cho chung ta ngu6n nang • can give us clean energy sources
I\/\lng s~ch

Y lllling Trong tam tOi khOng nghi khoa hQcla qua I do not think science is essential
2 cAnthi~t
Dien g,al , trong qua kha con ng\/ai c6 lh~ • people in the past managedto live
s6ng mil khOngc4n n6 withouttt
• lam cu¢c s6ng phac t(!p hdn • has rather complicated our lives

Tham khao cac y tuong ln!!n va IV minh tra ICfi,sau d6 so sanh voi cau Ira ICJim~u
d~ hoan thi~n cau Ira ICficua ban.

lai mAu TrQng tam Yes, I think it is important Trong tAm C6, t6i nghT n6 quan tr9ng vi khoa hQC
because science improves our lives. cal thltn cu¢<s6ngcua chungta. Di~ngia, vr dv.
DiAn giai For example, we might be mOIngAynAod6 Chungta c6 th' chOakh6InhOng
able to cure diseases like cancer and t,tnh nhUung lhUva AIDS nhOvAocac bUOcti6n
AIDS one day because of a scientific
ldn trong khoa hQC.HeinnOa,khoa hQCc6 th'
breakthrough. Furthermore, science
cung c4p cho chUng ta ngudn nlng IU(Jng54ch
can give us clean energy sources that
do not harm the environment. khOnggay hfl d6n m6I tn/~ng.

TU vl,lng cure[kjuarl sUa chOa, chOa trj breakthrough(briik8ru:) btI& tiln ld:n,bll& phAt tri6n md:i
energy source ngu6n nang h.tc;,ng

A Unitmrack3

What do you usually use computers for?
B1;1nthuong dung may tfnh d~ lam gl?

j•- I
truetra ~

Dien glai
tlm ki~m lhOngtin trAn Internet

• chai game ho~c mua hang tn,tctuy~n

• hoan thanh cOngvi~c
do Internet searches

• play games or shop online

• get some work done

Y tllbng TrQngtAm lam bai t~p for assignment

2 DIAngiai • vi~t bao cao dai 30 trang • write a 30•page report

• tlm ki~m tal litu tn,tctuy~n • look for onllne resources

Tham khao cac y tllong trlln va tl,I minh Ira loi, sau d6 so sanh voi cAu tra lei mau
dii hoan thi~n cii.u Ira loi cua bi;m.

Trc;,ng tAm I mostly use computers to do
Internet searches. OIAn giai However, I
occasionally play games or shop online when I
TrQngtam Ph!n l~n IOIsll dung may tlnh
d& tlm ki~m thOngtin tr6n Internet.Ol~n
giAi Tuy nhi6n. thlnh thoAng t6i clJng chCli
■ .,,
gameho~cmuahangln/C tuy,n khl co tMI .;;·
have free time as well. Moreover, I sometimes ::::,
gian ranh. Han nOa,dOIkhl tOImang may
take my laptop to coffee shops and libraries to
tlnh xach tay ra titm ca phAva thtJviQnd& "'
get some work done.
IAm vi$c.
Til vvng search(sa:rtntlm ki~m occaslonally(akei3anali]thi thoang.dOikhi Q
A Unitl7Track

Do you think the importance of computers will increase in the future?
Bi;ln c6 nghi tam quan tr9ng cua may tfnh se tang len trong tUdng lai khong?

true tra ~
Y tllbng

Dien gial
cAu tra ll!i cua tOila c6

• con nguol dang ngay cang phu

thul)c vao Internet
• bdt ky thi~t bj nao c6 th~ k~t n6i
my answer is yes

• people increasingly rely on

the Internet
• any piece of equipment that
can access the Internet will

Internet d,u sil tro niln quan
be more important =

Y tllbng TrQngtam vAn phai quan sat thilm it remains to be seen


Dien glai • c6 m¢t vai m~I tiilu eve • there are some side effects l>

• phai h~n ch~ sll dung may trnh d~ • should limit our computer use """
khOngqua chlm dAm vao n6
so we don't become addicted =

rua~ I Tham khao cac
y tl/Ong tren va tl,I mlnh tra lei, sau d6 so sanh voi cii.u tra loi mau
thi~n cii.u tra loi cua bi;m.

~ Trc;,ng tAm If portable devices, such as TrQngtam N4u cac thl,1 bl di dQng,nhu
~ smartphones and tablets, can also be ditn thoti thOngmlnh vii may tinh bing.
considered computers, then my answer dll(/Ccol Iii may tfnh thl tau tr.I ll!i cua tOi
is yes. DiAn gi&i People increasingly rely Ii\ c6. Oll'.n g1AI Ngi\y nay, con ngllbl ngi\y
on the Internet to do things these days, cang phu thuQcvlio Internet d& I/Im mQt
and we will probably depend on It even cOngvi~c gl dO, vii th$m chi, chung ta c6
more in the future. Therefore, any piece th& s6 dVa vao n6 nhl6u hon trong tuong
of equipment that can access the Internet lai. Vi v&y,b«t ky thl4t bl nlio c6 th& k4t n61
will be more Important. Internet d6u s6 tra nAnquan trQnghon.

Til vvng portable(p5:rtabl] di dQng, djch chuy,n rely on - phu thuQc vao, can
depend on - dVa vao acce11(clekses)kit n6i, sUd1,mg

PART 1 Science & Technology 277

A Unitl7Track

What are the drawbacks of using computers?
Nht./<;lcdi~m cua vi$c su d1,mgmay tfnh la gi?

lfnh ~-......
Y ,uuug Y• h/ung
TrQngIAm lam chung ta qua phv lhu¢c vao makes us overly dependent on
va~u chung them
tructrallj 1
Oi~ng , may lfnh cua tOibi hong • my computer broke down
• th~y r~t bl,lc bOi • became really frustrated

Y ti/ling TrQngtAm nguol G~m do sll dvng chung my body aches from using them
2 Di~n giAl , thl I1,1c
kem han hAn • my vision has gotten far worse
• hlnh thanh tu th~ du • causes bad posture

Tham khao cac y ti/Ong tran va ti,/ minh tra leli, sau cl6 so sanh vdi cau tra leli mau
cl~ hoan thi~n cAu tra leli cua b 1m.

TrQng tam I think using computers makes Trong !Am TOI nghi rlng vi$<:su dung may
us overly dependent on them. DiAn gial UnhUlmchung ta bl phu thuQcqua nhl6u vao
Lasi month, my computer broke down chung. Ol!n glAI Thang lrUOC,may Unh CUB
while I was at home. Since all my files and tOIbl hong khl 101b nhA. V1141calfp tin va
programs were stored in that computer, chuonglrlnh dau dU</C h!U tnl trongchik may
I couldn't work or play any games and tlnh d6, nGn101khOngth' Ulmvltc hotc choi
became really frustrated. That incident b41ky tro chai nAo,161lh4y r4t bUC1>¢1vl di6u
made me realize that I depend on my d6. SUc6 nay khiln 11>1 nhtn ra mlnh dA phu
computer too much. lhuQcvao may lfnh qua nhi6u.

Tllvlfng overly(6uvarli) r41.qua dependenttdlp~ndanl] phu lhuQc break down h6ng

store(sb:r) luu 1,a incident)lnsidan1)su c6

A Unitmracks

What kind of jobs do you think need computer skills?
Ban nghi nhOng loai c6ng vi$c nao cAn den ky nling su d1,mgmay tfnh?
lfnh 0vtl/Ong Ytllctng TrQngtam cAn thi~t cho b~t cacOngvitc nao it is essential for any job
tructra llj o,An gial • sudi,rngmaytinhcho~ kilh doanh • use computers to do business
• bi6teachsll dvng maytinh m¢I each • know how to use computers
dungdAn prope~y

Yti/ling TrQngtAm I$p trinh vlGn may tinh computer programmers

2 D,Angial • tqo ra phAnm~m sll dvng may tinh • create softwareusing computers
, nen h~u tuong $1 v~ may tinh • should know computers inside
and out

'1cau tra icli

Tham khao cac y IL/Ong trl!n va 11,1
minh tril leli, sau cl6 so sanh vdi cau tra lei mAu
cua bl1Jl
cl6hoan thi$n cAu tra loi cua ban.

TrQng tam I have to say that having at least com¢I chut kl6n lhOc
Tning tarn Phal n6I rang,
some knowledge of computers is essential v6 maylfnh 1adi6u can c0ng Yl$C
lhl41cho 1>41
for any job in today's wortd. DiAn glai Most - trong ~ gldl ngAynay.Dllln giAIH~n 1$1,
companies nowadays use computers to do Mu Ml caccOngly d6u SUdi,lngmay lfnh cho
business. Therefore, it's vital that employees Yl$Ckm ooanh. Do d6, di6uquan ~ong IA nMn
know how to use them property. vlGnpMI sv~teach
111\fC sud\lngmaylinh.

TiJvUng at least ft nh41la, mQIchul properly(pra:parli]phu hQp.dung dAn.thuc su

A Unitmrack7

Do you use social networking sites?
B,;1nc6 sa d1,mgm,;1ngxa hi;,i khong?
vtuang Tron 1am tOic6 dang nh$p vao cac trang m~ng I log onto social networking sites

lructra ~
Dien ga
xa hOi
• xem bai dang va hlnh anh cua
, vl~t danh gla cho cac nha hang
, look at my friends' posts and
• writereviewsof the restaurants

V tuang Tl'Qng!Am tOi!My chungla m¢tS\flangph/W gian I feel that they are a waste of time

Oi8ng1' • Ian truy6n nhi6u tin d6n chua , spread lols of unverified
dUI/Cxac lhi,tc rumors
• tOi mu6n giO chuytn cho chinh • I'd rather keep my business to
mlnh han myself

Tham khao cac y tucing tr~n va 11,1

mlnh tra loi, sau t:16so sanh vcii cau tra I/Ii mAu
t:1~hoan thi(ln cau tra loi cua b~n
CAu tra
f/jjmAu Trong tam Yes, I log onto social Trong !Am C6, thlnh lhoing tOIvan dl!ng nh$p =
vao cllc trang m@ngxahQI.016ngiai Khl 161truy
networking sites from time to time. Dllln
giai When I visit these sites, I mostly cap cllc !rangweb nay,101chu y,u xem cac blli ....
d4ng vll hinh Anh cua b@nb6. MQtval nguol M
look at my friends' posts and photos.
Some of them like to write reviews of the trong s6 hQthlch v1,1danh gill v6 cac nha hang =

restaurants they go to, and these posts hQd,n va nhOngbal dAng nay r41hOufch d61 0
are very helpful to me. vOitOi.

Wvi,tng log onto - d.1.ngnh$p vAo from time to time thi thoAng,thlnh tho8ng
poat(poustlbai dAng(dAngtr6n Internet)

A unitmrack8

Do you think many people use social networking sites in your country?
c6 nghi c6 nhieu ngl.fbidung m,;1ngxa hi;,i a qu6c gia cua b~n khong?
V tucing T<QngtAm nhi6u ngul1i Vitt Nam sit dvng a lot of Vietnamese people use social

Dilln giai
m@ngxii hOi

• cac b~n tOi sit di,tng nhl6u han

m◊t trang m,ng
• ngay cab6tOiciing dang ky m◊t
tai khoan
networking sites

• my friends use more than one

such site
• even my father signed up for an
V tliClng Trong !Am tOikhOngnghi c6 nhi6u nguoi dung I don'l lhink many people do

Dien giAI • h4u h~t IA thanh thi~u nl6n va , mostly teenagers and people In
nhOngngu~i ClC◊ 1u6120 their 20s
• chi~m mOl 'YI~ dan s6 nho • constitule a small percentage of the

Tham khao cac y tliling tren va tl,I mlnh Ira Joi, sau cl6 so sanh vcii c/l.u tra lbi mau
t:1~hoan thi~n cAu tra loi cua b~n

Tr9ng t4m I'm pretty sure that a lot Trqngtlm TOirlt ch6c ch6nrlno ngAynayc6 rft
of Vietnamese people use social nhl6u nguOI Vi$t Nam st'.Jd1,1ngcac uang m,ng
networking sites these days. Dien giai In xl hQI.016n glal Thi,tct6, hAu h6t bfn b6 cua
fact, most of my friends use more than 101d6u siJ dvng nhl6u hOnmOttrang m,ng nhu
one such site. Even my father, who's vty. Ngayca b6IOI,ngU/lidA hdn nlm mud!tudi,
over fifty years old, signed up for an cOngdAOlng ky mQItal khoAngAndAy.Ongtruy
account recently. He visits the site to get ctp m,ng xAhOId' IIAnlac viii b,n b6 cua mlnh.
in touch with his friends.

mvvng sign up fo, - dAngky account(okauntf

!Ill khoin get In touch with - liAnl@cviii

PART 1 Science & Technology 279

ClPart2, cauh6i thuongduqcra la n6i v~trai nghiCmsu d1,mgmet ung di.mg
trongdiCntho~ith6ngminh.Trongtruong hQPnay,oPart3.giam khaos~hay
Ky thuijt
dat c3uh6i v~ sv khacnhaugiaa ungdungma nguaigia vanguai tre s(rdung,
hayungdungph6biennMt a nuacb~n.


II Describe a useful smartphone

You should say:

application. Hay n6i v~ m¢t ung dvng hOUfch tr6n <lien tho1;1i.

what this application is ang dvng d6 la gl

how often you use It tAn su1!:tb1;1nsll dvng n6
and explain how you felt about it. va giai thfch vi sao n6 hOu dvng.

0vtvong • (Ing dvng xem ban d6

(l) Ung dvng nay la gl • the map application
vac1!:u • th6 hien ban d6 ca ban • shows basic maps
• dUara chi dAn chi li~I • gives detailed directions
• U(lctlnh thbi gian d6 d~n n<li • provides an estimate for how
long It will take to get there

<l) TAn su1(tb,..ndung • gAn nhu hang ngay , nearly every day

Q) Vl sao n6 hOudvng • r1(ttien dvng • very handy

, giup di:JIOIr1(tnhi~u , has helped me out a lot
, hOUlch cho nhi1ng chuy~n di , useful on internationaltrips
• dung (Ing dvng d6 tlm dubng • use the app to find my way
, tlm dUbng b1(1k6 tOi c6 hi6u , find my way regardlessof
ti~ng ban dja hay khOng whether I understandthe
local languageor not

cua b1;1n

~ cautra~
I Tham khao cac y tll6'ng cau tra 10;mdu
tr~n va tt/ minh tra lili, sau d6 so sanh vc'.1i
d~ hoan thi~n cau tra lcJicua b1;1n.

@ Ghichu
m.iu • m,p ,wlcollon
• .i-.ow
• dotakddirecfmo,provide
on eslrnote

• wery day
• hcnly
• h,\>ed
me out
• on ntemohorol~
• fhj myway
• wnetherI ...-.clerstancf
or not

A Unit17Track

~ <DThere are so many valuable mobile (D HiOn nay, c6 rl{t nhi6u ung dvng di
~ phone applications out there, but the dQng hOu rch, nhung ung dvng ban
map application comes to mind first. d6 Ill cai dAu tiAn IOi nghi dAn. Di M
nhlAn ung dvng nay cung cl{p ban ::,
It, of course, shows basic maps, but it M
d6 ca ban, nhUng n6 cOng kAm "'
also gives detailed directions. All I have .....
theo chi dAn chi IIAt. Ut ca nhOng
to do is type in my destination, and then "'
gl IOi cAn lam Ill nh$p dia di6m tOi :::r
it shows me the directions and provides cAn 101.ung dvng nay se chi cho
an estimate for how long it will take to get 00
IOI duang di va U<lc trnh ml{t bao -=
there. If I'm taking a bus, it will even tell IAu d6 t<li d6. N,u tOi di xe buy!, n6
me any transfer information, how long I'll !Mm chi cbn cho tOi bi,1 thOng tin
have to wait, and the cost of the trip. chuy6n lr$m. thlll glan cha Ill bao
IAu vll chi phf cua chuy,n di.

IZ>I use the app nearly every day and can't IZ>TOI dung ung dvng nay gAn nhu
live without it. Since it also updates hang ngay va khOng th6 s6ng thiAu
n6. V1ung dvng nay cOng c$p nh$t
information on traffic conditions, it helps
lhOng tin v6 tlnh hlnh giao thOng,
me decide whether to travel by bus or taxi. nAn n6 glup IOI quyAt djnh viOc nAn
di xe buyt hay taxl.

~ This app is very handy, and it's helped ~ Ung dvng nay rl{t IIOn dvng, va ;;:;
me out a lot. I used to get lost all the n6 glup tOi ,,1 nhi6u. TOI thuang en
bl 1$CdUOng, ngay ca khi di trAn ....,
time, even on familiar routes. But now, ]>
nhOng tuyAn dUang quen thuQc. :><:
I can just check the app if I don't know z
where I am. This is especially useful
NhUng gia dAy, IOI chi cAn k16m =
Ira trAn ung dvng nAu khOng bl~t
on international trips. I can use the app mlnh dang (J dAu. N6 d~c biOI hOu

to find my way regardless of whether I fch cho nhOng chuy,n di nu<)c

ngoal. TOi c6 th6 s11 dvng ung
understand the local language or not.
dvng d~ tlm dUOng, bit k6 tOi c6
It's saved me a lot of time and stress. hi6u liAng ban dja hay khOng. N6
glup tOi 1i,1 kifm nhl6u thai gian
vll giam cAng thAng.

TUVVng direction ldin!kfnlchi dUl!ng,d!n dUl!ng estimate {~stamatlUdeluqng,udetfnh transfer

{trznsfa:r)chuyln 1,,m handy{hzndl) titn lqi.hilu dvng get lost 1,cdUllng route{ru~IdUllng
di regardless of khOngphAnbl$~ b,1 k4

PART2&3 Science & Technology 281

3 A Unit17Track

What are the differences between applications usde by old people
and young people?

St,/ khac bi~t giua cac ung d1,mgcua nglle1i gia va nglle1i tre slf d1,mg la gi?

I ,~ - '
- -
....... '"""' "°... ~.._,.""~--·
...................................................................... .
truetni ~ 016n ial • lo IAng ling dvng moi se kh6 h,;x: • worry lhat new apps will be difficult
• chi sit dvng tlng dvng cho nhOngcOng • only use apps for simple tasks
vitc don gian
. gut tin nhAn va d~I bao thtlc • sending messages and setting

ngulli tre bi thu hut bOicac tlng dvng mlli young people are attracled to new apps

• sit dvng tlng dvng cho nhl6u mvc dfch • use apps for diverse purposes
• chlnh anh • editing photos
• lheo dOillnh lr~ng stlc khOe • trackingtheirfitnesslevels

I Tham khao cac y tllc'!ngtr6n va 11,1
di! hoan thi~n cAu tra llli cua b;m.
mlnh tra llli, sau d6 so sanh vcii cau tra llli mA.u

cau tra
~mA.u Mc'!dAu I'd say that there are some MOdAu TOise n6i v6 mQtvai di~m khac
differences between the apps that the bitt giaa nhOng tlng dvng ma ngulli
dtlng tu61vii ngulli tre sit dvng. Tr9ng
elderly use and those that the young use.
tam <D Nglllll IOntu6i c6 xu hllllng chi
Tn~ngtam a>Older people tend to only use sit dvng nhang tlng dvng ca ban va c6
basic apps that have been on the market m~t tren thl lrullng dll</CmQt lhai gian
for a while. DiAn gilli This Is because dai. Di6n gull Di6u nay la do ngulli gia

older people often worry that new apps thllllng lo 14ng hQ se kh6 h,;x:each sit
dvng cac tlng dvng mlli. VI th6. h9 c6
will be difficult to learn. Therefore, they
xu hullng chi sit dvng tlng dvng cho
tend to only use apps for simple tasks, nhOng cOng vi~ ddn gian nhll gUi lin
like sending messages and setting nhAn va d~t bao thtlc. Tr9ng 1am~ M~I
alarms. Trong tlim ~ On the other hand, khac, nglllli tre bl thu hut bOInhang tlng

young people are attracted to new apps dvng mlli va hQCeach sit dvng chung
mQteach nhanh ch6ng. Olen glai Them
and learn how to use them quickly. DiAn
vao d6, hQ cung dung nhOng tlng dvng
giai Also, they use these apps for more nay cho nhi6u mvc dich khac nhau, nhU
diverse purposes, like editing photos and chlnh anh vii lheo dOi tlnh tr~ng s(tc
tracking their fitness levels. khcie cua mlnh.

T~vvng on tho market c6 mtt trAn thj tnJOng edlt{~it] bl6n l$p, chtnh sVa
track(tr~kl theo d61,tAn theo

3 A Unit17Track

El What are some popular applications in your country?

Nhung ung dt,mg ph6 bien anude b~n la gl?

i~-;: ..·~'.'f ~:;s·~;;;;; .;; ,;;;

• gin tin nhAn van ban va tin nhAn tho9i

~:f :::·~:: ;;;;;";

• send text and voice messages

;;;; ,;;;;;,

Tr9ng tAm ;D trinh duy~t web the web browser

Oi~n 9181 • tim ki4m va xem thOngtin • searchforthingsandview information

• (Ing dvng tOi hay dung nh,t • the app I use most otten
• xem tin tile mai nh~t • check out the latest news

'i' Cllutraic,i Tham khao cac y tuong tren va tt,1minh tra lei, sau d6 so sanh vcli cau tra lei mAu .,,
d~ hoan thi~n cllu tra lei cua b~n. cu·
TrQng Ulm <DThe most popular Tr9ng tAm <DLing dvng ph6 bi4n nh~t :::,


d mJac tOI chAc la ung dvng nhAn tin. 0

application in my country seems to be 00

the messaging app. Dien giai This is o,6n g,al OAy la ung dvng ca ban
nh,t, va tOi chua th,y ai khOng sit
the most basic app, and I've never seen
dvng n6. N6 c6 th6 dl/QC dung d6 giti
anyone who doesn't use tt. It can be used
lln nhAn van ban va tin nhAn tho~i.
to send text and voice messages as ciing nhu glli Anh va video. TrQng
well as pictures and videos. TrQng tam tAm $ M¢t (rng dyng khac dUQCdung
$ Another commonly used application ph6 bl4n la trlnh duytt web. 016n glai

is the web browser. Dien giai With this Vai (rng dvng nay, ngu(JI dung c6 th6

app, people can search for things and Um ki4m nhl6u th(r va xem thOng tin.
OAy thl,lc St,1111
(rng dvng tOi hay dung
view information. This is actually the app
nh,t. TOi md ung dvng nay vao m6i
I use most often. I open tt every morning
bu61 sang d6 xem tin tac mai nh,t.
to check out the latest news.

nvvng texl[tekstl cha, ky IV, van ban search for - tlm kllm check out - ki6m tra, xem
latesl[leitist] mai nh{t, gan day nhft

PART2&3 Science & Technology 283

ra la n6i v~ trai nghiemli~n quanMn
CJPart 2, c3uh6i thuong dUQ'C nguain6i
Nglioi n6i tilng. Trongtruong ho-pnay,oPart3,giam khaothuong hayd~t c3uh6i v~ uu
tieng va nhut;lccMm cuaviectra thanh nguai n6i tilng, ho~canh huangcuanguai


D Describe a celebrity that you saw on a news program. Hay n6i v~ m(lt ngucii n6i ti6ng
b~n thay tran chuang trlnh tin We.

You should say:

who he/she is anh ay/cO ay la ai
when he/she was on the news anh ay/cOay xuat hi~n khi nao
why he/she was on the news vi sao anh ay/cO ay xuat hi~n tr6n tin tile
and explain how you felt when you saw him/her on the news.
va giai thich cam xuc cua b~n khi thay anh ay/cO ay trAn tin tile.

y llJOOg (l Anh 11y/c0

ily la ai • Psy , Psy
I.;-,~ , m(\t ca si va diAn viAn hai • a singerandcomedicperformer
trueIral(j • ndi tii!ng vc'.1i
bai hat Gangnam • famous for Gangnam Style

Anh 1ly/c6lly xuilt • ngay sau khi Gangnam Style • just attar Gangnam Style was
hlen khi nao dlf(/C phat hanh released

VI sao anh lly/c6 • d~ trao ddi v~ sv thanh c6ng • to discussthe phenomenalsuccess

ily xullt hien trAn phi thlflfng cua bai hat of the song
tin Ille

Cam xuc cua b~n • thVCsv IV hao , was really proud

nhl/ th~ nao khl • mo ra m(lt chan trlfi mc'.1i
bai • was breakingnew groundwith his
hat cua mlnh song
thily anh 4y/c0 ily
• bj tin tl/Qng bOi sv khi&m t6n , was impressed by his humble
trAn tin Ille
cua anh ily attitude

'i' Ciiutralc1i Tham khao cac y tllbng tren va II/ mlnh tra li:fi, sau (16so sanh v<'.licau Ira I/Ji mau
d~ hoan thi~n ciiu Ira lbi cua b~n.

• Psy
• sr,ger' come<llc
• .famousfor.Gotvf,arn
•fyle.................................................................................................. .
Sfylewas releo&ed
• after Gotvf,arn

• eke.,oo 11,ephenorr,,r,,I
OJCU&& of 11,esong

• oxdled
• breaknewgro..,,d
•. h'\""eued_
by.fu,-1,ie.• ltttude.............................................................................................. .

/\ UnitlBTrack9

lltim~u <D I've seen lots of celebrities on news © TOI dli th4y r4t nhlAu ngllbi n6i ti4ng
programs, but the first one that comes tren cilc chlldng trinh tin tuc, nhllng
to mind Is Psy. Psy is a Korean singer ngl/bl dAu tiAn nghi d4n la Psy. Psy
and comedic performer. He is most la mOt ca si kiem dl!n viAn hal ngl/bi
famous for the song Gangnam Style, Han Qu6c. Anh 4y n6i li4ng nh4t vdi
which took the world by storm a few bai Gangnam Style, blti hat dli gay bao
years ago. Despite its lyrics being in tren toan th4 gldi val nlim trl/clc. Mac :,
Korean, rrbecame famous internationally, du lbi bal hilt bAng ti!ng Han, nhllng n6 0
and people around the world imMted the dli n6i ti!ng toan cAu va m9i ngl/bi tren
iconic 'horse-riding dance' featured in n. kh~p th! gldi d6u b~t chl/clc dl$u nhay =
'cl/Oi ngl,fa'd~c lrllng trong d6. ~

(Z) Psy was on the news program I saw (Z) Psy dli tham gla chl/dng trlnh tin tuc ma
just after Gangnam Style was released. tOixem ngay sau khl bai hat Gangnam !::;
Style dl/C,Cphat hanh. en

a> He'd been invited on to discuss the

(J) Anh 4y dli dl/Qc mbi d!n d~ trao d6i
v6 sl,f lhanh cOng phi thl/bng cola bai
phenomenal success of the song. It
hat. N6 dl/QC bl!t d4n la video dl/Qc
had just been named YouTube's most
xem nhi6u nh4t ti/ trlfc)c d!n nay tren
viewed video ever, and the song was YouTube va dl/C,Cb$t lrong cac cau
being played in dance clubs around the l~c bO khlAu vO tren kh~p th4 gic)i. Ca
world. It even reached number two on khuc nay lh$m chi con glO vi trl thu hal

the American Billboard music chart. tren bang x!p h~ng am nh~c Billboard
cola My.

© I was really excited when I saw Psy on © TOI r4t ph4n khlch khi th4y Psy tren
television because he was breaking truy6n hlnh vl anh 4y dang ma ra mOt
chan trbi mc)i vc)i bai hilt cola mlnh.
new ground with his song. No Asian
Chl/a ti/ng c6 ngh$ si Chau A nao
artist had ever been so successful thanh cOng nhll vty 11nl/clc ngoai. TOI
abroad. I was also impressed by his cOng bj 4n tl/Qng b/Ji sl,fkhiem t6n cola
humble attitude. Even though he had anh 4y. Mtc du dli tr/J thanh mOt sieu

become an international superstar, sao qu6c t!, nhl/ng anh 4y khOngh6 to

ra kieu ng,o. Anh 4y chi n61rAng minh
he didn't seem arrogant at all. He just
gtp may va r4t vul khi dl/C,Cchla se am
said he was lucky and glad to share nh~c cua mlnh vc)i r4t nhl6u ngl/ol.
his music with lots of people.

nvvng take something by storm - g$1 hlii thAnh cOng ldn, - gAy bAo lyrlcllirikJ ca W
lmltate(lmiteit) blit chudc lconiclalka:nikl tlnh bilu tuQng releaselrill:s) cong khai,pMt hAnh
phenomenallfina:minl) (mang tfnh) hl$n tUQng,phi thuong humble(lwnbl) khiAm t6n
arrogant[a?ragant]killu ng(lo

PART 2&3 Media 295

A Unit 18 Track 11
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a well-known person?
Vu va nhuQc di�m cua vi�c trc/ thanh nglloi noi tieng la gl?

T1Qng tl'lm ill thu nh�p cao highly profitable

y tll?lng
varau Dt�ngial , quang cao ho�c c6 t6n tr6n san • endorse or lend one's name to new
true tra let
� phAm mai products
, di4u nay c6 th6 khi6n hQ thu dU� , this can earn them huge sums of
mQt kho/ln ti4n Ian money
, dU� d6i dai d�c bi❖ t • receive special treatment
, luOn a vi th6 VIP , maintain VIP status

TrQng tam � milt di ti/ do ca nhan the loss of privacy

DlAngial , thUl!ng bi cac tay san anh rlnh r@ , are often stalked by paparazzi
, xullt hi❖n tran cac phUdng uen truy�n • appear in the media because of things
thOng vi nhilng viec ri6ng they've done In private

'1- cau traleJi Tham khao cac y II.Icing 1r�n va 11,1 mlnh tra loi, sau d6 so sanh voi cau Ira loi mi[u
cua b;;m
d� hoan lhi�n cau Ira loi cua b1;1n.

Tr9ng tam <D One major benefit of TrQng tam Q) M¢t IQi fch Jan cua vi�c

being famous is that it can be highly n6i tl�ng Iii n6 dem l�i thu nh�p cao, tal
profitable, financially and otherwise. chfnh t6t vii nh(lng thll khac. DIAn glai
Dien giai For example, celebrities vr dV, nhOng nglll!i n6i ti�ng thll/Jng
are often given the opportunity to c6 cac I/Ji mcii quang cao ho�c c6
endorse, or lend their names to, t6n tr6n cac san phAm me1i. Eli4u nay
new products. This can earn them c6 th6 glup h9 thu v4 m¢t khoan Mn
huge sums of money. They also Ian. HQ cung thlllJng dllqc d61 dai d�c
generally receive special treatment bl❖ t va JuOn � vi th6 VIP. TrQng tam ®
and maintain VIP status. Tr9ng tam M�t kMc, danh tl6ng cung c6 th6 c6
® On the other hand, fame can also nhu� dl6m, cha.ng h�n nhU vi❖c milt
have downsides, such as the loss di 1\1 do ca nhAn. vr d�. nhilng nglll!i
of privacy. Dien giai For Instance, n6i ti6ng va chfnh tri gia thlll!ng bi cac
celebrities and politicians are often tay sAn anh rinh r�p va xullt hlQn tran
stalked by paparazzi and appear in cac phuong tiQn truy4n thOng vi nhOng
the media because of things they've di4u rtang tu h9 da lam ho�c n6i.
done or said in private.

Tuv,/ng profltablelpra:fitabll c6 IQi nhu�n. sinh !Qi celebrltylsalebratl) ngu/Ji n6i ti6ng
endorsellndirs] qu/lng cAo, bao chilng (san phdm) famelfeim) danh ti6ng
loss[b:s) mft mdit, tdn th't prlvacy(prOtvasll dbl s6ng cA nhAn
polltlclanlpd:ladfnl chlnh trj gla
3 A Unit18Track

El How do celebrities affect the younger generation?

Ngll<li ndi tieng anh hllOng den the h() Ire nhll the nao?

y tlJtt1g TrQngtam <ll sang t,i.o ngh$ thu$t va vAn h6a ma glOI create art and culture that youth can
0~va~u tre c6 th6 th~y Mng thu enjoy
D~ngial • nhi6u b,i.n tre dam ma Am nh,i.c, thOi • many young people are passionate
trang va phim anh aboutmusic,fashion,and movies
• mang l,i.l ni6m vui cho thil' h~ trtl • bring joy to the younger generation

Tr9ng tam ~ tac dQng tiau eve dil°ntu6i trtl negatively impact youth

DiAn gial • theo sat vAn h6a cua ngllOi n6i tiil'ng • follow celebrity culture
• lam theo th6i quen va Ill tlldng tu hQ • pickup habitsand ideas fromthem

• ngay ca khi ng<10in6i till'ng n6i ho~c • even n a celebritysays or does something
lam di6u gl d6 khOngphu hQp In appropriate
• bAt chllc)c hQ va g~p rAc r6I • imitate them and get Into trouble

•---~ ::;<
~ cautralOi Tham khao cac y ll/Clngtren va 1\/mlnh tra 111i,
sau d6 so sanh vcii cau tra 111i
mau ,,,.
cuab,i.n ::,
d~ hoan thien cau Ira li!i cua ban.

111imAu Mo dau Celebrities can influence young Md dAu Ngl/Oi n6i u,ng c6 th6 anh
h<1angdil°n giOi trtl theo r~t nhi6u each.
people in so many ways. Tr9ng tam <D
Tr9ng tAm <DV6 m~t tlch eve, nhilng
On the positive side, celebrities create
nglllll n6i tl,ng sang t11-ongh$ thuit va
art and culture that youth can enjoy. vAn h6a ma glOi trtl c6 th6 th~y hting thu.
Ditin giai For example, music, fashion, DiAn glai VI du, Am nh11-c,thlli trang va
and movies are things that many young phim Anh la nhOng thll ma nhi6u ngulli
trtl dam ma. B~ng each t,i.o ra nhilng
people are passionate about. By creating
di6u nay, ngulll n6I u,ng mang l,i.i ni6m
these things, celebrities bring joy to
hting khai cho th' ht trtl. Tr9ng tAm <2>
the younger generation. Tr9ng tam <2> Tuy nhlAn, nhOng nglllli n6i ti~ng cung
However, celebrities can also negatively c6 th6 tac d¢ng tiau eve d,n gicli trtl.
impact youth. Dien giai Young people DiAn giai Glcll trtl thUllng theo sat van

often follow celebrity culture closely and h6a ngUlli n6I till'ng va lam theo nhOng
th6i quen vll 1UtUdng cua hQ. Ngay ca
pick up habits and ideas from them. Even
khi mQt ngulli n6i ti~ng n6I hotc lam
if a celebrity says or does something di6u gi d6 khOng phu hqp, gicli trtl vAn
inappropriate, young people may imitate c6 th6 bAt chllclc theo va g~p rAc r6i.
them and get into trouble.

TUvvng generatlonld3enareifan] thf M passlonatelp.i!Janat] dam m&, nhi$t huyft

lmpactlimpa,kt] tac dOng culture[Wtfar] van h6a closely[kl6ush] mQteach cham
chi, mQteach gan gOi pick up hQC,nhin lmltate[lmateitl mO phong, bat chudc
get Into trouble gJp rac rdl

PART2&3 Media 297

A Unit19Track1

Ljch su
Do you like learning history?
Bc;1nc6 thich h<;>c
ljch Sil khong?

Yll/cl'1g y ti.fang TrQngtam ljch su la thl1 mil tOi rft quan tam history Is something that Interests
0~vacilu 1 me a lot
trueIra Iii Dien giai , dQCsach v6 ljch SU dft nuac tOi • read books about my country's
, xem phim di$n anh vil phim • watch moviesand TV mini•series
truy~n hlnh dili t$p v6 Vi$! set In ancient Vietnam
Nam cd d~i

y ti.fang TrQngtam tOi khOngthfch hQCijch SU I'm not into learning history
D,Anglai • c6 qua nhi6u tili li$u d~ d,;,c • there is toomuchmaterialto cover
, chu trong vilo vitc ghi nhO • focuson memorizinghistoricalfacts
cac S\I ki$n ljch SU

Tham khao cac y ti.fang tren va It,/ mlnh Ira llli, sau d6 so sanh v6i cAu tra llli mAu
d~ hoan thi~n cAu tra llli cua b;;in.

~ Trong tam Yes, history is something that TrQngtAm C6, ljch siJ Ill Iha khl4n 161quan tAm
~ interests me a lot. Dien glai I like to read rfl nhl6u. DIAnglal Till lhfch dQCsAch,truy♦n
books, comics, and articles about my lranh vii cAc bill vi41v6 ljch siJ cua dfl nu&
country's history. Moreover, I think ij is mlnh. Hon noa, tOI nghTlh$1 thu vj khl xem
great fun to watch movies and TV mini- phim dl♦ n Anh vii phlm truy6n hlnh dlll t~ v6
series set in ancient Vietnam. Viti Nam cd dfl.

Tilv\fng anclentleinfant)cd xua, cd d•i

A Unill9Track

Ljch su
Do you think learning history is important?
Bc;1n lich sv la quan tr<;>ng
c6 nghi r~ng vi~c h<;>c khong?

trueIra 1/j
y ti.fang

h,;,cljch su quan trong

, nghiAn c(lu v6 vAn h6a cua con

nguoi nuOctOi
, d~y chung ta v6 nhiJng sai !Am
cua nhOngngUOidi lrUOc
it is Important to learn history

• study about the culture of our

• teachesus the mistakesof our

y ti.fang TrQngtam n6 cung phAn nilo quan trong it is somewhatimportant

D,An glal • khOng hOU fch cho cu¢<: s6ng • not as useful to our
hang ngily cua chung ta nhU daily lives as technology
• khOng h,;,c hoi tit nhiJng sal !Am • fail to learn from the mistakes of
trong qua kh(I the past

Tham khao cac y ti.fang tren vii 11,1

mlnh tra llli, sau d6 so sanh v6i cau tra llli m.§u
di!hoan thi~n cau tra llli cua b;m.

lbimAu Trong tam I think that it is important TrQngtAm TOInghTrAng vltc Om hldu ljch siJ,
to learn history, especially the history d~c bltt Ill lich s~ cua nu& IOI Ill quan trQng.
of our country. Dl~n glal By studying D~n gi61 BAng each nghlAn c(/u ljch siJ Vi$1
Vietnamese history, we're studying about Nam, ch(mg tOi di bl.Stv6 vin h6a cUa ngtJbi
the culture of our people and our identity dln vl ban de dAn10<;nhu 111m¢1ph4n cua xa
as members of Vietnamese society. hOiViGINam. Hon nOa,lfch siJn61cho chung ta
Furthermore, history teaches us the nhOngsal !Am cua nguOIdl tru& dd ta c6 thd
mistakes of our ancestors so that we can hQChell Iii d6.
learn from them.

Tit vvng ldentltyjoldentao1danh tlnh ancestor(a,nsestar)16Mn, nhOngnguOIdi tru&

� i unn 1� iracK a

Have you read any articles or books related to history recently?
Gan day bGtn 06 dc;,o bat ky bai bao ho�o saoh li�n quan den ljoh su khong?
Lich sir
(f' Ytvong Y ti.Icing Trong 1am gAn dAy tOI c6 d9C m¢t bai bao v6 I recently read an article about
vacau 1 lich sll history
true tra lai
• v6 cu¢c s6ng cua mOt nha ho.it , about the life of a Vietnamese
d¢ng vi d0c l�p dan t¢c ngu�i Vi$! independence activist
• n6i v6 nhl6u khfa c9nh khac nhau , covered various aspects of
trong cuOc s6ng cua Ong d.y his life

Y ti.icing TrQng !Am 101 viJa d9C xong mOt cu6n ti�u lhuy�l I've Just finished reading a
ljch sll historical novel
i6ngla • mOt cAu chuy$n di�n ra trong tr16u • a story that takes place during
d9i nha L6 the Le dynasty
• SI/ k�I hi;!p glOa cac SI/ ki$n ljch st/ , a combination of historical
va hU c6u facts and fiction

Tham khao cac y tl/l�lng trlln va lt,I minh Ira leli, sau cl6 so sanh vai cau Ira llli mAu
da hoan lhi�n cau Ira loi cua b\m.

cau tra
lbimau Trc;>ng 1am Yes, I recently read an Trong tAm 06, gAn dAy IOI dA doc mOt bal bao v6
article about the life of a Vietnamese cuOc s6ng cua mOt nhA ho111 dOng vl d0c l$p dAn
independence activist. Dien giai It 10c ngu�I V1$t Nam. OiAn gla• Bai Mo n6I v6 nhi6u
covered various aspects of his Ille and khla Cllllh khac nhau trong CtJOc s6ng cila Ong (y
the major achievements he made. It va nhllng thanh 11/U IOn ma Ong 4y d,it dUQC. TOI
was quite Interesting to me because the th4y n6 kha thtl vf vl bal bao nay chaa nhl6u SI/
article contained many details of his life ki$n trong cuOc s6ng cua Ong 4y ma IOI khOng
that I didn't know before. bl�t trlJOC d6.

TU vvng lndependencenndlp�ndans] d0c I$p actlvlst[aaktavistf nha ho,it d¢ng

achlevemenlfatJl:vmantl thanh Uch, thanh 1vu

A Unill9 Track 4

Lich sir
Do you like historical films?
BGtn 06 thfoh phim ljoh su khong?

C: y ttlctng Y ti.Icing Tn:ing tam chung la th� lo.ii phim y�u thich cua 161 they are my favorite kinds of
varau 1 movies
lruc tra foj D,en ia • eature great battles
, c6 nhOng tr� danh tuy�t vol
• chl�n th§ng cac tran chi�n tll<l'ng , won seemingly Impossible
nhU khOng th� victories

Y ti.Icing 101 c6 thlch, mac du dOI khl Chung c6 I do, although they sometimes
2 th6 khl�n IOI bu6n ngu can put me to sleep

D,en •• • luOn c6 gil.ng truy�n tai m¢t bai h9C • always attempt to teach a
• thlch nh(lng b0 phlm rt nghi�m • like 111ms that are less serious
trQng hdn va lam tOI CU�I and give me a good laugh

Tham khao cac y tuong lri!!n va lt,I mlnh Ira loi, sau d6 so sanh ve!i c1iu Ira lai mAu
d� hoan lhl�n cau Ira IOI cua b�n.

toimfiu Tr9ng tam Sure, they are my favortte kinds TrQng tam ChAc chAn r6I, chtlng ta 10,1 phim
of movies. Dien glal More speclflcally, I yAu thlch cua IOI. D,en 911\1 E>Jc blft hOn, IOI rdt
love the ones that feature great battles. thfch nhOng b¢ phlm dlAn ta nhOng tr$n d6nh
There are several brilliant generals In ldn. 06 mot s6 vI Ming xudt sAc trong llch •�
Vietnamese history who won seemingly Vitt Nam dA gianh dUQC nhOng chl�n thiing
impossible victories. So, movies about tuOng nhu khOng th,. VI v$y, phlm vA nhOng
these battles are really spectacular and trtn chl4n nay thl thvc sv rdt ngo�n mvc va hdp
entertaining to watch. dAn khl xam.

Tuv,.rng general[d3�naral] t�ong quAn seemlngly{sl:ml�IIJ du�ng nhu, c6 ve nh�

A Unit 19 Track

What do you do to learn the history of your country?
B1;1n lam gl de tim hieu ljch s11 nL/oc b1;1n?
Ljch su
t Ytvang Y tu'ang Tr9ng 1am tim h�u lhOng qua cac trang web learn through web searches
vacau 1 ........................................................................................................
true Ira lc1i Dl6ng;AJ , tlm ki�m nhOng ngu6n tai li�u tn,tc , look for reliable online sources
tuy�n dang lin cay , an excellent blog about
m◊I blog tuy ❖ t viii v6 ljch su Vi�t Vietnamese history
Nam • find relevant information there
tim thOng tin li6n quan /J d6

Y tu'ang TrQng t!m dQc sach lich su read books on history

....................................................................................................... .
Dl�n giAI • d�n 1h11 vi❖n va tlm kl�m sach , head to lhe library and check
ljch su out on history
• cung gM !ham cac di llch lich su , also visit historical landmarks

Tham khao cac y Wong lren va II/ mlnh tra lcii, sau d6 so sanh v�i cau Ira lbi m�u
d� hoim lhi(ln cau Ira lcii cua ban.

CAu tra
Tr9ng Ulm Mostly, I learn Vietnamese Tr9ng !Am HAu h4t, IOI tim hi6u ljch sir Vitt Nam
history through web searches. Dien thong qua cac !rang web. DIAn glal Khi tOI mu6n
giai When I want to know more about tlm hi6u thAm v6 cac gial do�n cv th6 h�c cac
specific periods or historical figures, I nhan vat l!ch sil, IOI s6 6m ki4m cac ngu6n tlll
look for reliable online sources. There 11$u trvc luy,n dang tin cfy. co mQt blog tuy$t
is an excellent blog about Vietnamese vbl vA ljch sil Vl$t Nam dll�C duy trt bdi mQt glao
history that Is maintained by a college s\/ a,; hQc va tOI th\/bng tlm cac thOng tin lien
professor, and I often find relevant quan d d6.
information there.

Tuvvng perlodjpl;ariad! lh<>i a,1. thai ky hlstorlcal llgure nhan vat lich sit
source!SJ:r,! ngu6n, !al 11$u

A Unit 19 Track

II 0 .
What can we do to encourage interest in history amongst children?
Chung ta c6 the lam gl de khuyen khfch tre em quan tam den ljch sri?
Lich sit
y b.lo1g Y lu'O"ng Tr9ng t!m san xuat tMm truy$n tranh va phim make more comics and animated
vacau 1 hO?t hinh lay b6i clnh ljch su movies set in historical periods
true Ira loi
Dien gfa) , lhlch nhi1ng lo?i pht/dng ti$n , Interested In these types ol
lruyen thOng nay media
, kha mang tinh gllti tri ciing nhll • quite entertaining as well as
giao dvc educational

Y lu'cfng Tr9ng tam cll thi$n cac tiet hQC ljch su tren improve history classes at
2 trtillng schools

Di�nglitl , phUdng phap giltng d?y 16i tMi • outdated teaching methods
, nen khuyen khich hQC sinh tham should encourage the active
gia tich ct.tc participation of students

f cAu traldl Tham khao cite y tLIOng tren va II/ mlnh tra lbi, sau d6 so sanh vdi cau tra lbi mau
cua ban
d� hoan thi()n cau tra !bi cua ban.

Citu tra
Trong tam Well, we could try to make Trqng lam Vang, chung ta c6 th' c6 gAng san
more comics and animated movies xu4t them nhi6u truy$n tranh v� phlm ho?t hlnh
set in historical periods. D16n giai Most l4y b6I cilnh lich sit. 016n glill H4u h4t Ire em d4u
children are interested in these types of thfch nhOng lo?i phuang tlOn truy4n lhOng nay.
media, so !hey will surely want 10 read nen tre ch4c ch4n s6 mu6n dQC va xem chung.
and watch them. If done correctly, I think N4u dt/QC thl/C hifn dung d4n, tOI nghi r&ng
they could be quite entertaining as well chung s6 kha mang tlnh gi" trf cung nhu gfao
as educational. dvc.
A Unit19Track

Do you visit history museums often?
Bi;in c6 thUC1ngxuy~n den vi$n bao tang ljch siJ khong?


true Ira lcli
Y h/ong
Trong tam

DiAn gtal
tOi thu~ng xuyAn dan vi~n bao tang

• xem cac hi$n v$t nMn t~o va cac v$t

th' tl,f nhiAn
• bao tang ljch sl/ ondi tOi s6ng thu~ng
xuyAn t6 chuc tri,n lam
I visit them frequently

• see artifacts and natural

• historymuseumsin my area
hold regular exhibitions

Y !Liang Trong Ulm tOI chi dfn bao tang mOt ho~c hai 14n I only visit once or twice a year
2 m6i nam

o,An gild • khi c6 mOt tri,n lam d~c bi$t dang • when there is a special
di6n ra exhibitiongoingon
• kl,m Ira tri,tc tuyfn dd xem t,i,n lam • check online to see what

nao s4p diAn ra exhibitions are coming up

Tham khao cac y tLillng tren va 11,1

mlnh tra loi, sau d6 so sanh vai cau tra loi mau
dt! hoan thi~n cAu tra loi cua b,m.

cautra TrQngtAm OTnhiAn,tOithlll1ngxuybngh8 tham

lcftmau Trong tam I certainly do visit them
frequently. DiAn giai Since I love to see vifn bao tang. DIAnglal V1tOIr«t thlch xem cac
artifacts and natural objects from the Van hlfn v$t nhan ~o va cac v$t th' tV nhlAnW thOi
Lang period, I head to museums when I Van Lang,IOIdi dfn cac vj$n bao tang khi c6 thOi
have free time on weekends. Because gian ranh vao cu6i tu4n. 83i vi mQts6 bao tang
several history museums In my area ljch s(t a ndi tOis6ng thuang xuyAnt6 chuc tri,n ,...
hold regular exhibitions of such artifacts,
they are the ones I visit most often.
lam cac hlfn vft nhu v$y, nAnd6 la nhOngndi IOI
thUOngxuyAngha lhAmnhi6u nhn
Tilvvng artlfact[a:rtifa,kt) d6 teo tac, hlfn v$t -<

A Unit19Track

II What can students learn by visiting museums? I.Cl

H9c sinh c6 th~ h9c dU<;icnhiJng gi thong qua vi$c den th~m vi$n bao tang? =

tang Y tLiong Tfl)ng tam hi,u va danh gia cao ljch s/J understand and appreciate history =
1 ......................................................................................................... .
vacau DiAn giAI • t~n m4t nhin thiy cac di tich • actualtysee the relicswithone's
true Ira~ en
• nh~n ra t4m quan tr9ng cua ljch s/J owneyes c:r.,
• realizethe importanceof their history ;:g
Y tLiong Trong tam hQCeach hanh xii dung d4n learn to conduct themselves properly ""'
2 •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
DiAn gial
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• =
• cAngiil im ~g khi d~n cac khu vi,tc • need to be quiet when visiting
c6ng$g publicareas
• cGngc6 thd dU(lekhuy~n khich d~t • can also be encouragedto
c:Auhoi ve cac hi$n v~t ljch su ask questionsabouthistorical

Tham khao cac y tlillng tr~n va 11,1

minh tra loi, sau d6 so sanh v6i cilu tra loi m~u
d~ hoan thil)n cAu tra loi cua b,m.

Ciiu tra
Trong tam I think students learn to TrQngtAmTOInghf r~ng hQCslnh s6 hQCdU(k:
lai mau
understand and appreciate history when each hi~u va danh gla cao IJchsa khl hQd4n
they go to museums. Di~n giai For example, vifn bao tang. D16ng,a,Ching h,in. hQc6 th~
it is one thing to read about the ingenuity dQCv6 sv tinh xio cUa cAc cOngc1,1c6 xua
of ancient tools and other cultural objects. vA c8.c hl♦n vtt va.n h6a khiic. Tuy nhiAn,se
However, it is quite another to actually see c6 mQIchut khac bl$! khl dU(k:t$n m4t nhln
these relics with one's own eyes. In my thfy cac di trchnay.Theo 101.
hQCslnh cAnd§n
opinion,studentsneed to visit museumsto cac vl♦n bio tAngd6 nh$n ra tAm quan lrQng
realize the importance of their history. cUattchsll.

TUvvng appreclate[aprl:fieit) d.inh gi.i cao lngenulty(lnd3anU:ati) sv tinh xio, khilo lito
rellc[relik) di V$t.di tlch

PART 1 History & Tradition 307

Ngay 1e CJPart 2. cauh6i thuang duqc ra la mieu ta ve ngayle truyen th6ng cuad5t
nuacbim.Trongtnrang hop nay,6 Part3,giam khaos~haydat cauh6i v~sv
khacbiet gilia ngayle truyenth6ng ngayxua va ngaynay.hoacsuynghTcua
thong b~n ve ngayle truyenth6ng da m5t.


D Describe a tradition of your country. Hay n6i ve m¢t truyen th6ng cua d~t nue1cb,m.

You should say:

what this tradition involves truyen thong nay bao g6m nhtJng gl
when It started n6 bat dau w khi nao
and explain why you like it. vii giai thich vl sao b?n thfch n6.

<t,;,m,g D Truy4n th6ng • thl,lc hien cac nghi IA • perform rituals

va~u • thAm m¢t6 tian • visitancestralgraves
nhilng gl

Q) N6bAtdAuW • hdnlOOOnAm •over1,000years

khl nao • ngay chfnhxac vAncon la m◊t bf ~n , the exact date remains a mystery

V1 sao b~n • g~p gO1§1ca ngulli than cua tOi , see all of my relatives
thich n6 • thuang thuc cac m6n An truy4n • enjoy traditional Vletnamese
th6ng cua Viet Nam foods
• banh lam tll g~o dUC/C
991la banh • a rice cake called banh troi,
trOi,banh chay banh chay

cua b~n

Tham khao cac y tuang trl!n vii 11,mlnh tra lcii, sau d6 so sanh vai cau tra IC!im5u
d~ hoan thi~n ci'.lutra IClicua b?n.

Iii Ghichu
mau • ThemMrh, biggest

• performrtfuok
arastroJ 'J'IIVeS
••••••••••• ·····••••··································•·•···········································•·••······
• IOOOY"""
• .•iu,ddale,_my<lery
................................................................................................. .
• searelotNes
•. ")OY.h-~_food, lroi,_b<rl,chiy, obc ,uger *.
born m.r,gbe'"1$f1llng
······················· ................ .

A Unit19Track

loimAu <I>There are many traditions in Vietnam, (1) C6 ,it nhi6u truy4n th6ng {J Vi~t

but the first that comes to mind Nam, nhtlng di6u <lAu Han xuit hifn

is celebrating Thanh Minh Festival. trong tAm trl tOI 11116 Thanh Minh.
Mac dll khOng phili Iii ngily IA Ian
Aiihough it is not the biggest annual
nh~t hllng nam lJ Vift Nam, nht1ng n6
holiday in Vietnam, but it is imbued
th,m dtl<;Jmban sAc dan tOc. Trong
with national identity. During this
nglly 16nlly, mQi ngtlbi tht,/c hlfn cac
holiday, people perform rituals and nghl 16vii vl~ng m¢ d6 ttllJng nhcSt¢i
visit ancestral graves to honor their t6 tiAn cua hQ.

$ Historical records show that Vietnamese (l) Cac ghl chep lich SU cho th~y ngtlbi

people have been celebrating this ViQt Nam dA t6 chac ng11y16 nay tu

holiday for over 1,000 years. However, han 1000 nam tru&:. Tuy nhiAn, ngay

the exact date of the first Thanh Minh

chlnh xac t6 chl1c 16Thanh Minh dAu
m¢t &n s6.
tiAn vAn cbn 111
celebration remains a mystery.

Q) Thanh Minh is my favorite Vietnamese Q) LA Thanh Minh 111

ngay 16truy6n th6ng

tradition for several reasons. The yAu thlch cua tOI lJ Vi~t Nam vi nhiAu
ly do. E>IAuquan trQng nh~t la n6 cho
most important is that it gives me the
tOI Cd h¢i d6 gap gO tit ca hQ hang
opportunity to see all of my relatives. cua mlnh. Hifn t~I. ch(mg tOi s6ng xa
We all live far apart now, so we don't nhau nAn khOng c6 nhiAu Cd h¢i d6
have many chances to see one another. gap nhau. Nhtlng 1,1 ca chung tOi c6

But we can all meet during Thanh Minh th6 gtp nhau trong 16 Thanh Minh.
Gap go d~I gia dlnh luOn la m¢t di&u
Festival. it's always great to see our
tuyQt vbi v¢i tOi. oay cung 111
thbi gian
extended family. It is also a great time tuyQt vbi dd thtllJng thac cac m6n an
to enjoy traditional Vietnamese foods. truy6n th6ng cua ViQt Nam. C6 mOt
There are several items that are usually s6 m6n chi dtl<;Jclam riAng cho ngay '
only made for Thanh Minh Festival. Thanh Minh. Trong d6 bao g6m cac
lo~I banh lam tit g~o. dtlr;)CgQIIii banh
This includes rice cakes called banh
trOi, banh chay. NMn banh dtlr;)Clam
troi, banh chay. They are filled with dAy bAng cac viAn dtlbng do cung
brown cubic sugars and mung beans nhAn dtu xanh, va chUng 18 m6n :in
filling and they're the best things ever. tuyft nh~t trAn dbi. Chi cAn nghi v4
Just thinking about them makes my chung cOng du lam tOI11ant1&: ml~ng!

mouth water!

TUvVng tradition(tradiJan] truy6n th6ng annual(a!njualJ h~ng nam. thUbng nian ritual[ritfual) nghi
11,cUngbAI,thb'cUng ancestral{znststral) t6 Mn grave{greivJ1ang,mO extended
family d~i gia dlnh rice cake binh (18mt.:t) ge,o mung beans d&u xanh make
somebody's mouth water lllm Lfam/d:cmhing

PART2&3 History & Tradition 309

3 A Unit19Track

El How are traditions different today than they were in the past?
SI/ khac bi~t giCla truyen thong ngay nay va ngay xua la gl?

0 y tlJC/ng TrQngtam cac nghi 16dang tro n~n don gian vii ng§n rituals are becoming simpler and
va~u gonhOn briefer
tnlc tra~ OI6ng, • chu~n bl cho T~t • ceremoniesfor let holiday
• tru& day keo dili nhi6u ngay • previously lasted several days
• chu~n bl ky hlclngtiJ r~t sC,m • preparations began well in advance
• dung thbi gian nghl 16d' di du lich nu& • use the holiday to travel abroad
ngoili instead

ao dili cung trai qua nh[lng thay d6i Ao dai has also undergone changes

• kh0ng du~ coi Iii !rang phvc lhUbng , is not regarded as an everyday outtit
ngily n[la
• chi m~c n6 vilo nh[lng djp d~c bl~t • only wear ii for special occasions

I Tham khao cac y ti.longtren va I\/ m1nhtra lefi,sau d6 so sanh vdi cllu tra lefimi!u
d6 hoan thi~n cau tra lbi cua b1;1n.

cau tra
llflmAu TrQng tam a>Arst, most holiday rituals Trong 1am a>Eldu Mn, Mu Mt cac
are becoming simpler and briefer. Dien nghi 16dang tro n6n don glan vii ngan
gon hcsn.o,6n giai vr dv, trong qua khll,
giai For example, ceremonies for Tet
cac nghi 16cho ngily T~t thuong keo dili
holiday previously lasted several days
trong nhi6u ngay vii dl/Qc chu,n bl ky
and preparations began well in advance. lllc!ng liJ rA:tsC,m.Tuy nhi6n, bAy gio cac
However,they are now simpler and usually nghl 16 nay di! don gian vii thllbng mA:t
take a few days. Some young people don1 rt ngily hOn. Th$m chf, mQt s6 nguoi tre
con kh0ng lam di6u d6. Thay vilo d6,
even do that They use the holiday to travel
ho Sll dvng ngily 16 d' di du ljch nu&
abroad instead. TrQng tam <%> Second,
ngoill. Trong tam 1%>Th(I hai, trang
our traditional outfit, the ao dai, has also phvc truy6n th6ng cua chung t0i, ao
undergone changes. Dien giai Today, the dili, cung c6 nh[lng sv thay d6i. DIAn
ao dai is not regarded as an everyday outfit. giai Ngily nay, ao dai kh0ng du~ col Iii
trang phvc lhU0ng ngily nola. Bay glo,
We now only wear it for special occasions
chung IOIchi m~c n6 vao nholngdjp d&c
like weddings and Tel holidays.
bi~t nhu IA cUC,ivii ngily T~t.

Wvvng brleljbrl:~ ngan. don glan In advancetru&. di 1ruc,c underg0{,\ndarg6u]tral qua

outtlt(lutfitl uang phvc, qusn ao occaslon1akel3an]truonghQp,khi

3 A Unit19Track

What do you think about traditions disappearing?
Bi;i.nnghi gl ve vi~c cac truyen thong dang dan bi mat di?

TrQng tAm c6 cam xuc mau thuAn have mixed feelings

0~vacilu Di~n giai • dieu quan trQngla gln giil di san • preserving ourheritageisimportant
tnic traIOI • dam bao ,Ang chung s~ khOngbi,n m~t • shouldensurethey do not disappear
• nguQCl~i. m¢t s6 truyAn th6ng khOngcon phu -conversely,sometraditionsdo not
vq, xa h¢i hi$n d~ fit modern society
• vi~ m~t di cac truyen th6ng la diAu !At y~u • it's naturalto lose them
• t6n kem va m~t th¢; gian • expensiveand time consuming
• c6 ve hc;p ly va khOnglhtl tranh khoi • seemsreasonableand inevitable

'i'cautra11'i Tham khao cac y tl/Ong tri!n va 11,1
minh Ira lili, sau d6 so sanh voi cau tra lili mau
cuab,m d~ hoan thi~n cau tra lili cua ban.

cau tra
Trc;mg tam I know that many people TrQng tam TOi bi,1 nhieu ngulfi s6
have different opinions about c6 nhleu y ki~n khac nhau ve vi$c
cac truyAn th6ng m~t di, nhung tOi c6
disappearing traditions, but have
cam xuc mAu thuAn ve diAu nay.DiAn
mixed feelings about it. DiAn giai On
glai M¢t m~t. gln giO di san la dieu quan
the one hand, preserving our heritage
trQng. Chung ta phai dam bao ,Ang cac
is important. We should ensure that bai hat, cAu chuyfn va ho,t d¢ng truyen
traditional songs, stories, and activities th6ng khOng bl mAI di. M~t khac, m¢t s6
do not disappear. Conversely, some truyAn th6ng khOng con th Ve sv phu hc;p
traditions do not really fit modern voi xa h¢i hi$n d~i. do d6, vi$c chung
society, so it's natural to lose them and mAt di va phat tri~n cac truyen th6ng

develop new traditions. For instance, moi la dieu t~t y,u. VI dv, cac nghi IA

traditional ceremonies and ancestral truyen th6ng vii IA cung a Vi$t Nam r~t
t6n kem vii m~t tMi gian. V1 v$y, mQi
rituals in Vietnam are expensive and
nglllfi ChQneach ddn gian h6a chung.
time consuming. Therefore, people
Eli&u nay dlllfng nhll la hc;1ply vii khOng
choose to simplify them. This seems
thtl tranh khoi.
reasonable and inevitable.

TuvVng preserve[priza:rv]
gln giO,bao t6n herltage[heritid3J di san
ancestral ritual 16cung time consuming t6n thOIgian slmpllfy!simplafaijdon gianh6a
lnevltable{inevitabl] khOngth' tranh

PART2&3 History & Tradition 311

aPart 2, cauh6i th11ongd11ocra la mieu ta v~ nhangcongtrtnh kien
truelichsu.Trongtmong hc,pd6,o Part3.giam khaosl! hayd~t cauh6i
Ljch su
v~ mucdCquantam va suynghTcuamoi nguai den lich su va nhOng
cOngtrlnh kien true.


II Describe a historic building you visited. Hi!l.ymi6u ta mOt cOng trlnh ljch sll ma b~n ghe thAm.

You should say:

what this building is cOng trlnh d6 la gl
how often you visited bao Iau b~n diln thi!l.m mOt ldn
how it looks trOng n6 nhli th' nao
and explain what you thought when you visited there. va giai thfch suy nghf cua b~n khi
d,n thi!l.mnai d6.

y tuc1ng (I) E>6la cOngtrlnh gl • Klnh thanh Hu4 • Hue Imperial City (The Citadel)
truetra ~ ~ Bao Iau b~ cl4n • ft nh~t m6i tMng m¢t li\n • at leastoncea month
cl6 m¢t tiln • m6i cu6i tuAn • every weekend

(3) COng trlnh trt>ng • clap choang ngQp ell/QCxay • breathtakinglybeautiful

nhllthf nao dl/ng tr&n quy mo I6'n • was constructed on a grandscale
• bao g6m 1400 ct>ng lrlnh c6 • contains 1,400 buildings in
k/cheelva hlnh dang khac nhau variousshapesand sizes
• cac h9a 1141di/QC khAc tren • motifs carved onto the Nine Tripod
CllUE>lnh Cauldrons

© Suy nghTcua b,n • IOI cAm th~y nhll m¢t thanh • felt like a member of the ancient
khl cl4ncl6 vien holing t¢c xi/a royal family
• suy nghi v~ SI/ 114nb¢ cua • think about how advanced the
nh()ngnglllii thQxay 1r116'c
day builderswere

Tham khao cac y tliling trE!n vii ti/ mlnh tra I/ii, sau d6 so sanh vdi cau tra loi mAu
d6 hoiln thi$n cAu tra IOi cua b~n.

• 11.18 � uiy <The CltodeO

• onc.e Q ,,....,tt,
. •.. •••ry wael:.nd····•········•--··-··· ···-··-············--·······················································-··············
• bwJim.d
• grand """'
• ccntar.s I,'400 b-..ldlngs
• moftfs

• felt Ike a ,.,.,,,.,., of fhe ardent royal frrrl:y

• advcned

['\ Unit 19 Track 12

cau tra
lo'lm.iu (D I'd llke to talk about Hue Imperial City, or ID TOI se k� cha b9n nghe vi> Klnh thanh
the Citadel, which is the most memorable Hue, dAy Ill toa nhll llch Sl/ di!ng nhll
nMt mil. tOI da ghe thAm. Kinh thanh
historic building I've visited. Hue Imperial
Hut dtJ(/c chlnh thilc xay dl,fng vao
City was officially built in 1805 and became nAm 1805 vii trll thanh cung di�n
the Nguyen dynasty's main royal palace. chlnh cua tril>u d� nha NguyAn.
Nowadays, it is recognized as the World Ngay nay, n6 dLJ(/C UN ESCO cOng
nh�n la DI san van h6a Th6 gidi.
Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.

(2) Since it's not far from my house, I visit (2) Bell vl Cung dlnh Hu� each nha IOI
khOng xa, nen IOI ghe thAm cung
the imperial palace at least once a month.
dl�n nay ft nhAt m6i thang mQt IAn.
However, when the weather's great, I go
Tuy nhien, n�u trbi (l�p thl IOI S8 den
every weekend. vao m6I cu6i tuan.

(l) I am always awed by the palace complex's (l) TOI luOn bi choang ngqp bai ve d�p
beauty. It is breathtakingly beautiful, cua quan th� cung di$n. Nai nay
d�p d�n choi!ng ng(/p vl dtJC/C xay
since it was constructed on a grand scale
theo quy mo llln d� th6 hi$n uy nghi
to show the majesty and dignity of the va phi1m gia cua nha vua. Thl/c 16,
king. In fact, it contains 1,400 buildings n6 baa g6m 1400 cOng trinh c6 kich
in various shapes and sizes. However, thucic va hlnh dang khac nhau. Tuy
nhlen, mQt s6 y�u 16 an tuqng nh�t
some of the most impressive elements
la nhimg h9a ti6t duc;,c khAc tran
are motifs carved onto the Nine Tripod
Cuu Olnh (chin dlnh d6ng). NhOng
Cauldrons. These motifs include topics h9a tlet nay g6m nhOng chu di> vi>
related to the universe, mountains, rivers, vii trv, nul, song, chim thu, vo khl...
birds, weapons and so on. When these Khi nhOng h9a !let nay dtJ(/c h<;lp
l�i. buc tranh toan canh vi> mQt Vi$t
patterns gather, a panorama of a unified
Nam th6ng nhAt trong 1h01 d�I nha
Vietnam during the Nguyen dynasty will Nguy�n se dtJC/c hi$n ra.

® Whenever I visit the palace, it gives me © M6I Ian den thlim cung di$n, 101
thtJIJng c6 cam giac ky 11;1. Ly do dau
some odd feelings. For one, when I went
lien Ill khl IOI mac 80 dill, trang phvc
wearing a traditional Vietnamese outfit, ao truyl>n th6ng cua V1$t Nam, tOi cam
dai, I felt like a member of the ancient royal giac nhtJ mlnh la mQt thanh vlan
trong gla cllnh hoang tOc c6 xlla. Ben
family. Seeing the intricate construction
c,nh d6, khi ngAm cac ki�n true cau
also made me think about how advanced ky nay ciing lam 101 nghl v� nhong
the builders were. Even without modern ngllbi lhQ xi\y dl,lng dii di trvcic thlli
d,I den muc nao. KhOng c6 bA.t ky
tools, including nails, they built a sturdy, cOng cv hi$n d1;1l nao, k.S ca dinh 6c,
magnificent palace. h9 di! xAy IGn nhOng cung di❖n kiGn
c6 va d�p de.

lnvader[inveidar] (tea nha) 16 h</P awe(,:] cho>ing ng,;rp complex(k6:mpleks] qudn thd
maJ••tvlma,d3asnl uy nghl dlgnltyldignati] ph:!m gla carve(ko:N] khAc. dieu khAc
lntrlcat11tlfntrikr1tl nh1i'e 1An v11flno m�� r:Au kV
3 A Unit19Track

II What do people think when they see historic buildings?

MQi nguoi nghi gi khi nhln thay cac toa nha ljch sll?

0 y Ming Tr9ng tam (I) kinh ng~c tnldc ve dep va thilt kl astonished by the beauty and intricate
va ~u phGc t~p design
truetra~ .............................................................................................................. ..
D16ng,a, • trang tri tinh xao • exquisitely decorated
• kiln true dep va cOngphu • beautiful,elaboratestructures

TrQngtam iD • b6i canh ctla ki~n true • the backgroundof the structure
• cac sv ki$n lich sll diAn ra o d6 • historic things that happened there
Diengriil • nhd l~i nhilng cau chuy$n vA gia c!lnh • thinkof storiesaboutthe imperialfam-
holing gia da t(lng s6ng o d6 ily that once lived there

~cautralc!i Tham khao cac y tuong tren va ti/ minh tra loi, sau <l6so sanh voi cau tra loi mAu
cua b,ln
<lil hoan thi~n ciiu Ira loi cua b,m.

l(l;mA.u Trqng tam <DRrst, people are astonished Tr9ng tam <DTrude tiAn, mQI ngum
by the beauty and intricatedesign of historic dAu kinh ng~c trudc ve dep va thl§t
k§ phGc t$p ctla cac toa nha lich s/t
buildings when they see them. Dien giai
khi hQ th4y chung. DiAn grill EliAu nay
This Is because many old buildings are
la do nhlAu toa nha cu dU~c lrang lrl
exquisitely decorated. People who see r4t linh xao. Nh()ng nglltfi nhln lh4y
them are often amazed that people could chung thutrng ng~c nhi!n v6 vl$c con
build these beautiful, elaborate structures ngutrl di! c6 1h, xAy nhilng toa nha
dep va linh xao nhu v$y ti/ khoang
so long ago. TrQng tam al Second, they
lhtfi gian r41 lAu r6i. Tr9ng tam al TM
probably think about the background of
hal, hQ chAc h!n se nghi vA b61 canh
the structure and all the historic things that cua kiln true va t4t ca cac sv ki$n lich
probably happened there. Dien giai For sll c6 lh' da dien ra o 06. Dien glai
example, when people see Hue Imperial VI dv, khi mQi nglltfi lh4y Kinh thanh
Hul o Vi$1 Nam, c6 le hQ se nhd 1$1
City in Vietnam, they probably think of
nhOng cau chuy$n xoay quanh gla
stories they've heard about the imperial
<llnh holing gia tilng s6ng o d6.
family that once lived there.

TU vvng aslonlshedlosta:ni/tl kinh ng,c exqulsltelylikskwfzitliJ rfl dep, linh xao

elaborate(ilZbarat)cOngphu,cfu true phllc~P atructure[strAktJarJ
kl4ntrue,d:u true

3 A Unit19Track

II Are people in your country interested in history?

M9i nglloi

0 y It/Ong
a nlloc bi;m c6 quan tam den ljch slf khong?

irrQOgtam Vietnamese people are very

vacilu ngulli Vi♦t Nam ra'.tquan tam d,n lich su
interested in history
tnic Ira~
Dien g,at • cac tap hoc lich su bAt dAu sam ii cac • history lessons begin early on In
lrt/llng hoc Vi$! Nam Vietnameseschools
• hoc slnh dUC/C tim hi~u v6 ~m quan tr9ng • students are taught the importance
cua ljch SU of their history
• t\l hao v6 da'.tnuac cua mlnh • beccme proudof their country
• nhi6u b¢ phim mo ta nhilng cau chuy♦n hu • many movies portray fictional
ca'.unhung su dvng nhan v$t lich su c6 th$! storiesusing real historicalfigures
• ra'.tph6 bi,n vai cOngchung • very popularwith the generalpublic

'!' cau trat11i Tham khao cac y tu~ng tren vati/ minh tra t11i,sau d6 so sanh vdi cau tra lefi mau
d~ hoan thi~n c~u tra ICficua b;m.

~ Tr9ng tam Thi hi,u ca nhan se kMc

~ TrQng !Am Individual interests differ
nhau giOa ngulli nay va ngulli khac,
from person to person, but I think most
nhung tOi nghi rAng hAu h,t ngullt Vi♦t ,.....
Vietnamese people are very interested in ;=;
Nam d6u ra'.tquan tam d,n lich su. Di6n • -:::r
history. Di~n giai That's because history giai Oi6u nay ta do cac l<ip hoc llch su
lessons begin early on in Vietnamese dUQCbAt dAu s<im t~i cac trUllng hoc :::;'
schools and continue through some cua Vi♦t Nam va xuyAn su6t cilc b$c -<
educational levels. Students are taught the
hQc. Hoc slnh dUQcd~y v6 tAm quan ""
tr9ng cua ljch su khi con ra'.tnho va g-
importance of their history and become
cam tha'.yt\l hao v6 da'.tnu& cua mlnh. <O
proud of their country at a very young age.
In addition, many Vietnamese television
Ngoal ra, nhi6u chUdng trlnh truy6n
hlnh va cac b¢ phim Vi♦t mo ta nh(lng
programs and movies portray fictional cau chuy♦n hU ca'.unhung su dvng cilc =
nhan v$t ho~c giai do~n lich sil th\lC 1,. ;:;:;
stories using real historical figures or
NhOng hlnh thuc trAn ra'.tph6 bi6n vdi !::;
periods. These are very popular with the
ngUlli d4n. TOi nghi rAng vt♦c nay cho
general public. I guess that shows how tha'.yngulli Vi♦t Nam quan tam d6n ljch l>
interested in history Vietnamese people are. nhUth6 nao. z
Tuvvng portrayfp>:rtr~I)mo ta ficllonal[fik/•nlf hu ca'.u,trongtt&uthuy6t
historicalfigure nhAnv,1 ljch su general public cOngchung,ngullidAn

•sau khi tra llli thil, hay so sanh v<iibang TiAu chi danh gia trang 348.

PART2&3 History & Tradition 315


CJPart 2, cau h6i thuong duqc ra la n6i v~ m(!t di~u luat dac biet. Trong
truong hqp nay, 6 Part 3, giam khao sl! hay d~t cau h6i ve nhang ngM
nghiepli~n quanMn luat phap,nhu cJnhsat,luat su.


D Describe an Important

You should say:

law. Hay n6i ve mi)t <lieu lu~t quan trQng.

what this law is <!6 la <lieu lu~t gl

how you know about this law lam thil nao b,rn bi~t <l~n lu~t nay
and explain why It Is Important. va giai thfch t,ti sao n6 quan trQng.

true Ira~
(I) E>6la lu$t gl , lu~t ban quyen
, bao v$ nhilng nglll!i l<'o ra san
ph!l.mtr! tu$
, ngan hanhvi chia se khl chlla dlllJC
, copyright laws
• protect the creators of intellectual
• prevent the distributionwithout
clp phep permission

(2) LAm the nao • m¢t chien d!ch quang cao k~u goi • an advertisingcampaign
b<'n blet den moi nglll!i IOn trong ban quyen that urged people to respect
lu~t nay copyrights
, chfnh phu da ch<'Ym¢t chien djch • the governmentran an ad
quang cao campaign

I]) Tai sao lu~tnay , dam bao r~ng nglll!i sang tac dlllJC • ensure that creators get paid for
quan trQng Ira cOngcho c6ng sue cua hQ their work
• lam nglll!i sang t,,c thly y~n tAm • put creators at ease
, dlllJCbao V$ kh6i bi sao chep • is protectedfrom being copied
, c6ng hien hat mlnh cho vi$c • dedicate oneself to creating
sang tao

CAutra~ I Tham khao cac y tvbng tren va II/ mlnh Ira llli, sau <!6 so sanh v~i cau tra 1111
<l~ hoan thi~n cau Ira llli cua ban.

• copyright low
• p.-oted lhe creotors
• prevent dishil>.mon lo!fhout pem'lsslon
-··-------------------············· ······--··········-····-·······························
• od ca-f!X'l9n, respect copyrights
· gov.
. � ...................................................................................................................
• creat= get paid for lhe!r wort
• � !hem ot eose
• p.-oled fmn beir'<j ccped
• dedicate to creotir'<)
············-··············································--·-·-··· -·································································

r. Unit 20 Track 9
loim.iu <D There are so many important laws, <D C6 r�t nhlt.u dl�u lu�t quan trong, nhung

but some of the most important laws trong s6 nhOng lu�t 1$ quan trong nh�t

are copyright laws. Copyright laws are la b◊ lu�t ban quyt.n. Lu�t ban quyt,n

regulations that protect the creators of bao g6m nhOng quy dinh bao v$ nguoi

intellectual content, such as music, 1110 ra san phl!m trl tu$ nht! am nh11c,

movies, and books. They prevent the phim anh va sach. B¢ lu�t nay ngan can
vi�c phat tan san phllm cua m¢t nguai
distribution of someone's work without
ma khOng c6 sl,I phep cua ngt!ol d6.
their permission.

(%) I first learned about copyright laws from Ql LAn dAu ti�n tOI bil!t den bQ lu�t ban
an advertising campaign that urged quyen la thOng qua mot chi!'!n dich
quang cao keu g9i m9i ngulli tOn tr9ng
people to respect copyrights. As a middle
ban, quyt.n. Khl hQC �p hal, 101 chlla
school student, I never really knew about thl,lc SI,/ hi�u ve ban quyen vii cit tal
copyrights and just downloaded songs nhs<c va phlm m◊t each b�t hi;ip phap.
and movies illegally. However, the Tuy nhi�n. khi chinh phu thl,lc hien m¢t
government ran an ad campaign, and I chi!:ln dlch quang ba thl tOi nMn ra
nhiJng vl$c tOi dang lam la sai. K� Iii
learned that what I had been doing was
d6, 101 khOng tai xu6ng b�t ca thit gl ma
wrong. I never downloaded anything khOng tra tien nOa.
without paying after that again.

(3) I think copyright laws are important (3) TOI nghi b◊ lu&t ban quyen n'!t quan
for several reasons. First, they tr9ng vl nhieu ly do. ElAu @n, n6
dam bao rling nguai sang t110 se
ensure that creators get paid for their
dt!(1c tra Mn cho cOng site cua
work. Without copyright protection,
minh. Neu khOng c6 lu�t bao v� ban
everything would be copied, and quyen, mol thit se bl sao chep vii
creators wouldn't make money. nglflli sang tac khOng th� c6 thu nh�p.
Therefore, they would not be able Ti/ d6, hQ sli khOng du kinh phi d§ c6
thd ts10 ra nhilng san pha.m khac. Ngoai
to afford to make anything else. In
ra, lu&t ban quyt.n lam cho nguai sang
addition, copyrights put creators at tac cam th�y yen tam hdn. Vdi b¢ lu�t
ease. With copyright protection, they nay, hQ biet ,Ang tac phllm cua minh se
know that their work is protected from dll(,fe bao vt khoi vltc bl sao chap. nan
being copied, so they don't have to hQ khOng phai lo l!ng ve dieu niJa. Vi$c
nay cho phep hQ c6ng hien va sang t?o
worry. This allows them to dedicate
nhieu hcfn.
themselves to creating more.

TllvVng copyrlghtlk6:pirait] ban quyen regulatlon(rl!gjulei/n] lu$t phap, quy djnh Intellectual
�ntalekt/uall 1h0ng mlnh, trl tu� dlotrlbutlon(dlstrabju:Jnl phan chia, phan ph6I urge(a:rd3]
thuc giuc, thuy6t ph�c respeet(rispekt] tuan thu (phap lu$1) ensure[in/uar] dam
bao aflord[an:rdJ du kha nAng put somebody at ease - 1�m cho ai d6 thiy thoal ma!
dedlcate[dedikeit] c6ng hl�n

PART 2&3 Society 323

PART3 A Unit20Track

El Do you think people would prefer to be police officers or lawyers?

Theo bG1-n
m9i nguoi thich lam nghe gi hdn, canh sat hay lu~t su?

r-1 v/l~u
lnictra IOI

canh sat

• dem l~i nhi~u sv 6n dinh hdn

• dl/<;fccho 18 nhAn villn cOng vv
• thu nh$p 6ndinh d6n khl nghl hLIU
police officers

• providesmorestability
• are seen as secure public servant
• earn a steady income until they retire
• nh&,nlt1<1ng
hll\JcUa chfnh phU • receive a government pension

CAutralal I Tham khao cac y tuong tren va ti/ minh tra lili, sau <l6so sanh vdi cau tra lili m.iu
<lil hoan thi~n cau tra lili cua b;;m.

cau tra
IClimAu Tr9ng tam I think individual preferences Tr9ng tam TOi nghi m6i ngt!bl sA c6 sC,

differ from person to person but today, thfch ca nhAn khac nhau, nht!ng tOi nghi
ngay nay. nhi,u ngt!bi Viet Nam se thlch
I think more people in Vietnam would
1amcanh sat hdn. o,en gial 01,u nay la
prefer to be police officers. Di~n giai do cOng vlec cua canh sat mang l~I cho
This is because police work provides b~n sv 6n dinh hdn la mOt lu$t su. r,i
more stability than being an attorney. Viet Nam, cac si quan canh sat dt!Qccoi

In Vietnam, police officers are seen as la mOt trong nhOng vi trf nhAn viAn cOng
vv6ndinh nh!'ll HQki6m dt!Qc thu nh$p
some of the most secure public servant
6n djnh cho d6n khi nghl hLIUva ciing
posijions. They earn a steady income until dt!Qc nh$n lt!dng hLIU cua chlnh phu
they retire and they receive a government sau khl nghl hLIU.Vl thi trifling viec lam
pension as well after retirement. Due to kh6 khAn ngay nay. nhi,u ngt!bi mu6n

the difficult job market these days, a lot of tim mOt cOng viec 6n dlnh va viec trc1
thanh mOt si quan canh sat dUbng nht!
people want to find secure jobs, and being
kha h!'lp dAn.
an officer seems quije attractive.

Tuv\fllg stablllty(stabOatll tinh dn djnh attorney(ata:rnll 1u$tsu

public servant nhanviAn cOngvv steady(stedi) tinh dn djnh, d6u d~n
penslonlpenjn) IUdnghUu.ti6n trQtip retlrementlritaiarmant) nghl huu

PART3 A Unit20Track

El Does society need police officers?

Xa hQi c6 can den h,lc ILIQngcanh sat khong?

1\,tuong Tr<;>ng
tam l\fc I11qngcanh sat c4n thi~t cho xa hQi policeofficersare necessaryfor society
trueIralei bi6n gial • quan trQllgtrong duy trl an ninh c6ng c¢ng • important for maintaining public safety
, giam giOnhOngke git'!tngtllli va ctl(jp cua • lock up murderers and robbers
, ngan ch~n t¢i ph,m ph,.m t¢i • prevents criminals from committing
• giup duy trl giao thOngan toan va thOng • help maintain traffic safety and flow
• lai xe khi ngt1aicll4u khl,n phtldng ti&n , get behind the wheel when they are
giao thOngu6ng nJqu intoxicated

'i' Cautralc1i
Tham khao cac y lllOngIran va II/ minh Ira loi, sau cl6 so sanh vciicau Ira loi mau
cla hoan lhi~n cau Ira loi cila b,m.

cau 1ra
Trong tam I'd have to say that police Tr9ng tam TOi phal n6i rAng vi&c c6
officers are necessary for society. cac Si quan canh sat la c4n thi~t Cho
xa h¢1.D16ngiaiTrtJ<lch~t. cac si quan
Di~n giai First of all, police officers are
canh sat cl6ng vai tro quan trQng trong
important for maintaining public safety.
vi&c duy trl an ninh cOng c¢ng. VI dv,
For Instance, they lock up murderers ho glam glO nhOng ke gi,1 ngt1oi va
and robbers. This prevents criminals ct/Op cua. Di4u nay ngan chtn 1¢i
from committing more crimes, which ph11mph11mnhl4u t¢i hdn, tll 06 gi() cho
keeps people safe. Furthermore, they mol ngtJIJicltlqc an toan. Ngoal ra, hQ

help maintain traffic safety and flow. con giup duy trl giao thOng an loan va
lhOng su6t. HQ clam bao moi ng110Isij
They ensure that people do not drive
khOng lal xe qua nhanh hotc cli4ukhi,n
too fast or get behind the wheel when
pht/dng ti&n giao lhOng khi say xin.
they are intoxicated.

Tuv\fng lock up - glam giO crlmlnal(kriminl] tOIph,m commlt(kamit] gay ra, ph,m phal
get behind the wheel lai xe lntoxlcated(int.l:ksikeitid]say (n/~u)

PART2&3 Society 325

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