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First and foremost, we would like to express our great and sincere gratitude to Mrs.
Nguyen Thi Anh Nguyet – our Semantics and Lexicology teacher for not only her
wonderful lectures but also her noticeable support throughout the whole course.
We are glad to have Mrs. Nguyet as our teacher as her enthusiasm and dedication
really helped us, students, to comprehend as well as enjoy our lessons during all of
our classes.

We are also extremely appreciative of our mentor and consultant – Mrs. Vuong Thi
Hai Yen (Ph.D.), because of her significant assistants to all of us from the start.

Last but not least, we noticed and were thankful for all of the Hanoi Metropolitan
University’s faculties in general as well as the English major’s professors for their


Reason for choosing the topic.

- To start, we recognized that idioms in general and metaphorical idioms

specifically are undeniably important in our society in the past and so as today.
Idioms are common and extremely efficient in everyday communication. They are
the perfect and specific expressions that are not replaceable by any other figure of
- However, some idioms can be difficult to comprehend and translate because of
their meanings in different cultures and mindset of the users. Therefore, it is crucial
for those who teach and use languages to be able to accurately use the idioms and
understand the meaning of the language they are learning.

- As a English major students, we realized our responsibility to study different

aspects of the language, in this case, metaphorical idioms, and also to help others
understand the English language and their culture better.


- As mentioned, idioms held a major part in our communication system, they are
very broad categories/figure of speech which are used frequently in
communication. Idioms has been studied by many professionals and masters in
Vietnam and in other countries, however, metaphorical idioms are not as quite as

(Vietnamese idioms related work: Nguyễn Việt Hoà - VNU Hanoi University of
Social Sciences and Humanities (2009) with “tìm hiểu về so sánh thành ngữ tiếng
việt và tiếng anh”

Or in English: Lin, P. M. S. (2009). Recent developments in research on idioms in

foreign language teaching and learning.)

These works are remarkable indeed and they had given us much inspiration for our
work here.

- In short, we hoped that our research could contribute to idioms research in

general and somewhat assist Vietnamese - English language learners to follow
idioms the correct way.

Aim of the study

- The study aids students of foreign languages in approaching and comprehending
the categorization of English and Vietnamese idioms, particularly metaphoric
idioms. The study's findings can help others in memorizing and know more idioms
not to mention learning more about the cultures of different countries.

- Our work also benefit students in developing their knowledge and proficiency in
the use of idioms in both learning and everyday communication.

What are the similarities and differences of metaphorical idioms in English and in

Are idioms important in English and Vietnamese cultures?

How to use and understand metaphorical idioms correctly in real-life


Scope of study

- The subject of our study involves research and analysis of metaphorical idioms in
Vietnamese and English. We divide the topic-related idioms into distinct categories
and then examine them according to the criteria of the two languages/cultures.

- Our research is mainly focused on six common idioms in Vietnamese and

equivalent idioms in English.

Our work also consist of several special idioms that are considerable but may not
be similar with each other or exits in one language but not the other.

-The research object must be properly chosen and appropriate for our topic in order
to fulfill the our objective (of helping others understand idioms) and the
completion of the research paper. This is why we had selected our subjects.

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