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1D: Rythm and Melodies By Macy Grey

2nd Episode



EXT. HIDDEN IRELAND - MORNIGHT Liam was getting pissed he repeatedly pressed the doorbell. HARRY You think theyve already fallen asleep? NIALL Hey, lets try to get through the windows...Just like in the movies! The doorknob finally turned and the door was opened. Ara couldnt believe shes face to face with the love of her life. She didnt know what to do so she went with the default mode. ARA Oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! Zayn, Harry and Niall were covering their ears. Louis still knocked down asleep while Liams eyes were shut. He turned to Harry and whispers... LIAM Should we transfer to somewhere less dangerous? Harry just gave him a look. Its quite impossible to do that now since Louis very heavy. LIAM Well good evening miss...Um, mind if we...come in... Ara calmed her self and tried her best not to scream again. ARA (in a higher voice pitch) Of course. Come in. She gestures her arm towards inside and the guys nodded their heads to her as if to greet her. INT. HIDDEN IRELAND - AFTERNOON So the guys head inside get Louis to the bedroom and Ara tried to help carry their luggage.




LIAM Uh, its okay miss. I got it. ARA (sighs) The names Ara. I know I look properly beautiful, and so are you! were perfect for each other. LIAM Ha-ha...ha. Honestly, youre not my type. Zayn hides his laugh by coughing while Harry smiles and says... HARRY Sorry Ara, our friends just off the trolley when hes on the piss. ARA I beg your pardon? ZAYN He says Liams in a bad mood whenever hes drunk. Liam knows hes not drunk. He just excused himself and carried his luggage to his room. ZAYN Itll pass. Tomorrow hell be sunshine Barbie, his normal self. NIALL This cookies really tastes good. ARA (excited) You think so? NIALL (puts the cookies down) Uh, yeah. ARA I baked them. NIALL (swallowed hard) Im going to bed. Nice meeting you Ara.




ARA Night! (laughs)You guys feel at home. She looks at the wallclock and realises its half past 2. ARA Oh Blimey, look at the time. Im going to bed. Its way past my bedtime...Night guys (giggles) Ara started to walk upstairs... ZAYN ...Lock the door Liam! INT. HIDDEN IRELAND - MORNIGHT An hour passed by, Taffy went downstairs to the kitchen to drink a glass of milk. When she had finished, she was caught off guard by the tune coming from the music room. EXT./INT. HIDDEN IRELAND ISOLATED MUSIC ROOM - MORNIGHT She followed the music and got her ears on the wall. The voice just started singing the melody... HARRY IF we fall in love, maybe we can sing this song as one, if we fall in love.... Ara closes her eyes and listens to her own song being sang by a mysterious guy. Inside, Harry plays the piano and continues to sing the chorus HARRY you dont have to search no more, cause I am someone who will love you for if we fall in love... Because Taffy was pretty much amazed by how it perfectly fits the voice of this mysterious singer, she unconsciously sang the chorus with him the second time he played it.




Harry stopped playing and opens his eyes. Somebodys singing with him. He stands up and looks for the owner of the beautiful voice. Taffy got to her senses as well and realises that if he sees her, shell be back in London in no time. She looks for a place to hide and she stayed under the table. Harry gets out, not giving up the search. HARRY Excuse me? Somebody there? Ara? Taffy noticed that this guy is one of those boys whom Ara considered are sex gods. She examined his face and realised how gorgeous he is in person. TAFF (whispers to herself) The klutz was right. Those curls are overly dramatic...but I can honestly say hes perfectly fit. Harry finally gives up, scratches the back of his head and went inside the house. Taffy noticed that he had taken her composition piece along with him. TAFF Oh crikey, hes got my melodies. This is bad. INT. ARA AND TAFFS ROOM - DAY The sunlight rises and reached the girls room. Then the door opened and it was Taff. She stayed under the table for four hours just waiting for the right time for Harry to get asleep. The guy was an owl, he was at the lounge all night. Ara pulled her sheets and got up. ARA Morning Taff, Ive had the most wonderful dream last night... TAFF We have to screw this. Lets get back to London.




ARA No. What are you saying, have you seen the boys? They are very much god-like. TAFF I know, I know...(rolls her eyes) Fine, well stay but do me huge favor will ya klutz...You have to promise youve had to put this up with me until the month is over. ARA Promise...Oh no waitTAFF HA! Youve already said the word. No more taking back or else youll be the coward of the century. Ara just thrown herself back to bed and covered her head with the pillow. She hates it when she loses. INT. HIDDEN IRELAND - DAY At the kitchen, Niall was busy making breakfast. He was having a hard time using the knife. And then Louis shows up...holding a stuffed animal. Both of them dropped their weapons. In 3 seconds, they were already wrestli-- I mean hugging each other. NIALL Im sorry. LOUIS I know, its okay it was partly my fault and Im sorry too mate. HARRY Gross. Get a room. Harry gave them a glare and drops his head back on the table. Louis and Niall seats with him. Harry in the middle.


CONTINUED: LOUIS Sup Harry? Niall played with Harrys hair. NIALL He smell like bugger. LOUIS Okay Harry, its okay...we totally understand youre from benderville. Harry tilt his head and sat up straight. LOUIS (to Niall) Works on everyone. Niall gave him the check sign. Harry sighs. HARRY Oh damn, wheres Zayn and Liam? Why am I stuck here with you...Of all the lads, why the two of you...


He said exhaustedly. He turned his head to both of their faces. NIALL Why? Whats the problem with us? HARRY You really wanna know? Louis and Niall leaned closer to his face and waits for his answer... HARRY (sighs) Gosh I really need serious talk...IHe was caught off guard when he saw the girl coming down the stairs behind Ara. Harry quickly stood up. LOUIS (to Niall) Now I Remember! Girls are what keeps him alive.


CONTINUED: NIALL Oh...Yeahh... HARRY (ignores the chatting going on behind him) Its you isnt it?...


Ara glanced at Taff. Taff faced her with a worried look. Niall and Louis looked at Harry with questioning faces. Harry walks towards Taff... HARRY Youre the girl I heard last night. Taff honestly didnt know what to do. He was caressing her face now, how could she hesitate? And then with just a snap. It happened. Harry loved the vibrance in her eyes. Its as if he was hypnotized by them to kiss her. Taff pulled him away the second their lips met and gave him a knuckle sandwich. She secretly regretted doing that. Ara gasped. Niall tapped his fingers on his own lips and looks away embarrassed to have a mate like Harry. Louis was continuously smashing his head on the table. INT. GROCERY SHOP - DAY An ordinary customer gets inside the grocery shop and walked passed by the column where Zayn and Liam are at. Zayn was massaging his shoulders while Liam continues to pick up snacks and bottles. ZAYN back still hurts. Seriously, Louis needs to cut down calories. LIAM (laughs) I wonder if he already settled things with Niall... ZAYN No worries. Thats why we left them with Harry. He could handle things smoothly. (CONTINUED)



LIAM Yeah, thank God for good old Barry, smooth with friends, smooth with girls. They gave each other a high-five. INT. HIDDEN IRELAND - DAY ARA What is wrong with your chum? NIALL I honestly dont know him. LOUIS (points his fingers on Harry) Hes an impostor! NIALL (gasps) No way!?! Harry gets up still holding his nose. HARRY Im sorry...I dont understand what happened...but please forgive me.I could swear, you have the most beautiful voice. Tell me your name. Taff looks at Ara. ARA Excuse me sloppy fellow, but what youre saying is impossible. mute. HARRY Huh...B-but who- It couldnt be Taff made a gesture with her hands. Subtitle: Im sorry... HARRY Well...Sing a song for me then Ara. Ara smiles and starts to sing...


CONTINUED: ARA The sunll come out tomorrow...


Taff made a frown while Harry, Niall and Louis eyes were tightly shut. Louis cuts her off before she could destroy their ears. LOUIS Okay, we get it, its definitely not you. ARA Gee, thanks. LOUIS Cheeky, wake up...Theres nobody else here but them. Get over it. HARRY (shook his head) It cant be, I-its gotta be you. Taff starts to gesture her hands again... ARA Well, you were quite drunk last night. Maybe you were just hearing things... NIALL Shes right. Harry finally understood. He nods and apologize. HARRY Im really sorry girls...I think Im onna need a short snooze. He started walking. He walked past the girls and glanced at Taffy. He stares at her for a moment... HARRY Im totally sorry... Taffy nods and smiles at him. He smiled back and went to his room. Niall gets up and goes near the seashore. Louis gets up and follows Harry. Ara and Taff looked away for Louis was only wearing a sleeveless and a tight boxer shorts.


CONTINUED: LOUIS see ya later girls. INT. GROCERY SHOP - DAY Zayn and Liam were at the counter when Zayn noticed a familiar face. Sophie was inside buying her own groceries. Liam noticed her as well. LIAM Gosh, I never thought Id see her again.


Zayn waited for Liam to move but the guy was still staring at the girl. ZAYN Err...Liam what are you doing? LIAM Shh, Im trying to get her attention. ZAYN (whispers) I dont think shes the kind of girl man. Not all the girls are on our sacks. Liam gave him a frown. ZAYN I mean, if you want to get her attention then lets take a closer look and get to know her. Liam sighs and considers his advice. They walked towards the girl. LIAM Hi, Im Liam and this is my mate Zayn...were from One Direction Zayn nudged him. LIAM Were in a band I whats your name... Ignorance. (CONTINUED)



LIAM Right...Um...this is awkward. Retreat. Liam turns away as Sophie reaches for the strawberry jam that was very high for her to get. Because shes only 54 and a half, and wearing flats, she almost tripped her own foot. Good thing there was Zayn. Zayn got her the strawberry jam and Sophie pulled her earplugs. Liam saw everything that happened. SOPHIE Thanks. Zayn lets go of her. Sophie stepped backward. Sophie analyzes their faces. SOPHIE Hey, you were the guys at the pub last night. Youre One Direction arent you? Liam nods, reaches his hand and she accepts it. LIAM Hi, Im Liam...This is Zayn. Zayn nods and smiles at her. SOPHIE Sophie. What a night huh. Hows your mate, he alright? LIAM Oh, you mean Lou, hes...hes snoring, probably. Sophie got all her groceries paid. SOPHIE (laughs) Cool. It was nice meeting you guys. LIAM sure dont need a hand with that? Sophie sighs and looks at her shopping bags.




SOPHIE Fine, maybe a hand or two. Yeah. EXT. GRAFTON STREET - DAY Zayn, Liam and Sophie were strolling along Grafton street having a light conversation. LIAM So...Sophie right? What are you doing later? Zayn looked at Liam and shook his head. LIAM Err...I mean, you wanna meet the guys...Harrys really easy to talk to... SOPHIE (shook her head) Hate to break it you Bro, but Im not the type. Zayn couldnt resist his laughter. SOPHIE (looks at Zayn) See...your mates laughing at you. ZAYN Sorry man. LIAM (whispers to Zayn) I dont understand. Shes ZAYN Told ya. I dont think she even knows our last names. LIAM I dont know man, but this chics pretty interesting.


EXT. SEASHORE - AFTERNOON Taff was seating on the sands thinking about what she did to Harry. Ara walked towards her and gives her a 1/8 white board. TAFF Whats this for? ARA (sits down on the sand) Well, thats your language from now on. Unfortunately they dont speak...(makes gestures) She gives her the marker. ARA Are you sure you still want to do this? Did you see how hopeful he looked when he saw you?... I mean HOW DARE YOU PUNCH him!!! TAFF (gasps) HE KISSED ME! ARA SHHH! Taff looked around to see if the boys were near. No sight of them. TAFF I just have to do this. Its all done. Ill just have to be mute for a while. ARA (sighs) Harry? Is he a good kisser? Im betting hes a 10 Taff rolls her eyes and stands up. ARA Oh come on Taffy! Taffy walks away from Ara and walks inside the music room


INT. HIDDEN IRELAND ISOLATED MUSIC ROOM - AFTERNOON Taff closed the door and sighs heavily. She gasped when she saw someone sleeping by the piano. Harry got his head on his arms sleeping. Taff came near him and she saw the piece he was playing. She sat beside him and tries to play her song. As she was playing with her eyes closed, she felt someone move beside her. She open her eyes and smiles at Harry. Harry smiled back at her. She gave him the white board that says: Im really sorry. I shouldnt have punched you earlier. HARRY Its okay. Its not your fault. He nods to make her see that its okay. TAFF: You need any help with these? (the musical piece) Harry took her white board. Harry: You play the piano? Taff: I can feel the rhythm through my hands...Im quite good at it actually. Harry nods. Taff set the paper on eye level. She smiles as she starts to play the song. Harry didnt do anything, pretty much, he just stared at her in amazement. When Taff stopped playing, Harry grabbed her white board and wrote something. Harry: Please do continue Taff: If I would, please do sing HARRY Alright. Taff continues to play and Harry started singing... When they were doing this, Ara, Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn were watching them being lovely.

15. They finished playing the song. INT. HIDDEN IRELAND ISOLATED MUSIC ROOM - CONTINUOUS LOUIS Oh... dont stop now. Ara and the guys were grinning from ear to ear. Harry and Taff just looked at them with scowling faces. LIAM So Harry, whos this beautiful and talented lady? HARRY Shes Taff Siorcel. Aras cousin. Liam walks towards Taff and lends his hand. LIAM Hi, Liam Payne. He said that with a wink. Harry slaps his hand and gives him a glare. Liam walks to Zayn and said LIAM Seriously, am I losing my touch? ZAYN Seriously, youre becoming more like me. LIAM Im not vain. He fixes his hair and smiles at Ara. Ara started to get dizzy. ZAYN That song was bloody brilliant mate. Whered you get it? HARRY (shrugs) I found it in here last night. Ive forwarded it to Simon this morning. He said this would be better off if wed sing it with a female tune. (CONTINUED)



Ara and Taff stared at each other, eyes wide. NIALL (laughs) Did you guys know what Harry did this morning. LOUIS Ehe-ehem...Oh Mr. McDreamy...And I thought I was badly drunk last night... Harry just scratched the back of his head. He walked out and the guys followed him. ZAYN Hey, come on guys, what did we miss??? Their voices fades out as they go out the music room. INT. SOPHIES FLAT - NIGHT After practicing her ballet moves, Sophie sits down and takes a break. She goes around her room then pausing at the sight of a picture frame. She picks it up and puts it on the table. She picks up her phone and calls her father. SOPHIE (ring ring) Hello dad... SOPHIES DAD Are you alright dear? SOPHIE Im doing great...I just miss you thats all. SOPHIES DAD I miss you too dear...Well you sound great as well Soph. SOPHIE Thanks dad. Take care will you? Tracking in at the picture frame that Sophie put on the table showing the identity of her father - Englands Prime Minister.

17. INT. PRIME MINISTERS OFFICE - NIGHT PRIME MINISTER Always. You take care as well Soph. SOPHIE I will. Love you dad. PRIME MINISTER Love you too. INT. HIDDEN IRELAND - NIGHT Taffy and Ara went downstairs and found the guys waiting for them. LOUIS So girls, I think weve gotten ourselves on the wrong foot and it just got worst because of some... Louis looks at Harry. LOUIS Misunderstanding...So we decided to make it up to ya. HARRY Im really sorry about earlier...It was a tough night for me and I guess I was kind of drunk...But anyway lets just get passed that and just have a peaceful dinner. So what do you say? Peace? Ara and Taff looked at each other. The girls observed as the guys pulls 2 chairs inviting them to sit. INT. HIDDEN IRELAND - NIGHT Panning on the boys pigging out. Contrast to the girls who seem to chew like they have a secret. Liam paused and observed the girls. He looks at his friends and chew his food slowly. He nudged Niall and shakes his head towards the 2 girls in front of them. Niall nudged Louis, Louis nudged Harry and Harry nudged Zayn. LOUIS (whispers to Niall) How could they eat so silent yet quickly at the same time? (CONTINUED)



NIALL (shrugs) Maybe girls are just like that. Zayn, Harry and Liam shook their heads in disagreement. A ring from Harrys phone interrupted their thoughts. HARRY Guys, Uncle Simon said the producers loved the song. He said this might be our chance to the Grammys. The guys were suddenly talking at the same time while Taff and Ara just looked at each other and ignored their success. ARA Good one guys. Dont forget to thank us when you get one. LIAM Sure. ARA Aww, youre so sweet! I loLIAM I gotta get more drinks. Excuse me. ZAYN So I guess all we need to do is find a lady talented enough to sing with us. Ara is secretly kicking Taffs foot under the table. Taff was gonna kick back but apparently she kicked the wrong foot. HARRY OW! Taffs eyes widened. HARRY (laughs it off) And I thought I was already forgiven...right... Taffs cheeks grew hot and she looks at something else.




LOUIS Whats goin on? You two playin footsie now? Niall and Zayn just gave a slight laugh, while Harry ignored Louis and introduced a solution to Zayns last remark. HARRY I was bout we hold an audition here rather than just picking another singer from the industry... Liam came back with another pitcher of juice. LIAM Hey, thats not bad. Come to think of it, newbies are a lot easier to handle than famous singers NIALL Yeah, granted that theyll make up rumors why we chose her over her yada-yada-yada... LOUIS Harry are you sure youre doing this because of that or youre still hoping for Miss Right and Perfect to come by and sweep you off your feet? HARRY Wha- No. No course not. He looks at Taff. HARRY Definitely just for the good of our band. The guys started to talk all at once. ARA (coughs) Uh, So...where would you guys like to hold the auditions? That got their mouths shut. Liam thought of a place and smiles.




LIAM I know of one. HARRY Great, you girls should come with us. ARA (squeals) . LIAM I hope you know what youre doing Harry. EXT. DUBLIN STREETS - DAY Establishing shot of Sofies place. ZAYN You sure shes gonna be cool with this? LIAM Yeah man. No worries. I got this. ZAYN (looks at him with a weird look) Oh...well see. INT. SOPHIES DANCE STUDIO - DAY At her flats first floor. SOPHIE Oh, I dont really mind. Its just, if you guys make a mess.... Ill make sure youll never ever set foot in this place again. Do I make myself clear? NIALL YES MAAM! Liam covers Nialls mouth. The guys nod their heads at once.




SOPHIE (smiles) Good, so whore these 2 charming fellas? Secret girlfriends? Sophie eyes Harry. HARRY (scoffs) N-no...This is Ara and Taffy, Were just staying together in the same house... Louis felt his forehead in his hands. LIAM Uh, what he means is that were guests there and they were the ones in charge of the house. SOPHIE oh, so you guys must be getting along so well huh... NIALL Yeah, oh, you should ask Harry... Harry gave him a scowl. NIALL cause Harry is a really great cook, right girls? Ara nods and Taff just smiles. ARA exactly are you guys gonna do this? You guysll cause a havoc surely. LOUIS Why be so pessimistic sistah, when you can just... Aras eyes are doing this flickering thing that got Louis worried. LOUIS ...Hey man, you got this. He grabbed Liam and shoves him at Aras side.


INT. SOPHIES FLAT - DAY The guys have managed to keep the girls under control and while they are busy doing their own business, Taffy wandered around and found herself at Sophies lounge area. The room was quite big and its got a very modern look attached to it. She saw a lot of books about politics and science. She starts to flip through the pages when she heard someones footsteps behind. She turns around and sees Sophie. SOPHIE So youre the silent one huh? Taff: Hey there. Sorry to barge in. Taffy didnt expect Sophie would know how to do sign languages. Sophie: Its okay. But I dont believe you. Taff: What do you mean? Just as Sophie would finally say something, Ara interrupted them. ARA There you are dear cousin. Ive been looking all over the place for you. Ara gives Sophie a mean look. Ara: She troubling you? SOPHIE Oh just cut the act. Youre not really cousins...And youre not definitely mute. ARA (scoffs) Gosh,...are you stupid or something? SOPHIE (sarcastic) close...see, When I saw you two at the club I thought it was impossible that it could be Windsors bubbly Princess with the famous Nightingale (MORE) (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: SOPHIE (contd) Dublin...hmmm, but after earlier, I guess I was wrong. Ara was speechless. She looks at Taffy.


Taff found her voice and a bit glad that theres someone who knows her. TAFFY Who are you? SOPHIE Is it really that important? Silence. Ara and Taffy doesnt know what to do. SOPHIE (laughs) It was nice playing with you... Im Sophie, in short...Saphina Barachiel, age 17, Prime Ministers daughter. ARA You...Youre...y-you SOPHIE Yup. We used to paint together...Come one Taff, lets have a hot chocolate while I show you some of Aras old paintings... INT. SOPHIES FLAT - DAY At Sophies flat 3rd floor. SOPHIE That one was when she was really upset with her mum. She was so pissed, she take it all on the poor canvas. TAFFY (laughs) Thats Ara alright. How come you were never present at any of the Palaces occasions? Your dads always the center of attention whenever he comes.




SOPHIE (shook her head) Dad and I are completely different persons. Sometimes, what he does totally opposed me. Ara have been really silent, Soph noticed this and talks to her. SOPHIE Well Princess...dont you have a say in this? ARA I...I cant believe it. You were...I thought you hated me? SOPHIE W-what? ARA Mother said that you never came to the Palace because you hate us and that youre against the monarchy... SOPHIE Ugh, rumors...Oh God, Im actually a fan of your family Ara. Youre mums always overreacting...No offensement intended. Its just, I dont like the recognition people give me whenever they learn that my name is attached to the Prime Ministers. Sophie puts her drink at the table. SOPHIE Wow, I guess all of us are here for the same reason. TAFFY You guys up for some shopping. ARA Oh, now youre talking.


INT. SOPHIES DANCE STUDIO - DAY Montage of the guys having fun with their own little audition. X-factor style. EXT. DUBLIN STREETS - DAY Establishing shot of the busy but peaceful day at Dublin. EXT. CAR -DAY EXTREME CLOSE UP on the foot of the cars door. It opens and 4 pairs of foot gets out. Tilt upward, revealing their identities. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Arrows have arrived at Dublin. This could mean war. Dylan spotted 3 gorgeous ladies eating together. DYLAN Woah, (removes his Ray-Ban) Irish woman are the best! Come on guys, so many things to do, so little time. The four of them walks towards Ara, Taffy and Soph. INT. SOPHIES DANCE STUDIO - AFTERNOON The guys had a rough day. 4 of them heads on the table not being able to handle the failure theyve encountered. Harry, however, had a straight face on, still waiting for another hopeful. LOUIS Give it up kid, lets just call it a day. No response. Louis felt someone move. Zayn stands up. ZAYN Ill be out. Anyone want something. NIALL Oreos!




LIAM Make that two. LOUIS Carrots...with oreos around it. ZAYN bout you Captain? No response. Zayn pokes Harrys head and it dropped down on the table. LOUIS Oh, and dont forget the Syringe. ZAYN Right, Im going. Louis head fell back to the table. EXT. RESTAURANT - DAY SOPHIE What the hell are you guys doing with one direction? Come on? Why them? TAFFY (shook her head) Believe me we didnt know any of this would happen. Ask her. ARA (shrugs her shoulders) Well, All I know was there was Liam ringing my bell...God, I cant forget that night. He has such a lovely expression when he gets pissed. Sophie and Taff looks at each other. SOPHIE Taffy dear, promise me youll never let her away within your reach. Poor Liam, he might get abused. The 2 girls laughs.




ARA Ha-ha funny. Wait till I get the crown and well see whose got the last laugh. SOPH AND TAFFY Oooh, Im scared. Ara laughs. The 2 girls just pulled off a funny face. They were all laughing when 4 guys approached them. DYLAN Hey Ladies, mind if we join you? The girls turn quiet. Ara took a sip pf her juice and watches the guy sit across her. DYLAN My names Dylan, these are my friends, Kyle, Tommy and Pete. Soph raises her eyebrows to her friends... SOPHIE (speaking in Russian) . Sophie: Who does he think he is? Ara laughs. TAFFY (talks back in Russian) . Taffy: He said his name is Dylan. Hes kind of cute. Sophie: What a douche. DYLAN Sorry... Um, Names please? Dylan looks at his friends. ARA Sorry, friends dont speak much English nowadays.




DYLAN Oh...haha, Cool. ARA My name is Ara...This is my cousin Taffy, and this is our friend Sophie...So Im guessing you guys are new in town? DYLAN Uh huh. Were actually on a tour. TOMMY Yeah, were actually in a band. You know the Arrows... ARA Er, no, sorry Im...I havent... Sophie rolls her eyes and excuses herself. She borrowed Aras camera and heads to the stalls nearby. DYLAN (to Ara) Aww, thats a shame. EXT. DUBLIN STREETS - AFTERNOON Estalishing Shot, Sunset. EXT. DUBLIN STREETS - AFTERNOON Sophie was having fun taking pictures of beautiful details along the streets. Because she was very happy with this, she accidentally hit someone making her stumble. Again, there was Zayn to catch her. ZAYN Woah, are you okay? SOPHIE (laughs) God, weve got to stop meeting this way...Thanks. ZAYN (nods) Pleasure.




SOPHIE Hows the audition going? ZAYN (shrugs) Oh you know...Were hopeless... Sophie laughs... ZAYN (laughs) Totally, Its Harry, he just dont give up. Hes turn into this desperate lover zombie...Seriously I dont know whats gotten into him. SOPHIE Maybe he just needs...I dont know special treatment or something... Zayn pulls a syringe from his paper bag. ZAYN I know. Sophie pulls a worried face and gasps. SOPHIE Youre kidding right? ZAYN (laughs) Good one huh. Sophie rolls her eyes. The two of them were having a good conversation when a guy from THe Arrows interrupted them. Tommy put his arm on Sophs shoulder. TOMMY Hey, you lost kid? Zayn made a frown and looked at Sophie. Sophie removes his arm. Tommys friends came around.




DYLAN Well look who it is...Mr. Malik in Dublin. I see youre alone. Where are your friends...taking a break? ZAYN What are you doing here mate? DYLAN Were on a tour, you could watch and drool if you want...come on girl. SOPHIE Ew! talk about loser trash. Whod go out with you? Come on babe. Sophie wraps her arms around Zayns waist. They walked towards their ride where Ara and Taff were. Zayn turns to Dylan and winks at them. ZAYN (whispers to Sophie) I owe you. SOPHIE Thats for saving me. I guess were quits now huh. EXT. DUBLIN - NIGHT Establishing shot of a beautiful night at Dublin. INT. HIDDEN IRELAND ISOLATED MUSIC ROOM - NIGHT One direction was having a music jam inside the music room with Taff as their pianist and coach. Harry was having the time of his life. Its true that he and the guys are missing the X-factor, but he realized that all of those time were all on the past. Whats important is the present and that theyre all happy and contented. As he was thinking this, he was staring at Taffy who is all smiles as well.


EXT. HIDDEN IRELAND - NIGHT At midnight, Zayn decided to stay outside to get some air. He was holding a sapphire necklace and he speculates it thoroughly. Moments later his phone ZAYN Hello?... MYSTERY WOMAN Hey Z ZAYN Rebecca? REBECCA Hi, I miss you... Zayn didnt know what to say. ZAYN Where are you? REBECCA Im here...Im at the airport. ZAYN Okay, Ill be there. INT. HIDDEN IRELAND - NIGHT The guys except Zayn and Ara were playing charades with Taff. LOUIS Oooh...Ooh, I got this one...Um, um, SHEEP! Taff shook her head and the guys booed at Louis. ARA 30 seconds! NIALL SCORPION! Taff shook her head again and does her impersonation rings.




HARRY AND LIAM PUSSYCAT! Taff nods hear head and keeps on doing her gestures to keep the guys guessing. HARRY OH....UH.... ARA 5 seconds LIAM SIAMESE CAT Ara screamed as Liam got the correct answer. INT. SOPHIES DANCE STUDIO - NIGHT Sophie was dancing ballet that night. She turned off her music and listen to One Directions songs. EXT. HIDDEN IRELAND - NIGHT Niall got out of the house and he was trying to call Zayn. Along his way out, something caught his eyes. He held his phone down. He picked a one of a kind sapphire necklace, and looks around. EXT. STADIUM - NIGHT The Arrows are taking the night away along with their catchy sound. This got Uncle Simons attention. He rolled his car window down and dialled Harrys number. SIMON Meeting in my office...NOW. He rolled his window up and drove his car away.

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